CbsMsg.dll.mui Component Based Servicing Message DLL 2427e71a7956980c736b536b3f6dec43

File info

File name: CbsMsg.dll.mui
Size: 20480 byte
MD5: 2427e71a7956980c736b536b3f6dec43
SHA1: 5459389139c0c96b135b399bc0e345f8bca7b417
SHA256: 9740e1bbea403ea351c1e978fa68fb6439d7b785fc6e48e701b98d21f1ab32a5
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovak language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovak English
50Neznáme Unknown
82Zrušiť Cancel
83Nahradenie Superseded
84Predvolené Default
92Trvalo neplatné Permanent Invalid
93Nainštalované a neplatné Installed Invalid
96Prebiehajúce a neplatné Staged Invalid
99Vyriešené a neplatné Resolved Invalid
100Chýbajúce Absent
101Rieši sa Resolving
102Vyriešené Resolved
103Prebiehajúce Staging
104Ukončené Staged
105Vyžaduje sa odinštalácia Uninstall Requested
106Vyžaduje sa inštalácia Install Requested
107Nainštalované Installed
108Trvalé Permanent
300Inštalátor modulov systému Windows Windows Modules Installer
400Inštalácia alebo odinštalovanie niektorých funkcií alebo aktualizácií systému Windows nebolo úspešné. Install or uninstall of one or more Windows Features or Updates was not successful.
401Programy a súčasti Programs and Features
402Programy a súčasti - pripomenutie Programs and Features Reminder
403Odinštalovanie balíka Service Pack nebolo úspešné. Uninstall of the Service Pack was not successful.
500Fáza %d z %d
Stage %d of %d
501Nevypínajte počítač Don’t turn off your computer
502Dokončené na %d %%
%d%% complete
506Pripravuje sa systém Windows
Getting Windows ready
507Nastavuje sa systém Windows
Setting up Windows
508Nastavuje sa balík Service Pack
Setting up the service pack
509Nastavujú sa funkcie
Setting up features
510Nastavujú sa aktualizácie
Setting up updates
511Pridávajú sa súčasti
Adding features
512Pracuje sa na balíku Service Pack
Working on the service pack
513Pracuje sa na funkciách
Working on features
514Pracuje sa na aktualizáciách
Working on updates
515Vracajú sa zmeny
Undoing changes
516Pripravuje sa opakovanie pokusu
Getting ready to retry
517Nemohli sme dokončiť inováciu
We couldn’t complete the upgrade
518Nemohli sme dokončiť balík Service Pack
We couldn’t complete the service pack
519Nemohli sme dokončiť súčasti
We couldn’t complete the features
520Nemohli sme dokončiť aktualizácie
We couldn’t complete the updates
530Prebieha čistenie
Cleaning up
0x10000038Klasické Classic
0x30000000Informácie Info
0x30000001Spustiť Start
0x30000002Zastaviť Stop
0x40001113Služba Windows Servicing spustila proces zmeny stavu balíka %1(%2) zo stavu %3(%4) do stavu %5(%6) Windows Servicing started a process of changing package %1(%2) state from %3(%4) to %5(%6)
0x40001114Služba Windows Servicing nastavuje stav balíka %1(%2) na stav %3(%4) Windows Servicing is setting package %1(%2) state to %3(%4)
0x40001115Služba Windows Servicing úspešne nastavila stav balíka %1(%2) na stav %3(%4) Windows Servicing successfully set package %1(%2) state to %3(%4)
0x4000111FSlužba Windows Servicing dokončila proces zmeny aktualizácie %1 z balíka %2 (%3) do stavu %4(%5) Windows Servicing completed the process of changing update %1 from package %2 (%3) into %4(%5) state
0x40001130Služba Windows Servicing spracúva balík okamžitej opravy %1(%2). Windows Servicing is processing hotpatch package %1(%2).
0x40001131Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %2(%3), pretože aktualizácia %1 sa nedá použiť ako okamžitá oprava. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) because update %1 is not enabled for hotpatching.
0x40001132Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %1(%2), pretože servisná akcia sa vykonáva v režime offline. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because servicing is being performed offline.
0x40001133Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %1(%2), pretože na dokončenie predošlej operácie sa vyžaduje reštartovanie. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because a reboot is required to complete a prior operation.
0x40001134Služba Windows Servicing úspešne nainštalovala balík rýchlej opravy %1(%2). Windows Servicing successfully installed hotpatching package %1(%2).
0x40001135Služba Windows Servicing vyžiadala reštartovanie na dokončenie inštalácie balíka okamžitej opravy %1(%2). Windows Servicing has required a reboot to complete the installation of hotpatching package %1(%2).
0x40001140Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %2(%3), pretože aktualizácia %1 sa nastavuje do stavu %4(%5). Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) because update %1 is being set to state %4(%5).
0x50000003Upozornenie Warning
0x80001116Služba Windows Servicing zistila, že balík %1(%2) nie je použiteľný pre tento systém Windows Servicing identified that package %1(%2) is not applicable for this system
0x80001118Služba Servicing požaduje reštartovať počítač na dokončenie operácie nastavenia balíka %1(%2) do stavu %3(%4) Servicing has required reboot to complete the operation of setting package %1(%2) into %3(%4) state
0x80001122Služba Windows Servicing požaduje reštartovať počítač na dokončenie procesu zmeny aktualizácie %1 z balíka %2(%3) do stavu %4(%5) Windows Servicing required reboot to complete the process of changing update %1 from package %2(%3) into %4(%5) state
0x80001136Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %1(%2), pretože súbor sa nedá okamžite nahradiť. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because a file could not be replaced immediately.
0x80001137Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %1(%2), pretože požadované súbory alebo vlastné akcie sú nekompatibilné s okamžitou opravou. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because required files or custom actions are incompatible with hotpatching.
0x80001138Službe Windows Servicing sa nepodarilo vykonať okamžitú opravu pre balík %1(%2), pretože inštalátor rýchlej opravy vyžadoval reštartovanie. Windows Servicing failed to perform hotpatching for package %1(%2) because the hotpatch installer required a reboot.
0x80001139Službe Windows Servicing sa nepodarilo vykonať okamžitú opravu pre balík %1(%2) kvôli chybe (%8). Windows Servicing failed to perform hotpatching for package %1(%2) because of an error (%8).
0x80001141Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %2(%3), pretože aktualizácia okamžitej opravy %1 sa nenainštaluje. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) because hotpatch update %1 will not be installed.
0x80001142Služba Windows Servicing deaktivovala okamžitú opravu pre balík %2(%3) kvôli spracovaniu štandardnej aktualizácie %1. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) to process regular update %1.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Servicing Microsoft-Windows-Servicing
0xB0000001Inicializujú sa zmeny pre balík %1. Aktuálny stav je %2. Cieľový stav je %4. Identifikácia klienta: %6. Initiating changes for package %1. Current state is %2. Target state is %4. Client id: %6.
0xB0000002Balík %1 sa úspešne zmenil na stav %2. Package %1 was successfully changed to the %2 state.
0xB0000003Balík %1 sa nepodarilo zmeniť na stav %2. Stav: %4. Package %1 failed to be changed to the %2 state. Status: %4.
0xB0000004Balík %1 sa dá zmeniť na stav %2 až po reštartovaní počítača. A reboot is necessary before package %1 can be changed to the %2 state.
0xB0000005Požiadavka údržby prijatá pre balík %1 sa nedá spracovať, pretože balík je nepoužiteľný. The servicing request received for package %1 cannot be satisfied since the package is not applicable.
0xB0000006Zmena balíka %1 na stav %2 zlyhala a balík je teraz čiastočne nainštalovaný. Stav: %4. Package %1 failed to be changed to the %2 state and is now partially installed. Status: %4.
0xB0000007Inicializujú sa zmeny na zapnutie aktualizácie %1 balíka %2. Identifikácia klienta: %4. Initiating changes to turn on update %1 of package %2. Client id: %4.
0xB0000008Inicializujú sa zmeny na vypnutie aktualizácie %1 balíka %2. Identifikácia klienta: %4. Initiating changes to turn off update %1 of package %2. Client id: %4.
0xB0000009Výberová aktualizácia %1 balíka %2 sa úspešne zapla. Selectable update %1 of package %2 was successfully turned on.
0xB000000AVýberová aktualizácia %1 balíka %2 sa úspešne vypla. Selectable update %1 of package %2 was successfully turned off.
0xB000000BAktualizáciu %1 balíka %2 sa nepodarilo zapnúť. Stav: %3. Update %1 of package %2 failed to be turned on. Status: %3.
0xB000000CAktualizáciu %1 balíka %2 sa nepodarilo vypnúť. Stav: %3. Update %1 of package %2 failed to be turned off. Status: %3.
0xB000000DVýberovú aktualizáciu %1 balíka %2 je možné zapnúť až po reštartovaní počítača. A reboot is necessary before the selectable update %1 of package %2 can be turned on.
0xB000000EVýberovú aktualizáciu %1 balíka %2 je možné vypnúť až po reštartovaní počítača. A reboot is necessary before the selectable update %1 of package %2 can be turned off.
0xB000000FVýberová aktualizácia %1 balíka %2 sa úspešne vypla a jej údajová časť bola odstránená. Selectable update %1 of package %2 was successfully turned off with its payload removed.
0xB0000010Vypínanie aktualizácie %1 balíka %2 zlyhalo. Vyžaduje sa odstránenie údajovej časti. Stav: %3. Update %1 of package %2 failed to be turned off. Payload removal was requested. Status: %3.
0xB0000011Report:[%1] Report:[%1]
0xB0000012START [Resolve]:[%1] START [Resolve]:[%1]
0xB0000014END [Resolve]:[%1] END [Resolve]:[%1]
0xB0000015START [Execute]:[%1] START [Execute]:[%1]
0xB0000017END [Execute]:[%1] END [Execute]:[%1]
0xB0000018START [Stage]:[%1] START [Stage]:[%1]
0xB000001AEND [Stage]:[%1] END [Stage]:[%1]
0xB0000021START [DPX Expansion]:[%1] START [DPX Expansion]:[%1]
0xB0000022END [DPX Expansion]:[%1] END [DPX Expansion]:[%1]
0xB0000023START [Doq Stage]:[%1] START [Doq Stage]:[%1]
0xB0000025END [Doq Stage]:[%1] END [Doq Stage]:[%1]
0xB0000026START [Doq Unstage]:[%1] START [Doq Unstage]:[%1]
0xB0000027END [Doq Unstage]:[%1] END [Doq Unstage]:[%1]
0xB0000028START [Doq Critical Install]:[%1] START [Doq Critical Install]:[%1]
0xB0000029END [Doq Critical Install]:[%1] END [Doq Critical Install]:[%1]
0xB000002ASTART [Doq Install]:[%1] START [Doq Install]:[%1]
0xB000002BEND [Doq Install]:[%1] END [Doq Install]:[%1]
0xB000002CSTARt [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1] STARt [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB000002DEND [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1] END [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB000002ESTART [Doq Uninstall]:[%1] START [Doq Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB000002FEND [Doq Uninstall]:[%1] END [Doq Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB0000030START [Doq Device Install]:[%1] START [Doq Device Install]:[%1]
0xB0000031END [Doq Device Install]:[%1] END [Doq Device Install]:[%1]
0xB0000032START [InstallUninstall]:[%1] START [InstallUninstall]:[%1]
0xB0000033END [InstallUninstall]:[%1] END [InstallUninstall]:[%1]
0xB0000034START [Poqexec]:[%1] START [Poqexec]:[%1]
0xB0000035END [Poqexec]:[%1] END [Poqexec]:[%1]
0xB0000036START [Shutdown Processing]:[%1] START [Shutdown Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000037END [Shutdown Processing]:[%1] END [Shutdown Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000038START [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1] START [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB0000039END [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1] END [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB000003ASTART [Critical Doq]:[%1] START [Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB000003BEND [Critical Doq]:[%1] END [Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB000003CSTART [Plan Package]:[%1] START [Plan Package]:[%1]
0xB000003DEND [Plan Package]:[%1] END [Plan Package]:[%1]
0xB000003ETrustedInstaller Finalize Event Report:[%1] TrustedInstaller Finalize Event Report:[%1]
0xB000003FTrustedInstaller Initialize Event Report:[%1] TrustedInstaller Initialize Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000040Doq Stage Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Stage Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000041Doq Unstage Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Unstage Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000042Doq Install Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Install Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000043Doq Uninstall Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Uninstall Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000044Startup Complete Event Report:[%1] Startup Complete Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000045START [AI Queue Processing]:[%1] START [AI Queue Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000046END [AI Queue Processing]:[%1] END [AI Queue Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000047START [AI Install]:[Description = [%1], Phase = [%2], Mode = [%3], PrevComponent=[%4], NewComponent=[%5]] START [AI Install]:[Description = [%1], Phase = [%2], Mode = [%3], PrevComponent=[%4], NewComponent=[%5]]
0xB0000048END [AI Install]:[Status=[%1]] END [AI Install]:[Status=[%1]]
0xB0000049Report: [%1] Report: [%1]
0xB000004ACSI INSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1] CSI INSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1]
0xB000004BCSI UNINSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1] CSI UNINSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1]
0xB000004CSTART [KTM Transaction]:[%1] START [KTM Transaction]:[%1]
0xB000004DEND [KTM Transaction]:[%1] END [KTM Transaction]:[%1]
0xB000004ECSI COMPRESS Event Report: [%1] CSI COMPRESS Event Report: [%1]
0xB000004FCSI Stage Component Event Report: [%1] CSI Stage Component Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000050CSI AI Completion Event Report: [%1] CSI AI Completion Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000052START [CSI SMIPI]:[%1] START [CSI SMIPI]:[%1]
0xB0000053END [CSI SMIPI]:[%1] END [CSI SMIPI]:[%1]
0xB0000054CSI SMIPI INSTALL Event Report: [%1] CSI SMIPI INSTALL Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000055CSI Transaction Start Event Report: [%1] CSI Transaction Start Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000056CSI Transaction End Event Report: [%1] CSI Transaction End Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000057START [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1] START [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1]
0xB0000058END [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1] END [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1]
0xB0000059START [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1] START [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1]
0xB000005AEND [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1] END [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1]
0xB000005BSTART [CSI Scavenge]:[%1] START [CSI Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005CEND [CSI Scavenge]:[%1] END [CSI Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005DSTART [CBS Scavenge]:[%1] START [CBS Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005EEND [CBS Scavenge]:[%1] END [CBS Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005FSTART [Archive Logs]:[%1] START [Archive Logs]:[%1]
0xB0000060END [Archive Logs]:[%1] END [Archive Logs]:[%1]
0xB0000061START [Drain Catalogs]:[%1] START [Drain Catalogs]:[%1]
0xB0000062END [Drain Catalogs]:[%1] END [Drain Catalogs]:[%1]
0xB0000063START [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1] START [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000064END [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1] END [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000065START [Manual Deepclean]:[%1] START [Manual Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000066END [Manual Deepclean]:[%1] END [Manual Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000067START [Delete Session Files]:[%1] START [Delete Session Files]:[%1]
0xB0000068END [Delete Session Files]:[%1] END [Delete Session Files]:[%1]
0xB0000069Priebeh: Hlásenie používateľského rozhrania aktualizované. %1 Progress: UI message updated. %1
0xB00003F5Inicializácia zisťovania a opravovania poškodenia systémového ukladacieho priestoru. Len zisťovanie: %1, automaticky spustené: %2. Initiating system store corruption detection and repair. Detection Only: %1, Automatically Triggered: %2.
0xB00003F6Zisťovanie a opravovanie poškodenia systémového ukladacieho priestoru sa dokončilo. Stav: %1, celkový počet inštancií nájdených poškodení: %3, celkový počet inštancií opravených poškodení: %2. System store corruption detection and repair has completed. Status: %1, Total instances of corruption found: %3, total instances of corruption repaired: %2.
0xB00003F7Opravené inštancie poškodenia systémového ukladacieho priestoru: %2 z %3. Neopravené poškodenia môžu v budúcnosti spôsobiť zlyhanie systémovej údržby. %2 of %3 instances of system store corruption have been repaired. Unrepaired corruptions may lead to failures in future system servicing.
0xC0001117Službe Windows Servicing sa nepodarilo dokončiť proces nastavenia balíka %1 (%2) do stavu %3(%4) Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of setting package %1 (%2) into %3(%4) state
0xC0001121Službe Windows Servicing sa nepodarilo dokončiť proces zmeny aktualizácie %1 z balíka %2(%3) do stavu %4(%5) Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of changing update %1 from package %2(%3) into %4(%5) state
0xD0000001Neprítomné Absent
0xD0000002Čakajúce na odinštalovanie Uninstall Pending
0xD0000008Čakajúce na inštaláciu Install Pending
0xD0000009Čiastočne nainštalované Partially Installed
0xD000000CVyriešené ako neplatné Invalid Resolved
0xD000000DUkončené ako neplatné Invalid Staged
0xD000000ENainštalované ako neplatné Invalid Installed
0xD000000FTrvalé a neplatné Invalid Permanent
0xD0000011Balík Package
0xD0000012Rozdiely súborov File Deltas
0xD0000013Stiahnuť Download
0xD0000014Zisťovať Detect


File Name:CbsMsg.dll.mui
File Size:20 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:19968
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovak
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Component Based Servicing Message DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:cbsmsg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Všetky práva vyhradené.
Original File Name:cbsmsg.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is CbsMsg.dll.mui?

CbsMsg.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovak language for file CbsMsg.dll (Component Based Servicing Message DLL).

File version info

File Description:Component Based Servicing Message DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:cbsmsg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Všetky práva vyhradené.
Original Filename:cbsmsg.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41B, 1200