powrprof.dll.mui የኃይል መገለጫ አጋዥ DLL 121d19ccbc96a12a3cb8742210200863

File info

File name: powrprof.dll.mui
Size: 45056 byte
MD5: 121d19ccbc96a12a3cb8742210200863
SHA1: cda356f19fff6831497b356ff097edae95560891
SHA256: bcb13655bb8b1f10f291b08eaa0120f03fd73a0d1d65953d653afc844a63b6f8
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Amharic language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Amharic English
10የኮምፒዩተርዎን አፈጻጸም በታቸለ ጊዜ ሁሉ በመቀነስ ኃይል ይቆጥባል። Saves energy by reducing your computer’s performance where possible.
11ኃይል ቆጣቢ Power saver
12አፈጻጸምን አስበልጦ ይመርጣል፣ ነገርግን ተጨማሪ ኃይል ሊጠቀም ይችል ይሆናል። Favors performance, but may use more energy.
13ከፍተኛ አፈጻጸም High performance
14በሚችል ሃርድዌር ላይ አፈጻጸም እና ኃይል አጠቃቀምን በራስሰር ሚዛናቸውን እንዲጠብቁ ያደርጋል። Automatically balances performance with energy consumption on capable hardware.
15ሚዛኑ የተጠበቀ Balanced
16Power plan used when there are no users logged into the system. Power plan used when there are no users logged into the system.
17System power plan System power plan
50Do nothing Do nothing
51ምንም አታድርግ Do nothing
52እንቅልፍ Sleep
54አሸልብ Hibernate
56ዝጋ Shut down
60ማሳያውን አጥፋ፥ Turn off the display
62ማሳያውን አብራ Turn on the display
80ሰከንዶች Seconds
81% %
82ሚሊሰከንዶች Milliseconds
83ማይክሮሰከንዶች Microseconds
84ሜባ MB
85ደቂቃዎች Minutes
86State Type State Type
87ሜኸ MHz
100The default Windows power plan types include Balanced, Power saver, and High performance. The three types are designed to balance power savings while providing performance on demand, maximize power savings, or maximize performance. Many system components use the power plan type to deciding whether to optimize power savings or performance. The default Windows power plan types include Balanced, Power saver, and High performance. The three types are designed to balance power savings while providing performance on demand, maximize power savings, or maximize performance. Many system components use the power plan type to deciding whether to optimize power savings or performance.
101Power plan type Power plan type
102ኮምፒዩተሩ ከእንቅልፍ ሲነቃ ለመክፈት ይለፍ ቃል ጠይቅ። Require a password to unlock the computer when it wakes from sleep.
103ሲነቃ የይለፍቃል ይጠይቃል Require a password on wakeup
104ኮምፒዩተሩ ከማንቀላፋቱ በፊት ለምን ያክል ጊዜ ያልነቃ ሆኖ እንደሚቆይ ይግለጹ። Specify how long your computer is inactive before going to sleep.
105ተኛ ከዚህ በኋላ Sleep after
106ኮምፒዩተሩ ከማሸለቡ በፊት ለምን ያክል ጊዜ ያልነቃ ሆኖ እንደሚቆይ ይግለጹ። Specify how long your computer is inactive before hibernating.
107አሸልብ ከዚህ በኋላ Hibernate after
108ስራውን እንዲያስቀምጥ እና ወዲያውኑ ስራዎን ካቆሙበት መቀጠል እንዲችሉ ዝቅተኛ-ኃይል ኹናቴ እንዲያስገባ Windows ይፈቀዱለት። Allow Windows to save your work and enter a low-power state so that you can resume working almost immediately.
109ቅልቅል እንቅልፍ ፍቀድ Allow hybrid sleep
110Enables system to show a progress bar during transitions to sleep. Enables system to show a progress bar during transitions to sleep.
111Enable Sleep Progress Bar Enable Sleep Progress Bar
114የበራ On
116አጥፋ Off
118አይ No
119የእንቅልፍ የክንውን አውዶችን ይጥቀሱ። Specify sleep settings.
121Allow Windows to use the standby states when sleeping your computer. Allow Windows to use the standby states when sleeping your computer.
122Allow Standby States Allow Standby States
123አዎ Yes
124ኮምፒዩተሩን ከእንቅልፍ ለመቀስቀስ በጊዜ ገደብ የተቀመጡ ክስተቶች መፈቀድ አለመፈቀዳቸውን ይጥቀሱ። Specify if timed events should be allowed to wake the computer from sleep.
125ቀስቃሽ የጊዜ ገደቦችን ፍቀድ Allow wake timers
126ጥልቅ እንቅልፍ ንቁ ሆኗል Deep Sleep Disabled
127ጥልቅ እንቅልፍ ተሰሏል Deep Sleep Enabled
128Idle timeout before the system returns to a low power sleep state after waking unattended. Idle timeout before the system returns to a low power sleep state after waking unattended.
129System unattended sleep timeout System unattended sleep timeout
150Specifies the policy for devices powering down while the system is running. Specifies the policy for devices powering down while the system is running.
151Device idle policy Device idle policy
152Favor performance over power savings. Favor performance over power savings.
153Performance Performance
154Favor power savings over performance. Favor power savings over performance.
155Power savings Power savings
200ለባትሪዎ ማሳወቂያ እና ማንቂያ የክንውን አውዶችን ያዋቅሩ። Configure notification and alarm settings for your battery.
201ባትሪ Battery
202የባትሪው አቅም አደገኛ ደረጃ ላይ ሲደርስ ምን ዓይነት እርምጃ እንደሚወሰድ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the action to take when the battery capacity reaches the critical level.
203የባትሪ እርምጃ ለአደገኛ ደረጃ Critical battery action
204የባትሪው አቅም ዝቅተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ሲደርስ ኮምፒዩተርዎ ምን ዓይነት እርምጃ እንደሚወሰድ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the action that your computer takes when battery capacity reaches the low level.
205የባትሪ እርምጃ ለዝቅተኛ Low battery action
206Third Low Battery Alarm Action Third Low Battery Alarm Action
208Fourth Low Battery Alarm Action Fourth Low Battery Alarm Action
210Flags and settings for first low battery alarm Flags and settings for first low battery alarm
211First low-battery alarm flags First low-battery alarm flags
212የባትሪው አቅም ዝቅተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ሲደርስ ማሳወቂያ መታየት አለመታየቱን ይጥቀሱ። Specify whether a notification is shown when the battery capacity reaches the low level.
213የዝቅተኛ ባትሪ ማሳወቂያ Low battery notification
214Flags and settings for third low battery alarm Flags and settings for third low battery alarm
215Third low-battery alarm flags Third low-battery alarm flags
216Flags and settings for fourth low battery alarm Flags and settings for fourth low battery alarm
217Fourth low-battery alarm flags Fourth low-battery alarm flags
218የአደገኛ ደረጃ ላይ ያለ ባትሪ እርምጃን የሚያስጀምረው ቀሪ የባትሪ መቶኛ ደረጃ። Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the critical battery action.
219አደገኛ ደረጃ ላይ ያለ ባትሪ ደረጃ Critical battery level
220ዝቅተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ያለ ባትሪ እርምጃን የሚያስጀምረው ቀሪ የባትሪ መቶኛ ደረጃ። Percentage of battery capacity remaining that initiates the low battery action.
221ዝቅተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ያለ ባትሪ Low battery level
222Percent battery power remaining when third low-power action should be taken. Percent battery power remaining when third low-power action should be taken.
223Third power trip point Third power trip point
224Percent battery power remaining when fourth low-power action should be taken. Percent battery power remaining when fourth low-power action should be taken.
225Fourth power trip point Fourth power trip point
250LIDን ሲዘጉ እና የኃይል አዝራሮችን ሲጫኑ ኮምፒዩተርዎ ምን እንደሚያደርግ ይጥቀሱ። Specify what your computer does when you close the lid and press the power buttons.
251የኃይል አዝራሮች እና LID Power buttons and lid
252የኃይል አዝራር ሲጫኑ የሚወስደውን እርምጃ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the action to take when you press the power button.
253የኃይል አዝራር እርምጃ Power button action
254የእንቅልፍ አዝራርን ሲጫኑ የሚወስደውን እርምጃ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the action to take when you press the sleep button.
255የእንቅልፍ አዝራር እርምጃ Sleep button action
256በተንቀሳቃሽ ፒሲዎን LID ሲዘጉ ኮምፒዩተርዎ የሚወስደውን እርምጃ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the action that your computer takes when you close the lid on your mobile PC.
257LID ሲዘጋ እርምጃ Lid close action
258Specify the action to take when you press the Start menu power button. Specify the action to take when you press the Start menu power button.
259የመጀመሪያ ምናሌ የኃይል አዝራር Start menu power button
260ሊዱ ሲከፈት የሚወሰደውን እርምጃ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the action to take when the lid is opened.
261የሊድ ክፍት እርምጃ Lid open action
300ለሃርድ ዲስክዎ የኃይል አስተዳደር የክንውን አውዶችን ይጥቀሱ። Specify power management settings for your hard disk.
301ሃርድ ዲስክ Hard disk
302ሃርድ ድራይቭዎ ዲስኩ ከመጥፋቱ በፊት ለምን ያክል ጊዜ ያልነቃ ሆኖ እንደሚቆይ ይጥቀሱ። Specify how long your hard drive is inactive before the disk turns off.
303ሃርድ ዲስክን ከዚህ በኋላ አጥፋ Turn off hard disk after
304Allow the system to adapt the harddisk power down timeout based on system usage and recent history. Allow the system to adapt the harddisk power down timeout based on system usage and recent history.
305Enable adaptive powerdown timeout. Enable adaptive powerdown timeout.
306The harddisk may reduce its speed after the specified time of inactivity is detected. The harddisk may reduce its speed after the specified time of inactivity is detected.
307Harddisk lowspeed timeout. Harddisk lowspeed timeout.
308Allow the system to adapt the harddisk lowspeed timeout based on system usage and recent history. Allow the system to adapt the harddisk lowspeed timeout based on system usage and recent history.
309Adaptive lowspeed timeout Adaptive lowspeed timeout
310Ignore a burst of disk activity up to the specified time when determining if the disk is idle. Ignore a burst of disk activity up to the specified time when determining if the disk is idle.
311Hard disk burst ignore time Hard disk burst ignore time
312የሃይል አጠቃቀም ደረጃ ማከማቻዎች መብለጥ እንደሌለበት ለይቶ ያስቀምጣል። Specifies the the power consumption level storage devices should not exceed.
313ከፍተኛ የሃይል ደረጃ Maximum Power Level
350የኮምፒዩተርዎ ፕሮሰሰር የኃይል አስተዳደር የክንውን አውዶችን ይጥቀሱ። Specify power management settings for your computer’s processor.
351የፕሮሰሰር የኃይል አስተዳደር Processor power management
352Processor performance settings which allow the system to lower processor performance (and power consumption) if the system is not doing any work. Processor performance settings which allow the system to lower processor performance (and power consumption) if the system is not doing any work.
353Processor throttle setting. Processor throttle setting.
354Disable any processor power savings. Disable any processor power savings.
355Disable Disable
356Lower the maximum frequency of the processor. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power. Lower the maximum frequency of the processor. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power.
357Lower maximum processor frequency Lower maximum processor frequency
358Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency, based on remaining battery life. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power. Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency, based on remaining battery life. Regardless of the workload demands, the processor will run at a reduced frequency, thus drawing less power.
359Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency. Adaptively lower the maximum processor frequency.
360Adaptively adjust the processor frequency based on workload demands. This setting will significantly reduce power consumption of the processor, while have very little effect on performance. Adaptively adjust the processor frequency based on workload demands. This setting will significantly reduce power consumption of the processor, while have very little effect on performance.
361Adaptively adjust processor frequency. Adaptively adjust processor frequency.
362የፕሮሰሰርዎን ከፍተኛ የአፈጻጸም ኹናቴ ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the maximum performance state of your processor (in percentage).
363ከፍተኛው የፕሮሰሰር ኹናቴ Maximum processor state
364የፕሮሰሰርዎን ዝቅተኛ የአፈጻጸም ኹናቴ ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the minimum performance state of your processor (in percentage).
365ዝቅተኛው የፕሮሰሰር ኹናቴ Minimum processor state
370ለስርዓትዎ ማቀዝቀዣ ሁኔታን ይጥቀሱ Specify the cooling mode for your system
371የስርዓት ማቀዘቀዣ ፖሊሲ System cooling policy
372Slow the processor before increasing fan speed Slow the processor before increasing fan speed
373ለዘብተኛ Passive
374ፕሮሰሰሩን ከማብረድህ በፊት የፋን ፍጥነትን ጨምር Increase fan speed before slowing the processor
375ንቁ Active
376Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage). Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage).
377Processor performance increase threshold Processor performance increase threshold
378Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage). Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage).
379Processor performance decrease threshold Processor performance decrease threshold
380Allow processors to use throttle states in addition to performance states. Allow processors to use throttle states in addition to performance states.
381Allow Throttle States Allow Throttle States
382Select the ideal processor performance state. Select the ideal processor performance state.
383Ideal Ideal
384Select the processor performance state one closer to ideal than the current processor performance state. Select the processor performance state one closer to ideal than the current processor performance state.
385Single Single
386Select the highest speed/power processor performance state. Select the highest speed/power processor performance state.
387Rocket Rocket
388Select the lowest speed/power processor performance state. Select the lowest speed/power processor performance state.
390Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state. Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state.
391Processor performance increase policy Processor performance increase policy
392Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state. Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state.
393Processor performance decrease policy Processor performance decrease policy
394Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased. Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased.
395Processor performance increase time Processor performance increase time
396Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased. Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased.
397Processor performance decrease time Processor performance decrease time
398Specify the amount that must expire before processor performance states and parked cores may be reevaluated (in milliseconds). Specify the amount that must expire before processor performance states and parked cores may be reevaluated (in milliseconds).
399Processor performance time check interval Processor performance time check interval
400ለማሳያዎ የኃይል አስተዳደር የክንውን አውዶችን ይጥቀሱ። Specify power management settings for your display.
401ማሳያ Display
402ማሳያዎ ከመጥፋቱ በፊት ኮምፒዩተርዎ ምን ያክል ጊዜ ሳይነቃ እንደሚቆይ ይጥቀሱ። Specify how long your computer is inactive before your display turns off.
403ማሳያን ከዚህ በኋላ አጥፋ Turn off display after
404Extends the time that Windows waits to turn off the display if you repeatedly turn on the display with the keyboard or mouse. Extends the time that Windows waits to turn off the display if you repeatedly turn on the display with the keyboard or mouse.
405Adaptive display Adaptive display
406ማሳያዎ ከመደብዘዙ በፊት ኮምፒዩተርዎ ምን ያክል ጊዜ ሳይነቃ እንደሚቆይ ይጥቀሱ። Specify how long your computer is inactive before your display dims.
407ከዚህ በኋላ አደብዝዝ Dim display after
412በአካባቢ ብርሃን ላይ የተደረጉ ለውጦችን ፈልጎ ለማግኘት እና የማሳያውን የብርሃን መጠን ለማስተካከል የአካባቢ ብርሃን ፈታሽን ይቆጣጠራል። Monitors ambient light sensors to detect changes in ambient light and adjust the display brightness.
413ተለዋዋጭ የብርሃን መጠንን አንቃ Enable adaptive brightness
414Specifies console lock display off timeout Specifies console lock display off timeout
415Console lock display off timeout Console lock display off timeout
510Enable or disable passive cooling policy on the system. Enable or disable passive cooling policy on the system.
511Passive Cooling Mode Passive Cooling Mode
515የማሳያዎን መደበኛ የብሩህነት ደረጃ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the normal brightness level of your display.
516የማሳያ ብሩህነት Display brightness
517Do not allow Windows to wake from sleep on timed events. Do not allow Windows to wake from sleep on timed events.
518አሰናክል Disable
519Windows በጊዜ ገደቦች ከእንቅልፍ እንዲነቃ ይፍቀዱ። Allow Windows to wake from sleep on timed events.
520አንቃ Enable
521ማሳያህ ፍዝ በሚሆንበት ጊዜ የድምቀት ደረጃው ምን መሆን እንዳለበት ለይተህ አስቀምጥ። Specify the brightness level for when your display is dimmed.
522የደበዘዘ የማሳያ ብሩህነት Dimmed display brightness
523በአስፈላጊ የጊዜ ፍጻሜዎች ጊዜ ብቻ Windows እንዲነቃ ፍቀድለት። Allow Windows to wake from sleep only on important timed events.
524ቀስቃሽ ሰአት ቆጣሪዎችን ብቻ ያስመጡ Important Wake Timers Only
550Allow away mode to be enabled for your computer Allow away mode to be enabled for your computer
551Allow Away Mode Policy Allow Away Mode Policy
552Don't Allow away mode to be enabled Don't Allow away mode to be enabled
553No No
554Allow away mode to be enabled Allow away mode to be enabled
555Yes Yes
560Allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically Allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically
561Allow system required policy Allow system required policy
562Don't allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically Don't allow programs to prevent machine from going to sleep automatically
566Allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically Allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically
567Allow display required policy Allow display required policy
568Don't allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically Don't allow programs to prevent display from turning off automatically
600PCI ፈጣን የኃይል አስተዳደር የክንውን አውዶች PCI Express Power Management Settings
601PCI ፈጣን PCI Express
602አገናኙ ሲቦዝን ለሚችሉ አገናኞች ለመጠቀም የActive State Power Management (ASPM) ፖሊሲን ይጠቅሳል። Specifies the Active State Power Management (ASPM) policy to use for capable links when the link is idle.
603የተገናኘ የኃይል አስተዳደር ሁኔታ Link State Power Management
604ASPM ለሁሉም አገናኞች አጥፋ። Turn off ASPM for all links.
606አገናኙ ሲቦዝን L0S ሁኔታን ለመጠቀም ይሞክሩ። Attempt to use the L0S state when link is idle.
607መካከለኛ የኃይል ቁጠባ Moderate power savings
608አገናኙ ሲቦዝን L1 ሁኔታን ለመጠቀም ይሞክሩ። Attempt to use the L1 state when the link is idle.
609ከፍተኛ የኃይል ቁጠባ Maximum power savings
611ባትሪዎች Batteries
700Specify if idle state promotion and demotion values should be scaled based on the current performance state. Specify if idle state promotion and demotion values should be scaled based on the current performance state.
701Processor idle threshold scaling Processor idle threshold scaling
702Specify if idle states should be disabled. Specify if idle states should be disabled.
703Processor idle disable Processor idle disable
704Specify the time that elapsed since the last idle state promotion or demotion before idle states may be promoted or demoted again (in microseconds). Specify the time that elapsed since the last idle state promotion or demotion before idle states may be promoted or demoted again (in microseconds).
705Processor idle time check Processor idle time check
706Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before demoting the processor to a lighter idle state (in percentage). Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before demoting the processor to a lighter idle state (in percentage).
707Processor idle demote threshold Processor idle demote threshold
708Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before promoting the processor to a deeper idle state (in percentage). Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before promoting the processor to a deeper idle state (in percentage).
709Processor idle promote threshold Processor idle promote threshold
710Enable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state. Enable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state.
711Enable scaling Enable scaling
712Disable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state. Disable scaling of idle state promotion and demotion values based on the current performance state.
713Disable scaling Disable scaling
714Enable idle states. Enable idle states.
715Enable idle Enable idle
716Disable idle states. Disable idle states.
717Disable idle Disable idle
718በጊዜ መፈተሻ ክፍተቶች Time check intervals
719Specify how much processors may opportunistically increase frequency above maximum when allowed by current operating conditions. Specify how much processors may opportunistically increase frequency above maximum when allowed by current operating conditions.
720Processor performance boost policy Processor performance boost policy
721Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility. Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility.
722Processor performance history count Processor performance history count
723Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints. Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints.
724Latency sensitivity hint processor performance Latency sensitivity hint processor performance
725ተሰናክሏል Disabled
726ነቅቷል Enabled
727Specify how processors select a target frequency when allowed to select above maximum frequency by current operating conditions. Specify how processors select a target frequency when allowed to select above maximum frequency by current operating conditions.
728Processor performance boost mode Processor performance boost mode
729Don't select target frequencies above maximum frequency. Don't select target frequencies above maximum frequency.
730Disabled Disabled
731Select target frequencies above maximum frequency. Select target frequencies above maximum frequency.
732Enabled Enabled
733Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency. Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency.
734Aggressive Aggressive
735Specify the deepest idle state that should be used by Hyper-V. Specify the deepest idle state that should be used by Hyper-V.
736Processor idle state maximum Processor idle state maximum
737Select target frequencies above maximum frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. Select target frequencies above maximum frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently.
738Efficient Enabled Efficient Enabled
739Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently. Always select the highest possible target frequency above nominal frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently.
740Efficient Aggressive Efficient Aggressive
741ሃይል ቆጣቢ በሚሆኑበት ግዜ ትሮትል ስቴትስን በራስ ሰር መንገድ ይጠቀሙ። Automatically use throttle states when they are power efficient.
742ራስ ሰር Automatic
743ሁልጊዜ ከዋስትና ካለው ፍሪክዌንሲ በላይ ከፍተኛውን ሊሆን የሚችል ዒላማ ፍሪክዌንሲ ሁልጊዜ ይምረጡ። Always select the highest possible target frequency above guaranteed frequency.
744ጠብ አጫሪ ዋስትና ባለው Aggressive At Guaranteed
745ሃርድዌር ይህን ማድረግ በብቃት የሚደግፍ ከሆነ ሁልጊዜ ከዋስትና ካለው ፍሪክዌንሲ በላይ ከፍተኛውን ሊሆን የሚችል ዒላማ ፍሪክዌንሲ ሁልጊዜ ይምረጡ። Always select the highest possible target frequency above guaranteed frequency if hardware supports doing so efficiently.
746ብቃት ያለው ጠብ አጫሪ በዋስትና ያለው Efficient Aggressive At Guaranteed
747ለምላሽ አሰጣጥ የተሻለውን ምጡቅ የፕሮሰሰር አፈጻጸም አቋም ይምረጡ Select the ideal processor performance state optimized for responsiveness
748IdealAggressive IdealAggressive
750Ideal number of cores Ideal number of cores
752Single core Single core
754One eighth cores One eighth cores
755All possible cores All possible cores
760Specify the number of cores/packages to unpark when more cores are required. Specify the number of cores/packages to unpark when more cores are required.
761Processor performance core parking increase policy Processor performance core parking increase policy
762Specify the number of cores/packages to park when fewer cores are required. Specify the number of cores/packages to park when fewer cores are required.
763Processor performance core parking decrease policy Processor performance core parking decrease policy
764Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage). Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage).
765Processor performance core parking max cores Processor performance core parking max cores
766Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage). Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed (in percentage).
767Processor performance core parking min cores Processor performance core parking min cores
768Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be unparked. Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be unparked.
769Processor performance core parking increase time Processor performance core parking increase time
770Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be parked. Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals that must elapse before more cores/packages can be parked.
771Processor performance core parking decrease time Processor performance core parking decrease time
772Specify whether the core parking engine should distribute utility across processors. Specify whether the core parking engine should distribute utility across processors.
773Processor performance core parking utility distribution Processor performance core parking utility distribution
792Specify the busy threshold that must be met before a parked core is considered overutilized (in percentage). Specify the busy threshold that must be met before a parked core is considered overutilized (in percentage).
793Processor performance core parking overutilization threshold Processor performance core parking overutilization threshold
794የመዘግየት ፍንጭ የነቃ ሲሆን ዝቅተኛውን ያልቆሙ ማዕከሎች/ጥቅሎች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages when a latency hint is active (in percentage).
795የመዘግየት ስሜታዊነት ፍንጭ ዝቅተኛ ያልቆሙ ማዕከሎች/ጥቅሎች Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages
796Specify the busy threshold that must be met when calculating the concurrency of a node. Specify the busy threshold that must be met when calculating the concurrency of a node.
797Processor performance core parking concurrency threshold Processor performance core parking concurrency threshold
798Specify the busy threshold that must be met by all cores in a concurrency set to unpark an extra core. Specify the busy threshold that must be met by all cores in a concurrency set to unpark an extra core.
799Processor performance core parking concurrency headroom threshold Processor performance core parking concurrency headroom threshold
800Specify the percentage utilization used to calculate the distribution concurrency (in percentage). Specify the percentage utilization used to calculate the distribution concurrency (in percentage).
801Processor performance core parking distribution threshold Processor performance core parking distribution threshold
802No Preference No Preference
803Deepest Performance State Deepest Performance State
804Lightest Performance State Lightest Performance State
805Specify what performance state a processor enters when parked. Specify what performance state a processor enters when parked.
806Processor performance core parking parked performance state Processor performance core parking parked performance state
807ፕሮሰሰሮች የግብ አፈፃጸም ሁኔታቸውን እራሳቸው ችለው መወሰን ካለባቸው ጥቀስ። Specify whether processors should autonomously determine their target performance state.
808የፕሮሰሰር አፈፃፀም እራሱን በቻለ ሁኔታ Processor performance autonomous mode
809የስርዓተ ክወና ስልተ ቀመር ተጠቅመህ የግብ አፈፃፀም ኹነት ወስን Determine target performance state using operating system algorithms.
810አውተኖሞስ ምርጫ ተጠቅመህ የታለመው አፈጻጸም ሁኔታ እወቅ። Determine target performance state using autonomous selection.
811ፕሮሰሰሩ አውቶኖሞስ ሞድ ላይ ሆኖ በሚከውንበት ጊዜ ምን ያክል ኃይል መቆጠብ እንዳለበት ለይተህ አስቀምጥ። Specify how much processors should favor energy savings over performance when operating in autonomous mode.
812የፕሮሰሰር ኃይል አፈጻጸም ምርጫ ፖሊሲ Processor energy performance preference policy
813ፕሮሰሰሩ አውቶኖሞስ ሞድ ላይ ሆኖ በሚከውንበት ጊዜ ፍጆታውን ለመታዘብ የምትፈልግበትን ሰአት ለይተህ አጀጋጅ። Specify the time period over which to observe processor utilization when operating in autonomous mode.
814የፕሮሰሰር አውተኖሞስ እንቅስቃሴ መስኮት Processor autonomous activity window
815ፕሮሰሰሩ የተግባር ኡደትን መጠቀም ካለበት ለይተው ያስቀምጡ Specify whether the processor may use duty cycling.
816የፕሮሰሰር የተግባር ኡደት Processor duty cycling
817የፕሮሰሰር የተግባር ኡደት አትፍቀድ Disallow processor duty cycling.
818የፕሮሰሰር የተግባር ኡደት ፍቀድ Allow processor duty cycling.
819የፕሮሰሰርዎን የተጠጋጋ ከፍተኛ ድግግሞሽ ይግለጹ (በሜኸ)። Specify the approximate maximum frequency of your processor (in MHz).
820ከፍተኛ የፕሮሰሰር ድግግሞሽ Maximum processor frequency
900Enable forced shutdown for button and lid actions Enable forced shutdown for button and lid actions
901Enable forced button/lid shutdown Enable forced button/lid shutdown
1000Idle resiliency settings. Idle resiliency settings.
1001ቦዘኔ አጀማመር Idle Resiliency
1002Specifies Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution Specifies Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution
1003Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution Processor Idle Resiliency Timer Resolution
1004Specifies IO coalescing timeout Specifies IO coalescing timeout
1005IO coalescing timeout IO coalescing timeout
1006Specifies Execution Required power request timeout Specifies Execution Required power request timeout
1007Execution Required power request timeout Execution Required power request timeout
1008ጥልቅ እንቅልፍ የነቃ መሆኑ ለይቶ ያሳያል Specifies if Deep Sleep is Enabled
1009ጥልቅ እንቅልፍ ነቅተዋል/ተሰንክለዋል Deep Sleep Enabled/Disabled
1100Presence Aware Power Behavior Settings Presence Aware Power Behavior Settings
1101በአካል መኖርን ማወቂያ የኃይል ባህሪ Presence Aware Power Behavior
1102Specifies Sensor Input Presence Timeout Specifies Sensor Input Presence Timeout
1103Sensor Input Presence Timeout Sensor Input Presence Timeout
1104Specifies Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout Specifies Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout
1105Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout Non-sensor Input Presence Timeout
1106Specifies Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout Specifies Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout
1107Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout Sensor Presence Display Power Down Timeout
1108Allow to enable/disable Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior Allow to enable/disable Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior
1109Allow Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior Allow Sensor Presence Aware Power Behavior
1110Interrupt Steering Settings Interrupt Steering Settings
1112Interrupt Steering Mode Interrupt Steering Mode
1114Default Default
1116Route interrupts to Processor 0 Route interrupts to Processor 0
1117Processor 0 Processor 0
1118Route interrupts to any processor Route interrupts to any processor
1119Any processor Any processor
1120Route interrupts to any unparked processor with time delay Route interrupts to any unparked processor with time delay
1121Any unparked processor with time delay Any unparked processor with time delay
1122Route interrupts to any unparked processor Route interrupts to any unparked processor
1123Any unparked processor Any unparked processor
1124Target Load for each Processor Target Load for each Processor
1125Target Load Target Load
1126Tenths of a percent Tenths of a percent
1127Time a processor must remain unparked before interrupts are moved onto it Time a processor must remain unparked before interrupts are moved onto it
1128Unparked time trigger Unparked time trigger
1129Milliseconds Milliseconds
1130Lock Interrupt Routing Lock Interrupt Routing
1132Route interrupts to Processor 1 Route interrupts to Processor 1
1133Processor 1 Processor 1
1140የአውታረመረብ ግንኙነት ሁኔታ በዝግጁ ሁኔታ ለይቶ ያስቀምጣል። Specifies network connection state in Standby.
1141የአውታመረብ ዝርጋታ ግንኙነት በዝግጁ ሁኔታ ላይ Networking connectivity in Standby
1142የአውታመረብ ዝርጋታ በዝግጁ ሁኔታ አንቃ። Enable networking in Standby.
1144ዝግጁ ላይ ያሉ የአውታረመረቦች ዝርጋታን አሰናክል። Disable networking in Standby.
1145አሰንክል Disable
1146በተጠንቀቅ ውስጥ ክዳኑ ከተከደነ አውታረመረብን አሰናክል። Disable networking in Standby if the lid is closed.
1147ክዳን በሚከደን ጊዜ አሰናክል Disable on lid close
1150የተቋረጠ ተጠንቀቅ ሁኔታን ይገልጻል። Specifies the disconnected standby mode.
1151የተቋረጠ ተጠንቀቅ ሁኔታ Disconnected Standby Mode
1152መደበኛ Normal
1154ነውጠኛ Aggressive
1160የኃይል ቆጣቢ የክንውን አውዶች። Energy Saver settings.
1161የኃይል ቆጣቢ የክንውን አውዶች Energy Saver settings
1162ኃይል ቆጣቢ የሚበራበት የባትሪ ሙሌት ደረጃ ለይቶ ያስቀምጣል። Specifies battery charge level at which Energy Saver is turned on.
1163የሙሌት ደረጃ Charge level
1164መቶኛ ባትሪ ሙሌት Percent battery charge
1165ጉልበት ቆጣቢ በሚበራበት ወቅት ብሩህነትን ለማመጣጠን የመጠኑን መቶኛ ይገልፃል። Specifies the percentage value to scale brightness when Energy Saver is on.
1166የማሳያ የብርሃን መጠን ክብደት Display brightness weight
1170ለእርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር የተጠቃሚ መገኘት ግመታ ሁነታን ይጥቀሱ Specify User Presence Prediction mode for your computer
1171የተጠቃሚ መገኘት ግመታ ሁነታ User Presence Prediction mode
1172የተጠቃሚ መገኘት ግመታ ሁነታን አሰናክል። Disable User Presence Prediction mode.
1174የተጠቃሚ መገኘት ግመታ ሁነታን አንቃ። Enable User Presence Prediction mode.
1180ሲስተሙ የመጠባበቂያ በጀቱን ሲያልፍ የእርምት እርምጃ ከመውሰዱ በፊት የሚኖረውን የእፎይታ ጊዜ ያሳያል።
Specifies the grace period before taking an adaptive action when the system has exceeded its standby budget
1181ይመጠባበቂያ በጀት የእፎይታ ጊዜ Standby Budget Grace Period
1182ሲስተሙ በተጠባባቂ ሁኔታ ላይ ሳለ በአንድ የጊዜ አሃድ እንዲጠቀም የተፈቀደውን የባትሪ ኃይል መቶኛ ያሳያል። Specifies percentage of battery per unit of time allowed to be consumed by the system while it is in standby
1183የመጠባበቂያ በጀት መቶኛ
Standby Budget Percent
1184መዋቅሩ ከመጠባበቂያ ቻርጅ መጠኑ በሚያንስ ግዜ የምህረት ግዜውን ማስማሚያ እርምጃው በፊት መውሰድ ይቻላል Specifies the grace period before taking an adaptive action when the system is below the reserve battery charge level
1185የተጠባባቂ ክምችት ምህረት ክፍለግዜ Standby Reserve Grace Period
1186የማስማሚያ እርምጃ ከመወሰዱ በፊት ትንሹን የባትሪ ቻርች መጠን የመጠቀሚያ ግዜ መወሰን ያስፈልጋል Specifies the minimun active usage time that the battery charge level should allow before taking an adaptive action
1187ተጠባባቂ ክምቸት ግዜ Standby Reserve Time
1188ተወራራሽ የሚሆነውን በጀት ዳግም የሚያቀናብረውን የባትሪ ኃይል መሙላት ደረጃ በመቶኛ ይጠቅሳል Specifies percentage of battery charge which resets the adaptive budget
1189የዝግጁነት ዳግም ዝግጀት መቶኛ Standby Reset Percentage
1200ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 አማካዩን አገልግሎት ለማስላት ጥቅም ላይ የሚውሉትን የማስኬጂያ ብቃት የጊዜ ፍተሻ ልዩነቶች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ። Specify the number of processor performance time check intervals to use when calculating the average utility for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1201ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ ብቃት ታሪክ ብዛት Processor performance history count for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1202የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ማስኬጂያዎን ዝቅተኛ የብቃት ሁኔታ ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the minimum performance state of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in percentage).
1203ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ዝቅተኛው የማስኬጂያ ሁኔታ Minimum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1204ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከፍተኛውን የብቃት ሁኔታ ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the maximum performance state of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in percentage).
1205ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከፍተኛው የማስኬጂያ ሁኔታ Maximum processor state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1206የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታው ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከመቀነሱ በፊት ያለውን ከመጨረሻው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ለውጥ በፊት ያለውን ዝቅተኛውን የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ፍተሸ ልዩነቶች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ። Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be decreased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1207ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት መቀነሻ ጊዜ Processor performance decrease time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1208የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታው ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከመጨመሩ በፊት ያለውን ከመጨረሻው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ለውጥ በፊት ያለውን ዝቅተኛውን የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ፍተሸ ልዩነቶች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ። Specify the minimum number of perf check intervals since the last performance state change before the performance state may be increased for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1209ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት መጨመሪያ ጊዜ Processor performance increase time for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1210ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ተፈላጊው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ከአሁኑ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ያነሰ ሲሆን አዲስ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ለመምረጥ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለው የአልጎሪዝም ቀመርን ይጥቀሱ። Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is lower than the current performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1211ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት መቀነሻ ፖሊሲ Processor performance decrease policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1212ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ተፈላጊው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ከአሁኑ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ የበለጠ ሲሆን አዲስ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ለመምረጥ ጥቅም ላይ የዋለው የአልጎሪዝም ቀመርን ይጥቀሱ። Specify the algorithm used to select a new performance state when the ideal performance state is higher than the current performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1213ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት መጨመሪያ ፖሊሲ Processor performance increase policy for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1214ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ከመቀነሱ በፊት መሳካት ያለበትን አነስተኛውን የተያዘ የመሆን ልክ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the lower busy threshold that must be met before decreasing the processor's performance state (in percentage) for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1215ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት የመቀነስ ልክ Processor performance decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1216ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ከመጨመሩ በፊት መሳካት ያለበትን አነስተኛውን የተያዘ የመሆን ልክ ይጥቀሱ። Specify the upper busy threshold that must be met before increasing the processor's performance state (in percentage) for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1217ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት የመጨመር ልክ Processor performance increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1218ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የመዘግየት ስሜታዊነት ፍንጮች ምላሽ የማስኬጂያውን የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ይጥቀሱ። Specify the processor performance in response to latency sensitivity hints for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1.
1219ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የመዘግየት ስሜታዊነት ፍንጭ የማስኬጂያ አፈጻጸም ብቃት Latency sensitivity hint processor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1220የመዘግየት ፍንጭ ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የነቃ ሲሆን ዝቅተኛውን ያልቆሙ ማዕከሎች/ጥቅሎች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages when a latency hint is active for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage).
1221ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የመዘግየት ስሜታዊነት ፍንጭ ዝቅተኛ ያልቆሙ ማዕከሎ/ጥቅሎች Latency sensitivity hint min unparked cores/packages for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1222የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ማስኬጂያዎን ሲቆም የሚገባበትን የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ይጥቀሱ። Specify what performance state a Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor enters when parked.
1223ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ማዕከል ማቆሚያ የቆመ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ Processor performance core parking parked performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1224ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ዝቅተኛውን የሚፈቀዱ ያልቆሙ ማዕከሎች/ጥቅሎች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the minimum number of unparked cores/packages allowed for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage).
1225ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ አፈጻጸም ብቃት ማዕከል ማቆሚያ ዝቅተኛ ማዕከሎች Processor performance core parking min cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1226ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከፍተኛውን የሚፈቀዱ ያልቆሙ ማዕከሎች/ጥቅሎች ቁጥር ይጥቀሱ (በመቶኛ)። Specify the maximum number of unparked cores/packages allowed for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 (in percentage).
1227ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ አፈጻጸም ብቃት ማዕከል ማቆሚያ ከፍተኛ ማዕከሎች Processor performance core parking max cores for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1232የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ማስኬጂያ ቁጥር የሚቀንስበትን የአፈጻጸም ብቃት መቀነሻ ልክ ይጠቅሳል (በማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 0 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት አሃዶች)። Specifies the performance level decrease threshold at which the Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count is decreased (in units of Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 processor performance).
1233ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ ብዛት መቀነሻ የማስኬጂያ አፈጻጸም ብቃት ደረጃ መቀነሻ ልክ Processor performance level decrease threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count decrease
1234የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ማስኬጂያ ቁጥር የሚጨምርበትን የአፈጻጸም ብቃት መጨመሪያ ልክ ይጠቅሳል (በማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 0 የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት አሃዶች)። Specifies the performance level increase threshold at which the Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count is increased (in units of Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 processor performance).
1235ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ ብዛት መጨመሪያ የማስኬጂያ አፈጻጸም ብቃት ደረጃ መቀነሻ ልክ Processor performance level increase threshold for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count increase
1236ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ ብዛት ለውጥ ከማስጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ደረጃ 0 ጋር ሲነጻጻር የሚኖረው የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ደረጃ ልክ ለውጥ Processor performance level threshold change for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count change relative to Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 performance level.
1237ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 የማስኬጂያ ብዛት ለውጥ የማስኬጂያ የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ደረጃ ልክ ለውጥ Processor performance level threshold change for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor count change
1238የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከቆመበት ሁኔታ እንዲነቃ ሲደረግ ማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 0 የሚኖረው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ ወለል Performance state floor for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 is woken from a parked state.
1239የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ማስኬጂያዎች ሳይቆሙ ሲቀሩ ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 0 ወለል የአፈጻጸም ብቃት A floor performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 0 when there are Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processors unparked
1240ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ከቆመበት ሁኔታ እንዲነቃ ሲደረግ የሚኖረው የመጀመሪያው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ። Initial performance state for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when woken from a parked state.
1241ለማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃ 1 ሳይቆም ሲቀር የሚኖረው የመጀመሪያው የአፈጻጸም ብቃት ሁኔታ Initial performance for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 when unparked
1242ለፕሮሰሰር ኃይል ብቃት ምድብ 1 ፕሮሰሰርዎ የተጠጋጋውን ከፍተኛ የፕሮሰሰር ድግግሞሽ ይግለጹ (በሜኸ)። Specify the approximate maximum frequency of your Processor Power Efficiency Class 1 processor (in MHz).
1243ለፕሮሰሰር ኃይል ብቃት ምድብ 1 ከፍተኛ የፕሮሰሰር ድግግሞሽ Maximum processor frequency for Processor Power Efficiency Class 1
1250ቢያንስ ሁለት የተለያዩ የማስጂያ ሃይል ብቃት ደረጃዎች ያሏቸው ስርዓቶች ላይ ጥቅም ላይ መዋል ያለበት የትኛው ፖሊሲ እንደሆነ ይጥቀሱ። Specify what policy to be used on systems with at least two different Processor Power Efficiency Classes.
1251መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ ስራ ላይ ውሏል Heterogeneous policy in effect
1252መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 0። Heterogeneous policy 0.
1253መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 0 ይጠቀሙ። Use heterogeneous policy 0
1254መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 1። Heterogeneous policy 1.
1255መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 1 ይጠቀሙ። Use heterogeneous policy 1
1256መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 2። Heterogeneous policy 2.
1257መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 2 ይጠቀሙ። Use heterogeneous policy 2
1258መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 3። Heterogeneous policy 3.
1259መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 3 ይጠቀሙ። Use heterogeneous policy 3
1260መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 4። Heterogeneous policy 4.
1261መልከ ብዙ ፖሊሲ 4 ይጠቀሙ። Use heterogeneous policy 4
1300የሀይል መቆጠቢያ መቆጣጠሪያ ፖሊሲን መወሰን፡፡ Specifies the policy to control Energy Saver.
1301ኢነርጂ መቆጠቢያ ፖሊሲ Energy Saver Policy
1302በተጠቃሚ የክንውን አውዶች ላይ በመመርኮዝ የኃይል ቁጠባን ተግባራዊ አድርግ። Engage Energy Saver based on user settings.
1303ተጠቃሚ User
1304Windows ኢነርጂ መቆጠቢያ ፖሊሲ በሰፊው እንዲይዝ መፍቀድ፡፡ Allow Windows to engage Energy Saver aggressively.
1305ሀይለኛ Aggressive
1400በኃይል ቁጠባዎች ፈንታ ለአፈጻጸም አድላ። Favor performance instead of energy savings.
1401ከፍተኛ የአፈጻጸም ድርብርብ አቀማመጥ High Performance Overlay
1402ከኃይል ቁጠባዎች ፈንታ መዛባትን በአፈጻጸም ላይ ከፍተኛ ያድርጉ። Maximize bias towards performance instead of energy savings.
1403ከፍተኛው የአፈጻጸም ድርብርብ አቀማመጥ Max Performance Overlay
0x30000000Info Info
0x50000004Information Information
0xD0000001Temperature Temperature
0xD0000002Current Current
0xD0000003Voltage Voltage
0xD0000004Power Power
0xD0000005Unspecified Unspecified
0xD0000006Shutdown Shutdown
0xD0000007Hibernate Hibernate
0xD0000008Passive Passive
0xD0000009Active Active


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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:የኃይል መገለጫ አጋዥ DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:POWRPROF
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ሁሉም መብቱ የተጠበቀ።
Original File Name:POWRPROF.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is powrprof.dll.mui?

powrprof.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Amharic language for file powrprof.dll (የኃይል መገለጫ አጋዥ DLL).

File version info

File Description:የኃይል መገለጫ አጋዥ DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:POWRPROF
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation። ሁሉም መብቱ የተጠበቀ።
Original Filename:POWRPROF.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x45E, 1200