sppc.dll.mui Software Licensing Client Dll 1996c88aa1e9736224e97a7183ba7f2e

File info

File name: sppc.dll.mui
Size: 83456 byte
MD5: 1996c88aa1e9736224e97a7183ba7f2e
SHA1: 6785ad8c0d4cdac2182ca940eb3f377f4568827a
SHA256: a16689afb551625c497110b16fcf10f79b3e805f9da9288e1eb189df471e4017
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
100Omogoča prenos, namestitev in uveljavljanje digitalnih licenc za sistem Windows in programe sistema Windows. Če je storitev onemogočena, bodo operacijski sistem in licencirani programi delovali v načinu zmanjšane zmogljivosti. Enables the download, installation and enforcement of digital licenses for Windows and Windows applications. If the service is disabled, the operating system and licensed applications may run in a reduced function mode.
101Software Licensing Service Software Licensing Service
102Digitalna licenca XrML XrML Digital License
200Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
201To opravilo ob določenem času znova zažene storitev Software Protection Platform This task restarts the Software Protection Platform service at the specified time
202To opravilo znova zažene storitev platforme za zaščito programske opreme, ko se uporabnik prijavi This task restarts the Software Protection Platform service when user logon occurs
203To opravilo znova zažene storitev platforme za zaščito programske opreme, ko je zaznano novo omrežje This task restarts the Software Protection Platform service when a new network is detected
204To opravilo onemogoči opravila, ki niso več podprta po nadgradnji sistema Windows This task disables tasks no longer supported after upgrading Windows
0x4004D30FPreverjeni čas je že posodobljen. Trusted time is already up-to-date.
0x4004D601Predpomnilnik načina jedra ni bil spremenjen Kernel Mode Cache was not changed
0x4004D602Pravilniki, ki jih je treba znova zagnati, so bili spremenjeni Reboot-requiring policies have changed
0x4004F00CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje znotraj veljavnega dovoljenega obdobja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period.
0x4004F00DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje izven tolerance veljavnega dovoljenega obdobja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid out of tolerance grace period.
0x4004F040Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da je bil izdelek aktiviran,vendar mora lastnik preveriti pravice za uporabo izdelka. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product was activated but the owner should verify the Product Use Rights.
0x4004F065Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje znotraj veljavnega dovoljenega obdobja za neoriginalno programsko opremo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine grace period.
0x4004F068Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje znotraj veljavnega dovoljenega obdobja za neoriginalno programsko opremo (vrsta 2). The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine grace period (type 2).
0x4004F401Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ima program licenco trgovine. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application has a store license.
0x4004FC04Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje v obdobju veljavnosti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the timebased validity period.
0x4004FC05Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje znotraj stalnega dovoljenega obdobja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application has a perpetual grace period.
0x4004FC06Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da program deluje znotraj veljavnega podaljšanega dovoljenega obdobja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid extended grace period.
0x8004D102Procesor za varnost sporoča, da čas računalnika ni v skladu s preverjenim časom. The security processor reported that the machine time is inconsistent with the trusted time.
0x8004D10BProcesor za varnost ne more delovati, če je pripet program za iskanje napak. The security processor cannot operate while a debugger is attached.
0x8004E026Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da ste namesto ključa izdelka za sistem Windows vnesli ključ izdelka za dodatek inventarne številke. The Software Licensing Service reported that a valid product key for an add-on sku was entered where a Windows product key was expected.
0x8004E101Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da različica datoteke s shrambo žetona ni veljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file version is invalid.
0x8004E102Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba žetona vsebuje tabelo z neveljavnim deskriptorjem. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains an invalid descriptor table.
0x8004E103Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba žetona vsebuje žeton z neveljavno glavo/nogo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains a token with an invalid header/footer.
0x8004E104Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ima žeton v shrambi žetona neveljavno ime. The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token has an invalid name.
0x8004E105Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ima žeton v shrambi žetonov neveljavno pripono. The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token has an invalid extension.
0x8004E106Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba žetona vsebuje podvojen žeton. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store contains a duplicate token.
0x8004E107Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da velikost žetona v shrambi žetona ni ustrezne velikosti. The Software Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Store has a size mismatch.
0x8004E108Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da žeton v shrambi žetona vsebuje neveljavno zgoščeno vrednost. The Software Licensing Service reported that a token in the Token Store contains an invalid hash.
0x8004E109Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba žetonov ni mogla prebrati žetona. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store was unable to read a token.
0x8004E10AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba žetona ni mogla zapisati žetona. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store was unable to write a token.
0x8004E10BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je shramba žetona poskusila izvesti neveljavno operacijo datoteke. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store attempted an invalid file operation.
0x8004E10CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ni aktivne transakcije. The Software Licensing Service reported that there is no active transaction.
0x8004E10DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da glava datoteke s shrambo žetona ni veljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Token Store file header is invalid.
0x8004E10EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da deskriptor žetona v shrambi žetonov ni veljaven. The Software Licensing Service reported that a Token Store token descriptor is invalid.
0x803FA065Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da je navedeni ključ izdelka neveljaven. The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid.
0x803FA066Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil težavo z navedenim ključem izdelka. The activation server determined there is a problem with the specified product key.
0x803FA067Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da je navedeni ključ izdelka blokiran. The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked.
0x803FA071Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da je ključ izdelka presegel omejitev odklepanja. The activation server reported that the product key has exceeded its unlock limit.
0x803FA073Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da je licenca neveljavna. The activation server determined the license is invalid.
0x803FA076Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da ključ izdelka ni veljaven. The activation server determined the product key is not valid.
0x803FA07DV strežniku aktiviranja je prišlo do napake. The activation server experienced an error.
0x803FA07FStrežnik aktiviranja sporoča, da je večkratni ključ za aktiviranje presegel omejitev. The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit.
0x803FA080Strežnik aktiviranja sporoča, da je bila presežena omejitev razširitve ključa za večkratno aktiviranje. The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key extension limit has been exceeded.
0x803FA083Strežnik za aktiviranje sporoča, da navedenega ključa izdelka ni mogoče uporabiti za aktiviranje po spletu. The activation server reported that the specified product key cannot be used for online activation.
0x803FA08DStrežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da je različica ID-ja potrditve (CID) brez povezave nepravilna. The activation server determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0x803FA08EStrežnik aktiviranja je prijavil, da je oblika zapisa podatkov za aktivacijo brez povezave nepravilna. The activation server reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect.
0x803FA08FStrežnik aktiviranja je prijavil, da je dolžina ID-ja potrditve (CID) brez povezave nepravilna. The activation server reported that the length of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0x803FA090Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da je ID namestitve (IID) ali ID potrditve (CID) neveljaven. The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) is invalid.
0x803FA097Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da se je aktivacija, ki temelji na času, poskušala izvesti pred začetnim datumom. The activation server reported that time based activation attempted before start date.
0x803FA098Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da se je aktivacija, ki temelji na času, poskušala izvesti po končnem datumu. The activation server reported that time based activation attempted after end date.
0x803FA099Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da novo aktiviranje, ki temelji na času, ni na voljo. The activation server reported that new time based activation is not available.
0x803FA09AStrežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da ključ izdelka, ki temelji na času, ni konfiguriran za aktivacijo. The activation server reported that the time based product key is not configured for activation.
0x803FA0C8Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da pravila poslovanja niso na voljo za aktivacijo določenega ključa izdelka. The activation server reported that no business rules available to activate specified product key.
0x803FA0CBStrežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da je bil navedeni ključ izdelka blokiran za to geografsko mesto. The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
0x803FA0D5Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da je dosežena omejitev preglasitev. The activation server determined that the override limit is reached.
0x803FA400Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da ponudba ne obstaja več. The activation server determined that the offer no longer exists.
0x803FABB8Napaka, ki kaže na to, da ID strojne opreme darovalca nima v lasti licence za operacijski sistem. Error indicating that the donor hardwareId does not own operating system entitlement.
0x803FABB9Koda napake, ki kaže na to, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije. (Splošna koda napake) Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation.(Generic error code)
0x803FABBAKoda napake, ki kaže na to, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije, ker nima statusa. Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation due to no association
0x803FABBBKoda napake, ki kaže na to, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije, ker ni skrbnik naprave. Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because user is not an admin on device
0x803FABBCKoda napake, ki kaže na to, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije, ker je uporabnik blokiran. Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because user is is throttled.
0x803FABBDKoda napake, ki kaže na to, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije, ker je licenca blokirana. Error code indicating that user not eligible for reactivation because license is throttled.
0x803FABBEKoda napake, ki označuje, da naprava ni upravičena do ponovne aktivacije, ker je zadušena. Error code indicating that device is not eligible for reactivation because it is throttled.
0x803FABBFKoda napake, ki kaže na to, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije, ker pravilnik tega ne dovoljuje. Error code indicating that user not eligible for because policy does not allow it.
0x803FABC0Koda napake, ki označuje, da naprava ni upravičena do ponovne aktivacije, ker je blokirana. Error code indicating that the device is not eligible for reactivation because it is blocked.
0x803FABC1Koda napake, ki označuje, da uporabnik ni upravičen do ponovne aktivacije, ker je blokiran. Error code indicating that the user is not eligible for reactivation because the user is blocked.
0x803FABC2Koda napake, ki označuje, da licenca ni upravičena do prenosa, ker je blokirana. Error code indicating that the license is not eligible for transfer because the license is blocked.
0x803FABC3Koda napake, ki označuje, da naprava ni upravičena do prenosa, ker je blokirana. Error code indicating that the device is not eligible for transfer because the device is blocked.
0xC004B007Strežnik aktiviranja sporoča, da računalnik ni mogel vzpostaviti povezave s strežnikom aktiviranja. The activation server reported that the computer could not connect to the activation server.
0xC004B008Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da izdelka ni mogoče aktivirati. The activation server determined that the product could not be activated.
0xC004B010Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da ni mogoče najti zahtevanega vnosa za poslovni žeton. The activation server determined that required business token entry cannot be found.
0xC004B011Strežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da ura v računalniku ni pravilno nastavljena. Nastavite jo, preden lahko aktivirate. The activation server determined that your computer clock time is not correct. You must correct your clock before you can activate.
0xC004C012V strežniku aktiviranja je prišlo do napake omrežja. The activation server experienced a network error.
0xC004C022Strežnik aktiviranja sporoča, da ni mogoče najti omejitve vnovičnega izdajanja. The activation server reported that the re-issuance limit was not found.
0xC004C023Strežnik aktiviranja sporoča, da zahteve po preglasitvi ni mogoče najti. The activation server reported that the override request was not found.
0xC004C050V strežniku aktiviranja je prišlo do splošne napake. The activation server experienced a general error.
0xC004C291Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je stanje licence neveljavno. Genuine Validation determined the license state is invalid.
0xC004C2F6Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je identifikator predloge za vnos preverjanja neveljaven. Genuine Validation determined the validation input template identifier is invalid.
0xC004C2FAStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je zbirka dvojiških podatkov za vnos preverjanja neveljavna. Genuine Validation determined the validation input data blob is invalid.
0xC004C327Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je parameter zbirke dvojiških podatkov za vnos preverjanja neveljaven. Genuine Validation determined the validation input data blob parameter is invalid.
0xC004C328Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da so podatki v žetonu odjemalca neveljavni. Genuine Validation determined the client token data is invalid.
0xC004C329Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je zbirka dvojiških podatkov brez povezave neveljavna. Genuine Validation determined the offline data blob is invalid.
0xC004C32AStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je parameter zbirke dvojiških podatkov brez povezave neveljaven. Genuine Validation determined the offline data blob parameter is invalid.
0xC004C32BStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je identifikator predloge za preverjanje neveljaven za to različico operacijskega sistema Windows. Genuine Validation determined the validation template identifier is invalid for this version of the Windows operating system.
0xC004C32CStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je originalna zbirka dvojiških podatkov brez povezave preklicana. Genuine Validation determined the offline genuine blob is revoked.
0xC004C32DStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da originalne zbirke dvojiških podatkov brez povezave ni mogoče najti. Genuine Validation determined the offline genuine blob is not found.
0xC004C3FFStrežnik aktiviranja je ugotovil, da odgovor storitve VGA ni na voljo v pričakovani obliki. The activation server determined the VGA service response is not available in the expected format.
0xC004C401Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da ključ izdelka ni veljaven za to različico operacijskega sistema Windows. Genuine Validation determined the product key is invalid for this version of the Windows operating system.
0xC004C4A1Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je zgoščena vrednost datoteke neveljavna. Genuine Validation determined the file hash is invalid.
0xC004C4A2Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je ključ izdelka blokiran. Genuine Validation determined the product key has been blocked.
0xC004C4A4Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je vrsta ključa izdelka neveljavna. Genuine Validation determined the product key type is invalid.
0xC004C4A5Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je ključ izdelka neveljaven. Genuine Validation determined the product key is invalid.
0xC004C4A7Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da so podatki za vezavo proizvajalca strojne opreme ali nosilca neveljavni. Genuine Validation determined the OEM or Volume binding data is invalid.
0xC004C4A9Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je določen ključ izdelka za to lokacijo blokiran. Genuine Validation determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location.
0xC004C4ABStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je zaznala izkoriščevalske programe za licenciranje sistema Windows. Genuine Validation detected Windows licensing exploits.
0xC004C4ACStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da so podatki za aktiviranje žetona neveljavni. Genuine Validation determined the token activation data is invalid.
0xC004C4ADStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je zaznala nedovoljeno spremenjene dvojiške vrednosti sistema Windows. Genuine Validation detected tampered Windows binaries.
0xC004C4AFStoritev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da so podatki za aktiviranje aktivnega imenika neveljavni. Genuine Validation determined the active directory activation data is invalid.
0xC004C532Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je stanje licence v obvestilu zaradi poteklega dovoljenega obdobja. Genuine Validation determined the license state is in notification due to expired grace.
0xC004C533Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da je stanje licence v obvestilu. Genuine Validation determined the license state is in notification.
0xC004C600Storitev preverjanja originalnosti je ugotovila, da vaš izvod sistema Windows ni originalen. Genuine Validation determined your copy of Windows is not genuine.
0xC004C700Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da zahtevanega vnosa ni bilo mogoče najti. The activation server reported that business rule cound not find required input.
0xC004C750Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da je za ime lastnosti podjetja in ID določena ničelna vrednost. The activation server reported that NULL value specified for business property name and Id.
0xC004C751Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da ime lastnosti določa neznano lastnost. The activation server reported that property name specifies unknown property.
0xC004C752Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da ID lastnosti določa neznano lastnost. The activation server reported that property Id specifies unknown property.
0xC004C755Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da posodobitev vezi za ključ izdelka ni uspela. The activation server reported that it failed to update product key binding.
0xC004C756Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da vezi za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče vstaviti. The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key binding.
0xC004C757Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da vezi za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče izbrisati. The activation server reported that it failed to delete product key binding.
0xC004C758Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da vnosa XML za vezi za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče obdelati. The activation server reported that it failed to process input XML for product key bindings.
0xC004C75AStrežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da ni bilo mogoče vstaviti lastnosti za ključ izdelka. The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key property.
0xC004C75BStrežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da lastnosti za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče posodobiti. The activation server reported that it failed to update product key property.
0xC004C75CStrežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da lastnosti za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče izbrisati. The activation server reported that it failed to delete product key property.
0xC004C764Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da je lastnost za ključ izdelka neznana. The activation server reported that the product key type is unknown.
0xC004C770Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da vrsto za ključ izdelka uporablja drug uporabnik. The activation server reported that the product key type is being used by another user.
0xC004C780Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da zapisa za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče vstaviti. The activation server reported that it failed to insert product key record.
0xC004C781Strežnik aktiviranja je sporočil, da zapisa za ključ izdelka ni bilo mogoče posodobiti. The activation server reported that it failed to update product key record.
0xC004D000Owner, write description pls Owner, write description pls
0xC004D081Koda za dostop je bila uporabljena, pred klicanjem funkcije SPCommit z njo. The handle was used before calling SPCommit with it.
0xC004D101Procesor varnosti je sporočil napako pri inicializaciji. The security processor reported an initialization error.
0xC004D103Procesor varnosti je sporočil napako. The security processor reported that an error has occurred.
0xC004D104Procesor varnosti sporoča, da so bili uporabljeni neveljavni podatki. The security processor reported that invalid data was used.
0xC004D105Procesor varnosti sporoča, da vrednost že obstaja. The security processor reported that the value already exists.
0xC004D107Procesor varnosti sporoča, da je bil uporabljen premajhen medpomnilnik. The security processor reported that an insufficient buffer was used.
0xC004D109Procesor varnosti je sporočil neveljaven klic. The security processor reported that an invalid call was made.
0xC004D10AProcesor varnosti je sporočil napako o neujemanju različic. The security processor reported a version mismatch error.
0xC004D10CNi več podatkov No more data is available
0xC004D201Dolžina gradiva s kriptografskim ključem/zbirke dvojiških podatkov je neveljavna The length of the cryptopgraphic key material/blob is invalid
0xC004D202Dolžina bloka za ta algoritem ni ustrezna The block length is not correct for this algorithm
0xC004D203Vrsta kriptografske šifre/algoritma je neveljavna The Cryptopgrahic cipher/algorithm type is invalid
0xC004D204Določeni način šifre je neveljaven. Šifriranja in dešifriranja na primer ni mogoče določiti za simetrične ključe. The specified cipher mode is invalid. For example both encrypt and decrypt cannot be specified for symmetric keys.
0xC004D205SPAPIID za določenega ponudnika kriptografskih storitev je neznan The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Provider is unknown
0xC004D206SPAPIID za določeni kriptografski ključ (vrsto) je neznan The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Key (type) is unknown
0xC004D207SPAPIID za določeno kriptografsko zgoščeno vrednost je neznan The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Hash is unknown
0xC004D208SPAPIID za določeni kriptografski atribut je neznan The SPAPIID for the specified Cryptographic Attribute is unknown
0xC004D209Predmet zgoščene vrednosti je bil dokončan, zato ga ni več mogoče posodabljati The hash object has been finalized and can no longer be updated
0xC004D20AV trenutnem stanju ključ ni na voljo The key is not available within the current state
0xC004D20BKljuč ne obstaja. Morda še ni bil ustvarjen The key does not exist. It may not have have been created yet
0xC004D20CDolžina podatkov ni zmnožek dolžine algoritemskega bloka The data length is not a multiple of the algorithm's block length
0xC004D20DDolžina podpisa ni veljavna The length of the signature is not valid
0xC004D20EPodpis ni v medsebojni odvisnosti z zgoščeno vrednostjo primerjave The signature does not correlate with the comparison hash
0xC004D20FBlok RSA ni veljaven The RSA block is not valid
0xC004D210Oblika bloka RSA ni veljavna The format of the RSA block is not valid
0xC004D211Odmik CBC ni veljaven The CBC padding is not valid
0xC004D301Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da je bila zaupanja vredna shramba podatkov nedovoljeno spremenjena. The security processor reported that the trusted data store was tampered.
0xC004D302Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da je bila zaupanja vredna shramba podatkov znova napolnjena. The security processor reported that the trusted data store was rearmed.
0xC004D303Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da je bila zaupanja vredna shramba znova ustvarjena. The security processor reported that the trusted store has been recreated.
0xC004D304Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da v zaupanja vredni shrambi podatkov ni bilo mogoče najti tistega vnosnega ključa. The security processor reported that entry key was not found in the trusted data store.
0xC004D305Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da vnosni ključ v zaupanja vredni shrambi podatkov že obstaja. The security processor reported that the entry key already exists in the trusted data store.
0xC004D306Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da je vnosni ključ prevelik za zaupanja vredno shrambo podatkov. The security processor reported that the entry key is too big to fit in the trusted data store.
0xC004D307Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da je bilo preseženo največje dovoljeno število vnovičnih polnjenj. Preden poskusite znova napolniti shrambo, morate znova namestiti operacijski sistem. The security processor reported that the maximum allowed number of re-arms has been exceeded. You must re-install the OS before trying to re-arm again.
0xC004D308Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da so vnosni podatki preveliki za zaupanja vredno shrambo podatkov. The security processor has reported that entry data size is too big to fit in the trusted data store.
0xC004D309Procesor varnosti je sporočil, da računalniška strojna oprema ne ustreza več mejnim vrednostim. The security processor has reported that the machine has gone out of hardware tolerance.
0xC004D30AProcesor varnosti je sporočil, da varen časomer že obstaja. The security processor has reported that the secure timer already exists.
0xC004D30BProcesor varnosti je sporočil, da varnega časomera ni bilo mogoče najti. The security processor has reported that the secure timer was not found.
0xC004D30CProcesor varnosti je sporočil, da je varen časomer potekel. The security processor has reported that the secure timer has expired.
0xC004D30DProcesor varnosti je sporočil, da je ime varnega časomera predolgo. The security processor has reported that the secure timer name is too long.
0xC004D30EProcesor varnosti je sporočil, da je zaupanja vredna shramba podatkov polna. The security processor reported that the trusted data store is full.
0xC004D310Vnosa samo za branje ni mogoče spremeniti. Read-only entry cannot be modified.
0xC004D311Časomera samo za branje ni mogoče spremeniti. Read-only timer cannot be modified.
0xC004D312Atributa samo za branje ni mogoče spremeniti. Read-only attribute cannot be modified.
0xC004D313Atribut ni bil najden. Attribute not found.
0xC004D314Dostop do zaupanja vredne shrambe je zavrnjen. Trusted Store access denied.
0xC004D315Imenski prostor ni bil najden. Namespace not found.
0xC004D316Imenski prostor se uporablja. Namespace in use.
0xC004D317Zaupanja vredna shramba je spremenjena Trusted store tampered
0xC004D401Procesor varnosti je sporočil napako o neujemanju sistemskih datotek. The security processor reported a system file mismatch error.
0xC004D501Procesor varnosti je sporočil napako s podatki jedra. The security processor reported an error with the kernel data.
0xC004D502Predpomnilnik načina jedra je spremenjen in poskus obnovitve je bil neuspešen Kernel Mode Cache is tampered and the restore attempt failed
0xC004D701Zunanji ključ za dešifriranje je že bil nastavljen za določeno funkcijo. External decryption key was already set for specified feature.
0xC004D702Med izvajanjem strežnika proxy je prišlo do napake Error occured during proxy execution
0xC004E001Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da je navedeni kontekst neveljaven. The Software Licensing Service determined that the specified context is invalid.
0xC004E002Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba licenc vsebuje neskladne podatke. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store contains inconsistent data.
0xC004E003Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da vrednotenje licence ni uspelo. The Software Licensing Service reported that license evaluation failed.
0xC004E004Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca ni ovrednotena. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license has not been evaluated.
0xC004E005Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca ni aktivirana. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not activated.
0xC004E006Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca vsebuje neveljavne podatke. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license contains invalid data.
0xC004E007Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba licenc ne vsebuje zahtevane licence. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store does not contain the requested license.
0xC004E008Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je lastnost licence neveljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is invalid.
0xC004E009Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba licenc ni inicializirana. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store is not initialized.
0xC004E00AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je shramba licenc že inicializirana. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store is already initialized.
0xC004E00CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licence ni mogoče odpreti ali ustvariti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be opened or created.
0xC004E00DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licence ni mogoče zapisati. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be written.
0xC004E00EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba licenc ne more prebrati datoteke z licenco. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store could not read the license file.
0xC004E00FStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je lastnost licence poškodovana. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is corrupted.
0xC004E010Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da lastnost licence manjka. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license property is missing.
0xC004E011Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shramba licenc vsebuje neveljavno datoteko licence. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store contains an invalid license file.
0xC004E012Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shrambi licenc ni uspelo pravilno zagnati sinhronizacije. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store failed to start synchronization properly.
0xC004E013Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da shrambi licenc ni uspela pravilna sinhronizacija. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license store failed to synchronize properly.
0xC004E015Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da poraba licence ni uspela. The Software Licensing Service reported that license consumption failed.
0xC004E016Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je ključ izdelka neveljaven. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid.
0xC004E019Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da preverjanje navedenega ključa izdelka ni uspelo. The Software Licensing Service determined that validation of the specified product key failed.
0xC004E01AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je našla neveljavno dodatno informacijo. The Software Licensing Service reported that invalid add-on information was found.
0xC004E01BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da ni bilo mogoče zbrati vseh informacij strojne opreme. The Software Licensing Service reported that not all hardware information could be collected.
0xC004E01CKljuč izdelka ocenjevanja ni več veljaven. This evaluation product key is no longer valid.
0xC004E01DNovega ključa izdelka ni mogoče uporabiti za namestitev sistema Windows. Vnesite drug ključ izdelka. (CD-AB) The new product key cannot be used on this installation of Windows. Type a different product key. (CD-AB)
0xC004E01ENovega ključa izdelka ni mogoče uporabiti za namestitev sistema Windows. Vnesite drug ključ izdelka. (AB-AB) The new product key cannot be used on this installation of Windows. Type a different product key. (AB-AB)
0xC004E020Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da se vrednost pravilnika ne ujema s podatki, shranjenimi v razdelku »Drugi podatki«. The Software Licensing Service reported that there is a mismatched between a policy value and information stored in the OtherInfo section.
0xC004E021Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da izvirne informacije, ki jih ima licenca, niso dosledne. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Genuine information contained in the license is not consistent.
0xC004E022Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da se vrednost id varne shrambe v licenci ne ujema s trenutno vrednostjo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the secure store id value in license does not match with the current value.
0xC004E023Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da so pravila obvestil neveljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the notification rules appear to be invalid.
0xC004E024Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da so sporočeni računalniški podatki očitno neveljavni. The Software Licensing Service reported that the reported machine data appears to be invalid.
0xC004E025Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da zgoščena vrednost podatkov ne ustreza podatkom. The Software Licensing Service reported that the data hash does not correspond to the data.
0xC004E027Storitev za licenciranje programske opreme je sporočila, da se različica SPPSvc ne ujema s pravilnikom. The Software Licensing Service reported that the version of SPPSvc does not match the policy.
0xC004E028Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da za to inventarno številko poteka drug poskus aktiviranja. Počakajte, da se ta poskus dokonča in šele nato poskusite znova. The Software Licensing Service reported that there is another activation attempt in progress for this sku. Please wait for that attempt to complete before trying again.
0xC004E029Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da aktivirana licenca za svoje delovanje potrebuje ustrezno licenco za nadgradnjo shrambe. Obiščite Trgovino, kjer lahko kupite novo licenco ali znova prenesete obstoječo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the activated license requires a corresponding Store upgrade license in order to work. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da licenca za nadgradnjo shrambe ni omogočena za trenutno izdajo operacijskega sistema. Obiščite Trgovino, kjer lahko kupite ustrezno licenco. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license is not enabled for the current OS edition. Please visit the Store to purchase the appropriate license.
0xC004E02BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da licenca za nadgradnjo shrambe ne ustreza trenutnemu aktivnemu ključu izdelka. Obiščite Trgovino, kjer lahko kupite novo licenco ali znova prenesete obstoječo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not match the current active product key. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da licenca za nadgradnjo shrambe ne ustreza trenutni ravni podpisovanja za nameščeni operacijski sistem. Obiščite Trgovino, kjer lahko kupite novo licenco ali znova prenesete obstoječo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not match the current signing level for the installed Operating System. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da licenca za nadgradnjo shrambe ne omogoča trenutne različice nameščenega operacijskega sistema. Obiščite Trgovino, kjer lahko kupite novo licenco ali znova prenesete obstoječo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license does not enable the current version of the installed Operating System. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004E02EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da licence za nadgradnjo shrambe ni bilo mogoče pooblastiti. Obiščite Trgovino, kjer lahko kupite novo licenco ali znova prenesete obstoječo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Store upgrade license could not be authorized. Please visit the Store to purchase a new license or re-download an existing one.
0xC004F001Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila notranjo napako. The Software Licensing Service reported an internal error.
0xC004F002Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da poraba pravic ni uspela. The Software Licensing Service reported that rights consumption failed.
0xC004F003Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ni mogoče najti zahtevane licence. The Software Licensing Service reported that the required license could not be found.
0xC004F004Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ključ izdelka ni v obsegu, določenem v licenci. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the range defined in the license.
0xC004F005Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da se ključ izdelka ne ujema s ključem izdelka za licenco. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key does not match the product key for the license.
0xC004F006Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da datoteka s podpisom za licenco ni na voljo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the signature file for the license is not available.
0xC004F007Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licence ni bilo mogoče najti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found.
0xC004F009Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je dovoljeno obdobje poteklo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired.
0xC004F00AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da se ID programa ne ujema z ID-jem programa za licenco. The Software Licensing Service reported that the application ID does not match the application ID for the license.
0xC004F00BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da podatki za identifikacijo produkta niso na voljo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product identification data is not available.
0xC004F00EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da trenutna različica komponente procesorja varnosti ne more uporabiti licence. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license could not be used by the current version of the security processor component.
0xC004F00FStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je povezovanje ID-ja strojne opreme preseglo mejo odstopanja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the hardware ID binding is beyond the level of tolerance.
0xC004F011Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da datoteka licence ni nameščena. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license file is not installed.
0xC004F012Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da klic ni uspel, ker ni bilo mogoče najti vrednosti za vhodni ključ. The Software Licensing Service reported that the call has failed because the value for the input key was not found.
0xC004F013Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da ni dovoljenja za zagon programske opreme. The Software Licensing Service determined that there is no permission to run the software.
0xC004F014Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ključ izdelka ni na voljo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available.
0xC004F015Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca ni nameščena. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not installed.
0xC004F016Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da zahteva ni podprta. The Software Licensing Service determined that the request is not supported.
0xC004F018Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca ne vsebuje veljavnih podatkov o mestu za strežnik aktiviranja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license does not contain valid location data for the activation server.
0xC004F019Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da je zahtevani ID dogodka neveljaven. The Software Licensing Service determined that the requested event ID is invalid.
0xC004F01AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da zahtevani dogodek ni registriran v storitvi. The Software Licensing Service determined that the requested event is not registered with the service.
0xC004F01BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je ID dogodka že registriran. The Software Licensing Service reported that the event ID is already registered.
0xC004F01DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da preverjanje licence ni uspelo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the verification of the license failed.
0xC004F01EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da se vrsta vhodnih podatkov ne ujema z vrsto podatkov v licenci. The Software Licensing Service determined that the input data type does not match the data type in the license.
0xC004F01FStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da licenca ni veljavna. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid.
0xC004F020Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da paket licence ni veljaven. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license package is invalid.
0xC004F021Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je obdobje veljavnosti licence poteklo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the validity period of the license has expired.
0xC004F022Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da pooblastitev licence ni uspela. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license authorization failed.
0xC004F023Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca ni veljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is invalid.
0xC004F025Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da dejanje zahteva skrbniške pravice. The Software Licensing Service reported that the action requires administrator privilege.
0xC004F026Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da zahtevanih podatkov ni mogoče najti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the required data is not found.
0xC004F027Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je licenca spremenjena. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is tampered.
0xC004F028Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je predpomnilnik pravilnika neveljaven. The Software Licensing Service reported that the policy cache is invalid.
0xC004F029Storitve licenciranja programske opreme ni mogoče zagnati v trenutnem načinu operacijskega sistema. The Software Licensing Service cannot be started in the current OS mode.
0xC004F02CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je oblika podatkov za aktiviranje brez povezave napačna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect.
0xC004F02DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da je ID potrditve (CID) brez povezave napačen. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0xC004F02EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da različica ID-ja potrditve (CID) ni podprta. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is not supported.
0xC004F02FStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je dolžina ID-ja potrditve (CID) brez povezave neveljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the length of the offline Confirmation ID (CID) is incorrect.
0xC004F030Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da ID-ja namestitve (IID) ali ID-ja potrditve (CID) ni bilo mogoče shraniti. The Software Licensing Service determined that the Installation ID (IID) or the Confirmation ID (CID) could not been saved.
0xC004F031ID namestitve (IID) in ID potrditve (CID) se ne ujemata. Potrdite IID in pridobite nov CID, če je treba. The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) do not match. Please confirm the IID and reacquire a new CID if necessary.
0xC004F032Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da so vpeti podatki neveljavni. The Software Licensing Service determined that the binding data is invalid.
0xC004F033Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ključa izdelka ni dovoljeno namestiti. Za podrobnosti si oglejte dnevnik dogodkov. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not allowed to be installed. Please see the eventlog for details.
0xC004F034Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licence ni mogoče najti ali je poškodovana. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license could not be found or was invalid.
0xC004F035Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da računalnika ni bilo mogoče aktivirati s ključem za količinske licence. Večlicenčni sistemi zahtevajo nadgradnjo z ustreznega operacijskega sistema. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema ali uporabite drugo vrsto ključa. The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license product key. Volume-licensed systems require upgrading from a qualifying operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key.
0xC004F038Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Število, ki ga je sporočila storitev za upravljanje ključev (KMS), ni zadostno. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator.
0xC004F039Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Storitev za upravljanje ključev ni omogočena. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not enabled.
0xC004F041Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da storitev za upravljanje ključev (KMS) ni aktivirana. KMS je treba aktivirati. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. The Software Licensing Service determined that the Key Management Service (KMS) is not activated. KMS needs to be activated. Please contact system administrator.
0xC004F042Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da navedene storitve za upravljanje ključev (KMS) ni mogoče uporabljati. The Software Licensing Service determined that the specified Key Management Service (KMS) cannot be used.
0xC004F047Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da pravilnik proxy ni posodobljen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the proxy policy has not been updated.
0xC004F04FStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licence ne vsebujejo informacij za upravljanje licenc. The Software Licensing Service reported that license management information was not found in the licenses.
0xC004F051Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je ključ izdelka blokiran. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is blocked.
0xC004F052Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licence vsebujejo podvojene lastnosti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the licenses contain duplicated properties.
0xC004F053Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da licenca ni veljavna. V njej je pravilnik za preglasitev, ki ni pravilno konfiguriran. The Software Licensing Service determined that the license is invalid. The license contains an override policy that is not configured properly.
0xC004F054Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da so v informacijah za upravljanje licenc podvojeni podatki. The Software Licensing Service reported that license management information has duplicated data.
0xC004F055Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da osnovna inventarna številka (SKU) ni na voljo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the base SKU is not available.
0xC004F056Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati s storitvijo za upravljanje ključev (KMS). The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated using the Key Management Service (KMS).
0xC004F057Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da v BIOS-u računalnika ni zahtevane licence. The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer BIOS is missing a required license.
0xC004F059Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenca v BIOS-u računalnika ni veljavna. The Software Licensing Service reported that a license in the computer BIOS is invalid.
0xC004F060Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da različica paketa licence ni veljavna. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the license package is invalid.
0xC004F061Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da je navedeni ključ izdelka mogoče uporabljati samo za nadgradnjo in ne za samostojno nameščanje. The Software Licensing Service determined that this specified product key can only be used for upgrading, not for clean installations.
0xC004F063Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da v računalniku ni zahtevane licence proizvajalca strojne opreme. The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer is missing a required OEM license.
0xC004F064Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je dovoljeno obdobje za neoriginalno programsko opremo poteklo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the non-genuine grace period expired.
0xC004F066Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da lastnosti izvirnih informacij ni mogoče nastaviti pred nastavitvijo odvisne lastnosti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the genuine information property can not be set before dependent property been set.
0xC004F067Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je dovoljeno obdobje za neoriginalno opremo poteklo (vrsta 2). The Software Licensing Service reported that the non-genuine grace period expired (type 2).
0xC004F069Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da inventarne številke izdelka ni bilo mogoče najti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is not found.
0xC004F06AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da zahtevana operacija ni dovoljena. The Software Licensing Service reported that the requested operation is not allowed.
0xC004F06BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je ugotovila, da se izvaja v navidezni napravi. Storitev za upravljanje ključev (KMS) ni podprta v tem načinu. The Software Licensing Service determined that it is running in a virtual machine. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not supported in this mode.
0xC004F06CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Storitev za upravljanje ključev (KMS) je ugotovila, da zahtevani časovni žig ni veljaven. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) determined that the request timestamp is invalid.
0xC004F071Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da vtičnik za datoteko manifesta ni pravilen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the plug-in manifest file is incorrect.
0xC004F072Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenčnih pravilnikov za hitro vrednotenje ni bilo mogoče najti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query could not be found.
0xC004F073Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da licenčni pravilniki za hitro poizvedbo niso bili preneseni. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license policies for fast query have not been loaded.
0xC004F074Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. S storitvijo za upravljanje ključev (KMS) ni bilo mogoče stopiti v stik. Če želite dodatne informacije, poglejte dnevnik dogodkov programa. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information.
0xC004F075Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da operacije zaradi končanja storitve ni mogoče dokončati. The Software Licensing Service reported that the operation cannot be completed because the service is stopping.
0xC004F076Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da zahtevanega vtičnika ni mogoče najti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the requested plug-in cannot be found.
0xC004F077Storitev licenciranja programske opreme ugotavlja nezdružljivo različico podatkov za preverjanje prisotnosti. The Software Licensing Service determined incompatible version of authentication data.
0xC004F078Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je ključ neskladen. The Software Licensing Service reported that the key is mismatched.
0xC004F079Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da podatki za preverjanje prisotnosti niso nastavljeni. The Software Licensing Service reported that the authentication data is not set.
0xC004F07AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da preverjanja pristnosti ni bilo mogoče izvesti. The Software Licensing Service reported that the verification could not be done.
0xC004F07BZahtevana operacija ni na voljo, dokler se izvaja storitev licenciranja programske opreme. The requested operation is unavailable while the Software Licensing Service is running.
0xC004F07CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je določila, da je različica BIOS-a računalnika neveljavna. The Software Licensing Service determined that the version of the computer BIOS is invalid.
0xC004F07DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da ključa izdelka ni mogoče uporabiti za to vrsto aktiviranja. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key cannot be used for this type of activation.
0xC004F07EID namestitve (IID) in ID potrditve ID (CID) se ne ujemata s ključem izdelka. The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) do not match the product key.
0xC004F07FID namestitve (IID) in ID potrditve (CID) nista vezana na trenutno okolje. The Installation ID (IID) and the Confirmation ID (CID) are not bound to the current environment.
0xC004F080Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da licenca ni vezana na trenutno okolje. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license is not bound to the current environment.
0xC004F081Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da predmeta za aktiviranje imenika Active Directory ni mogoče najti ali ni veljaven. The Software Licensing Service reported that the Active Directory Activation Object could not be found or was invalid.
0xC004F082Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da je ime, navedeno za predmet za aktiviranje imenika Active Directory, predolgo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the name specified for the Active Directory Activation Object is too long.
0xC004F083Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da aktivacija na podlagi imenika Active Directory v trenutni shemi Active Directory ni podprta. The Software Licensing Service reported that Active Directory-Based Activation is not supported in the current Active Directory schema.
0xC004F200Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da trenutno stanje ni originalno. The Software Licensing Service reported that current state is not genuine.
0xC004F210Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da se izdaja licence ne ujema z izdajo računalnika. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license edition does match the computer edition.
0xC004F301Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Poziv za aktiviranje z žetonom je potekel. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The token-based activation challenge has expired.
0xC004F302Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da tiho aktiviranje ni uspelo. Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da v sistemu ni potrdil, s katerimi bi lahko brez posredovanja uporabnika aktivirali izdelek. The Software Licensing Service reported that Silent Activation failed. The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product without user interaction.
0xC004F303Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ni mogoče zgraditi verige potrdil ali pa njeno preverjanje ni uspelo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the certificate chain could not be built or failed validation.
0xC004F305Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da v sistemu ni potrdil, s katerimi bi lahko aktivirali izdelek. The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product.
0xC004F306Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da ta izdaja programske opreme ne podpira aktivacije z žetonom. The Software Licensing Service reported that this software edition does not support token-based activation.
0xC004F307Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Podatki za aktiviranje so napačni. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation data is invalid.
0xC004F308Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da računalnika ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Podatki za aktiviranje so bili nedovoljeno spremenjeni. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation data is tampered.
0xC004F309Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Poziv za aktiviranje in odgovor se ne ujemata. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. Activation challenge and response do not match.
0xC004F30AStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Potrdilo se ne ujema s pogoji v licenci. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the conditions in the license.
0xC004F30BStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da vstavljene pametne kartice ni mogoče uporabiti za aktiviranje izdelka. The Software Licensing Service reported that the inserted smartcard could not be used to activate the product.
0xC004F30CStoritev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je vsebina licence, aktivirane z žetonom, napačna. The Software Licensing Service reported that the token-based activation license content is invalid.
0xC004F30DStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Prepoznavni odtis ni veljaven. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The thumbprint is invalid.
0xC004F30EStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Prepoznavni odtis se ne ujema z nobenim potrdilom. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The thumbprint does not match any certificate.
0xC004F30FStoritev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Potrdilo se ne ujema s pogoji v licenci za izdajanje. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the criteria specified in the issuance license.
0xC004F310Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Potrdilo se ne ujema z identifikatorjem točke zaupanja (TPID), navedenim v licenci za izdajanje. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate does not match the trust point identifier (TPID) specified in the issuance license.
0xC004F311Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Za aktiviranje ni mogoče uporabiti programskega žetona. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. A soft token cannot be used for activation.
0xC004F312Storitev licenciranja programske opreme je sporočila, da izdelka ni bilo mogoče aktivirati. Potrdila ni mogoče uporabiti, ker je omogočen izvoz njegovega zasebnega ključa. The Software Licensing Service reported that the product could not be activated. The certificate cannot be used because its private key is exportable.
0xC004F313Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da knjižnice za šifriranje CNG ni mogoče naložiti. Trenutno potrdilo morda ni na voljo za to različico sistema Windows. The Software Licensing Service reported that the CNG encryption library could not be loaded. The current certificate may not be available on this version of Windows.
0xC004FC03Med aktiviranjem sistema Windows je prišlo do napake v omrežju. A networking problem has occurred while activating your copy of Windows.
0xC004FC07Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je obdobje veljavnosti poteklo. The Software Licensing Service reported that the validity period expired.
0xC004FD00Dosegli ste omejite zahtev za samodejno aktiviranje navideznega računalnika, Poskusite znova pozneje. You've reached the request limit for automatic virtual machine activation. Try again later.
0xC004FD01Windows ni nameščen v podprti platformi za virtualizacijo Microsoft Hyper-V. Windows isn't running on a supported Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization platform.
0xC004FD02Windows ni aktiviran v gostiteljskem računalniku. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. Windows isn't activated on the host machine. Please contact your system administrator.
0xC004FD03Gostiteljski računalnik ne more aktivirati izdaje sistema Windows v navideznem računalniku. The host machine can't activate the edition of Windows on the virtual machine.
0xC004FD04Windows ni aktiviran. Windows isn't activated.
0xC004FE00Storitev licenciranja programske opreme sporoča, da je zaradi nedovoljenih sprememb v zaupanja vredni shrambi storitve SL potrebno aktiviranje sistema. The Software Licensing Service reported that activation is required to recover from tampering of SL Service trusted store.


File Name:sppc.dll.mui
File Size:82 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Software Licensing Client Dll
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:sppc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:sppc.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sppc.dll.mui?

sppc.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file sppc.dll (Software Licensing Client Dll).

File version info

File Description:Software Licensing Client Dll
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:sppc.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:sppc.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200