sdclt.exe Microsoft® Windows 備份 12fb5fc3f8dd34591b1eaebfceabdf03

File info

File name: sdclt.exe.mui
Size: 51200 byte
MD5: 12fb5fc3f8dd34591b1eaebfceabdf03
SHA1: 3a1ef0d911692ef8235363ff0bb3100915ab89ea
SHA256: a7077f94e9baf412d1357869219f117d7578fe338374bf2fe846d1bea291c2bf
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: sdclt.exe Microsoft® Windows 備份 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
1正在取消... Canceling...
2這個操作需要幾分鐘的時間。請稍候... This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait...
100備份狀態和設定 Backup Status and Configuration
101設定備份並顯示上次備份的狀態。 Configures backup and shows the status of the last backup.
102選取的磁碟機位於要備份的相同實體磁碟。若該磁碟故障,您的備份將會遺失。 The drive selected is on the same physical disk that is being backed up. If this disk fails, you will lose your backups.
103磁碟機 %1!s! 所在的磁碟與將用來儲存備份的實體磁碟相同。若此磁碟故障,您的備份將會遺失。 The drive '%1!s!' is on the same physical disk where the backup will be saved. If this disk fails, you will lose your backups.
112顯示進度(&S) &Show Progress
118磁碟機 Drive
119大小總計 Total size
120可用空間 Free space
125在 30 分鐘 in 30 minutes
126在 1 小時 in one hour
127在 2 小時 in two hours
128在 4 小時 in four hours
129明天 Tomorrow
131已停止 Stopped
134備份沒有順利完成。 The backup did not complete successfully.
136嘗試再次執行備份(&T) &Try to run backup again


140備份成功完成。 The backup completed successfully.
141目前正在執行備份 Backup is currently running
142備份曾經失敗,但目前正在執行備份。若目前的備份失敗,您可以再次進行疑難排解。 A backup failed in the past, but backup is currently running. You can troubleshoot again if the current backup fails.
143尚未設定 Windows 備份 Windows Backup has not been set up
144尚未設定 Windows 備份。您可以在 [安全性與維護] 中設定備份。 Windows Backup has not been configured. You can configure backup in Security and Maintenance.
145上次備份成功。目前沒有需要報告的失敗。 The last backup succeeded. There is currently no failure to report.
146上次備份成功 The last backup succeeded
147變更備份設定(&C) &Change backup settings
148Windows 備份: 疑難排解選項 Windows Backup: Troubleshooting Options
149您的網路認證已到期 Your network credentials have expired
150重新輸入您的使用者名稱及密碼(&R) &Re-enter your username and password
152管理備份磁碟空間(&M) &Manage backup disk space
153要儲存備份的磁碟沒有足夠的可用空間。 The disk where your backups are being saved doesn't have enough free space.
154在 3 天之內 in 3 days
157備註 Note
160因為 Windows 備份必須跳過備份中包含的所有磁碟機,所以備份未順利完成。 The backup did not complete successfully because Windows Backup had to skip all the drives included in backup.
161備份已取消 The backup was cancelled.
163Windows 找不到儲存備份的磁碟或網路位置。 Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved.
164因為這部電腦已從舊版 Windows 進行升級,所以您需要重新設定備份設定。從 Vista 到 Win7 的備份設定變更為何? You need to reconfigure your backup settings because this computer has been upgraded from an earlier version of Windows. What are the changes in backup configuration from Vista to Win7?
166變更儲存備份的位置 Change the location where the backup is saved.
167檢閱您的備份設定 Review your backup settings
168您的電腦已還原到較早的時間點。因此,備份設定可能過期。 Your computer has been restored to an earlier point in time. As a result, your backup settings might be out of date.
169保留目前設定(&K) &Keep current settings
172變更備份位置(&C) &Change the backup location
180磁碟機 %1!s! 有錯誤。 The drive %1!s! has errors.
181Windows 在 %1!s! 偵測到檔案系統損毀。您必須檢查磁碟是否具有錯誤才能還原。

Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.

Check the disk for errors
182%1!s! 和 %2!s! %1!s! and %2!s!
183%1!s!,%2!s! %1!s!, %2!s!
184您選擇要備份磁碟機 %1!s!,而此磁碟機已加密。備份位置將不會加密。請確定備份是保存在安全的位置。 You have chosen to back up drive %1!s!, which is encrypted. The backup location will not be encrypted. Make sure the backup is kept in a physically secure location.
185您選擇要備份磁碟機 %1!s!,而這些磁碟機已加密。備份位置將不會加密。請確定備份是保存在安全的位置。 You have chosen to back up drive %1!s!, which are encrypted. The backup location will not be encrypted. Make sure the backup is kept in a physically secure location.
Select another backup to restore files from
188Windows 無法存取備份位置 %1!s!。請提供有效的使用者名稱與密碼,或還原儲存在其他位置的檔案。

錯誤: %2!s!
Windows could not access the backup location %1!s!. Please provide a valid user name and password, or restore files saved on another location.

Error: %2!s!
1007Windows 備份在將備份儲存到媒體時發現媒體錯誤,因此無法將媒體用於其他備份。 Windows Backup found errors on the media while saving a backup on it and cannot use it for additional backups.
1050每天 Daily
1051每週 Weekly
1052每月 Monthly
1053每季 Quarterly
1054每 6 個月 Every 6 months
1055星期六 Saturday
1056(停止此備份) (stop this backup)
1057因為您已變更儲存備份檔案的位置,Windows 將立即建立新的完整資料檔案備份。 Because you have changed where you want to save your backup files, Windows will create a new, full data file backup now.
1060備份裝置 (%1!s!) Backup Device (%1!s!)
1061備份裝置 Backup Device
1062停止還原(&S) &Stop restore
1063確定 OK
1064還原檔案 Restore Files
1065檔案無法還原 A file cannot be restored
1066檔案名稱: %1!s!

錯誤: %2!s!
Filename: %1!s!

Error: %2!s!
1067備份最多會需要 %1!d! GB 的磁碟空間。因為先前的備份已存在,可能不需要如此大的空間,而且只會儲存差異部分。 The backup could take up to %1!d! GB of disk space. Because a previous backup already exists, all of this space might not be required, and only the differences will be saved.
1068不要再詢問我 Don't ask me again
1069將此檔案重新命名為 "%1!s!",然後再試一次 Rename this file to "%1!s!" and try again
1070重試 Try again
1071跳過這個檔案 Skip this file
1072跳過這個檔案以及有此錯誤的檔案 Skip this file and all files with this error
1073將此檔案重新命名為 %1!s!,然後再試一次 Rename the file to %1!s! and try again


Windows 是否應刪除該備份類別目錄,並建立新的備份類別目錄嗎?
The backup catalog could not be loaded for the following reason:


Should Windows erase the backup catalog and create a new one?
1075變更設定(&C)... &Change settings...
1076這項排定的工作會通知使用者尚未設定 Windows 備份。 This scheduled task notifies the user that Windows Backup has not been configured.
1077還原(&R) &Restore
1078已使用空間 Used space
1080建立系統映像 Create a system image
1081正在儲存備份設定... Saving backup settings...
1082已停用 Disabled
1083日期 Date of
1084Windows 7 檔案修復 Windows 7 File Recovery
1086儲存 Save
1089備份安全性 Backup Security
1090類別目錄位置 Catalog Location
1091選擇所選檔案的版本 Choose a version of the selected files
1092您想要將檔案還原到何處? Where do you want to restore your files?
1093備份最多會需要 %1!d! GB 的磁碟空間。 The backup could take up to %1!d! GB of disk space.
1094確認還原 Confirm Restore
1095正在還原檔案... Restoring files...
1096覆寫 Overwrite
1097重新命名 Rename
1099保留現有檔案 Keep the existing file
1101備份將會使用 %1!d! 片 DVD。 The backup will take %1!d! DVDs.
1102原始位置 Original Location
1103開始 Start
1104詢問我 Ask me
1105備份進度 Backup Progress
1106確認 Confirm
1107瀏覽或搜尋備份以尋找要還原的檔案和資料夾 Browse or search your backup for files and folders to restore
1108瀏覽備份以尋找檔案 Browse the backup for files
1109音樂 Music
1110正在驗證備份媒體... Verifying backup media...
1111相片及圖片 Photos and pictures
1112影片 Videos
1113 None
1115排定的備份 Scheduled Backup
1122於路徑 In Path
1123正在更新備份監視器設定... Updating backup monitor settings...
1127關閉(&C) &Close
1128上次檔案備份沒有順利完成。(詳細資訊) The last file backup did not complete successfully. (details)
%0%% 已完成
Backup is in progress.
%0%% Complete
1131原因不明 Unknown reason
1132您想要還原的備份在何處? Where is the backup that you want to restore?
1133請在空白媒體寫上下列標籤,並將該光碟插入 %1!s!

Please write the following label on a blank media and insert it into %1!s!


請將具有上述標籤的媒體插入 %2!s!,以備份自上次備份之後新增或變更的檔案。如果此媒體暫時無法使用,則也可以插入空白媒體。


Insert the media with the above label into %2!s! to back up new or changed files since your last backup. You can also insert a blank media if the media is temporarily unavailable.

What should I do if I lost my older backup medias?
1135正在更新備份設定... Updating backup settings...
1136備份光碟發生錯誤。 There is an error on the backup disc.
1137正在測試備份位置... Testing the backup location...
1138位置不包含備份檔案。 The location does not appear to contain the backup files.
1139媒體不是 UDF。 The media is not UDF.

The disc in the drive is blank. Please verify that you have inserted the correct disc:

1141找不到指定的磁碟機。請確定它已經插入,並且已開啟。 The drive specified could not be found. Please ensure it is plugged in and turned on.
1142磁碟機正在使用中。 The drive is in use.
1143光碟機發生錯誤。 There is an error on the drive.
1144裝置沒有回應。 The device is not responding.

This is your last backup disc.

Please remove it from the drive and store it in a safe place.
1146自動檔案備份已設定但已關閉 Automatic file backup is configured but turned off
1147最新的檔案備份已順利完成。 The last file backup was successful.
1149備份將需要 %1!d! 到 %2!d! 片 DVD。 The backup will take %1!d! to %2!d! DVDs.
1154Windows 無法在 ‪%1!s!‬ 上找到任何備份組。

Windows was not able to find any backup sets on ‪%1!s!‬.

Please select a different location.
1155選取要從該處還原檔案的備份 Select the backup that you want to restore files from
1156備份檔案 Back Up Files
1157最新的檔案備份已在完成前取消。 The last file backup was cancelled before it could finish.
1158正在停止... Stopping...
1159您確定要取消還原嗎? Are you sure you want to cancel restore?
1160新增檔案(&F) Add &files
1161新增資料夾(&O) Add f&older
1162正在準備... Preparing ...
1163正在壓縮... Compressing ...
1164正在搜尋... Searching ...
1165正在保護 ... Safe guarding ...
1167未排程 Not Scheduled
1168最新的檔案備份在完成前已中斷。 The last file backup was interrupted before it could finish.

The backup application could not start due to an internal error:

1173備份目標 Backup Target
1175已開啟自動檔案備份 Automatic file backup is turned on


請關閉 Windows 備份,然後再試一次。
An error occurred:


Close Windows Backup and try again.
1177Windows 備份 Windows Backup
1178KB KB
1179MB MB
1180GB GB
1181TB TB
1182位元組 bytes
1183%1!s! (系統) %1!s! (System)
1185未知 Unknown
1186遺失 Missing
1187備份 Backup
1188Windows 在這部電腦上找不到備份裝置。下列資訊可以說明為何發生這個問題:


請關閉 Windows 備份,然後再試一次。
Windows could not find backup devices on this computer. The following information might explain why this problem occurred:


Close Windows Backup and try again.
1189沒有備份裝置。 There is no backup device.
1193檔案名稱無效 (它不應該包含目錄或保留的名稱) The file name is not valid (it should not include directory or reserved names)
1195檔案備份 File backup
1197本機磁碟 Local Disk
1198您的備份已儲存在 %1!s! 上。 Your backups are being saved on %1!s!.
1199完成 Finished
1200備份沒有完成。 The backup did not complete.


File backup could not save your automatic backup settings for the following reason:


Please try again.


The wizard could not be launched for the following reason:


Please try again.
1204按一下 [瀏覽檔案]、[瀏覽資料夾] 或 [搜尋] 以將檔案新增到此清單中。 Click Browse for files, Browse for folders, or Search to add files to this list.
1205找不到任何檔案。 No files have been found.
1206若已略過一或多個排定的備份,這項排定的工作會顯示通知。 This scheduled task displays a notification if one or more scheduled backups have been skipped.

The search could not be completed for the following reason:

1208停止(&S) &Stop
1209搜尋(&S) &Search
1212您要還原什麼? What do you want to restore?
1213您正在進階模式中執行,因此可以為此電腦上的任何使用者還原檔案。 You are running in advanced mode so you can restore files for any users on this computer.
1214Windows 無法適當地存取儲存在此電腦上的備份類別目錄,原因如下:


Windows could not properly access the backup catalog stored on this computer for the following reason:


The backup catalogs might be corrupt. Try loading a backup catalog from your backup media.
1215Windows 無法在 %1!s! 上找到任何資料檔案備份,原因如下:


Windows was not able to find any data file backups on %1!s! for the following reason:


Verify that this location is valid and contains backups or try a different location.
1216日期和時間 Date and time
1217備份位置 Backup location
1218位置無法確認。請確定它是有效的,並且您具有它的存取權。 The location could not be validated. Please make sure it is valid and that you have access.
1219位置是網路路徑。請確定它是本機路徑。 The location was a network path. Please make sure it is a local path.
1220Windows 無法載入選取的備份,原因如下:


Windows was not able to load the selected backup for the following reason:


Verify that this location is valid and try again, or consider choosing a different backup.
Additional Information:
1222媒體名稱: %1!s! Media Name: %1!s!
1223位置: %1!s! Location: %1!s!
1224您想將備份儲存在何處? Where do you want to save the backup?
1225您要將哪些磁碟機包含在備份中? Which drives do you want to include in the backup?
1226備份進行中 Backup is in progress
1227找不到使用者帳戶 %1!s!,原因如下:


The user account %1!s! was not found for the following reason:


Please ensure that you created a user account with the same name.
1228電腦 Computer
1229開啟(&T) &Turn on
1233還原檔案 (進階) Restore Files (Advanced)
1234Windows 無法啟動自動備份工作,原因如下:


Windows could not launch the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
1235Windows 無法啟用自動備份工作,原因如下:


Windows could not enable the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
1236Windows 無法停用自動備份工作,原因如下:


Windows could not disable the automatic backup job for the following reason:


Try again.
1239Windows 無法建立自動備份排程工作,原因如下:


Windows could not create the automatic backup scheduled task for the following reason:


Try again.
1240Windows 無法建立通知排程工作,原因如下:


Windows could not create the notification scheduled task for the following reason:


Try again.
1241Windows 無法在背景啟動備份,原因如下:


Windows could not launch the backup in the background for the following reason:


Try again.
1242所有檔案 All Files
1243關閉(&T) &Turn off
1244已順利還原檔案 Your files have been restored
1245還原未順利完成 The restore did not complete successfully
1246工作排程器服務尚未啟動。請啟動工作排程器服務,然後再試一次。 The Task Scheduler service does not appear to be started. Please start the Task Scheduler service and try again.


The state of the Task Scheduler service could not be determined for the following reason:


Please verify the Task Scheduler service is enabled and started, then try again.
1251沒有進行任何備份 No backup is in progress
1252正在準備備份 Preparing to backup
1253正在建立陰影複製 Creating a shadow copy
1254正在備份檔案 Backing up files
1255備份是最新的 Backups are up to date
1256這個電腦上尚未建立檔案備份。 A file backup has not been created on this computer.
1257備份進行中... Backup is in progress...
1258檔案備份已取消 File backup was cancelled
1259檔案備份已中斷 File backup was interrupted

The following information might help you resolve the problem:


File backup could not start for the following reason:


Cleanup failed for the following reason:


A restore point could not be created for the following reason:

1264備份目標磁碟機 %1!s! 已滿 The backup target drive %1!s! is full
1265需要空白的媒體供備份目標 %1!s! 使用 Empty media for backup target %1!s! is needed
1266備份目標磁碟機 %1!s! 失敗,發生下列錯誤:

The backup target drive %1!s! failed with the following error:

1267備份來源磁碟機 %1!s! 遺失或無法使用 The backup source drive %1!s! is missing or unusable
1268備份來源磁碟機 %1!s! 已滿 The backup source drive %1!s! is full
1269備份來源磁碟機 %1!s! 失敗,發生下列錯誤:

The backup source drive %1!s! failed with the following error:

1270上一次備份已略過 The last backup was skipped
1274正在掃描要備份的檔案 Scanning files to backup
1275若要以進階模式啟動精靈,您必須為系統管理員。 To launch the wizard in advanced mode, you must be an administrator.


An error occurred when checking the status of the last automatic backup:


Verify the status of your backup.
1277請瀏覽至目的地資料夾。 Please browse to the destination folder.
1278備份至動態磁碟,會讓您在執行系統映像還原時的功能受到限制。 Backing up to dynamic disk gives you limited functionality while performing system image restore.


File Backup could not start a new backup using your existing settings for the following reason:


The configuration wizard will be launched so you can adjust your settings.
1281輸入名稱,然後按一下 [搜尋] 尋找檔案。 Type a name and click Search to find files.
1282Windows 並不在掃描您的電腦是否有新的或更新的檔案。 Windows is not scanning your computer for new and updated files.
1283Windows 將掃描您的電腦尋找新的和更新的檔案,並依照您所設定的排程將其新增到您的備份。 Windows will scan your computer for new and updated files and add them to your backup based on the schedule you set.
1284確認您的備份設定 Confirm your backup settings
1285停止備份(&S) &Stop backup
1286使用空白媒體(&U) &Use blank media
1287略過此媒體(&S) &Skip this media
1288查閱詳細資料 See details
1289隱藏詳細資料 Hide details
1290自動備份目前已開啟 Automatic backup is currently on
1291自動備份目前是關閉 Automatic backup is currently off
1292備份將需要 %1!d! 片 DVD。 The backup will take %1!d! DVD.
1294您選取的磁碟機不是有效的位置。請再試一次。 The drive you selected is not a valid location. Try again.
1295正在準備建立備份... Preparing to create backup...
1296正在格式化備份磁碟 %1!s!... Formatting backup disk %1!s!...
1297正在備份 %1!s!... Backing up %1!s!...
1298%1!s! 的備份已停止。 The backup of %1!s! was stopped.
1299%1!s! 的備份已取消。 The backup of %1!s! was cancelled.
1300%1!s! 的備份已順利完成。 The backup of %1!s! completed successfully.
1301正在等待媒體... Waiting for media...
1302正在掃描檔案系統... Scanning file system...
1304備份失敗。 The backup failed.
1305正在備份磁碟機 %1!s! 上建立陰影複製 Creating shadow copy on backup drive %1!s!
1307磁碟機上最新的備份: Most recent backup on drive:
1308磁碟機不是有效的備份位置。 The drive is not a valid backup location.
1309因為此磁碟機不是 NTFS 格式,所以無法用來儲存系統映像。 This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is not formatted with NTFS.
1310此磁碟機上可能沒有足夠的可用空間可以儲存備份。請刪除不必要的檔案,或是選取另一個磁碟機。 There might not be enough free space on this drive to save a backup. Delete unnecessary files or select another drive.
1311磁碟機上最新的備份: %1!s! Most recent backup on drive: %1!s!
1312瀏覽備份以尋找資料夾或磁碟機 Browse the backup for folders or drives
1313%1!s! 上的可用空間: Space available on %1!s!:
1315尚未備份這個電腦。 This computer has not been backed up.
1316上次備份未順利完成。(詳細資訊) The last backup did not complete successfully. (details)
1317重試(&T) &Try again
1318最新的備份已順利完成。 The last backup was successful.
1319在完成之前以取消最後一個備份。 The last backup was cancelled before it could finish.
1320過去 24 小時 Last day
1322無法使用這個磁碟機來存放系統映像,因為此磁碟機經過壓縮。 This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is compressed.
1323無法使用這個磁碟機來存放系統映像,因為此磁碟機經過加密。 This drive cannot be used to store a system image because it is encrypted.
1324未命名的磁碟機 Unnamed drive
1325找不到備份位置。 The backup location cannot be found.
1326Windows 需要格式化光碟以進行備份。
建議的標籤: %1!s!
Windows needs to format a disc for backup.
Please label and insert a blank disc.
Suggested label: %1!s!
1328無法使用這個磁碟機來存放系統映像,因為此磁碟機已損毀。您可以使用檢查磁碟來嘗試修正該磁碟機。 This drive cannot be used to store system images because it is corrupted. You can try to fix it using Check Disk.
1329開始備份(&S) &Start backup
1330找不到有效的備份位置。請連結或安裝硬碟或 DVD 光碟機,然後再試一次。 No valid backup location could be found. Please attach or install a hard drive or DVD drive, and try again.
1331無法存取包含備份的磁碟機。請確定其電源已開啟,並已連接到電腦。 The drive containing the backup is not accessible. Please make sure it is turned on and connected to the computer.
2005壓縮檔、影像檔與包含其他檔案的保存格式檔案,例如 .zip、.cab、.iso、.wim 與 .vhd。此類別也包含壓縮的資料夾。 Compressed, image, and archive format files that contain other files, such as .zip, .cab, .iso, .wim, and .vhd. This category also includes compressed folders.
2110正在準備媒體... Preparing media...
2111Windows 備份類別目錄檔案 Windows Backup Catalog File
2113%1!s! %2!s! 可用 %1!s! %2!s! free
2114請將具有以下標籤的媒體插入 %2!s!

Please insert the media with the following label into %2!s!

2115光碟機中的媒體不是要求的媒體。 The media in the drive is not the requested media.
2116光碟機中沒有媒體。 There is no media in the drive.
2117光碟機中的媒體並未格式化。 The media in the drive is not formatted.
2118無法寫入光碟機中的媒體。 The media in the drive cannot be written to.
2119光碟機中的媒體空間不足。 The media in the drive has too little space.
2120光碟機中的媒體已有現有檔案。 The media in the drive has existing files.
2121初始化光碟機中的媒體時發生錯誤。請捨棄該媒體。 There was an error initializing the media in the drive. Discard the media.
2122光碟機中的媒體是之前的備份媒體。 The media in the drive is a previous backup media.
2123Windows 無法讀取目前在光碟機中的媒體。 Windows cannot read the media that is currently in the drive
2124光碟機中的媒體類型不正確。 The media in the drive is not the correct type.
2125格式化光碟機中的媒體時發生錯誤。 There was an error formatting the media in the drive.
2126檔案系統與光碟機中的媒體不相容。 The file system is incompatible with the media in the drive.
2127磁碟機中的媒體與這個裝置不相容。 The media in the drive is not compatible with this device.
2128您沒有足夠的權限可執行此工作。 You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task.
2129光碟機有防寫保護。 The drive is write protected.
2130Windows 無法將這個磁碟格式化。請結束任何磁碟工具或其他使用這個磁碟的程式,同時確定沒有任何視窗顯示磁碟機的內容,然後再試一次。 Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no window is displaying the contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.
2131媒體標籤不正確。 The media label is not valid.
2132無法快速格式化此媒體。 This media can not be quick formatted.
2133發生非預期的 I/O 錯誤。 An unexpected I/O error has occurred.
2134媒體太小。 The media is too small.
2135媒體太大。 The media is too big.
2136叢集大小太小。 The cluster size is too small.
2137叢集大小太大。 The cluster size is too big.
2138已取消格式化。 Formatting was cancelled.
2139插入媒體 Insert a media
2140格式化媒體 Format media
2141您確定要格式化此媒體嗎? Are you sure you want to format this media?


The media needs to be formatted before it can be used. Formatting will completely erase all data on the media.
2143不要再詢問我有關此備份(&D) &Don't ask again for this backup
2144正在格式化媒體... Formatting the media...
2145%1!s! %1!s!
2146格式化完成。 Formatting is complete.
2147格式化未順利完成。 Format was not successful.
2149格式(&F) &Format


Formatting cannot be interrupted. Do not attempt to eject the media or turn off this computer until the format is complete.
/ " |
Search pattern cannot contain any of the following:
/ " |
2152搜尋條件的開頭或結尾不能是空格 Search pattern cannot start or end with space(s)
2153搜尋 '*.*' 或 '*' 不夠特別!

Searching for '*.*' or '*' is too generic!

Please use full restore instead.
2154以 '*' 開頭的搜尋條件可能需要較長的時間執行。 Search patterns starting with '*' could take a significantly longer time to run.
2159不支援 RUNAS 命令。您必須以使用者的身份登入,才能執行此程式。 The RUNAS command is not supported. You must run this program as the logged-in user.
2162備份期間 Backup Period
2163標示並插入空白媒體 Label and insert a blank media
2164插入最後一個備份媒體 Insert the last backup media


Windows 備份即將關閉。
There was an unexpected error:


Windows Backup will now close.

The default file system for this drive cannot be determined. The following information might help you resolve the error:

2180格式化時發生意外的錯誤。磁碟機並未格式化。 Format encountered an unexpected error. The drive was not formatted.
2181備份位置無法使用 Backup location is not available
2183系統管理員已經停用備份組態 Backup configuration has been disabled by your system administrator
2184系統管理員已經停用還原 Restore has been disabled by your system administrator
2185您的系統管理員已停用此功能。請連絡您的系統管理員以取得存取權。 This feature has been disabled by your system administrator. Contact your administrator for access.
2186不支援以安全模式執行。 Running in Safe Mode is not supported.
2187電子郵件與連絡人清單,包括 PST 與 EML 檔案。將不會備份僅儲存在線上的檔案。 Email messages and contact lists, including PST and EML files. Email that is only stored online will not be backed up.

原始檔案: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
還原的檔案: C:\NewLocation\C\SavedFiles\Note.txt

Original File: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
Restored File: C:\NewLocation\C\SavedFiles\Note.txt
2190這個功能在可攜式工作站環境中無法使用。 This feature is not avaliable in a portable workstation environment.

原始檔案: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
還原的檔案: C:\NewLocation\Note.txt

Original File: C:\SavedFiles\Note.txt
Restored File: C:\NewLocation\Note.txt
2192Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
2194此排定的工作會定期執行自動備份。 This scheduled task runs automatic backup on a regular basis.
2195較少資訊 Less Information
2196其他資訊 More Information


Additional Information:
2201位置在未以 NTFS 檔案系統格式化的磁碟機上。您無法將檔案還原到這個位置。 The location is on a drive that is not formatted with the NTFS file system. You cannot restore files to this location.
2202瀏覽到包含備份的網路位置 Browse to the network location containing the backup
2203選取您要儲存備份的資料夾。 Select the folder where you want to save the backup.
2206備份來源磁碟機 %1!s! 已損毀。 The backup source drive %1!s! is corrupt.
2208標示並使用目前媒體 Label and use current media
2209請在光碟機 %1!s! 的目前媒體上寫下以下標籤

Please write the following label on the current media in the drive %1!s!

2211請在光碟機 %1!s! 的目前媒體上寫下以下標籤


若不想使用光碟機 %1!s! 的目前媒體,則可以使用空白媒體
Please write the following label on the current media in the drive %1!s!


You can use a blank media if do not want to use the current media in the drive %1!s!
2213請將具有以下標籤的媒體插入 %2!s!


如果您不想要 Windows 將備份檔案新增到上面提及的媒體,則可以使用空白媒體或光碟機 %2!s! 的目前媒體。
Insert the media with the following label into %2!s!


You can use a blank media or current media in the drive %2!s! if you do not want Windows to add backup files to the above mentioned media.
2214使用目前媒體(&C) Use ¤t media
2215系統管理員已經停用建立系統映像的功能。 Your system administrator has disabled the ability to create system images.
2224標示並插入大於 1GB 的空白媒體 Label and insert a blank media bigger than 1GB
2225無法使用 Live File System 格式化此媒體。此媒體可能不相容,或者您的光碟機不支援此檔案系統。 This media can't be formatted with the Live File System. The media might be incompatible or your drive might not work with this file system.
2226詳細資料: %1!s!


備份時間: %3!s!
備份位置: %4!s!
Details: %1!s!


Backup time: %3!s!
Backup location: %4!s!
2227顯示錯誤詳細資料... Show error details...
2228已取消檔案還原。 File restore was cancelled.
2230EFI 系統磁碟分割 EFI System Partition
2231您要建立系統修復光碟嗎? Do you want to create a system repair disc?
2232如果您沒有 Windows 安裝光碟,則建議在此時建立系統修復光碟。您可以使用系統修復光碟來重新製作電腦映像,以及存取其他系統復原選項。 We recommend that you create a system repair disc at this time if you don't have a Windows installation disc. The system repair disc can be used to re-image your computer and access other system recovery options.
2233不要再顯示這個訊息 Don't show this message again
2234您可以使用系統修復光碟讓電腦開機。它也包含 Windows 系統復原工具,可協助您在發生嚴重錯誤時修復 Windows,或是從系統映像重新製作電腦映像。 A system repair disc can be used to boot your computer. It also contains Windows system recovery tools which can help you recover Windows from a serious error or re-image your computer from a system image.
2239略過(&I) &Ignore
2240Windows 備份需要系統管理員權限 Windows Backup requires administrator privileges
2241若要執行此工作,您必須以系統管理員的身分登入。 To perform this task, you must log on as an administrator.
2242無法啟動系統修復光碟精靈。 Unable to launch system repair disc wizard.
2275管理 Windows 備份磁碟空間 Manage Windows Backup disk space
Are you sure you want to delete all backups?
Your next backup will be a full backup.
2278大小 Size
2281您確定要刪除此資料檔案備份嗎? Are you sure you want to delete this data file backup?
2282選取要刪除的備份期間 Select a backup period to delete
2284請連接 %1!s! Please connect %1!s!
2288已使用的備份空間: Backup Space Used:
2289已使用 %1!s! (%2!s!) %3!s!,總計 %4!s! %1!s! (%2!s!) %3!s! used out of %4!s!
2290未連接備份位置。 The backup location is not connected.
2291無法刪除 CD/DVD 上儲存的備份或縮減其大小 Backups saved on CD/DVDs cannot be deleted or reduced in size
2292尚未設定備份。 Backup has not been set up.
2293%1!s! 到 %2!s! %1!s! to %2!s!
Not all files and directories were deleted. First failed file is
2295錯誤 Error
2296未從類別目錄移除任何備份組。 No backup sets were removed from the catalog.
2297已從類別目錄移除最近的備份組。 The most recent backup set was removed from the catalog.
2300已刪除備份。 Backup has been deleted.
2301已停止刪除。 Stopped deletion.
2302沒有要刪除的備份。 There are no backups to be deleted.
2307總空間 : %1!s! Total Space : %1!s!
2308您確定要刪除最近的資料檔案備份嗎? Are you sure you want to delete the most recent data file backup?
2309您確定要刪除此電腦唯一的資料檔案備份嗎? Are you sure you want to delete the only data file backup for this computer?
2310關閉 Close
2311選取 Windows 備份使用磁碟空間的方式 Select how disk space is used by Windows Backup
2315刪除(&D) &Delete
2316立即刪除並執行備份(&R) Delete and &run backup now
2317您可以刪除資料檔案備份以釋放磁碟空間。 You can free up disk space by deleting data file backups.
2318此磁碟機上沒有此電腦的資料檔案備份 There are no data file backups for this computer on this drive
2333選取 Windows 保留較舊系統映像的方式 Select how Windows retains older system images
2336將在網路位置上儲存您的備份。只會保留最新的系統映像。 Your backups are being saved on a network location. Only the most recent system image will be retained.
2337您可以透過變更 Windows 保留較舊系統映像的方式,來釋放磁碟空間。 You can free up disk space by changing how Windows retains older system images.
2338這個磁碟機上沒有此電腦的系統映像 There are no system images for this computer on this drive
2341您確定要刪除先前的系統映像嗎? Are you sure you want to delete previous system images?
2342您確定要刪除所有先前的系統映像嗎? Are you sure you want to delete all previous system images?
2343您將只能將此電腦還原到最新的系統映像。 You will only be able to restore this computer to the most recent system image.
2344您將無法將此電腦還原到先前最近一個系統映像。 You will not be able to restore this computer to a previous recent system image.
2345讓 Windows 管理用於備份歷程記錄的空間 (最大 %1!s!) Let Windows manage the space used for backup history (maximum %1!s!)
2347(這樣最多可釋放 %1!s! 的空間) (this will free up to %1!s! space)
2348只保留在 %1!s! 上建立的最新系統映像 Retain only the most recent system image created on %1!s!
2351已針對此磁碟機開啟系統保護,而且正在使用 %1!s! 的空間。您可以關閉此磁碟機的系統保護以釋放空間。變更 System protection is turned on for this drive and is using %1!s! of space. You can free up space by turning off system protection for this drive. Change
2353您將無法從此備份期間還原檔案。 You will not be able to restore files from this backup period.
2354您將無法在此電腦上從備份還原檔案。 You will not be able to restore files from this computer from a backup.
%1!s! 重試
Make sure your computer is connected to
%1!s! Retry
2358正在刪除系統映像... Deleting system image...
2359系統映像不會自動建立,但是至少有一個之前的系統映像存放在這個位置。您可以刪除較舊的系統映像以釋放空間。 System images are not being created automatically but at least one previous system image is stored at this location. You can free up space by deleting older system images.
2360無法存取備份位置。 The backup location is not accessible.
2361輸入網路位置的使用者名稱與密碼。輸入認證 Enter the user name and password for the network location.Enter credentials
2362檔案名稱、目錄名稱或磁碟區標籤語法錯誤。 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
&Try to run backup again
If the drive is not connected, connect it now and then try again.
&Try to run backup again
After you fix the disk, you can try the backup again.
2368讓 Windows 管理用於備份歷程記錄的空間 (已解除繫結) Let Windows manage the space used for backup history (Unbounded)
2369AppData 資料夾 AppData folder
2370已使用 BitLocker 鎖定備份來源磁碟機 %1!s! The backup source drive %1!s! is locked using BitLocker
2373因為備份位置的檔案系統損毀,所以無法執行 Windows 備份。您可以嘗試使用檢查磁碟予以修正,或變更備份位置。如何使用檢查磁碟? Windows Backup cannot run because the backup location has a corrupted file system. You can try to fix it using Check Disk, or change the backup location. How do I use Check Disk?
2380BitLocker 已鎖定備份位置。 The backup location is locked by BitLocker.
2381使用 BitLocker 解除鎖定 %1!s! 以進行存取。 Unlock %1!s! using BitLocker to access it.
3004系統管理員已限制您只能備份到某些裝置類型。 Backing up to some device types has been restricted by your system administrator.
3005您的系統管理員已停用備份到網路位置。 Backing up to a network location has been disabled by your system administrator.
3011Windows 修復環境 Windows Recovery Environment
3017無法存取或讀取類別目錄 Unable to access or read catalog
3022所有檔案都會還原為 %1!s! 時備份的版本。
All files will be restored to their version backed up on %1!s!.
Choose a different date
All files will be restored to their latest version.
Choose a different date

Some data files could not be restored.


Some program or system files were skipped because they cannot be restored to original location. To restore these files, try restoring the files again and select a different location.

記錄檔: %1!s!
View log file
Log file: %1!s!
3201設定備份 Set up backup
3202檢查您的網路認證 Check your network credentials
3203備份您的檔案 Back up your files
3204檢查您的備份 Check your backup
3205建立新的完整備份 Create a new, full backup
3206備份成功 Backup succeeded
3207變更備份位置 Change backup location
3208檢查備份磁碟空間 Check backup disk space
3209檢查備份設定 Check backup settings
3215未監視備份 Backup not monitored
3217將空白光碟片插入 CD/DVD 光碟機 Insert a blank disc in your CD/DVD drive
3301目前並未備份您的檔案。 Your files are not being backed up.
備份日期: %2
Your network user name and password have expired.
Backup date: %2
3303上一個排定的備份未執行。 The last scheduled backup did not run.
備份日期: %2
The last backup did not complete successfully.
Backup date: %2
3305Windows 建議您建立新的完整備份。 Windows recommends creating a new, full backup.
備份日期: %2
File backup completed successfully.
Backup date: %2
3307您儲存備份的磁碟即將故障。 The disk where your backup is saved is about to fail.
備份日期: %2
The disk where your backup is saved doesn't have enough free space.
Backup date: %2
3309Windows 備份找不到您嘗試備份的其中一個磁碟。
備份日期: %2
Windows Backup can't find one of the disks that you are trying to back up.
Backup date: %2
3310Windows 備份正在執行 Windows Backup is running
備份日期: %2
The last backup was cancelled.
Backup date: %2
備份日期: %2
The drive or network location where the backup is saved isn't available.
Backup date: %2
備份日期: %2
An error caused your last backup to fail. Your files have not been backed up.
Backup date: %2
3315系統管理員或其他程式已停用 Windows 備份的監視功能 Windows Backup monitoring has been disabled by an administrator or another program
3316系統設定已還原至較早的時間。Windows 建議您檢閱您的備份設定。 System settings have been restored to an earlier time. Windows recommends that you review your backup settings.
3317Windows 備份需要空白光碟片才能繼續。 Windows Backup needs a blank disc to continue.
3401您的網路使用者名稱與密碼已到期。按一下以變更認證。 Your network user name and password have expired. Click to change credentials.
3402未成功完成上次備份。按一下以進行疑難排解。 The last backup did not complete successfully. Click to troubleshoot.
3403您儲存備份的磁碟機沒有足夠的可用空間。按一下以管理備份磁碟空間。 The drive where your backup is saved doesn't have enough free space. Click to manage backup disk space.
3404Windows 備份找不到您嘗試備份的其中一個磁碟機。按一下以檢查備份設定。 Windows Backup can't find one of the drives that you are trying to back up. Click to check backup settings.
3406您儲存備份的磁碟機或網路位置無法使用。按一下以檢查備份設定。 The drive or network location where the backup is saved isn't available. Click to check backup settings.
3407Windows 備份需要空白光碟片才能繼續。將空白光碟片插入 CD/DVD 光碟機。 Windows Backup needs a blank disc to continue. Insert a blank disc in your CD/DVD drive.
3502疑難排解 Troubleshoot
3503立即執行備份 Run backup now
3504變更位置 Change location
3505管理磁碟空間 Manage disk space
3506檢查設定值 Check settings
3507檢視進度 View progress
3508繼續 Continue
3509變更認證 Change credentials
3600上週 Last week
3601過去 1 個月 Last 1 month
3602過去 6 個月 Last 6 months
3603過去 12 個月 Last 12 months
3607全部 All
3609選取儲存備份的網路位置 Select the network location where your backup is saved
3610離開此頁面將會移除您已新增到要還原之檔案清單的項目。 Leaving this page will remove the items that you have added to the list of files to restore.
3611選擇不同的日期會移除目前在還原清單中的所有項目。 Choosing a different date will remove all items you currently have in the restore list.
3613還原檔案正在查詢網路資料夾上的備份,請稍候 Please wait while Restore Files queries for backups on the network folder
3614無法讀取該網路位置 The network location cannot be read
3615備份於 %1!s! Backup on %1!s!
3616%1!s! 備份 %1!s!'s backup
3617您已選取電腦上的位置。按一下 [確定] 之後,您會被重新導向到備份資料夾。 You have selected a location on your computer. You will be redirected to your backup folder after you click OK.
3618無法選取備份資料夾本身進行還原。請選取備份資料夾下的其中一個項目。 The backup folder itself cannot be selected for restore. Select one of the items under the backup folder.
3640Windows 備份目前進行中 Windows Backup is currently in progress
3641Windows 備份已順利完成 Windows Backup has completed successfully
3642Windows 備份未順利完成 Windows Backup did not complete successfully
3643Windows 備份...%1!u!%% 完成 Windows Backup...%1!u!%% complete
3644Windows 備份...100% 完成 Windows Backup...100% complete
3645Windows 備份...錯誤 Windows Backup...error
4605EFS 憑證未併入此備份中。其他資訊
EFS certificates are not included in this backup. More information
A system repair disc might be required to restore a system image. More information
Any existing system images for this machine might be overwritten.
Only one system image per computer can be kept at the backup location.
5001正在啟動 Windows 備份 Starting Windows Backup
5002請稍候,Windows 備份正在啟動 Please wait while Windows Backup starts
5003選取儲存備份的位置 Select where you want to save your backup
5004您要備份哪些項目? What do you want to back up?
5005備份目的地 Backup Destination
5008尋找備份裝置... Looking for backup devices...
5009Windows 正在尋找可用來儲存備份的裝置,請稍候。 Please wait while Windows looks for devices where backups can be saved.
5010選取網路位置 Select a network location
5012驗證網路位置 Validating network location
5013Windows 備份正在確認是否可以使用提供的認證寫入指定的網路資料夾,請稍候。 Please wait while Windows Backup ensures it can write to the specified network folder using the supplied credentials.
5014指定的網路位置無法使用 The specified network location cannot be used
5015確認路徑指向正確的網路位置,而且可使用提供的認證對該資料夾寫入存取。 Verify the path points to a correct network location and that the supplied credentials can be used for write access to the folder.
5016顯示詳細資料 Show Details
5018Windows 將備份媒體櫃中、桌面上以及預設 Windows 資料夾中儲存的資料檔案。Windows 也將建立系統映像,以在電腦停止運作時,用以還原您的電腦。這些項目將依定期排程備份。 Windows will back up data files saved in libraries, on the desktop, and in default Windows folders. Windows will also create a system image, which can be used to restore your computer if it stops working. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule.
5019Windows 將備份媒體櫃中、桌面上以及預設 Windows 資料夾中儲存的資料檔案。這些項目將依定期排程備份。 Windows will back up data files saved in libraries, on the desktop, and in default Windows folders. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule.
5021媒體櫃中的預設 Windows 資料夾和本機檔案 Default Windows folders and local files in libraries
5022選取的備份位置不支援建立系統映像。 The selected backup location does not support the creation of system images.
5023系統映像是 Windows 執行所需的磁碟機複本。您可以在電腦停止運作時,用以還原電腦。 A system image is a copy of the drives required for Windows to run. You can use it to restore your computer if it stops working.
5028您要多久執行一次備份? How often do you want to back up?
5032%1!s! (中午) %1!s! (noon)
5033%1!s! (午夜) %1!s! (midnight)
5043依需求 On demand
5044每天的 %1!s! Every day at %1!s!
5045每月第 %1!s! 天的 %2!s! Every %1!s! day of every month at %2!s!
5046,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 ,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12th,13th, 14th,15th,16th,17th,18th,19th,20th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th,25th,26th,27th,28th,29th,30th,31st
5047最後 last
5048每 %1!s! 於 %2!s! Every %1!s! at %2!s!
5050Windows 備份正在儲存您的設定,請稍候。 Please wait while Windows Backup saves your settings.
5052無法使用目前的網路位置來儲存您的備份。請按一下 [新增網路位置] 指定新位置或其他認證。 The current network location cannot be used for storing your backup. Click 'Add network location' to specify a new location or different credentials.
5058目前的裝置無法用來儲存您的備份。 The current device cannot be used to store your backups.
5059您的系統管理員已停用備份到此裝置類型。 Backing up to this type of device is disabled by your system administrator.
5060您的系統管理員已停用建立系統映像的功能。 The ability to create system images is disabled by your system administrator.
5061無法在非 NTFS 格式的備份目的地上儲存系統映像。 A system image cannot be saved on non-NTFS formatted backup destinations.
5062系統映像不能儲存於電腦的開機磁碟機或安裝 Windows 的磁碟機。 A system image cannot be saved on a drive that your computer boots from or that Windows is installed on.
5063無法在加密的備份目的地上儲存系統映像。 System images cannot be saved on encrypted backup destinations.
5064因為您正嘗試將電腦還原到先前的狀態,您只能備份資料檔案。 Because you are trying to restore your computer to a previous state, you can only back up data files.
5066目前磁碟機的大小不足,無法存放系統映像。 The current drive is not large enough to fit a system image.
5067其他人可能可以存取您在此位置類型上的備份。 Other people might be able to access your backup on this location type.
5068目前的裝置不支援在檔案上設定安全性權限。因此可實際存取該裝置的所有使用者都能存取您備份的檔案。 The current device does not support setting security permissions on files. As a result, your backed up files can be accessed by anyone who has physical access to the device.
5069Windows 已將此磁碟標示為可能已損毀。在磁碟上儲存備份之前,請先檢查該磁碟是否有錯誤。 Windows has marked this disk as potentially corrupted. Check the disk for errors before you save your backups on it.
5070S.M.A.R.T. 系統報告此磁碟機不久後即將故障。您不應該在上面儲存您的備份。 The S.M.A.R.T. system has reported that this drive will fail in the near future. You should not save your backups on it.
5071Windows 備份偵測到此磁碟可能已損毀。 Windows Backup has detected that this disk might be corrupted.
5072選取的裝置未受到 BitLocker 保護。 The selected device is not protected by BitLocker.
5073在 Windows 備份將掃描是否有需要備份之檔案的磁碟區中,至少有一個磁碟區受到 BitLocker 保護。將備份儲存在未受到 BitLocker 保護的裝置上,會讓您備份的資料比較不安全。 At least one of the other volumes which Windows Backup would scan for files to backup is BitLocker protected. Storing your backups on a non BitLocker protected device would make the backed up data less secure.
5074%1 其他資訊
%1 More information
5075系統映像 System image
5076該網路位置不支援 Windows(TM) 檔案安全性,而且存取該位置的任何人都會看到您備份的檔案。 The network location does not support Windows(TM) file security and your backed up files would be visible to anyone with access to that location.
5077此磁碟機與您的系統磁碟機位於相同的實體磁碟。 This drive is on the same physical disk as your system drive.
5078您要儲存備份的磁碟機與電腦開機時使用的磁碟機或安裝 Windows 的磁碟機位於相同的實體磁碟。若該磁碟故障,您的所有備份都將會遺失。 The drive that you are saving your backups on is on the same physical disk as the drive that your computer boots from or that Windows is installed on. If the disk fails, you will lose all of your backups.
5079Windows 備份找不到可用來儲存備份的磁碟機。 Windows Backup could not find any drives to save backups on.
5080Windows 備份找不到可用來儲存備份的位置。若您有外接式硬碟,請將它插入此電腦並按一下 [重新整理]。 Windows Backup cannot find any locations that you can save a backup on. If you have an external hard drive, plug it in to this computer and click Refresh.
5082正在掃描可用的備份位置。 Scanning available backup locations.
5083選取的磁碟區位於動態磁碟上。 The selected volume is on a dynamic disk.
5085資料檔案 Data Files
5086此磁碟機包含 Windows 修復環境,因而無法當做備份位置。 This drive contains the Windows Recovery Environment and cannot be used as a location for your backups.
5087無法在此位置上儲存系統映像。 A system image cannot be saved on this location.
5088網路上的其他人可能可以存取您的備份。 Other people on the network might be able to access your backup.
5089網路上的其他人員可能可以存取備份於網路位置的資料。您應該在可信任其他使用者的網路上,才將備份儲存於網路位置,例如在家中或是在採用額外安全性措施保護資料存取安全的網路上。 Data that is backed up on a network location might be accessible by other people on the network. You should only save your backups on a network location on networks where you trust the other users, such as at home, or on a network that has additional security precautions in place to guard against access to your data.
5090為新建的使用者備份資料 Back up data for newly created users
5091從此磁碟區還原系統映像時,無法格式化電腦上的磁碟,使其符合備份中的磁碟配置。若要具有完整的還原功能,請選取基本磁碟上的磁碟區做為備份位置。 When restoring a system image from this volume, the disks on your computer cannot be formatted to match the layout of the disks in the backup. To have full restore functionality, select a volume on basic disk as your backup location.
5094變更排程 Change schedule
5095項目 Items
5096加入備份 Included in backup
5097所有本機資料檔案 All local data files
5098不在備份中 Not in backup
5100已包含 Included
5101%1 的媒體櫃 %1's Libraries
5102未選取要備份的資料。 No data to backup is selected.
5103請至少選取一個要包含於備份中的資料夾或媒體櫃或系統映像備份。 Please select at least one folder or a library or system image backup to include in your backup.
5104[建議] [Recommended]
5105%1 媒體櫃 %1 Library
5106其他位置 Additional Locations
5107所有使用者 All users
5108儲存設定並執行備份(&S) &Save settings and run backup
5109儲存設定並結束(&S) &Save settings and exit
5110您的系統管理員已停用使用者檔案備份。 User files backup is disabled by your system administrator.
5111無法在此裝置執行使用者檔案備份。 User files backup cannot be performed to this device.
5112Windows 將建立系統映像,以在電腦停止運作時,用以還原您的電腦。這些項目將依定期排程備份。 Windows will create a system image, which can be used to restore your computer if it stops working. These items will be backed up on a regular schedule.
5113不允許在抽取式裝置上進行系統映像排定備份。您可以按一下 [Windows 7 檔案修復控制台] 的 [建立系統映像],嘗試於此裝置上儲存單一系統映像。 Scheduled backup of system image is not allowed on removable devices. You can try to save a single system image on this device by clicking "Create a system image" in the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.
5114此磁碟機的空間不足,無法儲存系統映像。 This drive does not have enough space to store a system image.
5115此磁碟機的可用空間不足,無法儲存系統映像。建議要有 %1!s! 的可用空間。 This drive does not have enough free space to store a system image. It is recommended to have %1!s! of free space.
5116請稍候,Windows 備份正在抓取要加入備份的使用者及磁碟機。 Please wait while Windows Backup retrieves users and drives to include in backup.
5117正在抓取項目到備份 Retrieving items to backup
5119建議您移動在這個位置上以舊版 Windows 執行的現有備份。 It is recommended that you move the backups taken with a previous version of Windows existing on this location.
File backup skipped some files during backup. The details are logged in following file:
6000Windows 找不到備份位置 %1!s!。請確定該網路位置可用,然後再試一次。

錯誤: %2!s!
Windows cannot find the backup location %1!s!. Make sure the network location is available and try again.

Error: %2!s!
6001找不到該網路位置 The network location cannot be found
6002您的網路認證無效 Your network credentials are not valid
&Enter a valid user name and password
&Try again
6007建立完整備份 Create a full backup
6008備份時間: %1!s!
備份位置: %2!s!
Backup time: %1!s!
Backup location: %2!s!
The backup completed but some files were skipped.
View skipped files
詳細資料: %2!s!
Details: %2!s!
6050備份時間: %1!s!
備份位置: %2!s!
錯誤碼: 0x%3!X!
Backup time: %1!s!
Backup location: %2!s!
Error code: 0x%3!X!
6051還原選項 Restore Options
6052從這個備份還原我的檔案 Restore my files from this backup
6053還原這部電腦上所有使用者的檔案 Restore files for all users of this computer
6054管理這個備份使用的空間 Manage space used by this backup
6055從這個備份還原檔案 Restore files from this backup
6060為選取的備份從下面選擇選項 Choose an option below for the selected backup
6061您要從這個備份還原檔案嗎? Do you want to restore files from this backup?


How do I manage the disk space used by this backup?
6064取得此備份資料夾的資料夾選項時發生錯誤。按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後選擇 [開啟] 來檢視內容。 There was an error in getting folder options for this backup folder. Right-click and choose Open to view the contents.
6066取消 Cancel
6071因為 BitLocker 鎖定備份位置,所以無法執行 Windows 備份。請將該位置解除鎖定,然後再試一次。我該如何使用 BitLocker 搭配 Windows 備份? Windows Backup cannot run because the backup location is locked by BitLocker. Unlock the location and then try again. How do I use BitLocker with Windows Backup?
6080您沒有存取備份位置 %1!s! 的權限。您可以系統管理員的身分,在 [控制台] 的 [備份與還原] 中選取 [還原所有使用者的檔案],嘗試還原檔案。 You do not have permissions to access the backup location %1!s!. You can try to restore files as an administrator by selecting Restore all user's files in the Back up and Restore Control Panel.
6087系統映像是 Windows 執行所需的磁碟機複本。其中也可以包括其他磁碟機。如果您的硬碟或電腦停止運作,便可以使用系統映像來還原您的電腦; 不過,您無法選擇個別項目來進行還原。 A system image is a copy of the drives required for Windows to run. It can also include additional drives. A system image can be used to restore your computer if your hard drive or computer ever stops working; however, you can't choose individual items to restore.
6089Windows 嘗試將檔案還原至磁碟機 %1!s!,但找不到該磁碟機。

若要還原您的檔案,請從 [控制台] 的 [備份與還原] 重新執行還原檔案精靈,選擇您想要還原的檔案,然後指定不同的位置以還原檔案。
Windows was trying to restore files to drive %1!s! and could not find it.

To restore your files, re-run the Restore Files wizard from the Back up and Restore Control Panel, choose the files you want to restore, and then specify a different location to restore your files to.
6090此位置沒有可用的備份。您可以移到 [Windows 7 檔案修復控制台],並選取不同的備份位置。 There are no backups available at this location. You can go to the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel and select a different backup location.
6091正在進行系統映像備份。請等待此操作完成。 A system image backup is in progress. Please wait while it completes.
6092請嘗試還原到另一個位置,或從 [Windows 7 檔案修復控制台] 選取 [還原所有使用者的檔案] 選項。 Try restore to another location or select the Restore all users' files option from the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.
6093開啟資料夾(&O) &Open folder
6095Windows 備份使用的網路認證已到期。若要更新認證,請按一下 [重新輸入您的使用者名稱及密碼]。在 [選取儲存備份的位置] 頁面,按一下 [儲存於網路],然後輸入網路位置與新的認證,並完成精靈。 The network credentials that Windows Backup is using has expired. To update your credentials, click 'Re-enter your username and password'. In the 'Select where you want to save your backup' page, click 'Save on a network...' and type the network location and new credentials and complete the wizard.
6100變更備份設定 Change your backup settings
6106因為 Windows 備份無法備份已包括在備份中的任何磁碟機,所以上次的備份未順利完成。請確定磁碟機已插入且正確運作。
The last backup did not complete successfully because Windows Backup could not back up any of the drives included in the backup. Make sure that the drives are plugged in and working correctly.
View skipped files
6108檢查備份結果 Check your backup results
6109檢查 Windows 備份的網路認證 Check your network credentials for Windows Backup
6111備份已完成,但略過部分檔案。 The backup completed but some files were skipped.
6115包含磁碟機 %1!s! 的系統映像(&S) Include a &system image of drives: %1!s!
6116選取要還原的項目 Selected items for restore
6117搜尋結果 Search results
6118Windows 備份發生備份類別目錄問題。 Windows Backup has encountered a problem with the backup catalog.
6119刪除類別目錄,並嘗試再次執行備份(&D) &Delete catalog and try to run backup again
6120Windows 備份發生備份類別目錄問題。請嘗試從不同的備份進行還原。 Windows Backup has encountered a problem with the backup catalog. Please try restoring from a different backup.
6121檔案還原失敗 File restore failure
6122操作 Operation
6123AppVer AppVer
6125TargetType TargetType
6126可能會覆寫這部電腦的所有現有系統映像。 Any existing system images for this machine might be overwritten.
6127每部電腦在備份位置只能保留一個系統映像。 Only one system image per computer can be kept at the backup location.

Some data files could not be restored, and some program or system files were skipped because they cannot be restored to original location. To restore these files, try restoring the files again and select a different location.

若要還原檔案至這個位置,請停止還原程序並在 [Windows 7 檔案修復控制台] 按一下 [還原所有使用者的檔案]。

To restore the file to this location, stop the restore process and then click 'Restore all users' files' in the Windows 7 File Recovery Control Panel.
6132%1!lu! 個位元組 %1!lu! bytes
6133%1 %2 %1 %2
6134%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
6135(%1) (%1)
6136Windows 偵測到在選取的備份位置上有使用舊版 Windows 執行的現有備份。當新的備份寫入選取的位置時,會刪除這些備份。建議您先將現有備份複製到不同的位置,再繼續。 Windows has detected existing backups on the selected backup location taken with a previous version of Windows. These backups may get deleted when a new backup is written to the selected location. It is recommended that you copy the existing backups to different location before proceeding.
6137嘗試再次執行備份 (刪除現有備份)(&T) &Try to run backup again (Delete existing backups)
6139如何移動舊版 Windows 的備份? How can I move my previous Windows version backups?
6140新的備份可能會刪除舊版 Windows 執行的舊備份。您可以建立它們的複本,或選擇另一個磁碟機。 New backups might delete older backups from previous versions of Windows. You can make copies of them, or choose another drive.
6144%1!s! (支援的 Wim) %1!s! (Backing Wim)
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup
0xB0000064Windows 備份狀態 Windows Backup status


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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® Windows 備份
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:sdclt.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:sdclt.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is sdclt.exe.mui?

sdclt.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file sdclt.exe (Microsoft® Windows 備份).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® Windows 備份
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:sdclt.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:sdclt.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200