File name: | rstrui.exe.mui |
Size: | 32256 byte |
MD5: | 127c4b3cfa24b932762d4a19f37bd003 |
SHA1: | 0bf798c3dfa230441f466eb0fc929176ed301966 |
SHA256: | b8b2ec33e7551dc90485eb48169d4562c8aa87f5b270800f9e6af2dac26dc159 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
In x64: | rstrui.exe Restauración do sistema de Microsoft® Windows (32 bits) |
If an error occurred or the following message in Galician language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Galician | English |
1 | Cancelando... | Canceling... |
2 | This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait... | This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait... |
100 | Restaurar sistema | System Restore |
102 | Restaurar o sistema ao punto de restauración escollido. | Restore system to a chosen restore point. |
103 | A restauración do sistema fallou debido a un erro non especificado. | System Restore failed due to an unspecified error. |
104 | Disco local | Local Disk |
105 | Non foi posible abrir a Restauración do sistema polo seguinte motivo:
%1!s! Tente de novo. |
System Restore could not open for the following reason:
%1!s! Please try again. |
106 | You must enable system protection on this drive | You must enable system protection on this drive |
107 | System Restore did not complete successfully. | System Restore did not complete successfully. |
108 | O computador está a executarse nun estado de diagnóstico limitado. Se utiliza a Restauración do sistema neste estado, non poderá cancelar a operación de restauración. | Your computer is running in a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in this limited state, you cannot undo the restore operation. |
109 | System Protection is available only in online operating system. | System Protection is available only in online operating system. |
110 | Non foi posible encontrar a unidade de copias de seguranza. A restauración do sistema está a buscar puntos de restauración na súa copia de seguranza. Asegúrese de que a unidade de copias de seguranza está acesa e conectada a este computador e, a seguir, prema Aceptar. | The backup drive could not be found. System Restore is looking for restore points on your backup. Make sure the backup drive is on and connected to this computer and then click OK. |
111 | Restaurar o estado en que se encontraba o computador antes do evento seleccionado | Restore your computer to the state it was in before the selected event |
113 | Data e hora | Date and Time |
114 | Confirm disks to restore | Confirm disks to restore |
115 | Descrición | Description |
116 | Instalar: | Install: |
117 | Uninstall: | Uninstall: |
118 | Restoring system files from a system image backup will require you to connect the disk containing your backup to the computer. | Restoring system files from a system image backup will require you to connect the disk containing your backup to the computer. |
119 | All system changes since the backup was taken, including any programs or drivers installed or uninstalled, will be undone. Your documents, pictures and other personal data will not be affected. | All system changes since the backup was taken, including any programs or drivers installed or uninstalled, will be undone. Your documents, pictures and other personal data will not be affected. |
120 | Undo: | Undo: |
121 | System: | System: |
129 | System Restore needs you to confirm which drives you want to restore. | System Restore needs you to confirm which drives you want to restore. |
130 | Ningunha | None |
131 | Seleccione esta opción para desfacer a máis recente instalación de actualización, de controlador ou de software que pense que está a causar problemas. | Select this option to undo the most recent update, driver, or software installation if you think it is causing problems. |
132 | Select this option to undo the System Restore done at the time listed, if you think it didn't fix problems or caused more problems. | Select this option to undo the System Restore done at the time listed, if you think it didn't fix problems or caused more problems. |
133 | &Undo System Restore: | &Undo System Restore: |
134 | &Restauración recomendada: | &Recommended restore: |
135 | System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system.
%1!s! |
System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system.
%1!s! |
136 | System Restore | System Restore |
137 | There was an unexpected error:
%1!s! Please close System Restore and try again. |
There was an unexpected error:
%1!s! Please close System Restore and try again. |
138 | The wizard was unable to initiate the system restore. Please close the wizard and try again. | The wizard was unable to initiate the system restore. Please close the wizard and try again. |
139 | You must be an administrator to perform a system restore. Please log in as an administrator then try again.
%1!s! |
You must be an administrator to perform a system restore. Please log in as an administrator then try again.
%1!s! |
140 | A restauración do sistema concluíu con éxito. O sistema foi restaurado a %1!s!. Os documentos non se viron afectados. | System Restore completed successfully. The system has been restored to %1!s!. Your documents have not been affected. |
145 | Your documents and files will not be affected. | Your documents and files will not be affected. |
146 | No restore operation was scheduled. | No restore operation was scheduled. |
147 | The System Restore is still in progress or did not complete. | The System Restore is still in progress or did not complete. |
148 | Houbo un erro non especificado durante a restauración do sistema. | An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. |
149 | System Restore ran out of disk space while restoring your files. | System Restore ran out of disk space while restoring your files. |
150 | O punto de restauración danouse ou eliminouse durante a restauración. | The restore point was damaged or was deleted during the restore. |
151 | O rexistro no punto de restauración danouse e non foi posible restauralo. | The registry in the restore point was damaged and could not be restored. |
152 | Houbo un erro no disco durante a restauración. Talvez se deba a que hai sectores do disco danados. Execute chkdsk /R neste disco e, a seguir, tente executar a Restauración do sistema outra vez. | There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on disk. Run chkdsk /R on this disk and then try running System Restore again. |
156 | System Restore needs to restart your computer to restore your files and settings. | System Restore needs to restart your computer to restore your files and settings. |
157 | Initializing... | Initializing... |
158 | Calculando espazo necesario... | Estimating space needed... |
159 | Restoring registry... | Restoring registry... |
160 | Restoring files... | Restoring files... |
161 | Restoring IIS... | Restoring IIS... |
162 | Restoring COM+... | Restoring COM+... |
163 | Restoring WMI... | Restoring WMI... |
164 | Finishing restore... | Finishing restore... |
165 | Cleaning up... | Cleaning up... |
166 | Unknown | Unknown |
167 | There is not enough free disk space to run System Restore. Please free at least 500 MB of disk space and try again. | There is not enough free disk space to run System Restore. Please free at least 500 MB of disk space and try again. |
168 | Unidade | Drive |
169 | Unknown: | Unknown: |
170 | Status | Status |
171 | Ready to restore | Ready to restore |
172 | Esta unidade non está protexida e será ignorada | This drive is not protected and will be skipped |
173 | This drive might be restored if desired | This drive might be restored if desired |
174 | There is not enough free space to restore the disk | There is not enough free space to restore the disk |
175 | The drive is not in the selected restore point | The drive is not in the selected restore point |
176 | The drive cannot be found | The drive cannot be found |
177 | Non se creou ningún punto de restauración na unidade de sistema do computador. Para crear un abra a Protección do sistema. | No restore points have been created on your computer's system drive. To create a restore point open system protection. |
179 | Once started, System Restore may not be interrupted Do you want to continue? System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone. |
Once started, System Restore may not be interrupted Do you want to continue? System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone. |
181 | (Sistema) | (System) |
182 | Finalizing file restore... | Finalizing file restore... |
183 | Manual: | Manual: |
184 | Finished | Finished |
185 | Restart | Restart |
186 | Click Restart button to restart the computer. | Click Restart button to restart the computer. |
187 | A protección do sistema está desactivada. Para volver activala pode usar Restaurar sistema, configure a protección do sistema. | System protection is turned off. To turn it back on so that you can use System Restore, configure system protection. |
189 | Fuso horario actual: %1!s! | Current time zone: %1!s! |
190 | GMT | GMT |
191 | The System Restore wizard is already running. This program will now exit. | The System Restore wizard is already running. This program will now exit. |
192 | System Restore was interrupted, possibly because of a power failure, a system error, or a system reset. | System Restore was interrupted, possibly because of a power failure, a system error, or a system reset. |
195 | Unknown description; Restore Point was deleted -- this is normal on computers that are low on disk space | Unknown description; Restore Point was deleted -- this is normal on computers that are low on disk space |
197 | The selected backup could not be found. System Restore is looking for a restore point that is on your backup. Choose a different restore point. | The selected backup could not be found. System Restore is looking for a restore point that is on your backup. Choose a different restore point. |
200 | Programa | Program |
201 | Controlador | Driver |
202 | Tipo | Type |
203 | Choose a source | Choose a source |
204 | You can perform System Restore from a restore point or system image backup | You can perform System Restore from a restore point or system image backup |
206 | System Restore cannot find the list of system image backups.
%1!s! |
System Restore cannot find the list of system image backups.
%1!s! |
207 | Windows Update: | Windows Update: |
208 | Actualización crítica: | Critical Update: |
210 | System Restore requires administrator privileges | System Restore requires administrator privileges |
211 | To perform this task, you must log on using an administrator account. | To perform this task, you must log on using an administrator account. |
212 | Restaurar sistema non puido restaurar un ficheiro. Isto podería ocorrer se un programa antivirus está a protexer o ficheiro. Se o erro persiste, desactive o antivirus e tente a restauración de novo, ou efectúe a restauración do sistema desde o Ambiente de recuperación de Windows. | System restore failed to restore a file. This could happen if an anti-virus program is protecting the file. If the failure persists switch off your anti-virus and retry the restore, or perform system restore from Windows Recovery Environment. |
213 | Restaurar sistema fallou na operación de movemento de ficheiros atrasada para o ficheiro
%ws. |
System restore failed in delayed file move operation for the file
%ws. |
214 | System restore failed in delayed delete operation for the file
%ws. |
System restore failed in delayed delete operation for the file
%ws. |
215 | System restore failed in delayed set short filename operation for the file
%ws. |
System restore failed in delayed set short filename operation for the file
%ws. |
1046 | There was an unexpected error:
%1!s! System Restore will now close. |
There was an unexpected error:
%1!s! System Restore will now close. |
1047 | Select this option to use the recommended restore point to repair your system. | Select this option to use the recommended restore point to repair your system. |
1048 | System Restore has been turned off by your system administrator. To turn on System Restore, contact your system administrator. | System Restore has been turned off by your system administrator. To turn on System Restore, contact your system administrator. |
1049 | To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore.
Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore. |
To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore.
Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore. |
1050 | To perform an offline System Restore, the system must be started in the Windows Recovery Environment. | To perform an offline System Restore, the system must be started in the Windows Recovery Environment. |
1051 | The disk %1!s! has errors. | The disk %1!s! has errors. |
1052 | Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.
Check the disk for errors |
Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.
Check the disk for errors |
1055 | System Restore was unable to perform restore operations on startup. | System Restore was unable to perform restore operations on startup. |
1056 | System Restore has found pending updates to your computer.
It is recommended that you restart your computer to apply these updates before continuing with System Restore. Do you want to restart your computer? |
System Restore has found pending updates to your computer.
It is recommended that you restart your computer to apply these updates before continuing with System Restore. Do you want to restart your computer? |
1071 | Time | Time |
1073 | Backup: | Backup: |
1074 | Non se detectou ningún. | None detected. |
1076 | Si | Yes |
1077 | Non | No |
1078 | Unha vez iniciada, non é posible interromper a Restauración do sistema. Desexa continuar? | Once started, System Restore cannot be interrupted. Do you want to continue? |
1079 | Non é posible desfacer a Restauración do sistema mentres non conclúa. Se está a executarse en modo de seguranza ou desde o menú Opcións de restauración do sistema, non será posible desfacela. | System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone. |
1081 | Iniciando a Restauración do sistema | Starting System Restore |
1082 | Agarde mentres se inicia a Restauración do sistema. É posible que isto demore varios minutos. | Please wait while System Restore starts. It might take up to a few minutes. |
1083 | Windows Update | Windows Update |
1084 | Agarde mentres a Restauración do sistema busca os programas e controladores afectados. | Please wait while System Restore looks for affected programs and drivers. |
1085 | Á procura dos programas e controladores afectados | Scanning for affected programs and drivers |
1089 | System Image Restore Point | System Image Restore Point |
1090 | Punto de restauración automático | Automatic Restore Point |
1091 | System Restore automatically recommends the most recent restore point. You can also choose from a list of restore points. Try using restore points created just before the date and time you started noticing problems. The descriptions of the restore points correspond with the name of an event. | System Restore automatically recommends the most recent restore point. You can also choose from a list of restore points. Try using restore points created just before the date and time you started noticing problems. The descriptions of the restore points correspond with the name of an event. |
1092 | System Restore uses restore points to return your system files and settings to an earlier point in time, without affecting personal files. System restore returns your computer to the state it was in before the restore point that you select. | System Restore uses restore points to return your system files and settings to an earlier point in time, without affecting personal files. System restore returns your computer to the state it was in before the restore point that you select. |
1093 | Close | Close |
1095 | Additional recovery options, such as re-installing Windows, restoring your computer from a system image backup, or tools from your computer manufacturer might be available. To find out which options are available, see the System Recovery Options menu. | Additional recovery options, such as re-installing Windows, restoring your computer from a system image backup, or tools from your computer manufacturer might be available. To find out which options are available, see the System Recovery Options menu. |
1096 | Non é posible detectar. | Cannot detect. |
1097 | Hora: %1 | Time: %1 |
1098 | Descrición: %1 | Description: %1 |
1099 | %1 (%2) | %1 (%2) |
1100 | System Restore could not find the offline boot volume. Please ensure it is currently accessible. | System Restore could not find the offline boot volume. Please ensure it is currently accessible. |
File Description: | Restauración do sistema de Microsoft® Windows |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | rstrui.exe |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados. |
Original Filename: | rstrui.exe.mui |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x456, 1200 |