100 | Kontrola računa korisnika |
User Account Control |
102 | Uključeno |
On |
103 | Isključeno |
Off |
104 | Promjena postavki |
Change settings |
105 | Izaberite UAC nivo |
Choose your UAC level |
106 | Ponovo pokrenite ovaj računar |
Restart this computer |
107 | Vaš računar je najbezbjedniji sa uključenom kontrolom korisničkog računa. |
Your computer is safest with User Account Control turned on. |
108 | Pokrenite računar ponovo kako biste uključili UAC |
You must restart your computer to turn on User Account Control |
109 | Pokrenite računar ponovo kako biste isključili UAC |
You must restart your computer to turn off User Account Control |
110 | Kliknite kako biste ponovo pokrenuli ovaj računar |
Click to restart this computer |
111 | &Change UAC settings |
&Change UAC settings |
112 | Restart this &computer |
Restart this &computer |
200 | Ponovno pokreni sada |
Restart Now |
201 | Ponovo pokreni kasnije |
Restart Later |
202 | Sigurnost i održavanje |
Security and Maintenance |
203 | Ponovo pokrenite ovaj računar kako biste uključili kontrolu korisničkog računa |
Restart this computer to turn on User Account Control |
204 | Ponovno pokrenite ovaj računar kako biste iskljuili kontrolu korisničokg računa |
Restart this computer to turn off User Account Control |
205 | Prije ponovnog pokretanja spasite sve otvorene fajlove i zatvorite sve programe. |
Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs. |
206 | You don't have permission to restart this computer. |
You don't have permission to restart this computer. |
300 | Kontrola korisničkog računa obavijestit će vas o svim izmjenama na računaru ili u postavkama sistema Windows te od vas zatražiti odobrenje za njihovo provođenje. |
UAC will notify you and ask you to approve changes to your computer or Windows settings. |
301 | UAC will always notify. |
UAC will always notify. |
302 | Kontrola korisničkog računa će vas obavijestiti kada aplikacije pokušaju nešto izmijeniti na vašem računaru. |
UAC will notify you when apps try to make changes to the computer. |
303 | Kontrola korisničkog računa vas nikada neće obavještavati o aplikacijama koje pokušavaju nešto izmijeniti na računaru. |
UAC will never notify you when apps try to make changes to the computer. |
1400 | Disable apps to help improve performance |
Disable apps to help improve performance |
1402 | You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
1403 | You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC and reduce battery life. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC and reduce battery life. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
1404 | Onemogućite aplikacije kako biste poboljšali performanse |
Disable apps to help improve performance |
1406 | Imate 3 ili više novih aplikacija koje su se pokrenule automatski i sada se izvode u pozadini. To bi moglo usporiti rad računara. Otvorite upravitelj zadataka i pregledajte aplikacije koje se pokreću prilikom pokretanja računara te onemogućite one koje ne koristite. |
You have 3 or more new apps that start automatically and run in the background. This might slow down your PC. Open Task Manager to review your startup apps and disable any that you don't use. |
1408 | On |
On |
1409 | Off |
Off |
1410 | Otvori Upravitelj zadataka |
Open Task Manager |