File name: | ngccredprov.dll.mui |
Size: | 20992 byte |
MD5: | 235a28af8203d19d352fd8059ae89f3b |
SHA1: | 4a3ae6aab67412ab181491b54f2da78e09d86020 |
SHA256: | 8e26076f0c2eebacc487213bfcdfb75a06eac264674545b57ac240cce3478379 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
If an error occurred or the following message in Basque language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Basque | English |
100 | PIN bidezko saio-hasiera | PIN sign-in |
101 | PINa | PIN |
102 | Telefonoko saio-hasiera | Phone sign-in |
103 | Tituluaren mezua | Title message |
104 | Laster-mezua | Context message |
106 | Laneko PINa | Work PIN |
107 | PIN berria | New PIN |
108 | Berretsi PINa | Confirm PIN |
109 | PINaren eskakizunak | PIN requirements |
110 | PINaren gidalerro-xehetasunak | PIN policy details |
111 | PINa ahaztu zait | I forgot my PIN |
112 | Laneko PINa ahaztu zait | I forgot my work PIN |
113 | PINa berrezartzeko xehetasunak | PIN reset details |
114 | Erabili hemen zerrendatzen ez den beste metodo bat | Use a method not listed here |
115 | Ados | OK |
116 | Sartu letrak eta ikurrak | Include letters and symbols |
117 | Erronka-esaldia | Challenge phrase |
118 | Saiatu berriro | Try again |
119 | Berrezarri telefonoa | Reset your phone |
120 | Zer esan nahi du honek? | What does this mean? |
121 | Erabiltzaile-izena | User name |
122 | Pasahitz berria | New password |
123 | Berretsi pasahitza | Confirm password |
200 | Ezin izan dira egiaztatu kredentzialak. | Your credentials could not be verified. |
201 | Adierazitako PINak ez datoz bat. | The provided PINs do not match. |
202 | Sortu PINa. | Provide a PIN. |
203 | Sortu azenturik gabeko hizkiak (A-Z, a-z), zenbakiak (0-9), zuriuneak eta karaktere berezi hauek bakarrik dauzkan PINa: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ | Provide a PIN that contains characters limited to unaccented letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space, and the following special characters: ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ |
204 | Sortu konplexutasun-eskakizunak betetzen dituen PINa. | Provide a PIN that meets the complexity requirements. |
205 | Sortu konplexutasun-eskakizunak betetzen dituen PINa. %1!s!. | Provide a PIN that meets the complexity requirements. %1!s!. |
206 | PINak %1!u! karaktere eduki behar ditu gutxienez | Your PIN must be at least %1!u! characters long |
207 | PINak %1!u! karaktere eduki ditzake gehienez | Your PIN can’t be more than %1!u! characters long |
208 | PINak karaktere baliogabe bat dauka | Your PIN contains an invalid character |
209 | PINak maiuskula bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Your PIN must include at least one uppercase letter |
210 | PINak minuskula bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Your PIN must include least one lowercase letter |
211 | PINak zenbaki bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Your PIN must include at least one number |
212 | PINak karaktere berezi bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Your PIN must include at least one special character |
213 | PINak ezin du maiuskularik eduki | Your PIN can’t include uppercase letters |
214 | PINak ezin du minuskularik eduki | Your PIN can’t include lowercase letters |
215 | PINak ezin du zenbakirik eduki | Your PIN can’t include numbers |
216 | PINak ezin du karaktere berezirik eduki | Your PIN can’t include special characters |
218 | PINa okerra da. Saiatu berriro. | The PIN is incorrect. Try again. |
219 | Komunikazio-errore bat gertatu da gailuarekin. | A communication error occurred with the device. |
220 | Adierazi erronka-esaldia. | Provide the challenge phrase. |
221 | Adierazitako erronka-esaldia okerra da. | The provided challenge phrase is incorrect. |
222 | Eman inoiz erabili ez duzun PINa. | Provide a PIN that you haven’t used before. |
223 | PINak ezin du zenbaki-eredu arrunt bat izan | Your PIN can’t be a common number pattern |
224 | Eman erabiltzaile-izena. | Provide a user name. |
225 | Erabiltzaile-izena edo PIN kodea okerra da. Saiatu berriro. | The user name or PIN is incorrect. Try again. |
226 | Idatzitako pasahitzak ez datoz bat. | The provided passwords do not match. |
227 | Idatzi pasahitza. | Provide a password. |
228 | Administratzaile batek murriztu du saio-hasiera. Saioa hasi ahal izateko, ziurtatu gailuak Interneteko konexioa duela eta administratzaileak saioa dagoeneko hasita duela. | An administrator has restricted sign in. To sign in, make sure your device is connected to the Internet, and have your administrator sign in first. |
250 | Gailua konexiorik gabe dago. Hasi saioa gailu honetan erabili zenuen azken pasahitzarekin. | Your device is offline. Sign in with the last password used on this device. |
251 | Kontu hau ezin da erabili erakunde batekoa delako. Saiatu beste kontu bat erabiltzen. | This account can’t be used because it belongs to an organization. Try a different account. |
252 | Une honetan ezin duzu gailuan saioa hasi. Saiatu gailu honetan zenuen azken pasahitza erabiltzen. | You can’t sign in to your device right now. Try the last password you used on this device. |
302 | Ezin duzu saioa hasi kontu honekin. Saiatu beste kontu bat erabiltzen. | You can’t sign in with this account. Try a different account. |
350 | Kontuak ordu-murrizketak ditu; beraz, ezin duzu hasi saioa oraintxe bertan. Saiatu berriro geroago. | Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from signing in right now. Try again later. |
351 | Kontua desgaitu egin da. Jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin. | Your account has been disabled. Contact your system administrator. |
352 | Windows Hello erabili ahal izateko, erakundearen sarera konektatu behar zara aldi baterako. Halaber, gailuan saioa hasteko erabili duzun azken metodoa erabil dezakezu. | You need to temporarily connect to your organization’s network to use Windows Hello. You can still sign in with the last sign-in option used on this device. |
353 | Gailu honetan ez da onartzen saioa hasteko erabili nahi duzun metodoa. Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, jarri sistemaren administratzailearekin harremanetan. | The sign-in method you’re trying to use isn’t allowed on this device. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
354 | Iraungi egin zaizu kontua. Jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin. | Your account has expired. Contact your system administrator. |
355 | Blokeatu egin zaizu kontua. Jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin. | Your account has been locked out. Contact your system administrator. |
356 | Eskatutako gako-edukitzailea ez dago gailu honetan. | The requested key container does not exist on the device. |
357 | Eskatutako ziurtagiria ez dago gailu honetan. | The requested certificate does not exist on the device. |
358 | Eskatutako gako-jokoa ez dago gailu honetan. | The requested keyset does not exist on the device. |
359 | Ezin izan da erabili gailu hau. Baliteke xehetasun gehiago egotea eskuragarri sistemako gertaera-egunkarian. Eman errore honen berri sistemaren administratzaileari. | This device could not be used. Additional details may be available in the system event log. Report this error to your system administrator. |
360 | Iraungi egin da autentifikaziorako erabilitako ziurtagiria. | The certificate used for authentication has expired. |
361 | Ezeztatu egin da autentifikaziorako erabilitako ziurtagiria. | The certificate used for authentication has been revoked. |
362 | Fidagarria ez den ziurtagiri-autoritate bat detektatu da autentifikaziorako erabilitako ziurtagiria prozesatzean. | An untrusted certification authority was detected while processing the certificate used for authentication. |
363 | Ezin izan da zehaztu autentifikaziorako erabilitako ziurtagiriaren ezeztatze-egoera. | The revocation status of the certificate used for authentication could not be determined. |
364 | Ez da fidagarria autentifikaziorako erabilitako ziurtagiria. | The certificate used for authentication is not trusted. |
365 | Pasahitza iraungi egin da eta aldatu egin behar da. Pasahitzarekin hasi behar duzu saioa hura aldatu ahal izateko. | Your password has expired and must be changed. You must sign in with your password in order to change it. |
366 | Gailu hau erabiltzea eragozteko moduan dago konfiguratuta kontua. Probatu beste gailu bat. | Your account is configured to prevent you from using this device. Try another device. |
367 | Huts egin du saio-hasierak. Jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin eta jakinarazi KDC ziurtagiria ezin izan dela balidatu. Baliteke informazio gehigarria egotea eskuragarri sistemako gertaera-egunkarian. | Sign-in failed. Contact your system administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate could not be validated. Additional information may be available in the system event log. |
368 | Ezin duzu gailu honetan saioa hasi zure kontuarekin. Jarri sistemaren administratzailearekin harremanetan informazio gehiago lortzeko. | Signing in with this device isn’t supported for your account. Contact your system administrator for more information. |
369 | Aukera hori ez dago erabilgarri une honetan. Oraingoz, erabili beste metodo bat saioa hasteko. | That option is temporarily unavailable. For now, please use a different method to sign in. |
400 | Pasahitza iraungi egin da. Erabil ezazu saioa hasteko eta alda ezazu. Pasahitza aldatuz gero, saioa PINarekin has dezakezu. | Your password has expired. You must sign in with your password and change it. After you change your password, you can sign in with your PIN. |
401 | Gailu desberdin bat erabili duzu pasahitza aldatzeko. Hasi saioa gailu horretan pasahitz berriarekin eta PINa erabili ahal izango duzu saioa hasteko. | Your password was changed on a different device. You must sign in to this device once with your new password, and then you can sign in with your PIN. |
500 | Erakundeak PINaren hurrengo eskakizunak ezarri ditu: Gutxienez %1!u! karaktere eduki behar ditu Gehienez %2!u! karaktere eduki ditzake %3!s! %4!s! %5!s! %6!s! %7!s! |
Your organization has set the following PIN requirements: Must be at least %1!u! characters long Can’t be longer than %2!u! characters %3!s! %4!s! %5!s! %6!s! %7!s! |
501 | PINak maiuskulak eduki ditzake | May include uppercase letters |
502 | Minuskulak eduki ditzake | May include lowercase letters |
503 | Digituak eduki ditzake | May include digits |
504 | Karaktere bereziak eduki ditzake | May include special characters |
505 | Maiuskula bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Must include at least one uppercase letter |
506 | Minuskula bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Must include at least one lowercase letter |
507 | Zenbaki bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Must include at least one number |
508 | Karaktere berezi bat eduki behar du gutxienez | Must include at least one special character |
509 | Ezin du maiuskularik eduki | Can’t include uppercase letters |
510 | Ezin du minuskularik eduki | Can’t include lowercase letters |
511 | Ezin du digiturik eduki | Can’t include digits |
512 | Ezin du karaktere berezirik eduki | Can’t include special characters |
513 | PIN okerra gehiegitan idatzi duzu. Berriro saiatzeko, berrabiarazi gailua. |
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN too many times. To try again, restart your device. |
514 | PIN okerra berriro idazten baduzu, gailuaren eduki pertsonal guztiak ezabatuko ditugu. Jarri laguntza-zerbitzuaren arduradunarekin harremanetan berriro saiatu baino lehen. |
If you enter the wrong PIN again, we’ll erase all personal content from this device. You might want to contact your support person before trying again. |
515 | PIN okerra behin baino gehiagotan idatzi duzu. %1!s! Berriro saiatzeko, idatzi beheko %2!s!. |
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN several times. %1!s! To try again, enter %2!s! below. |
516 | A1B2C3 | A1B2C3 |
517 | Erakundeak zuk PINa alda dezazun behar du. | Your organization requires that you change your PIN. |
518 | Segurtasun-arrazoiak direla eta, erakundeak gailua PIN batez babestea behar du. | For security, your organization requires that your device be protected by a PIN. |
519 | Saioa hasteko, hautatu Microsoft autentifikatzailea telefonoan. | To sign in, use the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone. |
520 | Erakundeak pasahitza alda dezazun behar du. | Your organization requires that you change your password. |
521 | Aldatu pasahitza | Change your password |
522 | PIN bat hemen idazten baduzu Windows Hello ere aktibatuko da. | Entering a PIN here will also turn on Windows Hello. |
523 | PINa berrezar dezakezu Ezarpenak Kontuak Saioa hasteko aukerak atalean. | You can reset your PIN by going to Settings Accounts Sign-in options. |
524 | Aldatu PINa | Change your PIN |
525 | Aldatu laneko PINa | Change your work PIN |
526 | Konfiguratu PIN bat | Set up a PIN |
527 | Konfiguratu laneko PIN bat | Set up a work PIN |
528 | Saioa hasteko saiakera gehiegi egin dituzunez edo gailua behin baino gehiagotan itzali denez, gailua blokeatu egin da. Konektatu gailua energia-iturri batera denbora batez (gutxienez, %1!u! %2!s!) eta saiatu berriro. | This device is locked because of failed sign-in attempts or repeated shutdowns. Keep your device powered on for at least %1!u! %2!s! and then try again. |
529 | Arazoren bat gertatu da (kodea: 0x%1!x!). Berrabiarazi gailua ea arazoa konpontzen den. | Something went wrong (code: 0x%1!x!). Restart your device to see if that fixes the problem. |
530 | Arazoren bat gertatu da (kodea: 0x%1!x!). Egin klik jarraian duzun estekan errore-mezua baztertzeko, eta saiatu berriro. | Something went wrong (code: 0x%1!x!). Click the link below to dismiss this error message and try again. |
531 | Erakundeak PINaren hurrengo eskakizunak ezarri ditu: Gutxienez %1!u! digitu eduki behar ditu %2!s! %3!s! |
Your organization has set the following PIN requirements: Must be at least %1!u! digits long %2!s! %3!s! |
532 | Gehienez %1!u! digitu eduki ditzake | Can’t be longer than %1!u! digits |
533 | Ezin du zenbaki-eredua izan (hala nola 123456 edo 11111) | Can’t be a number pattern (such as 123456 or 11111) |
534 | Arazoren bat gertatu da. Joan "Telefonoko saio-hasiera" atalera informazio gehiago lortzeko. | Something went wrong. Go to Phone sign-in for more information. |
535 | Bluetootha desaktibatu da edo ez dago erabilgarri gailu honetan. "Telefonoko saio-hasiera" aukera erabiltzeko Bluetootha behar da. | Bluetooth is turned off or not available on this device. Phone sign-in requires Bluetooth. |
536 | Telefonotik saioa hasteko konfiguratu baduzu gailua, aukera hau erabil dezakezu PCa desblokeatzeko erakundeak kudeatzen duen telefono batetik. Osterantzean, aukeratu saioa hasteko beste aukera bat zure konturako. | If you’re set up for phone sign-in, you can use this option to unlock this PC with a phone managed by your organization. If this doesn’t apply to you, choose another sign-in option for your account. |
537 | Jakinarazpena bidali dugu %1!s! telefonora. Autentifikatzen amaitzeko, jarraitu telefonoko jarraibideei. Ez baduzu jaso jakinarazpenik, saiatu Microsoft autentifikatzailea irekitzen. | We sent a notification to %1!s!. Follow the instructions on your phone. If you didn’t get the note, try opening the Microsoft Authenticator app. |
538 | Bluetootha desaktibatuta dago edo ez dago erabilgarri gailu honetan. Bluetootha badaukazu, aktiba ezazu Ezarpenak Gailuak Bluetooth atalean. | Bluetooth is turned off or not available on this device. If you have Bluetooth, turn it on by going to Settings Devices Bluetooth. |
539 | Ezin gara konektatu %1!s! telefonora. Ziurtatu barrutian dagoela eta Bluetootha gaituta dagoela (Ezarpenak Gailuak Bluetooth). | We can’t connect to %1!s!. Ensure your phone is in range and Bluetooth is turned on (Settings Devices Bluetooth). |
540 | Arazoren bat gertatu da (kodea: 0x%1!x!). | Something went wrong (code: 0x%1!x!). |
541 | Arazoren bat izan da | Something went wrong |
542 | Telefonoak segurtasun-arazo bat du; horregatik, blokeatu egin dugu inor ez dadin zure datuetara sartu baimenik gabe. Arazoa konpontzeko, ukitu jarraian duzun esteka eta berrezarri telefonoa. Hodeian babeskopia gisa gorde ez diren datu guztiak galdu egingo dituzu telefonoa berrezartzean. | Your phone has a security problem, so we locked it to prevent unauthorized access to your data. You can tap the link below to reset your phone and fix the problem. Any data that is not backed up to the cloud will be lost when you reset your phone. |
543 | Berriro saiatzen... | Trying again... |
544 | Saioa hasteko saiakera gehiegi egin dituzunez edo gailua behin baino gehiagotan itzali denez, saioa hasteko aukera desgaitu da. Erabili saioa hasteko beste aukera bat edo konektatu gailua energia-iturri batera eragiketa berriro saiatzeko aukera duzun arte. | This sign-in option is disabled because of failed sign-in attempts or repeated shutdowns. Use a different sign-in option, or keep your device powered on until your device allows you to try again. |
545 | Gehiegitan idatzi duzu PIN okerra. Honen PIN kodea desgaitu da: %1!u! %2!s!. |
You’ve entered an incorrect PIN too many times. Your PIN is disabled for %1!u! %2!s!. |
546 | segundo | seconds |
547 | minutu | minute |
549 | ordu | hour |
551 | Saioa hasteko saiakera gehiegi egin dituzunez edo gailua behin baino gehiagotan itzali denez, saioa hasteko aukera desgaitu da. Erabili saioa hasteko beste aukera bat edo konektatu gailua energia-iturri batera denbora batez (gutxienez, %1!u! %2!s!) eta saiatu berriro. | This sign-in option is disabled because of failed sign-in attempts or repeated shutdowns. Use a different sign-in option, or keep your device powered on for at least %1!u! %2!s! and then try again. |
552 | %1!s! Halaber, gailua urrunetik desblokea dezakezu helbidean aurkituko dituzun argibideei jarraituz. |
%1!s! You can also unlock your device remotely by following the instructions at |
553 | %1!s! Agian IKT laguntza-zerbitzuko teknikari batek lagundu ahal dizu gailua desblokeatzen. |
%1!s! Your IT support person may also be able to help you unlock your device. |
File Description: | Microsoft Passport kredentzialen hornitzailea |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | ngccredprov |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta. |
Original Filename: | ngccredprov.dll.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x42D, 1200 |