100 | 未知 |
Unknown |
101 | AMD |
102 | Intel |
Intel |
110 | 虚拟机名称不可用 |
Virtual Machine Name Unavailable |
111 | 虚拟设备名称不可用 |
Virtual Device Name Unavailable |
403 | Hyper-V VM Virtual Device Pipe IO |
Hyper-V VM Virtual Device Pipe IO |
405 | Receive QoS - Conformant Messages/sec |
Receive QoS - Conformant Messages/sec |
407 | Receive QoS - Non-Conformant Messages/sec |
Receive QoS - Non-Conformant Messages/sec |
409 | Receive QoS - Exempt Messages/sec |
Receive QoS - Exempt Messages/sec |
411 | Receive QoS - Total Message Delay Time (100ns) |
Receive QoS - Total Message Delay Time (100ns) |
413 | Receive Message Quota Exceeded |
Receive Message Quota Exceeded |
501 | 工作进程的每个管道的统计信息,用于性能调试。 |
Worker process per-pipe statistics, for performance debugging. |
505 | QoS 策略未对其实施任何形式的限制的已接收消息 |
Received messages that were not restricted in any way by the QoS policy |
507 | 由于超出 QoS 策略限制而延迟的已接收消息 |
Receive messages that were delayed due to exceeding the QoS policy |
509 | 被管道的 QoS 策略豁免的已接收消息。 |
Receive messages that were exempt from the pipe's QoS policy. |
511 | 接收操作延迟的总时间,以 100ns 为单位。 |
Total amount of time in 100ns units that receives were delayed. |
16200 | IPAddressRange |
IPAddressRange |
20144 | Hyper-V Hypervisor Partition |
Hyper-V Hypervisor Partition |
20146 | 有关虚拟机的信息 |
Information on virtual machines |
20148 | Virtual Processors |
Virtual Processors |
20150 | 分区中存在的虚拟处理器的数量。 |
The number of virtual processors present in the partition. |
20152 | Virtual TLB Pages |
Virtual TLB Pages |
20154 | 分区的虚拟 TLB 所用页面的数量。 |
The number of pages used by the virtual TLB of the partition. |
20156 | Address Spaces |
Address Spaces |
20158 | 分区的虚拟 TLB 中地址空间的数量。 |
The number of address spaces in the virtual TLB of the partition. |
20160 | Deposited Pages |
Deposited Pages |
20162 | 存储到分区的页面的数量。 |
The number of pages deposited into the partition. |
20164 | GPA Pages |
GPA Pages |
20166 | 分区的 GPA 空间中存在的页面的数量(对于根分区为零)。 |
The number of pages present in the GPA space of the partition (zero for root partition). |
20168 | GPA Space Modifications/sec |
GPA Space Modifications/sec |
20170 | 对分区的 GPA 空间的修改速率。 |
The rate of modifications to the GPA space of the partition. |
20172 | Virtual TLB Flush Entires/sec |
Virtual TLB Flush Entires/sec |
20174 | 整个虚拟 TLB 的刷新速率。 |
The rate of flushes of the entire virtual TLB. |
20176 | Recommended Virtual TLB Size |
Recommended Virtual TLB Size |
20178 | 对于虚拟 TLB 来说,建议要存储的页面数量。 |
The recommended number of pages to be deposited for the virtual TLB. |
20180 | 4K GPA pages |
4K GPA pages |
20182 | 在分区的 GPA 空间中存在的 4K 页面的数量。 |
The number of 4K pages present in the GPA space of the partition. |
20184 | 2M GPA pages |
2M GPA pages |
20186 | 在分区的 GPA 空间中存在的 2M 页面的数量。 |
The number of 2M pages present in the GPA space of the partition. |
20188 | 1G GPA pages |
1G GPA pages |
20190 | 在分区的 GPA 空间中存在的 1G 页面的数量。 |
The number of 1G pages present in the GPA space of the partition. |
20192 | 512G GPA pages |
512G GPA pages |
20194 | 在分区的 GPA 空间中存在的 512G 页面的数量。 |
The number of 512G pages present in the GPA space of the partition. |
20196 | 4K device pages |
4K device pages |
20198 | 在分区的设备空间中存在的 4K 页面的数量。 |
The number of 4K pages present in the device space of the partition. |
20200 | 2M device pages |
2M device pages |
20202 | 在分区的设备空间中存在的 2M 页面的数量。 |
The number of 2M pages present in the device space of the partition. |
20204 | 1G device pages |
1G device pages |
20206 | 在分区的设备空间中存在的 1G 页面的数量。 |
The number of 1G pages present in the device space of the partition. |
20208 | 512G device pages |
512G device pages |
20210 | 在分区的设备空间中存在的 512G 页面的数量。 |
The number of 512G pages present in the device space of the partition. |
20212 | Attached Devices |
Attached Devices |
20214 | 与分区连接的设备的数量。 |
The number of devices attached to the partition. |
20216 | Device Interrupt Mappings |
Device Interrupt Mappings |
20218 | 分区所用的设备中断映射的数量。 |
The number of device interrupt mappings used by the partition. |
20220 | I/O TLB Flushes/sec |
I/O TLB Flushes/sec |
20222 | 分区的 I/O TLB 的刷新速率。 |
The rate of flushes of I/O TLBs of the partition. |
20224 | I/O TLB Flush Cost |
I/O TLB Flush Cost |
20226 | 处理一个 I/O TLB 刷新所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing an I/O TLB flush. |
20228 | Device Interrupt Errors |
Device Interrupt Errors |
20230 | 分配给分区的所有设备所生成的非法中断请求的指示。 |
An indicator of illegal interrupt requests generated by all devices assigned to the partition. |
20232 | Device DMA Errors |
Device DMA Errors |
20234 | 分配给分区的所有设备所生成的非法 DMA 请求的指示。 |
An indicator of illegal DMA requests generated by all devices assigned to the partition. |
20236 | Device Interrupt Throttle Events |
Device Interrupt Throttle Events |
20238 | 由分配给分区的设备生成的某个中断因该设备生成的中断过多而被暂时受限的次数。 |
The number of times an interrupt from a device assigned to the partition was temporarily throttled because the device was generating too many interrupts. |
20240 | I/O TLB Flushes Base |
I/O TLB Flushes Base |
20242 | 分区的 I/O TLB 的刷新总数。 |
The total number of flushes of I/O TLBs of the partition. |
20244 | Hyper-V Hypervisor Virtual Processor |
Hyper-V Hypervisor Virtual Processor |
20246 | 有关虚拟处理器的信息 |
Information on virtual processors |
20248 | Total Run Time |
Total Run Time |
20250 | 虚拟处理器处理来宾代码和虚拟机监控程序代码所花费的总时间(以 100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The total time (in 100ns) spent by the virtual processor in guest and hypervisor code. |
20252 | Hypervisor Run Time |
Hypervisor Run Time |
20254 | 虚拟处理器处理虚拟机监控程序代码所花费的总时间(以 100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The total time (in 100ns) spent by the virtual processor in hypervisor code. |
20256 | Remote Node Run Time |
Remote Node Run Time |
20258 | 在远程节点上运行所花费的时间(以 100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The time (in 100ns) spent running on remote node(s). |
20260 | Normalized Run Time |
Normalized Run Time |
20262 | 虚拟处理器处理来宾代码和虚拟机监控程序代码所花费的总时间(以 100 纳秒为单位),规范化为最高频率。 |
The total time (in 100ns) spent by the virtual processor in guest and hypervisor code, normalized to peak frequency. |
20264 | Hypercalls/sec |
Hypercalls/sec |
20266 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20268 | Hypercalls Cost |
Hypercalls Cost |
20270 | 处理一个虚拟化调用所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a hypercall. |
20272 | Page Invalidations/sec |
Page Invalidations/sec |
20274 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行 INVLPG 指令的速率。 |
The rate of INVLPG instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20276 | Page Invalidations Cost |
Page Invalidations Cost |
20278 | 处理一个 INVLPG 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing an INVLPG instruction. |
20280 | Control Register Accesses/sec |
Control Register Accesses/sec |
20282 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行控制寄存器访问的速率。 |
The rate of control register accesses by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20284 | Control Register Accesses Cost |
Control Register Accesses Cost |
20286 | 处理一个控制寄存器访问所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a control register access. |
20288 | IO Instructions/sec |
IO Instructions/sec |
20290 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行 IO 指令的速率。 |
The rate of IO instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20292 | IO Instructions Cost |
IO Instructions Cost |
20294 | 处理一个 IO 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing an IO instruction. |
20296 | HLT Instructions/sec |
HLT Instructions/sec |
20298 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行 HLT 指令的速率。 |
The rate of HLT instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20300 | HLT Instructions Cost |
HLT Instructions Cost |
20302 | 处理一个 HLT 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a HLT instruction. |
20304 | MWAIT Instructions/sec |
MWAIT Instructions/sec |
20306 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行 MWAIT 指令的速率。 |
The rate of MWAIT instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20308 | MWAIT Instructions Cost |
MWAIT Instructions Cost |
20310 | 处理一个 MWAIT 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing an MWAIT instruction. |
20312 | CPUID Instructions/sec |
CPUID Instructions/sec |
20314 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行 CPUID 指令的速率。 |
The rate of CPUID instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20316 | CPUID Instructions Cost |
CPUID Instructions Cost |
20318 | 处理一个 CPUID 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a CPUID instruction. |
20320 | MSR Accesses/sec |
MSR Accesses/sec |
20322 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行 MSR 指令的速率。 |
The rate of MSR instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20324 | MSR Accesses Cost |
MSR Accesses Cost |
20326 | 处理一个 MSR 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing an MSR instruction. |
20328 | Other Intercepts/sec |
Other Intercepts/sec |
20330 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上触发其他截获的速率。 |
The rate of other intercepts triggered by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20332 | Other Intercepts Cost |
Other Intercepts Cost |
20334 | 处理其他截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing other intercepts. |
20336 | External Interrupts/sec |
External Interrupts/sec |
20338 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时虚拟机监控程序接收外部中断的速率。 |
The rate of external interrupts received by the hypervisor while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
20340 | External Interrupts Cost |
External Interrupts Cost |
20342 | 处理一个外部中断所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing an external interrupt. |
20344 | Pending Interrupts/sec |
Pending Interrupts/sec |
20346 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上由于降低了任务优先级(TPR)而进行截获的速率。 |
The rate of intercepts due to a task priority (TPR) reduction by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20348 | Pending Interrupts Cost |
Pending Interrupts Cost |
20350 | 处理一个挂起的中断截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a pending interrupt intercept. |
20352 | Emulated Instructions/sec |
Emulated Instructions/sec |
20354 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时仿真指令的速率。 |
The rate of emulated instructions while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
20356 | Emulated Instructions Cost |
Emulated Instructions Cost |
20358 | 仿真一个指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating an instruction. |
20360 | Debug Register Accesses/sec |
Debug Register Accesses/sec |
20362 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行调试寄存器访问的速率。 |
The rate of debug register accesses by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20364 | Debug Register Accesses Cost |
Debug Register Accesses Cost |
20366 | 处理一个调试寄存器访问所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent handling a debug register access. |
20368 | Page Fault Intercepts/sec |
Page Fault Intercepts/sec |
20370 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时虚拟机监控程序截获页面错误异常的速率。 |
The rate of page fault exceptions intercepted by the hypervisor while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
20372 | Page Fault Intercepts Cost |
Page Fault Intercepts Cost |
20374 | 处理一个页面错误截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a page fault intercept. |
20376 | Guest Page Table Maps/sec |
Guest Page Table Maps/sec |
20378 | 对来宾页表的各页进行映射操作的速率。 |
The rate of map operations for guest page table pages. |
20380 | Large Page TLB Fills/sec |
Large Page TLB Fills/sec |
20382 | 在较大页面上虚拟 TLB 丢失的速率。 |
The rate of virtual TLB misses on large pages. |
20384 | Small Page TLB Fills/sec |
Small Page TLB Fills/sec |
20386 | 在 4K 页面上虚拟 TLB 丢失的速率。 |
The rate of virtual TLB misses on 4K pages. |
20388 | Reflected Guest Page Faults/sec |
Reflected Guest Page Faults/sec |
20390 | 向来宾发送页面错误异常的速率。 |
The rate of page fault exceptions delivered to the guest. |
20392 | APIC MMIO Accesses/sec |
APIC MMIO Accesses/sec |
20394 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行 APIC MMIO 寄存器访问的速率。 |
The rate of APIC MMIO register accesses by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20396 | IO Intercept Messages/sec |
IO Intercept Messages/sec |
20398 | 向父分区发送 IO 截获消息的速率。 |
The rate of IO intercept messages sent to the parent partition. |
20400 | Memory Intercept Messages/sec |
Memory Intercept Messages/sec |
20402 | 向父分区发送内存截获消息的速率。 |
The rate of memory intercept messages sent to the parent partition. |
20404 | APIC EOI Accesses/sec |
APIC EOI Accesses/sec |
20406 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行 APIC EOI 寄存器写入的速率。 |
The rate of APIC EOI register writes by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20408 | Other Messages/sec |
Other Messages/sec |
20410 | 向父分区发送其他截获消息的速率。 |
The rate of other intercept messages sent to the parent partition. |
20412 | Page Table Allocations/sec |
Page Table Allocations/sec |
20414 | 在虚拟 TLB 中页表分配的速率。 |
The rate of page table allocations in the virtual TLB. |
20416 | Logical Processor Migrations/sec |
Logical Processor Migrations/sec |
20418 | 虚拟处理器向其他逻辑处理器迁移的速率。 |
The rate of migrations by the virtual processor to a different logical processor. |
20420 | Address Space Evictions/sec |
Address Space Evictions/sec |
20422 | 在虚拟 TLB 中地址空间逐出的速率。 |
The rate of address space evictions in the virtual TLB. |
20424 | Address Space Switches/sec |
Address Space Switches/sec |
20426 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行地址空间切换的速率。 |
The rate of address space switches by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20428 | Address Domain Flushes/sec |
Address Domain Flushes/sec |
20430 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上对虚拟 TLB 进行显式刷新的速率。 |
The rate of explicit flushes of the virtual TLB by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20432 | Address Space Flushes/sec |
Address Space Flushes/sec |
20434 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上对一个地址空间进行显式刷新的速率。 |
The rate of explicit flushes of one address space by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20436 | Global GVA Range Flushes/sec |
Global GVA Range Flushes/sec |
20438 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上对所有地址空间中某个虚拟地址范围进行显式刷新的速率。 |
The rate of explicit flushes of a virtual address range in all address spaces by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20440 | Local Flushed GVA Ranges/sec |
Local Flushed GVA Ranges/sec |
20442 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上对一个地址空间中某个虚拟地址范围进行显式刷新的速率。 |
The rate of explicit flushes of a virtual address range in one address space by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20444 | Page Table Evictions/sec |
Page Table Evictions/sec |
20446 | 在虚拟 TLB 中页表逐出的速率。 |
The rate of page table evictions in the virtual TLB. |
20448 | Page Table Reclamations/sec |
Page Table Reclamations/sec |
20450 | 在虚拟 TLB 中未引用页表的回收速率。 |
The rate of reclamations of unreferenced page tables in the virtual TLB. |
20452 | Page Table Resets/sec |
Page Table Resets/sec |
20454 | 在虚拟 TLB 中页表重置的速率。 |
The rate of page table resets in the virtual TLB. |
20456 | Page Table Validations/sec |
Page Table Validations/sec |
20458 | 在虚拟 TLB 中进行页表验证以删除过时项的速率。 |
The rate of page table validations to remove stale entries in the virtual TLB. |
20460 | APIC TPR Accesses/sec |
APIC TPR Accesses/sec |
20462 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行 APIC TPR 访问的速率。 |
The rate of APIC TPR accesses by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20464 | Page Table Write Intercepts/sec |
Page Table Write Intercepts/sec |
20466 | 在虚拟处理器上来宾代码在来宾页表上进行写入截获的速率。 |
The rate of write intercepts on guest page tables by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20468 | Synthetic Interrupts/sec |
Synthetic Interrupts/sec |
20470 | 向虚拟处理器发送综合中断的速率。 |
The rate of synthetic interrupts delivered to the virtual processor. |
20472 | Virtual Interrupts/sec |
Virtual Interrupts/sec |
20474 | 向虚拟处理器发送中断(包括综合中断)的速率。 |
The rate of interrupts (including synthetic interrupts) delivered to the virtual processor. |
20476 | APIC IPIs Sent/sec |
APIC IPIs Sent/sec |
20478 | 虚拟处理器发送 APIC 处理器间中断(包括向自身发送的中断)的速率。 |
The rate of APIC inter-processor interrupts (including to self) sent by the virtual processor. |
20480 | APIC Self IPIs Sent/sec |
APIC Self IPIs Sent/sec |
20482 | 虚拟处理器向自身发送 APIC 中断的速率。 |
The rate of APIC interrupts sent by the virtual processor to itself. |
20484 | GPA Space Hypercalls/sec |
GPA Space Hypercalls/sec |
20486 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行来宾物理地址空间虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Guest Physical Address Space hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20488 | Logical Processor Hypercalls/sec |
Logical Processor Hypercalls/sec |
20490 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行逻辑处理器虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Logical Processor hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20492 | Long Spin Wait Hypercalls/sec |
Long Spin Wait Hypercalls/sec |
20494 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行长 Spin 等待虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Long Spin Wait hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20496 | Other Hypercalls/sec |
Other Hypercalls/sec |
20498 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行其他虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of other hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20500 | Synthetic Interrupt Hypercalls/sec |
Synthetic Interrupt Hypercalls/sec |
20502 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行综合中断虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Synthetic Interrupt hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20504 | Virtual Interrupt Hypercalls/sec |
Virtual Interrupt Hypercalls/sec |
20506 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行虚拟中断虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Virtual Interrupt hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20508 | Virtual MMU Hypercalls/sec |
Virtual MMU Hypercalls/sec |
20510 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行虚拟 MMU 虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Virtual MMU hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20512 | Virtual Processor Hypercalls/sec |
Virtual Processor Hypercalls/sec |
20514 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行虚拟处理器虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Virtual Processor hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20516 | Hardware Interrupts/sec |
Hardware Interrupts/sec |
20518 | 虚拟处理器上来自所连接设备的硬件中断的速率。 |
The rate of hardware interrupts from attached devices on the virtual processor. |
20520 | Guest Run Time |
Guest Run Time |
20522 | 虚拟处理器处理来宾代码所花费的总时间(以 100 纳秒为单位)。 |
The total time (in 100ns) spent by the virtual processor in guest code. |
20524 | % Total Run Time |
% Total Run Time |
20526 | 虚拟处理器处理来宾代码和虚拟机监控程序代码所花费时间的百分比。 |
The percentage of time spent by the virtual processor in guest and hypervisor code. |
20528 | % Hypervisor Run Time |
% Hypervisor Run Time |
20530 | 虚拟处理器处理虚拟机监控程序代码所花费时间的百分比。 |
The percentage of time spent by the virtual processor in hypervisor code. |
20532 | % Guest Run Time |
% Guest Run Time |
20534 | 虚拟处理器处理来宾代码所花费时间的百分比。 |
The percentage of time spent by the virtual processor in guest code. |
20536 | Total Messages/sec |
Total Messages/sec |
20538 | 向父分区发送全部消息的速率。 |
The rate of total messages sent to the parent partition. |
20540 | Total Intercepts Base |
Total Intercepts Base |
20542 | 所有虚拟机监控程序截获消息的总计数。 |
The total count of all the hypervisor intercepts messages. |
20544 | Total Intercepts/sec |
Total Intercepts/sec |
20546 | 虚拟机监控程序截获消息的速率。 |
The rate of hypervisor intercepts messages. |
20548 | Total Intercepts Cost |
Total Intercepts Cost |
20550 | 处理一个虚拟机监控程序截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent handling a hypervisor intercept. |
20552 | % Remote Run Time |
% Remote Run Time |
20554 | 虚拟处理器在远程节点上运行所花费时间的百分比。 |
The percentage of time spent by the virtual processor running on a remote node. |
20556 | Global Reference Time |
Global Reference Time |
20558 | 一些性能计数器为计算持续时间所使用的恒定速率时间源。 |
A constant rate time source that is used as by a number of performance counters for duration calculations. |
20560 | Hypercalls Base |
Hypercalls Base |
20562 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行的虚拟化调用的总数。 |
The total number of hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20564 | Page Invalidations Base |
Page Invalidations Base |
20566 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行的 INVLPG 指令的总数。 |
The total number of INVLPG instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20568 | Control Register Accesses Base |
Control Register Accesses Base |
20570 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行的控制寄存器访问的总数。 |
The total number of control register accesses by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20572 | IO Instructions Base |
IO Instructions Base |
20574 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行的 IO 指令的总数。 |
The total number of IO instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20576 | HLT Instructions Base |
HLT Instructions Base |
20578 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行的 HLT 指令的总数。 |
The total number of HLT instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20580 | MWAIT Instructions Base |
MWAIT Instructions Base |
20582 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行的 MWAIT 指令的总数。 |
The total number of MWAIT instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20584 | CPUID Instructions Base |
CPUID Instructions Base |
20586 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行的 CPUID 指令的总数。 |
The total number of CPUID instructions executed by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20588 | MSR Accesses Base |
MSR Accesses Base |
20590 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上执行的 MSR 指令的总数。 |
The total number of MSR instructions by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20592 | Other Intercepts Base |
Other Intercepts Base |
20594 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上触发的其他截获的总数。 |
The total number of other intercepts triggered by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20596 | External Interrupts Base |
External Interrupts Base |
20598 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时虚拟化调用收到的外部中断的总数。 |
The total number of external interrupts received by the hypervisor while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
20600 | Pending Interrupts Base |
Pending Interrupts Base |
20602 | 降低任务优先级(TPR)后来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行的截获总数。 |
The total number of intercepts due to a task priority (TPR) reduction by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20604 | Emulated Instructions Base |
Emulated Instructions Base |
20606 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时仿真指令的总数。 |
The total number of emulated instructions while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
20608 | Debug Register Accesses Base |
Debug Register Accesses Base |
20610 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行的调试寄存器访问的总数。 |
The total number of debug register accesses by guest code on the virtual processor. |
20612 | Page Fault Intercepts Base |
Page Fault Intercepts Base |
20614 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时虚拟机监控程序截获的页面错误异常总数。 |
The total number of page fault exceptions intercepted by the hypervisor while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
21696 | Skipped Timer Ticks |
Skipped Timer Ticks |
21698 | 分区跳过的计时器中断数。 |
The number of timer interrupts skipped for the partition. |
21700 | CPU Wait Time Per Dispatch |
CPU Wait Time Per Dispatch |
21702 | 等待虚拟处理器调度到逻辑处理器所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for a virtual processor to be dispatched onto a logical processor. |
21704 | Nested Page Fault Intercepts/sec |
Nested Page Fault Intercepts/sec |
21706 | 执行来宾虚拟处理器时虚拟机监控程序截获的嵌套页面错误异常率。 |
The rate of nested page fault exceptions intercepted by the hypervisor while executing the guest virtual processor. |
21708 | Nested Page Fault Intercepts Cost |
Nested Page Fault Intercepts Cost |
21710 | 处理一个嵌套页面错误截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a nested page fault intercept. |
21716 | Nested Page Fault Intercepts Base |
Nested Page Fault Intercepts Base |
21718 | 执行虚拟处理器时虚拟机监控程序截获的嵌套页面错误异常总数。 |
The total number of nested page fault exceptions intercepted by the hypervisor while executing the virtual processor. |
21720 | Logical Processor Dispatches/sec |
Logical Processor Dispatches/sec |
21722 | 此虚拟处理器调度到逻辑处理器的调度率 |
The rate of dispatches of this virtual processor onto logical processors. |
21724 | Logical Processor Dispatches Base |
Logical Processor Dispatches Base |
21726 | 此虚拟处理器调度到逻辑处理器的调度总数 |
The total number of dispatches of this virtual processor onto logical processors. |
21768 | Extended Hypercalls/sec |
Extended Hypercalls/sec |
21770 | 来宾代码在虚拟处理器上进行的扩展虚拟化调用的数量。 |
The number of extended hypercalls made by guest code on the virtual processor. |
21772 | Extended Hypercall Intercept Messages/sec |
Extended Hypercall Intercept Messages/sec |
21774 | 向父分区发送扩展虚拟化调用截获消息的速率。 |
The rate of extended hypercall intercept messages to the parent partition. |
21784 | MBEC Nested Page Table Switches/sec |
MBEC Nested Page Table Switches/sec |
21786 | 虚拟机监控程序在执行来宾虚拟处理器时,为完成基于模式的执行而启动嵌套页面表切换的速率。 |
The rate of nested page table switches for mode based execution that the hypervisor initiated while executing the guest virtual processor. |
21788 | Other Reflected Guest Exceptions/sec |
Other Reflected Guest Exceptions/sec |
21790 | 向来宾传送非页面错误异常的速率。 |
The rate of non-page fault exceptions delivered to the guest. |
21792 | Partition Id |
Partition Id |
21794 | 分区的虚拟机监控程序分区 ID |
The hypervisor partition ID for the partition |
21796 | Global I/O TLB Flushes/sec |
Global I/O TLB Flushes/sec |
21798 | 由虚拟处理器实施的针对所有 PASID 的 I/O TLB 刷新速率。 |
The rate of flushes of I/O TLBs for all PASIDs made by the virtual processor. |
21800 | Global I/O TLB Flush Cost |
Global I/O TLB Flush Cost |
21802 | 处理全局 I/O TLB 刷新所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a global I/O TLB flush. |
21804 | Local I/O TLB Flushes/sec |
Local I/O TLB Flushes/sec |
21806 | 由虚拟处理器实施的针对某个 PASID 的 I/O TLB 刷新速率。 |
The rate of flushes of I/O TLBs for one PASID made by the virtual processor. |
21808 | Local I/O TLB Flush Cost |
Local I/O TLB Flush Cost |
21810 | 处理本地 I/O TLB 刷新所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a local I/O TLB flush. |
21812 | Global I/O TLB Flushes Base |
Global I/O TLB Flushes Base |
21814 | 由虚拟处理器实施的针对所有 PASID 的 I/O TLB 刷新总数。 |
The total number of flushes of I/O TLBs for all PASIDs made by the virtual processor. |
21816 | Local I/O TLB Flushes Base |
Local I/O TLB Flushes Base |
21818 | 由虚拟处理器实施的针对某个 PASID 的 I/O TLB 刷新总数。 |
The total number of flushes of I/O TLBs for one PASID made by the virtual processor. |
21824 | Hypercalls Forwarded/sec |
Hypercalls Forwarded/sec |
21826 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of hypercalls forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21828 | Hypercalls Forwarding Cost |
Hypercalls Forwarding Cost |
21830 | 转发一个虚拟化调用所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a hypercall. |
21832 | Page Invalidations Forwarded/sec |
Page Invalidations Forwarded/sec |
21834 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发 INVLPG 指令的速率。 |
The rate of INVLPG instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21836 | Page Invalidations Forwarding Cost |
Page Invalidations Forwarding Cost |
21838 | 转发一个 INVLPG 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding an INVLPG instruction. |
21840 | Control Register Accesses Forwarded/sec |
Control Register Accesses Forwarded/sec |
21842 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发控制寄存器访问的速率。 |
The rate of control register accesses forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21844 | Control Register Accesses Forwarding Cost |
Control Register Accesses Forwarding Cost |
21846 | 转发一个控制寄存器访问所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a control register access. |
21848 | IO Instructions Forwarded/sec |
IO Instructions Forwarded/sec |
21850 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发 IO 指令的速率。 |
The rate of IO instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21852 | IO Instructions Forwarding Cost |
IO Instructions Forwarding Cost |
21854 | 转发一个 IO 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding an IO instruction. |
21856 | HLT Instructions Forwarded/sec |
HLT Instructions Forwarded/sec |
21858 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发 HLT 指令的速率。 |
The rate of HLT instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21860 | HLT Instructions Forwarding Cost |
HLT Instructions Forwarding Cost |
21862 | 转发一个 HLT 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a HLT instruction. |
21864 | MWAIT Instructions Forwarded/sec |
MWAIT Instructions Forwarded/sec |
21866 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发 MWAIT 指令的速率。 |
The rate of MWAIT instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21868 | MWAIT Instructions Forwarding Cost |
MWAIT Instructions Forwarding Cost |
21870 | 转发一个 MWAIT 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding an MWAIT instruction. |
21872 | CPUID Instructions Forwarded/sec |
CPUID Instructions Forwarded/sec |
21874 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发 CPUID 指令的速率。 |
The rate of CPUID instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21876 | CPUID Instructions Forwarding Cost |
CPUID Instructions Forwarding Cost |
21878 | 转发一个 CPUID 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a CPUID instruction. |
21880 | MSR Accesses Forwarded/sec |
MSR Accesses Forwarded/sec |
21882 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发 MSR 指令的速率。 |
The rate of MSR instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21884 | MSR Accesses Forwarding Cost |
MSR Accesses Forwarding Cost |
21886 | 转发一个 MSR 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding an MSR instruction. |
21888 | Other Intercepts Forwarded/sec |
Other Intercepts Forwarded/sec |
21890 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发其他截获的速率。 |
The rate of other intercepts forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21892 | Other Intercepts Forwarding Cost |
Other Intercepts Forwarding Cost |
21894 | 转发其他截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding other intercepts. |
21896 | External Interrupts Forwarded/sec |
External Interrupts Forwarded/sec |
21898 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发外部中断的速率。 |
The rate of external interrupts forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21900 | External Interrupts Forwarding Cost |
External Interrupts Forwarding Cost |
21902 | 转发一个外部中断所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding an external interrupt. |
21904 | Pending Interrupts Forwarded/sec |
Pending Interrupts Forwarded/sec |
21906 | 由于降低了任务优先级(TPR)而向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发截获的速率。 |
The rate of intercepts due to a task priority (TPR) reduction forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21908 | Pending Interrupts Forwarding Cost |
Pending Interrupts Forwarding Cost |
21910 | 转发一个挂起的中断截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a pending interrupt intercept. |
21912 | Emulated Instructions Forwarded/sec |
Emulated Instructions Forwarded/sec |
21914 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发仿真指令的速率。 |
The rate of emulated instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21916 | Emulated Instructions Forwarding Cost |
Emulated Instructions Forwarding Cost |
21918 | 转发一个仿真指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwareding an emulated instruction. |
21920 | Debug Register Accesses Forwarded/sec |
Debug Register Accesses Forwarded/sec |
21922 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发调试寄存器访问的速率。 |
The rate of debug register accesses forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21924 | Debug Register Accesses Forwarding Cost |
Debug Register Accesses Forwarding Cost |
21926 | 转发一个调试寄存器访问所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a debug register access. |
21928 | Page Fault Intercepts Forwarded/sec |
Page Fault Intercepts Forwarded/sec |
21930 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时向嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发页面错误异常的速率。 |
The rate of page fault exceptions forwarded to the nested hypervisor while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
21932 | Page Fault Intercepts Forwarding Cost |
Page Fault Intercepts Forwarding Cost |
21934 | 转发一个页面错误截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent forwarding a page fault intercept. |
21936 | Hypercalls Forwarded Base |
Hypercalls Forwarded Base |
21938 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的虚拟化调用的总数。 |
The total number of hypercalls forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21940 | Page Invalidations Forwarded Base |
Page Invalidations Forwarded Base |
21942 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的 INVLPG 指令的总数。 |
The total number of INVLPG instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21944 | Control Register Accesses Forwarded Base |
Control Register Accesses Forwarded Base |
21946 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的控制寄存器访问的总数。 |
The total number of control register accesses forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21948 | IO Instructions Forwarded Base |
IO Instructions Forwarded Base |
21950 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的 IO 指令的总数。 |
The total number of IO instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21952 | HLT Instructions Forwarded Base |
HLT Instructions Forwarded Base |
21954 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的 HLT 指令的总数。 |
The total number of HLT instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21956 | MWAIT Instructions Forwarded Base |
MWAIT Instructions Forwarded Base |
21958 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的 MWAIT 指令的总数。 |
The total number of MWAIT instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21960 | CPUID Instructions Forwarded Base |
CPUID Instructions Forwarded Base |
21962 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的 CPUID 指令的总数。 |
The total number of CPUID instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21964 | MSR Accesses Forwarded Base |
MSR Accesses Forwarded Base |
21966 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的 MSR 指令的总数。 |
The total number of MSR instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21968 | Other Intercepts Forwarded Base |
Other Intercepts Forwarded Base |
21970 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的其他截获的总数。 |
The total number of other intercepts forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21972 | External Interrupts Forwarded Base |
External Interrupts Forwarded Base |
21974 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的外部中断的总数。 |
The total number of external interrupts forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21976 | Pending Interrupts Forwarded Base |
Pending Interrupts Forwarded Base |
21978 | 由于降低了任务优先级(TPR)而向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的截获的总数。 |
The total number of intercepts due to a task priority (TPR) reduction forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21980 | Emulated Instructions Forwarded Base |
Emulated Instructions Forwarded Base |
21982 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的仿真指令的总数。 |
The total number of emulated instructions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21984 | Debug Register Accesses Forwarded Base |
Debug Register Accesses Forwarded Base |
21986 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的调试寄存器访问的总数。 |
The total number of debug register accesses forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
21988 | Page Fault Intercepts Forwarded Base |
Page Fault Intercepts Forwarded Base |
21990 | 向虚拟处理器上的嵌套虚拟机监控程序转发的页面错误异常的总数。 |
The total number of page fault exceptions forwarded to the nested hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
22004 | VMCLEAR Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMCLEAR Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22006 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMCLEAR 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMCLEAR instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22008 | VMCLEAR Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMCLEAR Instruction Emulation Cost |
22010 | 模拟一个 VMCLEAR 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMCLEAR instruction. |
22012 | VMPTRLD Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMPTRLD Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22014 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMPTRLD 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMPTRLD instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22016 | VMPTRLD Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMPTRLD Instruction Emulation Cost |
22018 | 模拟一个 VMPTRLD 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMPTRLD instruction. |
22020 | VMPTRST Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMPTRST Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22022 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMPTRST 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMPTRST instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22024 | VMPTRST Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMPTRST Instruction Emulation Cost |
22026 | 模拟一个 VMPTRST 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMPTRST instruction. |
22028 | VMREAD Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMREAD Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22030 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMREAD 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMREAD instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22032 | VMREAD Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMREAD Instruction Emulation Cost |
22034 | 模拟一个 VMREAD 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMREAD instruction. |
22036 | VMWRITE Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMWRITE Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22038 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMWRITE 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMWRITE instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22040 | VMWRITE Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMWRITE Instruction Emulation Cost |
22042 | 模拟一个 VMWRITE 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMWRITE instruction. |
22044 | VMXOFF Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMXOFF Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22046 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMXOFF 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMXOFF instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22048 | VMXOFF Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMXOFF Instruction Emulation Cost |
22050 | 模拟一个 VMXOFF 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMXOFF instruction. |
22052 | VMXON Emulation Intercepts/sec |
VMXON Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22054 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 VMXON 指令的速率。 |
The rate of VMXON instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22056 | VMXON Instruction Emulation Cost |
VMXON Instruction Emulation Cost |
22058 | 模拟一个 VMXON 指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent enumulating a VMXON instruction. |
22060 | Nested VM Entries/sec |
Nested VM Entries/sec |
22062 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时处理嵌套 VM 条目的速率。 |
The rate of nested VM entries while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22064 | Nested VM Entries Cost |
Nested VM Entries Cost |
22066 | 处理一个嵌套 VM 条目所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a nested VM entry. |
22068 | Nested SLAT Soft Page Faults/sec |
Nested SLAT Soft Page Faults/sec |
22070 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时处理嵌套 SLAT 软页面错误的速率。 |
The rate of nested SLAT soft page faults while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22072 | Nested SLAT Soft Page Faults Cost |
Nested SLAT Soft Page Faults Cost |
22074 | 处理一个嵌套 SLAT 软页面错误所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a nested SLAT soft page fault. |
22076 | Nested SLAT Hard Page Faults/sec |
Nested SLAT Hard Page Faults/sec |
22078 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时处理嵌套 SLAT 硬页面错误的速率。 |
The rate of nested SLAT hard page faults while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22080 | Nested SLAT Hard Page Faults Cost |
Nested SLAT Hard Page Faults Cost |
22082 | 处理一个嵌套 SLAT 硬页面错误所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent processing a nested SLAT hard page fault. |
22084 | InvEpt All Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
InvEpt All Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22086 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 InvEpt All Context 指令的速率。 |
The rate of InvEpt All Context instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22088 | InvEpt All Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
InvEpt All Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
22090 | 模拟一个 InvEpt All Context 截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating an InvEpt All Context intercept. |
22092 | InvEpt Single Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
InvEpt Single Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22094 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 InvEpt Single Context 指令的速率。 |
The rate of InvEpt Single Context instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22096 | InvEpt Single Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
InvEpt Single Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
22098 | 模拟一个 InvEpt Single Context 截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating an InvEpt Single Context intercept. |
22100 | InvVpid All Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
InvVpid All Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22102 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 InvVpid All Context 指令的速率。 |
The rate of InvVpid All Context instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22104 | InvVpid All Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
InvVpid All Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
22106 | 模拟一个 InvVpid All Context 截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating an InvVpid All Context intercept. |
22108 | InvVpid Single Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
InvVpid Single Context Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22110 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 InvVpid Single Context 指令的速率。 |
The rate of InvVpid Single Context instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22112 | InvVpid Single Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
InvVpid Single Context Instruction Emulation Cost |
22114 | 模拟一个 InvVpid Single Context 截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating an InvVpid Single Context intercept. |
22116 | VMCLEAR Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMCLEAR Emulation Intercepts Base |
22118 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMCLEAR 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMCLEAR instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22120 | VMPTRLD Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMPTRLD Emulation Intercepts Base |
22122 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMPTRLD 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMPTRLD instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22124 | VMPTRST Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMPTRST Emulation Intercepts Base |
22126 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMPTRST 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMPTRST instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22128 | VMREAD Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMREAD Emulation Intercepts Base |
22130 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMREAD 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMREAD instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22132 | VMWRITE Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMWRITE Emulation Intercepts Base |
22134 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMWRITE 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMWRITE instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22136 | VMXOFF Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMXOFF Emulation Intercepts Base |
22138 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMXOFF 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMXOFF instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22140 | VMXON Emulation Intercepts Base |
VMXON Emulation Intercepts Base |
22142 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 VMXON 指令的总数。 |
The total number of VMXON instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22144 | Nested VM Entries Base |
Nested VM Entries Base |
22146 | 虚拟处理器上的嵌套 VM 条目的总数。 |
The total number of nested VM entries on the virtual processor. |
22148 | Nested SLAT Soft Page Faults Base |
Nested SLAT Soft Page Faults Base |
22150 | 虚拟处理器上的嵌套 SLAT 软页面错误的总数。 |
The total number of nested SLAT soft page faults on the virtual processor. |
22152 | Nested SLAT Hard Page Faults Base |
Nested SLAT Hard Page Faults Base |
22154 | 虚拟处理器上的嵌套 SLAT 硬页面错误的总数。 |
The total number of nested SLAT hard page faults on the virtual processor. |
22156 | InvEpt All Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
InvEpt All Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
22158 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 InvEpt All Context 指令的总数。 |
The total number of InvEpt All Context instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22160 | InvEpt Single Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
InvEpt Single Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
22162 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 InvEpt Single Context 指令的总数。 |
The total number of InvEpt Single Context instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22164 | InvVpid All Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
InvVpid All Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
22166 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 InvVpid All Context 指令的总数。 |
The total number of InvVpid All Context instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22168 | InvVpid Single Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
InvVpid Single Context Emulation Intercepts Base |
22170 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 InvVpid Single Context 指令的总数。 |
The total number of InvVpid Single Context instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22172 | InvVpid Single Address Emulation Intercepts/sec |
InvVpid Single Address Emulation Intercepts/sec |
22174 | 在虚拟处理器上执行来宾代码时模拟 InvVpid Single Address 指令的速率。 |
The rate of InvVpid Single Address instructions emulated while executing guest code on the virtual processor. |
22176 | InvVpid Single Address Instruction Emulation Cost |
InvVpid Single Address Instruction Emulation Cost |
22178 | 模拟一个 InvVpid Single Address 截获所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating an InvVpid Single Address intercept. |
22180 | InvVpid Single Address Emulation Intercepts Base |
InvVpid Single Address Emulation Intercepts Base |
22182 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的 InvVpid Single Address 指令的总数。 |
The total number of InvVpid Single Address instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22184 | Total Virtualization Instructions Emulated Base |
Total Virtualization Instructions Emulated Base |
22186 | 在虚拟处理器上模拟的虚拟化指令的总计数。 |
The total count of virtualization instructions emulated on the virtual processor. |
22188 | Total Virtualization Instructions Emulated/sec |
Total Virtualization Instructions Emulated/sec |
22190 | 模拟虚拟化指令的速率。 |
The rate of virtualization instructions emulated. |
22192 | Total Virtualization Instructions Emulation Cost |
Total Virtualization Instructions Emulation Cost |
22194 | 模拟一个虚拟化扩展指令所花费的平均时间(以纳秒为单位)。 |
The average time (in nanoseconds) spent emulating a virtualization extension instruction. |
22196 | 嵌套 TLB 页表回收次数/秒 |
Nested TLB Page Table Reclamations/sec |
22197 | Nested TLB Page Table Reclamations/sec |
Nested TLB Page Table Reclamations/sec |
22198 | 嵌套 TLB 中未链接页面表的回收速率。 |
The rate of reclamations of unlinked page tables in the nested TLB. |
22200 | 嵌套 TLB 页面表逐出次数/秒 |
Nested TLB Page Table Evictions/sec |
22201 | Nested TLB Page Table Evictions/sec |
Nested TLB Page Table Evictions/sec |
22202 | 嵌套 TLB 中页面表的逐出速率。 |
The rate of page table evictions in the nested TLB. |
22204 | 刷新物理地址空间虚拟化调用数/秒 |
Flush Physical Address Space Hypercalls/sec |
22205 | Flush Physical Address Space Hypercalls/sec |
Flush Physical Address Space Hypercalls/sec |
22206 | 由虚拟处理器上的来宾虚拟机监控程序进行的刷新来宾物理地址空间虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Flush Guest Physical Adress Space hypercalls made by the guest hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
22212 | 刷新物理地址列表虚拟化调用数/秒 |
Flush Physical Address List Hypercalls/sec |
22213 | Flush Physical Address List Hypercalls/sec |
Flush Physical Address List Hypercalls/sec |
22214 | 由虚拟处理器上的来宾虚拟机监控程序进行的刷新来宾物理地址列表虚拟化调用的速率。 |
The rate of Flush Guest Physical Address List hypercalls made by the guest hypervisor on the virtual processor. |
22220 | 为嵌套 TLB 存储的页面数。 |
The number of pages deposited for the nested TLB. |
22222 | 嵌套 TLB 大小 |
Nested TLB Size |
22223 | Nested TLB Size |
Nested TLB Size |
22224 | 建议的针对嵌套 TLB 存储的页面数。 |
The recommended number of pages to be deposited for the nested TLB. |
22226 | 建议的嵌套 TLB 大小 |
Recommended Nested TLB Size |
22227 | Recommended Nested TLB Size |
Recommended Nested TLB Size |
22228 | 嵌套 TLB 中的可用页面数。 |
The number of free pages in the nested TLB. |
22230 | 嵌套 TLB 可用列表大小 |
Nested TLB Free List Size |
22231 | Nested TLB Free List Size |
Nested TLB Free List Size |
22232 | 从嵌套 TLB 中释放的页面比率。 |
The rate of pages trimmed from the nested TLB. |
22234 | 嵌套 TLB 释放页面数/秒 |
Nested TLB Trimmed Pages/sec |
22235 | Nested TLB Trimmed Pages/sec |
Nested TLB Trimmed Pages/sec |
30028 | Hyper-V VM Vid Partition |
Hyper-V VM Vid Partition |
30030 | 这些是 VID 分区对象的性能计数器。 |
These are the perf counters for a VID partition object. |
30092 | Physical Pages Allocated |
Physical Pages Allocated |
30094 | 分配的物理页面数量。 |
The number of physical pages allocated. |
30216 | Preferred NUMA Node Index |
Preferred NUMA Node Index |
30218 | 与该分区关联的首选 NUMA 节点索引。 |
The preferred NUMA node index associated with this partition. |
30224 | Remote Physical Pages |
Remote Physical Pages |
30226 | 非首选 NUMA 节点分配的物理页面的数量。 |
The number of physical pages not allocated from the preferred NUMA node. |
40000 | Hyper-V VM Save, Snapshot, and Restore |
Hyper-V VM Save, Snapshot, and Restore |
40002 | 虚拟机的保存、快照和还原系统的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a virtual machine's save, snapshot, and restore systems. |
40004 | Threads Spawned |
Threads Spawned |
40006 | 当前衍生的线程数 |
The number of threads currently spawned |
40008 | Requests Active |
Requests Active |
40010 | 当前处理的请求数 |
The number of requests currently being processed |
40012 | Requests Dispatched |
Requests Dispatched |
40014 | 已分派的请求总数 |
The total number of requests that have been dispatched |
40016 | Requests Processed |
Requests Processed |
40018 | 已处理的请求总数 |
The total number of requests that have been processed |
40020 | Requests High Priority |
Requests High Priority |
40022 | 高优先级请求总数 |
The total number of high priority requests |
40024 | Operation Time |
Operation Time |
40026 | 完成 GMO 操作所花的时间(以毫秒为单位) |
The time taken to complete a GMO operation (in ms) |
41000 | Hyper-V VM worker Process Memory Manager |
Hyper-V VM worker Process Memory Manager |
41002 | 工作进程内存管理器的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a worker process memory manager. |
41004 | Memory Block Count |
Memory Block Count |
41006 | 非 RAM 内存块的数量 |
The number of non-RAM memory blocks |
41008 | Total Memory Block Count |
Total Memory Block Count |
41010 | 内存块的总数 |
The total number of memory blocks |
41012 | RAM Memory Block Count |
RAM Memory Block Count |
41014 | RAM 内存块的数量 |
The number of RAM memory blocks |
41016 | Memory Block Aperture Cache Hit |
Memory Block Aperture Cache Hit |
41018 | 非 RAM 页面的光圈缓存命中数 |
The number of aperture cache hits for non-RAM pages |
41020 | RAM Aperture Cache Hit |
RAM Aperture Cache Hit |
41022 | RAM 页面的光圈缓存命中数 |
The number of aperture cache hits for RAM pages |
41024 | Memory Block Aperture Cache Miss |
Memory Block Aperture Cache Miss |
41026 | 非 RAM 页面的光圈缓存丢失的数量 |
The number of aperture cache miss for non-RAM pages |
41028 | RAM Aperture Cache Miss |
RAM Aperture Cache Miss |
41030 | RAM 页面的光圈缓存丢失的数量 |
The number of aperture cache miss for RAM pages |
41032 | Aperture Cache Size |
Aperture Cache Size |
41034 | 系统中的活动光圈总数 |
The total number of active apertures in the system |
41036 | Aperture Cache Eviction Count |
Aperture Cache Eviction Count |
41038 | 从缓存中收回的光圈总数 |
The total number of apertures evicted from the cache |
41040 | Aperture Cleanup Timer Period |
Aperture Cleanup Timer Period |
41042 | 用于清除过时光圈的定期计时器周期 |
The periodic timer period used for stale aperture cleanups |
41044 | Stale Aperture List Size |
Stale Aperture List Size |
41046 | 准备清除的光圈数 |
The number of apertures ready for cleanup |
41048 | Free Aperture List Size |
Free Aperture List Size |
41050 | 准备重新使用的光圈数 |
The number of apertures ready for re-use |
41052 | Number of memory contents file size changes |
Number of memory contents file size changes |
41054 | 内存内容文件大小更改的次数 |
Number of memory contents file size changes |
50000 | Hyper-V Virtual IDE Controller (Emulated) |
Hyper-V Virtual IDE Controller (Emulated) |
50002 | 虚拟机的 IDE 控制器的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a virtual machine's IDE Controller. |
50004 | Read Sectors/sec |
Read Sectors/sec |
50006 | 读取的扇区数/秒是每秒从附加到 IDE 控制器的磁盘读取的扇区数。 |
Read Sectors/sec is the number of sectors read per second from the disks attached to the IDE controller. |
50008 | Written Sectors/sec |
Written Sectors/sec |
50010 | 写入的扇区数/秒是每秒向附加到 IDE 控制器的磁盘写入的扇区数。 |
Written Sectors/sec is the number of sectors written per second to the disks attached to the IDE controller. |
50012 | Read Bytes/sec |
Read Bytes/sec |
50014 | 读取的字节数/秒是每秒从附加到 IDE 控制器的磁盘读取的字节数。 |
Read Bytes/sec is the number of bytes read per second from the disks attached to the IDE controller. |
50016 | Write Bytes/sec |
Write Bytes/sec |
50018 | 写入的字节数/秒是每秒向附加到 IDE 控制器的磁盘写入的字节数。 |
Write Bytes/sec is the number of bytes written per second to the disks attached to the IDE controller. |
51000 | Hyper-V Legacy Network Adapter |
Hyper-V Legacy Network Adapter |
51002 | 虚拟机的以太网控制器的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a virtual machine's Ethernet controller. |
51004 | Frames Received/sec |
Frames Received/sec |
51006 | 接收的帧数/秒是网络适配器上每秒接收的帧数。 |
Frames Received/sec is the number of frames received per second on the network adapter. |
51008 | Frames Dropped |
Frames Dropped |
51010 | 丢弃的帧数是网络适配器上丢弃的帧数。 |
Frames Dropped is the number of frames dropped on the network adapter. |
51012 | Frames Sent/sec |
Frames Sent/sec |
51014 | 发送的帧数/秒是网络适配器上每秒发送的帧数。 |
Frames Sent/sec is the number of frames sent per second over the network adapter. |
51016 | Bytes Received/sec |
Bytes Received/sec |
51018 | 接收的字节数/秒是网络适配器上每秒接收的字节数。 |
Bytes Received/sec is the number of bytes received per second on the network adapter. |
51020 | Bytes Dropped |
Bytes Dropped |
51022 | 丢弃的字节是网络适配器上丢弃的字节数。 |
Bytes Dropped is the number of bytes dropped on the network adapter. |
51024 | Bytes Sent/sec |
Bytes Sent/sec |
51026 | 发送的字节数/秒是网络适配器上每秒发送的字节数。 |
Bytes Sent/sec is the number of bytes sent per second over the network adapter. |
54000 | Hyper-V VM Remoting |
Hyper-V VM Remoting |
54002 | 虚拟机的远程系统的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a virtual machine's remoting system. |
54004 | Connected Clients |
Connected Clients |
54008 | Updated Pixels/sec |
Updated Pixels/sec |
54010 | 每秒更新的像素数 |
Updated Pixels/sec |
56000 | Hyper-V VM IO APIC |
Hyper-V VM IO APIC |
56002 | 虚拟机的 I/O APIC 设备的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a virtual machine's I/O APIC device. |
56004 | Assertions |
Assertions |
56006 | 声明是 I/O Apic 设备发送到虚拟机的中断声明的数量。 |
Assertions are the number of interrupt assertions the I/O Apic device sent to the Virtual Machine. |
56008 | Deassertions |
Deassertions |
56010 | 取消声明是 I/O Apic 设备从虚拟机接收的中断取消声明的数量。 |
Deassertions are the number of interrupt deassertions the I/O Apic device received from the Virtual Machine. |
57000 | RemoteFX Root GPU Management |
RemoteFX Root GPU Management |
57002 | 显示 RemoteFX 根 GPU 管理计数器 |
Displays RemoteFX Root GPU Management Counters |
57004 | VRAM: Available MB per GPU |
VRAM: Available MB per GPU |
57006 | 未使用的专用 VRAM 量。 |
Amount of dedicated VRAM that is unused. |
57008 | VRAM: Reserved % per GPU |
VRAM: Reserved % per GPU |
57010 | 为 RemoteFX 保留的专用 VRAM 的百分比。 |
Percent of dedicated VRAM that has been reserved for RemoteFX. |
57012 | Resources: VMs running RemoteFX |
Resources: VMs running RemoteFX |
57014 | 安装有 RemoteFX 3D 适配器的虚拟机的计数。 |
Count of virtual machines that have the RemoteFX 3D adapter installed. |
58000 | Hyper-V Worker Virtual Processor |
Hyper-V Worker Virtual Processor |
58002 | 虚拟机的虚拟处理器的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for the virtual processor of a virtual machine. |
58004 | Intercept Delay Time (ms) |
Intercept Delay Time (ms) |
58006 | 1 秒内已延迟截获的时间(以毫秒为单位) |
The time in miliseconds that the intercepts have been delayed in 1 sec |
58008 | Intercepts Delayed |
Intercepts Delayed |
58010 | 1 秒内已延迟的截获数量 |
The number of intercepts that have been delayed in 1 sec |
60000 | Hyper-V VM Live Migration |
Hyper-V VM Live Migration |
60002 | 虚拟机的实时迁移的性能计数器。 |
Performance counters for a virtual machine's live migration. |
60004 | Transfer Pass: Number |
Transfer Pass: Number |
60006 | Memory transfer pass number |
Memory transfer pass number |
60008 | Transfer Pass: Is blackout |
Transfer Pass: Is blackout |
60010 | Memory transfer pass blackout phase indicator |
Memory transfer pass blackout phase indicator |
60012 | Transfer pass: Dirty Page Count |
Transfer pass: Dirty Page Count |
60014 | Memory transfer pass dirty page count |
Memory transfer pass dirty page count |
60016 | Transfer pass: CPU Cap |
Transfer pass: CPU Cap |
60018 | Memory transfer pass cpu cap |
Memory transfer pass cpu cap |
60020 | Memory Walker: Maximum Threads |
Memory Walker: Maximum Threads |
60022 | Memory walker maximum threads |
Memory walker maximum threads |
60024 | Memory Walker: Bytes Read/sec |
Memory Walker: Bytes Read/sec |
60026 | Memory walker memory read per second |
Memory walker memory read per second |
60028 | Memory Walker: Uncompressed Bytes Sent |
Memory Walker: Uncompressed Bytes Sent |
60030 | Memory walker uncompressed bytes send |
Memory walker uncompressed bytes send |
60032 | Memory Walker: Uncompressed Bytes Sent/sec |
Memory Walker: Uncompressed Bytes Sent/sec |
60034 | Memory walker uncompressed bytes sent per second |
Memory walker uncompressed bytes sent per second |
60036 | Memory Walker: Bytes Sent for Compression |
Memory Walker: Bytes Sent for Compression |
60038 | Memory walker bytes sent for compression |
Memory walker bytes sent for compression |
60040 | Memory Walker: Bytes Sent for Compression/sec |
Memory Walker: Bytes Sent for Compression/sec |
60042 | Memory walker bytes sent for compression per second |
Memory walker bytes sent for compression per second |
60044 | SMB Transport: Pending Send Count |
SMB Transport: Pending Send Count |
60046 | SMB transport's pending send count |
SMB transport's pending send count |
60048 | SMB Transport: Pending Send Bytes |
SMB Transport: Pending Send Bytes |
60050 | SMB transport's pending send bytes |
SMB transport's pending send bytes |
60052 | SMB Transport: Bytes Sent |
SMB Transport: Bytes Sent |
60054 | SMB transport's bytes sent |
SMB transport's bytes sent |
60056 | SMB Transport: Bytes Sent/sec |
SMB Transport: Bytes Sent/sec |
60058 | SMB transport's bytes sent per second |
SMB transport's bytes sent per second |
60060 | Compressor: Bytes to be Compressed |
Compressor: Bytes to be Compressed |
60062 | Bytes to be compressed by the compressor threads |
Bytes to be compressed by the compressor threads |
60064 | Compressor: Compressed Bytes Sent |
Compressor: Compressed Bytes Sent |
60066 | Compressed bytes sent |
Compressed bytes sent |
60068 | Compressor: Compressed Bytes Sent/sec |
Compressor: Compressed Bytes Sent/sec |
60070 | Compressed bytes sent per second |
Compressed bytes sent per second |
60072 | Compressor: Maximum Threads |
Compressor: Maximum Threads |
60074 | Maximum compressor threads |
Maximum compressor threads |
60076 | Compressor: Enabled Threads |
Compressor: Enabled Threads |
60078 | Enabled compressor threads |
Enabled compressor threads |
60080 | TCP Transport: Total buffer count |
TCP Transport: Total buffer count |
60082 | TCP transport total buffer count |
TCP transport total buffer count |
60084 | TCP Transport: Pending Send Count |
TCP Transport: Pending Send Count |
60086 | TCP transport pending send count |
TCP transport pending send count |
60088 | TCP Transport: Bytes Pending Send |
TCP Transport: Bytes Pending Send |
60090 | TCP transport bytes pending send |
TCP transport bytes pending send |
60092 | TCP Transport: Bytes Sent/sec |
TCP Transport: Bytes Sent/sec |
60094 | Bytes sent by TCP transport per second |
Bytes sent by TCP transport per second |
60096 | TCP Transport: Posted Receive Buffer Count |
TCP Transport: Posted Receive Buffer Count |
60098 | TCP transport posted receive buffer count |
TCP transport posted receive buffer count |
60100 | TCP Transport: Bytes Pending Processing |
TCP Transport: Bytes Pending Processing |
60102 | TCP transport bytes received and pending processing |
TCP transport bytes received and pending processing |
60104 | TCP Transport: Bytes Received/sec |
TCP Transport: Bytes Received/sec |
60106 | Bytes received by TCP transport per second |
Bytes received by TCP transport per second |
60108 | Receiver: Bytes Written/sec |
Receiver: Bytes Written/sec |
60110 | Guest RAM Bytes written per second |
Guest RAM Bytes written per second |
60112 | Receiver: Bytes Pending Write |
Receiver: Bytes Pending Write |
60114 | Guest RAM bytes pending write |
Guest RAM bytes pending write |
60116 | Receiver: Uncompressed Bytes Received/sec |
Receiver: Uncompressed Bytes Received/sec |
60118 | Uncompressed bytes received per second |
Uncompressed bytes received per second |
60120 | Receiver: Maximum Threadpool Thread Count |
Receiver: Maximum Threadpool Thread Count |
60122 | Maximum thread count in receive threadpool |
Maximum thread count in receive threadpool |
60124 | Receiver: Compressed Bytes Received/sec |
Receiver: Compressed Bytes Received/sec |
60126 | Compressed bytes received per second |
Compressed bytes received per second |
60128 | Receiver: Bytes Pending Decompression |
Receiver: Bytes Pending Decompression |
60130 | Received bytes pending decompression |
Received bytes pending decompression |
60132 | Receiver: Decompressed Bytes/sec |
Receiver: Decompressed Bytes/sec |
60134 | Bytes post decompression per second |
Bytes post decompression per second |
63464 | IOCTL time - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmap |
IOCTL time - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmap |
63466 | IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmapTime |
IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmapTime |
63468 | IOCTL count - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmap |
IOCTL count - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmap |
63470 | IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmapCount |
IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockGetBitmapCount |
63472 | IOCTL time - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisable |
IOCTL time - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisable |
63474 | IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisableTime |
IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisableTime |
63476 | IOCTL count - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisable |
IOCTL count - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisable |
63478 | IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisableCount |
IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockDisableCount |
63480 | IOCTL time - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnable |
IOCTL time - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnable |
63482 | IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnableTime |
IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnableTime |
63484 | IOCTL count - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnable |
IOCTL count - IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnable |
63486 | IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnableCount |
IoctlDbgProtectMemoryBlockEnableCount |
63488 | IOCTL time - IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocks |
IOCTL time - IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocks |
63490 | IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocksTime |
IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocksTime |
63492 | IOCTL count - IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocks |
IOCTL count - IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocks |
63494 | IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocksCount |
IoctlSgxResetMemoryBlocksCount |
63496 | IOCTL time - IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSize |
IOCTL time - IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSize |
63498 | IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSizeTime |
IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSizeTime |
63500 | IOCTL count - IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSize |
IOCTL count - IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSize |
63502 | IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSizeCount |
IoctlAdjustNestedTlbSizeCount |
63504 | IOCTL time - IoctlCheckForIoIntercept |
IOCTL time - IoctlCheckForIoIntercept |
63506 | IoctlCheckForIoInterceptTime |
IoctlCheckForIoInterceptTime |
63508 | IOCTL count - IoctlCheckForIoIntercept |
IOCTL count - IoctlCheckForIoIntercept |
63510 | IoctlCheckForIoInterceptCount |
IoctlCheckForIoInterceptCount |
63512 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtections |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtections |
63514 | IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtectionsTime |
IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtectionsTime |
63516 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtections |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtections |
63518 | IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtectionsCount |
IoctlVsmPartitionResetProtectionsCount |
63520 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtections |
63522 | IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
63524 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtections |
63526 | IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
IoctlVsmApplyMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
63528 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtections |
63530 | IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
63532 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtections |
63534 | IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
IoctlVsmSetMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
63536 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtections |
63538 | IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
63540 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtections |
63542 | IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
IoctlVsmGetMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
63544 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtections |
63546 | IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtectionsTime |
63548 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtections |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtections |
63550 | IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
IoctlVsmQueryMemoryBlockProtectionsCount |
63552 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfig |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfig |
63554 | IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfigTime |
IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfigTime |
63556 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfig |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfig |
63558 | IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfigCount |
IoctlVsmSetPartitionConfigCount |
63560 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfig |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfig |
63562 | IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfigTime |
IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfigTime |
63564 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfig |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfig |
63566 | IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfigCount |
IoctlVsmGetPartitionConfigCount |
63568 | IOCTL time - IoctlVsmQueryInfo |
IOCTL time - IoctlVsmQueryInfo |
63570 | IoctlVsmQueryInfoTime |
IoctlVsmQueryInfoTime |
63572 | IOCTL count - IoctlVsmQueryInfo |
IOCTL count - IoctlVsmQueryInfo |
63574 | IoctlVsmQueryInfoCount |
IoctlVsmQueryInfoCount |
63576 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisable |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisable |
63578 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisableTime |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisableTime |
63580 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisable |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisable |
63582 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisableCount |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectDisableCount |
63584 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectClose |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectClose |
63586 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectCloseTime |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectCloseTime |
63588 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectClose |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectClose |
63590 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectCloseCount |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectCloseCount |
63592 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferSend |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferSend |
63594 | IoctlMemoryXferSendTime |
IoctlMemoryXferSendTime |
63596 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferSend |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferSend |
63598 | IoctlMemoryXferSendCount |
IoctlMemoryXferSendCount |
63600 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnable |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnable |
63602 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnableTime |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnableTime |
63604 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnable |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnable |
63606 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnableCount |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectEnableCount |
63608 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpen |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpen |
63610 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpenTime |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpenTime |
63612 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpen |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpen |
63614 | IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpenCount |
IoctlMemoryXferConnectOpenCount |
63616 | IOCTL time - IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRange |
63618 | IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
63620 | IOCTL count - IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRange |
63622 | IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
IoctlWriteMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
63624 | IOCTL time - IoctlUnregisterHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlUnregisterHandler |
63626 | IoctlUnregisterHandlerTime |
IoctlUnregisterHandlerTime |
63628 | IOCTL count - IoctlUnregisterHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlUnregisterHandler |
63630 | IoctlUnregisterHandlerCount |
IoctlUnregisterHandlerCount |
63632 | IOCTL time - IoctlUnregisterCpuidResult |
IOCTL time - IoctlUnregisterCpuidResult |
63634 | IoctlUnregisterCpuidResultTime |
IoctlUnregisterCpuidResultTime |
63636 | IOCTL count - IoctlUnregisterCpuidResult |
IOCTL count - IoctlUnregisterCpuidResult |
63638 | IoctlUnregisterCpuidResultCount |
IoctlUnregisterCpuidResultCount |
63640 | IOCTL time - IoctlUnPersistPartition |
IOCTL time - IoctlUnPersistPartition |
63642 | IoctlUnPersistPartitionTime |
IoctlUnPersistPartitionTime |
63644 | IOCTL count - IoctlUnPersistPartition |
IOCTL count - IoctlUnPersistPartition |
63646 | IoctlUnPersistPartitionCount |
IoctlUnPersistPartitionCount |
63648 | IOCTL time - IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRange |
63650 | IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
63652 | IOCTL count - IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRange |
63654 | IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
IoctlUnmapMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
63656 | IOCTL time - IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocal |
IOCTL time - IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocal |
63658 | IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocalTime |
IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocalTime |
63660 | IOCTL count - IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocal |
IOCTL count - IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocal |
63662 | IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocalCount |
IoctlUnmapHvStatsPageLocalCount |
63664 | IOCTL time - IoctlTrimPartitionMemory |
IOCTL time - IoctlTrimPartitionMemory |
63666 | IoctlTrimPartitionMemoryTime |
IoctlTrimPartitionMemoryTime |
63668 | IOCTL count - IoctlTrimPartitionMemory |
IOCTL count - IoctlTrimPartitionMemory |
63670 | IoctlTrimPartitionMemoryCount |
IoctlTrimPartitionMemoryCount |
63672 | IOCTL time - IoctlTranslateGva |
IOCTL time - IoctlTranslateGva |
63674 | IoctlTranslateGvaTime |
IoctlTranslateGvaTime |
63676 | IOCTL count - IoctlTranslateGva |
IOCTL count - IoctlTranslateGva |
63678 | IoctlTranslateGvaCount |
IoctlTranslateGvaCount |
63680 | IOCTL time - IoctlSuspendClear |
IOCTL time - IoctlSuspendClear |
63682 | IoctlSuspendClearTime |
IoctlSuspendClearTime |
63684 | IOCTL count - IoctlSuspendClear |
IOCTL count - IoctlSuspendClear |
63686 | IoctlSuspendClearCount |
IoctlSuspendClearCount |
63688 | IOCTL time - IoctlSuspendApply |
IOCTL time - IoctlSuspendApply |
63690 | IoctlSuspendApplyTime |
IoctlSuspendApplyTime |
63692 | IOCTL count - IoctlSuspendApply |
IOCTL count - IoctlSuspendApply |
63694 | IoctlSuspendApplyCount |
IoctlSuspendApplyCount |
63696 | IOCTL time - IoctlStopVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL time - IoctlStopVirtualProcessor |
63698 | IoctlStopVirtualProcessorTime |
IoctlStopVirtualProcessorTime |
63700 | IOCTL count - IoctlStopVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL count - IoctlStopVirtualProcessor |
63702 | IoctlStopVirtualProcessorCount |
IoctlStopVirtualProcessorCount |
63704 | IOCTL time - IoctlStatisticsUnMap |
IOCTL time - IoctlStatisticsUnMap |
63706 | IoctlStatisticsUnMapTime |
IoctlStatisticsUnMapTime |
63708 | IOCTL count - IoctlStatisticsUnMap |
IOCTL count - IoctlStatisticsUnMap |
63710 | IoctlStatisticsUnMapCount |
IoctlStatisticsUnMapCount |
63712 | IOCTL time - IoctlStatisticsMap |
IOCTL time - IoctlStatisticsMap |
63714 | IoctlStatisticsMapTime |
IoctlStatisticsMapTime |
63716 | IOCTL count - IoctlStatisticsMap |
IOCTL count - IoctlStatisticsMap |
63718 | IoctlStatisticsMapCount |
IoctlStatisticsMapCount |
63720 | IOCTL time - IoctlStartVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL time - IoctlStartVirtualProcessor |
63722 | IoctlStartVirtualProcessorTime |
IoctlStartVirtualProcessorTime |
63724 | IOCTL count - IoctlStartVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL count - IoctlStartVirtualProcessor |
63726 | IoctlStartVirtualProcessorCount |
IoctlStartVirtualProcessorCount |
63728 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCached |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCached |
63730 | IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCachedTime |
IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCachedTime |
63732 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCached |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCached |
63734 | IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCachedCount |
IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCachedCount |
63736 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorState |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorState |
63738 | IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateTime |
IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateTime |
63740 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorState |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetVirtualProcessorState |
63742 | IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCount |
IoctlSetVirtualProcessorStateCount |
63744 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetupPartition |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetupPartition |
63746 | IoctlSetupPartitionTime |
IoctlSetupPartitionTime |
63748 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetupPartition |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetupPartition |
63750 | IoctlSetupPartitionCount |
IoctlSetupPartitionCount |
63752 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetupMessageQueue |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetupMessageQueue |
63754 | IoctlSetupMessageQueueTime |
IoctlSetupMessageQueueTime |
63756 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetupMessageQueue |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetupMessageQueue |
63758 | IoctlSetupMessageQueueCount |
IoctlSetupMessageQueueCount |
63760 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetTimer |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetTimer |
63762 | IoctlSetTimerTime |
IoctlSetTimerTime |
63764 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetTimer |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetTimer |
63766 | IoctlSetTimerCount |
IoctlSetTimerCount |
63768 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetRelativeWeight |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetRelativeWeight |
63770 | IoctlSetRelativeWeightTime |
IoctlSetRelativeWeightTime |
63772 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetRelativeWeight |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetRelativeWeight |
63774 | IoctlSetRelativeWeightCount |
IoctlSetRelativeWeightCount |
63776 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetPartitionProperty |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetPartitionProperty |
63778 | IoctlSetPartitionPropertyTime |
IoctlSetPartitionPropertyTime |
63780 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetPartitionProperty |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetPartitionProperty |
63782 | IoctlSetPartitionPropertyCount |
IoctlSetPartitionPropertyCount |
63784 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueue |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueue |
63786 | IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueueTime |
IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueueTime |
63788 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueue |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueue |
63790 | IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueueCount |
IoctlSetMemoryBlockNotificationQueueCount |
63792 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotifications |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotifications |
63794 | IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotificationsTime |
IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotificationsTime |
63796 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotifications |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotifications |
63798 | IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotificationsCount |
IoctlSetMemoryBlockClientNotificationsCount |
63800 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetMailboxKey |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetMailboxKey |
63802 | IoctlSetMailboxKeyTime |
IoctlSetMailboxKeyTime |
63804 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetMailboxKey |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetMailboxKey |
63806 | IoctlSetMailboxKeyCount |
IoctlSetMailboxKeyCount |
63808 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetCpuReserve |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetCpuReserve |
63810 | IoctlSetCpuReserveTime |
IoctlSetCpuReserveTime |
63812 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetCpuReserve |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetCpuReserve |
63814 | IoctlSetCpuReserveCount |
IoctlSetCpuReserveCount |
63816 | IOCTL time - IoctlSetCpuCap |
IOCTL time - IoctlSetCpuCap |
63818 | IoctlSetCpuCapTime |
IoctlSetCpuCapTime |
63820 | IOCTL count - IoctlSetCpuCap |
IOCTL count - IoctlSetCpuCap |
63822 | IoctlSetCpuCapCount |
IoctlSetCpuCapCount |
63824 | IOCTL time - IoctlSavePartitionState |
IOCTL time - IoctlSavePartitionState |
63826 | IoctlSavePartitionStateTime |
IoctlSavePartitionStateTime |
63828 | IOCTL count - IoctlSavePartitionState |
IOCTL count - IoctlSavePartitionState |
63830 | IoctlSavePartitionStateCount |
IoctlSavePartitionStateCount |
63832 | IOCTL time - IoctlResetPoisonedPage |
IOCTL time - IoctlResetPoisonedPage |
63834 | IoctlResetPoisonedPageTime |
IoctlResetPoisonedPageTime |
63836 | IOCTL count - IoctlResetPoisonedPage |
IOCTL count - IoctlResetPoisonedPage |
63838 | IoctlResetPoisonedPageCount |
IoctlResetPoisonedPageCount |
63840 | IOCTL time - IoctlReset |
IOCTL time - IoctlReset |
63842 | IoctlResetTime |
IoctlResetTime |
63844 | IOCTL count - IoctlReset |
IOCTL count - IoctlReset |
63846 | IoctlResetCount |
IoctlResetCount |
63848 | IOCTL time - IoctlReserve |
IOCTL time - IoctlReserve |
63850 | IoctlReserveTime |
IoctlReserveTime |
63852 | IOCTL count - IoctlReserve |
IOCTL count - IoctlReserve |
63854 | IoctlReserveCount |
IoctlReserveCount |
63856 | IOCTL time - IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL time - IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessor |
63858 | IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessorTime |
IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessorTime |
63860 | IOCTL count - IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL count - IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessor |
63862 | IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessorCount |
IoctlRemoveVirtualProcessorCount |
63864 | IOCTL time - IoctlRelease |
IOCTL time - IoctlRelease |
63866 | IoctlReleaseTime |
IoctlReleaseTime |
63868 | IOCTL count - IoctlRelease |
IOCTL count - IoctlRelease |
63870 | IoctlReleaseCount |
IoctlReleaseCount |
63872 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterCpuidResult |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterCpuidResult |
63874 | IoctlRegisterCpuidResultTime |
IoctlRegisterCpuidResultTime |
63876 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterCpuidResult |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterCpuidResult |
63878 | IoctlRegisterCpuidResultCount |
IoctlRegisterCpuidResultCount |
63880 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandler |
63882 | IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandlerTime |
63884 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandler |
63886 | IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterTripleFaultHandlerCount |
63888 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterMsrHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterMsrHandler |
63890 | IoctlRegisterMsrHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterMsrHandlerTime |
63892 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterMsrHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterMsrHandler |
63894 | IoctlRegisterMsrHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterMsrHandlerCount |
63896 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandler |
63898 | IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandlerTime |
63900 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandler |
63902 | IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterLegacyFpErrorHandlerCount |
63904 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterIoPortHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterIoPortHandler |
63906 | IoctlRegisterIoPortHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterIoPortHandlerTime |
63908 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterIoPortHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterIoPortHandler |
63910 | IoctlRegisterIoPortHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterIoPortHandlerCount |
63912 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterExceptionHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterExceptionHandler |
63914 | IoctlRegisterExceptionHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterExceptionHandlerTime |
63916 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterExceptionHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterExceptionHandler |
63918 | IoctlRegisterExceptionHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterExceptionHandlerCount |
63920 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterCpuidHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterCpuidHandler |
63922 | IoctlRegisterCpuidHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterCpuidHandlerTime |
63924 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterCpuidHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterCpuidHandler |
63926 | IoctlRegisterCpuidHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterCpuidHandlerCount |
63928 | IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandler |
IOCTL time - IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandler |
63930 | IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandlerTime |
IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandlerTime |
63932 | IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandler |
IOCTL count - IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandler |
63934 | IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandlerCount |
IoctlRegisterApicEoiHandlerCount |
63936 | IOCTL time - IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRange |
63938 | IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
63940 | IOCTL count - IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRange |
63942 | IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
IoctlReadMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
63944 | IOCTL time - IoctlQueryName |
IOCTL time - IoctlQueryName |
63946 | IoctlQueryNameTime |
IoctlQueryNameTime |
63948 | IOCTL count - IoctlQueryName |
IOCTL count - IoctlQueryName |
63950 | IoctlQueryNameCount |
IoctlQueryNameCount |
63952 | IOCTL time - IoctlPersistPartition |
IOCTL time - IoctlPersistPartition |
63954 | IoctlPersistPartitionTime |
IoctlPersistPartitionTime |
63956 | IOCTL count - IoctlPersistPartition |
IOCTL count - IoctlPersistPartition |
63958 | IoctlPersistPartitionCount |
IoctlPersistPartitionCount |
63960 | IOCTL time - IoctlPersistMemoryBlock |
IOCTL time - IoctlPersistMemoryBlock |
63962 | IoctlPersistMemoryBlockTime |
IoctlPersistMemoryBlockTime |
63964 | IOCTL count - IoctlPersistMemoryBlock |
IOCTL count - IoctlPersistMemoryBlock |
63966 | IoctlPersistMemoryBlockCount |
IoctlPersistMemoryBlockCount |
63968 | IOCTL time - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSet |
IOCTL time - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSet |
63970 | IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSetTime |
IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSetTime |
63972 | IOCTL count - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSet |
IOCTL count - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSet |
63974 | IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSetCount |
IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameSetCount |
63976 | IOCTL time - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGet |
IOCTL time - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGet |
63978 | IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGetTime |
IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGetTime |
63980 | IOCTL count - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGet |
IOCTL count - IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGet |
63982 | IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGetCount |
IoctlPartitionFriendlyNameGetCount |
63984 | IOCTL time - IoctlMessageSlotMap |
IOCTL time - IoctlMessageSlotMap |
63986 | IoctlMessageSlotMapTime |
IoctlMessageSlotMapTime |
63988 | IOCTL count - IoctlMessageSlotMap |
IOCTL count - IoctlMessageSlotMap |
63990 | IoctlMessageSlotMapCount |
IoctlMessageSlotMapCount |
63992 | IOCTL time - IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNext |
IOCTL time - IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNext |
63994 | IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNextTime |
IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNextTime |
63996 | IOCTL count - IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNext |
IOCTL count - IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNext |
63998 | IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNextCount |
IoctlMessageSlotHandleAndGetNextCount |
64000 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffers |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffers |
64002 | IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffersTime |
IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffersTime |
64004 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffers |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffers |
64006 | IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffersCount |
IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteDestroyBuffersCount |
64008 | IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffers |
IOCTL time - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffers |
64010 | IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffersTime |
IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffersTime |
64012 | IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffers |
IOCTL count - IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffers |
64014 | IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffersCount |
IoctlMemoryBlockReadWriteAllocateBuffersCount |
64016 | IOCTL time - IoctlMarkPagePoisoned |
IOCTL time - IoctlMarkPagePoisoned |
64018 | IoctlMarkPagePoisonedTime |
IoctlMarkPagePoisonedTime |
64020 | IOCTL count - IoctlMarkPagePoisoned |
IOCTL count - IoctlMarkPagePoisoned |
64022 | IoctlMarkPagePoisonedCount |
IoctlMarkPagePoisonedCount |
64024 | IOCTL time - IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRange |
64026 | IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRangeTime |
64028 | IOCTL count - IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRange |
64030 | IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
IoctlMapMemoryBlockPageRangeCount |
64032 | IOCTL time - IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocal |
IOCTL time - IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocal |
64034 | IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocalTime |
IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocalTime |
64036 | IOCTL count - IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocal |
IOCTL count - IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocal |
64038 | IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocalCount |
IoctlMapHvStatsPageLocalCount |
64040 | IOCTL time - IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEvent |
IOCTL time - IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEvent |
64042 | IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEventTime |
IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEventTime |
64044 | IOCTL count - IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEvent |
IOCTL count - IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEvent |
64046 | IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEventCount |
IoctlInjectSyntheticMachineCheckEventCount |
64048 | IOCTL time - IoctlHandleAndGetNext |
IOCTL time - IoctlHandleAndGetNext |
64050 | IoctlHandleAndGetNextTime |
IoctlHandleAndGetNextTime |
64052 | IOCTL count - IoctlHandleAndGetNext |
IOCTL count - IoctlHandleAndGetNext |
64054 | IoctlHandleAndGetNextCount |
IoctlHandleAndGetNextCount |
64056 | IOCTL time - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatus |
IOCTL time - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatus |
64058 | IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatusTime |
IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatusTime |
64060 | IOCTL count - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatus |
IOCTL count - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatus |
64062 | IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatusCount |
IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStatusCount |
64064 | IOCTL time - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorState |
IOCTL time - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorState |
64066 | IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStateTime |
IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStateTime |
64068 | IOCTL count - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorState |
IOCTL count - IoctlGetVirtualProcessorState |
64070 | IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStateCount |
IoctlGetVirtualProcessorStateCount |
64072 | IOCTL time - IoctlGetHvPartitionId |
IOCTL time - IoctlGetHvPartitionId |
64074 | IoctlGetHvPartitionIdTime |
IoctlGetHvPartitionIdTime |
64076 | IOCTL count - IoctlGetHvPartitionId |
IOCTL count - IoctlGetHvPartitionId |
64078 | IoctlGetHvPartitionIdCount |
IoctlGetHvPartitionIdCount |
64080 | IOCTL time - IoctlGetHvMemoryBalance |
IOCTL time - IoctlGetHvMemoryBalance |
64082 | IoctlGetHvMemoryBalanceTime |
IoctlGetHvMemoryBalanceTime |
64084 | IOCTL count - IoctlGetHvMemoryBalance |
IOCTL count - IoctlGetHvMemoryBalance |
64086 | IoctlGetHvMemoryBalanceCount |
IoctlGetHvMemoryBalanceCount |
64088 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmWorkingSetModify |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmWorkingSetModify |
64090 | IoctlDmWorkingSetModifyTime |
IoctlDmWorkingSetModifyTime |
64092 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmWorkingSetModify |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmWorkingSetModify |
64094 | IoctlDmWorkingSetModifyCount |
IoctlDmWorkingSetModifyCount |
64096 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmUnballoon |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmUnballoon |
64098 | IoctlDmUnballoonTime |
IoctlDmUnballoonTime |
64100 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmUnballoon |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmUnballoon |
64102 | IoctlDmUnballoonCount |
IoctlDmUnballoonCount |
64104 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisable |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisable |
64106 | IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisableTime |
IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisableTime |
64108 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisable |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisable |
64110 | IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisableCount |
IoctlDmSlpWaitForDisableCount |
64112 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpSetup |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpSetup |
64114 | IoctlDmSlpSetupTime |
IoctlDmSlpSetupTime |
64116 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpSetup |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpSetup |
64118 | IoctlDmSlpSetupCount |
IoctlDmSlpSetupCount |
64120 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpQuery |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpQuery |
64122 | IoctlDmSlpQueryTime |
IoctlDmSlpQueryTime |
64124 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpQuery |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpQuery |
64126 | IoctlDmSlpQueryCount |
IoctlDmSlpQueryCount |
64128 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpDisable |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmSlpDisable |
64130 | IoctlDmSlpDisableTime |
IoctlDmSlpDisableTime |
64132 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpDisable |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmSlpDisable |
64134 | IoctlDmSlpDisableCount |
IoctlDmSlpDisableCount |
64136 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmQueryBackingState |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmQueryBackingState |
64138 | IoctlDmQueryBackingStateTime |
IoctlDmQueryBackingStateTime |
64140 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmQueryBackingState |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmQueryBackingState |
64142 | IoctlDmQueryBackingStateCount |
IoctlDmQueryBackingStateCount |
64144 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmHotAddUndo |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmHotAddUndo |
64146 | IoctlDmHotAddUndoTime |
IoctlDmHotAddUndoTime |
64148 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmHotAddUndo |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmHotAddUndo |
64150 | IoctlDmHotAddUndoCount |
IoctlDmHotAddUndoCount |
64152 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmHotAdd |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmHotAdd |
64154 | IoctlDmHotAddTime |
IoctlDmHotAddTime |
64156 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmHotAdd |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmHotAdd |
64158 | IoctlDmHotAddCount |
IoctlDmHotAddCount |
64160 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmConsolidationDisable |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmConsolidationDisable |
64162 | IoctlDmConsolidationDisableTime |
IoctlDmConsolidationDisableTime |
64164 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmConsolidationDisable |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmConsolidationDisable |
64166 | IoctlDmConsolidationDisableCount |
IoctlDmConsolidationDisableCount |
64168 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmConsolidationEnable |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmConsolidationEnable |
64170 | IoctlDmConsolidationEnableTime |
IoctlDmConsolidationEnableTime |
64172 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmConsolidationEnable |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmConsolidationEnable |
64174 | IoctlDmConsolidationEnableCount |
IoctlDmConsolidationEnableCount |
64176 | IOCTL time - IoctlDmBalloon |
IOCTL time - IoctlDmBalloon |
64178 | IoctlDmBalloonTime |
IoctlDmBalloonTime |
64180 | IOCTL count - IoctlDmBalloon |
IOCTL count - IoctlDmBalloon |
64182 | IoctlDmBalloonCount |
IoctlDmBalloonCount |
64184 | IOCTL time - IoctlDestroyMemoryBlock |
IOCTL time - IoctlDestroyMemoryBlock |
64186 | IoctlDestroyMemoryBlockTime |
IoctlDestroyMemoryBlockTime |
64188 | IOCTL count - IoctlDestroyMemoryBlock |
IOCTL count - IoctlDestroyMemoryBlock |
64190 | IoctlDestroyMemoryBlockCount |
IoctlDestroyMemoryBlockCount |
64192 | IOCTL time - IoctlDestroyGpaRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlDestroyGpaRange |
64194 | IoctlDestroyGpaRangeTime |
IoctlDestroyGpaRangeTime |
64196 | IOCTL count - IoctlDestroyGpaRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlDestroyGpaRange |
64198 | IoctlDestroyGpaRangeCount |
IoctlDestroyGpaRangeCount |
64200 | IOCTL time - IoctlDeleteTimer |
IOCTL time - IoctlDeleteTimer |
64202 | IoctlDeleteTimerTime |
IoctlDeleteTimerTime |
64204 | IOCTL count - IoctlDeleteTimer |
IOCTL count - IoctlDeleteTimer |
64206 | IoctlDeleteTimerCount |
IoctlDeleteTimerCount |
64208 | IOCTL time - IoctlCryptKeysRelease |
IOCTL time - IoctlCryptKeysRelease |
64210 | IoctlCryptKeysReleaseTime |
IoctlCryptKeysReleaseTime |
64212 | IOCTL count - IoctlCryptKeysRelease |
IOCTL count - IoctlCryptKeysRelease |
64214 | IoctlCryptKeysReleaseCount |
IoctlCryptKeysReleaseCount |
64216 | IOCTL time - IoctlCryptKeysInitialize |
IOCTL time - IoctlCryptKeysInitialize |
64218 | IoctlCryptKeysInitializeTime |
IoctlCryptKeysInitializeTime |
64220 | IOCTL count - IoctlCryptKeysInitialize |
IOCTL count - IoctlCryptKeysInitialize |
64222 | IoctlCryptKeysInitializeCount |
IoctlCryptKeysInitializeCount |
64224 | IOCTL time - IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookie |
IOCTL time - IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookie |
64226 | IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookieTime |
IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookieTime |
64228 | IOCTL count - IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookie |
IOCTL count - IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookie |
64230 | IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookieCount |
IoctlCryptGetSecurityCookieCount |
64232 | IOCTL time - IoctlCryptGetSession |
IOCTL time - IoctlCryptGetSession |
64234 | IoctlCryptGetSessionTime |
IoctlCryptGetSessionTime |
64236 | IOCTL count - IoctlCryptGetSession |
IOCTL count - IoctlCryptGetSession |
64238 | IoctlCryptGetSessionCount |
IoctlCryptGetSessionCount |
64240 | IOCTL time - IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptData |
IOCTL time - IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptData |
64242 | IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptDataTime |
IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptDataTime |
64244 | IOCTL count - IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptData |
IOCTL count - IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptData |
64246 | IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptDataCount |
IoctlCryptEncryptDecryptDataCount |
64248 | IOCTL time - IoctlCreateTimer |
IOCTL time - IoctlCreateTimer |
64250 | IoctlCreateTimerTime |
IoctlCreateTimerTime |
64252 | IOCTL count - IoctlCreateTimer |
IOCTL count - IoctlCreateTimer |
64254 | IoctlCreateTimerCount |
IoctlCreateTimerCount |
64256 | IOCTL time - IoctlCreateMmioGpaRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlCreateMmioGpaRange |
64258 | IoctlCreateMmioGpaRangeTime |
IoctlCreateMmioGpaRangeTime |
64260 | IOCTL count - IoctlCreateMmioGpaRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlCreateMmioGpaRange |
64262 | IoctlCreateMmioGpaRangeCount |
IoctlCreateMmioGpaRangeCount |
64264 | IOCTL time - IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRange |
64266 | IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRangeTime |
IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRangeTime |
64268 | IOCTL count - IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRange |
64270 | IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRangeCount |
IoctlCreateMemoryBlockGpaRangeCount |
64272 | IOCTL time - IoctlCreateMemoryBlock |
IOCTL time - IoctlCreateMemoryBlock |
64274 | IoctlCreateMemoryBlockTime |
IoctlCreateMemoryBlockTime |
64276 | IOCTL count - IoctlCreateMemoryBlock |
IOCTL count - IoctlCreateMemoryBlock |
64278 | IoctlCreateMemoryBlockCount |
IoctlCreateMemoryBlockCount |
64280 | IOCTL time - IoctlCreateVaGpaRange |
IOCTL time - IoctlCreateVaGpaRange |
64282 | IoctlCreateVaGpaRangeTime |
IoctlCreateVaGpaRangeTime |
64284 | IOCTL count - IoctlCreateVaGpaRange |
IOCTL count - IoctlCreateVaGpaRange |
64286 | IoctlCreateVaGpaRangeCount |
IoctlCreateVaGpaRangeCount |
64288 | IOCTL time - IoctlCloneCreate |
IOCTL time - IoctlCloneCreate |
64290 | IoctlCloneCreateTime |
IoctlCloneCreateTime |
64292 | IOCTL count - IoctlCloneCreate |
IOCTL count - IoctlCloneCreate |
64294 | IoctlCloneCreateCount |
IoctlCloneCreateCount |
64296 | IOCTL time - IoctlClearInterrupt |
IOCTL time - IoctlClearInterrupt |
64298 | IoctlClearInterruptTime |
IoctlClearInterruptTime |
64300 | IOCTL count - IoctlClearInterrupt |
IOCTL count - IoctlClearInterrupt |
64302 | IoctlClearInterruptCount |
IoctlClearInterruptCount |
64304 | IOCTL time - IoctlCancelTimer |
IOCTL time - IoctlCancelTimer |
64306 | IoctlCancelTimerTime |
IoctlCancelTimerTime |
64308 | IOCTL count - IoctlCancelTimer |
IOCTL count - IoctlCancelTimer |
64310 | IoctlCancelTimerCount |
IoctlCancelTimerCount |
64312 | IOCTL time - IoctlAssertInterrupt |
IOCTL time - IoctlAssertInterrupt |
64314 | IoctlAssertInterruptTime |
IoctlAssertInterruptTime |
64316 | IOCTL count - IoctlAssertInterrupt |
IOCTL count - IoctlAssertInterrupt |
64318 | IoctlAssertInterruptCount |
IoctlAssertInterruptCount |
64320 | IOCTL time - IoctlAddVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL time - IoctlAddVirtualProcessor |
64322 | IoctlAddVirtualProcessorTime |
IoctlAddVirtualProcessorTime |
64324 | IOCTL count - IoctlAddVirtualProcessor |
IOCTL count - IoctlAddVirtualProcessor |
64326 | IoctlAddVirtualProcessorCount |
IoctlAddVirtualProcessorCount |
64328 | IOCTL time - IoctlRestorePartitionState |
IOCTL time - IoctlRestorePartitionState |
64330 | IoctlRestorePartitionStateTime |
IoctlRestorePartitionStateTime |
64332 | IOCTL count - IoctlRestorePartitionState |
IOCTL count - IoctlRestorePartitionState |
64334 | IoctlRestorePartitionStateCount |
IoctlRestorePartitionStateCount |
64336 | IOCTL time - IoctlGetPartitionProperty |
IOCTL time - IoctlGetPartitionProperty |
64338 | IoctlGetPartitionPropertyTime |
IoctlGetPartitionPropertyTime |
64340 | IOCTL count - IoctlGetPartitionProperty |
IOCTL count - IoctlGetPartitionProperty |
64342 | IoctlGetPartitionPropertyCount |
IoctlGetPartitionPropertyCount |
64344 | The number of dispatched messages of type Reset. |
The number of dispatched messages of type Reset. |
64346 | MsgReset |
MsgReset |
64348 | The number of dispatched messages of type MSR. |
The number of dispatched messages of type MSR. |
64350 | MsgMsr |
MsgMsr |
64352 | The number of dispatched messages of type legacy FP error. |
The number of dispatched messages of type legacy FP error. |
64354 | MsgLegacyFpError |
MsgLegacyFpError |
64356 | The number of dispatched messages of type IO instruction. |
The number of dispatched messages of type IO instruction. |
64358 | MsgIoInstruction |
MsgIoInstruction |
64360 | The number of dispatched messages of type CPUID. |
The number of dispatched messages of type CPUID. |
64362 | MsgCpuid |
MsgCpuid |
64364 | The number of dispatched messages of type guest control for page copy |
The number of dispatched messages of type guest control for page copy |
64366 | MsgGuestControlForPageCopy |
MsgGuestControlForPageCopy |
64368 | The number of dispatched messages of type terminate VM. |
The number of dispatched messages of type terminate VM. |
64370 | MsgTerminateVm |
MsgTerminateVm |
64372 | The number of dispatched messages of type MMIO range destroyed. |
The number of dispatched messages of type MMIO range destroyed. |
64374 | MsgMmioRangeDestroyed |
MsgMmioRangeDestroyed |
64376 | The number of dispatched messages of type stop request complete. |
The number of dispatched messages of type stop request complete. |
64378 | MsgStopRequestComplete |
MsgStopRequestComplete |
64380 | The number of dispatched messages of type handler unregistered. |
The number of dispatched messages of type handler unregistered. |
64382 | MsgHandlerUnregistered |
MsgHandlerUnregistered |
64384 | The number of dispatched messages of type timer expired. |
The number of dispatched messages of type timer expired. |
64386 | MsgTimerExpired |
MsgTimerExpired |
64388 | The number of dispatched messages of type Register. |
The number of dispatched messages of type Register. |
64390 | MsgRegister |
MsgRegister |
64392 | The number of dispatched messages of type MMIO. |
The number of dispatched messages of type MMIO. |
64394 | MsgMmio |
MsgMmio |
64396 | The number of dispatched messages of type execute instruction. |
The number of dispatched messages of type execute instruction. |
64398 | MsgExecuteInstruction |
MsgExecuteInstruction |
64400 | The number of dispatched messages of type APIC EOI. |
The number of dispatched messages of type APIC EOI. |
64402 | MsgApicEoi |
MsgApicEoi |
64404 | The number of dispatched messages of type triple fault. |
The number of dispatched messages of type triple fault. |
64406 | MsgTripleFault |
MsgTripleFault |
64408 | The number of dispatched messages of type exception. |
The number of dispatched messages of type exception. |
64410 | MsgException |
MsgException |
64412 | The number of dispatched messages of type MBP access. |
The number of dispatched messages of type MBP access. |
64414 | MsgMbpAccess |
MsgMbpAccess |
64416 | Intercept time deferred - Register |
Intercept time deferred - Register |
64418 | InterceptRegisterTimeDeferred |
InterceptRegisterTimeDeferred |
64420 | Intercept time total - Register |
Intercept time total - Register |
64422 | InterceptRegisterTimeTotal |
InterceptRegisterTimeTotal |
64424 | Intercept count deferred - Register |
Intercept count deferred - Register |
64426 | InterceptRegisterCountDeferred |
InterceptRegisterCountDeferred |
64428 | Intercept count total - Register |
Intercept count total - Register |
64430 | InterceptRegisterCountTotal |
InterceptRegisterCountTotal |
64432 | Intercept time deferred - Reset |
Intercept time deferred - Reset |
64434 | InterceptResetTimeDeferred |
InterceptResetTimeDeferred |
64436 | Intercept time total - Reset |
Intercept time total - Reset |
64438 | InterceptResetTimeTotal |
InterceptResetTimeTotal |
64440 | Intercept count deferred - Reset |
Intercept count deferred - Reset |
64442 | InterceptResetCountDeferred |
InterceptResetCountDeferred |
64444 | Intercept count total - Reset |
Intercept count total - Reset |
64446 | InterceptResetCountTotal |
InterceptResetCountTotal |
64448 | Intercept time deferred - MMIO |
Intercept time deferred - MMIO |
64450 | InterceptMmioTimeDeferred |
InterceptMmioTimeDeferred |
64452 | Intercept time total - MMIO |
Intercept time total - MMIO |
64454 | InterceptMmioTimeTotal |
InterceptMmioTimeTotal |
64456 | Intercept count deferred - MMIO |
Intercept count deferred - MMIO |
64458 | InterceptMmioCountDeferred |
InterceptMmioCountDeferred |
64460 | Intercept count total - MMIO |
Intercept count total - MMIO |
64462 | InterceptMmioCountTotal |
InterceptMmioCountTotal |
64464 | Intercept time deferred - Extended Hypercall |
Intercept time deferred - Extended Hypercall |
64466 | InterceptExtendedHypercallTimeDeferred |
InterceptExtendedHypercallTimeDeferred |
64468 | Intercept time total - Extended Hypercall |
Intercept time total - Extended Hypercall |
64470 | InterceptExtendedHypercallTimeTotal |
InterceptExtendedHypercallTimeTotal |
64472 | Intercept count deferred - Extended Hypercall |
Intercept count deferred - Extended Hypercall |
64474 | InterceptExtendedHypercallCountDeferred |
InterceptExtendedHypercallCountDeferred |
64476 | Intercept count total - Extended Hypercall |
Intercept count total - Extended Hypercall |
64478 | InterceptExtendedHypercallCountTotal |
InterceptExtendedHypercallCountTotal |
64480 | Intercept time deferred - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
Intercept time deferred - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
64482 | InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchTimeDeferred |
InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchTimeDeferred |
64484 | Intercept time total - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
Intercept time total - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
64486 | InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchTimeTotal |
InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchTimeTotal |
64488 | Intercept count deferred - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
Intercept count deferred - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
64490 | InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchCountDeferred |
InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchCountDeferred |
64492 | Intercept count total - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
Intercept count total - TlbPageSizeMismatch |
64494 | InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchCountTotal |
InterceptTlbPageSizeMismatchCountTotal |
64496 | Intercept time deferred - UnsupportedFeature |
Intercept time deferred - UnsupportedFeature |
64498 | InterceptUnsupportedFeatureTimeDeferred |
InterceptUnsupportedFeatureTimeDeferred |
64500 | Intercept time total - UnsupportedFeature |
Intercept time total - UnsupportedFeature |
64502 | InterceptUnsupportedFeatureTimeTotal |
InterceptUnsupportedFeatureTimeTotal |
64504 | Intercept count deferred - UnsupportedFeature |
Intercept count deferred - UnsupportedFeature |
64506 | InterceptUnsupportedFeatureCountDeferred |
InterceptUnsupportedFeatureCountDeferred |
64508 | Intercept count total - UnsupportedFeature |
Intercept count total - UnsupportedFeature |
64510 | InterceptUnsupportedFeatureCountTotal |
InterceptUnsupportedFeatureCountTotal |
64512 | Intercept time deferred - UnrecoverableException |
Intercept time deferred - UnrecoverableException |
64514 | InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionTimeDeferred |
InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionTimeDeferred |
64516 | Intercept time total - UnrecoverableException |
Intercept time total - UnrecoverableException |
64518 | InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionTimeTotal |
InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionTimeTotal |
64520 | Intercept count deferred - UnrecoverableException |
Intercept count deferred - UnrecoverableException |
64522 | InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionCountDeferred |
InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionCountDeferred |
64524 | Intercept count total - UnrecoverableException |
Intercept count total - UnrecoverableException |
64526 | InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionCountTotal |
InterceptUnrecoverableExceptionCountTotal |
64528 | Intercept time deferred - UnmappedGpa |
Intercept time deferred - UnmappedGpa |
64530 | InterceptUnmappedGpaTimeDeferred |
InterceptUnmappedGpaTimeDeferred |
64532 | Intercept time total - UnmappedGpa |
Intercept time total - UnmappedGpa |
64534 | InterceptUnmappedGpaTimeTotal |
InterceptUnmappedGpaTimeTotal |
64536 | Intercept count deferred - UnmappedGpa |
Intercept count deferred - UnmappedGpa |
64538 | InterceptUnmappedGpaCountDeferred |
InterceptUnmappedGpaCountDeferred |
64540 | Intercept count total - UnmappedGpa |
Intercept count total - UnmappedGpa |
64542 | InterceptUnmappedGpaCountTotal |
InterceptUnmappedGpaCountTotal |
64544 | Intercept time deferred - Msr |
Intercept time deferred - Msr |
64546 | InterceptMsrTimeDeferred |
InterceptMsrTimeDeferred |
64548 | Intercept time total - Msr |
Intercept time total - Msr |
64550 | InterceptMsrTimeTotal |
InterceptMsrTimeTotal |
64552 | Intercept count deferred - Msr |
Intercept count deferred - Msr |
64554 | InterceptMsrCountDeferred |
InterceptMsrCountDeferred |
64556 | Intercept count total - Msr |
Intercept count total - Msr |
64558 | InterceptMsrCountTotal |
InterceptMsrCountTotal |
64560 | Intercept time deferred - LegacyFpError |
Intercept time deferred - LegacyFpError |
64562 | InterceptLegacyFpErrorTimeDeferred |
InterceptLegacyFpErrorTimeDeferred |
64564 | Intercept time total - LegacyFpError |
Intercept time total - LegacyFpError |
64566 | InterceptLegacyFpErrorTimeTotal |
InterceptLegacyFpErrorTimeTotal |
64568 | Intercept count deferred - LegacyFpError |
Intercept count deferred - LegacyFpError |
64570 | InterceptLegacyFpErrorCountDeferred |
InterceptLegacyFpErrorCountDeferred |
64572 | Intercept count total - LegacyFpError |
Intercept count total - LegacyFpError |
64574 | InterceptLegacyFpErrorCountTotal |
InterceptLegacyFpErrorCountTotal |
64576 | Intercept time deferred - IoPort |
Intercept time deferred - IoPort |
64578 | InterceptIoPortTimeDeferred |
InterceptIoPortTimeDeferred |
64580 | Intercept time total - IoPort |
Intercept time total - IoPort |
64582 | InterceptIoPortTimeTotal |
InterceptIoPortTimeTotal |
64584 | Intercept count deferred - IoPort |
Intercept count deferred - IoPort |
64586 | InterceptIoPortCountDeferred |
InterceptIoPortCountDeferred |
64588 | Intercept count total - IoPort |
Intercept count total - IoPort |
64590 | InterceptIoPortCountTotal |
InterceptIoPortCountTotal |
64592 | Intercept time deferred - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
Intercept time deferred - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
64594 | InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueTimeDeferred |
InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueTimeDeferred |
64596 | Intercept time total - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
Intercept time total - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
64598 | InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueTimeTotal |
InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueTimeTotal |
64600 | Intercept count deferred - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
Intercept count deferred - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
64602 | InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueCountDeferred |
InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueCountDeferred |
64604 | Intercept count total - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
Intercept count total - InvalidVpRegisterValue |
64606 | InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueCountTotal |
InterceptInvalidVpRegisterValueCountTotal |
64608 | Intercept time deferred - Gpa |
Intercept time deferred - Gpa |
64610 | InterceptGpaTimeDeferred |
InterceptGpaTimeDeferred |
64612 | Intercept time total - Gpa |
Intercept time total - Gpa |
64614 | InterceptGpaTimeTotal |
InterceptGpaTimeTotal |
64616 | Intercept count deferred - Gpa |
Intercept count deferred - Gpa |
64618 | InterceptGpaCountDeferred |
InterceptGpaCountDeferred |
64620 | Intercept count total - Gpa |
Intercept count total - Gpa |
64622 | InterceptGpaCountTotal |
InterceptGpaCountTotal |
64624 | Intercept time deferred - Exception |
Intercept time deferred - Exception |
64626 | InterceptExceptionTimeDeferred |
InterceptExceptionTimeDeferred |
64628 | Intercept time total - Exception |
Intercept time total - Exception |
64630 | InterceptExceptionTimeTotal |
InterceptExceptionTimeTotal |
64632 | Intercept count deferred - Exception |
Intercept count deferred - Exception |
64634 | InterceptExceptionCountDeferred |
InterceptExceptionCountDeferred |
64636 | Intercept count total - Exception |
Intercept count total - Exception |
64638 | InterceptExceptionCountTotal |
InterceptExceptionCountTotal |
64640 | Intercept time deferred - Cpuid |
Intercept time deferred - Cpuid |
64642 | InterceptCpuidTimeDeferred |
InterceptCpuidTimeDeferred |
64644 | Intercept time total - Cpuid |
Intercept time total - Cpuid |
64646 | InterceptCpuidTimeTotal |
InterceptCpuidTimeTotal |
64648 | Intercept count deferred - Cpuid |
Intercept count deferred - Cpuid |
64650 | InterceptCpuidCountDeferred |
InterceptCpuidCountDeferred |
64652 | Intercept count total - Cpuid |
Intercept count total - Cpuid |
64654 | InterceptCpuidCountTotal |
InterceptCpuidCountTotal |
64656 | Intercept time deferred - ApicEoi |
Intercept time deferred - ApicEoi |
64658 | InterceptApicEoiTimeDeferred |
InterceptApicEoiTimeDeferred |
64660 | Intercept time total - ApicEoi |
Intercept time total - ApicEoi |
64662 | InterceptApicEoiTimeTotal |
InterceptApicEoiTimeTotal |
64664 | Intercept count deferred - ApicEoi |
Intercept count deferred - ApicEoi |
64666 | InterceptApicEoiCountDeferred |
InterceptApicEoiCountDeferred |
64668 | Intercept count total - ApicEoi |
Intercept count total - ApicEoi |
64670 | InterceptApicEoiCountTotal |
InterceptApicEoiCountTotal |
64672 | The total time spent processing VM pause resume notify calls for this partition. |
The total time spent processing VM pause resume notify calls for this partition. |
64674 | VmPauseResumeNotifyTimeInUs |
VmPauseResumeNotifyTimeInUs |
64676 | The number of VM pause resume notify calls for this partition. |
The number of VM pause resume notify calls for this partition. |
64678 | VmPauseResumeNotifyCount |
VmPauseResumeNotifyCount |
64680 | The total time spent processing VM cold hint calls for this partition. |
The total time spent processing VM cold hint calls for this partition. |
64682 | VmHeatHintColdTimeInUs |
VmHeatHintColdTimeInUs |
64684 | The number of VM cold hint calls for this partition. |
The number of VM cold hint calls for this partition. |
64686 | VmHeatHintColdCount |
VmHeatHintColdCount |
64688 | The total time spent processing VM hot hint calls for this partition. |
The total time spent processing VM hot hint calls for this partition. |
64690 | VmHeatHintHotTimeInUs |
VmHeatHintHotTimeInUs |
64692 | The number of VM hot hint calls for this partition. |
The number of VM hot hint calls for this partition. |
64694 | VmHeatHintHotCount |
VmHeatHintHotCount |
64696 | The total time spent processing VM access fault calls for this partition. |
The total time spent processing VM access fault calls for this partition. |
64698 | VmAccessFaultTimeInUs |
VmAccessFaultTimeInUs |
64700 | The number of VM access fault calls for this partition during GVA to GPA translations. |
The number of VM access fault calls for this partition during GVA to GPA translations. |
64702 | VmAccessFaultCountTranslations |
VmAccessFaultCountTranslations |
64704 | The number of VM access fault calls for this partition during memory intercepts that are reschedulable. |
The number of VM access fault calls for this partition during memory intercepts that are reschedulable. |
64706 | VmAccessFaultCountInterceptsReschedulable |
VmAccessFaultCountInterceptsReschedulable |
64708 | The number of VM access fault calls for this partition during memory intercepts. |
The number of VM access fault calls for this partition during memory intercepts. |
64710 | VmAccessFaultCountIntercepts |
VmAccessFaultCountIntercepts |
64712 | The number of VM access fault calls for this partition, for write requests. |
The number of VM access fault calls for this partition, for write requests. |
64714 | VmAccessFaultCountForWrite |
VmAccessFaultCountForWrite |
64716 | The number of VM access fault calls for this partition, for read or execute requests. |
The number of VM access fault calls for this partition, for read or execute requests. |
64718 | VmAccessFaultCountForRead |
VmAccessFaultCountForRead |
64720 | HV memory deposit request time in microseconds |
HV memory deposit request time in microseconds |
64722 | HvMemDepositRequestTimeInUs |
HvMemDepositRequestTimeInUs |
64724 | HV memory deposit request count failed |
HV memory deposit request count failed |
64726 | HvMemDepositRequestCountFailed |
HvMemDepositRequestCountFailed |
64728 | HV memory deposit request count |
HV memory deposit request count |
64730 | HvMemDepositRequestCount |
HvMemDepositRequestCount |
64732 | HV memory deposit page count |
HV memory deposit page count |
64734 | HvMemDepositPageCount |
HvMemDepositPageCount |
64736 | HV memory deposit callback count |
HV memory deposit callback count |
64738 | HvMemDepositCallbackCount |
HvMemDepositCallbackCount |
64740 | Hash Scan Time in Us |
Hash Scan Time in Us |
64742 | HashScanTimeInUs |
HashScanTimeInUs |
64744 | Hash Scan Page Count Modified |
Hash Scan Page Count Modified |
64746 | HashScanPageCountModified |
HashScanPageCountModified |
64748 | Hash Scan Page Count Zero Filled in Chunks |
Hash Scan Page Count Zero Filled in Chunks |
64750 | HashScanPageCountZeroFilledInChunks |
HashScanPageCountZeroFilledInChunks |
64752 | Hash Scan Page Count Zero Filled |
Hash Scan Page Count Zero Filled |
64754 | HashScanPageCountZeroFilled |
HashScanPageCountZeroFilled |
64756 | Hash Scan Page Count Constant Filled in Chunks |
Hash Scan Page Count Constant Filled in Chunks |
64758 | HashScanPageCountConstantFilledInChunks |
HashScanPageCountConstantFilledInChunks |
64760 | Hash Scan Page Count Constant Filled |
Hash Scan Page Count Constant Filled |
64762 | HashScanPageCountConstantFilled |
HashScanPageCountConstantFilled |
64764 | Hash Scan Page Count |
Hash Scan Page Count |
64766 | HashScanPageCount |
HashScanPageCount |
64768 | Memory transfer pages sent |
Memory transfer pages sent |
64770 | MemXferPagesSend |
MemXferPagesSend |
64772 | Memory transfer pages received - write |
Memory transfer pages received - write |
64774 | MemXferPagesRecvWrite |
MemXferPagesRecvWrite |
64776 | Memory transfer pages received - MDL prepare |
Memory transfer pages received - MDL prepare |
64778 | MemXferPagesRecvMdlPrepare |
MemXferPagesRecvMdlPrepare |
64780 | Memory transfer pages received - MDL complete |
Memory transfer pages received - MDL complete |
64782 | MemXferPagesRecvMdlComplete |
MemXferPagesRecvMdlComplete |
64784 | Memory transfer operations - send failed |
Memory transfer operations - send failed |
64786 | MemXferOpsSendFailed |
MemXferOpsSendFailed |
64788 | Memory transfer operations - send completed |
Memory transfer operations - send completed |
64790 | MemXferOpsSendCompleted |
MemXferOpsSendCompleted |
64792 | Memory transfer operations - send |
Memory transfer operations - send |
64794 | MemXferOpsSend |
MemXferOpsSend |
64796 | Memory transfer operations - receive write failed |
Memory transfer operations - receive write failed |
64798 | MemXferOpsRecvWriteFailed |
MemXferOpsRecvWriteFailed |
64800 | Memory transfer operations - receive write |
Memory transfer operations - receive write |
64802 | MemXferOpsRecvWrite |
MemXferOpsRecvWrite |
64804 | Memory transfer operations - receive MDL prepare failed |
Memory transfer operations - receive MDL prepare failed |
64806 | MemXferOpsRecvMdlPrepareFailed |
MemXferOpsRecvMdlPrepareFailed |
64808 | Memory transfer operations - receive MDL prepare |
Memory transfer operations - receive MDL prepare |
64810 | MemXferOpsRecvMdlPrepare |
MemXferOpsRecvMdlPrepare |
64812 | Memory transfer operations - receive MDL complete failed |
Memory transfer operations - receive MDL complete failed |
64814 | MemXferOpsRecvMdlCompleteFailed |
MemXferOpsRecvMdlCompleteFailed |
64816 | Memory transfer operations - receive MDL complete |
Memory transfer operations - receive MDL complete |
64818 | MemXferOpsRecvMdlComplete |
MemXferOpsRecvMdlComplete |
64820 | GPA mapping page count |
GPA mapping page count |
64822 | GpaMappingPageCount |
GpaMappingPageCount |
64824 | GPA mapping WinHv (hypervisor) call time in microseconds |
GPA mapping WinHv (hypervisor) call time in microseconds |
64826 | GpaMappingWinHvCallTimeInUs |
GpaMappingWinHvCallTimeInUs |
64828 | GPA mapping WinHv (hypervisor) call count |
GPA mapping WinHv (hypervisor) call count |
64830 | GpaMappingWinHvCallCount |
GpaMappingWinHvCallCount |
64832 | The total ammount of zeroed pages that were not reported because their range is smaller than the threshold. |
The total ammount of zeroed pages that were not reported because their range is smaller than the threshold. |
64834 | GmatZeroedPageCountSkipped |
GmatZeroedPageCountSkipped |
64836 | The total ammount of pages in the zeroed ranges found. |
The total ammount of pages in the zeroed ranges found. |
64838 | GmatZeroedPageCountFound |
GmatZeroedPageCountFound |
64840 | The number zeroed ranges found that are not reported since their size is smaller than the threshold. |
The number zeroed ranges found that are not reported since their size is smaller than the threshold. |
64842 | GmatZeroedRangeCountSkipped |
GmatZeroedRangeCountSkipped |
64844 | The number zeroed ranges found. |
The number zeroed ranges found. |
64846 | GmatZeroedRangeCountFound |
GmatZeroedRangeCountFound |
64848 | SLP fault rate on behalf of memory access writes |
SLP fault rate on behalf of memory access writes |
64850 | DmSlpFaultsForWrites |
DmSlpFaultsForWrites |
64852 | SLP fault rate on behalf of memory access reads |
SLP fault rate on behalf of memory access reads |
64854 | DmSlpFaultsForReads |
DmSlpFaultsForReads |
64856 | SLP write rate in pages |
SLP write rate in pages |
64858 | DmSlpPioPagesWritten |
DmSlpPioPagesWritten |
64860 | SLP read rate in pages |
SLP read rate in pages |
64862 | DmSlpPioPagesRead |
DmSlpPioPagesRead |
64864 | SLP I/O write rate |
SLP I/O write rate |
64866 | DmSlpPioWrites |
DmSlpPioWrites |
64868 | SLP I/O read rate |
SLP I/O read rate |
64870 | DmSlpPioReads |
DmSlpPioReads |
64872 | Number of working set pages |
Number of working set pages |
64874 | DmSlpPagesWorkingSet |
DmSlpPagesWorkingSet |
64876 | Number of unbacked deferred pages |
Number of unbacked deferred pages |
64878 | DmSlpPagesUnbackedDeferred |
DmSlpPagesUnbackedDeferred |
64880 | Number of unbacked pages |
Number of unbacked pages |
64882 | DmSlpPagesUnbacked |
DmSlpPagesUnbacked |
64884 | Number of synced pages |
Number of synced pages |
64886 | DmSlpPagesSynced |
DmSlpPagesSynced |
64888 | Number of MBP page out operations skipped due to targeting synced pages |
Number of MBP page out operations skipped due to targeting synced pages |
64890 | DmSlpMbpOpsPageOutSyncedSkip |
DmSlpMbpOpsPageOutSyncedSkip |
64892 | Number of MBP page out operations |
Number of MBP page out operations |
64894 | DmSlpMbpOpsPageOut |
DmSlpMbpOpsPageOut |
64896 | Number of MBP page in operations resulting in synced pages |
Number of MBP page in operations resulting in synced pages |
64898 | DmSlpMbpOpsPageInSynced |
DmSlpMbpOpsPageInSynced |
64900 | Number of MBP page in operations |
Number of MBP page in operations |
64902 | DmSlpMbpOpsPageIn |
DmSlpMbpOpsPageIn |
64904 | Number of MBP demand back operations |
Number of MBP demand back operations |
64906 | DmSlpMbpOpsDemandBack |
DmSlpMbpOpsDemandBack |
64908 | Number of unballooon operations. |
Number of unballooon operations. |
64910 | DmOperationsUnballoon |
DmOperationsUnballoon |
64912 | Number of hot add undo operation. |
Number of hot add undo operation. |
64914 | DmOperationsHotAddUndo |
DmOperationsHotAddUndo |
64916 | Number of hot add operations. |
Number of hot add operations. |
64918 | DmOperationsHotAdd |
DmOperationsHotAdd |
64920 | Number of ballooon operations. |
Number of ballooon operations. |
64922 | DmOperationsBalloon |
DmOperationsBalloon |
64924 | Number of currently reserved pages. |
Number of currently reserved pages. |
64926 | DmPagesReserved |
DmPagesReserved |
64928 | Number of hot added pages. |
Number of hot added pages. |
64930 | DmPagesHotAdded |
DmPagesHotAdded |
64932 | Number of currently ballooned pages. |
Number of currently ballooned pages. |
64934 | DmPagesBallooned |
DmPagesBallooned |
64936 | The total number of non-large memory pages that are from a non-local NUMA node. |
The total number of non-large memory pages that are from a non-local NUMA node. |
64938 | PageQosOther |
PageQosOther |
64940 | The total number of non-large memory pages which are from a local NUMA node. |
The total number of non-large memory pages which are from a local NUMA node. |
64942 | PageQosLocal |
PageQosLocal |
64944 | The total number of large memory pages which are from a non-local NUMA node. |
The total number of large memory pages which are from a non-local NUMA node. |
64946 | PageQosLarge |
PageQosLarge |
64948 | The total number of large memory pages which are from a local NUMA node. |
The total number of large memory pages which are from a local NUMA node. |
64950 | PageQosLargeLocal |
PageQosLargeLocal |
64952 | The preferred NUMA node mask associated with this partition. |
The preferred NUMA node mask associated with this partition. |
64954 | Preferred NUMA Node Mask |
Preferred NUMA Node Mask |
64956 | The total bytes of allocated memory for this partition (not including memory block allocations). |
The total bytes of allocated memory for this partition (not including memory block allocations). |
64958 | OverheadBytes |
OverheadBytes |
64960 | The number of VTL MBPs that are protected for this partition. |
The number of VTL MBPs that are protected for this partition. |
64962 | VtlProtectedPageCount |
VtlProtectedPageCount |
64964 | The number of VTL MBPs that failed modify attempt for this partition. |
The number of VTL MBPs that failed modify attempt for this partition. |
64966 | VtlPageModificationFailed |
VtlPageModificationFailed |
64968 | The number of VTL modifications for this partition. |
The number of VTL modifications for this partition. |
64970 | VtlPageModifications |
VtlPageModifications |
64972 | The number of memory block write notifications sent to user mode for this partition. |
The number of memory block write notifications sent to user mode for this partition. |
64974 | MbpWriteNotifications |
MbpWriteNotifications |
64976 | The number of memory block read notifications sent to user mode for this partition. |
The number of memory block read notifications sent to user mode for this partition. |
64978 | MbpReadNotifications |
MbpReadNotifications |
64980 | The number of memory block pages written from user mode for this partition. |
The number of memory block pages written from user mode for this partition. |
64982 | WriteMbpCount |
WriteMbpCount |
64984 | The number of memory block pages read from user mode for this partition. |
The number of memory block pages read from user mode for this partition. |
64986 | ReadMbpCount |
ReadMbpCount |
64988 | The number of memory block notifications installed for this partition. |
The number of memory block notifications installed for this partition. |
64990 | ClientNotifyMbps |
ClientNotifyMbps |
64992 | The number of CPU operation created parent partition mappings for this partition. |
The number of CPU operation created parent partition mappings for this partition. |
64994 | ParentPartitionMappingsCpuOps |
ParentPartitionMappingsCpuOps |
64996 | The number of active parent partition mappings for this partition. |
The number of active parent partition mappings for this partition. |
64998 | ParentPartitionMappings |
ParentPartitionMappings |
65000 | The number of GPA pages that are backed by MMIO regions in this partition. |
The number of GPA pages that are backed by MMIO regions in this partition. |
65002 | MmioGpaPages |
MmioGpaPages |
65004 | The number of GPA ranges that are backed by MMIO regions in this partition. |
The number of GPA ranges that are backed by MMIO regions in this partition. |
65006 | MmioGpaPageRanges |
MmioGpaPageRanges |
65008 | The number of ROM GPA pages that are backed by memory blocks in this partition. |
The number of ROM GPA pages that are backed by memory blocks in this partition. |
65010 | MbBackedGpaRomPages |
MbBackedGpaRomPages |
65012 | The number of GPA pages that are backed by memory blocks in this partition. |
The number of GPA pages that are backed by memory blocks in this partition. |
65014 | MbBackedGpaPages |
MbBackedGpaPages |
65016 | The number of GPA ranges that are backed by memory blocks in this partition. |
The number of GPA ranges that are backed by memory blocks in this partition. |
65018 | MbBackedGpaPageRanges |
MbBackedGpaPageRanges |
65020 | The total time spent sorting memory pages in microseconds. |
The total time spent sorting memory pages in microseconds. |
65022 | MmAllocRequestTimeToSortInUs |
MmAllocRequestTimeToSortInUs |
65024 | The total time spent allocating memory pages in microseconds. |
The total time spent allocating memory pages in microseconds. |
65026 | MmAllocRequestTimeInUs |
MmAllocRequestTimeInUs |
65028 | The total number of memory allocation requests. |
The total number of memory allocation requests. |
65030 | MmAllocRequestCountTotal |
MmAllocRequestCountTotal |
65032 | The total number of memory allocation requests which returned partial result. |
The total number of memory allocation requests which returned partial result. |
65034 | MmAllocRequestCountPartial |
MmAllocRequestCountPartial |
65036 | The total number of memory allocation requests which failed or returned zero pages. |
The total number of memory allocation requests which failed or returned zero pages. |
65038 | MmAllocRequestCountFailed |
MmAllocRequestCountFailed |
65040 | The number of MDL pages currently allocated. |
The number of MDL pages currently allocated. |
65042 | MmAllocMdlPagesAllocated |
MmAllocMdlPagesAllocated |
65044 | The page yield for cached memory allocation requests. |
The page yield for cached memory allocation requests. |
65046 | MmAllocCacheRequestPageYield |
MmAllocCacheRequestPageYield |
65048 | The total number of cached memory allocation requests. |
The total number of cached memory allocation requests. |
65050 | MmAllocCacheRequestCountTotal |
MmAllocCacheRequestCountTotal |
65052 | The total time spent allocating cached memory pages in microseconds. |
The total time spent allocating cached memory pages in microseconds. |
65054 | MmAllocCacheRequestTimeInUs |
MmAllocCacheRequestTimeInUs |
65056 | KSR memory block persist time in microseconds |
KSR memory block persist time in microseconds |
65058 | KsrMbPersistTimeInUs |
KsrMbPersistTimeInUs |
65060 | KSR memory block persist run count |
KSR memory block persist run count |
65062 | KsrMbPersistRunCount |
KsrMbPersistRunCount |
65064 | KSR memory block persist request count |
KSR memory block persist request count |
65066 | KsrMbPersistCount |
KsrMbPersistCount |
65068 | KSR memory block claim time in microseconds |
KSR memory block claim time in microseconds |
65070 | KsrMbClaimTimeInUs |
KsrMbClaimTimeInUs |
65072 | KSR memory block claim run count |
KSR memory block claim run count |
65074 | KsrMbClaimRunCount |
KsrMbClaimRunCount |
65076 | KSR memory block claim request count |
KSR memory block claim request count |
65078 | KsrMbClaimCount |
KsrMbClaimCount |
65080 | Kernel mode interface lock release request time |
Kernel mode interface lock release request time |
65082 | KmifGpaLockReleaseRequestTime |
KmifGpaLockReleaseRequestTime |
65084 | Kernel mode interface lock release request count |
Kernel mode interface lock release request count |
65086 | KmifGpaLockReleaseRequestCount |
KmifGpaLockReleaseRequestCount |
65088 | Kernel mode interface lock release page count |
Kernel mode interface lock release page count |
65090 | KmifGpaLockReleasePageCount |
KmifGpaLockReleasePageCount |
65092 | Kernel mode interface lock acquire request time |
Kernel mode interface lock acquire request time |
65094 | KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestTime |
KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestTime |
65096 | Kernel mode interface lock acquire request count failed |
Kernel mode interface lock acquire request count failed |
65098 | KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestCountFailed |
KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestCountFailed |
65100 | Kernel mode interface lock acquire request count deferred |
Kernel mode interface lock acquire request count deferred |
65102 | KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestCountDeferred |
KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestCountDeferred |
65104 | Kernel mode interface lock acquire request count |
Kernel mode interface lock acquire request count |
65106 | KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestCount |
KmifGpaLockAcquireRequestCount |
65108 | Kernel mode interface lock acquire page count |
Kernel mode interface lock acquire page count |
65110 | KmifGpaLockAcquirePageCount |
KmifGpaLockAcquirePageCount |
65112 | The number of pages referenced by all kernel mode memory blocks in this partition. |
The number of pages referenced by all kernel mode memory blocks in this partition. |
65114 | KmMemoryBlockPages |
KmMemoryBlockPages |
65116 | The number of memory blocks allocated for this partition. |
The number of memory blocks allocated for this partition. |
65118 | MemoryBlocks |
MemoryBlocks |
65120 | The number of I/O port write intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
The number of I/O port write intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
65122 | InterceptsIOPortWrite |
InterceptsIOPortWrite |
65124 | The number of I/O port read intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
The number of I/O port read intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
65126 | InterceptsIOPortRead |
InterceptsIOPortRead |
65128 | The number of MSR write intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
The number of MSR write intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
65130 | InterceptsMSRWrite |
InterceptsMSRWrite |
65132 | The number of MSR read intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
The number of MSR read intercepts received from the hypervisor for this partition. |
65134 | InterceptsMSRRead |
InterceptsMSRRead |
65136 | The total number of CPUID message handlers registered on this partition. |
The total number of CPUID message handlers registered on this partition. |
65138 | HandlersCPUID |
HandlersCPUID |
65140 | The total number of exception message handlers registered on this partition. |
The total number of exception message handlers registered on this partition. |
65142 | HandlersException |
HandlersException |
65144 | The total number of I/O port message handlers registered on this partition. |
The total number of I/O port message handlers registered on this partition. |
65146 | HandlersIOPort |
HandlersIOPort |
65148 | The total number of message handlers registered on this partition. |
The total number of message handlers registered on this partition. |
65150 | HandlersRegistered |
HandlersRegistered |
65152 | The total encryption/decryption scratch pool size in bytes allocated for this partition. |
The total encryption/decryption scratch pool size in bytes allocated for this partition. |
65154 | CryptScratchPoolSizeInBytes |
CryptScratchPoolSizeInBytes |
65156 | The total decryption output size in bytes for this partition. |
The total decryption output size in bytes for this partition. |
65158 | CryptUnpackOutputSizeInBytes |
CryptUnpackOutputSizeInBytes |
65160 | The total encryption output size in bytes for this partition. |
The total encryption output size in bytes for this partition. |
65162 | CryptPackOutputSizeInBytes |
CryptPackOutputSizeInBytes |
65164 | The total input size in bytes for decryption for this partition. |
The total input size in bytes for decryption for this partition. |
65166 | CryptUnpackInputSizeInBytes |
CryptUnpackInputSizeInBytes |
65168 | The total input size in bytes for encryption for this partition. |
The total input size in bytes for encryption for this partition. |
65170 | CryptPackInputSizeInBytes |
CryptPackInputSizeInBytes |
65172 | The total time spent in decrypting state for this partition in microseconds. |
The total time spent in decrypting state for this partition in microseconds. |
65174 | CryptUnpackTimeInUs |
CryptUnpackTimeInUs |
65176 | The total time spent in encrypting state for this partition in microseconds. |
The total time spent in encrypting state for this partition in microseconds. |
65178 | CryptPackTimeInUs |
CryptPackTimeInUs |
65180 | The total compression/decompression scratch pool size in bytes allocated for this partition. |
The total compression/decompression scratch pool size in bytes allocated for this partition. |
65182 | CompressScratchPoolSizeInBytes |
CompressScratchPoolSizeInBytes |
65184 | The total compression workspace size in bytes allocated for this partition. |
The total compression workspace size in bytes allocated for this partition. |
65186 | CompressWorkspaceSizeInBytes |
CompressWorkspaceSizeInBytes |
65188 | The total number of bytes for which compression was performed but discarded for this partition. |
The total number of bytes for which compression was performed but discarded for this partition. |
65190 | CompressPackDiscardedSizeInBytes |
CompressPackDiscardedSizeInBytes |
65192 | The total data size in bytes for this partition for which decompression was ignored because input data was uncompressed. |
The total data size in bytes for this partition for which decompression was ignored because input data was uncompressed. |
65194 | CompressUnpackUncompressedInputSizeInBytes |
CompressUnpackUncompressedInputSizeInBytes |
65196 | The total decompression output size in bytes for this partition. |
The total decompression output size in bytes for this partition. |
65198 | CompressUnpackOutputSizeInBytes |
CompressUnpackOutputSizeInBytes |
65200 | The total compression output size in bytes for this partition. |
The total compression output size in bytes for this partition. |
65202 | CompressPackOutputSizeInBytes |
CompressPackOutputSizeInBytes |
65204 | The total number of bytes decompressed for this partition. |
The total number of bytes decompressed for this partition. |
65206 | CompressUnpackInputSizeInBytes |
CompressUnpackInputSizeInBytes |
65208 | The total number of bytes compressed for this partition. |
The total number of bytes compressed for this partition. |
65210 | CompressPackInputSizeInBytes |
CompressPackInputSizeInBytes |
65212 | The total time spent in decompressing state for this partition in microseconds. |
The total time spent in decompressing state for this partition in microseconds. |
65214 | CompressUnpackTimeInUs |
CompressUnpackTimeInUs |
65216 | The total time spent in compressing state for this partition in microseconds. |
The total time spent in compressing state for this partition in microseconds. |
65218 | CompressPackTimeInUs |
CompressPackTimeInUs |
65220 | The total number of handles open to this partition. |
The total number of handles open to this partition. |
65222 | ClientHandles |
ClientHandles |
0x10000001 | Hyper-V 性能跟踪(外部操作) |
Hyper-V performance traces (outer operations) |
0x10000002 | Hyper-V 性能跟踪(内部操作) |
Hyper-V performance traces (inner operations) |
0x10000003 | Hyper-V 性能跟踪(详细) |
Hyper-V performance traces (verbose) |
0x1000000D | Hyper-V 性能跟踪 |
Hyper-V performance traces |
0x10000031 | 响应时间 |
Response Time |
0x30000001 | 启动 |
Start |
0x30000002 | 停止 |
Stop |
0x50000001 | 关键 |
Critical |
0x50000002 | 错误 |
Error |
0x50000003 | 警告 |
Warning |
0x50000004 | 信息 |
Information |
0x70000100 | 初始化虚拟机 |
Initialize Virtual Machine |
0x70000101 | 启动虚拟机 |
Start Virtual Machine |
0x70000102 | 关闭虚拟机 |
Shutdown Virtual Machine |
0x70000103 | 保存虚拟机 |
Save Virtual Machine |
0x70000104 | 还原虚拟机 |
Restore Virtual Machine |
0x70000105 | 暂停虚拟机 |
Pause Virtual Machine |
0x70000106 | 恢复虚拟机 |
Resume Virtual Machine |
0x70000107 | 检查点虚拟机 |
Checkpoint Virtual Machine |
0x70000108 | 迁移虚拟机 |
Migrate Virtual Machine |
0x70000109 | 重置虚拟机 |
Reset Virtual Machine |
0x7000010A | 枚举虚拟机设备 |
Enumerate Virtual Machine Devices |
0x7000010B | 获取虚拟机设备 |
Get Virtual Machine Device |
0x7000010C | 删除虚拟机设备 |
Remove Virtual Machine Device |
0x7000010D | 获取虚拟机属性 |
Get Virtual Machine Property |
0x7000010E | 设置虚拟机属性 |
Set Virtual Machine Property |
0x70000200 | 迁移虚拟机(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine (source node) |
0x70000201 | 迁移虚拟机 - 设置阶段(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Setup phase (source node) |
0x70000202 | 迁移虚拟机 - 保存飞行前信息(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Save preflight information (source node) |
0x70000203 | 迁移虚拟机 - 内存传输阶段(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Memory transfer phase (source node) |
0x70000204 | 迁移虚拟机 - 内存传输传递(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Memory transfer pass (source node) |
0x70000205 | 迁移虚拟机 - 虚拟机移动阶段(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Virtual Machine move phase (source node) |
0x70000206 | 迁移虚拟机 - 保存虚拟机状态(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Save Virtual Machine state (source node) |
0x70000207 | 迁移虚拟机 - 关闭设备电源 (源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Power off devices (source node) |
0x70000208 | 迁移虚拟机 - 传输虚拟机状态(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Transfer Virtual Machine state (source node) |
0x70000209 | 迁移虚拟机 - 最后一个内存传输传递(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Final memory transfer pass (source node) |
0x7000020A | 迁移虚拟机 - 等待目标还原(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Wait for target restore (source node) |
0x7000020B | 迁移虚拟机 - 禁用设备优化(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Disable device optimizations (source node) |
0x7000020C | 迁移虚拟机 - 暂停 VM (源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Pause VM (source node) |
0x7000020D | 迁移虚拟机 - 验证校验和(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Verify checksums (source node) |
0x7000020E | 迁移虚拟机 - 等待目标设置(源节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Wait for target setup (source node) |
0x70000300 | 迁移虚拟机(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine (target node) |
0x70000301 | 迁移虚拟机 - 设置阶段(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Setup phase (target node) |
0x70000302 | 迁移虚拟机 - 内存传输阶段(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Memory transfer phase (target node) |
0x70000303 | 迁移虚拟机 - 虚拟机移动阶段(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Virtual Machine move phase (target node) |
0x70000304 | 迁移虚拟机 - 接收虚拟机状态(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Receive Virtual Machine state (target node) |
0x70000305 | 迁移虚拟机 - 接收虚拟机内存(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Receive Virtual Machine memory (target node) |
0x70000306 | 迁移虚拟机 - 等待虚拟机所有权(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Wait for Virtual Machine ownership (target node) |
0x70000307 | 迁移虚拟机 - 还原 VMB (目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Restore VMB (target node) |
0x70000308 | 迁移虚拟机 - 还原分区状态(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Restore partition state (target node) |
0x70000309 | 迁移虚拟机 - 准备 VM 还原(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Prepare VM restore (target node) |
0x7000030A | 迁移虚拟机 - 恢复 VM (目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Resume VM (target node) |
0x7000030B | 迁移虚拟机 - 接收预检状态(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Receive preflight state (target node) |
0x7000030C | 迁移虚拟机 - 构建来宾内存(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Construct guest memory (target node) |
0x7000030D | 迁移虚拟机 - 保留设备资源(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Reserve device resources (target node) |
0x7000030E | 迁移虚拟机 - 验证校验和(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Verify Checksums (target node) |
0x7000030F | 迁移虚拟机 - 还原规格(目标节点) |
Migrate Virtual Machine - Restore metrics (target node) |
0x70000400 | 打开设备电源 |
Device power on |
0x70000401 | 设备还原 |
Device restore |
0x70000402 | 关闭设备电源 |
Device power off |
0x70000403 | 设备保存状态 |
Device save state |
0x70000404 | 设备暂停 |
Device pause |
0x70000405 | 设备恢复 |
Device resume |
0x70000406 | 设备开始保留资源 |
Device start reserving resources |
0x70000407 | 设备完成保留资源 |
Device finish reserving resources |
0x7000040F | 设备释放保留资源 |
Device free reserved resources |
0x70000410 | 设备保存保留资源 |
Device save reserved resources |
0x70000411 | 设备启用优化 |
Device enable optimizations |
0x70000412 | 设备开始禁用优化 |
Device start disable optimizations |
0x70000413 | 设备完成禁用优化 |
Device finish disable optimizations |
0x70000414 | 设备拆卸 |
Device teardown |
0x70000415 | 设备保存兼容性信息 |
Device save compatibility info |
0x70000416 | 设备重新连接到资源池 |
Device reconnect to resource pools |
0x70000417 | 设备通知迁移进度 |
Device notify migration progress |
0x70000418 | 设备查询迁移状态 |
Device query migration status |
0x7000041C | 设备后重置 |
Device post reset |
0x7000041D | 设备重置 |
Device reset |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker |
Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker |
0x90000002 | Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-VDev-分析 |
Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-Worker-VDev-Analytic |
0xB00005DC | [虚拟机 %2] %1 |
[Virtual machine %2] %1 |
0xB0000BCC | “%1”无法执行保存操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed a save operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BCD | “%1”无法执行保存操作: %3 (%4)。 |
'%1' failed a save operation: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000BCE | 已取消对虚拟机“%1”的保存操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
A save operation was cancelled for the virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BCF | 已取消对虚拟机“%1”的保存操作。 |
A save operation was cancelled for the virtual machine '%1'. |
0xB0000BD6 | “%1”无法分配 %3 MB 的 RAM: %4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to allocate %3 MB of RAM: %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BD7 | 无法分配 %3 MB 的 RAM: %4 (%5)。 |
Unable to allocate %3 MB of RAM: %4 (%5). |
0xB0000BE0 | “%1”无法初始化。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not initialize. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BE1 | “%1”无法初始化。 |
'%1' could not initialize. |
0xB0000BE2 | “%1”无法重新初始化。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not reinitialize. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BE3 | “%1”无法重新初始化。 |
'%1' could not reinitialize. |
0xB0000BE8 | 已启用“%1”智能分页。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' Smart Paging was enabled. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BE9 | 已禁用“%1”智能分页。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' Smart Paging was disabled. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BEA | “%1”无法初始化内存: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not initialize memory: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BEB | 无法初始化内存: %3 (%4)。 |
Could not initialize memory: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000BEC | “%1”无法设置智能分页: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not setup Smart Paging: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BED | 无法设置智能分页: %3 (%4)。 |
Failed to setup Smart Paging: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000BEE | “%1”已成功分配内存,但物理页面的某个子集被分配到远程非一致性内存结构(NUMA)节点上。不建议使用该配置,因为它会降低性能。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' successfully allocated memory, but a subset of the physical pages was allocated on a remote non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) node. This configuration is not recommended because it will reduce performance. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BEF | 已成功分配内存,但物理页面的某个子集被分配到远程非一致性内存结构(NUMA)节点上。不建议使用该配置,因为它会降低性能。 |
Successfully allocated memory, but a subset of the physical pages was allocated on a remote non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) node. This configuration is not recommended because it will reduce performance. |
0xB0000BF0 | “%1”所配置的非一致性内存结构(NUMA)拓扑与物理机的不同。一些虚拟处理器正在访问远程 NUMA 节点上的内存。不推荐此配置,因为它会降低性能。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is configured to have a different non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA) topology to that of the physical machine. Some virtual processors are accessing memory on a remote NUMA node. This configuration is not recommended because it will reduce performance. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BF1 | 由于可用内存不足,虚拟机“%1”无法重置。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Virtual machine '%1' failed to reset because enough memory isn't available. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BF6 | 虚拟机工作进程初始化已超时,因此将终止。 |
Virtual Machine Worker Process initialization has timed out, and will terminate. |
0xB0000BF8 | 请求的操作失败。 |
The requested operation has failed. |
0xB0000BFE | “%1”无法读取或更新虚拟机配置: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not read or update virtual machine configuration: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000BFF | 无法尝试读取或更新虚拟机配置。 |
An attempt to read or update virtual machine configuration failed. |
0xB0000C00 | “%1”无法读取或更新虚拟机配置,因为访问被拒绝: %3 (%4)。请检查存储虚拟机的文件夹的安全设置。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not read or update the virtual machine configuration because access was denied: %3 (%4). Check the security settings on the folder in which the virtual machine is stored. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C01 | 尝试读取或更新虚拟机配置失败,因为访问被拒绝。 |
An attempt to read or update the virtual machine configuration failed because access was denied. |
0xB0000C02 | “%1”不支持此版本的配置数据。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' does not support this version of the configuration data. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C03 | 不支持该版本的配置数据。 |
The version of the configuration data is not supported. |
0xB0000C08 | “%1”无法创建或访问已保存状态文件 %3。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not create or access saved state file %3. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C09 | 尝试初始化 VM 已保存状态失败。 |
An attempt to initialize VM saved state failed. |
0xB0000C0A | “%1”。已保存状态的版本与此虚拟机版本不兼容。若要启动此虚拟机,你需要删除已保存状态。已保存状态版本: %3 (虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' The version of the saved state is not compatible with this virtual machine version. In order to start this virtual machine, you need to delete the saved state. Saved state version: %3 (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C0B | 虚拟机的保存状态存在兼容性问题,请删除该保存状态,以启动此 VM。 |
The virtual machine saved state has compatibility issues, delete the saved state in order to start this VM. |
0xB0000C1C | 此主机无法支持为虚拟机指定的处理器拓扑。例如,当虚拟机的虚拟处理器或套接字计数超过主机的逻辑处理器或套接字计数时,会发生此情况。 |
The processor topology specified for the virtual machine cannot be supported by this host. For instance, this can happen when the virtual processor or socket count for the virtual machine exceeds the logical processor or socket count for the host. |
0xB0000C1D | 虚拟机的处理器设置与主机不兼容。 |
The processor settings for the virtual machine are incompatible with the host. |
0xB0000C1E | 虚拟机“%1”的配置指定的虚拟 NUMA 节点的数量无效。请通过增加每个节点的虚拟处理器的数量和/或每个节点的内存量,减少虚拟 NUMA 节点的数量。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The configuration of virtual machine '%1' specifies an invalid number of virtual NUMA nodes. Reduce the number of virtual NUMA nodes by increasing the number of virtual processors per node and/or the amount of memory per node. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C1F | 虚拟机“%1”的配置指定的虚拟 NUMA 节点的数量无效。 |
The configuration of virtual machine '%1' specifies an invalid number of virtual NUMA nodes. |
0xB0000C20 | 在虚拟机“%1”的配置中为低内存映射 IO 间隙大小指定的值“%3”无效。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The invalid value '%3' was specified for the size of the low memory mapped IO gap in the configuration of the virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual Machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C21 | 在虚拟机“%1”的配置中为高内存映射 IO 间隙大小指定的值“%3”无效。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The invalid value '%3' was specified for the size of the high memory mapped IO gap in the configuration of the virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual Machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C22 | 虚拟机“%1”的配置为启动内存指定无效的值: %3。请指定介于 %4 和 %5 之间的值。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The configuration of virtual machine '%1' specifies an invalid value for startup memory: %3. Specify the value between %4 and %5. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C23 | 虚拟机“%1”的配置指定无效的启动内存值。 |
The configuration of virtual machine '%1' specifies an invalid startup memory value. |
0xB0000C24 | 由于此平台不支持嵌套虚拟化,虚拟机无法启动。可考虑不向虚拟机公开虚拟化扩展。 |
The virtual machine could not be started because this platform does not support nested virtualization. Consider not exposing virtualization extensions to the virtual machine. |
0xB0000C25 | 由于此平台不支持嵌套虚拟化,虚拟机无法启动。 |
The virtual machine could not be started because this platform does not support nested virtualization. |
0xB0000C26 | 无法创建分区: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to create partition: %1 (%2). |
0xB0000C28 | 无法启动虚拟机,因为虚拟机管理程序未运行。以下操作可以帮助你解决此问题:%r%n1)验证物理计算机的处理器是否具有受支持版本的硬件协助虚拟化功能。%r%n2)验证是否在物理计算机的 BIOS 中启用了硬件协助虚拟化和硬件协助数据执行保护功能。(如果你编辑 BIOS 以启用任一设置,你必须关闭物理计算机的电源,然后再打开电源。仅仅重置物理计算机是不够的。)%r%n3)如果你已经对引导配置数据存储进行了更改,则检查这些更改,以确保虚拟机管理程序配置为自动启动。%r%n |
The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running. The following actions may help you resolve the problem:%r%n1) Verify that the processor of the physical computer has a supported version of hardware-assisted virtualization.%r%n2) Verify that hardware-assisted virtualization and hardware-assisted data execution protection are enabled in the BIOS of the physical computer. (If you edit the BIOS to enable either setting, you must turn off the power to the physical computer and then turn it back on. Resetting the physical computer is not sufficient.)%r%n3) If you have made changes to the Boot Configuration Data store, review these changes to ensure that the hypervisor is configured to launch automatically.%r%n |
0xB0000C29 | 虚拟机无法启动,因为虚拟机监控程序未运行。 |
The virtual machine could not be started because the hypervisor is not running. |
0xB0000C2A | 由于配置错误,虚拟机无法启动。请禁用嵌套虚拟化(停止向虚拟机公开虚拟化扩展),或升级虚拟机版本。 |
The virtual machine could not be started because of a configuration error. Disable nested virtualization (stop exposing virtualization extensions to the virtual machine), or upgrade the virtual machine version. |
0xB0000C2B | 由于配置错误,虚拟机无法启动。 |
The virtual machine could not be started because of a configuration error. |
0xB0000C30 | 虚拟机 %1 无法启动,因为指定的 NUMA 节点列表包含无效的 NUMA 节点。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The virtual machine %1 could not be started because the specified NUMA node list contains invalid NUMA Nodes. (Virtual Machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C31 | 虚拟机 %1 无法启动,因为指定的 NUMA 节点列表包含无效的 NUMA 节点。 |
The virtual machine %1 could not be started because the specified NUMA node list contains invalid NUMA Nodes. |
0xB0000C32 | 系统内存不足,无法启动虚拟机 %1,需要内存大小 %3 MB。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Not enough memory in the system to start the virtual machine %1 with ram size %3 megabytes. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C33 | 系统内存不足,无法启动虚拟机 %1。 |
Not enough memory in the system to start the virtual machine %1. |
0xB0000C34 | 虚拟机“%1”无法在此服务器上启动。服务器 NUMA 拓扑无法满足虚拟机 NUMA 拓扑要求。请尝试使用服务器 NUMA 拓扑,或启用 NUMA 跨越。(虚拟机 ID %2)。 |
Virtual machine '%1' cannot be started on this server. The virtual machine NUMA topology requirements cannot be satisfied by the server NUMA topology. Try to use the server NUMA topology, or enable NUMA spanning. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C35 | 虚拟机“%1”无法在此服务器上启动。服务器 NUMA 拓扑无法满足虚拟机 NUMA 拓扑要求。请尝试使用服务器 NUMA 拓扑,或启用 NUMA 跨越。 |
Virtual machine '%1' cannot be started on this server. The virtual machine NUMA topology requirements cannot be satisfied by the server NUMA topology. Try to use the server NUMA topology, or enable NUMA spanning. |
0xB0000C3A | “%1”无法创建或访问内存内容文件 %3。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to create or access memory contents file %3. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C3B | 无法创建或访问内存内容文件 %3。 |
Failed to create or access memory contents file %3. |
0xB0000C44 | 此服务器上禁用了 NUMA 跨越。启用 NUMA 跨越可允许虚拟机“%1”启动。 |
NUMA spanning is disabled on this server. Enabling NUMA spanning may allow virtual machine '%1' to start. |
0xB0000C45 | 启用 NUMA 跨越可允许虚拟机“%1”启动。 |
Enabling NUMA spanning may allow virtual machine '%1' to start. |
0xB0000C4E | “%1”无法保存虚拟机分区状态: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to save the virtual machine partition state: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C4F | 无法保存虚拟机分区状态: %3 (%4)。 |
Failed to save virtual machine partition state: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000C58 | “%1”无法还原虚拟机状态: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to restore the virtual machine state: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C59 | 无法还原虚拟机状态: %3 (%4)。 |
Failed to restore the virtual machine state: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000C70 | “%1”无法为分区设置调试通道 ID: %3“%4”。 |
'%1' failed to set the debug channel ID for the partition: %3 '%4'. |
0xB0000C71 | 无法为分区设置调试通道 ID: %3“%4”。 |
Failed to set the debug channel ID for the partition: %3 '%4'. |
0xB0000C80 | “%1”无法保存,但忽略错误可允许虚拟机继续关闭。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to save, but ignored the error to allow virtual machine to continue shutdown. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C81 | 无法保存,但忽略错误可允许虚拟机继续关闭。 |
Failed to save, but ignored error to allow virtual machine to continue shutdown. |
0xB0000C8A | 在检查点操作期间,“%1”无法保存 RAM 内容: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to save RAM contents during a checkpoint operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C8B | 在检查点操作期间,“%1”无法保存 RAM 内容: %3 (%4)。 |
'%1' failed to save RAM contents during a checkpoint operation: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000C8C | 已取消虚拟机“%1”的检查点操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
A checkpoint operation was cancelled for the virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C8D | 已取消虚拟机“%1”的检查点操作。 |
A checkpoint operation was cancelled for the virtual machine '%1'. |
0xB0000C8E | 等待新磁盘路径写入虚拟机“%1”的配置文件时发生超时。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
A timeout has occurred waiting for the new disk paths to be written to the configuration file for the virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C8F | 等待新磁盘路径写入配置文件“%1”时发生超时。 |
A timeout has occurred waiting for the new disk paths to be written to the configuration file '%1'. |
0xB0000C90 | “%1”无法在检查点操作期间使用新的不同磁盘来进行切换: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to switch using the new differencing disks during a checkpoint operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C91 | “%1”无法在检查点操作期间使用新的不同磁盘来进行切换: %3 (%4)。 |
'%1' failed to switch using the new differencing disks during a checkpoint operation: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000C94 | “%1”无法保存地址 %3 上的 RAM 内容: %4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to save RAM contents at address %3: %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C95 | 无法保存地址 %3 上的 RAM 内容。 |
Unable to save RAM contents at address %3. |
0xB0000C9E | “%1”无法还原地址 %3 上的 RAM 内容: %4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to restore RAM contents at address %3: %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000C9F | 无法还原地址 %3 上的 RAM 内容。 |
Unable to restore RAM contents at address %3. |
0xB0000CA8 | “%1”无法保存 RAM 块 %3: %4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to save RAM block %3: %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CA9 | 无法保存 RAM 块 %3。 |
Unable to save RAM block %3. |
0xB0000CC6 | “%1”无法还原 RAM,因为某些 RAM 块数据已损坏。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to restore RAM because some RAM block data is corrupt. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CC7 | 无法还原 RAM,因为某些 RAM 块数据已损坏。 |
Unable to restore RAM because some RAM block data is corrupt. |
0xB0000CC8 | 无法初始化“%1”。必须在容器上启用动态内存。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Failed to initialize '%1'. Dynamic memory must be disabled on containers. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CD0 | “%1”无法启动检查点操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not initiate a checkpoint operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CD1 | “%1”无法启动检查点操作。 |
'%1' could not initiate a checkpoint operation. |
0xB0000CD6 | 由于在检查点操作期间继续执行时出现故障,因此“%1”被暂停。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was paused as a hr of a failure to resume execution during a checkpoint operation. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CD7 | 由于在检查点操作期间继续执行时出现故障,因此“%1”被暂停。 |
'%1' was paused as a hr of a failure to resume execution during a checkpoint operation. |
0xB0000CDA | “%1”无法还原 RAM 并且也无法创建一个还原缓冲区。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to restore RAM and is unable to create a restore buffer. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CDB | 无法还原 RAM 并且也无法创建一个还原缓冲区。 |
Unable to restore RAM and is unable to create a restore buffer. |
0xB0000CDC | “%1”无法还原,因为内存内容文件受损。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to restore because memory contents file is corrupt. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CDD | 无法还原,因为内存内容文件受损。 |
Failed to restore because memory contents file is corrupt. |
0xB0000CDE | “%1”无法将源文件“%5”复制到来宾中的目标“%6”: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to copy the source file '%5' to the destination '%6' in the guest: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CDF | 无法将源文件“%5”复制到来宾中的目标“%6”。 |
Failed to copy the source file '%5' to the destination '%6' in the guest. |
0xB0000CE2 | “%1”无法完成将源文件“%5”复制到来宾中的目标“%6”的操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to complete copying the source file '%5' to the destination '%6' in the guest: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CE4 | “%1”无法还原 RAM,因为该操作已取消。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to restore RAM and the operation canceled. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CE5 | 无法还原 RAM,因为该操作已取消。 |
Unable to restore RAM and the operation canceled. |
0xB0000CEE | “%1”无法初始化一个还原操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to initialize a restore operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CEF | 无法初始化一个还原操作: %3 (%4)。 |
Failed to initialize a restore operation: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000CF8 | “%1”无法创建大小为 %4 MB 的内存内容文件“%3”: %5 (%6)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to create memory contents file '%3' of size %4 MB: %5 (%6). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CF9 | 无法创建大小为 %4 MB 的内存内容文件“%3”。 |
Failed to create memory contents file '%3' of size %4 MB. |
0xB0000CFA | “%1”: 无法向虚拟机分配更多内存,因为无法将内存内容文件“%3”扩展到 %4 MB: %5 (%6)。(虚拟机 ID %2)。 |
'%1': Cannot allocate more memory to the virtual machine because of failure to extend the memory contents file '%3' to %4 MB: %5 (%6). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CFC | “%1”: 无法向虚拟机分配更多内存,因为没有足够的可用磁盘空间来将内存内容文件“%3”扩展到 %4 MB。若要释放磁盘空间,请删除磁盘中不必要的文件,然后再试一次。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Cannot allocate more memory to the virtual machine because there is not enough free disk space to extend the memory contents file '%3' to %4 MB. To free up disk space, delete unnecessary files from the disk and try again. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CFE | 虚拟机“%1”无法启动,因为没有足够的磁盘空间。系统无法在“%3”上创建大小为 %4 MB 的内存内容文件。请确保设置的路径指向具有更大存储空间的磁盘,或删除磁盘中不必要的文件,然后再试一次。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The Virtual Machine '%1' failed to start because there is not enough disk space. The system was unable to create the memory contents file on '%3' with the size of %4 MB. Set the path to a disk with more storage space or delete unnecessary files from the disk and try again. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000CFF | 虚拟机“%1”无法启动,因为没有足够的磁盘空间。 |
The Virtual Machine '%1' failed to start because there is not enough disk space. |
0xB0000D02 | “%1”无法访问检查点存储库: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not access checkpoint repository: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D03 | 无法访问检查点存储库。 |
Could not access checkpoint repository. |
0xB0000D04 | 无法获取“%1”的检查点,因为已连接一个或多个传递磁盘。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Cannot take checkpoint for '%1' because one or more pass-through disks are attached. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D05 | 无法获取检查点。 |
Cannot take checkpoint. |
0xB0000D16 | “%1”无法创建自动虚拟硬盘 %3: %4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not create auto virtual hard disk %3: %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D17 | 无法创建自动虚拟硬盘 %3: %4。 |
Could not create auto virtual hard disk %3: %4. |
0xB0000D18 | 在来宾 VSS 集成组件中,VM“%1”的生产检查点出现故障,错误为 %3 (%4)。如果继续出现此问题,请改用常规检查点(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Production Checkpoint for VM '%1' failed in the guest VSS Integration Component with error %3 (%4). If you continue to see this problem please use regular checkpoints instead (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D19 | 在来宾 VSS 集成组件中,VM“%1”的生产检查点出现故障,错误为 %3 (%4)。 |
Production Checkpoint for VM '%1' failed in the guest VSS Integration Component with error %3 (%4). |
0xB0000D21 | 无法停止虚拟处理器。 |
Unable to stop the virtual processors. |
0xB0000D2A | 由于创建检查点时出现故障,因此“%1”无法重置 %3 的虚拟硬盘路径。%4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to reset the virtual hard disk path for %3 as a hr of failure to create a checkpoint. %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D2B | 由于创建检查点时出现故障,因此无法更改 %3 的虚拟硬盘路径。%4 |
Unable to change the virtual hard disk path for %3 as a hr of failure to create a checkpoint. %4 |
0xB0000D2C | 由于文件或路径名“%3”不正确,“%1”无法获取检查点。%4 (%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' is unable to take a checkpoint due to incorrect file or path name '%3'. %4 (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D2D | 由于文件或路径名 %3 不正确,尝试获取检查点失败。%4 |
An attempt to take checkpoint failed due to incorrect file or path name %3. %4 |
0xB0000D66 | “%1”无法设置/更改分区属性: %3“%4”。 |
'%1' failed to set/change partition property: %3 '%4'. |
0xB0000D67 | 无法设置/更改分区属性: %3“%4”。 |
Failed to set/change partition property: %3 '%4'. |
0xB0000D68 | “%1”无法为工作进程设置处理器相关性: %3。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not set the processor affinity for the worker process: %3. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D69 | 无法为工作进程设置处理器相关性: %3 (%4)。 |
Could not set the processor affinity for the worker process: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000D6A | “%1”无法执行该操作。虚拟机未处于受支持的状态,因此无法执行该操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not perform the operation. The Virtual Machine is not in a supported state to perform the operation. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D6B | 无法执行该操作。虚拟机未处于受支持的状态,因此无法执行该操作。 |
Could not perform the operation. The Virtual Machine is not in a supported state to perform the operation. |
0xB0000D6C | “%1”无法执行配置操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not perform configuration operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D6D | “%1”无法执行配置操作: %3 (%4)。 |
'%1' could not perform configuration operation: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000D6E | 无法获取“%1”的检查点,因为已连接一个或多个合成光纤通道控制器。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Cannot take checkpoint for '%1' because one or more synthetic fibre channel controllers are attached. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D7A | “%1”无法启动: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to start: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D7B | 无法启动。 |
Failed to start. |
0xB0000D7C | “%1”无法停止: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to stop: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D7D | 无法停止。 |
Failed to stop. |
0xB0000D7E | “%1”无法暂停: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to pause: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D7F | 无法暂停。 |
Failed to pause. |
0xB0000D80 | “%1”无法恢复: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to resume: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D81 | 无法恢复。 |
Failed to resume. |
0xB0000D82 | “%1”无法重置: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to reset: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D83 | 无法重置。 |
Failed to reset. |
0xB0000D84 | “%1”无法保存: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to save: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D85 | 无法保存。 |
Failed to save. |
0xB0000D86 | “%1”无法还原: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to restore: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D87 | 无法还原。 |
Failed to restore. |
0xB0000D88 | “%1”无法获取快照: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to take a snpahsot: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D8A | “%1”无法注入不可屏蔽的中断: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to inject a non-maskable interrupt: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D8B | 无法注入不可屏蔽的中断。 |
Failed to inject a non-maskable interrupt. |
0xB0000D8C | “%1”无法在源上初始化迁移: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to initiate migration at the source: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D8D | 无法在源上初始化迁移。 |
Failed to initiate migration at the source. |
0xB0000D8E | “%1”无法在目标上初始化迁移: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to initiate migration at the destination: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D8F | 无法在目标上初始化迁移。 |
Failed to initiate migration at the destination. |
0xB0000D90 | “%1”无法启动将文件复制到来宾的操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to initiate copying files to the guest: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D91 | 无法启动将文件复制到来宾的操作。 |
Failed to initiate copying files to the guest. |
0xB0000D92 | “%1”已取消将文件复制到来宾的操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' cancelled copying files to the guest. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D93 | 已取消将文件复制到来宾的操作。 |
File copy to the guest was cancelled. |
0xB0000D94 | “%1”已成功将源文件“%3”复制到来宾中的目标“%4”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' succesfully copied the source file '%3' to the destination '%4' in the guest. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D95 | 已成功将源文件“%3”复制到来宾中的目标“%4”。 |
Succesfully copied the source file '%3' to the destination '%4' in the guest. |
0xB0000D96 | “%1”无法快速保存: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to fast-save: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D97 | 无法快速保存。 |
Failed to fast-save. |
0xB0000D98 | “%1”无法快速还原: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to fast-restore: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D99 | 无法进行快速还原。 |
Failed to fast-restore. |
0xB0000D9A | “%1”无法进行快速保存操作: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed a fast-save operation: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D9B | “%1”无法进行快速保存操作: %3 (%4)。 |
'%1' failed a fast-save operation: %3 (%4). |
0xB0000D9C | 已取消虚拟机“%1”的快速保存操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
A fast-save operation was cancelled for the virtual machine '%1'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D9D | 已取消虚拟机“%1”的快速保存操作。 |
A fast-save operation was cancelled for the virtual machine '%1'. |
0xB0000D9E | 由于出现关键错误,“%1”无法停止: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to stop for critical error: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000D9F | 由于出现关键错误,无法停止。 |
Failed to stop for critical error. |
0xB0000DA0 | 由于出现关键错误,“%1”无法暂停: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to pause for critical error: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000DA1 | 由于出现关键错误,无法暂停。 |
Failed to pause for critical error. |
0xB0000DA2 | “%1”无法从关键错误中恢复: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to resume from critical error: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0000DA3 | 无法从关键错误中恢复。 |
Failed to resume from critical error. |
0xB0000DA4 | “%1”尚未从以前的关键错误中恢复。 |
'%1' has not yet recovered from previous critical errors. |
0xB0000DA5 | “%1”尚未从以前的关键错误中恢复。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' has not yet recovered from previous critical errors. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0001388 | 命令行上指定了一个无效的选项:“%1”。 |
An invalid option was specified on the command line: '%1'. |
0xB0001392 | 命令行上指定了太多参数:“%1”。 |
Too many arguments were specified on the command line: '%1'. |
0xB000139C | “%1”的动态内存已关闭,因为已为虚拟机配置了 NumaNodesAreRequired 和 NumaNodeList。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Dynamic memory was turned off for '%1' because NumaNodesAreRequired and NumaNodeList are configured for the virtual machine. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00013EC | 命令行中缺少虚拟机标识符。 |
The virtual machine identifier was missing from the command line. |
0xB00013F6 | 无法使用正确的安全上下文启动工作进程。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Failed to start the worker process using the correct security context. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000273C | 虚拟机工作进程已丢失与 %3 WMI 命名空间的连接: %1 (%2)。为此,某些 WMI 操作可能无法正常执行。若要纠正此问题,请尝试重新启动 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。 |
The Virtual Machine Worker Process has lost its connection to the %3 WMI namespace: %1 (%2). As a hr, some WMI operations may not function correctly. To correct the problem, try restarting the Windows Management Instrumentation service. |
0xB000273D | 虚拟机工作进程与 %3 WMI 命名空间已断开连接: %1 (%2)。 |
The Virtual Machine Worker Process has lost its connection to the %3 WMI namespace: %1 (%2). |
0xB000273E | 虚拟机工作进程已恢复与 %1 WMI 命名空间的连接。 |
The Virtual Machine Worker Process has restored its connection to the %1 WMI namespace. |
0xB0002E7C | “%1”%3: 配置节已损坏。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Configuration section is corrupt. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002E7D | %3: 配置节已损坏,或是旧版本或架构。 |
%3: Configuration section is corrupt or has old versioning or schema. |
0xB0002E7E | “%1”(设备“%3”): 发生了一个不可恢复的内部错误。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' (Device '%3'): a unrecoverable internal error has occurred. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002E7F | 设备“%3”: 发生了一个不可恢复的内部错误。 |
Device '%3': a unrecoverable internal error has occurred. |
0xB0002ED6 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 错误为“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Error '%4'. |
0xB0002EDE | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法创建实例,错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to create instance with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EE0 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法初始化,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to initialize with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EE2 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法拆卸,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to teardown with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EE4 | “%1”%3: 无法开始资源保留,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Failed to start reserving resources with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EE6 | “%1”%3: 无法完成资源保留,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Failed to finish reserving resources with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EE8 | “%1”%3: 无法释放保留的资源,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Failed to free reserved resources with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EEA | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法打开电源,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Power on with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EEB | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法开机,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Power on with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002EF4 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法关闭电源,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Power off with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EF5 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法关机,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Power off with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002EFE | “%1”无法启动。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002EFF | “%1”无法启动。 |
'%1' failed to start. |
0xB0002F08 | 重置之后“%1”无法启动。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to start after a reset. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F09 | 重置之后“%1”无法启动。 |
'%1' failed to start after a reset. |
0xB0002F0A | 在来宾操作系统重置后,“%1”无法启动。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to start after a reset by the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F0B | 在来宾操作系统重置后,“%1”无法启动。 |
'%1' failed to start after a reset by the guest operating system. |
0xB0002F0C | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法重置,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Reset with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F0D | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法重置,因为发生错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Reset with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F0E | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法后重置,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Post Reset with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F0F | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法后重置,因为发生错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to Post Reset with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F10 | “%1”无法在重置操作期间重新加载配置数据(错误“%3”(%3))。虚拟机将使用初始配置数据重新启动(虚拟机 ID %2)。 |
'%1' failed to reload the configuration data during a reset operation (error '%3' (%3)). The Virtual machine will restart using the initial configuration data (Virtual machine ID %2). |
0xB0002F11 | “%1”无法在重置操作期间重新加载配置数据。 |
'%1' failed to reload the configuration data during a reset operation. |
0xB0002F12 | “%1”无法还原。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to restore. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F13 | “%1”无法还原。 |
'%1' failed to restore. |
0xB0002F14 | “%1”无法进行快速还原。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to fast-restore. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F15 | “%1”无法进行快速还原。 |
'%1' failed to fast-restore. |
0xB0002F16 | “%1”无法保存状态: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to save state: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F17 | “%1”无法保存状态。 |
'%1' failed to save state. |
0xB0002F18 | “%1”无法进入快速保存状态: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to fast-save state: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F19 | “%1”无法进入快速保存状态。 |
'%1' failed to fast-save state. |
0xB0002F1C | “%1” %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法保存,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to save with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F1D | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法保存,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to save with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F22 | “%1”无法恢复。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to resume. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F23 | “%1”无法恢复。 |
'%1' failed to resume. |
0xB0002F24 | “%1”无法从关键错误中恢复。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to resume from critical error. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F25 | “%1”无法从关键错误中恢复。 |
'%1' failed to resume from critical error. |
0xB0002F26 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法暂停,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to pause with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F27 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法暂停,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to pause with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F30 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法还原,因为发生错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to restore with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F31 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法还原,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to restore with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F3A | “%1”%3(实例 ID %6): 无法恢复,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to resume with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F3B | %3: 无法恢复,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3: Failed to resume with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F3C | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法启用优化模式,因为发生了错误为“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to enable optimized mode with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F3D | %3: 无法启用优化模式,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3: Failed to enable optimized mode with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F3E | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法禁用优化模式,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to start disable optimized mode with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F3F | %3: 无法禁用优化模式,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3: Failed to start disable optimized mode with Error '%4'. |
0xB0002F42 | “%1”%3: 无法保存保留的资源,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Failed to save reserved resources with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F44 | “%1”%3: 无法重新连接到资源池,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Failed to reconnect to resource pools with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F62 | “%1”%3: 无法将消息发送给虚拟设备。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: Failed to dispatch the message to virtual device. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F63 | %3: 无法将消息发送给虚拟设备。 |
%3: Failed to dispatch the message to virtual device. |
0xB0002F64 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法保存兼容性,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to save compatibility info with Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F65 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法保存兼容性,因为发生了错位“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to save compatibility info with error '%4'. |
0xB0002F66 | 远程 SMB 共享不支持复原。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Remote SMB share does not support resiliency. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F67 | 远程 SMB 共享不支持复原。 |
Remote SMB share does not support resiliency. |
0xB0002F68 | “%1”: 无法删除存储控制器资源分配设置数据对象“%3”,因为仍然有一个或多个存储驱动器对象连接到它。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': The storage controller resource allocation setting data object '%3' cannot be deleted because one or more storage drive objects are still attached to it. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F69 | 无法删除存储控制器资源分配设置数据对象“%3”,因为仍然有一个或多个存储驱动器对象连接到它。 |
The storage controller resource allocation setting data object '%3' cannot be deleted because one or more storage drive objects are still attached to it. |
0xB0002F6A | “%1”: 无法删除存储驱动器资源分配设置数据对象“%3”,因为仍然有一个逻辑磁盘对象连接到它。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': The storage drive resource allocation setting data object '%3' cannot be deleted because a logical disk object is still attached to it. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F6B | 无法删除存储驱动器资源分配设置数据对象“%3”,因为仍然有一个逻辑磁盘对象连接到它。 |
The storage drive resource allocation setting data object '%3' cannot be deleted because a logical disk object is still attached to it. |
0xB0002F6C | “%1”: 无法打开附件“%3”。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Failed to open attachment '%3'. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F6D | 无法打开附件“%3”。错误:“%4”。 |
Failed to open attachment '%3'. Error: '%4'. |
0xB0002F6E | “%1”: 无法打开虚拟磁盘“%3”。打开差异磁盘链中的某个虚拟磁盘“%6”(被“%7”引用)时遇到问题:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Failed to open virtual disk '%3'. A problem was encountered opening a virtual disk in the chain of differencing disks, '%6' (referenced by '%7'): '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F6F | 无法打开虚拟磁盘“%3”。打开差异磁盘链中的某个虚拟磁盘“%6”时遇到问题:“%4”。 |
Failed to open virtual disk '%3'. A problem was encountered opening a virtual disk in the chain of differencing disks, '%6': '%4'. |
0xB0002F70 | “%1”: 无法打开虚拟磁盘“%3”,因为该文件已损坏或太小。 (虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Failed to open virtual disk '%3' because the file is corrupt or is too small. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F71 | 无法打开虚拟磁盘“%3”,因为该文件已损坏或太小。 |
Failed to open virtual disk '%3' because the file is corrupt or is too small. |
0xB0002F72 | “%1”: 无法打开 ISO 映像“%3”,因为该文件已损坏或太小。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Failed to open ISO image '%3' because the file is corrupt or is too small. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002F73 | 无法打开 ISO 映像“%3”,因为该文件已损坏或太小。 |
Failed to open ISO image '%3' because the file is corrupt or is too small. |
0xB0002F74 | “%1”: 无法打开“%3”: 不支持压缩的虚拟硬盘。 |
'%1': Failed to open '%3': Compressed virtual hard disks are not supported. |
0xB0002F75 | 无法打开“%3”: 不支持压缩的虚拟硬盘。 |
Failed to open '%3': Compressed virtual hard disks are not supported. |
0xB0002F82 | “%1”: 无法配置“%3”: 虚拟硬盘所在的存储不支持虚拟硬盘共享。 |
'%1': Failed to configure '%3': The storage where the virtual hard disk is located does not support virtual hard disk sharing. |
0xB0002F83 | 无法配置“%3”: 虚拟硬盘所在的存储不支持虚拟硬盘共享。 |
Failed to configure '%3': The storage where the virtual hard disk is located does not support virtual hard disk sharing. |
0xB0002FA8 | “%1”%3: 虚拟机内存不足错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3: virtual machine is out of Memory Error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FA9 | %3: 虚拟机内存不足,错误为“%4”。 |
%3: Virtual machine is out of Memory Error '%4'. |
0xB0002FD0 | “%1”: 找不到附件“%3”。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Attachment '%3' not found. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FD1 | 找不到附件“%3”。错误:“%4”。 |
Attachment '%3' not found. Error: '%4'. |
0xB0002FD2 | “%1”: 无法装载设备“%3”: 曾尝试以读/写方式装载,现在已采用只读方式装载该设备。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Failed to mount the device '%3': The device is already mounted read-only, and an attempt was made to mount it read/write. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FD3 | 无法装载设备“%3”: 曾尝试以读/写方式装载,现在已采用只读方式装载该设备。 |
Failed to mount the device '%3': The device is already mounted read-only, and an attempt was made to mount it read/write. |
0xB0002FD4 | “%1”: 无法装载设备“%3”: 该设备正由另一个进程使用。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Failed to mount the device '%3': The device is in use by another process. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FD5 | 无法装载设备“%3”: 该设备正由另一个进程使用。 |
Failed to mount the device '%3': The device is in use by another process. |
0xB0002FD6 | “%1”: 找不到物理设备“%3”。可能已从系统中删除该设备。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': The physical device '%3' could not be found. It may have been removed from the system. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FD7 | 找不到物理设备。可能已从系统中移除。错误:“%4”。 |
The physical device could not be found. It may have been removed from the system. Error: '%4'. |
0xB0002FD8 | “%1”: 保留文件名“%3”以供 Windows 使用。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': The filename '%3' is reserved for use by Windows. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FD9 | 保留文件名“%3”以供 Windows 使用。 |
The filename '%3' is reserved for use by Windows. |
0xB0002FE4 | “%1”: 附件“%3”为只读。请提供读/写访问权限以添加该附件。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Attachment '%3' is read only. Please provide read/write access to add the attachment. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FE5 | 附件“%3”为只读。请提供可添加到该附件的读/写权限。错误:“%4”。 |
Attachment '%3' is read only. Please provide read/write access to add the attachment. Error: '%4'. |
0xB0002FF8 | “%1”: 计算机帐户“%6”和/或启动 VM 管理操作的用户不具有访问文件共享“%3”所必需的权限。请确保该计算机帐户和启动 VM 管理操作的用户对该文件共享,以及支持该文件共享的文件系统文件夹具有完全访问权限。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': The Machine Account '%6' or the user initiating the VM management operation or both do not have the required access to the file share '%3'. Please ensure that the computer machine account and the user initiating the VM management operation have full access to the file share as well as the file system folder backing the file share. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0002FF9 | 计算机帐户“%6”和/或启动 VM 管理操作的用户不具有访问文件共享“%3”所必需的权限。请确保该计算机帐户和启动 VM 管理操作的用户对该文件共享,以及支持该文件共享的文件系统文件夹具有完全访问权限。错误:“%4”。 |
The Machine Account '%6' or the user initiating the VM management operation or both do not have the required access to the file share '%3'. Please ensure that the computer machine account and the user initiating the VM management operation have full access to the file share as well as the file system folder backing the file share. Error: '%4'. |
0xB0003002 | “%1”: %6 帐户没有足够的权限打开附件“%3”。错误:“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': %6 Account does not have sufficient privilege to open attachment '%3'. Error: '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0003003 | %6 帐户没有足够的权限打开附件“%3”。错误:“%4”。 |
%6 Account does not have sufficient privilege to open attachment '%3'. Error: '%4'. |
0xB0003004 | 在计算“%3”的磁盘链大小时,“%1”遇到错误。错误为:“%4”(%5)。没有为当前磁盘更新最大磁盘规格。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' encountered an error while calculating the size of the disk chain for '%3'. The error was: '%4' (%5). Maximum disk metric will not be updated for the current disk. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0003005 | 在计算磁盘规格的磁盘链大小时出错。 |
There was an error while calculating the size of the disk chain for disk metrics. |
0xB000300C | 虚拟机 =“%1”,文件“%3”是未知的软盘映像类型。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Virtual machine='%1', File '%3' is not a known floppy image type. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000300D | 文件“%3”是未知的软盘映像类型。 |
File '%3' is not a known floppy image type. |
0xB000303E | “%1”: 尝试启动虚拟机时出错。无法打开“%3”。因为一个或多个存储媒体不可访问,所以无法更改虚拟机的状态。如果已使用“加密文件系统”对文件进行加密,则 Hyper-V 不支持使用存储媒体。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': An error occurred while attempting to start the virtual machine. Cannot open '%3'. The state of the virtual machine cannot be changed because one or more storage media are not accessible. Hyper-V does not support the use of storage media if Encrypting File System has been used to encrypt files. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000303F | 尝试启动虚拟机时出错。无法打开“%3”。 |
An error occurred while attempting to start the virtual machine. Cannot open '%3'. |
0xB0003040 | “%1”: 将“%3”附加到虚拟机时出错。该文件被加密。如果已使用加密文件系统对文件进行加密,则 Hyper-V 不支持使用存储媒体。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': An error occurred while attaching '%3' to the virtual machine. The file is encrypted. Hyper-V does not support the use of storage media if Encrypting File System has been used to encrypt files. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0003041 | 将“%3”附加到虚拟机时出错。该文件被加密。 |
An error occurred while attaching '%3' to the virtual machine. The file is encrypted. |
0xB0003098 | “%1”在启动以太网设备期间打开文件“%3”时出现错误“%4”(%5)。可能未安装 Hyper-V 网络服务提供程序。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' error '%4' (%5) while opening file '%3' during ethernet device startup. The Hyper-V network service provider may not be installed. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0003099 | 在启动以太网设备期间打开文件“%3”时出现错误“%4”(%5)。可能未安装 Hyper-V 网络服务提供程序。 |
Error '%4' (%5) while opening file '%3' during ethernet device startup. The Hyper-V network service provider may not be installed. |
0xB00030D4 | “%1”找不到可用的证书。错误:“%3”(%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not find a usable certificate. Error: '%3' (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00030D5 | 找不到可用的证书。错误:“%3”(%4)。 |
Could not find a usable certificate. Error: '%3' (%4). |
0xB00030D6 | 找不到与 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\AuthCertificateHash 中指定的证书哈希代码匹配的证书。 |
Cannot find a certificate matching the certificate hash code specified at HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\AuthCertificateHash. |
0xB00030D7 | 管理员指定的证书无法使用。请确保该证书是未过期的受信任证书、具有与本地计算机的 FQDN 匹配的使用者名称,并且具有“服务器身份验证”这一预期目的。 |
The administrator specified certificate cannot be used. Please make sure that the certificate is trusted, has not expired, has a subject name that matches the FQDN of the local machine and has an intended purpose of 'Server Authenticationi'. |
0xB00030D8 | 管理员指定的证书无法使用,因为 Hyper-V 无法访问私钥容器。请确保授予“NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\\Virtual Machines”安全组对证书私钥容器的访问权限。 |
The administrator specified certificate cannot be used because Hyper-V cannot access the private key container. Please make sure to grant the 'NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\\Virtual Machines' security group access to the certificate's private key container. |
0xB00030D9 | 找不到与在 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\TrustedIssuerCertificateHashes 处指定的证书哈希代码 %3 匹配的证书。 |
Cannot find certificate matching the certificate hash code %3 specified at HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\TrustedIssuerCertificateHashes. |
0xB00030DA | 无法使用管理员指定的且指纹为 %3 的可信颁发者证书。请确保该证书是未过期的受信任证书并且具有“服务器身份验证”这一预期目的。 |
The administrator specified trusted issuer certificate with thumbprint %3 cannot be used. Please make sure that the certificate is trusted, has not expired and has an intended purpose of 'Client Authenticationi'. |
0xB00030DB | 找不到与在 HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\AllowedHashAlgorithms 处指定的算法 ID %3 匹配的已注册 CNG 算法。 |
Cannot find registered CNG algorithm matching the algorithm id %3 specified at HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Virtualization\\AllowedHashAlgorithms. |
0xB00030E8 | 自动生成用于服务器身份验证的自签名证书。 |
Auto-generating a self-signed certificate for server authentication. |
0xB00030EC | 无法创建自签名证书。错误:“%1”(%2)。 |
Could not create a self-signed certificate. Error: '%1' (%2). |
0xB00030F2 | “%1”设备 %3 无法分配来宾物理地址空间。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' device %3 could not allocate guest physical address space. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00030F3 | 设备 %3 无法分配来宾物理地址空间。 |
Device %3 could not allocate guest physical address space. |
0xB00030FC | “%1”设备 %3 遇到一个协议错误,该错误表示存在严重的系统问题。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' device %3 experienced a protocol error indicative of a deep system problem. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00030FD | 设备 %3 遇到一个协议错误,该错误表明有深奥的系统问题。 |
Device %3 experienced a protocol error indicative of a deep system problem. |
0xB0003106 | “%1”设备 %3 在还原时发现错误数据。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' device %3 found bad data on restoring. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0003107 | 还原时设备 %3 发现错误数据。 |
Device %3 found bad data on restoring. |
0xB0003148 | SCSI 控制器不支持物理 DVD 驱动器。 |
Physical DVD drives are not supported on SCSI controllers. |
0xB000314A | 第 1 代虚拟机中的 SCSI 控制器不支持 DVD 驱动器。 |
DVD drives are not supported on SCSI controllers in Generation 1 virtual machines. |
0xB000314C | “%1”: 无法获取附件“%3”的信息。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Could not get information for attachment '%3'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000314D | 无法获取附件“%3”的信息。 |
Could not get information for attachment '%3'. |
0xB000315E | “%1”: 池 ID“%3”对于此资源无效。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': '%3' is an invalid pool id for this resource. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000315F | 池 ID“%3”对于此资源无效。 |
'%3' is an invalid pool id for this resource. |
0xB000320C | “%1”: 为驱动器“%3”启用更改跟踪失败。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1': Enabling change tracking failed for the drive '%3'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004844 | “%1”成功启动。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' started successfully. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004846 | 无法关闭“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was turned off. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004848 | 已通过关闭集成组件使用以下参数关闭“%1”: Force = %3,Reason =“%4”(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was shut down using the Shutdown Integration Component with parameters: Force = %3, Reason = '%4' (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000484C | 来宾操作系统已关闭“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was shut down by the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000484E | “%1”成功保存。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' saved successfully. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004850 | 已重置“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was reset. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004852 | 来宾操作系统已重置“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was reset by the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004854 | 已暂停“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was paused. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004856 | 已恢复“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was resumed. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000485C | 由于出现关键错误,“%1”已暂停。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was paused for critical error. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000485E | “%1”已从关键错误中恢复。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was resumed from critical error. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004860 | “%1”已关闭,因为它无法从关键错误中恢复。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was turned off as it could not recover from a critical error. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000486B | “%1”已重置,因为来宾操作系统请求了一个 Hyper-V 不支持的操作或发生了不可恢复的错误。这会导致三重故障。如果问题仍然存在,请与产品支持部门联系。已对此虚拟机禁用附加诊断。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was reset because the guest operating system requested an operation that is not supported by Hyper-V or an unrecoverable error occurered. This caused a triple fault. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. Additional diagnostics are disabled for this virtual machine. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000486C | “%1”已被重置,因为来宾操作系统请求了一个不受 Hyper-V 支持的操作。该请求造成了三键故障。如果问题仍然存在,请与产品支持联系。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was reset because the guest operating system requested an operation that is not supported by Hyper-V. This request caused a triple fault. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004876 | “%1”已被重置,因为在虚拟处理器上发生了一个不可恢复的错误,该错误造成了三键故障。该错误可能是由虚拟机管理程序中的某个问题引起的。如果问题仍然存在,请与产品支持联系。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was reset because an unrecoverable error occurred on a virtual processor that caused a triple fault. This error might have been caused by a problem in the hypervisor. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004880 | “%1”已被重置,因为在虚拟处理器上发生了一个不可恢复的错误,该错误造成三键故障。如果问题仍然存在,请与产品支持联系。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was reset because an unrecoverable error occurred on a virtual processor that caused a triple fault. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000488A | “%1”发生了故障,因为来宾执行的截获指令不受 Hyper-V 指令仿真的支持。如果问题仍然存在,请与产品支持人员联系。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was faulted because the guest executed an intercepting instruction not supported by Hyper-V instruction emulation. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000488B | “%1”发生一般保护异常故障,原因是模拟此来宾指令时主机上的内存不足。请释放主机上的一些内存以解决此问题。如果问题仍然存在,请联系产品支持。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was faulted with general protection exception, due to insufficient memory on the host while emulating an instruction for this guest. Free up some memory on the host to resolve this issue. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000488C | “%1”发生一般保护异常故障,原因是模拟此来宾指令时主机上出现异常错误。如果问题仍然存在,请联系产品支持。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was faulted with general protection exception, due to unexpected error occurred on the host while emulating an instruction for this guest. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000488D | “%1”已停止,因为处理中断请求时出现一个截获。如果问题仍然存在,请联系产品支持。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was stopped because an intercept occurred while serving an interrupt request. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0004894 | “%1”已关机,因为虚拟处理器上发生了一个 TLB 页面大小不匹配错误。如果该问题仍然存在,请与产品支持人员联系。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was powered off because a TLB page size mismatch error occurred on a virtual processor. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000489E | “%1”遇到致命错误。来宾操作系统报告它发生故障并返回以下错误代码: 错误代码 0: %3,错误代码 1: %4,错误代码 2: %5,错误代码 3: %6,错误代码 4: %7。如果问题仍然存在,请与来宾操作系统的产品支持部门联系。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' has encountered a fatal error. The guest operating system reported that it failed with the following error codes: ErrorCode0: %3, ErrorCode1: %4, ErrorCode2: %5, ErrorCode3: %6, ErrorCode4: %7. If the problem persists, contact Product Support for the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048A0 | “%1”已成功快速还原。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was fast-restored successfully. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048A2 | “%1”已成功快速保存。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' fast-saved successfully. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048A4 | “%1”已成功还原。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' was restored successfully. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048A6 | “%1”已启动了快速保存操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' has initiated a fast-save operation. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048A8 | “%1”已启动了快速还原操作。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' has initiated a fast-restore operation. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048AA | “%1”遇到严重错误,并且内存转储已生成。来宾操作系统报告它已失败并显示以下错误代码: %3。如果问题仍然存在,请联系来宾操作系统的产品支持人员。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' has encountered a fatal error and a memory dump has been generated. The guest operating system reported that it failed with the following error code: %3. If the problem persists, contact Product Support for the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB00048AC | “%1”遇到严重错误,但无法生成内存转储。错误 %3。如果问题仍然存在,请联系来宾操作系统的产品支持人员。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' has encountered a fatal error but a memory dump could not be generated. Error %3. If the problem persists, contact Product Support for the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000526C | “%1”的实时迁移未成功。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Live migration of '%1' did not succeed. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000526D | “%1”的实时迁移未成功。 |
Live migration of '%1' did not succeed. |
0xB000526E | “%1”无法从迁移故障中恢复。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not recover from migration failure. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000526F | “%1”无法从迁移故障中恢复。 |
'%1' could not recover from migration failure. |
0xB0005270 | 已在外部取消迁移。 |
The migration was cancelled externally. |
0xB0005272 | 由于虚拟机关闭已取消迁移。 |
The migration was cancelled because of a virtual machine shutdown. |
0xB0005274 | 由于虚拟机重置已取消迁移。 |
The migration was cancelled because of a virtual machine reset. |
0xB0005276 | 虚拟机在迁移目标处还原或关闭失败: %1 (%2)。 |
The virtual machine restore or shut down at migration destination failed: %1 (%2). |
0xB0005277 | 虚拟机在迁移目标的还原失败。 |
The virtual machine restore at migration destination failed. |
0xB0005278 | 虚拟机在迁移源的恢复失败: %1 (%2)。 |
The virtual machine recovery at migration source failed: %1 (%2). |
0xB0005279 | 虚拟机在迁移源的恢复失败。 |
The virtual machine recovery at migration source failed. |
0xB000527A | “%1”无法打开目标虚拟机设备共享: %3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' failed to open the destination virtual machine device share: %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000527B | 无法打开目标虚拟机设备共享。 |
Failed to open the destination virtual machine device share. |
0xB000527C | 由于基于虚拟的安全性未在主机上运行,虚拟机“%1”无法启动。基于虚拟的安全性是虚拟机的设备之一(例如,虚拟 TPM)所必需的。请查看系统的系统事件日志,从 Kernel-Boot 处了解是否有与基于虚拟的安全性相关的事件。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The virtual machine '%1' can't start because virtualization-based security is not running on the host. Virtualization-based security is required for one of the VM's devices (e.g. virtual TPM). Please check the system's System event log for events related to virtualization-based security from Kernel-Boot. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000527D | 由于基于虚拟的安全性未在主机上运行,虚拟机“%1”无法启动。 |
The virtual machine '%1' can't start because virtualization-based security is not running on the host. |
0xB000527E | 无法解包虚拟机“%1”的密钥保护程序。%5。HostGuardianService-Client 事件日志中包含了详细信息。%3 (%4)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The key protector for the virtual machine '%1' could not be unwrapped. %5. Details are included in the HostGuardianService-Client event log. %3 (%4). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000527F | 无法解包密钥保护程序。HostGuardianService-Client 事件日志中包含了详细信息。 |
The key protector could not be unwrapped. Details are included in the HostGuardianService-Client event log. |
0xB0005280 | 分配给“%1”的密钥保护程序无法解密已加密的 Blob: %3 (%4)。若要还原上次已知正常的密钥保护程序,请结合 'RestoreLastKnownGoodKeyProtector' 开关使用 Set-VMKeyProtector cmdlet。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The key protector assigned to '%1' can't decrypt the encrypted blob: %3 (%4). To restore the last known good key protector, use the Set-VMKeyProtector cmdlet with the 'RestoreLastKnownGoodKeyProtector' switch. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005281 | 分配给“%1”的密钥保护程序无法解密已加密的 Blob。 |
The key protector assigned to '%1' can't decrypt the encrypted blob. |
0xB0005282 | “%1”的防护设置与已配置的安全策略不匹配。虚拟机的配置可能已损坏。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The shielding setting for '%1' does not match the configured security policy. The virtual machine's configuration may be corrupted. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005283 | 防护设置与已配置的安全策略所允许的防护设置不匹配。 |
The shielding setting does not match those allowed by the configured security policy. |
0xB0005284 | 虚拟机“%1”不存在有效的安全策略。请配置防护模式以设置安全策略。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
A valid security policy is not present for virtual machine '%1'. Configure the shielding mode to set the security policy. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005285 | “%1”不存在有效的安全策略。 |
A valid security policy is not present for '%1'. |
0xB0005286 | 无法检索“%1”%3 的主机保护者服务客户端配置。(%4)。%5。HostGuardianService-Client 事件日志中包含了详细信息。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The Host Guardian Service client configuration for '%1' %3 could not be retrieved. (%4) . %5. Details are included in the HostGuardianService-Client event log. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005287 | 无法检索主机保护者服务客户端配置。HostGuardianService-Client 事件日志中包含了详细信息。 |
The Host Guardian Service client configuration could not be retrieved. Details are included in the HostGuardianService-Client event log. |
0xB0005288 | 实时迁移已在源上暂停“%1”。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
Live migration has paused '%1' on the source. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005334 | 已开始实时迁移 - 源节点。(VM“%2”,%1) |
Started live migration - source node. (VM '%2', %1) |
0xB0005335 | 已完成实时迁移 - 源节点,用时 %2 秒。(VM“%3”,%1) |
Completed live migration - source node, time %2 s. (VM '%3', %1) |
0xB0005336 | 已开始实时迁移设置阶段 - 源节点。 |
Started live migration Setup phase - source node. |
0xB0005337 | 已完成实时迁移设置阶段 - 源节点,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed live migration Setup phase - source node, time %2 s. |
0xB0005338 | 已开始禁用设备优化。 |
Started disabling device optimizations. |
0xB0005339 | 已完成禁用设备优化,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished disabling device optimizations, time %2 s. |
0xB000533A | 已开始保存预检信息。 |
Started saving preflight information. |
0xB000533B | 已完成保存预检信息,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished saving preflight information, time %2 s. |
0xB000533C | 正在等待目标设置完成。 |
Waiting for setup completion on target. |
0xB000533D | 已完成对目标的设置(预检状态大小为 %3 KB),用时 %2 秒。 |
Setup completed on target (preflight state size %3 KByte), time %2 s. |
0xB000533E | 已开始实时迁移内存传输阶段 - 源节点(RAM 大小为 %2 MB,已用 %3 MB)。 |
Started live migration Memory Transfer phase - source node (RAM size %2 MB, used %3 MB). |
0xB000533F | 已完成实时迁移内存传输阶段 - 源节点,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed live migration Memory Transfer phase - source node, time %2 s. |
0xB0005340 | 已开始内存传输传递,CPU 消耗为 %2。目标中断内存页计数为 %3,传递由设备强制执行 = %4。 |
Started memory transfer pass with CPU Capping of %2, Target Black Out Memory Page Count of %3, Is Pass Forced by devices = %4. |
0xB0005341 | 已完成内存传输传递(传递 #%3,已发送 %4 页,脏页为 %5 页),用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished memory transfer pass (pass #%3, sent %4 pages, with %5 dirty pages), time %2 s. |
0xB0005342 | 已开始实时迁移虚拟机移动阶段 - 源节点。 |
Started live migration virtual machine Move phase - source node. |
0xB0005343 | 已完成实时迁移 VM 移动阶段 - 源节点,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed live migration VM Move phase - source node, time %2 s. |
0xB0005344 | 已开始暂停 VM。 |
Started pausing VM. |
0xB0005345 | 已完成暂停 VM,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished pausing VM, time %2 s. |
0xB0005346 | 已开始保存虚拟机状态。 |
Started saving virtual machine state. |
0xB0005347 | 已完成保存虚拟机状态,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished saving virtual machine state, time %2 s. |
0xB0005348 | 已开始断开设备的电源。 |
Started powering off devices. |
0xB0005349 | 已完成断开设备的电源,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished powering off devices, time %2 s. |
0xB000534A | 已开始最后一个内存传输传递。 |
Started final memory transfer pass. |
0xB000534B | 已完成最后一个内存传输传递(已发送 %3 页),用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished final memory transfer pass (sent %3 pages), time %2 s. |
0xB000534C | 已开始传输虚拟机状态。 |
Started transferring virtual machine state. |
0xB000534D | 已完成传输虚拟机状态(%3 KB),用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished transferring virtual machine state (%3 KByte), time %2 s. |
0xB000534E | 已开始验证校验和。 |
Started verifying checksums. |
0xB000534F | 已完成验证校验和,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished verifying checksums, time %2 s. |
0xB0005350 | 已开始等待虚拟机在目标上还原。 |
Started waiting for virtual machine restore on target. |
0xB0005351 | 在目标上的还原已完成,用时 %2 秒。 |
Restore on target completed, time %2 s. |
0xB0005366 | 已开始实时迁移 - 目标节点。(VM“%2”,%1) |
Started live migration - target node. (VM '%2', %1) |
0xB0005367 | 已完成实时迁移 - 目标节点,用时 %2 秒。(VM“%3”,%1) |
Completed live migration - target node, time %2 s. (VM '%3', %1) |
0xB0005368 | 已开始实时迁移设置阶段 - 目标节点。 |
Started live migration Setup phase - target node. |
0xB0005369 | 已完成实时迁移设置阶段 - 目标节点,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed live migration Setup phase - target node, time %2 s. |
0xB000536A | 已开始接收预检状态。 |
Started receiving preflight state. |
0xB000536B | 已完成接收预检状态,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished receiving preflight state, time %2 s. |
0xB000536C | 已开始创建来宾内存。 |
Started creating guest memory. |
0xB000536D | 已完成创建来宾内存。用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished creating guest memory, time %2 s. |
0xB000536E | 已开始保留设备资源。 |
Started reserving device resources. |
0xB000536F | 已完成保留设备资源,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished reserving device resources, time %2 s. |
0xB0005370 | 已开始实时迁移内容传输阶段 - 目标节点。 |
Started live migration Memory Transfer phase - target node. |
0xB0005371 | 已完成实时迁移内存传输阶段 - 目标节点,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed live migration Memory Transfer phase - target node, time %2 s. |
0xB0005372 | 已开始实时迁移虚拟机移动阶段 - 目标节点。 |
Started live migration virtual machine Move phase - target node. |
0xB0005373 | 已完成实时迁移虚拟机移动阶段 - 目标节点,用时 %2 秒。(虚拟机 ID %1) |
Completed live migration virtual machine Move phase - target node, time %2 s. (Virtual machine ID %1) |
0xB0005374 | 已开始接收虚拟机状态。 |
Started receiving virtual machine state. |
0xB0005375 | 已完成接收设备状态,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished receiving device state, time %2 s. |
0xB0005378 | 已开始等待虚拟机所有权。 |
Started waiting for virtual machine ownership. |
0xB0005379 | 已获得虚拟机所有权,用时 %2 秒。 |
Got virtual machine ownership, time %2 s. |
0xB000537A | 已开始 VM 还原准备。 |
Started preparing VM for restore. |
0xB000537B | 已完成 VM 还原准备,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished preparing VM for restore, time %2 s. |
0xB000537C | 已开始还原 VMB。 |
Started restoring VMB. |
0xB000537D | 已完成还原 VMB,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished restoring VMB, time %2 s. |
0xB000537E | 已开始还原分区。 |
Started restoring partition. |
0xB000537F | 已完成还原分区,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished restoring partition, time %2 s. |
0xB0005380 | 已开始恢复 VM。 |
Started resuming VM. |
0xB0005381 | 已完成恢复 VM,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished resuming VM, time %2 s. |
0xB0005382 | 已开始还原规格。 |
Started restoring metrics. |
0xB0005383 | 已完成还原规格,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished restoring metrics, time %2 s. |
0xB0005397 | 节点之间的时间偏移为 %2。 |
Time drift between the nodes is %2. |
0xB0005616 | 无法发送虚拟机迁移的数据: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to send data for a Virtual Machine migration: %1 (%2). |
0xB0005617 | 无法发送数据: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to send data: %1 (%2). |
0xB0005618 | 无法接收虚拟机迁移的数据: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to receive data for a Virtual Machine migration: %1 (%2). |
0xB0005619 | 无法接收数据: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to receive data: %1 (%2). |
0xB000561A | 接收到的虚拟机迁移数据无效或已损坏。 |
Received invalid or corrupted data for a Virtual Machine migration. |
0xB000561B | 接收到的数据无效或已损坏。 |
Received invalid or corrupted data. |
0xB00059E4 | 无法在“%1”中加载设备“%3”,因为没有互相支持的协议版本。服务器版本为 %4,客户端版本为 %5 (虚拟机 ID %2)。 |
Cannot load device '%3' in '%1' because there are no mutually supported protocol versions. Server version %4 Client version %5 (Virtual machine ID %2). |
0xB0005A3C | 已开始打开设备“%2”的电源。 |
Started powering on device '%2'. |
0xB0005A3D | 已完成打开设备“%3”的电源,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished powering on device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A3E | 已开始还原设备“%2” |
Started restoring device '%2'. |
0xB0005A3F | 已完成还原设备“%3”,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished restoring device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A40 | 已开始断开设备“%2”的电源。 |
Started powering off device '%2'. |
0xB0005A41 | 已完成断开设备“%3”的电源,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished powering off device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A42 | 已开始保存设备“%2”。 |
Started saving device '%2'. |
0xB0005A43 | 已完成保存设备“%3”,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished saving device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A44 | 已开始暂停设备“%2”。 |
Started pausing device '%2'. |
0xB0005A45 | 已完成暂停设备“%3”,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished pausing device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A46 | 已开始恢复设备“%2”。 |
Started resuming device '%2'. |
0xB0005A47 | 已完成恢复设备“%3”,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished resuming device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A48 | 设备“%2”的资源保留启动阶段已开始。 |
Began start reserving resources for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A49 | 设备“%3”的资源保留启动阶段已结束,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed start reserving resources for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A4A | 设备“%2”的资源保留完成阶段已开始。 |
Began finish reserving resources for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A4B | 设备“%3”的资源保留完成阶段已结束,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed finish reserving resources for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A4C | 已开始释放设备“%2”的保留资源。 |
Started freeing reserved resources for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A4D | 已开始释放设备“%3”的保留资源,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished freeing reserved resources for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A4E | 已开始保存设备“%2”的保留资源。 |
Started saving reserved resources for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A4F | 已完成保存设备“%3”的保留资源,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished saving reserved resources for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A50 | 已开始启用设备“%2”的优化。 |
Started enabling optimizations for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A51 | 已完成启用设备“%3”的优化,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished enabling optimizations for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A52 | 设备“%2”的禁用优化启动阶段已开始。 |
Began start disable optimizations for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A53 | 设备“%3”的禁用优化启动阶段已结束,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed start disable optimizations for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A54 | 设备“%2”的禁用优化完成阶段已开始。 |
Began finish disable optimizations for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A55 | 设备“%3”的禁用优化完成阶段已结束,用时 %2 秒。 |
Completed finish disable optimizations for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A56 | 设备“%2”的拆卸已开始。 |
Started teardown for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A57 | 设备“%3”的拆卸已完成,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished teardown for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A58 | 已开始保存设备“%2”的兼容性信息。 |
Started save compatibility info for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A59 | 已完成保存设备“%3”的兼容性信息,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished save compatibility info for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A5A | 已开始重新连接设备“%2”的资源池。 |
Started reconnect to resource pools for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A5B | 已完成重新连接设备“%3”的资源池,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished reconnect to resource pools for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A5C | 已开始通知设备“%2”的迁移进度(代码 %4)。 |
Started notify migration progress (code %4) for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A5D | 已完成通知设备“%3”的迁移进度(代码 %5),时间 %2 秒。 |
Finished notify migration progress (code %5) for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A5E | 已开始查询设备“%2”的迁移状态。 |
Started query migration status for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A5F | 已完成查询设备“%3”的迁移状态,时间 %2 秒。 |
Finished query migration status for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A60 | 已为设备“%2”开始后重置。 |
Started post reset for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A61 | 已为设备“%3”完成后重置,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished post reset for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005A62 | 已为设备“%2”开始重置。 |
Started reset for device '%2'. |
0xB0005A63 | 已为设备“%3”完成重置,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished reset for device '%3', time %2 s. |
0xB0005DC0 | 虚拟机“%1”与物理计算机“%3”不兼容。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The virtual machine '%1' is not compatible with physical computer '%3'. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005DC1 | 虚拟机“%1”与物理计算机“%3”不兼容。 |
The virtual machine '%1' is not compatible with physical computer '%3'. |
0xB0005DC2 | 虚拟机“%1”当前正在使用 %4 处理器,但物理计算机“%3”具有的处理器为 %5。如果虚拟机和物理计算机的处理器来自不同的供应商,则无法将正在运行或已保存的虚拟机迁移到物理计算机。但如果关闭了该虚拟机,则可以将其移动到此节点。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The virtual machine '%1' is currently using an %4 processor, but physical computer '%3' has an %5 processor. A running or saved virtual machine cannot be migrated to a physical computer that has a processor from a different vendor. However, you can move the virtual machine to this node if you shut down the virtual machine. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005DC3 | 虚拟机当前正在使用 %4 处理器,但物理计算机“%3”具有的处理器为 %5。 |
The virtual machine is currently using an %4 processor, but physical computer '%3' has an %5 processor. |
0xB0005DC4 | 虚拟机“%1”正在使用物理计算机“%3”上不受支持的特定于处理器的功能。若要允许将该虚拟机迁移到具有不同处理器的物理计算机,请修改该虚拟机设置,以限制其使用的处理器功能。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The virtual machine '%1' is using processor-specific features not supported on physical computer '%3'. To allow for migration of this virtual machine to physical computers with different processors, modify the virtual machine settings to limit the processor features used by the virtual machine. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005DC5 | 虚拟机正在使用物理计算机“%3”上不受支持的特定于处理器的功能。 |
The virtual machine is using processor-specific features not supported on physical computer '%3'. |
0xB0005DC6 | 虚拟机“%1”的版本与物理计算机“%3”不兼容。若要迁移此虚拟机,必须首先将其关闭。然后可导出此虚拟机,并将其导入到目标物理计算机上。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The version of virtual machine '%1' is not compatible with physical computer '%3'. To migrate this virtual machine, you must first shut it down. You can then export this virtual machine and import it on the destination physical computer. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0005DC7 | 虚拟机的版本与物理计算机“%3”不兼容。 |
The version of the virtual machine is not compatible with physical computer '%3'. |
0xB0006590 | 已启动来宾内存保存。 |
Started guest memory saving. |
0xB0006591 | 已完成来宾内存保存,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished guest memory saving, time %2 s. |
0xB0006592 | 已开始来宾内存还原。 |
Started guest memory restoring. |
0xB0006593 | 已完成来宾内存还原,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished guest memory restoring, time %2 s. |
0xB0006594 | 已启动检查点的来宾内存保存。 |
Started guest memory saving for checkpoint. |
0xB0006595 | 已完成检查点的来宾内存保存,用时 %2 秒。 |
Finished guest memory saving for checkpoint, time %2 s. |
0xB0006978 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法保存规格,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to save metrics with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0006979 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法保存规格,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to save metrics with error '%4'. |
0xB000697A | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法还原规格,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to restore metrics with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000697B | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法还原规格,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to restore metrics with error '%4'. |
0xB000697C | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法枚举其所有规格,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to enumerate all of its metrics with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000697D | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法枚举其所有规格,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to enumerate all of its metrics with error '%4'. |
0xB000697E | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法重置其一个或多个规格,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to reset one or more of its metrics with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB000697F | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法重置其一个或多个规格,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to reset one or more of its metrics with error '%4'. |
0xB0006980 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法启用其一个或多个规格,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to enable one or more of its metrics with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0006981 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法启用其一个或多个规格,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to enable one or more of its metrics with error '%4'. |
0xB0006982 | “%1”%3 (实例 ID %6): 无法禁用其一个或多个规格,因为发生了错误“%4”(%5)。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' %3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to disable one or more of its metrics with error '%4' (%5). (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0006983 | %3 (实例 ID %6): 无法禁用其一个或多个规格,因为发生了错误“%4”。 |
%3 (Instance ID %6): Failed to disable one or more of its metrics with error '%4'. |
0xB0006984 | “%1”规格信息的周期性保存失败,因为发生了错误“%3”(%4)。如果虚拟机突然停止工作,则不会保存最新的规格信息。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
The periodic save of metrics information for '%1' failed with error '%3' (%4). If the virtual machine were to suddenly stop it would not have the latest metrics information. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0006985 | 规格信息的周期性保存失败。 |
The periodic save of metrics information failed. |
0xB0006986 | 重置或停止“%1”时无法保存指标,出现错误“%3”(%4)。自上次周期性保存以来的指标信息可能已丢失。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
While resetting or stopping '%1' failed to save metrics with error '%3' (%4). Metrics information since the last periodic save may be lost. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0006987 | 重置或停止“%1”时无法保存指标,出现错误“%3”(%4)。 |
While resetting or stopping '%1' failed to save metrics with error '%3' (%4). |
0xB0006988 | “%1”无法确定主机 CPU 的速度。CPU 使用率规格将不包含任何来自当前运行的虚拟机的信息。(虚拟机 ID %2) |
'%1' could not determine the host CPU speed. CPU utilization metrics will not contain any information from the current run of the virtual machine. (Virtual machine ID %2) |
0xB0006989 | 无法确定主机 CPU 的速度。 |
Could not determine the host CPU speed. |
0xB0006D60 | 无法将指标信息写入到配置中: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to write metrics information to the configuration: %1 (%2). |
0xB0006D61 | 无法将指标信息写入到配置中。 |
Failed to write metrics information to the configuration. |
0xB0006D62 | 无法将一个或多个指标值的指标信息写入到配置中: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to write metrics information to the configuration for one or more metric value: %1 (%2). |
0xB0006D63 | 无法将一个或多个值的指标信息写入到配置中。 |
Failed to write metrics information to the configuration for one or more values. |
0xB0006D64 | 无法从配置中读取一个或多个指标值的指标信息: %1 (%2)。 |
Failed to read metrics information from the configuration for one or more metric values: %1 (%2). |
0xB0006D65 | 无法从配置中读取一个或多个值的指标信息。 |
Failed to read metrics information from the configuration for one or more values. |
0xB00080F2 | 找不到 ID 为“%1”的以太网连接资源池。 |
Could not find an Ethernet connection resource pool with ID '%1'. |
0xB00080F3 | 为“%1”执行的截获操作已延迟,因为 VM 已超过其最大截获限制。(虚拟机 ID %2)。 |
An intercept for '%1' was delayed because the VM exceeded its maximum intercept limit. (Virtual machine ID %2). |
0xB00080F4 | 找不到 ID 为“%1”的 PCI Express 设备资源池。 |
Could not find a PCI Express device resource pool with ID '%1'. |
0xB00080F5 | 找不到 PCI Express 设备资源池。 |
Could not find the PCI Express device resource pool. |
0xB00084D1 | 找不到 ID 为“%1”的 GPU 分区资源池。 |
Could not find a GPU Partitioning resource pool with ID '%1'. |
0xB00084D2 | 找不到 GPU 分区资源池。 |
Could not find the GPU Partitioning resource pool. |