netswitchteamcim.dll.mui VM 交換器小組 WMI 提供者 2a56e44beeb9017cef7e659458ff26b4

File info

File name: netswitchteamcim.dll.mui
Size: 9728 byte
MD5: 2a56e44beeb9017cef7e659458ff26b4
SHA1: 6298ffd9623ea6112f14b1c91fdbc0684280b6aa
SHA256: 33a01a0f7fcf0b88378442d4ae5ea1dac94a6682052f9a42c4e3e45b28c15c03
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
12.19.0 2.19.0
21.0 1.0
3未知 Unknown
4其他 Other
5良好 OK
6已降級 Degraded
7負荷過高 Stressed
8預期將失敗 Predictive Failure
9錯誤 Error
10無法修復的錯誤 Non-Recoverable Error
11正在啟動 Starting
12正在停止 Stopping
13已停止 Stopped
14服務中 In Service
15無法連絡 No Contact
16通訊中斷 Lost Communication
17已中止 Aborted
18休眠 Dormant
19支援實體發生錯誤 Supporting Entity in Error
20已完成 Completed
21電源模式 Power Mode
22DMTF 保留 DMTF Reserved
23廠商保留 Vendor Reserved
24已降級/警告 Degraded/Warning
25次要失敗 Minor failure
26主要失敗 Major failure
27嚴重失敗 Critical failure
29無法使用 Not Available
30通訊狀況良好 Communication OK
31沒有額外資訊 No Additional Information
32正在服務 Servicing
33正在移轉 Migrating
34正在移出 Emigrating
35正在移入 Immigrating
36正在建立快照 Snapshotting
37正在關機 Shutting Down
38正在測試 In Test
39正在轉換 Transitioning
402.22.0 2.22.0
412.6.0 2.6.0
42一月 January
43二月 February
44三月 March
45四月 April
46五月 May
47六月 June
48七月 July
49八月 August
50九月 September
51十月 October
52十一月 November
53十二月 December
54-星期六 -Saturday
55-星期五 -Friday
56-星期四 -Thursday
57-星期三 -Wednesday
58-星期二 -Tuesday
59-星期一 -Monday
60-星期日 -Sunday
61ExactDayOfMonth ExactDayOfMonth
62星期日 Sunday
63星期一 Monday
64星期二 Tuesday
65星期三 Wednesday
66星期四 Thursday
67星期五 Friday
68星期六 Saturday
69本地時間 Local Time
70UTC 時間 UTC Time
71百分比 Percent
72不要繼續 Do Not Continue
73繼續執行下一個工作 Continue With Next Job
74重新執行工作 Re-run Job
75執行復原工作 Run Recovery Job
76成功 Success
77不支援 Not Supported
78逾時 Timeout
79失敗 Failed
80存取遭拒 Access Denied
81找不到 Not Found
82廠商特定 Vendor Specific
832.10.0 2.10.0
84通訊錯誤 Communications Error
85服務品質錯誤 Quality of Service Error
86軟體錯誤 Software Error
87硬體錯誤 Hardware Error
88環境錯誤 Environmental Error
89安全性錯誤 Security Error
90過度訂閱錯誤 Oversubscription Error
91無法使用資源錯誤 Unavailable Resource Error
92不支援的作業錯誤 Unsupported Operation Error
93資訊 Information
94次要 Minor
95主要 Major
96重大 Critical
97嚴重/無法復原 Fatal/NonRecoverable
98介面卡/智慧卡錯誤 Adapter/Card Error
99應用程式子系統失敗 Application Subsystem Failure
100頻寬縮減 Bandwidth Reduced
101連線建立錯誤 Connection Establishment Error
102通訊協定錯誤 Communications Protocol Error
103通訊子系統失敗 Communications Subsystem Failure
104設定/自訂錯誤 Configuration/Customization Error
105壅塞 Congestion
106資料損毀 Corrupt Data
107超過 CPU 週期限制 CPU Cycles Limit Exceeded
108資料集/數據機錯誤 Dataset/Modem Error
109訊號衰減 Degraded Signal
110DTE-DCE 介面錯誤 DTE-DCE Interface Error
111機殼門開著 Enclosure Door Open
112設備故障 Equipment Malfunction
113過度震動 Excessive Vibration
114檔案格式錯誤 File Format Error
115偵測到火災 Fire Detected
116偵測到水災 Flood Detected
117訊框處理錯誤 Framing Error
118HVAC 問題 HVAC Problem
119濕度無法接受 Humidity Unacceptable
120I/O 裝置錯誤 I/O Device Error
121輸入裝置錯誤 Input Device Error
122LAN 錯誤 LAN Error
123偵測到非有毒物質洩漏 Non-Toxic Leak Detected
124本機節點傳輸錯誤 Local Node Transmission Error
125訊框遺失 Loss of Frame
126訊號遺失 Loss of Signal
127材料供應已耗盡 Material Supply Exhausted
128多工器問題 Multiplexer Problem
129記憶體不足 Out of Memory
130輸出裝置錯誤 Output Device Error
131效能降低 Performance Degraded
132電源問題 Power Problem
133壓力無法接受 Pressure Unacceptable
134處理器問題 (內部電腦錯誤) Processor Problem (Internal Machine Error)
135幫浦故障 Pump Failure
136超過佇列大小 Queue Size Exceeded
137接收失敗 Receive Failure
138接收器失敗 Receiver Failure
139遠端節點傳輸錯誤 Remote Node Transmission Error
140資源達到或接近處理能力上限 Resource at or Nearing Capacity
141回應時間過長 Response Time Excessive
142重新傳輸率過高 Retransmission Rate Excessive
143軟體程式異常終止 Software Program Abnormally Terminated
144軟體程式錯誤 (結果不正確) Software Program Error (Incorrect Results)
145儲存容量問題 Storage Capacity Problem
146溫度無法接受 Temperature Unacceptable
147超過閾值 Threshold Crossed
148計時問題 Timing Problem
149偵測到有毒物質洩漏 Toxic Leak Detected
150傳輸失敗 Transmit Failure
151傳輸器失敗 Transmitter Failure
152基礎資源無法使用 Underlying Resource Unavailable
153版本不符 Version Mismatch
154已清除前一個警示 Previous Alert Cleared
155登入嘗試失敗 Login Attempts Failed
156偵測到軟體病毒 Software Virus Detected
157硬體安全性遭破壞 Hardware Security Breached
158偵測到阻斷服務 Denial of Service Detected
159安全性認證不符 Security Credential Mismatch
160未經授權的存取 Unauthorized Access
161接收到警示 Alarm Received
162指標遺失 Loss of Pointer
163承載不符 Payload Mismatch
164傳輸錯誤 Transmission Error
165錯誤率過高 Excessive Error Rate
166追蹤問題 Trace Problem
167元素無法使用 Element Unavailable
168元素遺失 Element Missing
169多個訊框遺失 Loss of Multi Frame
170廣播通道失敗 Broadcast Channel Failure
171接收到的訊息無效 Invalid Message Received
172路由失敗 Routing Failure
173後擋板故障 Backplane Failure
174識別碼重複 Identifier Duplication
175保護路徑失敗 Protection Path Failure
176同步遺失或不符 Sync Loss or Mismatch
177終端機問題 Terminal Problem
178即時時鐘故障 Real Time Clock Failure
179天線故障 Antenna Failure
180電池充電失敗 Battery Charging Failure
181磁碟失敗 Disk Failure
182跳頻失敗 Frequency Hopping Failure
183備援遺失 Loss of Redundancy
184電源供應器故障 Power Supply Failure
185訊號品質問題 Signal Quality Problem
186電池放電中 Battery Discharging
187電池故障 Battery Failure
188商用電源問題 Commercial Power Problem
189風扇故障 Fan Failure
190引擎故障 Engine Failure
191感應器故障 Sensor Failure
192保險絲故障 Fuse Failure
193發電機故障 Generator Failure
194電力偏低 Low Battery
195燃料不足 Low Fuel
196水位不足 Low Water
197爆炸性氣體 Explosive Gas
198大風 High Winds
199結冰 Ice Buildup
200煙霧 Smoke
201記憶體不符 Memory Mismatch
202CPU 週期不足 Out of CPU Cycles
203軟體環境問題 Software Environment Problem
204軟體下載失敗 Software Download Failure
205元素已重新初始化 Element Reinitialized
206記錄問題 Logging Problems
207偵測到洩漏 Leak Detected
208保護機制失敗 Protection Mechanism Failure
209保護資源失敗 Protecting Resource Failure
210資料庫不一致 Database Inconsistency
211驗證失敗 Authentication Failure
212機密性缺口 Breach of Confidentiality
213纜線盜接 Cable Tamper
214資訊延遲 Delayed Information
215資訊重複 Duplicate Information
216資訊遺失 Information Missing
217資訊修改 Information Modification
218資訊失序 Information Out of Sequence
219金鑰過期 Key Expired
220不可否認性失敗 Non-Repudiation Failure
221上班時間外的活動 Out of Hours Activity
222無法服務 Out of Service
223程序性錯誤 Procedural Error
224意外的資訊 Unexpected Information
225CIMObjectPath CIMObjectPath
2552.22.1 2.22.1
256新增 New
257執行中 Running
258已暫停 Suspended
259已終止 Terminated
260已刪除 Killed
261例外狀況 Exception
262服務 Service
263查詢擱置中 Query Pending
264完成且沒有發生錯誤 Completed with No Error
265不明/未指定的錯誤 Unknown/Unspecified Error
266無法在逾時期間內完成 Can NOT complete within Timeout Period
267參數無效 Invalid Parameter
268使用中 In Use
269已檢查方法參數 - 轉換已啟動 Method Parameters Checked - Transition Started
270無效的狀態轉換 Invalid State Transition
271不支援使用逾時參數 Use of Timeout Parameter Not Supported
272忙碌 Busy
273保留的方法 Method Reserved
274啟動 Start
275暫停 Suspend
276終止 Terminate
277刪除 Kill
278未指定的錯誤 Unspecified Error
279已啟用 Enabled
280已停用 Disabled
281不適用 Not Applicable
282已啟用但離線 Enabled but Offline
283已延期 Deferred
284靜止 Quiesce
285關機 Shut Down
286沒有變更 No Change
287離線 Offline
288測試 Test
289重新開機 Reboot
290重設 Reset
291無預設值 No Default
292延期 Defer
293不明或未指定的錯誤 Unknown or Unspecified Error
295已檢查方法參數 - 工作已啟動 Method Parameters Checked - Job Started
6001一般失敗 General failure
6002已有名為 '%1!s!' 的小組存在 A team already exists with name '%1!s!'
6004'%1!s!' 已是另一個小組 ('%2!s!') 的成員 '%1!s!' is already a member of another team ('%2!s!')
6005無法將成員 '%1!s!' 加入小組,因為該成員已啟用 Hyper-V 角色 Member '%1!s!' cannot be teamed as it has a Hyper-V role enabled on it
6006無法將唯一成員 '%1!s!' 從小組 '%2!s!' 移除 Cannot remove the only member '%1!s!' of team '%2!s!'
6009此系統上沒有名為 '%1!s!' 的小組 There is no team on this system with the name '%1!s!'
6011驗證失敗,而且對系統所做的變更已復原。 Validation failed and changes to the system are rolled back.
6012'%1!s!' 不是有效的小組名稱。小組名稱不能包含定位字元,不能只包含空格,而且不能包含下列任一字元: \/:*?|" 且長度不能超過 %2!u! 個字元 '%1!s!' is not a valid Team name. Team name cannot contain tabs, only spaces, or any of the following characters: \/:*?|" and must be less than %2!u! characters long
6014作業逾時: 無法執行要求的作業,因為 '%1!s!' 目前正在更新網路設定 Operation timed out: Cannot perform requested operation as '%1!s!' is currently updating network configuration
6015作業逾時: 作業失敗,且無法復原變更,因為 '%1!s!' 目前正在更新網路設定 Operation timed out: Operation failed and unable to rollback the changes as '%1!s!' is currently updating network configuration
6016作業逾時: TeamNic 安裝未及時完成。請檢查是否所有 TeamMembers 都已停用 Operation timed out: TeamNic installation did not complete in a timely manner. Check if all TeamMembers are disabled
6017存取遭拒。此作業需要系統管理員權限。 Access Denied. This operation requires administrator privileges.
10003'%1!s!' 已是小組 ('%2!s!') 的成員 '%1!s!' is already a member of the team ('%2!s!')
10007'%1!s!' 不是小組 '%2!s!' 的成員 '%1!s!' is not a member of team '%2!s!'
10008此系統上沒有符合名稱 '%1!s!' 且可加入小組的 NetAdapters There are no NetAdapters that can be teamed on this system that match Name '%1!s!'
10010'%1!s!' 不是「交換器」小組 '%1!s!' is not a Switch team
10013作業逾時: 無法執行要求的作業,因為正在執行另一個 NetLbfo 作業 Operation timed out: Cannot perform requested operation as another NetLbfo operation is in progress
10018再試一次: 另一個元件已變更網路驅動程式設定,而設定與此 NetSwitch 變更互相干擾 Try again: Another component made changes to the network driver configuration that interfered with this NetSwitch change


File Name:netswitchteamcim.dll.mui
File Size:9.5 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9216
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:VM 交換器小組 WMI 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:netswitchteamcim.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:netswitchteamcim.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is netswitchteamcim.dll.mui?

netswitchteamcim.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file netswitchteamcim.dll (VM 交換器小組 WMI 提供者).

File version info

File Description:VM 交換器小組 WMI 提供者
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:netswitchteamcim.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:netswitchteamcim.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200