dhcpcore.dll.mui DHCP 客户端服务 1648125422330644442d0e4fa95fc6d8

File info

File name: dhcpcore.dll.mui
Size: 19968 byte
MD5: 1648125422330644442d0e4fa95fc6d8
SHA1: a09f0d9650b89bfef2c953f570b30e8ef1e77401
SHA256: f09378f3dabc1598437191bec0e880503e1a1fb4526da1d30f9e0b9c1ebb6aba
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
100DHCP Client DHCP Client
101为此计算机注册并更新 IP 地址。如果此服务停止,计算机将不能接收动态 IP 地址和 DNS 更新。如果此服务被禁用,所有明确依赖它的服务都将不能启动。 Registers and updates IP addresses and DNS records for this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will not receive dynamic IP addresses and DNS updates. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
102DhcpFirewallPolicy DhcpFirewallPolicy
103可使客户端将数据包发送到 2535 端口上的 MADCAP 服务器 Enabling client to send packets to madcap server on 2535 port
105MADCAP 客户端 MADCAP Client
106对与地址获取服务器相关的问题进行疑难解答 Troubleshoot address acquisition server related issues
0x3EC停止 Dhcpv4 客户端服务时出错。错误代码为 %1。关机标记值为 %2 Error occurred in stopping the Dhcpv4 Client service. Error code is %1. ShutDown Flag value is %2
0x3FA在计算机上的 Dhcpv6 初始化失败,错误代码为 %1。仅使用 IPv4 启动 DHCP 服务。 Dhcpv6 Initialization has failed on the computer with the error code %1. Dhcp service will start with IPv4 only.
0x0000C374DHCPv4 客户端服务已启动 DHCPv4 client service is started
0x0000C375DHCPv4 客户端服务已停止。关机标记值为 %1 DHCPv4 client service is stopped. ShutDown Flag value is %1
0x0000C376初始化 DHCPv4 时出错。错误代码为 %1 An error occurred in initializing DHCPv4. Error Code is %1
0x0000C3B7已针对关闭通知注册 DHCPv4 客户端 DHCPv4 client registered for shutdown notification
0x0000C3B8DHCPv4 客户端收到关闭通知 DHCPv4 client received shutdown notification
0x0000C3B9DHCPv4 客户端 ProcessDHCPRequestForever 收到 TERMINATE_EVENT DHCPv4 client ProcessDHCPRequestForever received TERMINATE_EVENT
0x0000C3BADHCPv4 正在等待 DHCPv6 服务停止 DHCPv4 is waiting on DHCPv6 service to stop
0x10000031响应时间 Response Time
0x3000000BMediaConnect MediaConnect
0x3000000CMediaDisconnect MediaDisconnect
0x3000000DMediaReconnect MediaReconnect
0x3000000EPerfTrackMediaConnect PerfTrackMediaConnect
0x3000000FPerfTrackMediaConnectEnd PerfTrackMediaConnectEnd
0x30000010InitRequestAck InitRequestAck
0x30000011InitDORA InitDORA
0x30000012DiscoverSent DiscoverSent
0x30000013OfferReceived OfferReceived
0x30000014OfferDiscarded OfferDiscarded
0x30000015RequestSent RequestSent
0x30000016AckReceived AckReceived
0x30000017AckDiscarded AckDiscarded
0x30000018NackReceived NackReceived
0x30000019UnknownMessageDiscarded UnknownMessageDiscarded
0x3000001ADeclineSent DeclineSent
0x3000001BInformSent InformSent
0x3000001CReleaseSent ReleaseSent
0x3000001DBroadcastbitToggled BroadcastbitToggled
0x3000001EErrorExtractingOptions ErrorExtractingOptions
0x3000001FOfferReceiveTimeout OfferReceiveTimeout
0x30000020AckReceiveTimeout AckReceiveTimeout
0x30000021CancelRenewal CancelRenewal
0x30000022InformAckReceived InformAckReceived
0x30000023DhcpEnabled DhcpEnabled
0x30000024DhcpDisabled DhcpDisabled
0x30000025StaticToDhcp StaticToDhcp
0x30000026FallbackConfigSet FallbackConfigSet
0x30000027GatewayReachable GatewayReachable
0x30000028GatewayUnreachable GatewayUnreachable
0x30000029AddressPlumbed AddressPlumbed
0x3000002AAddressUnplumbed AddressUnplumbed
0x3000002BPlumbingError PlumbingError
0x3000002CIPConflict IPConflict
0x3000002DLeaseExpired LeaseExpired
0x3000002EInterfaceAdded InterfaceAdded
0x3000002FErrorInitializeInterface ErrorInitializeInterface
0x30000030RouteUpdated RouteUpdated
0x30000031SuccessfulLease SuccessfulLease
0x30000032RouteAdded RouteAdded
0x30000033RouteDeleted RouteDeleted
0x30000034StartGatewayReachabilityTest StartGatewayReachabilityTest
0x30000035NLANotified NLANotified
0x30000036CacheScavengerRun CacheScavengerRun
0x30000037NetworkHintMatchFound NetworkHintMatchFound
0x30000038MatchedAddressPlumbed MatchedAddressPlumbed
0x30000039NetworkHintReceived NetworkHintReceived
0x3000003APerfTrackAckConfirm PerfTrackAckConfirm
0x3000003BPerfTrackAckDORA PerfTrackAckDORA
0x3000003CPerfTrackGatewayReachable PerfTrackGatewayReachable
0x3000003DPerfTrackStatic PerfTrackStatic
0x3000003EPerfTrackFallbackAddressSet PerfTrackFallbackAddressSet
0x3000003FPerfTrackToggleRequestAck PerfTrackToggleRequestAck
0x30000040PerfTrackToggleDORAAck PerfTrackToggleDORAAck
0x30000041PerfTrackToggleInitDORA PerfTrackToggleInitDORA
0x30000042ErrorOpeningSocket ErrorOpeningSocket
0x30000043ErrorClosingSocket ErrorClosingSocket
0x30000044ServiceStart ServiceStart
0x30000045ServiceStop ServiceStop
0x30000046ErrorInitService ErrorInitService
0x30000047DomainChangeNotification DomainChangeNotification
0x30000048DnsRegistrationDone DnsRegistrationDone
0x30000049DnsDeregistrationDone DnsDeregistrationDone
0x3000004ALostIpAddress LostIpAddress
0x3000004BIpAddressNotAssigned IpAddressNotAssigned
0x3000004CIpLeaseDenied IpLeaseDenied
0x3000004DIpLeaseRenewalFailed IpLeaseRenewalFailed
0x3000004EErrorServiceStop ErrorServiceStop
0x3000004FAutoconfigurationFailed AutoconfigurationFailed
0x30000050AutoconfigurationSuccess AutoconfigurationSuccess
0x30000051InitNetworkInterfaceFailed InitNetworkInterfaceFailed
0x30000052Dhcpv6InitFailed Dhcpv6InitFailed
0x30000053NetworkError NetworkError
0x30000054OfferReceivedForDiagnostics OfferReceivedForDiagnostics
0x30000055AddressAlreadyExists AddressAlreadyExists
0x30000056PerfTrackMediaReconnect PerfTrackMediaReconnect
0x30000057BroadcastbitCached BroadcastbitCached
0x30000058NetworkHintNotReceived NetworkHintNotReceived
0x30000059NetworkHintMatchNotFound NetworkHintMatchNotFound
0x3000005ADiagnosticsInitiated DiagnosticsInitiated
0x3000005BDiagnosticsFailed DiagnosticsFailed
0x3000005CFirewallPortExempted FirewallPortExempted
0x3000005DFirewallPortClosed FirewallPortClosed
0x3000005EPerfTrackDiscoverNetworkLatency PerfTrackDiscoverNetworkLatency
0x3000005FPerfTrackRequestNetworkLatency PerfTrackRequestNetworkLatency
0x30000060PerfTrackDiscoverTimeout PerfTrackDiscoverTimeout
0x30000061PerfTrackRequestNoResponse PerfTrackRequestNoResponse
0x30000062PerfTrackFallbackAfterDiscover PerfTrackFallbackAfterDiscover
0x30000063MatchedAddressNotPlumbed MatchedAddressNotPlumbed
0x30000064AggressiveRetryOn AggressiveRetryOn
0x30000065AbandonDiscovInCSSinceStatic AbandonDiscovInCSSinceStatic
0x30000066DontStartDiscovInCSSinceV6Plumbed DontStartDiscovInCSSinceV6Plumbed
0x30000067StartDiscovInCSSinceV6Unplumbed StartDiscovInCSSinceV6Unplumbed
0x30000068StartDiscovInCSAtCompulsoryTime StartDiscovInCSAtCompulsoryTime
0x30000069AbandonDiscovInCSSinceStateless AbandonDiscovInCSSinceStateless
0x3000006AAcquireNICReference AcquireNICReference
0x3000006BReleaseNICReference ReleaseNICReference
0x3000006CRegisterConflictDetectionNotification RegisterConflictDetectionNotification
0x3000006DConflictDetectionComplete ConflictDetectionComplete
0x3000006EConflictDetectionTentative ConflictDetectionTentative
0x3000006FParamChangeRegister ParamChangeRegister
0x30000070ParamChangeUnregister ParamChangeUnregister
0x30000071ParamChangeNotification ParamChangeNotification
0x30000072ParamRequest ParamRequest
0x30000073ParamRequestUnblocked ParamRequestUnblocked
0x30000074ParamRequestComplete ParamRequestComplete
0x30000075FirewallPortExemptionTriggered FirewallPortExemptionTriggered
0x30000076FirewallPortCloseTriggered FirewallPortCloseTriggered
0x30000077NotifyCSEntry NotifyCSEntry
0x30000078NotifyCSExit NotifyCSExit
0x30000079AbandonDiscovInCSSinceDhcp AbandonDiscovInCSSinceDhcp
0x3000007AProcessDHCPRequestForever 已输入 ProcessDHCPRequestForever Entered
0x3000007BProcessDHCPRequestForever 超时 ProcessDHCPRequestForever Timed out
0x3000007CProcessDHCPRequestForever 失败 ProcessDHCPRequestForever Failed
0x3000007DDeleteRenewTimer 失败 DeleteRenewTimer Failed
0x3000007ECreateRenewTimer 失败 CreateRenewTimer Failed
0x3000007FResetRenewalSignalHandle 失败 ResetRenewalSignalHandle Failed
0x30000080CreateRenewalSignalHandle 失败 CreateRenewalSignalHandle Failed
0x30000081ServiceShutdown ServiceShutdown
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004信息 Information
0x70000001媒体状态事件 Media State Event
0x70000002协议状态事件 Protocol State Event
0x70000003地址配置状态事件 Address Configuration State Event
0x70000004服务状态事件 Service State Event
0x70000005Winsock 状态事件 Winsock State Event
0x70000006DNS 状态事件 DNS State Event
0x70000007网络参数状态事件 Network Parameter State Event
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Client Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Client
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-DHCP Client Events/Operational Microsoft-Windows-DHCP Client Events/Operational
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-DHCP Client Events/Admin Microsoft-Windows-DHCP Client Events/Admin
0x90000004System System
0xB00003E8计算机丢失了其 IP 地址 %1 的租约,该地址在网络地址为 %3 的网卡上。 Your computer has lost the lease to its IP address %1 on the Network Card with network address %3.
0xB00003E9没有为网络地址是 %2 的网卡从网络向计算机指派地址(由 DHCP 服务器指派)。 出现了以下错误: %3。计算机将继续尝试从网络地址(DHCP)服务器获取地址。 Your computer was not assigned an address from the network (by the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address %2. The following error occurred: %3. Your computer will continue to try and obtain an address on its own from the network address (DHCP) server.
0xB00003EA网络地址是 %3 的网卡的 IP 地址租约 %1 被 DHCP 服务器 %4 拒绝(DHCP 服务器发送了 DHCPNACK 消息)。 The IP address lease %1 for the Network Card with network address %3 has been denied by the DHCP server %4 (The DHCP Server sent a DHCPNACK message).
0xB00003EB计算机无法为网络地址是 %2 的网卡从网络续订其地址(从 DHCP 服务器)。出现了以下错误: %3。计算机将继续尝试从网络地址(DHCP)服务器获取地址。 Your computer was not able to renew its address from the network (from the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address %2. The following error occurred: %3. Your computer will continue to try and obtain an address on its own from the network address (DHCP) server.
0xB00003ED计算机检测到网络地址为 %3 的网卡的 IP 地址 %1 已在网络上使用。计算机会自动尝试获取另一个地址。 Your computer has detected that the IP address %1 for the Network Card with network address %3 is already in use on the network. Your computer will automatically attempt to obtain a different address.
0xB00003EE计算机无法自动配置网络地址为 %2 的网卡的 IP 参数。配置期间出现了以下错误: %3。 Your computer was unable to automatically configure the IP parameters for the Network Card with the network address %2. The following error occurred during configuration: %3.
0xB00003EF计算机已自动配置网络地址为 %2 的网卡的 IP 地址。使用的 IP 地址是 %3。 Your computer has automatically configured the IP address for the Network Card with network address %2. The IP address being used is %3.
0xB00003F0计算机未能初始化连到系统的网络接口。错误代码是: %1。 Your computer was unable to initialize a Network Interface attached to the system. The error code is: %1.
0xB000C351在接口 %1 上收到的介质连接通知 Media Connect notification received on interface %1
0xB000C352在接口 %1 上收到的介质断开连接通知 Media Disconnect notification received on interface %1
0xB000C353在接口 %1 上收到的介质重新连接通知 Media Reconnect notification received on interface %1
0xB000C354在接口 ID 为 %1 的接口上启用 DHCP DHCP is enabled on the interface with Interface Id %1
0xB000C355在接口 ID 为 %1 的接口上禁用 DHCP DHCP is disabled on the interface with Interface Id %1
0xB000C356在接口 ID 为 %1 的接口上启动 Request-Ack Request-Ack is initiated on the interface with Interface Id %1
0xB000C357在接口 ID 为 %1 的接口上启动 Discover-Offer-Request-Ack Discover-Offer-Request-Ack is initiated on the interface with Interface Id %1
0xB000C358在接口 ID 为 %1 的接口上,接口从静态转换为 DHCP Interface is converted from static to DHCP on the interface with Interface Id %1
0xB000C359从接口 %1 发送发现信息。状态代码为 %2 Discover is sent from the interface %1.Status code is %2
0xB000C35A在接口 %1 上接受提供信息。提供信息的地址为 %2。服务器地址为 %3 Offer is accepted on the interface %1.Offered Address is %2.Server address is %3
0xB000C35B在接口 %1 上丢弃提供信息。错误代码为 %2 Offer is discarded on the interface %1. Error code is %2
0xB000C35C从接口 %1 发送请求。状态代码为 %2 Request is sent from the interface %1. Status code is %2
0xB000C35D在接口 %1 上接受确认信息。接收地址为 %2。服务器地址为 %3 Ack is accepted on the interface %1. Received Address is %2.Server address is %3
0xB000C35E在接口 %1 上丢弃确认信息。错误代码为 %2 Ack is discarded on the interface %1. Error code is %2
0xB000C35F在接口 %1 上接收 Nack Nack is received on the interface %1
0xB000C360在接口 %1 上丢弃未知消息。 Unknown message is discarded on the interface %1.
0xB000C361在接口 %1 上发送拒绝信息。状态代码为 %2 Decline is sent on the interface %1. Status code is %2
0xB000C362在接口 %1 上发送通知信息。状态代码为 %2 Inform is sent on the interface %1. Status code is %2
0xB000C363在接口 %1 上发送发行信息。状态代码为 %2 Release is sent on the interface %1. Status code is %2
0xB000C364在接口 %1 上切换广播比特。切换之后的广播比特为 %2 The broadcast bit was toggled on the interface %1. The broadcast bit after toggling is %2
0xB000C365在接口 %1 上解压缩选项时出错。状态代码为 %2 Error occurred in extracting the options on the interface %1. Status code is %2
0xB000C366在接口 %1 上设置回退配置。已设置回退地址 %2。状态代码为 %3 Setting up a Fallback configuration on interface %1. The Fallback address %2 is set. The status code is %3
0xB000C367在接口 %1 上发生了提供接收超时 Offer Receive Timeout has happened on the interface %1
0xB000C368在接口 %1 上发生了确认接收超时 Ack Receive Timeout has happened on the interface %1
0xB000C369在接口 ID 为 %1 的接口上取消挂起的续订 Cancelling pending renewals on the interface with the Interface Id %1
0xB000C36C在接口 %2 上联结地址 %1。状态代码为 %3 Address %1 is plumbed on the interface %2. Status code is %3
0xB000C36D在接口 %2 上取消查明地址 %1。状态代码为 %3 Address %1 is unplumbed on the interface %2. Status code is %3
0xB000C36E在接口 %1 上发生查明错误。状态代码为 %2 Plumbing error has occurred on the interface %1. Status Code is %2
0xB000C370在接口 %1 上租用已过期。过期的地址为 %2 Lease is expired on the interface %1. Expired address is %2
0xB000C371添加了一个接口,该接口的接口索引为 %1,且状态代码为 %2。 An interface is added whose interface index is %1 and Status Code is %2.
0xB000C372初始化接口 %1 时出错。错误代码为 %2 An error has occurred in initializing the interface %1. Error Code is %2
0xB000C373在接口 %1 上更新了路由。状态代码为 %2 Routes are updated on the interface %1. Status Code is %2
0xB000C377打开接口 %1 上的套接字时出错。错误代码为 %2 An error has occurred in opening the socket on the interface %1. Error Code is %2
0xB000C378关闭接口 %1 上的套接字时出错。错误代码为 %2 An error has occurred in closing the socket on the interface %1. Error Code is %2
0xB000C379从 DNS 接收域更改通知 Domain change notification is received from DNS
0xB000C37A接口 %1 进行了 DNS 注册。状态代码为 %2。DNS 标记设置为 %3。 DNS registration has happened for the interface %1. Status Code is %2. DNS Flag settings is %3.
0xB000C37B接口 %1 进行了 DNS 取消注册。状态代码为 %2 DNS Deregistration has happened for the interface %1. Status Code is %2
0xB000C37C在接口 %1 上收到了通知确认。 Inform ack is received on the interface %1.
0xB000C385在接口 %1 上尝试发送消息时出现网络错误。错误代码为: %2。 A network error occurred when trying to send a message on interface %1. The error code is: %2.
0xB000C387在接口 %2 上可以访问网关地址 %1 Gateway address %1 is reachable on the interface %2
0xB000C388在接口 %1 上无法访问网关 Gateway is not reachable on the interface %1
0xB000C38A从网络成功地给计算机指派了一个地址。计算机现在可以连接到其他计算机上。 Your computer was successfully assigned an address from the network, and it can now connect to other computers.
0xB000C38B添加路由,值为 Dest = %1、DestMask = %2、NextHop = %3、Address = %4 Route is added with the values Dest = %1, DestMask = %2, NextHop = %3, Address = %4
0xB000C38C删除路由,值为 Dest = %1、DestMask = %2、NextHop = %3、Address = %4 Route is deleted with the values Dest = %1, DestMask = %2, NextHop = %3, Address = %4
0xB000C38D对于接口 %1 上发送用于诊断的虚拟发现,已收到提供信息。 An offer is received for the dummy discovers that are sent for Diagnostics on the interface %1.
0xB000C38E检查接口 %2 上的网关 %1 的可访问性 Checking reachability of gateway %1 on the the interface %2
0xB000C38FDHCP 已向 NLA 通知了接口 %1 的配置更改 DHCP has notified NLA for the configuration changes for the interface %1
0xB000C390DHCP 已对接口 %1 运行缓存清除器 DHCP has run the cache scavenger for the interface %1
0xB000C391对于网络地址为 %4 的网卡,DHCP 已在缓存中找到服务集标识符(SSID) %1(十六进制的 SSID 值: %2)的匹配项 DHCP has found a match in the cache for Service Set Identifier(SSID) %1(Hexadecimal value of SSID: %2) for the Network Card with the network address %4
0xB000C392对于网络地址为 %4 的网卡,DHCP 已使用服务集标识符(SSID) %1(十六进制的 SSID 值: %2)查明地址 DHCP has plumbed an address using Service Set Identifier(SSID) %1(Hexadecimal value of SSID: %2) for the Network Card with the network address %4
0xB000C393对于网络地址为 %4 的网卡,DHCP 已收到服务集标识符(SSID) %1(十六进制的 SSID 值: %2) DHCP has received a Service Set Identifier(SSID) %1(Hexadecimal value of SSID: %2) for the Network Card with the network address %4
0xB000C394为适配器 %2 插入的地址 %1 已存在 Address %1 being plumbed for adapter %2 already exists
0xB000C395已成功设置广播比特 %1 并缓存在接口 %2 上 The broadcast bit %1 was successfully set and cached on the interface %2
0xB000C396DHCP 未收到接口 %1 的服务集标识符(SSID) DHCP has not received a Service Set Identifier(SSID) for the interface %1
0xB000C397DHCP 在缓存中未找到接口 %3 的服务集标识符(SSID) %1(十六进制的 SSID 值: %2)的匹配项 DHCP has not found a match in the cache for Service Set Identifier(SSID) %1(Hexadecimal value of SSID: %2) for the interface %3
0xB000C398正在接口 %1 上启动网络诊断框架(NDF)发现。 Network Diagnostics Framework(NDF) discovery is being initiated on interface %1.
0xB000C399网络诊断框架(NDF)发现无法在接口 %1 上发现 DHCP 服务器。 Network Diagnostics Framework(NDF) discovery failed to discover a DHCP server on interface %1.
0xB000C39A在接口 %2 上已免除防火墙端口 %1。错误代码为 %3。 Firewall port %1 is exempted on interface %2. Error code is %3.
0xB000C39B在接口 %2 上已关闭防火墙端口 %1。错误代码为 %3。 Firewall port %1 is closed on interface %2. Error code is %3.
0xB000C39C对于网络地址为 %4 的网卡,DHCP 使用服务集标识符(SSID) %1(十六进制的 SSID 值: %2)未查明地址,因为租用已过期 DHCP has not plumbed an address using Service Set Identifier(SSID) %1(Hexadecimal value of SSID: %2) for the Network Card with the network address %4 since the lease has expired
0xB000C39D将在接口 %1 上完成常规地址获取,因为积极地址获取处于打开状态。 Regular address acquisition will be done on interface %1 because aggressive address acquisition is turned ON.
0xB000C3A1在接口 %2 上的 %1 DISCOVER 传输后,DHCP 已取消 IPv4 地址获取周期操作,因为计算机处于连接待机状态并且该接口具有 DHCP IPv6 地址 %3。 DHCP has cancelled IPv4 address acquisition cycle after %1 DISCOVER transmissions on interface %2 because the machine is in Connected Standby state and the interface has the DHCP IPv6 address %3.
0xB000C3A3正在尝试获取接口 %1 的引用。错误代码为 %2。 Attempting to acquire a reference for interface %1. Error code is %2.
0xB000C3A4正在尝试释放接口 %1 的引用。错误代码为 %2。 Attempting to release the reference for interface %1. Error code is %2.
0xB000C3A5已在 IP 地址为 %2 的接口 %1 上注册重复地址检测。 Registered duplicate address detection on interface %1 for IP address %2.
0xB000C3A6已在 IP 地址为 %2 的接口 %1 上完成重复地址检测。错误代码为 %3。 Completed duplicate address detection on interface %1 for IP address %2. Error code is %3.
0xB000C3A7IP 地址为 %2 的接口 %1 上的重复地址检测已超时 - 正在重新尝试。 Duplicate address detection on interface %1 for IP address %2 timed out - reattempting.
0xB000C3A8为描述符为 %2 的进程 %1 注册参数更改请求。 Parameter change request registered for process %1 with descriptor %2.
0xB000C3A9为描述符为 %2 的进程 %1 注销参数更改请求。 Parameter change request unregistered for process %1 with descriptor %2.
0xB000C3AA为描述符为 %2 的进程 %1 通知参数更改请求。操作状态为 %3。 Parameter change request notified for process %1 with descriptor %2. The status of the operation was %3.
0xB000C3AB在 LUID 为 %1 的接口上收到参数请求。正在尝试获取接口上下文。 Parameter request received on interface with LUID %1. Attempting to acquire the interface context.
0xB000C3AC已在 LUID 为 %1 且索引为 %2 的接口上取消阻止参数请求。 Parameter request unblocked on interface with LUID %1 and index %2.
0xB000C3AD已在 LUID 为 %1 且索引为 %2 的接口上已完成参数请求。该操作的状态为 %3。 Parameter request completed on interface with LUID %1 and index %2. The status of the operation was %3.
0xB000C3AE已在接口 %1 上触发防火墙端口 %2 豁免。 Firewall port %2 exemption triggered on interface %1.
0xB000C3AF已在接口 %1 上触发防火墙端口 %2 关闭。 Firewall port %2 close triggered on interface %1.
0xB000C3B0在接口 %2 上的 %1 DISCOVER 传输后,DHCP 已取消 IPv4 地址获取周期操作,因为计算机处于连接待机状态并且该接口具有无状态 IPv6 地址 %3。 DHCP has cancelled IPv4 address acquisition cycle after %1 DISCOVER transmissions on interface %2 because the machine is in Connected Standby state and the interface has the stateless IPv6 address %3.
0xB000C3B1在接口 %2 上的 %1 DISCOVER 传输后,DHCP 已取消 IPv4 地址获取周期操作,因为计算机处于连接待机状态并且该接口具有静态 IPv6 地址 %3。 DHCP has cancelled IPv4 address acquisition cycle after %1 DISCOVER transmissions on interface %2 because the machine is in Connected Standby state and the interface has the static IPv6 address %3.
0xB000C3B2DHCP 不会在接口 %1 上尝试常规 IPv4 地址获取,因为计算机处于连接待机状态并且该接口具有 IPv6 地址 %2。 DHCP will not try regular IPv4 address acquisition on interface %1 since the machine is in Connected Standby state and the interface has the IPv6 address %2.
0xB000C3B3即使计算机处于连接待机状态,DHCP 也将在接口 %1 上尝试常规 IPv4 地址获取操作,因为该接口没有 IPv6 地址。 DHCP will try regular IPv4 address acquisition on interface %1 even though the machine is in Connected Standby state since the interface has no IPv6 address.
0xB000C3B4由于注册表设置原因,即使计算机处于连接待机状态并且该接口具有 IPv6 地址,DHCP 也将在接口 %1 上尝试常规 IPv4 地址获取操作。 DHCP will try regular IPv4 address acquisition on interface %1 due to registry settings even though the machine is in Connected Standby state and the interface has an IPv6 address.
0xB000C3B5DHCPv4 客户端收到连接待机进入通知。 The DHCPv4 client received connected standby entry notification.
0xB000C3B6DHCPv4 客户端收到连接待机退出通知。 The DHCPv4 client received connected standby exit notification.
0xB000EA60PERFTRACK (Request-Ack): 已为接口 %2 确认地址。确认的地址为 %3。服务器地址为 %4 PERFTRACK (Request-Ack): Address confirmed for the interface %2.Confirmed Address is %3.Server address is %4
0xB000EA61PERFTRACK (DORA): 在接口 %2 上已接受提供信息。提供的地址是 %3。服务器地址是 %4 PERFTRACK (DORA): Offer is accepted on the interface %2.Offered Address is %3.Server address is %4
0xB000EA62PERFTRACK: 在接口 %2 上可以访问网关 PERFTRACK: Gateway is reachable on the interface %2
0xB000EA63PERFTRACK: 在接口 %2 上未启用 DHCP PERFTRACK: DHCP is not enabled on the interface %2
0xB000EA64PERFTRACK: 由于没有收到对请求的任何响应,因此正在接口 %2 上设置回退配置。状态代码是 %3 PERFTRACK: Setting up Fallback configuration on the interface %2 since no response is received for request. Status code is %3
0xB000EA65PERFTRACK (Request-Ack): 在初始化重新启动(INIT-REBOOT)中切换广播比特后为接口 %2 确认的地址。确认的地址为 %3。服务器地址为 %4 PERFTRACK (Request-Ack): Address confirmed for the interface %2 after toggling the broadcast bit in INIT-REBOOT. Confirmed address is %3. Server address is %4
0xB000EA66PERFTRACK (Request-Nack-Dora): 在初始化重新启动(INIT-REBOOT)中切换广播比特后在接口 %2 上接受的提供信息。提供的地址为 %3。服务器地址为 %4 PERFTRACK (Request-Nack-Dora): Offer is accepted on the interface %2 after toggling the broadcast bit in INIT-REBOOT. Offered Address is %3. Server address is %4
0xB000EA67PERFTRACK (Init-Dora): 在初始化(INIT)中切换广播比特后在接口 %2 上接受的提供信息。提供的地址为 %3。服务器地址为 %4 PERFTRACK (Init-Dora): Offer is accepted on the interface %2 after toggling the broadcast bit in INIT. Offered Address is %3. Server address is %4
0xB000EA72PERFTRACK (DHCPv4): 接口 %2 上的介质连接 PERFTRACK (DHCPv4): Media Connect on interface %2
0xB000EA73PERFTRACK (DHCPv4): 结束接口 %2 上的介质连接 PERFTRACK (DHCPv4): End of Media Connect on interface %2
0xB000EA74PERFTRACK (介质重新连接): 在接口 %2 上收到介质重新连接通知 PERFTRACK (Media Reconnect): Media reconnect notification was received on interface %2
0xB000EA75PERFTRACK (Discover-DelayedResponse): 在接口 %2 上未收到第一次发现/请求的提供/确认。 PERFTRACK (Discover-DelayedResponse): Offer/Ack is not received for first discover/request on interface %2.
0xB000EA76PERFTRACK (Discover-Timeout): 在接口 %2 上所有 8 次发现均未收到响应。未设置回退地址。 PERFTRACK (Discover-Timeout): No response is received for all 8 discovers on interface %2. Fallback address is not set.
0xB000EA77PERFTRACK (Request-DelayedAck): 在接口 %2 上未收到第一次请求的确认。 PERFTRACK (Request-DelayedAck): Ack is not received for first request on interface %2.
0xB000EA78PERFTRACK (Request-NoResponse): 在接口 %2 上 INIT-REBOOT 请求没有响应。无法访问网关且未设置回退地址。 PERFTRACK (Request-NoResponse): There is no response for INIT-REBOOT Request on interface %2. Gateway is not reachable and fallback address is not set.
0xB000EA79PERFTRACK: DHCP 未获取对发现的响应后在接口 %3 上查明回退地址 %2。 PERFTRACK: Fallback address %2 is plumbed on interface %3 after DHCP did not get response for discover.
0xB000EA7A已输入 ProcessDhcpRequestForever。 Entered ProcessDhcpRequestForever.
0xB000EA7BProcessDhcpRequestForever 超时。 ProcessDhcpRequestForever Timed out.
0xB000EA7CCreateRenewalSignalHandle 失败,错误为 %1。 CreateRenewalSignalHandle failed with error %1.
0xB000EA7DDeleteRenewTimer 失败,错误为 %1。 DeleteRenewTimer failed with error %1.
0xB000EA7EResetRenewalSignalHandle 失败,错误为 %1。 ResetRenewalSignalHandle failed with error %1.
0xB000EA7FCreateRenewTimer 失败,错误为 %1。 CreateRenewTimer failed with error %1.
0xB000EA80ProcessDhcpRequestForever 失败,错误为 %1。 ProcessDhcpRequestForever failed with error %1.


File Name:dhcpcore.dll.mui
File Size:20 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:19456
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:DHCP 客户端服务
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:dhcpcore.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:dhcpcore.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is dhcpcore.dll.mui?

dhcpcore.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file dhcpcore.dll (DHCP 客户端服务).

File version info

File Description:DHCP 客户端服务
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:dhcpcore.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:dhcpcore.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200