100 | Dela din position |
Sharing your location |
101 | Vill du tillåta att andra ser din nuvarande position? |
Would you like to allow others to see your current location? |
102 | %1 vill se din nuvarande position. |
%1 wants to see your current location. |
103 | %1 vill ha behörighet att se din nuvarande position. Vill du dela den? |
%1 would like permission to see your current location. Would you like to share it? |
104 | Någon vill se din nuvarande position i %2. |
Someone wants to see your current location in %2. |
105 | Vill du dela din nuvarande position i %2? |
Do you want to share your current location in %2? |
106 | %1 vill se din nuvarande position i %2. |
%1 wants to see your current location in %2. |
107 | Vill du dela din nuvarande position med %1 i %2? |
Do you want to share your current location with %1 in %2? |
111 | Vill du tillåta att andra ser din position? |
Would you like to allow others to see your location? |
112 | %1 meddelas när du kommer in i eller lämnar något av de områden som den personen har angett. |
%1 will be notified when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified. |
113 | Vill du tillåta att %1 meddelas när du kommer in i eller lämnar något av de områden som den personen har angett? |
Would you like to allow %1 to be notified when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified? |
114 | Någon har begärt meddelanden i %2 när du kommer in i eller lämnar något av de områden som den personen har angett. |
Someone has requested notifications in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified. |
115 | Någon har bett om att bli meddelad i %2 när du kommer in i eller lämnar något av de områden som den personen har angett. Vill du tillåta sådana meddelanden? |
Someone has asked to be notified in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified. Would you like to allow those notifications? |
116 | %1 meddelas i %2 när du kommer in i eller lämnar något av de områden som den personen har angett. |
%1 will be notified in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified. |
117 | Vill du tillåta att %1 ser meddelanden i %2 när du kommer in i eller lämnar något av de områden som den personen har angett? |
Would you like to allow %1 to see notifications in %2 when you enter or leave any of the areas that person has specified? |
121 | Om du inte trycker på Tillåt inom %d sekunder delas inte din position. |
If you don't tap Allow within %d seconds, your location will not be shared. |
122 | Om du inte trycker på Avbryt inom %d sekunder delas din position. |
If you don't tap Cancel within %d seconds, your location will be shared. |
130 | tillåt |
allow |
131 | avbryt |
cancel |
132 | stäng |
close |
200 | Ange en standardplats för den här datorn |
Set a default location for your PC |
201 | Vi använder den när vi inte kan identifiera din exakta position (som just nu)! |
We’ll use it when we can’t detect your exact location (like right now)! |
203 | Position |
Location |
0x1 | Geolokalisering är aktiverat. |
Geolocation positioning is enabled. |
0x2 | Geolokalisering har inaktiverats av användaren. |
Geolocation positioning has been disabled by the user. |
0x10000001 | Fel |
Error |
0x10000002 | Prestanda |
Performance |
0x10000003 | Selfhost |
Selfhost |
0x10000004 | WiFiTracing |
WiFiTracing |
0x10000005 | Init |
Init |
0x10000007 | FixSession |
FixSession |
0x10000008 | CompositePe |
CompositePe |
0x10000009 | Gnss |
Gnss |
0x1000000A | CellPe |
CellPe |
0x1000000B | WifiPe |
WifiPe |
0x1000000C | ClientApi |
ClientApi |
0x1000000D | Orion |
Orion |
0x1000000E | Supl |
Supl |
0x1000000F | Crowdsource |
Crowdsource |
0x10000010 | ManagedApi |
ManagedApi |
0x10000011 | GeofenceTracing |
GeofenceTracing |
0x10000012 | GeofenceStore |
GeofenceStore |
0x1000001C | WebproxyTracing |
WebproxyTracing |
0x1000001E | CellPeAdvanceTracing |
CellPeAdvanceTracing |
0x1000001F | SpeedEstimatorTracing |
SpeedEstimatorTracing |
0x10000020 | VenuePE |
VenuePE |
0x30000000 | Information |
Info |
0x30000001 | Starta |
Start |
0x30000002 | Stoppa |
Stop |
0x50000005 | Utförlig |
Verbose |
0x90000001 | LocationServiceProvider |
LocationServiceProvider |
0x90000002 | Felsökning |
Debug |
0xB000000D | WER-rapport: ExInfo[0]=%1, ExInfo[1]=%2, Result=%3 |
WER Report: ExInfo[0]=%1, ExInfo[1]=%2, Result=%3 |
0xB000000E | Init[%1, %2]: %3 [%4] |
Init[%1, %2]: %3 [%4] |
0xB000000F | hr=%1, fil=%2, rad=%3 |
hr=%1, file=%2, line=%3 |
0xB0000010 | hr=%1, custommessage=%2, function=%3 callingcode=%4 filename=%5 line=%6 |
hr=%1, custommessage=%2, function=%3 callingcode=%4 filename=%5 line=%6 |
0xB0000011 | context=%1, component=%2, istakeref=%3 |
context=%1, component=%2, istakeref=%3 |
0xB0000064 | LS_REQUEST_LATLON: %1 %2, dwHint=%3 error=%4 |
LS_REQUEST_LATLON: %1 %2, dwHint=%3 error=%4 |
0xB0000065 | LS_REPORT_LATLON: error=%8, lat=%1, lon=%2, altitude=%3, hAccuracy=%4, vAccuracy=%5, heading=%6, velocity=%7 |
LS_REPORT_LATLON: error=%8, lat=%1, lon=%2, altitude=%3, hAccuracy=%4, vAccuracy=%5, heading=%6, velocity=%7 |
0xB00000C8 | GnssError hr=%1, eventType=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, eventSize=%4 |
GnssError hr=%1, eventType=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, eventSize=%4 |
0xB00000C9 | Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] START %2: param=%3 |
Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] START %2: param=%3 |
0xB00000CA | Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] STOP |
Gnss[id=%1, Adapter] STOP |
0xB00000CB | Gnss[id=%1, Driver] START %2: param=%3 |
Gnss[id=%1, Driver] START %2: param=%3 |
0xB00000CC | Gnss[id=%1, Driver] STOP |
Gnss[id=%1, Driver] STOP |
0xB00000CD | Gnss[id=%1] POS: %3, Intermediate=%4, lat=%5, lon=%6, alt=%7, speed=%8, head=%9, hAccuracy=%10, vAccuracy=%11, speedAcc=%12, HDOP=%13, PDOP=%14, Status=%2 |
Gnss[id=%1] POS: %3, Intermediate=%4, lat=%5, lon=%6, alt=%7, speed=%8, head=%9, hAccuracy=%10, vAccuracy=%11, speedAcc=%12, HDOP=%13, PDOP=%14, Status=%2 |
0xB00000CE | Gnss[id=%1, Driver] MOD %2: param=%3 |
Gnss[id=%1, Driver] MOD %2: param=%3 |
0xB00000CF | Gnss[id=%1, Driver] Ioctl=%2, hr=%3, Duration=%4 |
Gnss[id=%1, Driver] Ioctl=%2, hr=%3, Duration=%4 |
0xB00000D0 | Gnss[id=%1] SAT: %2 |
Gnss[id=%1] SAT: %2 |
0xB00000D1 | Gnss[id=%1, Driver] FixEventError hr=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, fixlevelofdetails=%4, expectedMinBytes=%5, expectedMinSatelliteBytes=%6 |
Gnss[id=%1, Driver] FixEventError hr=%2, numBytesTransferred=%3, fixlevelofdetails=%4, expectedMinBytes=%5, expectedMinSatelliteBytes=%6 |
0xB00000D2 | Session[%1,%2] START %3, IsClient=%9, Acquire[attached=%10, owner=%11], Age=%7, %4, AccuracyValue=%5, VenueMandatory=%8, Param=%6 |
Session[%1,%2] START %3, IsClient=%9, Acquire[attached=%10, owner=%11], Age=%7, %4, AccuracyValue=%5, VenueMandatory=%8, Param=%6 |
0xB00000D3 | Session[%1,%2] STOP: hr=%3 |
Session[%1,%2] STOP: hr=%3 |
0xB00000D4 | Session[%1,%2] POS: %5, Status=%3, SourcePe=%4, Intermediate=%6, lat=%7, lon=%8, HAcc=%9, Speed=%10, Floor=%11, Venue=%12 |
Session[%1,%2] POS: %5, Status=%3, SourcePe=%4, Intermediate=%6, lat=%7, lon=%8, HAcc=%9, Speed=%10, Floor=%11, Venue=%12 |
0xB00000D5 | Session[%1,%2] CallerName=%6, CallerProductId=%3, Sid=%4, PackageId=%5 |
Session[%1,%2] CallerName=%6, CallerProductId=%3, Sid=%4, PackageId=%5 |
0xB00000DC | Orion ServerTime: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, time=%3 |
Orion ServerTime: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, time=%3 |
0xB00000DD | Orion Agnss: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, BlobSize=%3 |
Orion Agnss: hr=%1, Report hr=%2, BlobSize=%3 |
0xB00000DE | Orion Inference: Winhttp hr=%1, Orion=%2, lat=%3, lon=%4, Accuracy=%5 |
Orion Inference: Winhttp hr=%1, Orion=%2, lat=%3, lon=%4, Accuracy=%5 |
0xB00000E6 | SUPL config: hslp=%1 (src=%2), hslp_from_imsi=%3 |
SUPL config: hslp=%1 (src=%2), hslp_from_imsi=%3 |
0xB00000E7 | V2UPL config: MPC=%1, PDE=%2, AppType=%3 |
V2UPL config: MPC=%1, PDE=%2, AppType=%3 |
0xB00000E8 | Set SUPL version: %1.%2 |
Set SUPL version: %1.%2 |
0xB00000E9 | Cert config: Action=%1, Name=%2, Size=%3 |
Cert config: Action=%1, Name=%2, Size=%3 |
0xB00000EA | Driver cmd=%1, value=%2 |
Driver cmd=%1, value=%2 |
0xB00000EB | Agnss Inject: type=%1, status=%2, dataSize=%3 |
Agnss Inject: type=%1, status=%2, dataSize=%3 |
0xB00000EC | NI Request: id=%1, type=%2, NotType=%3, Plane=%4 |
NI Request: id=%1, type=%2, NotType=%3, Plane=%4 |
0xB00000ED | NI Response: id=%1, response=%2 |
NI Response: id=%1, response=%2 |
0xB00000EE | Driver: ForceOperationMode=%1 |
Driver: ForceOperationMode=%1 |
0xB00000EF | Agnss Request: type=%1 %2 |
Agnss Request: type=%1 %2 |
0xB00000F0 | SUPL Reconfig: Trigger=%1, CurrentRegStatus=%2 |
SUPL Reconfig: Trigger=%1, CurrentRegStatus=%2 |
0xB00000F1 | Agnss Clear: type=%1 |
Agnss Clear: type=%1 |
0xB00000F2 | Agnss Position Inject: status=%1, lat=%2, lon=%3, alt=%4, speed=%5, head=%6, hAccuracy=%7 |
Agnss Position Inject: status=%1, lat=%2, lon=%3, alt=%4, speed=%5, head=%6, hAccuracy=%7 |
0xB00000F3 | Agnss Time Inject: status=%1, Time=%2, Uncertainty=%3 |
Agnss Time Inject: status=%1, Time=%2, Uncertainty=%3 |
0xB00000F4 | Agnss Blob Inject: status=%1, Version=%2, Format=%3, Size=%4 |
Agnss Blob Inject: status=%1, Version=%2, Format=%3, Size=%4 |
0xB00000F5 | GnssAdapt GFAdd Id=[%1:%2], hwId=%3 hr=%4 |
GnssAdapt GFAdd Id=[%1:%2], hwId=%3 hr=%4 |
0xB00000F6 | GnssAdapt GFRemove: hwId=%1, hr=%2 |
GnssAdapt GFRemove: hwId=%1, hr=%2 |
0xB00000F7 | GnssAdapt GFResetTracking: hr=%1 |
GnssAdapt GFResetTracking: hr=%1 |
0xB00000F8 | GnssAdapt GFEvent: id=%1, triggerState=%2 |
GnssAdapt GFEvent: id=%1, triggerState=%2 |
0xB00000F9 | GnssAdapt GFTrackingStatus: state=%1 |
GnssAdapt GFTrackingStatus: state=%1 |
0xB00000FA | SC GSM MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4 |
SC GSM MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4 |
0xB00000FB | SC UMTS MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4 |
SC UMTS MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3, LAC=%4 |
0xB00000FC | SC CDMA BaseLat=%1, BaseLong=%2, BSID=%3, NID=%4, SID=%5 |
SC CDMA BaseLat=%1, BaseLong=%2, BSID=%3, NID=%4, SID=%5 |
0xB00000FD | SC LTE MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3 |
SC LTE MCC=%1, MNC=%2, CID=%3 |
0xB00000FE | Grannar: %1 |
Neighbors: %1 |
0xB00000FF | SC TDSCDMA MCC=%1, MNC=%2, LAC=%3, CID=%4 |
SC TDSCDMA MCC=%1, MNC=%2, LAC=%3, CID=%4 |
0xB0000100 | [Cell Adapter]Uppdateringsmeddelande om mobilposition: Parms = %1, Exe= %2, UiccApp = %3, LAC=%4, TAC = %5, CID=%6 |
[Cell Adapter]Cell Location update noficiation: Parms = %1, Exe= %2, UiccApp = %3, LAC=%4, TAC = %5, CID=%6 |
0xB0000101 | [Cell Adapter]Uppdateringsmeddelande om mobilposition - feltillstånd, hr =%1 |
[Cell Adapter]Cell Location update notification Error state, hr =%1 |
0xB0000102 | Grannar som används: %1 |
Neighbors Used: %1 |
0xB0000103 | IsMulticellUsed=%1 |
IsMulticellUsed=%1 |
0xB0000104 | Mac-adress=%1, Signalstyrka=%2 |
Mac Address=%1, Signal Strength=%2 |
0xB0000105 | Wifi-ändring: Namn=%1, Tillstånd=%2 |
Wifi Change: Name=%1, State=%2 |
0xB0000106 | Wifi MACs:%1 |
Wifi MACs:%1 |
0xB0000109 | GnssAdapt GnssError Fel=%1, Återställningsbar=%2, Beskrivning=%3 |
GnssAdapt GnssError Error=%1, Recoverable=%2, Description=%3 |
0xB000010A | GnssAdapt DeviceAvailable = %1, SymbolicLink=%2, DeviceInUse=%3, hr= %4 |
GnssAdapt DeviceAvailable = %1, SymbolicLink=%2, DeviceInUse=%3, hr= %4 |
0xB000010B | GnssPnPManager - enhet läggs till, SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2 |
GnssPnPManager Device Arrival SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2 |
0xB000010C | GnssPnPManager - enhet tas bort, SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2 |
GnssPnPManager Device Removal SymbolicLink= %1, IsExternal=%2 |
0xB000010D | GnssPnPManager - försöker igen för SymbolicLink= %1 |
GnssPnPManager Retrying for SymbolicLink= %1 |
0xB000010E | Servercache, IsHit=%1, PE=%2 |
Server Cache IsHit=%1, PE=%2 |
0xB000010F | Panelcache, IsHit=%1, PE=%2 |
Tile Cache IsHit=%1, PE=%2 |
0xB0000110 | %1 Skanning: Result=%2 |
%1 Scan: Result=%2 |
0xB0000111 | [VenuePE] Id=[%1], Positions:[%2] |
[VenuePE] Id=[%1], Positions:[%2] |
0xB0000112 | [VenuePE] IsInsideVenue=%1, Pos[Lat=%2,Lon=%3,Acc=%4,Source=%5] |
[VenuePE] IsInsideVenue=%1, Pos[Lat=%2,Lon=%3,Acc=%4,Source=%5] |
0xB0000118 | [CS]InitializeDcpProfile: DcpProfile=%1, hr=%2 |
[CS]InitializeDcpProfile: DcpProfile=%1, hr=%2 |
0xB0000119 | [CS]SubmitData: SizeInBytes=%1, DcpProfile=%2, hr=%3 |
[CS]SubmitData: SizeInBytes=%1, DcpProfile=%2, hr=%3 |
0xB000011A | [CS]DataReceived: SourcePE=%1, IsReadyForData=%2, IsValidData=%3, hr=%4 |
[CS]DataReceived: SourcePE=%1, IsReadyForData=%2, IsValidData=%3, hr=%4 |
0xB000011B | [CS]RawDataProcessing begins: DataListSize =%1, IsCollectionActive=%2 |
[CS]RawDataProcessing begins: DataListSize =%1, IsCollectionActive=%2 |
0xB000011C | [CS]State: Level=%1, CollectionType=%2, IsBufferFull=%3 IsBatterySavings=%4 IsUserPresenceOn=%5 |
[CS]State: Level=%1, CollectionType=%2, IsBufferFull=%3 IsBatterySavings=%4 IsUserPresenceOn=%5 |
0xB0000122 | Acquire[Id=%2, Cpe] SelectedPes: PrimaryPe=%1 |
Acquire[Id=%2, Cpe] SelectedPes: PrimaryPe=%1 |
0xB0000123 | Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] StartPrimitivePes med Role=%1, Återstående tid=%2, hr=%3 |
Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] StartPrimitivePes with Role=%1, Remaining time=%2, hr=%3 |
0xB0000124 | Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] AttemptFallback med bästa tillgängliga position, Status=%1, Sourcepe=%2, AccuracyValue=%3 |
Acquire[Id=%4, Cpe] AttemptFallback with best available position Status=%1, Sourcepe=%2, AccuracyValue=%3 |
0xB0000126 | Acquire[Id=%14, Cpe] DT: Wait: Dist(m)=%1, IsSpeedUnknown=%12, SpeedUsed(m/s)=%2, IsMDUsed=%3, MDPrecision(m)=%4, Speed_Wait(s)=%5, MD_Wait(s)=%6, MinWait_Budget(s)=%7, SelectedWait(s)=%8, TimeBoundApplied=%13 {Cumulative Runningtime(s)=%9, Acqtime(s)=%10, Requests=%11} |
Acquire[Id=%14, Cpe] DT: Wait: Dist(m)=%1, IsSpeedUnknown=%12, SpeedUsed(m/s)=%2, IsMDUsed=%3, MDPrecision(m)=%4, Speed_Wait(s)=%5, MD_Wait(s)=%6, MinWait_Budget(s)=%7, SelectedWait(s)=%8, TimeBoundApplied=%13 {Cumulative Runningtime(s)=%9, Acqtime(s)=%10, Requests=%11} |
0xB0000127 | [Cpe] Ny SpeedEstimate, hastighet(m/s)=%1, bäring=%2, positioner=%3 |
[Cpe] New SpeedEstimate Speed(m/s)=%1, Bearing=%2, Positions=%3 |
0xB0000128 | [Cpe] SpeedEstimate-indata: Tidsstämpel=%1, Latitud=%2, Longitud=%3, Noggrannhet=%4 |
[Cpe] SpeedEstimate Input: Timestamp=%1, Latitude=%2, Longitude=%3, Accuracy=%4 |
0xB000012A | Acquire[Id=%5, Cpe] Otillförlitlig position {acc=%1, sourcepe=%2} upptäcktes vid verifiering av position{acc=%3, sourcepe=%4} |
Acquire[Id=%5, Cpe] Unreliable position {acc=%1, sourcepe=%2} detected on validation with position{acc=%3, sourcepe=%4} |
0xB000012B | [Cpe] TotalPeCount=%1, AvailPes=[%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7] |
[Cpe] TotalPeCount=%1, AvailPes=[%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7] |
0xB000012C | [%1] [%2], URL=%4, TrackingId=%6 |
[%1] [%2], URL=%4, TrackingId=%6 |
0xB000012D | [%1] [%2]: Coordinate=[%3, %4], Acc=%7, Floor=%8, VenueId=%9, ServerStatus=[%5], WinHttpStatus=[%6], ProtocolStatus=[%11], OrionSource=[%12] |
[%1] [%2]: Coordinate=[%3, %4], Acc=%7, Floor=%8, VenueId=%9, ServerStatus=[%5], WinHttpStatus=[%6], ProtocolStatus=[%11], OrionSource=[%12] |
0xB000012F | [%1] [%2]: ServerStatus=[%3], WinHttpStatus=[%4], ProtocolStatus=[%6] |
[%1] [%2]: ServerStatus=[%3], WinHttpStatus=[%4], ProtocolStatus=[%6] |
0xB0000132 | [%1] [%2] Avbröts av [%3], Status=[%4] |
[%1] [%2] Canceled By [%3], Status=[%4] |
0xB0000133 | [%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpEvent=[%4], Status=[%5] |
[%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpEvent=[%4], Status=[%5] |
0xB0000134 | [%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpAPI=[%4], Status=[%5] |
[%1]: Request=[%2], WinhttpHandle=[%3], WinHttpAPI=[%4], Status=[%5] |
0xB0000135 | Request=[%2] |
Request=[%2] |
0xB0000136 | Response=[%2] |
Response=[%2] |
0xB0000191 | [Cpe] MD: Start MD, hr=%1, hrwifi=%2, hrcell=%3, wifi{ConnState=%4, ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime(s)=%6}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime(s)=%8} ActivityDetection{ThrottlingOn=%9, Elapsedtime(s)=%10} |
[Cpe] MD: Start MD, hr=%1, hrwifi=%2, hrcell=%3, wifi{ConnState=%4, ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime(s)=%6}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime(s)=%8} ActivityDetection{ThrottlingOn=%9, Elapsedtime(s)=%10} |
0xB0000192 | [Cpe] MD: Stop MD, hr =%1 |
[Cpe] MD: Stop MD, hr =%1 |
0xB0000193 | [Cpe] MD: Meddela potentiell förflyttning, hr =%1 |
[Cpe] MD: Notify potential movement, hr =%1 |
0xB0000194 | [Cpe] MD: Meddela tillståndsändring, hr =%1 |
[Cpe] MD: Notify state changed, hr =%1 |
0xB0000195 | [Cpe] MD: Get movementPrecision hr=%1, wifi{ConnState=%2, ThrottlingOn=%3, Elapsedtime=%4}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime=%6} AD={ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime=%8} |
[Cpe] MD: Get movementPrecision hr=%1, wifi{ConnState=%2, ThrottlingOn=%3, Elapsedtime=%4}, cell{ThrottlingOn=%5, Elapsedtime=%6} AD={ThrottlingOn=%7, Elapsedtime=%8} |
0xB0000196 | Acquire[Id=%3, Cpe] StartTracking on Pe=%1, IsPrimaryNativeTracking=%2 |
Acquire[Id=%3, Cpe] StartTracking on Pe=%1, IsPrimaryNativeTracking=%2 |
0xB0000197 | [Cpe] SessionType=%1, IsSupportsNativePT=%2, IsSupportsNativeDT=%3, IsSupportsRequest=%4 |
[Cpe] SessionType=%1, IsSupportsNativePT=%2, IsSupportsNativeDT=%3, IsSupportsRequest=%4 |
0xB00001F4 | GeolocationStartOperation[%1] SessionType=%2, Age(ms)=%3, Accuracy(m)=%4, RequestParameter=%5 |
GeolocationStartOperation[%1] SessionType=%2, Age(ms)=%3, Accuracy(m)=%4, RequestParameter=%5 |
0xB00001F5 | GeolocationStartOperation[%1] Status=%2 |
GeolocationStartOperation[%1] Status=%2 |
0xB00001F6 | GeolocationEventHandler[%1] PositionStatus=%2, Latitude=%3, Longitude=%4, HAccuracy=%5, Status=%6 |
GeolocationEventHandler[%1] PositionStatus=%2, Latitude=%3, Longitude=%4, HAccuracy=%5, Status=%6 |
0xB00001F7 | GeolocationStopTrackingOperation[%1] Status=%2 |
GeolocationStopTrackingOperation[%1] Status=%2 |
0xB00001F8 | GeolocationPromptAppState State=%1 |
GeolocationPromptAppState State=%1 |
0xB000020D | GFClient - lägg till geofence i Index = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8 |
GFClient Add Geofence at Index = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8 |
0xB000020E | GFClient - ta bort geofence i Index = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8 |
GFClient Remove Geofence at Index = %1, Lat=%2, Lon=%3, Radius =%4, Starttime=%5, Duration=%6, Dwelltime=%7, SingleUse=%8 |
0xB000020F | GFClient - radera alla geofence |
GFClient Clear all Geofences |
0xB0000210 | GFClient - registrera för ändringar av %1 |
GFClient Register for %1 changes |
0xB0000211 | GFClient - avregistrera för ändringar av %1 |
GFClient Unregister for %1 changes |
0xB0000212 | GFClient - läs geofencerapporter |
GFClient Read Geofence reports |
0xB0000213 | GFClient - händelse aviserad i klient för %1 |
GFClient Event signalled on client for %1 |
0xB0000214 | GFClient - skapa positionsutlösare |
GFClient Create location trigger |
0xB0000215 | GFClient - ta bort positionsutlösare |
GFClient Delete location trigger |
0xB0000216 | GFClient Geofence: Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9 |
GFClient Geofence: Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9 |
0xB0000226 | GeofenceOperation[%1] Status=%2 |
GeofenceOperation[%1] Status=%2 |
0xB0000227 | GFAppBoundary GeofenceOperation[%1] ClientId=%2, EventId=%3, Status=%4 |
GFAppBoundary GeofenceOperation[%1] ClientId=%2, EventId=%3, Status=%4 |
0xB0000228 | GFAppBoundary %3 %2 %1Event: PID=%4, AppId=%5, EventId=%6, Status=%7 |
GFAppBoundary %3 %2 %1Event: PID=%4, AppId=%5, EventId=%6, Status=%7 |
0xB0000229 | GFAppBoundary AddGeofence: CallerName=%11, Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9, hr=%10 |
GFAppBoundary AddGeofence: CallerName=%11, Id=[%1:%2] Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Starttime=%6, Duration=%7, Dwelltime=%8, SingleUse=%9, hr=%10 |
0xB000022A | GFAppBoundary RemoveGeofence: CallerName=%4, Id=[%1:%2], hr = %3 |
GFAppBoundary RemoveGeofence: CallerName=%4, Id=[%1:%2], hr = %3 |
0xB000022B | GFAppBoundary RemoveAllGeofences: CallerName=%3, AppId=%1, hr = %2 |
GFAppBoundary RemoveAllGeofences: CallerName=%3, AppId=%1, hr = %2 |
0xB000022C | GFAppBoundary ListAllGeofences: AppId=%1, GeofencesCount=%2, hr=%3 |
GFAppBoundary ListAllGeofences: AppId=%1, GeofencesCount=%2, hr=%3 |
0xB000022D | GFAppBoundary ReadGeofenceReports: AppId=%1, GeofenceReportsCount=%2, hr=%3 |
GFAppBoundary ReadGeofenceReports: AppId=%1, GeofenceReportsCount=%2, hr=%3 |
0xB000022E | GFClient GeofenceReport: GfId=%1, Trigger=%2, RemovalReason=%3, Status=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6, HAcc=%7 |
GFClient GeofenceReport: GfId=%1, Trigger=%2, RemovalReason=%3, Status=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6, HAcc=%7 |
0xB000022F | GFAppBoundary ForegroundEventFired ForegroundEventType=%1 |
GFAppBoundary ForegroundEventFired ForegroundEventType=%1 |
0xB0000230 | GFAppBoundary BackgroundEventSignalled ClientId=%1, EventId=%2, hr=%3 |
GFAppBoundary BackgroundEventSignalled ClientId=%1, EventId=%2, hr=%3 |
0xB0000258 | GCW: Instance=[%1], Type=[%2], Source=[%3], Taskhost=[%4], CurrentState=[%5], Timeout=[%6] |
GCW: Instance=[%1], Type=[%2], Source=[%3], Taskhost=[%4], CurrentState=[%5], Timeout=[%6] |
0xB0000259 | GCW: Instance=[%1], GeoStatus=[%2], GeoPermission=[%3] |
GCW: Instance=[%1], GeoStatus=[%2], GeoPermission=[%3] |
0xB00002BC | TRK_RG Trigger: Id=[%1:%2], Trigger=%3, Lat=%4, Lon=%5 |
TRK_RG Trigger: Id=[%1:%2], Trigger=%3, Lat=%4, Lon=%5 |
0xB00002BD | TRK_RG GF State: Tracker=%1, Id=[%2:%3], State=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6 |
TRK_RG GF State: Tracker=%1, Id=[%2:%3], State=%4, Lat=%5, Lon=%6 |
0xB00002BE | TRK_RG BeginRegionLoad |
TRK_RG BeginRegionLoad |
0xB00002BF | TRK_RG EndRegionLoad: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, Radius=%3, Geofences=%4 |
TRK_RG EndRegionLoad: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, Radius=%3, Geofences=%4 |
0xB00002C0 | TRK_RG - starta spårning för: AppId=[%1] |
TRK_RG Start tracking for: AppId=[%1] |
0xB00002C1 | TRK_RG - sluta spåra för: AppId=[%1] |
TRK_RG Stop tracking for: AppId=[%1] |
0xB00002C2 | TRK_%1 - starta spårning: Id=[%2:%3], Lat=%4, Lon=%5, Radius=%6, Dwelltime=%7ms, Start=%8, Duration=%9ms, Singleuse=%10 |
TRK_%1 Start Tracking: Id=[%2:%3], Lat=%4, Lon=%5, Radius=%6, Dwelltime=%7ms, Start=%8, Duration=%9ms, Singleuse=%10 |
0xB00002C3 | TRK_%1 - sluta spåra: Id=[%2:%3] |
TRK_%1 Stop Tracking: Id=[%2:%3] |
0xB00002C4 | TRK_SW Active=%1, Distance=%2, Accuracy=%3 |
TRK_SW Active=%1, Distance=%2, Accuracy=%3 |
0xB00002C5 | TRK_RG - ingen spårning: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 |
TRK_RG Not Tracking: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 |
0xB00002C6 | TRK_RG Tracker State: Tracker=%1, NewState=%2 |
TRK_RG Tracker State: Tracker=%1, NewState=%2 |
0xB00002C7 | TRK_%1 Enable=%2 |
TRK_%1 Enable=%2 |
0xB00002C8 | TRK_RG - lägg till i spårare: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 {TrackedGeofencesCount=%10,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%11} |
TRK_RG Add to Trackers: Id=[%1:%2], Lat=%3, Lon=%4, Radius=%5, Dwelltime=%6ms, Start=%7, Duration=%8ms, Singleuse=%9 {TrackedGeofencesCount=%10,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%11} |
0xB00002C9 | TRK_RG - ta bort från spårare: Id=[%1:%2] {TrackedGeofencesCount=%3,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%4} |
TRK_RG Remove from Trackers: Id=[%1:%2] {TrackedGeofencesCount=%3,InternalTrackedGeofencesCount=%4} |
0xB0000320 | Positions-KPI: [%1]: , TTFF = %2msec, Accuracy = %3m |
Location KPI : [%1]: , TTFF = %2msec, Accuracy = %3m |
0xB0000384 | GFStore Add: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 |
GFStore Add: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 |
0xB0000385 | GFStore Remove: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 |
GFStore Remove: Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 |
0xB0000386 | GFStore Update: Id=[%1:%2], TriggerState= %3, hr=%4 |
GFStore Update: Id=[%1:%2], TriggerState= %3, hr=%4 |
0xB0000387 | GFStore Get Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 |
GFStore Get Id=[%1:%2], hr=%3 |
0xB0000388 | GFStore DeleteAll: AppId=%1, hr=%2 |
GFStore DeleteAll: AppId=%1, hr=%2 |
0xB0000389 | GFStore GetAllGeofence: AppId=%1, Count=%2 hr=%3 |
GFStore GetAllGeofence: AppId=%1, Count=%2 hr=%3 |
0xB000038A | GFStore GetClosestGeofence: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, AppCount=%3, GFCount=%4 TransGFCount= %5, hr=%6 |
GFStore GetClosestGeofence: Lat=%1, Lon=%2, AppCount=%3, GFCount=%4 TransGFCount= %5, hr=%6 |
0xB000038B | GFStore DeleteApp: AppId=%1, hr=%2 |
GFStore DeleteApp: AppId=%1, hr=%2 |
0xB000038C | GFStore Internal: Messsage=%1, hr=%2 |
GFStore Internal: Messsage=%1, hr=%2 |
0xB000038D | GFStore GetAppID: AppContext= %1 AppId=%2, hr=%3 |
GFStore GetAppID: AppContext= %1 AppId=%2, hr=%3 |
0xB00003E8 | Positionering och geofence, energiscenario: [%1]: , Start |
Location Geofence Power Scenario: [%1]: , Start |
0xB00003E9 | Positionering och geofence, energiscenario: [%1]: , Stop |
Location Geofence Power Scenario: [%1]: , Stop |
0xB000044C | Behörighet nekad för klient = %1. Unconditional = %2, Policy = %3, LegacyPolicy = %4, Master = %5, User = %6, UserLegacyPolicy = %7, App = %8, är appbehållare = %9. UserSid = %10, Package = %11 |
Permission denied for client = %1. Unconditional = %2, Policy = %3, LegacyPolicy = %4, Master = %5, User = %6, UserLegacyPolicy = %7, App = %8, is app container = %9. UserSid = %10, Package = %11 |
0xB000044D | Behörighet nekades eftersom klienten inte hittades, client = %1. User = %2, Package = %3 |
Permission denied because client was not found, client = %1. User = %2, Package = %3 |
0xB00004B0 | Geofencing inaktiveras eftersom frånkopplat vänteläge aktiveras |
Disabling geofencing because we are entering into Disconnected standby |
0xB00004B1 | Geofencing aktiveras igen eftersom frånkopplat vänteläge inaktiveras |
Re-enabling geofencing because we are exiting Disconnected standby |
0xB00004E2 | WiFiAcquire: Id[0x%1], InferenceResult[%2], PositionSource[%3], PositionStatus[%4] |
WiFiAcquire: Id[0x%1], InferenceResult[%2], PositionSource[%3], PositionStatus[%4] |
0xD0000001 | OK |
OK |
0xD0000002 | Kan inte matchas |
Not resolvable |
0xD0000003 | Ogiltig parameter |
Invalid parameter |
0xD0000004 | Serverfel |
Server Error |
0xD0000005 | Ogiltigt serversvar |
Invalid Server Response |
0xD0000006 | Annat fel |
Other failure |
0xD0000007 | WinHttp: Ingen CM-anslutning |
WinHttp: No CM Connection |
0xD0000008 | WinHttp: Inte omdirigerad |
WinHttp: Not Redirected |
0xD0000009 | Anslutningsfel |
Connectivity Error |
0xD000000A | ProviderHelper |
ProviderHelper |
0xD000000B | Session |
Session |
0xD000000C | LocationInformation |
LocationInformation |
0xD000000D | ServiceProxy |
ServiceProxy |
0xD000000E | Cpe |
Cpe |
0xD000000F | CpeAcquireSingleShot |
CpeAcquireSingleShot |
0xD0000010 | CpeAcquirePeriodicTracking |
CpeAcquirePeriodicTracking |
0xD0000011 | CpeAcquireDistanceTracking |
CpeAcquireDistanceTracking |
0xD0000013 | WifiPeAdapter |
WifiPeAdapter |
0xD0000014 | WifiPeAcquireSingleShot |
WifiPeAcquireSingleShot |
0xD0000016 | CellPeAdapter |
CellPeAdapter |
0xD0000017 | CellPeAcquireSingleShot |
CellPeAcquireSingleShot |
0xD0000018 | GnssPe |
GnssPe |
0xD0000019 | GnssPeAcquireSingleShot |
GnssPeAcquireSingleShot |
0xD000001A | GnssPeAcquirePeriodicTracking |
GnssPeAcquirePeriodicTracking |
0xD000001B | GnssPeAcquireDistanceTracking |
GnssPeAcquireDistanceTracking |
0xD000001C | GnssAdapter |
GnssAdapter |
0xD000001E | Ogiltig |
Invalid |
0xD000001F | SingleShot |
SingleShot |
0xD0000020 | Avstånd |
Distance |
0xD0000021 | Periodisk |
Periodic |
0xD0000022 | Geofence |
Geofence |
0xD0000023 | Passivt |
Passive |
0xD0000024 | AccuracySpecific |
AccuracySpecific |
0xD0000025 | AccuracyAny |
AccuracyAny |
0xD0000026 | AccuracyHighest |
AccuracyHighest |
0xD0000027 | Okänt |
Unknown |
0xD000002A | Wifi |
Wifi |
0xD000002B | Cell |
Cell |
0xD000002C | Plats |
Venue |
0xD000002D | IpAddr |
IpAddr |
0xD000002E | Användare |
User |
0xD000002F | Äldre |
Legacy |
0xD0000033 | LKG |
0xD0000034 | AccuracyHigh |
AccuracyHigh |
0xD0000035 | AccuracyPowerOptimized |
AccuracyPowerOptimized |
0xD0000036 | GenerateLast |
GenerateLast |
0xD0000037 | GenerateFirst |
GenerateFirst |
0xD0000038 | GenerateBest |
GenerateBest |
0xD0000039 | Mata in |
Inject |
0xD000003A | Ta bort |
Delete |
0xD000003B | Rensa |
Purge |
0xD000003C | Tid |
Time |
0xD000003E | Blob |
Blob |
0xD000003F | XTRA1 |
0xD0000040 | XTRA2 |
0xD0000041 | LTO |
0xD0000042 | XTRA3 |
0xD0000044 | AreaTrigger |
AreaTrigger |
0xD0000045 | NoNotifyNoVerify |
NoNotifyNoVerify |
0xD0000046 | NotifyOnly |
NotifyOnly |
0xD0000047 | NotifyVerifyDefaultAllow |
NotifyVerifyDefaultAllow |
0xD0000048 | NotifyVerifyDefaultNotAllow |
NotifyVerifyDefaultNotAllow |
0xD0000049 | PrivacyOverride |
PrivacyOverride |
0xD000004A | SUPL |
0xD000004B | CP |
CP |
0xD000004C | V2UPL |
0xD000004D | Acceptera |
Accept |
0xD000004E | Neka |
Deny |
0xD000004F | Timeout |
Timeout |
0xD0000051 | CAN_Removed |
CAN_Removed |
0xD0000052 | Csp_Update |
Csp_Update |
0xD0000053 | Cellular_Update |
Cellular_Update |
0xD0000054 | Inget |
None |
0xD0000055 | Avregistrerad |
Deregistered |
0xD0000056 | Söker |
Searching |
0xD0000057 | Hem |
Home |
0xD0000058 | Roaming |
Roaming |
0xD0000059 | Partner |
Partner |
0xD000005A | Nekad |
Denied |
0xD000005C | CSP |
0xD000005D | UICC |
0xD000005E | IMSI |
0xD0000060 | Oregistrerad |
Unregistered |
0xD0000062 | Försöker |
Attempting |
0xD0000065 | Inrikes roaming |
Domestic roaming |
0xD0000066 | SetLocationServiceEnabled |
SetLocationServiceEnabled |
0xD0000067 | SetLocationNIRequestAllowed |
SetLocationNIRequestAllowed |
0xD0000068 | ForceSatelliteSystem |
ForceSatelliteSystem |
0xD0000069 | ForceOperationMode |
ForceOperationMode |
0xD000006A | SetEngineKeepWarmPeriod |
SetEngineKeepWarmPeriod |
0xD000006B | SetEngineWarm |
SetEngineWarm |
0xD000006C | SetEngineCold |
SetEngineCold |
0xD000006D | SetEngineHot |
SetEngineHot |
0xD000006E | ResetEngine |
ResetEngine |
0xD000006F | ClearAgnssData |
ClearAgnssData |
0xD0000070 | SetDefaultFixResponseTime |
SetDefaultFixResponseTime |
0xD0000071 | SetSuplVersion |
SetSuplVersion |
0xD0000072 | SetNMEALogging |
SetNMEALogging |
0xD0000073 | SetUplServerAccessInterval |
SetUplServerAccessInterval |
0xD0000074 | SetNiTimeoutInterval |
SetNiTimeoutInterval |
0xD0000075 | ResetGeofencesTracking |
ResetGeofencesTracking |
0xD0000076 | Alla |
Any |
0xD0000077 | MSA |
0xD0000078 | MSB |
0xD0000079 | MSS |
0xD000007A | CellId |
CellId |
0xD000007B | AFLT |
0xD000007C | OTDOA |
0xD0000082 | STOP_FIXSESSION |
0xD0000083 | GET_FIXDATA |
0xD0000084 | INJECT_AGNSS |
0xD0000085 | LISTEN_AGNSS |
0xD0000086 | LISTEN_ERROR |
0xD0000087 | LISTEN_FAILOVER |
0xD0000088 | LISTEN_CUSTOM |
0xD0000089 | LISTEN_NI |
0xD000008A | SET_SUPL_HSLP |
0xD000008C | RESPOND_NI |
0xD0000090 | LISTEN_NMEA |
0xD0000091 | SET_V2UPL_CONFIG |
0xD0000092 | TimeBound |
TimeBound |
0xD0000093 | BestEffort |
BestEffort |
0xD0000094 | Låg |
Low |
0xD0000095 | Medel |
Medium |
0xD0000096 | Hög |
High |
0xD0000099 | WiFi |
WiFi |
0xD000009B | CellInference |
CellInference |
0xD000009C | WiFiInference |
WiFiInference |
0xD000009D | AgnssData |
AgnssData |
0xD000009E | ServerTimeData |
ServerTimeData |
0xD000009F | WebproxyTileRequest |
WebproxyTileRequest |
0xD00000A0 | CrowdsourceData |
CrowdsourceData |
0xD00000A1 | VenueTileRequest |
VenueTileRequest |
0xD00000A2 | VenueModelRequest |
VenueModelRequest |
0xD00000A3 | WebproxyCaller |
WebproxyCaller |
0xD00000A4 | WebproxyInternal |
WebproxyInternal |
0xD00000A5 | WebproxyWinHttp |
WebproxyWinHttp |
0xD00000A6 | WinHttpResponseHeaderAvail |
WinHttpResponseHeaderAvail |
0xD00000A7 | WinHttpResponseReadComplete |
WinHttpResponseReadComplete |
0xD00000A8 | WinHttpResponseWriteComplete |
WinHttpResponseWriteComplete |
0xD00000A9 | WinHttpRequestError |
WinHttpRequestError |
0xD00000AA | WinHttpRequestSendComplete |
WinHttpRequestSendComplete |
0xD00000AB | WinHttpOpenRequest |
WinHttpOpenRequest |
0xD00000AC | WinHttpSendRequest |
WinHttpSendRequest |
0xD00000AD | WinHttpWriteData |
WinHttpWriteData |
0xD00000AE | WinHttpReceiveResponse |
WinHttpReceiveResponse |
0xD00000AF | WinHttpReadData |
WinHttpReadData |
0xD00000B0 | WinHttpPayloadConversionFailed |
WinHttpPayloadConversionFailed |
0xD00000B3 | StopByDisposed |
StopByDisposed |
0xD00000B4 | TryStart |
TryStart |
0xD00000B5 | Körning |
Execution |
0xD00000B6 | PostStatusToApp |
PostStatusToApp |
0xD00000B7 | PostPositionToApp |
PostPositionToApp |
0xD00000B8 | Program |
Application |
0xD00000B9 | Taskhost |
Taskhost |
0xD00000BA | LocationService |
LocationService |
0xD00000BB | InternalGCW |
InternalGCW |
0xD00000BD | Pausad |
Paused |
0xD00000BE | ResumedTombstone |
ResumedTombstone |
0xD00000BF | ResumedFAS |
ResumedFAS |
0xD00000C0 | Startar |
Starting |
0xD00000C1 | Startad |
Started |
0xD00000C2 | Stoppar |
Stopping |
0xD00000C3 | Stoppad |
Stopped |
0xD00000C4 | Kör |
Executing |
0xD00000C5 | Inaktiverad |
Disabled |
0xD00000C6 | Redo |
Ready |
0xD00000C7 | Initierar |
Initializing |
0xD00000C8 | NoData |
NoData |
0xD00000CA | Beviljad |
Granted |
0xD00000CC | Primär |
Primary |
0xD00000CD | Reserv |
Fallback |
0xD00000CF | Insida |
Inside |
0xD00000D0 | Utsida |
Outside |
0xD00000D3 | Avsluta |
Exit |
0xD00000D4 | Borttagen |
Removed |
0xD00000D5 | ?? |
?? |
0xD00000D6 | SW |
SW |
0xD00000D7 | HW |
HW |
0xD00000D9 | Tracking |
Tracking |
0xD00000DA | NotTracking |
NotTracking |
0xD00000DC | GeofenceMonitor |
GeofenceMonitor |
0xD00000DD | Bakgrund |
Background |
0xD00000DE | Förgrund |
Foreground |
0xD00000DF | Win32Event |
Win32Event |
0xD00000E0 | WnfEvent |
WnfEvent |
0xD00000E1 | Avregistrera |
Unregister |
0xD00000E2 | Registrera |
Register |
0xD00000E3 | Används |
Used |
0xD00000E4 | Upphört |
Expired |
0xD00000E7 | WiFiDisconnected |
WiFiDisconnected |
0xD00000E8 | WiFiConnected |
WiFiConnected |
0xD00000E9 | Ej angiven |
Unset |
0xD00000EA | Aktiverad |
Enabled |