File name: | irftp.exe.mui |
Size: | 19968 byte |
MD5: | 20cd11ad65de5bf0aca6793be2b4883c |
SHA1: | ae4bcc96a4e7363ebf00e471dcafa8ad92658efc |
SHA256: | 951d4ef6b7f9d42eedee858e05ee2cae42fdc0864fc585b642ee0bdb32307b43 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
In x64: | irftp.exe Program za infrardeči prenos datotek (32-bitov) |
If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Slovenian | English |
1 | %s je v dosegu | %s is in range |
2 | Več računalnikov/naprav je v dosegu | Multiple computers/devices are in range |
3 | Infrardeča povezava z %s pri %d b/s | Infrared link with %s at %d bps |
4 | Infrardeča povezava je bila blokirana | Infrared link has been blocked |
5 | Naprava v dosegu | Device in range |
6 | Naprava zunaj dosega | Device out of range |
7 | Komunikacija je bila prekinjena | Communication interrupted |
8 | Infrardeče | Infrared |
9 | V bližini je še en računalnik | Another computer is nearby |
10 | Kliknite tukaj, če želite poslati datoteke v računalnik %s. | Click here to send files to the computer %s. |
11 | Infrardeča povezava je bila prekinjena | Infrared link interrupted |
12 | Povezava je blokirana ali pa je bila naprava premaknjena zunaj dosega. | Your link is either blocked or the device has moved out of range. |
13 | Kliknite tukaj, če želite poslati datoteke v drug računalnik. | Click here to send files to the other computer. |
163 | \irftp.exe | \irftp.exe |
164 | \Pošlji datoteke v drug računalnik.lnk | \Send files to another computer.lnk |
165 | \Računalnik v bližini.lnk | \A nearby computer.lnk |
200 | Napaka infrardeče povezave | Infrared Error |
201 | Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake. | An unexpected error has occurred. |
202 | Ni bilo mogoče naložiti lastnosti. Pravilne različice irprops.cpl ni bilo mogoče najti. |
Could not load properties. The correct version of irprops.cpl could not be found. |
203 | Ni bilo mogoče naložiti lastnosti. Protokol IrDA mora biti nameščen v računalniku, če želite videti lastnosti. |
Could not load properties. IrDA protocol must be installed on the machine in order to view the properties. |
204 | Ni bilo mogoče dobiti seznama infrardečih naprav v dosegu. | Could not obtain the list of infrared devices in range. |
205 | Parametri, podani v ukazni vrstici, niso veljavni. | The parameters supplied on the commandline are invalid. |
206 | Ni mogoče poslati izbranih datotek/map. V dosegu ni nobene infrardeče naprave. |
Cannot send the selected file(s)/folder(s). There are no infrared devices in range. |
207 | Infrardečega prejemnika ni bilo mogoče najti. | The infrared recipient was not found. |
208 | Nekatere datoteke niso bile prejete, ker je bilo dejanje preklicano. | Some files were not received because the operation was canceled. |
209 | napaka kode 0x%x je brez opisa. | error code 0x%x has no description. |
210 | Prenos ni uspel. Prišlo je do napake, ko %s %s |
The transfer failed. An error occurred while %s %s |
211 | Datoteka %s ni bila poslana, ker je prišlo do napake, ko %s %s |
File %s was not sent because an error occurred while %s %s |
260 | Storitev prenosa OBEX | OBEX transfer service |
261 | (neznana naprava) | (unknown device) |
300 | Pošiljanje | Sending |
301 | Vzpostavljanje povezave ... | Connecting... |
302 | Povezava je vzpostavljena z %s | Connected to %s |
303 | Pošlje datoteke prek infrardeče povezave | Sends files over an infrared link |
304 | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek se je pripravljal na pošiljanje datotek. | Infrared File Transfer Application was preparing to send your files. |
305 | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek je vzpostavljal povezavo z drugo napravo. | Infrared File Transfer Application was connecting to the other device. |
306 | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek je odpiral datoteke za pošiljanje. | Infrared File Transfer Application was opening files to be sent. |
307 | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek je bral datoteke za pošiljanje. | Infrared File Transfer Application was reading files to be sent. |
308 | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek je pošiljal datotečne podatke v drug računalnik. | Infrared File Transfer Application was sending file data to the other machine. |
309 | druga naprava je poskušala brati datotečne podatke iz infrardečih vrat. | the other device was trying to read file data from the infrared port. |
310 | druga naprava je shranjevala poslane podatke. | the other device was saving the sent data. |
311 | Infrardeča naprava je prenašala datoteke. | Infrared was transferring your files. |
312 | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek prenaša datoteke. Ali želite prekiniti prenos in zaustaviti računalnik? | Infrared File Transfer Application is transferring files. Do you want to abort the transfer and shut down the machine? |
314 | Zapri | Close |
315 | Datoteke so bile uspešno prejete od %s. | The files were received successfully from %s. |
316 | Prenos je bil preklican, ker je prišlo do napake. %s | The transfer was canceled because an error occurred. %s |
317 | %s bi rad poslal spodnjo mapo in njeno vsebino v vaš računalnik prek infrardeče povezave: Mapa: %s Ali želite sprejeti mapo in njeno vsebino? |
%s would like to send the following folder and its contents to your computer through an infrared link: Folder: %s Do you want to accept this folder and its contents? |
318 | %s želi vašemu računalniku z infrardečo povezavo poslati to datoteko: Datoteka: %s Ali želite sprejeti datoteko? |
%s would like to send the following file to your computer through an infrared link: File: %s Do you want to accept this file? |
401 | Kopija %d od %s | Copy %d of %s |
5002 | Vse datoteke (*.*) | All files (*.*) |
5003 | *.* | *.* |
5004 | Programu za infrardeči prenos je zmanjkalo pomnilnika. Poskusite znova prenesti slike. |
The Infrared Application has run out of memory. Try transferring the pictures again. |
5005 | Ni dovolj prostora za shranjevanje slik v privzeto mapo ali pa je prišlo do napake diska. | There is not enough space to store the pictures to your default folder, or there is a disk error. |
5006 | Med komunikacijo s fotoaparatom je prišlo do napake. Poskusite znova prenesti slike. |
An error has occurred while communicating with the camera. Try transferring the pictures again. |
5007 | Prenos slik je bil preklican ali prekinjen. Poskusite znova prenesti slike. | The picture transfer was cancelled or aborted. Try transferring the pictures again. |
5009 | Fotoaparat | Camera |
5011 | Glavno okno infrardeče naprave | Infrared Main Window |
5012 | Krmilnik programa IrFTP se ne izvaja | IrFTP Application Controller not runnning |
5013 | Napaka IrFTP | IrFTP Error |
5014 | 0% | 0% |
0x10000038 | Klasično | Classic |
0x40FF1000 | Infrardeča storitev fotoaparata (IrTran-P) se je začela. | Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) started. |
0x40FF1001 | Infrardeča storitev fotoaparata (IrTran-P) je začela poslušati v vratih IrCOMM. | Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) has started listening on IrCOMM. |
0x40FF1002 | Infrardeča storitev fotoaparata (IrTran-P) je prenehala poslušati v vratih IrCOMM. | Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) has stopped listening on IrCOMM. |
0x70000001 | IrTran-P | IrTran-P |
0x70000002 | Irftp | Irftp |
0xC0FF1003 | Infrardeči podpori fotoaparata (IrTran-P) ni uspelo začeti poslušati v vratih IrCOMM. Razlog je najbrž to, da drug program že uporablja vrata IrCOMM. Napaka, sporočena ob poskusu uporabe vrat IrCOMM, je bila: %1 | Infrared Camera Support (IrTran-P) failed to start listening on the IrCOMM port. This is probably because another application is already using the IrCOMM port. The error reported on the attempt to use IrCOMM was: %1 |
0xC0FF1004 | Infrardeča storitev fotoaparata (IrTran-P) je dobila napako V/I, ko je komunicirala s fotoaparatom. Sporočena napaka je bila: %1 | Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) got and IO error when communicating with a camera. The error reported was: %1 |
0xC0FF1005 | Infrardeča storitev fotoaparata (IrTran-P) je prejela le del datoteke s sliko, preden se je prenos iz fotoaparata končal. Računalnikova kopija slike v datoteki %1 je bila izbrisana. | Infrared Camera Service (IrTran-P) received only part of a picture file before the transmission from the camera ended. The computer's copy of the picture, in file %1, was deleted. |
0xC0FF2001 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek ni mogla vzpostaviti povezave z drugim računalnikom. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service was unable to connect to the other machine. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2002 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med pošiljanjem datoteke »%1« naletela na napako. Sporočena napaka je bila %2. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while sending the file \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF2003 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med pošiljanjem datoteke »%1« naletela na napako. Sporočena napaka je bila %2. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while sending the file \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF2004 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek ne more shraniti datotečnih podatkov, ker je disk poln. | The infrared file transfer service is unable to save file data because the disk is full. |
0xC0FF2005 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med zagonom naletela na napako. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while getting starting. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2006 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med poslušanjem za naslednjo povezavo naletela na napako. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while listening for the next connection. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2007 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med prejemanjem podatkov naletela na napako. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while receiving data. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2008 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med pripravljanjem datotek za pošiljanje naletela na varnostno napako. Storitev se ni mogla izdajati za trenutnega uporabnika. Sporočena napake je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service encountered a security error while preparing files to be sent. The service could not impersonate the current user. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF2009 | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek ni mogla odpreti datoteke »%1«. Sporočena napaka je bila %2. | The infrared file transfer service could not open the file \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF200A | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je prejela datoteko »%1«, vendar je ni mogla premakniti v mapo s prejetimi datotekami. Sporočena napaka je bila %2. Preverite, ali mapa s prejetimi datotekami obstaja in ali je v njej dovolj prostora. | The infrared file transfer service received file \"%1\" but could not move it to the received files folder. The error reported was %2. Make sure the received file folder exists and has enough free space. |
0xC0FF200B | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek ni mogla ustvariti datoteke »%1«. Sporočena napaka je bila %2. | The infrared file transfer service could not create the folder \"%1\". The error reported was %2. |
0xC0FF200C | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je naletela na napako, medtem ko se je uporabnik prijavljal. Infrardeči prenos datotek ali slik je za to prijavo onemogočen. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while a user was logging on. Infrared file and picture transfers are disabled for this logon. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF200D | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek je med iskanjem sprememb konfiguracije naletela na napako. Spremembe z nadzorne plošče brezžične povezave bodo uveljavljene šele ob naslednji prijavi. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while checking for configuration changes. Changes made from the Wireless Link control panel will not take effect until the next logon session. The error reported was %1. |
0xC0FF200E | Storitev infrardečega prenosa datotek ne more odpreti okna brezžične povezave. Sporočena napaka je bila %1. | The infrared file transfer service is unable to start the Wireless Link window. The error reported was %1. |
File Description: | Program za infrardeči prenos datotek |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | Infrared File Transfer |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane. |
Original Filename: | irftp.exe.mui |
Product Name: | Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x424, 1200 |