SrcRes.dll.mui Resursi 2434f3e5c3a7a973806a6375c290f51c

File info

File name: SrcRes.dll.mui
Size: 13824 byte
MD5: 2434f3e5c3a7a973806a6375c290f51c
SHA1: 45a3554be1e3f098054f8e1e1741c15d3b0511ec
SHA256: 3f06e0815dc827edee76a6a424b4f2485b3579353a7a11b79544c601c487223a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
101-14 -14
102Segoe UI Segoe UI
109-48 -48
113-22 -22
117-30 -30
121-24 -24
15048 48
15130 30
152-25 -25
153-130 -130
154130 70
15510 10
156310 310
15715 15
1595 5
16035 35
16125 25
163512 512
164750 750
16560 60
166175 175
168242 242
400Stvaranje stanice sustava MultiPoint Create a MultiPoint Station
401Da biste postavili stanicu, pritisnite slovo "%1" na tipkovnici priključenoj na koncentrator koji želite pridružiti monitoru. To set up a station, press the letter '%1' on the keyboard connected to the hub that you want to associate with this monitor.
402Pritisnite "%1" Press '%1'
403Čeka se da se pokrene %s. %s Waiting for %s to start. %s
404Stanica se pokušava povezati sa sustavom %s. %s The station is attempting to connect to %s. %s
405%d:%02d:%02d. %d:%02d:%02d.
406Pritisnite tipku ESC da biste se prebacili u način rada konzole Press the ESC key to switch to console mode
407Došlo je do sljedeće pogreške:
The following error occurred:
408Povezivanje nije uspjelo uz sljedeću pogrešku:
The connection failed with the following error:
Kôd pogreške: 0x%X:0x%X.

Error code: 0x%X:0x%X.
410Čeka se da završi ažuriranje sustava. %s%s Waiting for system updates to complete. %s%s
411Stanica: %1 Station: %1
412Na računalu: %1 On computer: %1
413Povezivanje s: %1 Connecting to: %1
414Pokretanje stanica... Initializing stations ...
415Konfiguracijska pogreška Configuration Error
416MultiPoint Service otkrio je pogrešnu konfiguraciju. MultiPoint Services has detected a misconfiguration.
417Da biste riješili te probleme, pritisnite bilo koju tipku da biste računalo prebacili u način rada konzole, a zatim se prijavite putem administratorskog računa. To resolve these problems, press any key to put the computer into console mode, and then log on using an administrator account.
418Instalirani upravljački program grafičke kartice mora biti namijenjen instaliranom hardveru. The installed graphics display adapter driver must be specifically designed for the installed hardware.
419USB koncentrator na koji je priključena tipkovnica mora biti priključen na računalo. A USB hub that has a keyboard attached to it must be connected to this computer.
420Računalo je pokrenuto u sigurnom načinu rada. The computer has started in safe mode.
433Računalo je naišlo na pogrešku. The computer encountered an error.
434Instalirajte najnoviji upravljački program grafičke kartice s web-mjesta proizvođača hardvera. Nakon instalacije upravljačkog programa možda ćete morati ponovno pokrenuti računalo. Install the latest display adapter driver from the hardware manufacturer's website. You might need to restart the computer after installing the driver.
435Priključite tipkovnicu na USB koncentrator svake stanice. Connect a keyboard to each station's USB hub.
436Pritisnite bilo koju tipku da biste prešli u sigurni način rada, prijavite se u konzolu, pokrenite upravitelj sustava MultiPoint, po potrebi ponovno konfigurirajte poslužitelj, a zatim ponovno pokrenite računalo. Press any key to enter safe mode, log on to the console, start MultiPoint Manager, reconfigure the server as needed, and then restart the computer.
449Ponovno pokrenite računalo. Ako se problem ne riješi, obratite se administratoru sustava. Restart the computer. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
470%1.Podjela %1.Split
641Aplikacija će stavke na programskoj traci i izborniku Start vratiti u zadano stanje.

Jeste li sigurni da želite nastaviti?
This application will reset your Taskbar and Start menu items to their default state.

Are you sure you want to proceed?
643Aplikacija nije uspjela ažurirati stavke na programskoj traci i izborniku Start.

Morat ćete ih ručno ažurirati.
This application was unable to update the Taskbar and Start menu items.

You will need to manually update them.
700Upravitelj sustava MultiPoint MultiPoint Manager
701Nadzorna ploča sustava MultiPoint MultiPoint Dashboard
800Obavijest o zaštiti privatnosti za MultiPoint Services MultiPoint Services Privacy Notification
801Vaše će aktivnosti nadzirati administrator sustava da bi vam mogao pomoći prilikom korištenja računala. To assist you with your usage of this computer, your activities may be monitored by an administrator.
802Nastavi koristiti ovo računalo Continue using this computer
803Odjava Log off
804Izjava o zaštiti privatnosti Privacy statement
805Omogućena je zaštita diska. Kada ponovno pokrenete računalo, promjene postavki i datoteka na pogonu %c: bit će odbačene. Disk Protection is enabled. When you restart the computer, changes to settings and files on the %c: drive will be discarded.
806Zaštita diska je omogućena. Disk Protection is enabled.
807Zaštita diska je onemogućena. Disk Protection is disabled.
808%s sada upravlja tipkovnicom i mišem. %s now has control of your keyboard and mouse.
809Vaša se radna površina projicira svim korisnicima. Your desktop is being projected to all users.
810%s prestao je upravljati tipkovnicom i mišem. %s has stopped controlling your keyboard and mouse.
811Radna površina više se ne projicira. Your desktop is no longer being projected.
812Pametna promjena veličine Smart sizing
820Upozorenje o zaštiti diska Disk Protection Warning
821Predmemorijska datoteka zaštite diska gotovo je puna. Odmah spremite sve na čemu radite, a zatim ponovno pokrenite računalo. The Disk Protection cache file is almost full. Save your work, and then restart the computer immediately.
822Nadzorna ploča sustava MultiPoint možda se neće moći povezati s ovim računalom. Računalo povezujte samo s privatnim mrežama. MultiPoint Dashboard may not be able to connect to this computer. Connect the computer to private networks only.
930Izravne poruke su dostupne IM available
931Izravne poruke nisu dostupne. IM unavailable.
932Slanje poruke nije uspjelo. Pogreška: 0x%08X Failed to send message. Error: 0x%08X
933Izravna poruka – %s IM - %s
960To su web-mjesta koja možete posjetiti. These are the sites that you can visit.
961To su web-mjesta koja ne možete posjetiti. These are the sites that you cannot visit.
962Dopuštena web-mjesta Allowed Sites
963Blokirana web-mjesta Blocked Sites
970Dolazno pravilo za servis sustava MultiPoint koje omogućuje otkrivanje drugih poslužitelja i osobnih računala pomoću TCP/UDP priključka 5357. Inbound rule for the MultiPoint service to allow discovery of other servers and personal computers using TCP/UDP port 5357.
971Dolazno pravilo za agent sesije servisa sustava MultiPoint koje omogućuje projiciranje i daljinsko upravljanje jedne stanice drugom. Inbound rule for the MultiPoint session agent to allow projection and remote control between stations.
972Dolazno pravilo za daljinsko upravljanje sustavom Multipoint pomoću TCP priključka 80. Inbound rule for the Multipoint service remote management using TCP port 80.
973Dolazno pravilo za sigurno daljinsko upravljanje sustavom Multipoint pomoću TCP priključka 8443. Inbound rule for the Multipoint service secure remote management using TCP port 8443.
974Dolazno pravilo za upravitelj sustava Multipoint. Inbound rule for the Multipoint manager.
975Dolazno pravilo za nadzorni ploču sustava Multipoint. Inbound rule for the Multipoint dashboard.
980%1 [%3] : %4

%1 [%3] : %4

981%2 [%3] : %4

%2 [%3] : %4

982[%3] : %4

[%3] : %4

1200Ugrađena grupa omogućuje pristup funkciji nadzorne ploče sustava MultiPoint. Built-in group allowing access to MultiPoint Dashboard functionality.
1202Ugrađeni račun za organiziranje upravljanih sustava. Built-in account to enable orchestration of managed systems.
1203Ugrađeni račun za podršku načinu rada s više stanica. Built-in account to support multi-station mode.
1300Servis za popravak sustava MultiPoint ponovno pokreće vaš sustav da bi dovršio zadatak popravka. The MultiPoint Repair Service is restarting your system to complete a repair task.
1301Servisi sustava MultiPoint konfiguriraju sustav za rad s više stanica. MultiPoint Services is configuring your system for multi-station operation.
1302Servisi sustava MultiPoint ponovno pokreću sustav radi prelaska u način rada s više stanica. MultiPoint Services is restarting your system to enter multi-station mode.
1400Servis MultiPoint MultiPoint Service
1401Omogućuje sučelja lokalnih stanica i sesija na glavnom računalu te otkriva druge poslužitelje na mreži na kojima se pokreće MultiPoint Services. Provides local station and session host interfaces, and discovers other servers on the network that are running MultiPoint Services.
1402Servis za popravak MultiPoint MultiPoint Repair Service
1403Automatski popravlja uobičajene probleme sa servisom MultiPoint Services na računalu. Automatically repairs common MultiPoint Services problems on the computer.


File Name:SrcRes.dll.mui
File Size:14 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:13312
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Croato-Serbian (Latin)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Resursi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:SrcRes.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:SrcRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is SrcRes.dll.mui?

SrcRes.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file SrcRes.dll (Resursi).

File version info

File Description:Resursi
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:SrcRes.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:SrcRes.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200