File name: | PhotoViewer.dll.mui |
Size: | 17920 byte |
MD5: | 24b048b03da006a54c3e228d40b11ee5 |
SHA1: | d46cc6fae521073fe3f2e60ed40d144469f789fb |
SHA256: | 26a22c86a10e729558cb83e63c77143ca794efb45748885d859436af625c7e16 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Slovenian | English |
3000 | &Predvajaj | &Play |
3001 | &Začasno ustavi | P&ause |
3002 | &Naprej | &Next |
3003 | &Nazaj | &Back |
3004 | Iz&hod | &Exit |
3005 | Diaprojekcija Pregledovalnika fotografij | Photo Viewer Slide Show |
3006 | Vaš računalnik ne more prikazati te teme. | Your computer can't display this theme. |
3008 | Nalaganje ... | Loading... |
3009 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows | Windows Photo Viewer |
3010 | %1!s! - %2!s! | %1!s! - %2!s! |
3015 | Nakl&jučno | S&huffle |
3016 | Hitrost diaprojekcije – poča&si | Slide Show Speed - &Slow |
3017 | Hitrost diaprojekcije – sre&dnje | Slide Show Speed - &Medium |
3018 | Hitrost diaprojekcije – &hitro | Slide Show Speed - &Fast |
3019 | Shranjevanje navedenega mesta ni uspelo. Prepričajte se, da datoteka ni zaščitena pred pisanjem in da je v pogonu dovolj prostora za shranitev slike. Shranjevanje je prekinjeno. | Failed to save to the specified location. Make sure the file is not write-protected and there is enough space on the drive to save the image. Save aborted. |
3020 | &Zanka | &Loop |
3024 | Zasuk v desno | Rotate right |
3025 | Zasuk v levo | Rotate left |
3026 | Sukanje ... | Rotating... |
3027 | Čakanje na uporabnika ... | Waiting for user... |
3028 | Sukanje | Rotation |
3029 | Te slike ne morete zasukati. Za zasuk ni dovolj prostora. Sprostite prostor, tako da izbrišete nekaj nepotrebnih datotek v tej sliki, nato pa poskusite znova. | You cannot rotate this image. Not enough space to perform the rotate. Please free up space by deleting unnecessary files on this image and try again. |
3030 | Te slike ne morete zasukati. Slika ne obstaja. | You cannot rotate this image. It does not exist. |
3031 | Te slike ni mogoče zasukati. Datoteko morda uporablja drug program ali pa je datoteka ali mapa samo za branje. | You cannot rotate this image. The file might be in use or open in another program, or the file or folder might be read-only. |
3033 | Te slike ne morete zasukati. Oblike zapisa slike ni mogoče prepoznati. | You cannot rotate this image. Image format not recognized. |
3034 | Te slike ne morete zasukati. Slika mogoče ni v standardni obliki zapisa ali pa vsebuje dodatne informacije o sliki, ki programu preprečujejo zasuk. | You cannot rotate this image. The image may not be in a standard format or may contain extra image information that prevents rotation by this program. |
3035 | Te slike ne morete zasukati. Zasuk te vrste slike ni podprt. | You cannot rotate this image. Rotating this image type is not supported. |
3037 | Shrani datoteko | Save File |
3038 | Ali želite shraniti trenutno stran te slike? | Do you want to save the current page of this picture? |
3039 | Sliko, ki ima več strani, shranjujete v obliko zapisa z eno stranjo. Če boste nadaljevali, bo v novo datoteko shranjena samo trenutna stran. | You are saving a multi-page picture in a single page format. If you continue, only the current page will be saved in the new file. |
3040 | &Shrani | &Save |
3041 | Preimenovanje datoteke ... | Renaming file... |
3042 | Sprememb oznak, napisa, ocene ali datuma posnetka ni bilo mogoče shraniti v to datoteko. | Changes to the tags, caption, rating or date taken could not be saved to this file. |
3043 | &Predogled | Pre&view |
3050 | Za&sukaj v desno | Rotate righ&t |
3051 | Zasukaj v le&vo | Rotate &left |
3052 | Na&tisni | |
3060 | Odpre izbrane elemente v programu Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows. | Opens the selected items in Windows Photo Viewer. |
3061 | Pošlje izbrane elemente v tiskalnik. | Sends the selected items to the printer. |
3062 | Obrne izbrane elemente za 90 stopinj v desno. | Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the right. |
3063 | Obrne izbrane elemente za 90 stopinj v levo. | Turn the selected items 90 degrees to the left. |
3064 | Prikaže slike in videe v tej mapi kot diaprojekcijo. | Displays the pictures and videos in this folder as a slide show. |
3066 | Ogled slik | View pictures |
3067 | Windows | Windows |
3068 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne deluje v varnem načinu. Če si želite ogledati slike ali videe, znova zaženite računalnik na običajen način. | Windows Photo Viewer does not work in safe mode. If you want to view pictures or videos, restart your computer normally. |
3069 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows je vgrajen pregledovalnik slik, ki uporabnikom ne omogoča le preprostega ogleda slik, ampak tudi pošiljanje slik po e-pošti ter zapisovanje na CD-je. | Windows Photo Viewer is the built-in picture viewer that allows users to easily view pictures as well as e-mail and burn them to CDs. |
4001 | Predvajaj diaprojekcijo (F11) | Play slide show (F11) |
4005 | Naslednja (Puščica desno) | Next (Right arrow) |
4008 | Prejšnja (Puščica levo) | Previous (Left arrow) |
4010 | Zasuk v nasprotni smeri urnega kazalca (Ctrl+,) | Rotate counterclockwise (Ctrl+,) |
4013 | Zasuk v smeri urnega kazalca (Ctrl+.) | Rotate clockwise (Ctrl+.) |
4016 | Izbriši (Del) | Delete (Del) |
4020 | Spremeni velikost prikaza | Changes the display size |
4125 | Prilagodi oknu (Ctrl+0) | Fit to window (Ctrl+0) |
4180 | Dejanska velikost (Ctrl+Alt+0) | Actual size (Ctrl+Alt+0) |
4181 | Podokno za krmarjenje | Navigation Pane |
4182 | Vrstica za krmarjenje | Navigation Bar |
7000 | Ozadje programa Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows | Windows Photo Viewer Wallpaper |
7001 | Datoteke »%s« ni bilo mogoče zapisati. Preverite dovoljenja za to datoteko in poskusite znova. |
The file %s could not be written. Please check permissions on this file and try again. |
7002 | Ozadja za namizje ni bilo mogoče spremeniti, ker na disku ni dovolj prostora. Izbrišite nekaj datotek in poskusite znova. |
The Desktop Wallpaper could not be changed because there is not enough disk space. Please delete some files and try again. |
7003 | V imenih datotek ne sme biti teh znakov:
\ / : * ? " | |
File names may not contain the following characters:
\ / : * ? " | |
7013 | Zapiši na disk | Burn a disc |
7014 | Nimate pogona za zapisovanje datotek na CD ali DVD. | You don't have a disc drive capable of burning files to CD or DVD. |
7017 | Ustvari kopijo | Make a Copy |
7018 | Slike ni mogoče nastaviti za ozadje. Datoteka je morda poškodovana. | This image can't be set as wallpaper. The file may be corrupt. |
7019 | Slike ni mogoče nastaviti za ozadje. Morda ni podprta vrsta datoteke. | This image can't be set as wallpaper. It may be an unsupported file type. |
7020 | Slike ni mogoče nastaviti za ozadje. Prišlo je do notranje napake. | This image can't be set as wallpaper. An internal error occurred. |
8008 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more shraniti te slike, ker je prišlo do neznane napake. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save this picture because an unknown error occurred. |
8035 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more shraniti sprememb v tej sliki. Preverite, ali je slika označena samo za branje, in se prepričajte, da imate dovoljenja za shranjevanje na želeno mesto, ter nato poskusite znova. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save changes to this picture. Verify that the picture is not set to read-only and make sure you have permission to save to the file location, and then try again. |
8039 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more shraniti v tej sliki, ker je prišlo do težave z lastnostmi datoteke s sliko. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because there's a problem with the picture's file properties. |
8042 | Zakaj ne morem shraniti te slike? | Why can't I save this picture? |
8050 | Izbrali niste nobene slike. Izberite eno ali več slik in poskusite znova. | No pictures are selected. Select one or more pictures, and then try again. |
8051 | Pregledovalnik fotografij Windows ne more odpreti te slike, ker je datoteka verjetno poškodovana ali prevelika. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the file appears to be damaged, corrupted, or is too large. |
8063 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more shraniti sprememb v tej sliki, ker datoteka ni več na voljo. Sliko ste morda izbrisali ali pa je bila omrežna povezava prekinjena. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because the file isn't available. The picture might have been deleted or you might have lost your network connection. |
8088 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more odpreti te slike, ker je bila morda izbrisana ali pa je na mestu, ki ni na voljo. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either the picture is deleted, or it's in a location that isn't available. |
8094 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more shraniti sprememb v tej sliki, ker je slika že odprta v drugem programu. | Windows Photo Viewer can't save the changes to this picture because the picture is already open in another program. |
8095 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more odpreti te slike, ker sliko urejate v drugem programu. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the picture is being edited in another program. |
8096 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more odpreti te slike, ker nimate ustreznih dovoljenj za dostop do mesta datoteke. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because you don't have the correct permissions to access the file location. |
8099 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more prikazati te slike, ker je datoteka prazna. | Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because the file is empty. |
8100 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more prikazati te slike, ker računalniku morda ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika. Zaprite nekaj programov, ki jih ne uporabljate, ali pa (če je trdi disk skoraj poln) sprostite nekaj prostora na trdem disku in nato poskusite znova. | Windows Photo Viewer can't display this picture because there might not be enough memory available on your computer. Close some programs that you aren't using or free some hard disk space (if it's almost full), and then try again. |
8103 | Kako uporabljati Fotogalerijo? | How do I use Photo Gallery? |
8104 | Kako spremeniti obliko zapisa slikovne datoteke? | How do I change a picture's file format? |
8105 | Kako spremeniti datoteko, ki je samo za branje? | How do I change a read-only file? |
8106 | Shranjevanje ... | Saving... |
8108 | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows ne more odpreti te slike, ker ne podpira te oblike zapisa datoteke ali pa nimate najnovejših posodobitev za Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows. | Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because either Photo Viewer doesn't support this file format, or you don't have the latest updates to Photo Viewer. |
9001 | Naslednja stran (Page Down) | Next Page (Page Down) |
9003 | Prejšnja stran (Page Up) | Previous Page (Page Up) |
9005 | Stran %1!d! od %2!d! | Page %1!d! of %2!d! |
11002 | Zaradi napake se diaprojekcija ne more predvajati. | An error is preventing this Slide Show from playing. |
11003 | Diaprojekcija se ne more zagnati, ker so v izbiri le videoposnetki. | Slide Show can't start because your selection contains only videos. |
11011 | Grafična kartica nima dovolj pomnilnika za predvajanje te diaprojekcije. Zaprite druge programe, ki uporabljajo grafični pomnilnik, in nato poskusite znova. | Your video card doesn't have enough memory to play this slide show. Close other programs that are using video memory and then try again. |
11024 | Izhod | Exit |
11025 | Naključno | Shuffle |
11026 | Zanka | Loop |
11027 | Počasi | Slow |
11028 | Srednje | Medium |
11029 | Hitro | Fast |
11030 | Teme | Themes |
11031 | Nastavitve | Settings |
11032 | Vrstica za krmarjenje po diaprojekciji | Slideshow Navigation Bar |
11033 | Predvajaj | Play |
11034 | Začasno ustavi | Pause |
11035 | Naslednje | Next |
11036 | Prejšnje | Previous |
11037 | Diaprojekcija se že izvaja. Zaprite prvo diaprojekcijo in poskusite znova. | Slide Show is already running. Please close your first Slide Show and try again. |
11042 | Diaprojekcija | Slide Show |
11043 | Kako lahko izboljšam vizualne učinke diaprojekcije? | How can I improve my Slide Show's visuals? |
11046 | Segoe UI | Segoe UI |
11047 | 12 | 12 |
11048 | Nemo | Mute |
14004 | &Izberite program ... | &Choose Program... |
14005 | Na voljo ni noben program. | No application is available. |
14008 | &Datoteka | &File |
14013 | &E-pošta | |
14014 | &Odpri | &Open |
14015 | Prikaži dodatne ukaze | Display additional commands |
14016 | Pomoč | Help |
14031 | &Za odpiranje uporabi ... | Open Wit&h... |
14032 | &Za odpiranje uporabi | Open Wit&h |
14033 | Na&roči tiskanje pri %s ... | O&rder prints from %s... |
14045 | &Zapisovanje | B&urn |
File Description: | Pregledovalnik fotografij sistema Windows |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | PhotoViewer |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane. |
Original Filename: | PhotoViewer.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x424, 1200 |