wiaaut.dll.mui WIA 自动化层 3071a1398fc7408c2cb1524b59320796

File info

File name: wiaaut.dll.mui
Size: 11264 byte
MD5: 3071a1398fc7408c2cb1524b59320796
SHA1: 0f26ed438d8cff9165b69b76679d3b4dd630ead7
SHA256: cfb631ddbc6006a7e7fad7fda7f54494a026b30ff483e7f1bebf18fb41bf707c
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100WIAAut WIAAut
1000%s 属性 %s Properties
1001以 90 度增量旋转,以及水平或垂直翻转。

RotationAngle - 如果希望旋转,可将 RotationAngle 属性设置为 90、180 或 270,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
FlipHorizontal - 如果希望水平翻转图像,可将 FlipHorizontal 属性设置为 True,
否则设置为 False [默认值]
FlipVertical - 如果希望垂直翻转图像,可将 FlipVertical 属性设置为 True,
否则设置为 False [默认值]
FrameIndex - 如果希望修改除 ActiveFrame 之外的帧,
可将 FrameIndex 属性设置为帧的索引,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Rotates, in 90 degree increments, and Flips, horizontally or vertically.

RotationAngle - Set the RotationAngle property to 90, 180, or 270 if you wish
to rotate, otherwise 0 [the default]
FlipHorizontal - Set the FlipHorizontal property to True if you wish to flip
the image horizontally, otherwise False [the default]
FlipVertical - Set the FlipVertical property to True if you wish to flip
the image vertically, otherwise False [the default]
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you
wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame,
otherwise 0 [the default]

Left - 如果希望沿左侧裁剪,可将 Left 属性设置为左边距(单位为像素),
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Top - 如果希望沿顶部裁剪,可将 Top 属性设置为上边距(单位为像素),
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Right - 如果希望沿右侧裁剪,可将 Right 属性设置为右边距(单位为像素),
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Bottom - 如果希望沿底部裁剪,可将 Bottom 属性设置为下边距(单位为像素),
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
FrameIndex - 如果希望修改除 ActiveFrame 之外的帧,
可将 FrameIndex 属性设置为帧的索引,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Crops the image by the specified Left, Top, Right, and Bottom margins.

Left - Set the Left property to the left margin (in pixels)
if you wish to crop along the left, otherwise 0 [the default]
Top - Set the Top property to the top margin (in pixels)
if you wish to crop along the top, otherwise 0 [the default]
Right - Set the Right property to the right margin (in pixels)
if you wish to crop along the right, otherwise 0 [the default]
Bottom - Set the Bottom property to the bottom margin (in pixels)
if you wish to crop along the bottom, otherwise 0 [the default]
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you
wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame,
otherwise 0 [the default]

MaximumWidth - 将 MaximumWidth 属性设置为希望将图像
MaximumHeight - 将 MaximumHeight 属性设置为希望将图像
PreserveAspectRatio - 如果希望保持图像当前的纵横比,
可将 PreserveAspectRatio 属性设置为 True [默认值],
否则设置为 False,图像将被拉伸到
MaximumWidth 和 MaximumHeight
FrameIndex - 如果希望修改除 ActiveFrame 之外的帧,
可将 FrameIndex 属性设置为帧的索引,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Scales image to the specified Maximum Width and Maximum Height preserving
Aspect Ratio if necessary.

MaximumWidth - Set the MaximumWidth property to the width (in pixels)
that you wish to scale the image to.
MaximumHeight - Set the MaximumHeight property to the height (in pixels)
that you wish to scale the image to.
PreserveAspectRatio - Set the PreserveAspectRatio property to True
[the default] if you wish to maintain the current aspect
ration of the image, otherwise False and the image will
be stretched to the MaximumWidth and MaximumHeight
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if
you wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame,
otherwise 0 [the default]
1004在指定的 Left 和 Top 坐标处标记指定的 ImageFile。

ImageFile - 将 ImageFile 属性设置为希望标记的
ImageFile 对象
Left - 将 Left 属性设置为希望将 ImageFile 标记到的从左侧开始的偏移
(单位为像素)[默认值为 0]
Top - 将 Top 属性设置为希望将 ImageFile 标记到的从顶部开始的偏移
(单位为像素)[默认值为 0]
FrameIndex - 如果希望修改除 ActiveFrame 之外的帧,
可将 FrameIndex 属性设置为帧的索引,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Stamps the specified ImageFile at the specified Left and Top coordinates.

ImageFile - Set the ImageFile property to the ImageFile object that you wish
to stamp
Left - Set the Left property to the offset from the left (in pixels)
that you wish to stamp the ImageFile at [default is 0]
Top - Set the Top property to the offset from the top (in pixels) that
you wish to stamp the ImageFile at [default is 0]
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you wish to
modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame, otherwise 0
[the default]
1005将得到的 ImageFile 转换为指定的类型。

FormatID - 将 FormatID 属性设置为所需支持的光栅图像格式,
当前可选择的格式有 wiaFormatBMP、
wiaFormatPNG、wiaFormatGIF、wiaFormatJPEG 或 wiaFormatTIFF
Quality - 对于 JPEG 文件,可将 Quality 属性设置为从 1 到
100 [默认值]之间的任何值,以指定 JPEG 压缩的质量
Compression - 对于 TIFF 文件,可将 Compression 属性设置为 CCITT3、CCITT4、
RLE 或 Uncompressed 以指定压缩方案,
否则可设置为 LZW [默认值]
Converts the resulting ImageFile to the specified type.

FormatID - Set the FormatID property to the supported raster image format
desired, currently you can choose from wiaFormatBMP,
wiaFormatPNG, wiaFormatGIF, wiaFormatJPEG, or wiaFormatTIFF
Quality - For a JPEG file, set the Quality property to any value from 1 to
100 [the default] to specify quality of JPEG compression
Compression - For a TIFF file, set the Compression property to CCITT3, CCITT4,
RLE or Uncompressed to specify the compression scheme,
otherwise LZW [the default]
1006添加/删除指定的 Exif 属性。

Remove - 如果希望删除指定的 Exif 属性,可将 Remove 属性设置为 True,
否则设置为 False [默认值]以添加
指定的 exif 属性
ID - 将 ID 属性设置为希望添加或删除的 PropertyID
Type - 设置 Type 属性以指示希望添加的 Exif 属性的 WiaImagePropertyType
Value - 将 Value 属性设置为希望添加的 Exif 属性的值
FrameIndex - 如果希望修改除 ActiveFrame 之外的帧,
可将 FrameIndex 属性设置为帧的索引,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]
Adds/Removes the specified Exif Property.

Remove - Set the Remove property to True if you wish to remove the
specified Exif property, otherwise False [the default] to add the
specified exif property
ID - Set the ID property to the PropertyID you wish to Add or Remove
Type - Set the Type property to indicate the WiaImagePropertyType of the
Exif property you wish to Add (ignored for Remove)
Value - Set the Value property to the Value of the Exif property you wish
to Add (ignored for Remove)
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you
wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame,
otherwise 0 [the default]

Remove - 如果希望删除指定的 FrameIndex,可将 Remove 属性设置为 True,
否则设置为 False [默认值]以在指定的 FrameIndex 之前
插入 ImageFile
ImageFile - 将 ImageFile 属性设置为希望添加其 ActiveFrame 的 ImageFile 对象
FrameIndex - 对于删除,将 FrameIndex 属性设置为希望删除的帧的索引,
对于添加,将 FrameIndex 设置为要在其之前插入
ImageFile 的帧的索引,否则设置为 0 [默认值]
以从指定的 ImageFile 追加帧
Adds/Removes the specified Frame.

Remove - Set the Remove property to True if you wish to remove the
specified FrameIndex, otherwise False [the default] to Insert the
ImageFile before the specified FrameIndex
ImageFile - Set the ImageFile property to the ImageFile object whose
ActiveFrame that you wish to add (ignored for Remove)
FrameIndex - For Remove, set the FrameIndex property to the index of the frame
you wish to remove, otherwise for add, set the FrameIndex to the
index of the frame to insert the ImageFile before, otherwise 0
[the default] to append a frame from the ImageFile specified

ARGBData - 将 ARGBData 属性设置为表示指定 FrameIndex 的
ARGB 数据的 Longs 的矢量(宽度和高度
FrameIndex - 将 FrameIndex 属性设置为希望修改其 ARGB 数据的帧的索引,
否则设置为 0 [默认值]以修改
Updates the image bits with those specified.

ARGBData - Set the ARGBData property to the Vector of Longs that represent
the ARGB data for the specified FrameIndex (the width and height
must match)
FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of the frame whose ARGB
data you wish to modify, otherwise 0 [the default] to modify the
2000扫描仪头被锁定。 The scanner head is locked.
2001设备驱动程序引发异常。 The device driver threw an exception.
2002WIA 设备出现未知错误。 An unknown error has occurred with the WIA device.
2003WIA 设备上存在错误设置。 There is an incorrect setting on the WIA device.
2004驱动程序发出的响应无效。 The response from the driver is invalid.
2005扫描仪\的文档送纸机中卡纸。 Paper is jammed in the scanner\'s document feeder.
2006用户请求了扫描,但是文档送纸机中已没有文档剩余。 The user requested a scan and there are no documents left in the document feeder.
2007扫描仪\的文档送纸机出现未指定的问题。 An unspecified problem occurred with the scanner\'s document feeder.
2008WIA 设备未联机。 The WIA device is not online.
2009WIA 设备正忙。 The WIA device is busy.
2010WIA 设备正在预热。 The WIA device is warming up.
2011WIA 设备发生未指定的错误,需要用户干预。用户应确保设备已打开、已联机,并且所有电缆已正确连接。 An unspecified error has occurred with the WIA device that requires user intervention. The user should ensure that the device is turned on, online, and any cables are properly connected.
2012WIA 设备已被删除。无法再访问此设备。 The WIA device was deleted. It can no longer be accessed.
2013没有可用的选定类型的 WIA 设备。 No WIA device of the selected type is available.
2014在尝试与 WIA 设备通信时出现未指定的错误。 An unspecified error occurred during an attempted communication with the WIA device.
2015设备不支持此命令。 The device does not support this command.
2016用户已取消。 User Cancelled.
2017此 ID 的格式不正确。 The ID is not formatted correctly.
2019无法找到 ID。 ID Not Found.
2020索引必须是数字或属性名称。 Index must either be a number or a property name.
2021索引必须是数字或设备 ID。 Index must either be a number or a Device ID.
2022无法找到名称。 Name Not Found.
2023索引超出范围。 Index out of range.
2024属性没有默认值。子类型是 UnspecifiedSubType。 Property does not have a default value. SubType is UnspecifiedSubType.
2025属性没有值集。子类型不是列表或标志。 Property does not have a set of values. SubType is not List or Flag.
2026属性没有范围。子类型不是范围。 Property does not have a range. SubType is not Range.
2027无法识别的格式类型。ImageFile 不支持此操作。 Unrecognized format Type. ImageFile cannot support this operation.
2028没有加载 ImageFile。必须首先调用 LoadFile。 No ImageFile loaded. You must call LoadFile first.
2029无法转换到指定的 FormatType。 Cannot convert to specified FormatType.
2030边距无效并且指定负的或空的图像分辨率。 The margins are invalid and specify negative or empty image dimensions.
2031已经为此设备注册了此事件。 This event is already registered for this device.
2032无法为特定设备 ID 和任何设备注册相同的事件。 Unable to register the same event for both a specific Device ID and Any Device.
2033文件必须是到有效图像文件的路径名称,或到有效图像文件的路径名称矢量。 Files must be a Pathname to a valid image file or a vector of Pathnames to valid image files.
2034没有可应用的筛选器,请使用“添加”将筛选器添加到将被应用的筛选器集中。 There are no Filters to apply, use Add to add a Filter to the Filters collection to be Applied.
2035转换筛选器必须是应用链中的最后一个筛选器。 The Convert Filter must be the last filter in the Apply chain.
2036无效的属性类型。类型必须是来自 WiaImagePropertyType 枚举的值。 Invalid Property Type. Type must be a value from the WiaImagePropertyType enumeration.
2037矢量的大小错误或类型错误。矢量必须是宽度 * 高度长值。 The Vector is the wrong size or type. The Vector must be Width * Height Long values.
2038矢量的类型与此操作不兼容。 The Vector's Type is not compatible with this operation.
2039矢量为空。矢量必须包含此操作的数据。 The Vector is empty. The vector must contain data for this operation.
2040此图像处理设备的 WIA 驱动程序返回了此属性的一个无效属性特性。这是一个驱动程序错误,请通知设备制造商。 The WIA driver for this imaging device returned an invalid property attribute for this property. This is a driver bug, please inform the device manufacturer.
2041图像文件必须包含至少一个帧。 Image file must contain at least one frame.
2042无法将项目添加到从 CommonDialog 方法返回的集合中。 You cannot Add an Item to a collection returned from a CommonDialog method.
2043没有指定设备。 No Device Specified.
2044索引必须是数字或筛选器名称。 Index must either be a number or a filter name.
2045PixelDepth 必须等于 1 以使用此压缩设置。 PixelDepth must equal 1 to use this compression setting.
2046ID 超出范围。 ID out of range.
3000CommonDialog 类 CommonDialog Class
3001DeviceManager 类 DeviceManager Class


File Name:wiaaut.dll.mui
File Size:11 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:10752
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:WIA 自动化层
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WIAAut
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:WIAAut.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wiaaut.dll.mui?

wiaaut.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file wiaaut.dll (WIA 自动化层).

File version info

File Description:WIA 自动化层
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WIAAut
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:WIAAut.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200