Unistore.dll.mui 整合的存放區 291db2a0de1ffabf341ca8a36c178ccc

File info

File name: Unistore.dll.mui
Size: 10240 byte
MD5: 291db2a0de1ffabf341ca8a36c178ccc
SHA1: aa1ac1ec47b5b79d025842d67e181775719f96a6
SHA256: 783277b099b63b6137465cde69e1ac0caa11b0a45316b1d798e490141b87e0ed
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x10000009偵錯 Debug
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x50000001嚴重 Critical
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x50000005詳細資訊 Verbose
0x7000000A追蹤 Trace
0xB0000001錯誤: %1 位置: %2 行號: %3 Error: %1 Location: %2 Line Number: %3
0xB0000002傳播的錯誤: %1 位置: %2 行號: %3 Error Propagated: %1 Location: %2 Line Number: %3
0xB0000032資訊: %1 位置: %2 行號: %3 Info: %1 Location: %2 Line Number: %3
0xB00007D0已完成標記清除: 存放區 [%1],反覆運算 [%2],期間 [%3 s] Tombstone cleanup completed: store [%1], iterations [%2], duration [%3 s]
0xB00007D1已終止暫停的應用程式 [%2]: 結果 [%1] Terminated suspended app [%2]: result [%1]
0xB00007D2應用程式已遺失變更追蹤 [%1]: 目前的 rev [%2],已刪除的項目 rev [%3] App lost change tracking [%1]: current rev [%2], deleted item rev [%3]
0xB0000BB8正在更新 DB LCID,將使所有開啟的工作階段和控制代碼失效 Updating DB LCID, Invalidating all open sessions and handles
0xB0000BB9已保留整合的存放區鎖定 %1 秒。ReleaseFunc = %2 Unified store lock was held for %1 seconds. ReleaseFunc = %2
0xB0000BBA整合的存放區鎖定類型 %1 甚至在 %2 秒之後都不會釋放。鎖定擁有者處理程序識別碼: %3 Unified store lock type %1 was not released even after %2 seconds. Lock Owner Process Id: %3
0xB0000BBBCeSeekDatabaseEx 失敗,控制代碼: %1,HR: %2 SeekType: %3 CeSeekDatabaseEx failed, Handle: %1, HR: %2 SeekType: %3
0xB0000BBCCeWriteRecordProps 失敗,控制代碼: %1,HR: %2,OIDRecord: %3 CeWriteRecordProps failed, Handle: %1, HR: %2, OIDRecord: %3
0xB0000BBDCeReadRecordPropsEx 失敗,控制代碼: %1,HR: %2,旗標: %3 CeReadRecordPropsEx failed, Handle: %1, HR: %2, Flags: %3
0xB0000BBE已在 refcount 為 0 之前關閉控制代碼,控制代碼: %1,待處理的 refCount: %2 Closed handle before refcount was 0, Handle: %1, Outstanding refCount: %2
0xB0000BBF已分派遺失的事件通知 Missed Event Notification Dispatched
0xB0000BC1Mutex 擷取失敗,WaitResult = %1,HR = %2 Mutex acquire failed, WaitResult = %1, HR = %2
0xB0000BC2還原序列化知識失敗,HR = %1,cbKnowledge = %2,cbKnowledgeLogged = %3 Deserialize Knowledge failed, HR = %1, cbKnowledge = %2, cbKnowledgeLogged = %3
0xB0000BC3正在開啟不含任何索引的表格 %1。 Opening Table %1 without any index.
0xB0000BC4限制類型 = %1 Restriction Type = %1
0xB0000BC5PropertyRestriction: 操作 %1,屬性識別碼 %2。 PropertyRestriction: Operation %1, Property id %2.
0xB0000BC6BitMaskRestriction: 操作 %1,屬性識別碼 %2 BitMaskRestriction: Operation %1, Property id %2
0xB0000BC7已在尋找含相符索引的列之前搜尋並讀取 %1 列 Seeked and read %1 rows before finding row with matching index
0xB0000BC8計數 %1: 屬性識別碼: %2 Count %1: Property ids: %2
0xB0000BC9MountDeviceVolume 錯誤: %1 MountDeviceVolume Error: %1
0xB0000BCA已分派遠端通知,事件類型: %1,物件類型: %2,物件識別碼: %3 Remote notification dispatched, Event type: %1, Object type: %2, Object Id: %3
0xB0000BCB已發佈遠端通知,事件類型: %1,物件類型: %2,物件識別碼: %3 Remote notification published, Event type: %1, Object type: %2, Object Id: %3
0xB0000BCC已發佈遺失的事件通知 Missed Event Notification Published
0xB0000BCDUnifiedStore 刪除存放區識別碼 = %1 UnifiedStore delete store id = %1
0xB0000BCEUnifiedStore 刪除資料夾類型 = %1,存放區 = %2,識別碼 = %3 UnifiedStore delete folder types = %1, store = %2, id = %3
0xB0000BCF表格: %1 Table: %1
0xB0000BD0無法確認交易,正在嘗試復原修復 (錯誤 %1,工作階段 %2) Failed to commit transaction, attempting rollback recovery (error %1, session %2)
0xB0000BD1無法復原交易 (錯誤 %1,工作階段 %2) Failed to rollback transaction (error %1, session %2)
0xB0000BD2復原完成 (錯誤 %1,工作階段 %2) Recovery complete (error %1, session %2)
0xB0000BD3無法開啟表格控制代碼 Failed to open table handle
0xB0000BD4整合的存放區 RPC 呼叫: %1 Unified Store RPC Call: %1
0xB0000BD5無法設定屬性識別碼 %1,錯誤 %2 Failed to set property ID %1, error %2
0xB0000BD6處理程序 %1 反向溢位它的暫停/繼續計數,現在為 %2 Process %1 underflowed its suspend/resume count, now is %2
0xB0000BD7處理程序 %1 已暫停它的訊息佇列,計數 %2 Process %1 suspended its message queue, count %2
0xB0000BD8處理程序 %1 已繼續進行它的訊息佇列,計數 %2 Process %1 resumed its message queue, count %2
0xB0000BD9取消識別碼為 %1 的處理程序已捨棄 %2 個交易 Process with rundown identifier %1 aborted %2 transactions
0xB0000BDA用戶端處理程序 %1 已遺失事件 Client process %1 has lost events
0xB0000BDB用戶端處理程序 %1 已繼續擷取事件 Client process %1 has resumed fetching events
0xB0000BDC應在結構描述中新增屬性。表格: %1,識別碼: %2 Property should be added in schema. table: %1, id: %2
0xB0000BDD服務處理程序 (vtable %1) 中的 Advisee 已遺失事件 Advisee in service process (vtable %1) has lost events
0xB0000BDE通知佇列遺失了事件 Notification Queue lost events
0xB0000BDF最終交易復原嘗試失敗,錯誤: %1 Final transaction rollback attempt failed, Error: %1
0xB0000BE0正在關閉作用中的表格識別碼: %1 Closing active table id: %1
0xB0000BE3已針對處理程序建立整合的存放區處理程序識別碼 %1 Unified store process identifier %1 created for process
0xB0000BE4處理程序結束對識別碼 %1 的處理程序的回呼 Process exit callback for process with identifier %1
0xB0000BE5已針對識別碼為 %2 的處理程序 %1 取消整合存放區 Unified store rundown for process %1 with identifier %2
0xB0000BE6存放區識別碼: %1 支援類型已變更為: %2 Store id: %1 Supported Types changed to: %2
0xB0000BE7DBSession::_UpgradeDatabase 錯誤: %1 DBSession::_UpgradeDatabase Error: %1
0xB0000BE8JetAttachDatabase 錯誤: %1 JetAttachDatabase Error: %1
0xB0000BE9正在升級資料庫,lcidChanged: %1,storeVersionChanged: %2,isIndexCorrupt: %3 Upgrading database, lcidChanged: %1, storeVersionChanged: %2, isIndexCorrupt: %3
0xB0000BEA正在建立遺漏索引,表格識別碼: %1,計數: %2 Creating Missing indexes, table ID: %1, count: %2
0xB0000BEB索引數目已意外變更,表格識別碼: %1,numExistingIndex: %2 Number of indexes changed unexpectedly, table ID: %1, numExistingIndex: %2
0xB0000BEC資料庫已損毀,且已復原 The database was corrupted, and recovered
0xB0000BED資料庫損毀模擬 Simulation of database corruption
0xB0000BFE正在嘗試重組範圍知識。合作夥伴識別碼: %1,範圍識別碼: %2,例外: %3 (正面) 和 %4 (負面),最小向量大小: %5,最大向量大小: %6,開始滴答計數: %7 Attempting to defragment scope knowledge. Partner id: %1, scope id: %2, exceptions: %3 positive and %4 negative, min vector size: %5, max vector size: %6, starting tick count: %7
0xB0000BFF已重組範圍知識。合作夥伴識別碼: %1,範圍識別碼: %2,原始大小: %3,已重組的大小: %4,例外: %5 Defragmented scope knowledge. Partner id: %1, scope id: %2, original size: %3, defragmented size: %4, exceptions: %5
0xB0000C00已完成範圍知識的重組。合作夥伴識別碼: %1,範圍識別碼: %2,已成功: %3 Done defragmenting scope knowledge. Partner id: %1, scope id: %2, succeeded: %3
0xB0000C01正在嘗試重組合作夥伴知識。合作夥伴識別碼: %1,大小: %2,重組閾值: %3 Attempting to defragment partner knowledge. Partner id: %1, size: %2, defragmentation threshold: %3
0xB0000C02合作夥伴識別碼 %1 的知識含有 %2 個範圍、%3 個正面例外、%4 個負面例外、最小向量大小: %5 與最大向量大小: %6 The knowledge for partner id %1 has %2 scopes, %3 positive exceptions, %4 negative exceptions, min vector size: %5 and max vector size: %6
0xB0000C03已成功針對合作夥伴識別碼 %1 重組 %2 個 (共 %3 個) 的範圍。 Successfully defragmented %2 scopes out of %3 for partner id %1.
0xB0000C04已重組合作夥伴知識。合作夥伴識別碼: %1,原始大小: %2,已重組的大小: %3 Defragmented partner knowledge. Partner id: %1, original size: %2, defragmented size: %3
0xB0000C05已完成合作夥伴知識的重組。合作夥伴識別碼: %1,已成功: %2 Done defragmenting partner knowledge. Partner id: %1, succeeded: %2
0xB0000C06無法將合作夥伴識別碼 %1 的知識大小降低到大小上限的 %2%% 以下 (大小: %3,大小上限: %4)。 Failed to reduce the knowledge size for partner id %1 below %2%% of the maximum size (size: %3, maximum size: %4).
0xB0000C07合作夥伴識別碼 %1 的知識大小超過大小上限的 %3%% (大小: %2,大小上限: %4)。同步處理可能會展示降級的效能 The knowledge size for partner id %1 exceeds %3%% of the maximum size (size: %2, maximum size: %4). The synchronization may exhibit degraded performance
0xB0000C08合作夥伴識別碼 %1 的知識大小超過大小上限的 %3%% (大小: %2,大小上限: %4)。如果知識大小持續成長,同步處理可能會開始失敗 The knowledge size for partner id %1 exceeds %3%% of the maximum size (size: %2, maximum size: %4). The synchronization may start failing if the knowledge size keeps increasing
0xB0000C09合作夥伴識別碼 %1 的知識大小超過大小上限 (大小: %2,大小上限: %3)。同步處理將會失敗 The knowledge size for partner id %1 exceeds the maximum size (size: %2, maximum size: %3). The synchronization will fail
0xB0000C1C正在關閉代表取消識別碼 %1 的過時通知內容 %2 Closing stale notify context %2 on behalf of rundown id %1
0xB0000C1D正在關閉代表取消識別碼 %1 的過時物件 %2 Closing stale object %2 on behalf of rundown id %1
0xB0000C26[存放區升級] 目前的存放區版本為 %1 [store upgrade] The current store version is %1
0xB0000C28[存放區升級] 正在執行升級工作 %1 [store upgrade] Performing upgrade task %1
0xB0000C29[存放區升級] 已更新 %1 個約會 [store upgrade] %1 appointments updated
0xD0000001UpgradeStoreFilters UpgradeStoreFilters
0xD0000002UpgradeAppStoreMask UpgradeAppStoreMask
0xD0000003UpgradeApptRemoteId UpgradeApptRemoteId
0xD0000004UpgradeMoveAggregateContactsToDefaultStore UpgradeMoveAggregateContactsToDefaultStore
0xD0000005UpgradeMoveUseAppSummaryToCalendar UpgradeMoveUseAppSummaryToCalendar
0xD0000006UpgradeMoveAppAccessModeToCalendar UpgradeMoveAppAccessModeToCalendar
0xD0000007UpgradeRoomAlbums UpgradeRoomAlbums
0xD0000008UpgradeCalendarColors UpgradeCalendarColors
0xD0000009UpgradeStoreContactCloak UpgradeStoreContactCloak
0xD000000AUpgradeStoreChangeTracking UpgradeStoreChangeTracking
0xD000000BUpgradeSmsStoreToCloaked UpgradeSmsStoreToCloaked
0xD000000CUpgradeStoresWithGroupings UpgradeStoresWithGroupings
0xD000000DUpgradeAppStoreNames UpgradeAppStoreNames
0xD000000EUpgradeProductIdToPackageName UpgradeProductIdToPackageName
0xD000000FUpgradeAppEmailCalendarDeleteChangeTracking UpgradeAppEmailCalendarDeleteChangeTracking
0xD0000010UpgradeAppointmentRecurringData UpgradeAppointmentRecurringData
0xD0000011UpgradeRemoveAggregatesWithNoComponents UpgradeRemoveAggregatesWithNoComponents
0xD0000012UpgradeDeviceStoreRequiredTypes UpgradeDeviceStoreRequiredTypes
0xD0000013UpgradeStoreDataProtection UpgradeStoreDataProtection
0xD0000014UpgradeMeetingTimezones UpgradeMeetingTimezones
0xD0000015UpgradeMediaStorageGuid UpgradeMediaStorageGuid
0xD0000016UpgradeDeviceStoreEnsureNotSuppressed UpgradeDeviceStoreEnsureNotSuppressed
0xD0000017UpgradeIrmTemplateDescriptions UpgradeIrmTemplateDescriptions
0xD0000018CleanupChangeTrackingData CleanupChangeTrackingData
0xD0000019UpgradeCalendarWriteAccess UpgradeCalendarWriteAccess
0xD000001AUpgradeLastStoreId UpgradeLastStoreId
0xD000001BUpgradeContactDatesToUtcMidnight UpgradeContactDatesToUtcMidnight
0xD000001CUpgradeCleanupAggregateContactMismatch UpgradeCleanupAggregateContactMismatch
0xD000001DUpgradeRemoveUdmAutoResolverSyncPartner UpgradeRemoveUdmAutoResolverSyncPartner
0xD000001EUpgradeAddCompletedTaskFlag UpgradeAddCompletedTaskFlag
0xD000001FUpgradeContactMiddleName UpgradeContactMiddleName
0xD0000020UpgradeDefectExternalContactChangeTracking UpgradeDefectExternalContactChangeTracking


File Name:Unistore.dll.mui
File Size:10 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:9728
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:整合的存放區
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Unistore
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:Unistore.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Unistore.dll.mui?

Unistore.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file Unistore.dll (整合的存放區).

File version info

File Description:整合的存放區
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Unistore
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:Unistore.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200