fsquirt.exe 2ed84d89aec62cfdd213fa111f145c2f

File info

File name: fsquirt.exe.mui
Size: 14848 byte
MD5: 2ed84d89aec62cfdd213fa111f145c2f
SHA1: 4492214ef0740b4b233b020993c9dbfa551b4476
SHA256: b1afa84d3d0317b7f8d963bea497de48bd1c61a59bb9a439d14be662c5c4674a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: fsquirt.exe (32-bitov)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
2129Ta datoteka je bila prejeta prek povezave, ki ni bila zaščitena s ključem. Mogoče je, da datoteke ni poslal pričakovani pošiljatelj, poleg tega pa so lahko datoteko med prenosom videli tudi drugi. This file was received over a connection that was not passkey-enabled. It might have been sent by someone other than the intended sender. In addition, the file may have been viewed by others while it was being transmitted.
2301Segoe UI Segoe UI
230212 12
2303Prenos datotek prek povezave Bluetooth Bluetooth File Transfer
2304Shrani prejeto datoteko Save the received file
2305Prenaša datoteke med napravami ali računalniki, ki uporabljajo brezžično tehnologijo Bluetooth. Transfers files between devices or computers using Bluetooth wireless technology.
2311Želite poslati ali sprejeti datoteke? Do you want to send or receive a files?
2312Izberite, kam želite poslati svoje datoteke Select where to send your files
2313Izberite datoteke, ki jih želite poslati Select the files to send
2314Pošiljanje datoteke je v teku The file is being sent
2315Sprejemanje datoteke je v teku The file is being received
2316Čakanje na povezavo Waiting for a connection
2317Praviloma bi morali začetek prenosa opaziti takoj, ko nekdo začne v vaš računalnik prenašati datoteke iz svoje naprave ali računalnika, ki podpira tehnologijo Bluetooth.

Mogoče boste videli sporočilo, ki vas bo opozorilo, da naprava Bluetooth poskuša vzpostaviti povezavo z vašim računalnikom. Če želite omogočiti prenos, sprejmite povezavo.
You should see a file transfer begin as soon as someone starts transmitting files to your computer from their Bluetooth enabled computer or device.

You may see a message telling you a Bluetooth device is trying to connect to your computer. You must accept the connection in order for the transfer to occur.
2319V ciljni napravi ali računalniku je bil zaznan spor. Če želite več informacij, se obrnite na izdelovalca naprave. (Koda OBEX 0x49) A conflict was found on the receiving device or computer. For more information, contact the manufacturer of your device. (OBEX code 0x49)
2320Vzpostavljanje povezave ... Connecting...
2321Pošiljanje ... Sending...
2322Zapiranje ... Closing...
2323Odpiranje datoteke ... Opening file...
2325Prejemanje ... Receiving...
2326Datoteke ni bilo mogoče poslati, ker ni bilo mogoče vzpostaviti povezave. Prepričajte se, da je vmesnik Bluetooth priključen. The file could not be sent because the connection could not be established. Check to make sure the Bluetooth radio is plugged in.
2327Storitev OBEX v ciljnem računalniku ali napravi ni na voljo ali pa ni pripravljena za prenos. Poskusite znova. Če prenosa še vedno ne morete dokončati, glejte izdelovalčevo dokumentacijo, ki je bila priložena napravi. The OBEX service on the destination computer or device is not available or ready for the transfer. Please try again. If you still cannot complete the transfer, read the manufacturer's documentation that came with the device.
2328Preverjanje pristnosti ... Authenticating...
2329Naprava Bluetooth ali računalnik, ki podpira tehnologijo Bluetooth, je preklical(a) prenos. The transfer was cancelled by the Bluetooth device or Bluetooth enabled computer.
2330Datoteka že obstaja File exists
2331Datoteka že obstaja.

Ali želite prepisati obstoječo datoteko?
The file already exists.

Do you want to overwrite the existing file?
2332Poskrbite, da bo vaša brezžična povezava Bluetooth delovala pravilno in bo vaš računalnik v dosegu naprave Bluetooth ali računalnika z omogočeno tehnologijo Bluetooth, s katerim poskušate izmenjati datoteke. Make sure your Bluetooth wireless connection is working properly and your computer is within range of the Bluetooth device or Bluetooth enabled computer you are trying to transfer files with.
2333Poskrbite, da bo vaša brezžična povezava Bluetooth delovala pravilno in bo vaš računalnik v brezžičnem dosegu naprave Bluetooth ali računalnika z omogočeno tehnologijo Bluetooth, s katerim poskušate izmenjati datoteke. Make sure your Bluetooth wireless connection is working properly and your computer is within wireless range of the Bluetooth device or Bluetooth enabled computer you are trying to transfer files with.
2334Prebrskaj Browse
2335Vse datoteke All files
2336Prenos je preklicala druga naprava ali računalnik. The transfer was cancelled by the other device or computer.
2337Datoteke ni bilo mogoče shraniti. Poskusite jo shraniti z drugim imenom. The file could not be saved. Try saving the file with a different name.
2338Dostop je zavrnjen Access denied
2339Neveljavno ime datoteke Invalid file name
2340Ime datoteke ne sme vsebovati znakov:
\ / : * ? " |
A file name cannot contain any of the following characters:
\ / : * ? " |
2341Napaka Error
2342neznana napaka unknown error
2343Naprava Bluetooth Bluetooth device
2344Ime datoteke je predolgo. Poskusite jo shraniti s krajšim imenom. The filename is too long. Try saving the file with a shorter name.
2345Ta računalnik ali naprava Bluetooth ne more obdelati datotek te vrste. This Bluetooth device or computer cannot process files of this type.
2346V ciljni napravi ali računalniku ni razpoložljivega prostora. Sprostite nekaj prostora v napravi ali računalniku in poskusite znova. There is no space available on the device or computer you are transferring to. Free some space on the device or computer, and then try again.
2347Prenašanje datotek prek povezave Bluetooth ne omogoča prenosa map. Če želite prenesti vsebino mape, jo odprite in izberite datoteke, ki jih želite poslati. Bluetooth File Transfer cannot transfer folders. To transfer the contents of a folder, open the folder and select the files that you want to send.
2348Prenos datoteke ni uspel, ker ni bilo odziva ciljne naprave ali računalnika na zahtevo za vzpostavljanje povezav. The file transfer failed because the receiving device or computer did not respond to the connection request.
2349Izbrali ste preveč datotek.

Izberite manj datotek.
Too many files selected.

Please select fewer files.
2350Prenos datotek se ni dokončal, ker je računalnik prešel v stanje spanja. Your file transfer didn’t finish because your PC went to sleep.
2353Prenos datotek je onemogočen s pravilnikom.

Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema.
File transfer is disabled by policy.

Please check with your system administrator.
2365Prenos datotek prek povezave Bluetooth ni končan Bluetooth file transfer not completed
2366Datoteka je uspešno prenesena File successfully transferred
2367Ime datoteke File Name
2368Velikost Size
11001Prenašanje datotek prek povezave Bluetooth Transfer files using Bluetooth


File Name:fsquirt.exe.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:14336
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:File Version : 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:fsquirt.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:fsquirt.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is fsquirt.exe.mui?

fsquirt.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file fsquirt.exe ().

File version info

File Description:
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:fsquirt.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:fsquirt.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200