devmgr.dll.mui 裝置管理員 MMC 嵌入式管理單元 1ad60af5840fbe483ecbb6083956a688

File info

File name: devmgr.dll.mui
Size: 38912 byte
MD5: 1ad60af5840fbe483ecbb6083956a688
SHA1: 21f5eacece415e96684ace01ae502920bcc59b17
SHA256: 6649b2bae8a124ba1d35b1d76f2f093d67c609c313f9816b68a21bd18ea32350
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
4裝置管理員 Device Manager
5檢視和更新裝置硬體的設定及驅動程式軟體。 View and update your device hardware settings and driver software.
6類別 Class
7容器 Container
8裝置 Device
9驅動程式 Driver
10電腦 Computer
12無法存取電腦 %s

錯誤是: %s
Unable to access the computer %s
Make sure that this computer is on the network, has remote administration enabled,
and is running the "Plug and Play" and "Remote registry" services.

The error was: %s
13資源 Resources
17I/O I/Os
21記憶體 Memory
23大型記憶體 Large Memory
29並未指定裝置識別碼。 No device ID is given.
38無法辨識的裝置 Unknown device
39無驅動程式 No driver
102新增傳統硬體(&L) Add &legacy hardware
103解除安裝裝置(&U) &Uninstall device
104掃描硬體變更(&A) Sc&an for hardware changes
107內容(&R) P&roperties
111啟用裝置(&E) &Enable device
112停用裝置(&D) &Disable device
113更新驅動程式(&P) U&pdate driver
114新增驅動程式(&A) &Add drivers
180裝置和印表機(&V) De&vices and Printers
182安裝驅動程式(&I) &Install driver
184移除驅動程式(&R) &Remove driver
267時間戳記 Timestamp
268描述 Description
270已設定裝置 Device configured
271未設定裝置 Device not configured
272已封鎖裝置 Device blocked
273已啟動裝置 Device started
274未啟動裝置 Device not started
275已刪除裝置 Device deleted
276未刪除裝置 Device not deleted
277已安裝裝置 Device installed
278已新增驅動程式服務 Driver service added
279已要求安裝裝置 Device install requested
280裝置已移轉 Device migrated
281裝置未移轉 Device not migrated
320新增驅動程式 Add drivers
322安裝驅動程式 Install driver
324移除驅動程式 Remove driver
359掃描硬體變更 Scan for hardware changes
361啟用裝置 Enable device
363停用裝置 Disable device
365解除安裝裝置 Uninstall device
367更新裝置驅動程式 Update device driver
480未指定 Unspecified
481D0 D0
482D1 D1
483D2 D2
484D3 D3
594目前的電源狀態: Current power state:
595電源能力: Power capabilities:
596電源狀態對應: Power state mappings:
600裝置描述 Device description
601硬體識別碼 Hardware Ids
602相容識別碼 Compatible Ids
603服務 Service
605類別 GUID Class Guid
606驅動程式機碼 Driver key
607設定旗標 Config flags
608製造商 Manufacturer
609易記名稱 Friendly name
610位置資訊 Location information
611實體裝置物件名稱 Physical Device Object name
612性能 Capabilities
613UI 編號 UI number
614上層篩選器 Upper filters
615下層篩選器 Lower filters
616匯流排類型 GUID Bus type Guid
617傳統匯流排類型 Legacy bus type
618匯流排編號 Bus number
619列舉程式 Enumerator
620安全性 Security
621安全性 SDS Security SDS
622裝置類型 Device type
623排除 Exclusive
624特性 Characteristics
625位址 Address
626UI 編號說明格式 UI number description format
627電源資料 Power data
628移除原則 Removal policy
629移除原則預設值 Removal policy default
630移除原則覆寫 Removal policy override
631安裝狀態 Install state
632位置路徑 Location paths
633狀態 Status
634問題碼 Problem code
635退出關係 Ejection relations
636移除關係 Removal relations
637電源關係 Power relations
638匯流排關係 Bus relations
639上層 Parent
640下層 Children
641同層級 Siblings
642驅動程式日期 Driver date
643驅動程式版本 Driver version
644驅動程式描述 Driver description
645INF 名稱 Inf name
646Inf 區段 Inf section
647Inf 區段延伸 Inf section extension
648對應裝置識別碼 Matching device Id
649提供者 Provider
650內容頁提供者 Property page provider
651裝置輔助安裝程式 Device co-installers
652資源選擇器標記 Resource picker tags
653資源選擇器例外 Resource picker exceptions
654顯示名稱 Display name
655裝置例項路徑 Device instance path
656安裝錯誤 Install error
657驅動程式節點強式名稱 Driver node strong name
658回復驅動程式節點強式名稱 Rollback driver node strong name
659驅動程式等級 Rank of driver
660WHQL 標誌層次 WHQL logo level
661傳統驅動程式的裝置 Device for legacy driver
662驅動程式報告偵測到的裝置 Detected device reported by driver
663沒有連線聲音 No connect sound
664已安裝標準驅動程式 Generic driver installed
665容器識別碼 Container Id
666基底容器識別碼 Base container Id
667覆寫容器識別碼 Override container Id
668型號識別碼 Model Id
669問題狀態 Problem status
670傳輸關係 Transport relations
671安裝日期 Install date
672首次安裝日期 First install date
673匯流排報告的裝置描述 Bus reported device description
674需要安全移除 Safe removal required
675需要安全移除覆寫 Safe removal required override
676藍牙裝置位址 Bluetooth device address
677藍牙服務 GUID Bluetooth service Guid
678易記名稱屬性 Friendly name attributes
679遠端桌面工作階段識別碼 Remote Desktop Session Id
680安裝 Inf Install Inf
681安裝進行中 Install in progress
682裝置堆疊 Device stack
683製造商屬性 Manufacturer attributes
684裝置節點不代表裝置的存在 Device Node not indicative of device presence
685上次到達日期 Last arrival date
686上次移除日期 Last removal date
687藍牙裝置旗標 Bluetooth device flags
688問題狀態覆寫 Problem status override
689安裝旗標 Install flags
690持續系統一般化 Persist system generalize
692在根容器中 In root container
693訊號強度 Signal strength
694由使用者動作關聯 Is associateable by user action
695NUMA 近接網域 Numa proximity domain
696DHP 重新平衡原則 DHP rebalance policy
697NUMA 節點 Numa node
698存在 Is present
699有問題 Has problem
700型號 Model
701廠商網站 Vendor website
702詳細說明 Detailed description
703文件連結 Documentation link
704圖示 Icon
705商標圖示 Branding icon
706設定識別碼 Configuration Id
707已報告的裝置識別碼雜湊 Reported device Ids hash
708實體裝置位置 Physical Device Location
709BIOS 裝置名稱 BIOS device name
710驅動程式問題描述 Driver problem description
711偵錯工具安全 Debugger safe
712安裝後作業進行中 Post-install in progress
713安裝程式裝置狀態 Setup device state
714延伸的設定識別碼 Extended configuration Ids
715安裝強式名稱 Install strong name
716上次已知父系 Last known parent
717相依性提供者 Dependency providers
718要求設定識別碼 Request configuration Ids
719韌體相依性 Firmware dependencies
720韌體相依性開機工作階段 Firmware dependency boot session
722包括的 Inf Included Infs
723已要求其他軟體 Additional software requested
724類別上次刪除日期 Class last delete date
725類別需要重新安裝 Class needs reinstall
726類別開機關鍵 Class boot critical
727類別可設定 Class configurable
728類別可設定覆寫 Class configurable override
729收件匣類別 Inbox class
731類別預先設定 Class pre-configure
732類別 DHP 重新平衡退出 Class DHP rebalance opt-out
734關聯端點類別 Association Endpoint category
735關聯端點介面類別 Association Endpoint interface classes
736關聯端點模型名稱 Association Endpoint model name
737關聯端點模型識別碼 Association Endpoint model ID
738關聯端點製造商 Association Endpoint manufacturer
739關聯端點訊號強度 Association Endpoint signal strength
740關聯端點已連線 Association Endpoint is connected
741關聯端點可由使用者動作關聯 Association Endpoint is associatable by user action
742關聯端點存在 Association Endpoint present
743關聯端點關聯重試計數 Association Endpoint association retry count
744關聯端點探索方法 Association Endpoint discovery method
745關聯端點已驗證 Association Endpoint is authenticated
746PnP-X 安全通道 PnP-X secure channel
747PnP-X 壓縮簽章 PnP-X compact signature
748PnP-X 裝置憑證雜湊 PnP-X device certificate hash
749PnP-X 類別描述非複數 PnP-X category description non-plural
750PnP-X 服務控制 URL PnP-X service control URL
751PnP-X 服務描述 URL PnP-X service description URL
752PnP-X 服務事件子 URL PnP-X service event sub URL
753PnP-X 網域名稱 PnP-X domain name
754PnP-X 共用名稱 PnP-X share name
755PnP-X 可安裝 PnP-X installable
756PnP-X 已關聯 PnP-X associated
757PnP-X 相容類型 PnP-X compatible types
758PnP-X 安裝狀態 PnP-X install state
759PnP-X 可移除 PnP-X removable
760已列舉 PnP-X IP 匯流排 PnP-X IP bus enumerated
761WSD 列印停用 WU 篩選 WSD print disable WU filtering
762WSD 列印驅動程式版本 WSD print driver version
763WSD 列印停用佇列建立 WSD print disable queue creation
764WSD 列印驅動程式安裝完成 WSD print driver install done
765WSD 印表機名稱 WSD printer name
766WSD 列印廠商安裝程式 WSD print vendor setup
767探索方法 Discovery method
768PCI 匯流排次要介面 PCI bus secondary interface
769PCI 匯流排目前速度與模式 PCI bus current speed and mode
770PCI 匯流排支援的速度與模式 PCI bus supported speeds and modes
771PCI 匯流排裝置識別碼傳訊功能支援 PCI bus device Id messaging capable
772PCI 匯流排次要匯流排寬度 PCI bus secondary bus width
773PCI 匯流排延伸的設定可用 PCI bus extended config available
774PCI 匯流排延伸的設定 op 區域支援 PCI bus extended config op region support
775PCI 匯流排 ASPM 支援 PCI bus ASPM support
776中斷連線時顯示裝置事件 Show device even when disconnected
777PCI 匯流排時鐘電源管理支援 PCI bus clock power management support
778PCI 匯流排區段群組支援 PCI bus segment groups support
779PCI 匯流排 MSI 支援 PCI bus MSI support
780PCI Express 匯流排原生熱插拔控制 PCI Express bus native hot plug control
781不要在 [裝置和印表機] 中顯示 Do not show in Devices and Printers
782PCI 匯流排 SHPC 原生熱插拔控制 PCI bus SHPC native hot plug control
783PCI Express 匯流排原生 PME 控制 PCI Express bus native PME control
784PCI Express 匯流排 AER 控制 PCI Express bus AER control
785PCI Express 匯流排功能控制 PCI Express bus capability control
786PCI Express 匯流排原生控制 PCI Express bus native control
787PCI 匯流排系統 MSI 支援 PCI bus system MSI support
788PCI 裝置類型 PCI device type
789PCI 目前速度與模式 PCI current speed and mode
790PCI 基底類別 PCI base class
791網路裝置 Network device
792PCI 子類別 PCI sub class
793PCI prog IF PCI prog IF
794PCI 目前承載大小 PCI current payload size
795PCI 最大承載大小 PCI max payload size
796裝置類別 Device categories
797PCI 最大讀取要求大小 PCI max read request size
798PCI 目前連結速度 PCI current link speed
799PCI 目前連結寬度 PCI current link width
800類別上層篩選器 Class upper filters
801類別下層篩選器 Class lower filters
802類別預設安全性 Class default security
803類別預設安全性 SDS Class default security SDS
804類別預設裝置類型 Class default device type
805類別預設獨佔 Class default exclusive
806類別預設特性 Class default characteristics
807類別名稱 Class name
808類別描述 Class description
809類別預設圖示 Class default icon
810類別安裝程式 Class installer
811類別特性頁提供者 Class property page provider
812沒有安裝類別 No install class
813沒有顯示類別 No display class
814PCI 最大連結速度 PCI max link speed
815無訊息安裝類別 Silent install class
816沒有使用類別 No use class
817類別預設服務 Class default service
818類別輔助安裝程式 Class co-installers
819類別圖示路徑 Class icon path
820類別較舊標誌版本 Class lower logo version
821PCI 最大連結寬度 PCI max link width
822PCI Express 規格版本 PCI Express spec version
823解除配對解除安裝 Unpair uninstall
824解除安裝需要提升權限 Uninstall requires elevation
825PCI 插斷支援 PCI interrupt support
826連線時一律顯示裝置 Always show device as connected
827PCI 插斷訊息最大值 PCI interrupt message maximum
828PCI 長條類型 PCI bar types
829PCI AER 功能呈現 PCI AER capability present
830PCI 韌體錯誤處理 PCI firmware error handling
831PCI 無法修正的錯誤遮罩 PCI uncorrectable error mask
832PCI 無法修正的錯誤嚴重性 PCI uncorrectable error severity
833PCI 可修正的錯誤遮罩 PCI correctable error mask
834PCI ECRC 錯誤 PCI ECRC errors
835PCI 錯誤報告 PCI error reporting
836PCI 根錯誤報告 PCI root error reporting
837PCI S0 喚醒受支援 PCI S0 wakeup supported
838PCI SRIOV 支援 PCI SRIOV support
839PCI 標籤識別碼 PCI label Id
840PCI 標籤字串 PCI label string
841PCI ACS 支援 PCI ACS support
842PCI ARI 支援 PCI ARI support
843韌體資源識別碼 Firmware resource Id
844韌體資源類型 Firmware resource type
845韌體資源版本 Firmware resource version
846韌體資源最低支援版本 Firmware resource lowest supported version
847韌體資源擱置中版本 Firmware resource pending version
848韌體資源上次嘗試版本 Firmware resource last attempt version
849韌體資源上次嘗試狀態 Firmware resource last attempt status
850韌體資源上次嘗試日期 Firmware resource last attempt date
851PnP-X 裝置易記名稱 PnP-X device friendly name
852PnP-X 製造商 PnP-X manufacturer
853在解除安裝 UI 中顯示 Show in uninstall UI
854是否需要重新開機 Is reboot required
855韌體日期 Firmware date
856韌體版本 Firmware revision
857PnP-X 型號名稱 PnP-X model name
858PnP-X 型號號碼 PnP-X model number
860是否已連線 Is connected
861擁有者 Owners
862延伸的 Infs Extended Infs
863關聯端點是可漫遊的 Association Endpoint is roamable
864關聯端點重新整理裝置存在狀態 Association Endpoint refresh device presence state
865擱置中設定識別碼 Pending configuration Ids
866藍牙裝置製造商 Bluetooth device manufacturer
867藍牙型號號碼 Bluetooth model number
868藍牙廠商識別碼來源 Bluetooth vendor ID source
869藍牙廠商識別碼 Bluetooth vendor ID
870藍牙產品識別碼 Bluetooth product ID
871藍牙產品版本 Bluetooth product version
872藍牙無線電位址 Bluetooth radio address
873藍牙無線電製造商 Bluetooth radio manufacturer
874藍牙無線電 LMP 支援功能 Bluetooth radio LMP supported features
875藍牙無線電 LMP 版本 Bluetooth radio LMP version
876藍牙無線電 LMP 子版本 Bluetooth radio LMP sub version
877藍牙無線電 HCI 版本 Bluetooth radio HCI version
878藍牙無線電 HCI 修訂 Bluetooth radio HCI revision
879相依性依存者 Dependency dependents
880支援軟開機 Soft restart supported
881移轉排名 Migration rank
882已包含的設定 Included configurations
883正在比對目標電腦識別碼 Matching target computer Id
884已安裝使用者選取的驅動程式 User selected driver installed
885系統關鍵項目 System critical
889設定結構描述設定 Configure schema settings
890藍牙裝置類別 Bluetooth class of device
891藍牙上次連線時間 Bluetooth last connected time
892FS 篩選器類別 FS Filter Class
893關聯端點已加密 Association Endpoint Encrypted
894關聯端點已產生易記名稱 Association Endpoint Generated Friendly Name
895裝置藍牙類別已過時 Bluetooth class of device deprecated
896PCI ACS 相容上層階層 PCI ACS compatible up hierarchy
897PCI ACS 功能暫存器 PCI ACS capability register
898PCI ATS 支援 PCI ATS support
941無法辨識 Unknown
945不存在 Not present
946無法使用 Not available
948警告: 您正準備從系統上解除安裝此裝置。 Warning: You are about to uninstall this device from your system.
949正在解除安裝裝置... Uninstalling devices...
950驅動程式檔案路徑遺失或無效。 Missing or invalid driver file path.
951正在新增驅動程式... Adding drivers...
952Windows 無法將指定的驅動程式新增到您的系統中。 Windows was not able to add the specified drivers to your system.
953警告: 您即將在所有適用的裝置硬體上安裝此驅動程式。 Warning: You are about to install this driver on all applicable device hardware.
954正在安裝驅動程式... Installing driver...
955Windows 無法安裝此驅動程式。 Windows was not able to install this driver.
956Windows 未安裝此驅動程式,因為它沒有比目前安裝在您系統上任何適用裝置上的驅動程式還好。 Windows did not install this driver because it is not better than the driver currently installed on any applicable devices on your system.
957警告: 您即將從系統移除此驅動程式。 Warning: You are about to remove this driver from your system.
958正在移除驅動程式... Removing driver...
959Windows 無法從系統移除此驅動程式。 Windows was not able to remove this driver from your system.
960裝置 (依類型)(&E) D&evices by type
961裝置 (依連線)(&V) De&vices by connection
962裝置 (依容器)(&C) Devi&ces by container
963裝置 (依驅動程式)(&I) Dev&ices by driver
964驅動程式 (依類型)(&R) Drive&rs by type
965資源 (依類型)(&Y) Resources by t&ype
966資源 (依連線)(&N) Resources by co&nnection
969插斷要求 (IRQ) Interrupt request (IRQ)
970直接記憶體存取 (DMA) Direct memory access (DMA)
971輸入/輸出(IO) Input/output (IO)
981裝置管理員擴充程式 Device Manager extension

#To finish removing the device, you must restart your computer.

Do you want to restart your computer now?

#Your hardware settings have changed. You must restart your computer for these changes to take effect.

Do you want to restart your computer now?
984#您必須結束 Windows 並關閉您的電腦才能繼續設定這個 PCMCIA 裝置。

#You must shut down Windows and TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF to continue setting up this PCMCIA device.

985您想現在將電腦關機嗎? Would you like to shut down your computer now?
986在 %s 的裝置管理員 Device Manager on %s

#To finish installing the driver, you must restart your computer.

Do you want to restart your computer now?

#To finish removing the driver, you must restart your computer.

Do you want to restart your computer now?
989本機電腦 local computer
990顯示隱藏裝置(&W) Sho&w hidden devices
991系統沒有足夠的記憶體,無法完成這個程式操作 請關閉一些應用程式來增加可用的記憶體。 The system does not have enough memory for this program to carry out the operation Please close one or more other applications to increase available memory.
992未經過數位簽署 Not digitally signed
1000這個裝置並未正確設定。%s This device is not configured correctly.%s
1001Windows 無法載入這個裝置的驅動程式。%s Windows cannot load the driver for this device.%s
1002這個裝置的驅動程式可能已損毀,或您系統的記憶體或其他資源可能不足。%s The driver for this device might be corrupted, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources.%s
1003這個裝置並未正確運作。它的一個驅動程式或您的登錄可能已損毀。%s This device is not working properly. One of its drivers or your registry might be corrupted.%s
1004這個裝置的驅動程式要求一個 Windows 無法管理的資源。%s The driver for this device needs a resource that Windows cannot manage.%s
1005這個裝置的啟動設定與其他裝置發生衝突。%s The boot configuration for this device conflicts with other devices.%s
1006無法篩選。%s Cannot filter.%s
1007缺少裝置的驅動程式載入器。%s The driver loader for the device is missing.%s
1008因為此硬體沒有有效的硬體識別碼,所以 Windows 無法識別。%s

Windows cannot identify this hardware because it does not have a valid hardware identification number.%s

For assistance, contact the hardware manufacturer.
1009這個裝置無法啟動。%s This device cannot start.%s
1010這個裝置失敗。%s This device failed.%s

This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.%s

If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system.
1012Windows 無法驗證這個裝置的資源。%s Windows cannot verify this device's resources.%s
1013在您重新啟動電腦前,這個裝置無法正確運作。%s This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer.%s
1014這個裝置並未正確運作,可能重新列舉有問題。%s This device is not working properly because there is probably a reenumeration problem.%s
1015Windows 無法識別這個裝置所使用的所有資源。%s Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses.%s
1016這個裝置正要求一種不明的資源類型。%s This device is asking for an unknown resource type.%s
1017重新安裝這個裝置的驅動程式。%s Reinstall the drivers for this device.%s
1018Windows 無法啟動這個硬體裝置,因為它的設定資訊 (在登錄中) 不完整或已損毀。%s Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged.%s
1019Windows 正在解除安裝這個裝置。%s Windows is uninstalling this device.%s
1020裝置已停用。%s This device is disabled.%s
1021這個裝置可能不存在、運作不正確、或並未安裝所有的驅動程式。%s This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed.%s
1022Windows 還在設定這個裝置。%s Windows is still setting up this device.%s
1024這個裝置沒有正確的記錄檔設定。%s This device does not have valid log configuration.%s
1025這個裝置的驅動程式尚未安裝。%s The drivers for this device are not installed.%s
1026這個裝置已停用,因為裝置的韌體並未提供它所需的資源。%s This device is disabled because the firmware of the device did not give it the required resources.%s
1027這個裝置正使用另一個裝置使用中的插斷要求 (IRQ) 資源。%s This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that another device is using.%s
1028系統失敗: 嘗試變更這個裝置的驅動程式。如果這個方式沒有用,請參閱您的硬體文件。%s System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn't work, see your hardware documentation.%s
1030這個裝置正常運作中。 This device is working properly.
1031這個裝置發生問題,但 Windows 無法判定是什麼問題。 This device has a problem, but Windows cannot determine what the problem is.
1032這個裝置發生問題,但 Windows 無法判定是什麼問題。%s This device has a problem that Windows cannot identify.%s
1035(代碼 %d) (Code %d)
1037這個裝置並未安裝驅動程式。 No drivers are installed for this device.
1038裝置已不再正常運作,可能需要替換。請向裝置製造商尋求協助。 This device is no longer functioning properly and may need to be replaced. Contact the manufacturer of this device for assistance.
1039Windows 以安全模式執行時,無法取得這個裝置的狀態。 Status is not available for this device when Windows is running in Safe Mode.
請選擇 [確定] 顯示內容表。
You cannot uninstall the device while it has a property sheet attached to it.
Choosing OK will bring the property sheet to the foreground.
1042裝置管理員含有它自己的一般內容頁。內容頁是無法的。 Device Manager has its own General page. The page is not replaceable.
1044裝置問題疑難排解精靈 Device Problems Troubleshooting Wizard
1052用於這個裝置的驅動程式 (服務) 已經停用,一個替換的驅動程式可能提供這個功能。%s A driver (service) for this device has been disabled. An alternate driver may be providing this functionality.%s
1053Windows 無法判定這個裝置需要哪些資源。%s Windows cannot determine which resources are required for this device.%s
1054Windows 無法判定這個裝置的設定值。請參考隨此裝置附送的文件,並使用 [資源] 索引標籤來進行設定。%s Windows cannot determine the settings for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the Resource tab to set the configuration.%s
1055您電腦系統的韌體未包含足夠的資訊,所以無法正確設定並使用這個裝置。如果要使用這個裝置,請連絡您的電腦製造商,以取得韌體或 BIOS 的更新。%s Your computer's system firmware does not include enough information to properly configure and use this device. To use this device, contact your computer manufacturer to obtain a firmware or BIOS update.%s
1056這個裝置正在要求 PCI 插斷,但它被設定成 ISA 插斷 (反之亦然)。請使用電腦的系統安裝程式來重新設定裝置的插斷。%s This device is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt (or vice versa). Please use the computer's system setup program to reconfigure the interrupt for this device.%s
1061無法解除安裝這個裝置,因為它的子裝置拒絕這項要求。如果子裝置是電腦的開機裝置,就可能發生這樣的問題。 Cannot uninstall this device because its descendants refused the request. This can happen if the device's descendants are required to boot up the computer.
1062因為您的電腦需要此裝置才能啟動,所以 Windows 無法將它解除安裝。 Windows was not able to uninstall this device because your computer might not start without it.

請按 [啟用裝置] 來啟用這個裝置。

Click Enable Device to enable this device.

請按 [重新啟動電腦] 來重新啟動您的電腦。

Click Restart Computer to restart your computer.

如果您要重新安裝這個裝置的驅動程式,請按 [重新安裝驅動程式]。

To reinstall the drivers for this device, click Reinstall Driver.

按一下 [檢查解決方案],傳送此裝置相關資料至 Microsoft 並查看是否有可用的解決方案。

Click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available.

如果您使用此裝置發生問題,按一下 [檢查解決方案],傳送此裝置相關資料至 Microsoft 並查看是否有可用的解決方案。

If you are having problems with this device, click 'Check for solutions' to send data about this device to Microsoft and to see if there is a solution available.

若要尋找這個裝置的驅動程式,請按一下 [更新驅動程式]。

To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.
1342啟用裝置(&N) E&nable Device
1344重新啟動電腦(&C)... Restart &Computer...
1345重新安裝驅動程式(&I)... Re&install Driver...
1347檢查解決方案(&C)... &Check for solutions...
1348更新驅動程式(&U)... &Update Driver...
1353Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
1355檢視及管理裝置硬體設定與電腦上安裝的驅動程式軟體。 View and manage device hardware settings and driver software installed on your computer.
1356關於裝置管理員 About Device Manager
1357您已經以標準使用者的身分登入。您可以在裝置管理員中檢視裝置的設定,但您必須以系統管理員的身分登入才能進行變更。 You are logged on as a standard user. You can view device settings in Device Manager, but you must be logged on as an administrator to make changes.
1358裝置管理員是以唯讀模式執行,因為您是在遠端電腦上執行它。 Device Manager is running in read-only mode because you are running it on a remote computer.
1359這個裝置並未正確執行,因為 Windows 無法載入這個裝置必需的驅動程式。%s This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device.%s
1360%s 上的裝置 (依類型檢視) Devices(view by type) on %s
1361%s 上的裝置 (依連線檢視) Devices(view by connection) on %s
1362%s 上的裝置 (依容器檢視) Devices(view by container) on %s
1363%s 上的裝置 (依驅動程式檢視) Devices(view by driver) on %s
1364%s 上的驅動程式 (依類型檢視) Drivers(view by type) on %s
1365%s 上的資源 (依類型檢視) Resources(view by type) on %s
1366%s 上的資源 (依連線檢視) Resources(view by connection) on %s
1369若要解除安裝裝置,或變更裝置內容或驅動程式,您必須在要進行變更的電腦上執行「裝置管理員」。 To uninstall devices or to change device properties or drivers, you must run Device Manager on the computer where you wish to make changes.
1370%s %s
1371在 %s on %s
1372位置 %1!u! Location %1!u!
1373停用此裝置會使得它停止運作。確定要將它停用? Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Do you really want to disable it?
1376啟用該裝置。 Enable the device.
1377停用該裝置。 Disable the device.
1378此裝置不需要驅動程式檔案,或未為此裝置載入任何驅動程式。 No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device.
1379此驅動程式套件未提供其他驅動程式檔案。 No additional driver files are supplied with this driver package.
1380依照硬體類型顯示裝置。 Displays devices by hardware type.
1381依照連線顯示裝置。 Displays devices by connection.
1382依容器顯示裝置。 Displays devices by container.
1383依驅動程式顯示裝置。 Displays devices by driver.
1384依裝置類型顯示驅動程式。 Displays drivers by device type.
1387顯示資源 (依類型)。 Displays resources by type.
1388顯示資源 (依連線)。 Displays resources by connection.
1389顯示繼承裝置和不再安裝的裝置。 Displays legacy devices and devices that are no longer installed.
1390掃描變更或新增的隨插即用裝置。 Scan for changed or new Plug and Play devices.
1391解除安裝所選裝置的驅動程式。 Uninstalls the driver for the selected device.
1392開啟目前所選項目的內容工作表頁。 Opens property sheet for the current selection.
1393啟用選取的裝置。 Enables the selected device.
1394停用選取的裝置。 Disables the selected device.
1395為所選裝置啟動「更新驅動程式精靈」。 Launches the Update Driver Wizard for the selected device.
1396新增傳統 (非隨插即用) 裝置至電腦。 Add a legacy (non Plug and Play) device to the computer.
1397開啟「裝置和印表機」。 Open Devices and Printers.
1398新增驅動程式到系統。 Add new drivers to the system.
1399在所有適用的裝置上安裝驅動程式。 Installs the driver on any applicable devices.
1400Removes the driver from the system. Removes the driver from the system.
1405製造商: %s Manufacturer: %s
1406位置: %s Location: %s
1407裝置狀態: %s Device Status: %s
1408名稱 Name
1409類型 Type
1427版本 Version
1428主要驅動程式 Primary drivers
1429相依驅動程式 Dependent drivers
1507正在啟用裝置 Enabling a device
1508您要啟用這個裝置嗎? Do you want to enable this device?
1510Windows 已經完成嘗試啟用這個裝置。 Windows has finished attempting to enable this device.
1511Windows 已經成功地啟用這個裝置。 Windows successfully enabled this device.
1512Windows 無法啟用這個裝置。 Windows was not able to enable this device.
1513您將需要重新啟動電腦以完成啟用這個裝置。 You will need to restart the computer to finish enabling this device.
1514Windows 已經成功地啟用這個裝置。但是,這個裝置還是運作不正常。 Windows successfully enabled this device, however, this device is still not working properly.
1515重新啟動您的電腦 Restart your computer
1516Windows 現在將重新啟動您的電腦。 Windows will now restart your computer.


You need to restart your computer before the changes you made to this device will take effect.


The drivers for this device will be uninstalled when the machine is restarted. Any changes you make to this device will not be preserved.
1519(PCI) (PCI)
1520(ISA) (ISA)
1521使用這個裝置 (啟用) Use this device (enable)
1522不使用這個裝置 (停用) Do not use this device (disable)

You cannot update the driver for this device at this time because it is in the process of being uninstalled.


You cannot roll back the driver for this device at this time because it is in the process of being uninstalled.


You cannot change the settings of this device at this time because it is in the process of being uninstalled.


Windows 未啟動相關的裝置驅動程式。若要了解其他資訊,請按 [驅動程式] 索引標籤,然後按 [驅動程式詳細資料]。

Windows did not start a related device driver. To learn more, click the Driver tab and then click Driver Details.
1529此硬體有一個連接的次要裝置,因為該裝置缺乏有效的識別編號,所以 Windows 無法識別。

There is a secondary device connected to this hardware that Windows cannot identify because it does not have a valid hardware identification number.

For assistance, contact the hardware manufacturer.
1600Windows 無法初始化這個硬體的裝置驅動程式。%s Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware.%s
1601Windows 無法載入這個硬體的裝置驅動程式,因為裝置驅動程式的上一個例項還在記憶體中。%s Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory.%s
1602Windows 無法載入這個硬體的裝置驅動程式。驅動程式可能已損毀或遺失。%s Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing.%s
1603Windows 無法存取這個硬體,因為它在登錄中的服務機碼資訊遺失或記錄錯誤。%s Windows cannot access this hardware because its service key information in the registry is missing or recorded incorrectly.%s
1604Windows 成功載入這個硬體的裝置驅動程式,但是找不到硬體裝置。%s Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device.%s
1605Windows 無法載入這個硬體的裝置驅動程式,因為已有相同裝置正在系統中執行。%s Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system.%s
1606Windows 已停止這個裝置,因為它發生了問題。%s Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems.%s
1607有一應用程式或服務關閉了這個硬體裝置。%s An application or service has shut down this hardware device.%s

Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer.%s

To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to the computer.
1609Windows 無法取得對這個硬體裝置的存取權,因為作業系統正處於關機程序中。%s

Windows cannot gain access to this hardware device because the operating system is in the process of shutting down.%s

The hardware device should work correctly next time you start your computer.
1610Windows 無法使用這個硬體裝置,因為它已準備好要 "安全移除",但尚未從電腦移除。%s

Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for "safe removal", but it has not been removed from the computer.%s

To fix this problem, unplug this device from your computer and then plug it in again.
1611系統已阻止此裝置的驅動程式啟動,因為它已知會在 Windows 上造成問題。請連絡硬體廠商以取得新驅動程式。%s The driver for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with Windows. Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver.%s
1612Windows 無法啟動新硬體裝置,因為系統保存檔太大 (超出登錄大小限制)。%s

若要解決這個問題, 您必須先嘗試解除安裝您不再使用的硬體裝置,如果這樣不能解決問題,您將需要解除安裝 Windows。
Windows cannot start new hardware devices because the system hive is too large (exceeds the Registry Size Limit).%s

To fix this problem, you should first try uninstalling any hardware devices that you are no longer using. If that doesn't solve the problem, then you will have to reinstall Windows.
1613Windows 無法套用此裝置的所有內容。裝置內容可能包含裝置的功能和設定值 (例如安全性設定值) 等等的資訊。%s

Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device. Device properties may include information that describes the device's capabilities and settings (such as security settings for example). %s

To fix this problem, you can try reinstalling this device. However, it is recommended that you contact the hardware manufacturer for a new driver.
1700這個裝置正常運作中 This device is working properly
1701這個裝置有問題 This device has a problem
1702這個裝置已停用 This device is disabled
1703這個裝置有強制的設定 This device has a forced configuration
1710複製(&C) &Copy
1711全選(&A) Select &All
1715此裝置目前正在等待另一個裝置或另一組裝置啟動。%s This device is currently waiting on another device or set of devices to start.%s
1716Windows 無法驗證此裝置所需之驅動程式的數位簽章。最近的硬體或軟體變更可能安裝未正確簽署或已損毀的檔案,或可能安裝了來源不明的惡意軟體。%s Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source.%s
1717此裝置已被保留給 Windows 核心偵錯工具在此次開機工作階段期間使用。%s This device has been reserved for use by the Windows kernel debugger for the duration of this boot session.%s
1718此裝置失敗,正在進行重設。%s This device has failed and is undergoing a reset.%s
1900PnP-X 通用識別身分 PnP-X global identity
1901PnP-X 類型值 PnP-X types value
1902PnP-X 範圍值 PnP-X scopes value
1903PnP-X 傳輸位址 PnP-X transport address
1904PnP-X 中繼資料版本 PnP-X metadata version
1905PnP-X 裝置識別碼 PnP-X device Id
1906PnP-X 遠端位址 PnP-X remote address
1907PCI 要求保留記憶體區域 PCI requires reserved memory region
1908PnP-X 製造商 URL PnP-X manufacturer URL
1909支援 PCI 不可部分完成 PCI atomics supported
1910藍牙關聯端點查詢問題查詢 Bluetooth Association Endpoint query issue inquiry
1911PnP-X 型號 URL PnP-X model URL
1912PnP-X 一般產品代碼 PnP-X universal product code
1913PnP-X 簡報 URL PnP-X presentation URL
1914藍牙關聯端點查詢 LE 主動式掃描 Bluetooth Association Endpoint query LE active scanning
1915PnP-X 韌體版本 PnP-X firmware version
1916PnP-X 序號 PnP-X serial number
1917藍牙關聯端點查詢 LE 掃描間隔 Bluetooth Association Endpoint query LE scan interval
1918PnP-X 裝置類別 PnP-X device category
1919PnP-X 裝置類別描述 PnP-X device category description
1920PnP-X 實體位址 PnP-X physical address
1921PnP-X 網路介面 LUID PnP-X network interface Luid
1922PnP-X 網路介面 GUID PnP-X network interface Guid
1923PnP-X IP 位址 PnP-X IP address
1924PnP-X 服務位址 PnP-X service address
1925PnP-X 服務識別碼 PnP-X service Id
1926PnP-X 服務類型 PnP-X service Types
1927PnP-X 根 Proxy PnP-X root proxy
1928WSDMon 列印連接埠名稱 WSDMon print port name
1929WSD 列印服務註解 WSD print service comment
1930WSD 列印服務位置 WSD print service location
1931WSD 列印服務易記名稱 WSD print service friendly name
1932藍牙關聯端點查詢 LE 掃描時段 Bluetooth Association Endpoint query LE scan window
1933藍牙上次連線時間已過時 Bluetooth last connected time deprecated
1934裝置藍牙類別主要 Bluetooth class of device major
1935裝置藍牙類別次要 Bluetooth class of device minor
1936裝置藍牙類別服務已限制探索 Bluetooth class of device service limited discovery
1937裝置藍牙類別服務定位 Bluetooth class of device service positioning
1938裝置藍牙類別服務網路功能 Bluetooth class of device service networking
1939關聯端點識別碼 Association Endpoint ID
1940關聯端點提供者名稱 Association Endpoint provider name
1941關聯端點提供者識別碼 Association Endpoint provider ID
1942關聯端點已關聯 Association Endpoint is associated
1943關聯端點提供者通訊協定識別碼 Association Endpoint provider protocol ID
1944關聯端點執行個體識別碼 Association Endpoint instance IDs
1945關聯端點提供者執行個體識別碼 Association Endpoint provider instance IDs
1946關聯端點易記名稱 Association Endpoint friendly name
1947關聯端點容器識別碼 Association Endpoint container ID
1948關聯端點可關聯 Association Endpoint can be associated
1949關聯端點位址 Association Endpoint address
1950裝置藍牙類別服務轉譯 Bluetooth class of device service rendering
1951裝置藍牙類別服務擷取 Bluetooth class of device service capturing
1952裝置藍牙類別服務物件傳輸 Bluetooth class of device service object xfer
1953裝置藍牙類別服務音訊 Bluetooth class of device service audio
1954裝置藍牙類別服務電話語音 Bluetooth class of device service telephony
1955裝置藍牙類別服務資訊 Bluetooth class of device service information
1956藍牙無線電 hci 廠商功能 Bluetooth radio hci vendor features
1958藍牙音訊支援低功耗中央角色 Bluetooth radio supports Low Energy Central Role
1959藍牙音訊支援低功耗周邊角色 Bluetooth radio supports Low Energy Peripheral Role
1960藍牙關聯端點服務查詢快取模式 Bluetooth Association Endpoint service query cache mode
1961藍牙關聯端點服務查詢目標裝置 Bluetooth Association Endpoint service query target device
1962藍牙關聯端點服務服務 GUID Bluetooth Association Endpoint service service Guid
1963藍牙關聯端點服務發行者使用者安全性識別碼 Bluetooth Association Endpoint service publisher user security Id
1964藍牙關聯端點服務發行者套件名稱 Bluetooth Association Endpoint service publisher package name
1965藍牙 rfcomm 服務執行個體識別碼 Bluetooth rfcomm service instance Id
1966藍牙 gatt 服務屬性控制代碼 Bluetooth gatt service attribute handle
1967藍牙 l2cap 服務執行個體識別碼 Bluetooth l2cap service instance Id
1968藍牙上次原始訊號強度 (D bm) Bluetooth last raw signal strength in D bm
1969藍牙可供探索 Bluetooth is discoverable
1970藍牙關聯 ext param 連入 Blob Bluetooth association ext param inbound blob
2000DLNA 支援接收網路喚醒 DLNA supports receiving Wake-on-LAN
2001DLNA 支援傳送網路喚醒 DLNA supports sending Wake-on-LAN
2002DLNA 支援音訊 DLNA supports audio
2003DLNA 支援視訊 DLNA supports video
2004DLNA 支援影像 DLNA supports images
2005DLNA UPnP 接收通訊協定資訊 DLNA UPnP sink protocol info
2006DLNA 裝置類別與功能 DLNA device class and capabilities
2007DLNA 功能 DLNA capabilities
2008DLNA UPnP Unique 裝置名稱 DLNA UPnP Unique Device Name
2009DLNA 支援搜尋 DLNA supports search
2010DLNA 支援靜音 DLNA supports mute
2011DLNA 支援 SetNextAVTransportURI DLNA supports SetNextAVTransportURI
2012DLNA 最大音量 DLNA maximum volume


File Name:devmgr.dll.mui
File Size:38 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:38400
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:裝置管理員 MMC 嵌入式管理單元
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:devmgr
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:devmgr.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is devmgr.dll.mui?

devmgr.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file devmgr.dll (裝置管理員 MMC 嵌入式管理單元).

File version info

File Description:裝置管理員 MMC 嵌入式管理單元
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:devmgr
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:devmgr.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200