pwcreator.exe Stvori radni prostor značajke Windows To Go 23992c7acdbdde10922aab8d9216a107

File info

File name: pwcreator.exe.mui
Size: 21504 byte
MD5: 23992c7acdbdde10922aab8d9216a107
SHA1: d8dd804effedbb71dc5010170cc63f1114509dc6
SHA256: 3eb5b6ca6986973f6d3cec7dc6671545cf8294cfc14b46e97a849164c190b66a
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: pwcreator.exe Stvori radni prostor značajke Windows To Go (32-bitno)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Croato-Serbian (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Croato-Serbian (Latin) English
150Stvorite prijenosnu verziju sustava Windows. Create a portable version of Windows.
151Windows To Go Windows To Go
202Stvori radni prostor značajke Windows To Go Create a Windows To Go workspace
205Odaberite mogućnost pokretanja Choose a boot option
210Odaberite pogon koji želite koristiti Choose the drive you want to use
211Uređaj Device
212Pogoni Drives
213Veličina Size
214%1!I64u! GB %1!I64u! GB
215(%c:) (%c:)
216217 Traženje uređaja... 217 Searching for devices...
218Taj je USB pogon is premalen. Umetnite ili odaberite pogon čiji je kapacitet najmanje 32 GB. This USB drive is too small. Insert or choose one that's at least 32 GB.
219To je uklonjivi pogon koji nije kompatibilan sa značajkom Windows To Go. Odaberite pogon koji ima potrebne hardverske specifikacije. This is a removable drive and isn't compatible with Windows To Go. Choose a drive that meets the required hardware specifications.
220Nije moguće pronaći priključeni USB pogon. Provjerite jeste li ga umetnuli. Can't find a connected USB drive. Make sure you've inserted one.
221Nažalost, nije moguće pronaći popis priključenih USB pogona. Pokušajte ponovno umetnuti pogon. Sorry, couldn't find a list of connected USB drives. Try reinserting the drive.
222Stvaranje radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go Creating your Windows To Go workspace
223Priprema USB pogona Preparing your USB drive
224Primjena slike sustava Windows Applying Windows image
226Završavanje stvaranja radnog prostora Finishing workspace creation
228Radni prostor značajke Windows To Go stvorit će se na %1 pomoću %2.

To bi moglo potrajati. Ne vadite USB pogon tijekom tog postupka.
Your Windows To Go workspace will be created on %1 using %2.

This might take a while. Don’t remove the USB drive during this process.
229Spreman za stvaranje radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go Ready to create your Windows To Go workspace
230&Stvori &Create
231Jeste li sigurni da želite izaći prije stvaranja radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go? Are you sure you want to exit before you create your Windows To Go workspace?
232Ako sada izađete, pogon se ne može koristiti kao radni prostor značajke Windows To Go. If you exit now, the drive can't be used as a Windows To Go workspace.
233Nažalost, radni prostor značajke Windows To Go nije stvoren Sorry, we couldn't create your Windows To Go workspace
234Uzrok toga možda je uklanjanje uređaja ili problem s instalacijskim datotekama sustava Windows. This could have been caused by removal of the device or by a problem with the Windows installation files.
235U tijeku je stvaranje radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go. Ako sada isključite računalo, nećete moći koristiti novi radni prostor. A Windows To Go workspace is being created. If you shut down your PC now, you won't be able to use the new workspace.
237Nije moguće otvoriti Windows To Go Can't open Windows To Go
238Netko već stvara radni prostor značajke Windows To Go. Pokušajte ponovno poslije. Someone is already creating a Windows To Go workspace. Try again later.
244Spremi i zatvori Save and close
246Tom postavkom upravlja administrator sustava. Zašto ne mogu mijenjati neke postavke? This setting is managed by your system administrator. Why can't I change some settings?
247Da biste pokrenuli novi radni prostor, isključite računalo, uklonite trenutni radni prostor značajke Windows To Go, a zatim ponovno pokrenite računalo. To start your new workspace, shut down your PC, remove the current Windows To Go workspace, and then start your PC.
248Spremi i ponovno pok&reni Save and &restart
249I&sključi računalo &Shut down
252Odaberite sliku sustava %WINDOWS_SHORT% Choose a %WINDOWS_SHORT% image
253Naziv Name
254Mjesto Location
255Korištenje tog pogona može utjecati na performanse sustava Windows. Za najbolje rezultate koristite USB 3.0 pogon koji je certificiran za Windows To Go. Windows performance might be impacted if you use this drive. For best results, use a Windows To Go certified USB 3.0 drive.
256Ovo računalo ne podržava sliku koju ste odabrali. Odaberite 32-bitnu sliku. The image you've chosen might not work with this PC. Choose a 32-bit image.
257Ovo računalo ne podržava sliku koju ste odabrali. Odaberite 64-bitnu sliku. The image you've chosen might not work with this PC. Choose a 64-bit image.
258Slika koju ste odabrali prevelika je da bi stala na ovaj USB pogon. The image you've chosen is too large to fit on this USB drive.
259Ovo računalo ne podržava sliku koju ste odabrali. Odaberite ARM sliku. The image you've chosen won't work on this PC. Choose an ARM image.
260Slika koju ste odabrali neće funkcionirati na ovom računalu. Odaberite 32-bitnu ili 64-bitnu sliku. The image you've chosen won't work on this PC. Choose a 32-bit or a 64-bit image.
261Traženje datoteka slike u Searching for image files in
262Postavite lozinku BitLocker šifriranja pogona (neobavezno) Set a BitLocker password (optional)
263Lozinke se ne podudaraju. The passwords don't match.
264Ta lozinka sadrži znakove koji možda neće funkcionirati kada otključate radni prostor značajke Windows To Go. This password contains characters that might not work when you unlock your Windows To Go workspace.
266Ova verzija sustava %WINDOWS_SHORT% ne podržava BitLocker šifriranje pogona. This version of %WINDOWS_SHORT% does not support BitLocker.
267Tu je značajku onemogućio administrator sustava. This feature has been disabled by your system administrator.
268Da biste uključili BitLocker na ovom pogonu, učinite to prilikom pokretanja radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go. To turn on BitLocker on this drive, please do so while running your Windows To Go workspace.
270Preskoči Skip
271; ;
273Žao nam je, BitLocker se trenutno ne može omogućiti. Nismo sigurni što je pošlo po krivu. Pokušajte ga ponovno omogućiti tijekom pokretanja radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go. Sorry, BitLocker can't be enabled right now. We're not sure what went wrong. Please try enabling it again while running your Windows To Go workspace.
274Radni prostor značajke Windows To Go bit će stvoren na %1 pomoću %2 i koristit će lozinku BitLocker šifriranja pogona.

Njegovo stvaranje može potrajati. Ne uklanjajte USB pogon tijekom tog postupka.
Your Windows To Go workspace will be created on %1 using %2 and will include a BitLocker password.

Creating one can take a while. Don’t remove the USB drive during this process.
275Radni prostor značajke Windows To Go stvoren je pomoću čarobnjaka i korisnik je odabrao ponovno pokretanje/isključivanje računala. A Windows To Go workspace was created using the wizard and the user opted to restart/shutdown.
276Sada možete koristiti novi radni prostor značajke Windows To Go You can now use your new Windows To Go workspace
277%1 %1
281Nažalost, došlo je do pogreške s mogućnostima pokretanja značajke Windows To Go. Sorry, there was an error with Windows To Go startup options.
282Nažalost, .wim datoteka se ne može kopirati. Can't copy the .wim file.
283Na tvrdom disku nema dovoljno prostora. Izbrišite neke datoteke i pokušajte ponovno. There isn't enough space on the hard disk. Delete some files and try again.

Računalo se neće ponovno pokrenuti.

Your PC will not be restarted.
285Radni prostor značajke Windows To Go je stvoren. Želite li automatski pokrenuti računalo iz njega nakon ponovnog pokretanja PC-ja? Your Windows To Go workspace has been created. Do you want to automatically boot from it when you restart your PC?
286BitLocker se ne može omogućiti. BitLocker could not be enabled.
287Pokušajte ponovno bez omogućivanja programa BitLocker. BitLocker se može omogućiti iz radnog prostora značajke Windows To Go. Try again without enabling BitLocker. BitLocker can be enabled from within your Windows To Go workspace.
288Zatvori Close
289Radni prostor značajke Windows To Go ne može se stvoriti Can't create your Windows To Go workspace
290Ne možete pristupiti datoteci slike. Provjerite mrežnu vezu i pokušajte ponovno. Ako se problem ne riješi, kopirajte sliku na tvrdi disk. The image file could not be accessed. Check your network connection and try again. If the problem continues, you might want to copy the image to your hard disk.
291Možete stvoriti samo radni prostor značajke Windows To Go sa slikom sustava %WINDOWS_SHORT% Enterprise. You can only create a Windows To Go workspace with a %WINDOWS_SHORT% Enterprise image.
293Radni prostor značajke Windows To Go ne može se stvoriti. Can't create a Windows To Go workspace.
294Windows To Go ne može se koristiti sa sustavom %WINDOWS_PRODUCT%. Windows To Go can't be used with %WINDOWS_PRODUCT%.
500Ključ za oporavak BitLocker šifriranja pogona u radnom prostoru značajke Windows To Go
Ključ za oporavak služi za oporavak podataka na pogonu zaštićenom BitLocker šifriranjem pogona.
Da biste provjerili je li ovo odgovarajući ključ za oporavak, usporedite identifikacijske podatke s onima na zaslonu za oporavak.

Puni identifikacijski podaci ključa za oporavak: %1

Ključ za oporavak BitLocker šifriranja pogona: %2
Windows To Go BitLocker Recovery Key
The recovery key is used to recover the data on a BitLocker protected drive.
To verify that this is the correct recovery key compare the identification with what is presented on the recovery screen.

Full recovery key identification: %1

BitLocker Recovery Key: %2
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x70000001Navigation from Welcome Page to the Device Page. Navigation from Welcome Page to the Device Page.
0x70000002Navigation from Device Page to the Install Source Page. Navigation from Device Page to the Install Source Page.
0x70000003Navigation from Install Source Page to the Ready to Create Page. Navigation from Install Source Page to the Ready to Create Page.
0x70000004User pressed Create Workspace to provisioning progress bar is moving. User pressed Create Workspace to provisioning progress bar is moving.
0x70000005User pressed select folder to Next Button is updated, either enabled or disabled. User pressed select folder to Next Button is updated, either enabled or disabled.
0x70000006The list of drives is populated and responsive to selection. The list of drives is populated and responsive to selection.
0x70000007Provisioning of a portable workspace. Provisioning of a portable workspace.
0x90000001Portable Workspaces Creator Tool Portable Workspaces Creator Tool
0xB0000001User pressed the Next button on the Welcome Page. User pressed the Next button on the Welcome Page.
0xB0000002Device Page is now displayed. Device Page is now displayed.
0xB0000003User pressed the Next button on the Device Page. User pressed the Next button on the Device Page.
0xB0000004Install Source Page is now displayed. Install Source Page is now displayed.
0xB0000005User pressed the Next button on the Install Source Page. User pressed the Next button on the Install Source Page.
0xB0000006Ready To Create Page is now displayed. Ready To Create Page is now displayed.
0xB0000007User pressed the Create Workspace button on the Ready to Create Page. User pressed the Create Workspace button on the Ready to Create Page.
0xB0000008Provisioning Progress bar is now moving. Provisioning Progress bar is now moving.
0xB0000009User pressed Select Folder. User pressed Select Folder.
0xB000000AInstall Source Page Windows Image validation is completed. Install Source Page Windows Image validation is completed.
0xB000000BStarted populating the list of drives. Started populating the list of drives.
0xB000000CFinished populating the list of drives. Finished populating the list of drives.
0xB000000DStarted provisioning a portable workspace. Started provisioning a portable workspace.
0xB000000EFinished provisioning a portable workspace. Finished provisioning a portable workspace.
0xB00003E8Selected device details: Friendly Name = %1, Name = %2, Drive Letters = %3, Size = %4, MediaType = %5. Selected device details: Friendly Name = %1, Name = %2, Drive Letters = %3, Size = %4, MediaType = %5.
0xB00003E9Selected image details: Path = %1, Architecture = %2, IsEnterprise = %3. Selected image details: Path = %1, Architecture = %2, IsEnterprise = %3.
0xB00003EAProvision completed successfully. Provision completed successfully.
0xB00003EBProvision failed (HRESULT = %1). Provision failed (HRESULT = %1).
0xB00003ECThe selected disk size is too small. The selected disk size is too small.
0xB00003EDThe selected disk does not report itself as a fixed media. The selected disk does not report itself as a fixed media.
0xB00003EEThe WIM file was not found at: %1. The WIM file was not found at: %1.
0xB00003EFThe selected WIM file is NOT supported. The selected WIM file is NOT supported.
0xB00003F0The selected disk is too small to contain a 64 bit version of Windows. The selected disk is too small to contain a 64 bit version of Windows.
0xB00003F1Shutdown has been initiated while provisioning. Shutdown has been initiated while provisioning.
0xB00003F2Validation of the WIM file failed (HRESULT: %1) Validation of the WIM file failed (HRESULT: %1)
0xB00003F3The Ready to Provision page is now active. The Ready to Provision page is now active.
0xB00003F5The Completed Page is now active. The Completed Page is now active.
0xB00003F6The image search has completed The image search has completed


File Name:pwcreator.exe.mui
File Size:21 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:20992
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Croato-Serbian (Latin)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Stvori radni prostor značajke Windows To Go
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:pwcreator
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original File Name:pwcreator.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is pwcreator.exe.mui?

pwcreator.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Croato-Serbian (Latin) language for file pwcreator.exe (Stvori radni prostor značajke Windows To Go).

File version info

File Description:Stvori radni prostor značajke Windows To Go
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:pwcreator
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava pridržana.
Original Filename:pwcreator.exe.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sustav Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x41A, 1200