WebcamUi.dll.mui 130d4536642f61b45fb53ba9b07ef1a2

File info

File name: WebcamUi.dll.mui
Size: 15872 byte
MD5: 130d4536642f61b45fb53ba9b07ef1a2
SHA1: d0583d62018bae1880c8349368caec29686a072d
SHA256: 78659b5993c5650c362605599707cb5d0fb774cbe80579a183302394d4dd909d
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Estonian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Estonian English
500Kaamera Camera
501Filmilint Camera Roll
505hh∶mm∶ss hh∶mm∶ss
506mm∶ss mm∶ss
511pilt picture
512video video
520Foto eraldusvõime Photo resolution
521Video eraldusvõime Video resolution
522%1 Mpx (%2!u!∶%3!u!) %1 MP (%2!u!∶%3!u!)
523%.1f %.1f
524%1!u!%2 (%3!u!∶%4!u!) %1!u!%2 (%3!u!∶%4!u!)
525p p
526i i
533Rohkem suvandeid More options
534Kaamerasuvandid Camera options
535Sees On
536Väljas Off
537Videostabiliseerimine Video stabilization
538Heledus Brightness
539Kontrastsus Contrast
540Teravustamine Focus
541Säri Exposure
542Automaatne Auto
543Käsitsi Manual
54450 Hz 50 Hz
54560 Hz 60 Hz
546Selle kaamera jaoks pole rohkem suvandeid saadaval. There are no more options available for this camera.
60011pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
60111pt;SemiBold;None;Segoe UI 11pt;SemiBold;None;Segoe UI
60242pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 42pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
60320pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
60411pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
60511pt;Light;None;Segoe UI 11pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
60716pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 16pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
6089pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
60914pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 14pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
61048pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 48pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
61142pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 42pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
61319pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 19pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
61420pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol 20pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
650Ühendage kaamera. Connect a camera.
651Rakendus vajab teie kaamera kasutamiseks luba; luba saate muuta rakenduse sätetes. This app needs permission to use your camera, which you can change in the app’s settings.
652Kaameraga on probleeme. There’s a problem with the camera.
653Mõni muu rakendus kasutab praegu kaamerat. The camera is currently in use by another app.
655See rakendus vajab teie kaamera kasutamiseks luba. This app needs permission to use your camera.
656Seda saate muuta rakenduse sätetes. You can change this in the app’s settings.
671Selle foto tegemisel läks midagi valesti. Something went wrong while taking this photo.
672Pildistada ei saa, kuna kettal pole piisavalt vaba ruumi. You can’t take a photo because there’s not enough space on your drive.
673Midagi läks selle video salvestamisel valesti. Something went wrong while recording this video.
674Videot ei saa salvestada, kuna kettal pole piisavalt vaba ruumi. You can’t record a video because there’s not enough space on your drive.
675Video salvestamine peatati, kuna kettal pole piisavalt vaba ruumi. Your video recording stopped because there’s not enough space on your drive.
676Selle foto kärpimisel läks midagi valesti. Something went wrong while cropping this photo.
677Kärpida ei saa, kuna kettal pole piisavalt vaba ruumi. You can’t crop this photo because there’s not enough space on your drive.
678Selle video trimmimisel läks midagi valesti. Something went wrong while trimming this video.
679Seda videot ei saa trimmida, kuna kettal pole piisavalt vaba ruumi. You can’t trim this video because there’s not enough space on your drive.
700Kaamera kasutamiseks peab rakendus olema põhi- või täisekraanrakendus. To use the camera, the app needs to be the main app or a full screen app.
701Dialoog CameraCaptureUI tuleb kuvada rakenduse ASTA lõimest, mis on seotud selle põhiaknaga. The CameraCaptureUI dialog must be shown from the app’s ASTA thread associated with its main window.
702Määrata saab ainult kärbitud foto suuruse või kärbitud foto kuvasuhte, aga mitte mõlemat. A cropped photo size and a cropped photo aspect ratio may not both be specified.
703Kui kärpimine on keelatud, ei saa määrata kärbitud foto suurust ega kärbitud foto kuvasuhet. A cropped photo size or a cropped photo aspect ratio may not be specified if cropping is disabled.
704Kärbitud foto suurus peab igas mõõtmes olema vähemalt üks piksel. A cropped photo size must be at least one pixel in each dimension.
705Kärbitud foto kuvasuhte mõlemad osad peavad olema nullist suuremad. Both parts of a cropped photo aspect ratio must be greater than zero.
706Kui video trimmimine on keelatud, ei saa määrata video maksimaalset kestust. A maximum video duration may not be specified if video trimming is disabled.
707Video maksimaalne kestus peab olema pikem kui null sekundit. A maximum video duration must be greater than zero seconds.
708Selle video esitamisel läks midagi valesti. Something went wrong while playing this video.
710Esita Play
711Peata Pause
Camera options
715Taimer Timer
717Ajasti on välja lülitatud Timer is off
718Ajasti on sisse lülitatud Timer is on
719Muuda kaamerat Change camera
720Videorežiim Video mode
722Aktiveeri videohõive Switch to capture videos
723Aktiveeri fotohõive Switch to capture photos
724Kärbi Crop
725Kustuta Delete
726OK OK
727Loobu Cancel
728Pildista uuesti Retake
729Trimmi Trim
800 
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828 
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832 
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836 
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852 
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9000,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest
9010,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;2,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;2,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest
9020,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;2,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonGlyphPressed 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonRest;2,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonGlyphPressed
9030,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled
9070,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled;2,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonGlyphPressed 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled;2,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonGlyphPressed
9080,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutline;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlFill 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutline;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlFill
9090,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutlineHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlFillHover 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutlineHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlFillHover
9100,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutlinePressed;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlFillPressed 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutlinePressed;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlFillPressed
9110,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutline;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareTrimControlOutline;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled
9120,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlFill;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlOutline 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlFill;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlOutline
9130,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlFillHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlOutlineHover 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlFillHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlOutlineHover
9140,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlFillPressed;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlOutlinePressed 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlFillPressed;1,1,ImmersiveHardwareScrubberControlOutlinePressed
9150,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled 0,1,ImmersiveHardwareButtonDisabled
916 
917 
919 
9200,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonOutline;1,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonGlyph 0,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonOutline;1,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonGlyph
9210,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonFillHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonOutline;2,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonGlyphHover 0,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonFillHover;1,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonOutline;2,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonGlyphHover
9220,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonFillPressed;1,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonOutline;2,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonGlyphPressed 0,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonFillPressed;1,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonOutline;2,1,ImmersiveHardwarePlaybackButtonGlyphPressed
950 
951 
1000Tagasi Previous
1001Eelmine üksus Previous item
1002Järgmine üksus Next item
1003Edasi Next
1004Eelvaateala Preview area
1005Fotode kärpimisriist Photo cropping tool
1006Reguleeri fotokärpimisala Adjust the photo crop area
1007Sule Close
10113 3
10122 2
10131 1
1016Vaheta kaamera Switch camera
1017Aktiveeri järgmine kaamera Switch to the next camera
1018Suvandid Options
1019Kuva suvandid Show Options
1021Foto/video lüliti Photo/Video switch
1022Videohõive kestuse kuvamine Video capture duration display
1023Praeguse videoseansi kestus Running time for the current video
1024Kärbi fotot Crop photo
1025Kärbi praegust fotot Crop the current photo
1026Kustuta foto Delete photo
1027Kustuta praegune foto Delete the current photo
1028Aktsepteeri praegune foto Accept current photo
1030Tühista kärpimine Cancel crop
1031Tühista praegune kärpimistoiming Cancel the current crop operation
1033Pildista uuesti ja asenda praegune foto Retake and replace the current photo
1034Esita/peata Play/Pause
1036Trimmimise juhtelement Trimming Control
1040Kuva trimmimine Show Trim
1041Kuva videotrimmimise juhtelemendid Show video trimming controls
1043Kustuta see video Delete this video
1044Salvesta praegune video Save current video
1046Välju trimmimisrežiimist Exit trim mode
1047Tühista praeguse video trimmimine Cancel trimming the current video
1048Jäädvusta video uuesti Retake video
1049Jäädvusta uuesti praegust videot salvestamata Retake without saving the current video
1051Trimmimise edenemine Trim Progress
1052Tühista trimmimine Cancel trim
1054Virvendus Flicker
1055Virvendussagedus Flicker frequency
1056Saate määrata virvendussageduse Set the Flicker frequency
1058Pildihõive eraldusvõime selektor Capture resolution selector
1059Pildihõive eraldusvõime valimine Select the capture resolution
1060Heliseade Audio device
1061Heliallika selektor Audio source selector
1062Heliallika valimine Select the audio source
1065Veel More
0x30000001Alusta Start
0x30000002Lõpeta Stop
0x50000004Teave Information


File Name:WebcamUi.dll.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:15360
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Estonian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:File Version : 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WebcamUi
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original File Name:WebcamUi.dll.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is WebcamUi.dll.mui?

WebcamUi.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Estonian language for file WebcamUi.dll ().

File version info

File Description:
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WebcamUi
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original Filename:WebcamUi.dll.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x425, 1200