accessibilitycpl.dll.mui Panail-smachd na so-ruigsinneachd 11596955b6a422797bc4b008b4fba3e7

File info

File name: accessibilitycpl.dll.mui
Size: 45056 byte
MD5: 11596955b6a422797bc4b008b4fba3e7
SHA1: 69314079d4a71682bc9f0e4ddf61897569e5cb42
SHA256: 655a0dbd88d3c2ca67c114eb8492fbe493ee31ef2561d8018405b1187197ec57
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Cornish language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Cornish English
2%d%s%d diog(an) %d%s%d seconds
3Ionnsaich mu dheidhinn teicneolas taice eile air loidhne Learn about additional assistive technologies online
4Cleachdaidh sinn do fhreagairtean gus roghainnean a mholadh dhut a-mhàin. Ma tha prògram no làrach-lìn eile airson am fiosrachadh seo a chleachdadh a chum do leas, thèid cead iarraidh ort gu soilleir. Privacy Statement Your answers are used to determine recommended settings only. If another program or Web site wants to use this information to better suit your needs, you will be explicitly asked for permission by that program. Privacy Statement
5%d mionaid(ean) %d minutes
61 mhionaid 1 minute
7%d dìog %d seconds
10Aonad na so-ruigsinneachd Ease of Access Center
45Dèan do choimpiutair nas fhasa ri chleachdadh. Make your computer easier to use.
46Faigh molaidhean gus an coimpiutair agad a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri chleachdadh (comas-fradhairc) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (eyesight)
47Faigh molaidhean gus an coimpiutair agad a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri chleachdadh (deas-làmhachd) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (dexterity)
48Faigh molaidhean gus an coimpiutair agad a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri chleachdadh (comas-claisneachd) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (hearing)
49Faigh molaidhean gus an coimpiutair agad a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri chleachdadh (comas-labhairt) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (speech)
50Faigh molaidhean gus an coimpiutair agad a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri chleachdadh (cognatach) Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (cognitive)
56Cleachd an coimpiutair gun taisbeanadh Use the computer without a display
57Dèan an coimpiutair nas fhasa ri fhaicinn Make the computer easier to see
58Dèan an luchag nas fhasa ri chleachdadh Make the mouse easier to use
59Dèan am meur-chlàr nas fhasa ri chleachdadh Make the keyboard easier to use
60Cleachd an coimpiutair gun luchag no meur-chlàr Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
61Cleachd teacsa no gleusan lèirsinneach an àite fhuaimean Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
62Dèan fòcasadh air gnìomhan nas fhasa Make it easier to focus on tasks
63Suidhich iuchraichean luchaige Set up Mouse Keys
64Suidhich criathradh nan iuchraichean Set up Filter Keys
65Suidhich iuchraichean ath-dhèanaimh is slaodachaidh Set up Repeat and Slow Keys
66Roghainnean a mholamaid Recommended settings
67Atharraich roghainnean a' chlàraidh a-steach Change sign-in settings
68Suidhich na h-iuchraichean steigeach Set up Sticky Keys
70Tagh &ùrlar àrd-iomsgaraidh Choose a High Cont&rast theme
72%s às dèidh clàraidh a-steach %s after sign-in
73%s nuair a chlàraichear a-steach %s at sign-in
74Cluinn an teacsa air an sgrìn os àrd (neach-aithris) Hear text on screen read aloud (Narrator)
75Dèan rudan air an sgrìn nas motha (Meudaichear) Make items on the screen larger (Magnifier)
76Sgrìobh as aonais meur-chlàir (Meur-chlàr air an sgrìn) Type without the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard)
78Brùth iuchraichean nan ath-ghoiridean fear mu seach (Iuchraichean steigeach) Press keyboard shortcuts one key at a time (Sticky Keys)
79Ma phutas mi air iuchraichean uair is uair, leig seachad an fheadhainn a tha cus (Criathradh iuchraichean) If I press keys repeatedly, ignore extra presses (Filter Keys)
80Cleachd pada nan àireamhan gus an luchag a ghluasad air an sgrìn (Iuchraichean luchaige) Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen (Mouse Keys)
81Seirm fuaim nuair a phutas tu CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK no SCROLL LOCK (Iuchraichean toglachaidh) Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK (Toggle Keys)
82Dèan suathadh is tablaidean nas fhasa ri an cleachdadh Make touch and tablets easier to use
83Neach-aithris Narrator
84Meudaichear Magnifier
85Am meur-clàr air an sgrìn On-Screen Keyboard
86Chan eil gin None
1102Tomhairean luchaige Mouse pointers
1103Stiùirich an luchag leis a' mheur-chlàr Control the mouse with the keyboard
1105Other programs installed Other programs installed
1106Geal à&bhaisteach &Regular White
1107Dubh &àbhaisteach Reg&ular Black
1108A&is-thionndadh àbhaisteach Re&gular Inverting
1109M&òr is geal &Large White
1110Mòr is &dubh Large &Black
1111Ai&s-thionndach mòr Large &Inverting
1112&Glè mhòr is geal E&xtra Large White
1113Glè mhòr is dub&h Extra Large Blac&k
1114Ais-thionndach gl&è mhòr Extra Large I&nverting
1115Cuir &uinneag an gnìomh le bhith a' fantainn os a cionn leis an luchag Activate a &window by hovering over it with the mouse
1117Cluinn teacsa 's tuairisgeulan os àrd Hear text and descriptions read aloud
1118Dèan rudan air an sgrìn nas motha Make things on the screen larger
1119Dèan rudan air an sgrin nas fhasa ri fhaicinn Make things on the screen easier to see
1121Cuir air am meudaichea&r Turn on Mag&nifier
1124Cleachd gleusan lèirsinneach an àite fhuaimean Use visual cues instead of sounds
1129Dèan an sgrìobhadh nas fhasa Make it easier to type
1138Dèan an coimpiutair agad nas fhasa ri chleachdadh Make your computer easier to use
1139Grad-inntrigeadh air na h-innealan as cumanta Quick access to common tools
1141&Leugh an earrann seo os àrd an-còmhnaidh Al&ways read this section aloud
1142Sg&anaich an earrann seo an-còmhnaidh Always scan this secti&on
1143Tòisich am &meudaichear Start Ma&gnifier
1144Tòisich an &neach-aithris Start &Narrator
1145&Tòisich am meur-chlàr air sgrìn Start On-Screen &Keyboard
1148&Suidhich àrd-iomsgaradh Set &up High Contrast
1153Rùraich na roghainnean uile Explore all settings
1155Pisich airson doille Optimize for blindness
1157Pisich an taisbeanadh lèirsinneach Optimize visual display
1159Cuir air dòigh uidheaman ion-chuir eile Set up alternative input devices
1161Cuir air gleus na roghainnean airson na luchaige no tomhairean eile Adjust settings for the mouse or other pointing devices
1163Atharraich roghainnean a' mheur-chlàir Adjust settings for the keyboard
1165Suidhich gleusan eile an àite fhuaimean Set up alternatives for sounds
1167Cuir air gleus na roghainnean airson leughadh is sgrìobhadh Adjust settings for reading and typing
1168Cuir air gleus crìochan-ama 's eileamaidean priobach Adjust time limits and flashing visuals
1169Cleachd pada nan àireamhan gus an luchag a ghluasad air an sgrìn. Use the numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen.
1171Suidhich iuchraich&ean luchaige Set up Mouse Ke&ys
1172Brùth ath-ghoiridean air a' mheur-chlàr (mar eisimpleir CTRL+ALT+DEL) aon iuchair mu seach. Press keyboard shortcuts (such as CTRL+ALT+DEL) one key at a time.
1174Sui&dhich na h-iuchraichean steigeach Set up Sti&cky Keys
1175Seirm fuaim nuair a phutas tu CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK no SCROLL LOCK. Hear a tone when you press CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK.
1176Cuir air na h-iuchraichean to&glachaidh Turn on Toggle &Keys
1177Cuir air na h-iuchraichean toglachaidh le bhith a' cumail sìos iuchair NUM LOCK fad &5 diogan Turn on Toggle Keys by holding down the NUM LOCK key for &5 seconds
1178Leig seachad, no dèan nas slaodaiche, buillean-iuchrach luath no ath-bhuillean is cuir air gleus reataichean ath-bhuillean a' mheur-chlàir. Ignore or slow down brief or repeated keystrokes and adjust keyboard repeat rates.
1179Cu&ir air criathradh nan iuchraichean Turn on F&ilter Keys
1180Suidhich criathradh nan i&uchraichean Set up Fi<er Keys
1181Cuir loidhne &fo ath-ghoiridean is iuchraichean ruigsinneachd U&nderline keyboard shortcuts and access keys
1184Dèan cleachdadh ath-ghoiridean a' mheur-chlàir nas fhasa Make it easier to use keyboard shortcuts
1187Cuir air criathradh nan iuchraichean nuair a bhr&ùthar SHIFT deas fad 8 diogan Turn on Filter &Keys when right SHIFT is pressed for 8 seconds
1188Roghainnean criathraidh Filter options
1189C&uir air na h-iuchraichean bocaidh Turn on &Bounce Keys
1190Ma bhuaileas do chorragan air iuchair gun deòin, leigidh gleus nan iuchraichean bocaidh seachad ath-bhuillean a nithear rè ùine shònraichte. If you unintentionally bounce your fingers on a key, Bounce Keys will ignore repeated keystrokes for a specific amount of time.
1191Dè cho fad 's a dh'fhuiricheas an coimpiutair mus gabh e ri buille-iuchrach? How long should the computer wait before accepting keystrokes?
1193Cuir air na iuchraichean &ath-dhèanaimh is slaodachaidh Turn on &Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1194Leigidh an coimpiutair seachad buillean-iuchrach luath a-rèir nan crìochan-ama a shuidheachas tu. The computer will ignore brief keystrokes according to the time limits you set.
1195&Suidhich iuchraichean ath-dhèanaimh is iuchraichean slaodachaidh Set &up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1196Cuir teacsa a-steach an-seo gus na roghainnean &fheuchainn: Type text here to test setti&ngs:
1197Roghainnean eile Other settings
1198Dèan bìog &nuair a bhrùthar iuchraichean no nuair a ghabhar ris Beep &when keys are pressed or accepted
1200Leughaidh an neach-aithris teacsa sam bith os àrd a tha air an sgrìn. Bidh feum agad air glaodhairean. Narrator reads aloud any text on the screen. You will need speakers.
1201C&uir air an neach-aithris T&urn on Narrator
1203Suidhich tiughad a' chùrsair &phriobaidh: Set the thickness of the &blinking cursor:
1204Ro-shealladh: Preview:
1205Cuir dheth a h-uile beòthachadh air nach eil feum (&ma ghabhas seo a dhèanamh) Turn off all unnecessary animations (&when possible)
1206Thoir air falbh dealbhan a' chùlaibh (ma g&habhas seo a dhèanamh) Remove back&ground images (where available)
1207Cluinn aithris mu na tha a' dol ann am video (ma bhios seo ri làimh). Hear descriptions of what's happening in videos (when available).
1208Cuir air an ait&hris fuaime Turn on Aud&io Description
1209Dè cho fad 's a chumar bogsaichean còmhraidhean &Windows fosgailte? How long should Windows notification dialog bo&xes stay open?
1214Seachainn cleachdadh na luchaige 's a' mheur-chlàir Avoid using the mouse and keyboard
1215Bruidhinn a-steach air micreafon gus an coimpiutair a stiùireadh, prògraman fhosgladh 's teacsa a leughadh a-steach dhan choimpiutair. Speak into a microphone to control the computer, open programs, and dictate text.
1216Cleac&hd aithneachadh gutha &Use Speech Recognition
1217Dèan sgrìobhadh leis an luchag no inneal tomhaidh eile mar joystick 's tu a' taghadh iuchraichean air dealbh de mheur-chlàr. Type using the mouse or another pointing device such as a joystick by selecting keys from a picture of a keyboard.
1218Cleachd a&m meur-chlàr air sgrìn Use On-Screen &Keyboard
1221Cuir air &na h-iuchraichean luchaige le left ALT + SHIFT clì + NUM LOCK Turn on Mouse &Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK
1222Astar an tomhaire Pointer speed
1223Astar as luaithe: Top speed:
1224Ìosal Low
1225Àrd High
1226Luathachadh: Acceleration:
1227Slaodach Slow
1228Luath Fast
1229&Brùth 's cum sìos CTRL airson a dhol nas luaithe 's SHIFT airson a dhol nas slaodaiche Hold do&wn CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down
1231Cleachd iuchraichean luchaige ma bhios NUM LOCK: Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is:
1232&Air O&n
1233Dheth Off
1234Seall ìomhaigheag nan &iuchraichean luchaige air bàr nan saothair Display the Mouse Ke&ys icon on the taskbar
1236Cluinn teacsa ga leughadh os àrd Hear text read aloud
1237Suidhich &teacsa gu cainnt &Set up Text to Speech
1239Suidhich iuchraichean ath-dhèanaimh is iuchraichean slaodachaidh Set up Repeat Keys and Slow Keys
1240Seachain ath-bhuillean iuchraichean ma chumas tu sìos tè Avoid repeated keystrokes when you hold down a key
1242&Leig seachad ath-bhuillean dhen aon iuchair Ig&nore all repeated keystrokes
1244Dèan &reataichean nan ath-bhuillean nas slaodaiche Slow down keyboard repeat &rates
1246Dè c&ho fad 's a dh'fhuiricheas an coimpiutair mus gabh e ri ath-bhuille-iuchrach an dèidh sin? How &long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes?
1247Dè cho fad 's a dh'fhuiricheas an coimpiutair mus gabh e ris a' chiad ath-bhuille-iuchrach? How long should the computer wait before accepting the first repeated keystroke?
1248Seachain buillean-iuchrach tuiteamach Avoid accidental keystrokes
1249Dè cho fa&d 's a dh'fheumar iuchair a chumail sìos mus gabh an coimpiutair agad ris a' bhuille-iuchrach? How long do you want to hold down a &key before your computer accepts the keystroke?
1251Faigh molaidhean a dh'innseas dhut mar a chuireas tu an coimputair agad air gleus ach am bi e nas fhasa ri chleachdadh Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use
1252Freagair na ceistean a leanas airson roghainnean a mholamaid gus an coimpiutair agad a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri fhaicinn, ri chluinntinn is ri chleachdadh. Answer the following questions to get recommendations for settings that can make your computer easier to see, hear, and use.
1253Airson gach ceist, tagh gach abairt a tha fìor mu do dheidhinn. Nuair a bhios tu deiseil leis, bidh cothrom agad co-dhùnadh dè na roghainnean a chuireas tu air. For each question, select all statements that apply to you. When you're done, you can decide which settings to turn on.
1255Fradharc (1 à 5) Eyesight (1 of 5)
1256Tha e doirbh dhomh dealbhan is &teacsa air an TBh fhaicinn (fiù ma bhios speuclairean orm). Images and te&xt on TV are difficult to see (even when I'm wearing glasses).
1257Tha e doirbh dhomh &dealbhan fhaicinn air sgrìn a-rèir mar a tha an solas san t-seòmar. Lighting conditions make it difficult to &see images on my monitor.
1258Tha &mi dall. I am b&lind.
1259Tha seòrsa eile de chiorram &fradhairc orm (fiù 's ma bhios speuclairean ga leasachadh). I have another type of vision &impairment (even if glasses correct it).
1263&Air adhart &Next
1264&Sguir dheth &Cancel
1265Deas-làmhachd (2 à 5) Dexterity (2 of 5)
1266Tha e doirbh dhomh &pinn is peansalain a chleachdadh. &Pens and pencils are difficult to use.
1267Tha ciorram corporra a' toirt b&uaidh air cleachdadh mo ghàirdeanan, cùl an dùirn, làmhan no corragan. A physical condition affects the &use of my arms, wrists, hands, or fingers.
1268Cha chleachd mi &meur-chlàr. I do not use a &keyboard.
1269Claisneachd (3 à 5) Hearing (3 of 5)
1270Tha e doirbh dhomh &còmhradh a chluinntinn uaireannan (fiu 's le uidheam-taic èisteachd). C&onversations can be difficult to hear (even with a hearing aid).
1271Tha e doirbh dhomh an coimpiutair a chluinntinn ma tha &fuaim a' dol air mo chùlaibh. &Background noise makes the computer difficult to hear.
1272Tha &mi maol sa chlaisneachd. I a&m hard of hearing.
1273Tha mi &bodhar. &I am deaf.
1274Reusanachadh (5 à 5) Reasoning (5 of 5)
1275Tha e doirbh dhomh gu tric coimhead air rudan le &feart. It is often d&ifficult for me to concentrate.
1276&Tha duilgheadas ionnsachaidh agam, mar dhoille-fhaclan. I have a &learning disability, such as dyslexia.
1277Tha e doir&bh dhomh cuimhneachadh air rudan gu tric. It is often difficult for me to remember thin&gs.
1278&Dèanta D&one
1281Cuir air iuchraichean na &luchaige Turn on &Mouse Keys
1282Cuir ai&r na h-iuchraichean steigeach Tu&rn on Sticky Keys
1284Sgrìobh le uidheam tomhaidh Type using a pointing device
1286Seall ìomhaig&heag criathradh nan iuchraichean air bàr nan saothair Displa&y the Filter Keys icon on the taskbar
1288Cruthaich puing aisig airson lethbhreac-glèidhidh Create a restore point for backup
1289Tagh rabhadh lèirsinneach Choose visual warning
1290Chan eil &gin &None
1291Boillsgidh am &bàr caipsein gnìomhach Flash active caption &bar
1292Boillsgidh an &uinneag ghnìomhach Flash active &window
1293Boillsgidh an &deasg Flash des&ktop
1295Cuir air na &h-iuchraichean steigeach nuair a bhrùthar SHIFT còig tursan Turn on Sticky &Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times
1296Roghainnean Options
1297&Glas na h-iuchraichean atharrachaidh ma thèid am brùthadh dà thuras an dèidh a chèile &Lock modifier keys when pressed twice in a row
1298Cuir dheth na h-iuchraichean steigeach ma th&èid dà iuchair a bhrùthadh aig an aon àm T&urn off Sticky Keys when two keys are pressed at once
1299Ais-eòlas Feedback
1300Cluich &fuaim ma thèid iuchair atharraichaidh a bhrùthadh Pla&y a sound when modifier keys are pressed
1301Sea&ll ìomhaigheag nan iuchraichean steigeach air bàr nan saothair D&isplay the Sticky Keys icon on the task bar
1302Sùmaidh am meudaichear a-steach air àite sam bith air an sgrìn is cuiridh e am meud a h-uile rud san earrann sin. Faodaidh tu am meudaichear a ghluasad, a ghlasadh ann an aon àite no a mheud atharrachadh. Magnifier zooms in anywhere on the screen, and makes everything in that area larger. You can move Magnifier around, lock it in one place, or resize it.
1304Ceart &ma-thà &OK
1305Sguir dheth Cancel
1306Cuir an s&às A&pply
1307Tha e doirbh do dhaoine eile mo &thuigsinn is mi a' bruidhinn (ach chan ann mar thoradh air blas cainnt). Other &people have difficulty understanding me in a conversation (but not due to an accent).
1308Tha ciorram &labhairt orm. I have a &speech impairment.
1309Nuair a chleachdas tu ath-ghoiridean air a' mheur-chlàir gus roghainnean so-ruigsinneachd a chur air: When using keyboard shortcuts to turn Ease of Access settings on:
1312Comas-labhairt (4 à 5) Speech (4 of 5)
1314&Faigh molaidhean a dh'innseas dhut mar a chuireas tu an coimputair agad air gleus ach am bi e nas fhasa ri chleachdadh Get &recommendations to make your computer easier to use
1319Faic cuideachd See also
1320Meudaichidh am meudaichear pàirt dhen sgrìn. Magnifier enlarges part of the screen.
1321Leughaidh an neach-aithris an teacsa air an sgrìn os àrd. Narrator reads aloud text on the screen.
1322Leis a' mheur-chlàr air an sgrìn, faodaidh tu sgrìobhadh leis an luchag no le inneal-tomhaidh eile 's tu a' briogadh air dealbhan de dh'iuchraichean air meur-chlàr. On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard.
1325Atharraich &meud an teacsa 's nan ìomhaigheag Change the si&ze of text and icons
1326Atharraich dath is trìd-shoilleireachd iomall nan uinnea&gan Ad&just the color and transparency of the window borders
1327Dèan ceart-cheàrnag an fhòcais nas &tighe Make the focus rectangle thic&ker
1328&Roghainnean na luchaige Mouse &settings
1329Roghainnean a' &mheur-chlàir Key&board settings
1330Uidheaman &fuaim is ùrlaran fuaim Aud&io Devices and Sound Themes
1331Cuidichidh na roghainnean seo thu gus an coimpiutair agad a chur air dòigh ach am freagair e ri do chuid fheumalachdan. Thoir sùil air na roghainnean a mholamaid is tagh na roghainnean a tha thu airson cleachdadh. These settings can help you set up your computer to meet your needs. Review the recommended settings below and select the options that you want to use.
1332Chan eil moladh sam bith ann a fhreagras ris na thagh thu. There are no recommendations based on your selections.
1333Feuch aon dhen dà rud a leanas: You can try one of two things:
1334A' lìonadh a' cheisteachain a-rithist. Completing the questionnaire again.
1335Till gu duilleag-dhachaigh na so-ruigsinneachd . Return to the Ease of Access home page.
1342'S urrainn dhut teicneolasan taice a thòiseachadh gu fèin-obrachail nuair a chlàraicheas tu a-steach, às dèidh dhut clàradh a-steach no an dà chuid. Cuir cromagan sna bogsaichean aig gach roghainn a tha thu ag iarraidh cleachdadh. You can have assistive technologies start automatically when you sign in, after you sign in, or both. Select the check boxes for each option you'd like to use.
1346Tagh gach abairt a tha fìor mu do dheidhinn: Select all statements that apply to you:
1347Cuir air na brathan l&èirsinneach airson fuaimean (freiceadan nam fuaim) Tu&rn on visual notifications for sounds (Sound Sentry)
1348Cuir air na caipseanan teacsa airson còmhradh &labhairteach (ma bhios seo ri làimh) T&urn on text captions for spoken dialog (when available)
1349Cuir àrd-iomsgaradh air no dheth ma thèid &ALT clì + SHIFT clì + PRINT SCREEN a bhrùthadh Turn on or off High Contrast when &left ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN is pressed
1357Seall teachdaireachd rabhaidh &nuair a chuirear roghainn air Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1358&Dèan fuaim nuair a chuireas tu roghainn air no dheth &Make a sound when turning a setting on or off
1359Seall teac&hdaireachd rabhaidh nuair a chuirear roghainn air Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1361Seall teachdaireachd rabhaidh nuair a chuirear ro&ghainn air Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1363Se&all teachdaireachd rabhaidh nuair a chuirear roghainn air Display &a warning message when turning a setting on
1366C&uir air iuchraichean na luchaige Turn on &Mouse Keys
1372Àrd-iomsgaradh High Contrast
1373Magnifier enlarges part of the screen. Magnifier enlarges part of the screen.
1374On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard. On-Screen Keyboard makes it possible to type using the mouse or another pointing device by clicking keys on a picture of a keyboard.
1376Cuiridh àrd-iomsgaradh am meud an t-iomsgaradh eadar dathan gus spàirn nan sùiean a lùghdachadh agus rudan a dhèanamh nas fhasa ri leughadh. Gus a chur air, brùth Shift clì + Alt clì + Print Screen. High contrast increases the contrast in colors to reduce eyestrain and make things easier to read. To turn it on, press Left Shift+Left Alt+ Print Screen.
1379Use the computer without a display Use the computer without a display
1381Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard
1383Make the keyboard easier to use Make the keyboard easier to use
1384Use text or visual alternatives for sounds Use text or visual alternatives for sounds
1385Make it easier to focus on tasks Make it easier to focus on tasks
1386Ann an imcheist càit an tòisich thu? Not sure where to start?
1387Get Help Get Help
1388Cobhair Help
1389Ma thaghas tu na roghainnean seo, tòisichidh iad gu fèin-obrachail gach turas a chlàraicheas tu a-steach. When you select these settings, they will automatically start each time you sign in.
1390Ma thaghas tu na h-innealan seo, tòisichidh iad gu fèin-obrachail gach turas a chlàraicheas tu a-steach. When you select these tools, they will automatically start each time you sign in.
1391Cuir d&reach pearsanta air a' choltas is na fuaimean Pe&rsonalize appearance and sound effects
1392Cuir air gleus èifea&chdan an taisbeanaidh Fine tune display effe&cts
1393Cuir ris meur-chlàr &Dvorak is atharraich roghainnean ion-chuir eile Add a Dvorak keyboard and chan&ge other keyboard input settings
1394'S urrainn dhan choimpiutair agad gach ath-bhuille-iuchrach a leigeil seachad no faodaidh tu dàil a chur air dòigh ach nach gabh e ri ath-bhuillean ron àm sin. Your computer can ignore all repeated keystrokes or you can set the time interval before it accepts repeated keystrokes.
1395Cuidichidh na h-innealan air an liosta seo thu leis an toiseach tòiseachaidh. You can use the tools in this section to help you get started.
1396'S urrainn dha Windows an liosta seo a leughadh 's a sganadh gu fèin-obrachail. Brùth an SPACEBAR gus an t-inneal comharraichte a thaghadh. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the SPACEBAR to select the highlighted tool.
1397Atharraich dath is meud tomhairean na luchaige. Change the color and size of mouse pointers.
1399Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use. Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use.
1400These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts. These programs are available on this computer. Running more than one at a time might cause conflicts.
1401Tagh &sgeama dath àrd-iomsgaraidh Choose a High Cont&rast color scheme
1402Ath-ghoirid meur-chlàir Keyboard shortcut
1403Leughadh Reading
1406Suidhich tiughad a' chùrsair phriobaidh Set the thickness of the blinking cursor
1407Dè cho fad 's a chumar bogsaichean còmhraidhean Windows fosgailte? How long should Windows notification dialog boxes stay open?
1409Dè cho fad 's a dh'fheumar iuchair a chumail sìos mus gabh an coimpiutair agad ris a' bhuille-iuchrach? How long do you want to hold down a key before your computer accepts the keystroke?
1410test test
1412Dè cho fad 's a dh'fhuiricheas an coimpiutair mus gabh e ri ath-bhuille-iuchrach an dèidh sin? How long should the computer wait before accepting subsequent repeated keystrokes?
1413Astar as luaithe Top speed
1414Luathachadh Acceleration
1416Cleachd aithneachadh &gutha Use Speech Recog&nition
1417Dèan nas fhasa e uinneagan a stiùireadh Make it easier to manage windows
1419Na leig le uinneagan an cur air dòigh gu fèin-obrachail nuair a thèid an gluasad gu oir na sgrìn Prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen
1422Teicneolas taice Assistive Technology
14241429 1429
1431Cuir air dòigh na roghainnean airson suathadh is tablaidean Adjust settings for touch and tablets
1432Make touch and tablets easier to use Make touch and tablets easier to use
1433Gabhaidh inneal so-inntrigeachd a chur gu dol ma bhrùthas tu am putan Windows is am putan Volume Up còmhla air an tablaid agad. Dè an t-inneal so-ruigsinneachd a chuireas sinn gu dol leis? Pressing the Windows button and Volume up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. Which accessibility tool would you like to be launched?
1435A' cur air bhog innealan coitcheann Launching common tools
1436Dèan suathadh nas fhasa ri chleachdadh Make touch easier to use
1437Innealan so-ruigsinneachd Accessibility tools
1438Cuir t-inneal seo air bhog on sgrìn far an clàraich mi a-steach Launch this tool from the sign-in screen
1439Suathadh is tablaidean Touch and tablets
1440Às dèidh clàraidh a-steach After sign-in
1441Nuair a chlàraicheas mi a-steach At sign-in
1442Gabhaidh inneal so-inntrigeachd a chur gu dol ma bhrùthas tu am putan Windows is am putan Volume Up còmhla air an tablaid agad. Airson an t-inneal atharrachadh a chuirear air bhog as dèidh dhut na putain seo a phutadh 's tu air clàradh a-steach, rach gun duillean "Dèan suathadh is tablaidean nas fhasa ri an cleachdadh." Pressing the Windows button and Volume Up button together on your tablet can start an accessibility tool. To change which tool launches when you press these buttons after you've signed in, go to the Make touch and tablets easier to use page.
5002Bun-roghainn Windows (mòr) Windows Standard (large)
5003Windows Standard (extra large) Windows Standard (extra large)
5004Windows Black Windows Black
5005Windows Black (large) Windows Black (large)
5006Windows Black (extra large) Windows Black (extra large)
5007Windows Inverted Windows Inverted
5008Windows Inverted (large) Windows Inverted (large)
5009Windows Inverted (extra large) Windows Inverted (extra large)
6000Ease of Access Sign-in Settings Ease of Access Sign-in Settings
6001The System Restore Wizard failed to start. The System Restore Wizard failed to start.
6002You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings. You do not have the required privileges to change sign-in settings.
6003An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occured elevating your privileges. (0x%xL)
6004Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool.
6005An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred displaying help topic. (0x%xL)
6006An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred creating help interface. (0x%xL)
6007An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to Color Scheme Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6008An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Display (Make fonts larger or smaller) Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6009An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Personalization Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6010An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Speech Recognition Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6011An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Mouse Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6012An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Keyboard Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6013An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Sound Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6014An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Text to Speech Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6015An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to a URL. (0x%xL)
6016Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar Ease of Access Center. ,,,,,Make your computer easier to use. ,,,,,You can use the tools in this section to help you get started. Windows can read and scan this list automatically. Press the Spacebar to select the highlighted tool. ,,,,,You can tab through the options and select them by pressing the Spacebar
6019An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred linking to the Region and Language Control Panel. (0x%xL)
6020An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred starting or configuring a program to run automatically. (0x%xL)
6021An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL) An unexpected error occurred configuring program not to run. (0x%xL)


File Name:accessibilitycpl.dll.mui
File Size:44 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:44544
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Cornish
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Panail-smachd na so-ruigsinneachd
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:AccessibilityCpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original File Name:AccessibilityCpl.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Ole Self Register:

What is accessibilitycpl.dll.mui?

accessibilitycpl.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Cornish language for file accessibilitycpl.dll (Panail-smachd na so-ruigsinneachd).

File version info

File Description:Panail-smachd na so-ruigsinneachd
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:AccessibilityCpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Gach còir glèidhte.
Original Filename:AccessibilityCpl.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x491, 1200