MsSense.exe Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务可执行文件 15121c153f4a49dc4006eb11a85d7113

File info

File name: MsSense.exe.mui
Size: 12288 byte
MD5: 15121c153f4a49dc4006eb11a85d7113
SHA1: 750c0806b133dc929587be98d121fb92245f827e
SHA256: d676715dd3212b1d342a45633def72e9719ab64c2f2836c73e67bb65643c8a59
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: MsSense.exe Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务可执行文件 (32 位)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
1001Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Service
1002Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务通过监视和报告计算机上发生的安全事件来防范高级威胁。 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service helps protect against advanced threats by monitoring and reporting security events that happen on the computer.
0x30000000信息 Info
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000005详细 Verbose
0xB0000001正在启动服务(版本 %1)。 Service is starting (Version %1).
0xB0000002正在关闭服务。 Service is shutting down.
0xB0000003Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法启动。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to start. Failure code: %1
0xB0000004与服务器联系 %1 次,均成功,URI: %2。 Contacted server %1 times, all succeeded, URI: %2.
0xB0000005与服务器联系 %1 次,均失败,URI: %2。上一个 HTTP 错误代码: %3 Contacted server %1 times, all failed, URI: %2. Last HTTP error code: %3
0xB0000006Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务未加入,找不到加入参数。 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service is not onboarded and no onboarding parameters were found.
0xB0000007Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法读取加入参数。故障: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to read the onboarding parameters. Failure: %1
0xB0000008服务无法清理配置设置。 Service failed to clean configuration settings.
0xB0000009Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法更改其启动类型。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to change its start type. Failure code: %1
0xB000000AWindows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法持久保存加入信息。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to persist the onboarding information. Failure code: %1
0xB000000B加入或重新加入 Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务的操作已完成。 Onboarding or re-onboarding of Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service completed.
0xB000000C无法应用新的云配置,版本: %1。也无法应用上次已知良好的配置,版本 %2。也无法应用默认配置。 New cloud configuration failed to apply, version: %1. Also failed to apply last known good configuration, version %2. Also failed to apply the default configuration.
0xB000000DWindows Defender 高级威胁防护计算机 ID 已计算: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection machine ID calculated: %1
0xB000000EWindows Defender 高级威胁防护无法计算计算机 ID。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection cannot calculate machine ID. Failure code: %1
0xB000000FWindows Defender 高级威胁防护无法使用 URL 启动命令通道: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection cannot start command channel with URL: %1
0xB0000011Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法更改连接用户体验和遥测服务位置。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to change the Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service location. Failure code: %1
0xB0000012OOBE (欢迎使用 Windows)已完成。 OOBE (Windows Welcome) is completed.
0xB0000013OOBE (欢迎使用 Windows)尚未完成。 OOBE (Windows Welcome) has not yet completed.
0xB0000014无法等待 OOBE (欢迎使用 Windows)完成。故障代码: %1 Cannot wait for OOBE (Windows Welcome) to complete. Failure code: %1
0xB0000019服务无法在注册表中重置健康状况。故障代码: %1 Service failed to reset health status in the registry. Failure code: %1
0xB000001AWindows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法在注册表中设置加入状态。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to set the onboarding status in the registry. Failure code: %1
0xB000001B无法在 Windows Defender 中启用 Windows Defender 高级威胁防护模式。加入过程失败。故障代码: %1 Failed to enable Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection mode in Windows Defender. Onboarding process failed. Failure code: %1
0xB000001C连接用户体验和遥测服务注册失败,故障代码: %1。请求的磁盘配额(以 MB 为单位): %2,请求的每日上载配额(以 MB 为单位): %3 Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service registration failed with failure code: %1. Requested disk quota in MB: %2, Requested daily upload quota in MB: %3
0xB000001D读取脱离参数失败。错误类型: %1,错误代码: %2,描述: %3 Failed to read the offboarding parameters. Error type: %1, Error code: %2, Description: %3
0xB000001E无法禁用 Windows Defender 中的 Windows Defender 高级威胁防护模式。故障代码: %1 Failed to disable Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection mode in Windows Defender. Failure code: %1
0xB000001FWindows Defender 高级威胁防护连接用户体验和遥测服务取消注册失败。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service unregistration failed. Failure code: %1
0xB0000020Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务在脱离过程后无法请求自行停止。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to request to stop itself after offboarding process. Failure code: %1
0xB0000021Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务无法持久保存 SENSE GUID。故障代码: %1 Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service failed to persist SENSE GUID. Failure code: %1
0xB0000024连接用户体验和遥测服务注册成功,完成代码: %1。请求的磁盘配额(以 MB 为单位): %2,请求的每日上载配额(以 MB 为单位): %3 Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service registration succeeded with completion code: %1. Requested disk quota in MB: %2, requested daily upload quota in MB: %3
0xB0000025模块: %1,配额: {%2} {%3},配额使用百分比: %4。 Module: %1, Quota: {%2} {%3}, Percentage of quota utilization: %4.
0xB0000026网络连接确定为低。Windows Defender 高级威胁防护将每隔 %1 秒钟与服务器联系一次。按流量计费的连接: %2,可用 Internet: %3,可用免费网络: %4,代理由 GP 定义: %5。 Network connection is identified as low. Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection will contact the server every %1 seconds. Metered connection: %2, internet available: %3, free network available: %4, proxy is defined by GP: %5.
0xB0000027网络连接确定为正常。Windows Defender 高级威胁防护将每隔 %1 秒钟与服务器联系一次。按流量计费的连接: %2,可用 Internet: %3,可用免费网络: %4,代理由 GP 定义: %5。 Network connection is identified as normal. Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection will contact the server every %1 seconds. Metered connection: %2, internet available: %3, free network available: %4, proxy is defined by GP: %5.
0xB0000028电池状态确定为低电量。Windows Defender 高级威胁防护将每隔 %1 秒钟与服务器联系一次。AC 状态: %2,节电模式: %3,电池低电量状态: %4,电池临界状态: %5 Battery state is identified as low. Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection will contact the server every %1 seconds. AC state: %2, battery saver mode : %3, battery low state: %4, battery critical state: %5
0xB0000029电池状态确定为正常。Windows Defender 高级威胁防护将每隔 %1 秒钟与服务器联系一次。AC 状态: %2,节电模式: %3,电池低电量状态: %4,电池临界状态: %5 Battery state is identified as normal. Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection will contact the server every %1 seconds. AC state: %2, battery saver mode : %3, battery low state: %4, battery critical state: %5
0xB000002A组件无法执行操作。组件: %1,操作: %2,异常类型: %3,异常消息: %4 Component failed to perform action. Component: %1, Action: %2, Exception Type: %3, Exception message: %4
0xB000002B组件无法执行操作。组件: %1,操作: %2,异常类型: %3,异常错误: %4,异常消息: %5 Component failed to perform action. Component: %1, Action: %2, Exception Type: %3, Exception Error: %4, Exception message: %5
0xB000002CWindows Defender 高级威胁防护服务已完成脱离。 Offboarding of Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection service completed.
0xB000002D无法注册和启动事件跟踪会话 [%1]。错误代码: %2 Failed to register and to start the event trace session [%1]. Error code: %2
0xB000002E由于缺少资源,无法注册和启动事件跟踪会话 [%1]。错误代码: %2。这很可能是因为有太多活动事件跟踪会话。该服务将在 1 分钟后重试。 Failed to register and start the event trace session [%1] due to lack of resources. Error code: %2. This is most likely because there are too many active event trace sessions. The service will retry in 1 minute.
0xB000002F已成功注册并启动事件跟踪会话 - 在先前的失败尝试后恢复。 Successfully registered and started the event trace session - recovered after previous failed attempts.
0xB0000030无法向事件跟踪会话 [%2] 添加提供程序 [%1]。错误代码: %3。这意味着将不会报告来自此提供程序的事件。 Failed to add a provider [%1] to event trace session [%2]. Error code: %3. This means that events from this provider will not be reported.
0xB0000031收到的云配置命令无效,已忽略。版本: %1,状态: %2,错误代码: %3,消息: %4 Invalid cloud configuration command received and ignored. Version: %1, status: %2, error code: %3, message: %4
0xB0000032已成功应用新的云配置。版本: %1。 New cloud configuration applied successfully. Version: %1.
0xB0000033无法应用新的云配置,版本: %1。已成功应用上次已知良好的配置,版本 %2。 New cloud configuration failed to apply, version: %1. Successfully applied the last known good configuration, version %2.
0xB0000034无法应用新的云配置,版本: %1。也无法应用上次已知良好的配置,版本 %2。已成功应用默认配置。 New cloud configuration failed to apply, version: %1. Also failed to apply last known good configuration, version %2. Successfully applied the default configuration.
0xB0000035已从持久存储加载云配置,版本: %1。 Cloud configuration loaded from persistent storage, version: %1.
0xB0000036全局(按模式)状态已更改。状态: %1,模式: %2 Global (per-pattern) state changed. State: %1, pattern: %2
0xB0000037无法创建安全 ETW 自动记录器。故障代码: %1 Failed to create the Secure ETW autologger. Failure code: %1
0xB0000038无法删除安全 ETW 自动记录器。故障代码: %1 Failed to remove the Secure ETW autologger. Failure code: %1
0xB0000039出于故障诊断目的捕获计算机快照: Capturing a snapshot of the machine for troubleshooting purposes.
0xB000003B正在启动命令: %1 Starting command: %1
0xB000003C无法运行命令 %1,错误: %2。 Failed to run command %1, error: %2.
0xB000003D数据收集命令参数无效: SasUri: %1,compressionLevel: %2。 Data collection command parameters are invalid: SasUri: %1, compressionLevel: %2.
0xB000003E无法启动互连用户体验和遥测服务。故障代码: %1 Failed to start Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service. Failure code: %1
0xB000003F正在更新外部服务的启动类型。名称: %1,实际启动类型: %2,预期启动类型: %3,退出代码: %4 Updating the start type of external service. Name: %1, actual start type: %2, expected start type: %3, exit code: %4
0xB0000040开始终止外部服务。名称: %1,退出代码: %2 Starting stopped external service. Name: %1, exit code: %2
0xB0000041加载 Microsoft 安全事件组件微筛选器驱动程序失败。故障代码: %1 Failed to load Microsoft Security Events Component Minifilter driver. Failure code: %1
0xB0000042策略更新: 延迟模式 - %1 Policy update: Latency mode - %1
0xB0000043与服务器联系 %1 次,失败 %2 次,成功 %3 次。URI: %4。上一个 HTTP 错误代码: %5 Contacted server %1 times, failed %2 times and succeeded %3 times. URI: %4. Last HTTP error code: %5
0xB0000044服务的启动类型异常。服务名: %1,实际启动类型: %2,预期启动类型: %3 The start type of the service is unexpected. Service name: %1, actual start type: %2, expected start type: %3
0xB0000045服务已停止。服务名: %1 The service is stopped. Service name: %1
0xB0000046策略更新: 允许采样 - %1 Policy update: Allow sample collection - %1
0xB0000047已成功运行命令: %1 Succeeded to run command: %1
0xB0000708CSP: 获取节点值。NodeId: (%1),TokenName: (%2)。 CSP: Get Node's Value. NodeId: (%1), TokenName: (%2).
0xB0000709CSP: 获取节点值失败。NodeId: (%1),TokenName: (%2),结果: (%3)。 CSP: Failed to Get Node's Value. NodeId: (%1), TokenName: (%2), Result: (%3).
0xB000070ACSP: 获取节点值已完成。NodeId: (%1),TokenName: (%2),结果: (%3)。 CSP: Get Node's Value complete. NodeId: (%1), TokenName: (%2), Result: (%3).
0xB000070BCSP: 获取“上次连接”值已完成。结果 (%1),IsDefault: (%2)。 CSP: Get Last Connected value complete. Result (%1), IsDefault: (%2).
0xB000070CCSP: 获取组织 ID 值已完成。结果: (%1),IsDefault: (%2)。 CSP: Get Org ID value complete. Result: (%1), IsDefault: (%2).
0xB000070DCSP: 获取“感知正在运行”值已完成。结果: (%1)。 CSP: Get Sense Is Running value complete. Result: (%1).
0xB000070ECSP: 获取“加入状态”值已完成。结果: (%1),IsDefault: (%2)。 CSP: Get Onboarding State value complete. Result: (%1), IsDefault: (%2).
0xB000070FCSP: 获取“加入”值已完成。加入 Blob 哈希: (%1),IsDefault: (%2),加入状态: (%3),加入状态 IsDefault: (%4) CSP: Get Onboarding value complete. Onboarding Blob Hash: (%1), IsDefault: (%2), Onboarding State: (%3), Onboarding State IsDefault: (%4)
0xB0000710CSP: 获取脱离值已完成。脱离 Blob 哈希: (%1),IsDefault: (%2)。 CSP: Get Offboarding value complete. Offboarding Blob Hash: (%1), IsDefault: (%2).
0xB0000711CSP: 获取“样本共享”值已完成。结果: (%1),IsDefault: (%2)。 CSP: Get Sample Sharing value complete. Result: (%1), IsDefault: (%2).
0xB0000712CSP: 加入过程。已启动。 CSP: Onboarding process. Started.
0xB0000713CSP: 加入过程。删除脱离 blob 已完成。结果: (%1)。 CSP: Onboarding process. Delete Offboarding blob complete. Result: (%1).
0xB0000714CSP: 加入过程。写入加入 blob 已完成。结果: (%1)。 CSP: Onboarding process. Write Onboarding blob complete. Result: (%1)
0xB0000715CSP: 加入过程。服务已成功启动。 CSP: Onboarding process. The service started successfully.
0xB0000716CSP: 加入过程。挂起的服务运行状态已完成。结果: (%1)。 CSP: Onboarding process. Pending service running state complete. Result: (%1).
0xB0000717CSP:“样本共享”值已设置完成。以前的值为: (%1),IsDefault: (%2),新值: (%3),结果: (%4)。 CSP: Set Sample Sharing value complete. Previous Value: (%1), IsDefault: (%2), New Value: (%3), Result: (%4).
0xB0000718CSP: 脱离过程。删除加入 blob 已完成。结果 (%1)。 CSP: Offboarding process. Delete Onboarding blob complete. Result (%1).
0xB0000719CSP: 脱离过程。写入脱离 blob 已完成。结果 (%1)。 CSP: Offboarding process. Write Offboarding blob complete. Result (%1).
0xB000071ACSP: 已开始设置节点值。NodeId: (%1),TokenName: (%2)。 CSP: Set Node's Value started. NodeId: (%1), TokenName: (%2).
0xB000071BCSP: 节点值设置失败。NodeId: (%1),TokenName: (%2),结果: (%3)。 CSP: Failed to Set Node's Value. NodeId: (%1), TokenName: (%2), Result: (%3).
0xB000071CCSP: 设置节点值已完成。NodeId: (%1),TokenName: (%2),结果: (%3)。 CSP: Set Node's Value complete. NodeId: (%1), TokenName: (%2), Result: (%3).
0xB000071DCSP: 开始设置“遥测报告频率”。新值: (%1)。 CSP: Set Telemetry Reporting Frequency started. New value: (%1).
0xB000071ECSP:“遥测报告频率”已设置完成。以前的值为: (%1),IsDefault: (%2),新值: (%3),结果: (%4)。 CSP: Set Telemetry Reporting Frequency complete. Previous value: (%1), IsDefault: (%2), New value: (%3), Result: (%4).
0xB000071FCSP: 获取“遥测报告频率”已完成。值: (%1),注册表值: (%2),IsDefault: (%3)。 CSP: Get Telemetry Reporting Frequency complete. Value: (%1), Registry Value: (%2), IsDefault: (%3).
0xB0000720CSP: 获取组 ID 已完成。值: (%1),IsDefault: (%2)。 CSP: Get Group Ids complete. Value: (%1), IsDefault: (%2).
0xB0000721CSP: 设置组 ID 超出了允许的限制。允许: (%1),实际: (%2)。 CSP: Set Group Ids exceeded allowed limit. Allowed: (%1), Actual: (%2).
0xB0000722CSP: 设置组 ID 已完成。值: (%1),结果: (%2)。 CSP: Set Group Ids complete. Value: (%1), Result: (%2).
0xB0000723CSP: 加入过程。正在运行的服务: (%1),以前的加入 Blob 哈希: (%2),IsDefault: (%3),加入状态: (%4),加入状态 IsDefault: (%5),新加入 Blob 哈希: (%6) CSP: Onboarding process. Service is running: (%1), Previous Onboarding Blob Hash: (%2), IsDefault: (%3), Onboarding State: (%4), Onboarding State IsDefault: (%5), New Onboarding Blob Hash: (%6)
0xB0000724CSP: 加入过程。正在运行的服务: (%1),以前的脱离 Blob 哈希: (%2),IsDefault: (%3),加入状态: (%4),加入状态 IsDefault: (%5),新脱离 Blob 哈希: (%6) CSP: Onboarding process. Service is running: (%1), Previous Offboarding Blob Hash: (%2), IsDefault: (%3), Onboarding State: (%4), Onboarding State IsDefault: (%5), New Offboarding Blob Hash: (%6)
0xB0000725CSP: 无法设置“样本共享”值。请求的值: (%1),允许值在(%2)和(%3)之间。 CSP: Failed to Set Sample Sharing Value. Requested Value: (%1), Allowed Values between (%2) and (%3).
0xB0000726CSP: 无法设置“遥测报告频率”值。请求的值: (%1) CSP: Failed to Set Telemetry Reporting Frequency Value. Requested Value: (%1)
0xB0000727CSP: 获取“感知正在运行”。已将服务配置为延迟启动,尚未启动。 CSP: Get Sense is running. Service is configured as delay-start, and hasn't started yet.


File Name:MsSense.exe.mui
File Size:12 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:11776
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.2930.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.2930.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务可执行文件
File Version:10.2930.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MsSense.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:MsSense.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.2930.15063.0

What is MsSense.exe.mui?

MsSense.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file MsSense.exe (Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务可执行文件).

File version info

File Description:Windows Defender 高级威胁防护服务可执行文件
File Version:10.2930.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MsSense.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:MsSense.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.2930.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200