WinSyncMetastore.rll.mui Windows Synchronization Framework Metadata Store Resources 2c5632d0bf5abb28358870f6f149c288

File info

File name: WinSyncMetastore.rll.mui
Size: 9728 byte
MD5: 2c5632d0bf5abb28358870f6f149c288
SHA1: 8d63fd0fd7d3f653b13431657367d4414293e0e8
SHA256: 70fe17004d6e5cd826cc9ed253bc505a43b896a76bb11bb4d3b5f80fdfe31d4f
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
11001中繼資料存放區方法需要至少一個非 Null 的欄位名稱。
The metadata store method requires at least one non-null field name.
11002中繼資料存放區方法需要至少一個非 Null 的欄位值。
The metadata store method requires at least one non-null field value.
11003中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的檔案名稱。
The metadata store method requires a non-null file name.
11004中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的全域識別碼。
The metadata store method requires a non-null global ID.
11005中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法需要非 Null 的識別碼參數集。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method requires a non-null set of ID parameters.
11006中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 函數需要非 Null 的複寫識別碼參數。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata function requires a non-null replica ID parameter.
11007中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的知識。
The metadata store method requires a non-null knowledge.
11009中繼資料存放區方法要求輸出參數必須是非 Null。
The metadata store methods require output parameters to be non-null.
11010中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的遠端變更批次。
The metadata store method requires a non-null remote change batch.
11011中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的遠端知識。
The metadata store method requires a non-null remote knowledge.
11012中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的複寫識別碼。
The metadata store method requires a non-null replica ID.
11013中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的回呼。
The metadata store method requires a non-null callback.
The metadata store method requires a non-zero batch size.
The metadata store method requires a non-empty file name.
The metadata store method requires a small ID size.
11017中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法需要資料庫資料行容納得下的識別碼大小。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method requires an ID size that will fit in a database column.
11018中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法要求空的陣列必須以數目為零的 Null 值傳遞。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method requires an empty array to be passed as a null value with a count of zero.
11019中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法要求複寫識別碼必須大於 2 個位元組且小於資料行大小限制。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method requires the replica ID to be larger than 2 bytes and smaller than the column size limit.
11023中繼資料存放區方法要求空的陣列必須以數目為零的 NULL 傳遞。
The metadata store method requires empty arrays to be passed as a NULL with a count of zero.
The metadata store method requires a shorter path.
The metadata store does not support the given transaction isolation level.
11026中繼資料存放區 BeginTransaction 方法在建立工作階段時收到資料庫錯誤。
The metadata store BeginTransaction method received a database error while creating a session.
The metadata store received an error from the database when inserting the replica metadata.
11028中繼資料存放區 CreateStore 方法無法建立資料庫。
The metadata store CreateStore method could not create the database.
11029中繼資料存放區 CreateStore 方法在建立資料來源時收到意外的資料庫錯誤。
The metadata store CreateStore method received an unexpected database error while creating the data source.
11030中繼資料存放區 EndTransaction 方法在建立工作階段時收到資料庫錯誤。
The metadata store EndTransaction method received a database error while creating a session.
11031中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法在建立工作階段時收到資料庫錯誤。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method received a database error while creating a session.
The metadata store received a database error while retrieving item rows.
The metadata store received a database error when getting an item.
The metadata store received a database error when retrieving the first item for the enumerator.
The metadata store could not open the database.
11036中繼資料存放區 OpenStore 方法在建立工作階段時收到資料庫錯誤。
The metadata store OpenStore method received a database error while creating a session.
The metadata store could not initialize the database.
11038中繼資料存放區 OpenStore 方法在初始化資料庫時收到資料庫錯誤。
The metadata store OpenStore method received a database error while initializing the database.
The metadata store received a database error when starting a transaction.
11041中繼資料存放區從 OnAddingItemToBatch 回呼收到錯誤。
The metadata store received an error from the callback OnAddingItemToBatch.
The metadata store item does not have a creation version.
The metadata store item does not have a change version.
The metadata store item does not have the custom field.
The metadata store item does not have a global ID.
The metadata store could not find the item metadata.
The metadata store could not add the replica.
The metadata store received a database error when creating the item metadata table.
The metadata store received a database error when creating the replica metadata.
The metadata store could not find the item metadata to be deleted.
The metadata store does not support querying for columns which are not custom columns.
The metadata store encountered a global ID size that does not match the column in the database.
11058中繼資料存放區不支援巢狀交易 (在一個交易仍在作用之際嘗試另一個新的交易)。
The metadata store does not support nested transactions (a new transaction was attempted while another was still active).
The metadata store has not been opened.
The metadata store does not contain an item with this local ID.
The metadata store has already been opened.
11064中繼資料存放區 SetKnowledge 方法預期知識中的本機複寫識別碼。
The metadata store SetKnowledge method expects the local replica ID in the knowledge.
11065中繼資料存放區 SetGlobalId 方法無法用來重設項目的 GlobalId。
The metadata store SetGlobalId method cannot be used to reset the GlobalId on an item.
11066中繼資料存放區 ResurrectDeletedItem 方法無法用來重新啟動已經存在的項目。
The metadata store ResurrectDeletedItem method cannot be used to resurrect an already live item.
11067中繼資料存放區方法不支援在尚未以 CUSTOM_FIELD_DEFINITION 初始化的資料行上建立索引。
The metadata store method does not support creating an index on a column which has not been initialized by CUSTOM_FIELD_DEFINITION.
The metadata store method requires a count of at least one.
11071中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法要求 CUSTOM_FIELDS_INDEX 至少要有一個自訂欄位名稱。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method requires CUSTOM_FIELDS_INDEX to have at least one custom field name.
11072中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的時間結構。
The metadata store method requires a non-null time structure.
11073中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的項目中繼資料。
The metadata store method requires a non-null item metadata.
11074中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的識別碼範圍。
The metadata store method requires a non-null ID range.
The metadata store method requires a non-empty ID range.
The metadata store method does not allow change unit versions on a tombstoned item or an item that already has a change version set.
The metadata store method does not allow change versions on an item that already has change unit versions set.
The metadata store cannot create a store file when the file already exists.
11080中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的同步處理篩選資訊。
The metadata store method requires non-null synchronization filter information.
The enumerator only supports getting or skipping one item at a time.
Specified synchronization ID is not of the specified format for IDs of that type.
The metadata store has already been disposed. You cannot use this object.
11085中繼資料存放區 InitializeReplicaMetadata 方法只支援最大長度 4000 的資料行和最大長度 8000 的二進位資料行。
The metadata store InitializeReplicaMetadata method only supports columns of maximum length 4000 and binary columns of maximum length 8000.
11086中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 的升級回呼。
The metadata store method requires a non-null upgrade callback.
The metadata store already has one active replica being accessed on this connection.
The metadata store connection has been invalidated.
11089中繼資料存放區方法需要非 Null 提供者版本。
The metadata store method required a non-null provider version.
The metadata store has unrecognized column names.
The metadata store method does not allow getting or setting a winner ID on an item which is not already marked as a delete.
The data type that you are attempting to retrieve from the metadata store is not compatible with the data type that is actually stored.
0x80041280中繼資料存放區在資料庫中找不到給定的複寫。 The metadata store could not find the given replica in the database.
0x80041281中繼資料存放區已經包含此複寫。 The metadata store already contains this replica.
0x80041282中繼資料存放區複寫已在使用中。 The metadata store replica is already in use.
0x80041284找不到中繼資料存放區項目。 The metadata store item not found.
0x80041285無法儲存中繼資料存放區項目,因為它沒有唯一識別碼 (或其他主索引鍵)。 The metadata store item could not be saved as it does not have a unique ID (or other primary key).
0x80041286中繼資料存放區方法需要有效的欄位名稱。 The metadata store method requires a valid field name.
0x80041287中繼資料存放區方法需要有效的欄位類型。 The metadata store method requires a valid field type.
0x80041288儲存引擎作業失敗,錯誤碼為 %1 (HRESULT = 0x%2!lX!,來源 IID = %3,參數=(%4))。 A storage engine operation failed with error code %1 (HRESULT = 0x%2!lX!, Source IID = %3, Parameters=(%4)).
0x80041289中繼資料存放區已經損毀。 The metadata store is corrupt.
0x80041290中繼資料存放區不支援查詢尚未以 CUSTOM_FIELDS_INDEX 指定的多個資料行。 The metadata store does not support querying for multiple columns which have not been specified by a CUSTOM_FIELDS_INDEX.
0x80041291中繼資料存放區找不到所查詢欄位的唯一值。 The metadata store did not find a unique value for the fields being queried.
0x80041292中繼資料存放區要求必須先開啟使用中交易後,才能認可資料或從存放區回復。 The metadata store requires an active transaction to be open before data can be committed or rolled back from the store.
0x80041293中繼資料存放區版本不符合支援的版本。 The metadata store version does not match the supported version.
0x80041294如果複寫的中繼資料尚有未認可的變更,中繼資料存放區就不允許這項作業。 The metadata store does not permit this operation if there are uncommitted changes to the replica's metadata.
0x80041295因為物件的目前狀態,中繼資料存放區不支援這項作業。 The metadata store does not support this operation due to the current state of the object.
0x80041296標準格式檔案序列化作業失敗,因為檔案資料不符合已發行的檔案格式。 The deserialization operation from a canonical format file failed because the file data does not conform to the published file format.
0x80041297中繼資料存放區偵測到正在同步處理的提供者沒有相同的變更單位。 The metadata store detected no change units in common in the providers being synchronized.
0x80041298標準格式檔案序列化作業失敗,因為建立檔案之同步處理提供者的版本與目前提供者版本不相符。 The deserialization operation from a canonical format file failed because the version of the synchronization provider which created the file does not match with the current provider version.
0x80041299中繼資料存放區需要具有建立版本和變更或變更單位版本的項目。 The metadata store requires that an item have a creation version and a change or change unit version.
0x80041300中繼資料存放區要求存放區中必須要有一個複寫以便使用 GetSingleReplicaMetadata API。 The metadata store requires that there should be precisely one replica in the store to use the GetSingleReplicaMetadata API.
0x80041301中繼資料儲存區無法載入自訂表格,因為它不存在於資料庫中。 The metadata store can not load the custom table because it does not exist in the database.
0x80041302中繼資料儲存區無法建立自訂表格,因為它已存在於資料庫中。 The metadata store can not create the custom table because it already exists in the database.


File Name:WinSyncMetastore.rll.mui
File Size:9.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9216
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:2007.94.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Synchronization Framework Metadata Store Resources
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Product Name:Microsoft Synchronization Framework
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is WinSyncMetastore.rll.mui?

WinSyncMetastore.rll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file WinSyncMetastore.rll (Windows Synchronization Framework Metadata Store Resources).

File version info

File Description:Windows Synchronization Framework Metadata Store Resources
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Product Name:Microsoft Synchronization Framework
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200