explorerframe.dll.mui ExplorerFrame 2e0086e5dca8cc02d71aa80478d68c48

File info

File name: explorerframe.dll.mui
Size: 28672 byte
MD5: 2e0086e5dca8cc02d71aa80478d68c48
SHA1: ddeab0919f65478be64dff133374b15f7533a6d1
SHA256: c7228f13f874eb61eb317552971921e89d2176d207ac08189edce5f5f217c1ff
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Uzbek language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Uzbek English
724Cannot find '%1!ws!'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct. Cannot find '%1!ws!'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct.
726File Explorer File Explorer
748Click the folder that you want to move the selected files to. Click the folder that you want to move the selected files to.
750(bo‘sh) (empty)
751%s-NEW %s-NEW
800Tanlangan elementlar bilan ishlash uchun buyruqlarni o‘z ichga oladi. Contains commands for working with the selected items.
864O‘zgartiruvchi buyruqlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains edit commands.
928Tasvirni boshqarish uchun buyruqlarini o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains commands for manipulating the view.
992Buyruq vositalarini o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains tools commands.
1030Jild sozlamalari Folder Options
1031Internet opsiyalari Internet Options
1056Tarkibida Yordamni aks ettiruvchi buyruqlarni o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains commands for displaying Help.
1136Har xil sahifalarni ko‘rib chiqish buyruqlarini o‘z ichiga oladi. Contains commands for browsing to various pages.
3004Tanlanganlar Favorites
3005Jurnal History
3006Kanallar Feeds
3009Nom bo‘shlig‘i daraxtini boshqarish Namespace Tree Control
3010Daraxt Tree View
3011Bu yerga ko‘chirmoq Move here
3014Open in new tab Open in new tab
3015Open '%s' in a Tab Group Open '%s' in a Tab Group
3016Delete this page from Favorites Delete this page from Favorites
3017Refresh this feed Refresh this feed
8192User canceled a hung navigation. User canceled a hung navigation.
8193The user cancelled the navigation after %d seconds. The user cancelled the navigation after %d seconds.
9025Oyna yopilishi. Closes the window.
9026Bir daraja yuqoriga ko‘tarilmoq. Goes up one level.
9027Tanlangan elementlarni yo‘q qilish. Deletes the selected items.
9028Tanlangan obyekt nomini o‘zgartiradi. Renames the selected item.
9029Tanlangan elementlarning xususiyatlarini namoyish qiladi. Displays the properties of the selected items.
9057Joriy ajratilgan qismni olib tashlash va buni almashish buferida nusxa olish. Removes the current selection and copies it onto the Clipboard.
9058Joriy ajratilgan qismni almashish buferida nusxa olish. Copies the current selection onto the Clipboard.
9059Siz nusxa ko‘chirgan yoki qirqqan obyektlarni tanlangan joyga qo‘shadi. Inserts the items you have copied or cut into the selected location.
9060Ushbu sahifadagi barcha elementlarni tanlaydi. Selects all items on this page.
9061Tanlangan elementlar uchun yorliqlar yaratadi. Creates shortcuts to the selected items.
9121Tarmoq diskiga ulanish. Connects to a network drive.
9122Tarmoq diskidan ulanishni uzadi. Disconnects from a network drive.
9128Offlayn bo‘lgan tarkibning yangilanishi. Updates all offline content.
9281Goes to the previous page. Goes to the previous page.
9282Goes to the next page. Goes to the next page.
9283Sozlamalarni o‘zgartirish imkonini beradi. Enables you to change settings.
9361Enables you to change settings. Enables you to change settings.
9505Asboblar panelini aks ettirish. Shows or hides toolbars.
9516Locks the sizes and positions of the toolbars. Locks the sizes and positions of the toolbars.
9530Stops the current page from loading. Stops the current page from loading.
9531Maximizes window to full screen. Maximizes window to full screen.
9536Joriy sahifa tarkibini yangilamoq. Refreshes the contents of the current page.
9552Sharhlovchi panelini ko‘rsatish yoki yashirish. Shows or hides an Explorer bar.
12352Manzil qatori Address Bar
12387Yangi vositalar - Jildni tanlang New Toolbar - Choose a folder
12545'%1!ls!'dan hozir foydalanib bo‘lmaydi. '%1!ls!' is currently unavailable.
12608Desktop Desktop
12609Windows Windows
12614%1 - %2 %1 - %2
12624|Orqaga|Odinga|To‘xtatmoq|Yangilamoq|Bosh sahifa|Qidirmoq|Saralanganlar|Chop qilmoq|Hajm|O‘zgartirmoq|Vositalar|Media|Tarixi|Pochta|Butun ekranga|| |Back|Forward|Stop|Refresh|Home|Search|Favorites|Print|Size|Edit|Tools|Media|History|Mail|Full Screen||
12656|Go |Stop |Refresh|| |Go |Stop |Refresh||
12657"%s"ga o‘tmoq Go to "%s"
12658|Auto-hide|Close|| |Auto-hide|Close||
12661"%s" yuklanishini to‘xtatmoq Stop loading "%s"
12662"%s"ni yangilamoq (F5) Refresh "%s" (F5)
12675Avvalgi joylar Previous Locations
12896&Manzil A&ddress
12897Search Search
12915Internet &options... Internet &options...
12916(Mixed) (Mixed)
12917Unknown Zone Unknown Zone
12919Folders Folders
12921Folder Options... Folder Options...
13120... ...
13138&Havolalar &Links
13140&Ishchi stol &Desktop
13141&Odamlar &People
13824Qidirish Search
13825Elementlarni hisoblash... Computing items...
13826Type to search the current view Type to search the current view
13827Boshqa opsiyalarni ko‘rmoq See other options
13829Manzillar: %s Address: %s
13830Qidirish: %1 Search %1
13831Filtr uchun moslik mavjud emas. No filter matches.
13832Qidirish filtrini qo‘shmoq Add a search filter
13833%1 dagi qidiruv natijalari Search Results in %1
13834Qidirish jurnalini tozalamoq Clear search history
13835Qidirish jurnalingizni tozalang. Clear your search history.
14337Oxirgi joylashuvlar Recent locations
14338|Search|Clear|| |Search|Clear||
14339Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
14340The %s toolbar isn't compatible with this version of Windows The %s toolbar isn't compatible with this version of Windows
14341If you continue, the toolbar might appear incorrectly. To check for an updated version, go to the software publisher's website.

Do you want this toolbar on your taskbar?
If you continue, the toolbar might appear incorrectly. To check for an updated version, go to the software publisher's website.

Do you want this toolbar on your taskbar?
14342"%s"gacha yuqoriga (Alt + Yuqoriga yo‘naltirilgan mil) Up to "%s" (Alt + Up Arrow)
14343Bir daraja yuqoriga (Alt + Yuqoriga yo‘naltirilgan mil) Up one level (Alt + Up Arrow)
14344"%s..."gacha yuqoriga (Alt + Yuqoriga yo‘naltirilgan mil) Up to "%s..." (Alt + Up Arrow)
14345%s (Alt + Chapga yo‘naltirilgan mil) %s (Alt + Left Arrow)
14346%s (Alt + O‘ngga yo‘naltirilgan mil) %s (Alt + Right Arrow)
14347Yuqori asboblar paneli Up band toolbar
14348Orqaga (Alt + Chapga qaragan strelka) Back (Alt + Left Arrow)
14349Oldinga (Alt + O‘ngga qaragan strelka) Forward (Alt + Right Arrow)
14384Sync Sync
14385Synchronize this folder at multiple locations Synchronize this folder at multiple locations
14400&Manzillar satri jurnali &Address bar history
14401Delete your address bar history. Delete your address bar history.
14402Win&dows haqida &About Windows
14403Windows haqida About Windows
14416Fon sifatida o‘rnatmoq Set as background
14417Tanlangan rasmni fon rasmi sifatida foydalanish. Set the selected picture as your desktop background.
14418Faks Fax
14419Tanlangan elementlarni faks orqali yuborish. Fax the selected items.
14425File History File History
14426Search again in File History Search again in File History
24320Ota bog‘lamalar ro‘yxati %1 %1 parent list
24321Opa bog‘lamalar ro‘yxati %1 %1 sibling list
28672Siz "%1" asboblar paneli yopilishini tanladingiz. You have chosen to close the "%1" toolbar.
28673You have chosen to close a toolbar window. You have chosen to close a toolbar window.
28674Asboblar panelini yopishni tasdiqlamoq Confirm Toolbar Close

Ishchi stolga asboblar panelini qo‘shish uchun mavjud asboblar paneliga sichqonchaning o‘ng tugmasini cherting, asboblar panelini tanlang va kerakli elementni cherting.

To add a toolbar to your desktop, right-click an existing toolbar, click Toolbars, and then click an item.
28676A toolbar is already hidden on this side of your screen.
You can have only one auto-hide toolbar per side.
A toolbar is already hidden on this side of your screen.
You can have only one auto-hide toolbar per side.
28677Toolbar Toolbar
28679Disconnect Net Drive Disconnect Net Drive
28680The network provider %2 reported the following error: %3(%1!d!). The network provider %2 reported the following error: %3(%1!d!).
28681Fayllar sharhlovchisi File Explorer
28684Cannot create toolbar. Cannot create toolbar.
28690Toolbars Toolbars
34304Qidirish maydoni Search Box
34306Tozalamoq Clear
34816Manzil satri asboblar paneli Address band toolbar
34817Navigatsiya tugmalari Navigation buttons
34818Barcha joylashuvlar All locations
41216Fetching... Fetching...
41217Gorizontal aylantirish yo‘lakchasi Horizontal Scroll Bar
41218Vertikal aylantirish yo‘lakchasi Vertical Scroll Bar
41219Elementlarni ko‘rib chiqish Items View
41220Guruhni kengaytirmoq Expand Group
41221Guruhni o‘ramoq Collapse Group
41222Sarlavha Header
41223Qalquvchi filtr Filter dropdown
41224Filter dropdown (filtered) Filter dropdown (filtered)
41225Hisoblagich Count
41226Overflow button Overflow button
41227Filtered Filtered
41228Saralangan (Oshib borish tartibida) Sorted (Ascending)
41229Sorted (Ascending), Filtered Sorted (Ascending), Filtered
41230Saralangan (Kamayib borish tartibida) Sorted (Descending)
41231Sorted (Descending), Filtered Sorted (Descending), Filtered
41232%1!d! elementlar %1!d! items
41233%1!d! element %1!d! item
41234%1!d! elementlar tanlangan %1!d! items selected
41235%1!d! element tanlangan %1!d! item selected
41236%1!s!, %2!s! %1!s!, %2!s!
41237%2!d!dan %1!d! Element item %1!d! of %2!d!
41238Guruh sarlavhasi Group Header
41239%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
41240%1!d! ta element. jami %2!d! tadan, %3!s! ga shifrlandi item %1!d! of %2!d!, encrypted to %3!s!
41473Quyidagida qaytadan qidirmoq: Search again in:
41474%1: %1:
41475(%1!u!) (%1!u!)
41476(Bo‘sh) (Empty)
41477(Barcha %1!d!ni ko‘rsatmoq) (Show all %1!d!)
41478Ushbu jild bo‘sh. This folder is empty.
41479Ko‘rsatilmagan Unspecified
41480Uning ustida ish olib borilmoqda... Working on it...
41728Extra large icons Extra large icons
41729Large icons Large icons
41730Medium icons Medium icons
41731Small icons Small icons
41732List List
41733Details Details
41734Tiles Tiles
41735Content Content
41744File and folder view reentrancy File and folder view reentrancy
41745The file and folder view encountered an unexpected state The file and folder view encountered an unexpected state
49920F F
49921Bosh Home
49922Bufer Clipboard
49923Qo‘shimcha opsiyalar Advanced options
49924Tashkil qilmoq Organize
49926Ochmoq Open
49927Tanlamoq Select
49928Umumiy foydalanish Share
49929Yubormoq Send
49933Ko'rib chiqish View
49934Joylashuv Layout
49935Joriy ko‘rinishlar Current view
49936Sohalar Panes
49937Ko‘rsat/yashir Show/hide
49939Tarmoq Network
49940Joylashish Location
49942Kompyuter Computer
49945Tizim System
49946Uy guruhi HomeGroup
49947Boshqarish Manage
49950Qidirish vositalari Search Tools
49953Aniqlashtirmoq Refine
49954Opsiyalar Options
49956Savat vositalari Recycle Bin Tools
49959Tiklamoq Restore
49960Zichlangan fayllar bilan ishlash vositalari Compressed Folder Tools
49961Kutubxona bilan ishlash vositalari Library Tools
49965Rasmlar bilan ishlash vositalari Picture Tools
49968Aylantirmoq Rotate
49969Musiqalar bilan ishlash vositalari Music Tools
49970O‘ynatmoq Play
49971Videolar bilan ishlash vositalari Video Tools
49974Disklar bilan ishlash vositalari Drive Tools
49977Himoya Protect
49979Disk obrazlari bilan ishlash vositalari Disc Image Tools
49982Yorliqlar bilan ishlash vositalari Shortcut Tools
49984Ilova vositalari Application Tools
49986Ishga tushirmoq Run
49997Chiqarib olmoq Extract
49998Jamlovchi Media
49999&Jurnalni yo‘q qilmoq &Delete history
50000Indekslanmagan joylashuvlarda In non-indexed locations
50002Application menu Application menu
50004Yangi oynalarni ochish, qidirish va jildning kengaytirilgan sozlamalari va boshqalar. Open new windows, change advanced folder and search options, and more.
50005H H
50006V V
50007PS PS
50008T T
50009CO CO
50010CP CP
50011N N
50012W W
50013D D
50014Y Y
50016L L
50017G G
50018CF CF
50019S S
50020R R
50021C C
50022M M
50024PR PR
50025I I
50026O O
50027PE PE
50028CH CH
50030E E
50032SA SA
50033SN SN
50034SI SI
50040JS JS
50041JR JR
50042JZ JZ
50043JL JL
50044JP JP
50045JM JM
50046JV JV
50048JD JD
50050JT JT
50051JA JA
50055&W &W
50058&M &M
50059P P
50060A A
50064&Y &Y
50071&L &L
50075X X
50077B B
50092SF SF
50101HT HT
50102HF HF
50103HH HH
50104HS HS
50108AD AD
50115J J
50121U U
50128K K
50136Z Z
50155RL RL
50156RR RR
50193SS SS
50194Navigatsion panel Navigation pane
50195Yangi New
50197Oddiy kirish Easy access
50198Ko‘p kiriladigan joylar Frequent places
50203Navigatsiyalash sohasida aks ettiriladigan elementlarni tanlash. Choose what to display in the navigation pane.
50204Indekslangan joylarda qisman moslik va elementlarni qamrab olish yoki istisno qilish. Exclude or include partial matches and items in non-indexed locations.
50205Tanlangan joylashuvga tezkor kirish va offlayn fayllar bilan ishlash yo‘llari. Create a way to access the selected location quickly, and work with offline files.
50208Multimediaga kirish Access media
50210&S &S
50215Quyidagiga chiqarib olish Extract To
50216Media serveriga ulanish yoki undan uzilish. Connect to or disconnect from a media server.
50217Qirqib olmoq (Ctrl+X) Cut (Ctrl+X)
50218Qo‘shib qo‘ymoq (Ctrl+V) Paste (Ctrl+V)
50219Nusxa ko‘chirmoq (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C)
50220Nomni o‘zgartirmoq (F2) Rename (F2)
50221Yangi jild (Ctrl+Shift+N) New folder (Ctrl+Shift+N)
50222Xususiyatlar (Alt+Enter) Properties (Alt+Enter)
50223Barchasini belgilamoq (Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A)
50224Ko‘rib chiqish sohasi (Alt+P) Preview pane (Alt+P)
50227Savatga tashlamoq (Ctrl+D) Recycle (Ctrl+D)
50228Yo‘q qilmoq (Ctrl+D) Delete (Ctrl+D)
50229Undo (Ctrl+Z) Undo (Ctrl+Z)
50230Redo (Ctrl+Y) Redo (Ctrl+Y)
50231Butunlay yo‘q qilmoq (Shift+Delete) Permanently Delete (Shift+Delete)
50232Open New Window (Ctrl+N) Open New Window (Ctrl+N)
50234Tafsilotlar paneli (Alt+Shift+P) Details pane (Alt+Shift+P)
50242Manage Manage
50247Drive Tools Drive Tools
50260Media Media
50269PI PI


File Name:explorerframe.dll.mui
File Size:28 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:28160
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Uzbek
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:ExplorerFrame
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:ExplorerFrame
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original File Name:ExplorerFrame.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is explorerframe.dll.mui?

explorerframe.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Uzbek language for file explorerframe.dll (ExplorerFrame).

File version info

File Description:ExplorerFrame
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:ExplorerFrame
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft korporatsiyasi. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan.
Original Filename:ExplorerFrame.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x443, 1200