comdlg32.dll.mui DLL de caixas de diálogo comúns 224fe19276a05bd4536ac7ad6e822f92

File info

File name: comdlg32.dll.mui
Size: 61440 byte
MD5: 224fe19276a05bd4536ac7ad6e822f92
SHA1: 9dee9623639fb02d328d1d73a57205d9bc54c6f9
SHA256: a9ad98e93ce381c2911499c1272ae59f3511cd51bbfc0e8223b7bbeb4a55e5ea
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Galician language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Galician English
256File Exists File Exists
257%1 xa existe.
Desexa substituílo?
%1 already exists.
Do you want to replace it?
258Exiting Exiting
259Do you really want to exit? Do you really want to exit?
368Gardar &en: Save &in:
369&Gardar &Save
370&Abrir &Open
371&Imprimir &Print
372Cancelar Cancel
384Open Open
385Gardar como Save As
386Gardar ficheiro como &tipo: Save file as &type:
387A unidade %1!c!: non existe.
Verifique a unidade e tente de novo.
Drive %1!c!: does not exist.
Check the drive and try again.
388Windows can’t read drive %1!c!:. Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors. Windows can’t read drive %1!c!:. Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors.
Non é posible atopar este ficheiro.
Verifique o nome do ficheiro e tente de novo.
File not found.
Check the file name and try again.
O camiño non existe.
Verifique o camiño e tente de novo.
Path does not exist.
Check the path and try again.
O nome do ficheiro non é válido.
The file name is not valid.
Este ficheiro xa está a ser usado.
Introduza un nome novo ou peche o ficheiro aberto noutro programa.
This file is in use.
Enter a new name or close the file that’s open in another program.
Can’t access this file.
Check security privileges over the network drive.
Can’t access this file.
Check security privileges over the network drive.
Este ficheiro está definido como só de lectura.
Tente de novo cun nome de ficheiro diferente.
This file is set to read-only.
Try again with a different file name.
This file name is reserved for use by Windows.
Choose another name and try again.
This file name is reserved for use by Windows.
Choose another name and try again.
399Disk %1!c!: is write-protected.
Files can’t be saved on a write-protected disk.
Disk %1!c!: is write-protected.
Files can’t be saved on a write-protected disk.
400Esta localización no disco %1!c!: está chea.
Escolla outra localización e tente de novo.
This location on disk %1!c!: is full.
Choose another location and try again.
401Can’t open %1. The maximum number of files are already open.
Close a file or program in order to open this file.
Can’t open %1. The maximum number of files are already open.
Close a file or program in order to open this file.
Este ficheiro non existe.

Desexa crear o ficheiro?
This file doesn’t exist.

Create the file?
You don’t have permission to modify files in this network location.

Contact the administrator per permission to make these changes.
You don’t have permission to modify files in this network location.

Contact the administrator per permission to make these changes.
405The network is not responding. The network is not responding.
Non ten permiso para abrir este ficheiro.

Contacte co administrador ou o propietario do ficheiro para obter os permisos necesarios.
You don’t have permission to open this file.

Contact the file owner or an administrator to obtain permission.
Non ten permiso para abrir esta localización.

Contacte co administrador ou o propietario da localización para obter os permisos necesarios.
You don’t have permission to open this location.

Contact the location’s owner or an administrator to obtain permission.
408Windows is unable to read the disc in drive %1!c!:. Make sure the drive door is closed and that there is a valid data disc in the drive. Windows is unable to read the disc in drive %1!c!:. Make sure the drive door is closed and that there is a valid data disc in the drive.
409Rede... Network...
410&Rede... Net&work...
411More than one file has the name '%1'.

Choose one from the list.
More than one file has the name '%1'.

Choose one from the list.
412Gardar como &tipo: Save as &type:
413Para poder gardar aquí primeiro debe incluír un cartafol na biblioteca. To save here, you must first include a folder in the library.
414Cannot open multiple items from this location. Try selecting a single item instead. Cannot open multiple items from this location. Try selecting a single item instead.
415Só é posible escoller múltiples elementos se estes se encontran no mesmo cartafol. You can choose multiple items only if they are all located in the same folder.
418&Nome do obxecto: Object &name:
419Obxectos do &tipo: Objects of &type:
420Non pode gardar aquí. Escolla outra localización. You can’t save here. Please choose another location.
421Non pode gardar nesta localización. Escolla outra. You can’t save in this location. Please choose another location.
422'%s' is no longer available. Close the properties dialog box and select another printer. '%s' is no longer available. Close the properties dialog box and select another printer.
Non ten permiso para gardar nesta localización.
Contacte co administrador para obter permiso.

Desexa gardar no cartafol %2?
You don’t have permission to save in this location.
Contact the administrator to obtain permission.

Would you like to save in the %2 folder instead?
O camiño é demasiado longo.
Tente un nome máis curto.
The path is too long.
Try a shorter name.
O camiño de rede non foi encontrado.
The network path could not be found.
427Ab&rir como só de lectura Open as &read-only
428Open for &write Open for &write
429Mostrar versións &anteriores Show &previous versions
430The file can’t be saved to %1 because there is not enough space. Free up space and try again, or try saving to another location. The file can’t be saved to %1 because there is not enough space. Free up space and try again, or try saving to another location.
431You have attempted to save this file in a location that does not exist. Enter the location where you want to save this file in the correct format, such as D:\files\. You have attempted to save this file in a location that does not exist. Enter the location where you want to save this file in the correct format, such as D:\files\.
432&Ficheiros do tipo: Files of &type:
433&Nome do ficheiro: File &name:
434You can’t save in this location You can’t save in this location
435Confirmar Gardar como Confirm Save As
436Abrir ficheiro Open File
437Non pode abrir esta localización utilizando este programa.
Tente unha localización diferente.
You can’t open this location using this program.
Please try a different location.
438Cartafol: Folder:
439Seleccionar cartafol Select Folder
O nome do cartafol non é válido.
The folder name is not valid.
441Do you want to replace the %1 Saved Search with a file? Do you want to replace the %1 Saved Search with a file?
442; ;
443Escolla un cartafol e non unha biblioteca. You’ve selected a library. Please choose a folder instead.
444Persoal Personal
445Propiedade do ficheiro File ownership
446Traballo (%1) Work (%1)
447Non podes gardar ficheiros de traballo aquí. Escolle outra localización ou modifica o ficheiro a Persoal. You can’t save Work files here. Please choose another location, or change the file to Personal.
448Non podes gardar ficheiros persoais aquí. Escolle outra localización ou modifica o ficheiro a Traballo. You can’t save Personal files here. Please choose another location, or change the file to Work.
449Non podes gardar en "%s". Escolle outra localización. You can’t save to '%s'. Please choose another location.
450Gardar como ficheiro de traballo protexido Save work protected file
451Gardar como traballo protexido Save as work protected
452Gardar como traballo protexido
A túa organización só permite que os ficheiros de traballo protexidos se abran con computadores da empresa que estean a executar a versión máis recente de Windows.
Save as work protected
Your organization only allows work protected files to be opened on enterprise PCs running the latest version of Windows.
453Gardar como traballo protexido
A túa organización só permite que os ficheiros de traballo protexidos se abran neste computador.
Save as work protected
Your organization only allows work protected files to be opened on this PC.
454Gardar como persoal
Pode que a organización rastrexe a modificación e outras persoas poderán ver o contido.
Save as personal
Your organization may track the change, and others may be able to view its contents.
455Gardar noutra localización Save to a different location
456Estás a tentar gardar un ficheiro de traballo protexido nunha unidade extraíble. You're trying to save a work protected file to a removable drive.
457Estás a tentar gardar un ficheiro de traballo nunha unidade extraíble.

Ten en conta que os ficheiros de traballo só poden abrirse con computadores que estean a executar a Actualización para creadores de Windows 10 ou versións posteriores.
You're trying to save a work file to a removable drive.

Note that work files can only be opened by PCs running the Windows 10 Creators Update or later.
458A política de protección de contido da organización só permite gardar isto como un ficheiro de traballo.

Ten en conta que os ficheiros de traballo só poden abrirse con computadores que estean a executar a Actualización para creadores de Windows 10 ou versións posteriores.
Your organization's content protection policy only lets you save this as a work file.

Note that work files can only be opened by PCs running the Windows 10 Creators Update or later.
459Queres gardar este ficheiro de traballo protexido como persoal? É posible que a túa organización rastrexe esta modificación, así como que outras persoas poidan ver o contido.

Ten en conta que os ficheiros de traballo protexidos só poden abrirse con computadores que estean a executar a versión máis recente de Windows.
Do you want to save this work protected file as personal? Your organization may track the change, and others may be able to view its contents.

Note that work protected files can only be opened by PCs running the latest version of Windows.
460Estás a tentar gardar un ficheiro de traballo nunha unidade extraíble.

Ten en conta que os ficheiros de traballo só poden abrirse neste computador.
You're trying to save a work file to a removable drive.

Note that work files can only be opened on this PC.
461A política de protección de contido da organización só te permite gardar isto como un ficheiro de traballo.

Ten en conta que os ficheiros de traballo só poden abrirse neste computador.
Your organization's content protection policy only lets you save this as a work file.

Note that work files can only be opened on this PC.
462Para abrir este ficheiro de traballo noutro dispositivo, é necesario gardalo como persoal. É posible que a túa organización rastrexe esta modificación, así como que outras persoas poidan ver o contido.

Queres gardar o ficheiro como persoal?
To open this work file on another device, it needs to be saved as personal. Your organization may track the change, and others may be able to view its contents.

Do you want to save the file as personal?
464Gardar ficheiro persoal como traballo protexido Save personal file as work protected
465O departamento de TI bloqueou a acción de gardado Saving blocked by IT
466Estás a tentar gardar un ficheiro de traballo protexido nunha localización persoal. You're trying to save a work protected file to a personal location.
467Non podes gardar ficheiros persoais nunha localización de traballo protexido. You can't save personal files to a work protected location.
468A túa organización non che permite gardar este ficheiro aquí. Your organization doesn't allow you to save this file here.
469Estás a tentar gardar un ficheiro de traballo protexido nunha localización de almacenamento persoal. Queres gardar o ficheiro de traballo como persoal? É posible que a túa organización rastrexe esta modificación, así como que outras persoas poidan ver o contido. You're trying to save a work protected file to a personal storage location. Do you want to save this work file as personal? Your organization may track the change, and others may be able to view its contents.
470Non podes gardar ficheiros persoais aquí. Queres gardar este ficheiro persoal como de traballo protexido? You can’t save personal files here. Do you want to save this personal file as work protected?
702Subir un nivel Up One Level
703Crear novo cartafol Create New Folder
704List List
705Details Details
711Ver Menú View Menu
712Ir ao último cartafol visitado Go To Last Folder Visited
713Forward Forward
768FileOpen FileOpen
769FileSave FileSave
770ExitChanges ExitChanges
771ChooseColor ChooseColor
772FindText FindText
773ReplaceText ReplaceText
774FormatChar FormatChar
775FontInfo FontInfo
776PrintDlg PrintDlg
777PrintSetupDlg PrintSetupDlg
778MultiFileOpen MultiFileOpen
779&Explorar cartafoles &Browse Folders
780Ocultar cartafoles Hide Folders
781ChooseColorFlipped ChooseColorFlipped
900Name Name
901Order Order
902Untitled Untitled
1037Pechar Close
1040Grosa Black
1041Castaño Maroon
1042Verde Green
1043Oliva Olive
1044Azul mariño Navy
1045Púrpura Purple
1046Verde azulado Teal
1047Gris Gray
1048Prateado Silver
1049Vermello Red
1050Lima Lime
1051Amarelo Yellow
1052Azul Blue
1053Fucsia Fuchsia
1054Ciano Aqua
1055Branco White
1056Personalizar Custom
1072High High
1073Medium Medium
1074Low Low
1075Draft Draft
1088Printer: Printer:
1089System Printer ( System Printer (
1090on on
1091(currently %s) (currently %s)
1098Size must be a number. Size must be a number.
1099O tamaño ten que estar entre %d e %d puntos. Size must be between %d and %d points.
1100This font style is imitated for the display. The closest matching style will be used for printing. This font style is imitated for the display. The closest matching style will be used for printing.
1101Este é un tipo de letra TrueType. Será este o tipo de letra que se utilizará na súa pantalla e na súa impresora. This is a TrueType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.
1103Este é un tipo de letra de pantalla. Utilizarase o tipo de letra de impresora que máis se lle asemelle para imprimir. This is a screen font. The closest matching printer font will be used for printing.
1104This value is not within the page range.
Enter a number between %u and %u.
This value is not within the page range.
Enter a number between %u and %u.
1105The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value. The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
1106The 'From' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value. The 'From' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value.
1107The 'To' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value. The 'To' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value.
1108The margins overlap or they are off the paper.
Enter a different margin size.
The margins overlap or they are off the paper.
Enter a different margin size.
1109The 'Copies' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value. The 'Copies' value cannot be empty and must be a positive value.
1110Esta impresora non pode admitir tantas copias.
O número de copias establecerase no máximo da impresora de %u.
This printer cannot support this many copies.
Number of copies will be set to printer maximum of %u.
1111Printing Error Printing Error
1113The printer could not be found. The printer could not be found.
1114There is not enough memory for this operation. There is not enough memory for this operation.
1115Houbo un erro durante esta operación. An error occurred during this operation.
1116Unknown printer driver.
Please verify that a driver is installed on %s.
Unknown printer driver.
Please verify that a driver is installed on %s.
1117The page range is invalid.
Enter numbers between %u and %u.
The page range is invalid.
Enter numbers between %u and %u.
1118You have entered too many page ranges. You may enter a total of %u page ranges. You have entered too many page ranges. You may enter a total of %u page ranges.
1119A sintaxe para o intervalo de páxinas non é válida.
Introduza un único número de páxina ou un intervalo de páxinas, como por exemplo, 5-12.
The syntax for the page range is invalid.
Enter either a single page number or a single page range. For example, 5-12.
1120The syntax for the page range is invalid.
Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12.
The syntax for the page range is invalid.
Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12.
1121Antes de poder realizar tarefas relacionadas coa impresión, tales como axustar unha páxina ou imprimir un documento, ten que instalar unha impresora. Desexa instalar unha impresora agora? Before you can perform printer-related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer. Do you want to install a printer now?
1123Antes de poder imprimir, ten que escoller unha impresora.
Se a ten que instalar, prema dúas veces sobre a icona Engadir impresora ou prema o botón Buscar impresora... situado no separador Xeral desta caixa de diálogo.
Before you can print, you need to select a printer.
If you need to install a printer, either double-click the Add Printer icon or click the Find Printer... button located on the General tab of this dialog.
1124Imprimir Print
1125Non ten permiso para utilizar a impresora seleccionada. Se necesita acceso, contacte co seu administrador de rede. You do not have permission to use the selected printer. If you need access, contact your network administrator.
1136Este é un tipo de letra OpenType. Será este o que se usará tanto na impresora como na pantalla. This is an OpenType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.
1138This is a PostScript font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen. This is a PostScript font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.
1280Tipos de letra Fonts
1281Os tipos de letras están ocultos.

Para mostrar os tipos de letra deste programa, abra Tipos de letra no Panel de control e prema Configuración de tipos de letra.
All of your fonts are hidden.

To show fonts in this program, open Fonts in Control Panel and click Font settings.
1282Non hai ningún tipo de letra con ese nome.
Seleccione un tipo de letra da lista correspondente.
There is no font with that name.
Choose a font from the list of fonts.
1283This font is not available in that style.
Choose a style from the list of styles.
This font is not available in that style.
Choose a style from the list of styles.
1284Normal Regular
1285Negra Bold
1286Cursiva Italic
1287Negra cursiva Bold Italic
1288(none) (none)
1536Pronto Ready
1537Paused; Paused;
1538Error; Error;
1539Pending deletion; Pending deletion;
1540Paper jam; Paper jam;
1541Paper out; Paper out;
1542Manual feed; Manual feed;
1543Paper problem; Paper problem;
1544Offline; Offline;
1545I/O active; I/O active;
1546Busy; Busy;
1547Printing; Printing;
1548Output bin full; Output bin full;
1549Not available; Not available;
1550Waiting; Waiting;
1551Processing; Processing;
1552Initializing; Initializing;
1553Warming up; Warming up;
1554Toner low; Toner low;
1555No toner; No toner;
1556Page punt; Page punt;
1557User intervention; User intervention;
1558Out of memory; Out of memory;
1559Door open; Door open;
1582Default printer; Default printer;
1583%lu documents waiting %lu documents waiting
1584&All %lu pages &All %lu pages
1585Marxes (polgadas) Margins (inches)
1586Marxes (milímetros) Margins (millimeters)
1587" "
1588mm mm
1589Seleccionar automaticamente Automatically Select
1600Xeral General
1792AaBbYyZz AaBbYyZz
1794Symbol Symbol
1920Aaあぁアァ亜宇 Aaあぁアァ亜宇
1921가나다AaBbYyZz 가나다AaBbYyZz
1926微软中文软件 微软中文软件
1928中文字型範例 中文字型範例
1953AaBbΑαΒβ AaBbΑαΒβ
1954AaBbĞğŞş AaBbĞğŞş
1955AaBbƠơƯư AaBbƠơƯư
1969AaBbנסשת AaBbנסשת
1970AaBbابجدهوز AaBbابجدهوز
1971AaBbعمنخروكم AaBbعمنخروكم
1996AaBbБбФф AaBbБбФф
2014AaBbอักษรไทย AaBbอักษรไทย
2030AaBbÁáÔô AaBbÁáÔô
2047AaBbøñý AaBbøñý
2063माता माता
2065ਮਾਤਾ ਮਾਤਾ
2066માતા માતા
2068அம்மா அம்மா
2069అమ్మ అమ్మ
2070ಅಮ್ಮ ಅಮ್ಮ
2304|Up a Folder|New Folder|Change View|Pivot|| |Up a Folder|New Folder|Change View|Pivot||
2305Atopouse a seguinte ocorrencia de texto Found the next occurrence of text
2306Non se pode atopar a seguinte ocorrencia de texto Unable to find the next occurrence of text
2307Substituíuse a seguinte ocorrencia de texto Replaced the next occurrence of text
2308Non se pode substituír a seguinte ocorrencia de texto Unable to replace the next occurrence of text
2309Substituíronse todas as ocorrencias de texto Replaced all occurrences of text
2384Occidental Western
2385Báltico Baltic
2386Chinés Big5 Chinese Big5
2387Chinese GB2312 Chinese GB2312
2388Centroeuropeo Central European
2389Grego Greek
2390Hangul Hangul
2391Hangul(Johab) Hangul(Johab)
2392Cirílico Cyrillic
2393Japanese Japanese
2394Turco Turkish
2395Vietnamita Vietnamese
2396Árabe Arabic
2397Hebreo Hebrew
2398Tailandés Thai
2399Símbolo Symbol
2400Mac Mac
2402Other Other
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x300000C8ComDlg32 Operation ComDlg32 Operation
0x300000C9ChooseFont Entered ChooseFont Entered
0x300000CBChooseFont Exited ChooseFont Exited
0x300000CCChooseFont start building enumerator ChooseFont start building enumerator
0x300000CDChooseFont finished building enumerator ChooseFont finished building enumerator
0x300000CEChooseFont create dialog ChooseFont create dialog
0x300000CFChooseFont start WM_INITDIALOG ChooseFont start WM_INITDIALOG
0x300000D0ChooseFont end WM_INITDIALOG ChooseFont end WM_INITDIALOG
0x300000D1ChooseFont get families 1 start ChooseFont get families 1 start
0x300000D2ChooseFont get families 1 end ChooseFont get families 1 end
0x300000D3ChooseFont get families 2 start ChooseFont get families 2 start
0x300000D4ChooseFont get families 2 end ChooseFont get families 2 end
0x300000D5ChooseFont insert family start ChooseFont insert family start
0x300000D6ChooseFont insert family end ChooseFont insert family end
0x300000D7ChooseFont GetFontStylesAndSizes start ChooseFont GetFontStylesAndSizes start
0x300000D8ChooseFont GetFontStylesAndSizes end ChooseFont GetFontStylesAndSizes end
0x50000004Information Information
0x7000001FFont Chooser Common Dialog Font Chooser Common Dialog
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-ComDlg32 Microsoft-Windows-ComDlg32
0x90000002Debug Debug
0x90000003Analytical Analytical


File Name:comdlg32.dll.mui
File Size:60 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:60928
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Galician
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:DLL de caixas de diálogo comúns
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:comdlg32
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Original File Name:comdlg32.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is comdlg32.dll.mui?

comdlg32.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Galician language for file comdlg32.dll (DLL de caixas de diálogo comúns).

File version info

File Description:DLL de caixas de diálogo comúns
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:comdlg32
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Original Filename:comdlg32.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x456, 1200