appwiz.cpl.mui Maniġer tal-Applikazzjoni Shell 10986a331edfc4aed49be459bbdbc08d

File info

File name: appwiz.cpl.mui
Size: 33280 byte
MD5: 10986a331edfc4aed49be459bbdbc08d
SHA1: f1d45d515a9aa574e005fa7202f4c5489316f135
SHA256: b189bc4f8e23db08b4a7ee67c929b0934302d83c32c1a2e5d08c1a690bf98548
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Maltese English
21Daqs Size
43Isem Name
68%1 għal %2 (%3) %1 for %2 (%3)
69Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
70Aġġornament Kritiku Critical Update
71Hotfix Hotfix
72Aġġornament ta' Sigurtà Security Update
73Service Pack Service Pack
74Aġġornament tas-Softwer Software Update
75Aġġorna Update
76Aġġorna r-Rollup Update Rollup
77Drajver Driver
83Għajnuna Help
89Stenna ftit... Please wait...
95Il-konfigurazzjoni ta' programm tispeċifika l-programmi default għal ċerti attivitajiet, bħall-ibbrawżjar tal-Web jew biex tintbagħat posta elettronika, u liema programmi huma aċċessibbli mill-menù Start, mid-desktop u minn postijiet oħra.

Agħżel konfigurazzjoni:
A program configuration specifies default programs for certain activities, such as Web browsing or sending e-mail, and which programs are accessible from the Start menu, desktop, and other locations.

Choose a configuration:
97Ikkanċella Cancel
98Qed Japplika l-Bidliet Applying Changes
99Tħollija tal-aċċess: Enabling access:
100Tneħħija tal-aċċess: Removing access:
101Issettjar bħala l-applikazzjoni default: Setting as default application:
102Manifattur tal-Kompjuter Computer Manufacturer
103Jissettja l-programmi speċifikati mill-manifattur tal-kompjuter bħala defaults, u jattiva jew ineħħi l-aċċess għall-programmi murija hawn taħt. Sets programs specified by your computer manufacturer as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below.
105Jissettja l-programmi inklużi fi %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% %WINDOWS_GENERIC% bħala defaults, u jattiva jew ineħħi l-aċċess għall-programmi murija hawn taħt. Sets programs included in %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% %WINDOWS_GENERIC% as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below.
107Jissettja l-programmi li mhux %MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% (meta disponibbli) bħala defaults, u jattiva jew ineħħi l-aċċess għall-programmi murija hawn taħt. Sets non-%MICROSOFT_COMPANYNAME% programs (when available) as defaults, and enables or removes access to the programs shown below.
108Personalizzat Custom
109Nota: Jekk il-programm ma jirrispondix għall-għażla tiegħek biex jattiva jew ineħħi l-aċċess għaliha, ikkuntattja l-bejjiegħ ta' dak il-programm. Note: If a program does not respond to your choice to enable or remove access to it, please contact the vendor of that program.
110Brawżer tal-Web : Web browser :
111Uża l-brawżer attwali tal-Web Use my current Web browser
112Agħżel brawżer tal-Web default Choose a default Web browser
113Programm tal-posta elettronika : E-mail program :
114Uża l-programm attwali tiegħi tal-posta elettronika Use my current e-mail program
115Agħżel programm default tal-posta elettronika Choose a default e-mail program
116Plejer tal-midja : Media player :
117Uża l-plejer tal-midja attwali Use my current media player
118Agħżel plejer tal-midja default Choose a default media player
119Programm għal messaġġi immedjati : Instant messaging program :
120Uża l-programm attwali għal messaġġi immedjati Use my current instant messaging program
121Agħżel programm ta' messaġġi immedjati default Choose a default instant messaging program
122Magna virtwali għall-Java : Virtual machine for Java :
123Uża l-magna virtwali attwali għall-Java Use my current virtual machine for Java
124Agħżel magna virtwali għall-Java default Choose a default virtual machine for Java
125Attiva l-aċċess għal dan il-programm Enable access to this program
126Attiva l-aċċess: Enable access:
127Neħħi l-aċċess: Remove access:
128%1, %2 %1, %2
129M'għandekx permess tissettja l-aċċess għall-programm u d-defaults. You do not have permission to set program access and defaults.
130Issettja l-Aċċess għall-Programmi u d-Defaults tal-Kompjuter Set Program Access and Computer Defaults
131Qed jissetta d-Defaults... Setting Defaults...
132Agħżel brawżer tal-web default : Choose a default web browser :
133Agħżel programm default tal-posta elettronika : Choose a default e-mail program :
134Agħżel plejer tal-midja default : Choose a default media player :
135Agħżel programm ta' messaġġi immedjati default : Choose a default instant messaging program :
136Agħżel magna virtwali għall-Java default : Choose a default virtual machine for Java :
137Uża l-programm attwali tiegħi ta' Microsoft tal-posta elettronika Use my current Microsoft e-mail program
138Agħti aċċess għal dan il-programm (%1) Enable access to this program (%1)
139Parser Error Parser Error
143Installat Fuq Installed On
144Sar żball waqt li kien qed jipprova jiddiżinstalla %1.

Ġa ġie ddiżinstallat.
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1.

It has already been uninstalled.
152Żgur tixtieq tiddiżinstalla dan l-aġġornament? Are you sure you want to uninstall this update?
155Ikseb programmi ġodda min-netwerk jew onlajn. Get new programs from the network or online.
156Ikseb Programmi Get Programs
157Aġġornamenti Installati Installed Updates
158Iddiżinstalla programm Uninstall a program
159Programmi u Funzjonijiet Programs and Features
160Iddiżinstalla jew ibdel programmi fil-kompjuter. Uninstall or change programs on your computer.
162Iddiżinstalla jew ibdel applikazzjoni Uninstall or change an application
165Iddiżinstalla Uninstall
166Iddiżinstalla dan il-programm. Uninstall this program.
167Ibdel Change
168Ibdel l-installazzjoni ta' dan il-programm. Change the installation of this program.
169Sewwi Repair
170Sewwi l-installazzjoni ta' dan il-programm. Repair the installation of this program.
171Iddiżinstalla/Ibdel Uninstall/Change
172Iddiżinstalla jew ibdel dan il-programm. Uninstall or change this program.
173&Iddiżinstalla &Uninstall
174Ib&del &Change
175&Sewwi R&epair
176&Iddiżinstalla/Ibdel &Uninstall/Change
177&Installa &Install
178Installa Install
179Jinstalla programm Installs a program
180Iddiżinstalla jew ibdel programm Uninstall or change a program
182Installa programm min-netwerk Install a program from the network
183Your system administrator has disabled Programs and Features. Your system administrator has disabled Programs and Features.
184Iddiżinstalla aġġornament Uninstall an update
185Your system administrator has disabled Get Programs. Your system administrator has disabled Get Programs.
186Funzjonijiet tal-Windows Windows Features
187Ixgħel jew itfi l-karatteristiċi ta' Windows. Turn Windows features on or off.
188Ixgħel jew itfi l-funzjonalitajiet tal-Windows Turn Windows features on or off
189Biex tixgħel funzjonalità, immarka l-kaxxa tagħha. Biex titfi funzjonalità, neħħi l-marka mill-kaxxa tagħha. Kaxxa mimlija tfisser li parti biss mill-funzjonalità hija mixgħula. To turn a feature on, select its check box. To turn a feature off, clear its check box. A filled box means that only part of the feature is turned on.
190System Restore System Restore
191Restores system to chosen restore point. Restores system to chosen restore point.
193Stenna sakemm il-Windows jagħmel tibdiliet lill-funzjonalitajiet. Dan jaf idum diversi minuti. Please wait while Windows makes changes to features. This might take several minutes.
194Sar żball. Mhux il-funzjonalitajiet kollha nbidlu b'suċċess. An error has occurred. Not all of the features were successfully changed.
196Qed ifittex fin-netwerk għall-programmi disponibbli... Searching the network for available programs...
197M'hemmx programmi disponibbli biex tinstalla min-netwerk. There are no programs available to install from the network.
200Programmi installati bħalissa Currently installed programs
201%d programmi installati %d programs installed
202Aġġornamenti installati bħalissa Currently installed updates
203%d aġġornamenti installati %d updates installed
204Programmi disponibbli Available programs
205%d programmi disponibbli %d programs available
206M'hemmx programmi disponibbli x'tinstalla min-netwerk. Daħħal diska biex tinstalla programm ġdid There are no programs available to install from the network. Insert a disc to install a new program
210M'hemmx programmi installati f'dan il-kompjuter. No programs are installed on this computer.
211Qed ifittex għall-programmi installati... Searching for installed programs...
212M'hemmx aġġornamenti installati f'dan il-kompjuter. No updates are installed on this computer.
213Qed ifittex għall-aġġornamenti installati... Searching for installed updates...
214Attivitajiet Tasks
215Ara wkoll See also
216Your system administrator has disabled Installed Updates. Your system administrator has disabled Installed Updates.
217Ara l-aġġornamenti installati View installed updates
222Biex tiddiżinstalla programm, agħżlu mil-lista mbagħad ikklikkja Iddiżinstalla, Ibdel, jew Sewwi. To uninstall a program, select it from the list and then click Uninstall, Change, or Repair.
223Biex tinstalla programm, agħżlu mil-lista imbagħad ikklikkja Installa. To install a program, select it from the list and then click Install.
224Biex tiddiżinstalla aġġornament, agħżlu mil-lista imbagħad ikklikkja Iddiżinstalla jew Ibdel. To uninstall an update, select it from the list and then click Uninstall or Change.
231Hyper-V ma jistax jiġi installat. Il-proċessur m'għandux il-kapaċitajiet meħtieġa tal-virtwalizzazzjoni. Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have required virtualization capabilities.
232Hyper-V ma jistax jiġi installat. Il-proċessur m'għandux il-kapaċitajiet għal traduzzjoni tal-indirizzi f'livell sekondarju (SLAT). Hyper-V cannot be installed: The processor does not have second level address translation (SLAT) capabilities.
233Hyper-V cannot be installed: Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware. Hyper-V cannot be installed: Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware.
234Hyper-V cannot be installed: Data Execution Prevention is not enabled. Hyper-V cannot be installed: Data Execution Prevention is not enabled.
500Windows Update Windows Update
501Sar żball. Mhux l-aġġornamenti kollha ġew iddiżinstallati b'suċċess. An error has occurred. Not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled.
504Stenna sa ma jiġu ddiżinstallati l-aġġornamenti. Dan jaf idum diversi minuti. Please wait while the updates are being uninstalled. This might take several minutes.
505Il-funzjonalitajiet tal-Windows li ġejjin se jintfew ukoll għax jiddependu minn %1. Trid tkompli? The following Windows features will also be turned off because they are dependent on %1. Do you want to continue?
506Jekk jintefa' %1 jista' jaffettwa funzjonalitajiet u programmi oħra tal-Windows installati fil-kompjuter, inklużi s-settings default. Trid tkompli? Turning off %1 might affect other Windows features and programs installed on your computer, including default settings. Do you want to continue?
507Mur onlajn u sib aktar tagħrif Go online to learn more
508Funzjonalitajiet u programmi oħra tal-Windows installati fil-kompjuter jistgħu jiġu affettwati, inklużi s-settings default.
Mur onlajn u sib aktar tagħrif
Other Windows features and programs installed on your computer might also be affected, including default settings.
Go online to learn more
1001Stenna sa mal-programm attwali jispiċċa jiddiżinstalla jew jiġi mibdul. Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed.
2003Il-fajl %1 ma jistax jinstab. The file %1 cannot be found.
2012Shortcut jisimha %1 ġa teżisti f'dan il-fowlder. Tixtieq tibdilha? A shortcut named %1 already exists in this folder. Do you want to replace it?
2013Agħżel Titlu Choose a Title
2014exe exe
2016Ibbrawżja Browse
2020Setup Programs@*Instal*.exe;*Setup*.exe;Felrak.exe;Imposta.exe;KUR.exe;Yükle*.exe;Ayarla.exe;*.msi@Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.* Setup Programs@*Instal*.exe;*Setup*.exe;Felrak.exe;Imposta.exe;KUR.exe;Yükle*.exe;Ayarla.exe;*.msi@Programs@*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd@All Files@*.*
2027Mhux possibbli tinħoloq shortcut. Unable to create shortcut.
2028install@setup@uninst@unwise@felrak@imposta@kur@Yükle@Ayarla install@setup@uninst@unwise@felrak@imposta@kur@Yükle@Ayarla
2031An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list?
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list?
2032An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Installed Updates list?
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %1. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove %1 from the Installed Updates list?
2035The system folder %1 can not be deleted. The system folder %1 can not be deleted.
2037Program Group Program Group
2038No folder selected. No folder selected.
2042An error occurred while trying to uninstall %s. You do not have access to %s.
You can specify the new uninstall program below.
An error occurred while trying to uninstall %s. You do not have access to %s.
You can specify the new uninstall program below.
2044M'għandekx aċċess biżżejjed biex tneħħi %1 mil-lista ta' Programmi u funzjonalitajiet.
Ikkuntattja l-amministratur tas-sistema.
You do not have sufficient access to remove %1 from the Programs and Features list.
Please contact your system administrator.
2045M'għandekx aċċess biżżejjed biex tiddiżinstalla %1.
Ikkuntattja l-amministratur tas-sistema.
You do not have sufficient access to uninstall %1.
Please contact your system administrator.
2060L-isem tax-shortcut li daħħalt kien fih karattri li mhumiex validi għall-ismijiet tal-fajls jew kien twil wisq. The shortcut name you entered either contained characters that are invalid for file names or was too long.
2072Agħżel id-destinazzjoni tax-shortcut minn hawn taħt: Select the target of the shortcut below:
2200Oħloq Shortcut Create Shortcut
2201Għal liema item tixtieq toħloq shortcut? What item would you like to create a shortcut for?
2202Fejn tixtieq tqegħidha x-shortcut? Where would you like to place the shortcut?
2203X'tixtieq issemmiha x-shortcut? What would you like to name the shortcut?
3000Karatteristiċi ta' Windows Windows Features
3001Applikazzjoni fuq il-PC tiegħek teħtieġ din il-karatteristika ta' Windows: An app on your PC needs the following Windows feature:
3002Qed ifittex għall-fajls meħtieġa Searching for required files
3003Windows jeħtieġ fajls minn Windows Update biex ilesti l-installar ta' xi karatteristiċi. Windows needs files from Windows Update to finish installing some features.
3004Qed iniżżel il-fajls meħtieġa Downloading required files
3005Qed jinstalla Installing
3006Din il-karatteristika rnexxielha tiġi installata: The following feature was successfully installed:
3007Windows lesta l-bidliet mitluba. Windows completed the requested changes.
3008Windows jeħtieġ li jirristartja l-PC tiegħek biex ilesti l-installar ta' din il-karatteristika: Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the following feature:
3009Din il-karatteristika ma setgħetx tiġi installata: The following feature couldn't be installed:
3010L-installazzjoni ġiet ikkanċellata għal din il-karatteristika: The installation was canceled for the following feature:
3011Windows ma setax jaqbad mal-Internet biex iniżżel il-fajls meħtieġa. Żgura li int imqabbad mal-Internet, u kklikkja "Erġa' pprova" biex terġa' tipprova. Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you're connected to the Internet, and click "Retry" to try again.
3012&Erġa’ pprova &Retry
3013&OK O&K


• %1

• %1
3016&Irristartja issa Restart &now
3017Terġax tirristartja Don't restart
3019Windows requires a reboot to return the system to its original state. Windows requires a reboot to return the system to its original state.

Kodiċi tal-iżball: %1

Error code: %1
3021Error code: %1 Error code: %1
3022Windows ma setax ilesti l-bidliet mitluba. Windows couldn't complete the requested changes.
3023L-irwoli u l-karatteristiċi ta' Windows Server ma jistgħux jiġu installati jew iddiżinstallati awtomatikament permezz tal-Panew tal-Kontroll tal-Karatteristiċi ta' Windows.

Biex tinstalla l-irwoli u l-karatteristiċi ta' Windows Server, iftaħ il-Maniġer tas-Server, jew uża l-cmdlets tal-Maniġer tas-Server għal Windows PowerShell.
Windows Server roles and features cannot be automatically installed or uninstalled via the Windows Features Control Panel.

To install Windows Server roles and features, start Server Manager, or use the Server Manager cmdlets for Windows PowerShell.
3024Il-bidliet ma setgħux jitlestew. Irristartja l-kompjuter tiegħek u erġa' pprova. The changes couldn't be completed. Please reboot your computer and try again.
3025Attiva:%1 Enable:%1
3026Iddiżattiva: %1 Disable:%1
3027Features on Demand User Experience Tool

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: [/caller-name:]
[/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}]

Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files
from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies.

/enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that
you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To
enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature.

/caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call
Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send
a report of the program name to Microsoft.

/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user,
including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If
permission is required, the operation will fail.
Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to
reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3
FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all
Features on Demand User Experience Tool

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: [/caller-name:]
[/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}]

Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files
from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies.

/enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that
you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To
enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature.

/caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call
Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send
a report of the program name to Microsoft.

/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user,
including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If
permission is required, the operation will fail.
Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to
reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot

FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3
FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all
3028Qed jiġbor id-dettalji tal-karatteristika Collecting feature details
3029Isem mhux validu ta' karatteristika ta' Windows ġie speċifikat bħala parametru. Invalid Windows feature name has been specified as a parameter.
3032L-applikazzjonijiet tiegħek jistgħu ma jaħdmux sew mingħajr din il-karatteristika. Your apps might not work correctly without this feature.
3034Mhu se jsiru ebda bidliet fil-PC tiegħek. No changes will be made to your PC.
3036Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information. Because of network policy settings, Windows couldn't connect to the Internet to download files that are required to complete the requested changes. Contact your network administrator for more information.
3037Windows couldn't find required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you're connected to Internet, and try again. Windows couldn't find required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you're connected to Internet, and try again.
3038Windows se jikseb il-fajls li jeħtieġ minn Windows Update u jlesti l-installazzjoni. Windows will get the files that it needs from Windows Update and complete the installation.
3039Qed japplika l-bidliet Applying changes
3040Niżżel u installa din il-karatteristika Download and install this feature
3041Agħlaq Close
3042Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes. Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes.
3043%1 fuq il-PC tiegħek jeħtieġ il-karatteristika ta' Windows li ġejja: %1 on your PC needs the following Windows feature:
12309Intuża l-Aħħar Fi Last Used On
12312Your system administrator has disabled Set Program Access and Computer Defaults. Your system administrator has disabled Set Program Access and Computer Defaults.
12313L-amministratur tas-sistema tefa l-funzjonalitajiet tal-Windows. Your system administrator has disabled Windows Features.
12325Żgur tixtieq tiddiżinstalla %s? Are you sure you want to uninstall %s?
12800Pubblikatur Publisher
12801Verżjoni Version
12802Sid Irreġistrat Registered Owner
12803Kumpanija Rreġistrata Registered Company
12805Link ta' Appoġġ Support Link
12806Telefown ta' Appoġġ Support Telephone
12807Link għall-Għajnuna Help Link
12808Post Location
12809Sors Source
12816Kuntatt Contact
12817Kummenti Comments
12818Aqrani Readme
12819Aġġorna l-Link għall-Informazzjoni Update Info Link
12820Programm Program
12822ID tal-Prodott Product ID
12823ID tal-Aġġornament Update ID
13056Create New Shortcut Create New Shortcut
13058This program can't run This program can't run
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AppWizCpl Microsoft-Windows-Shell-AppWizCpl


File Name:appwiz.cpl.mui
File Size:32 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
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Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Language Code:Unknown (043A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Maniġer tal-Applikazzjoni Shell
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:APPWIZ
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original File Name:APPWIZ.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is appwiz.cpl.mui?

appwiz.cpl.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Maltese language for file appwiz.cpl (Maniġer tal-Applikazzjoni Shell).

File version info

File Description:Maniġer tal-Applikazzjoni Shell
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:APPWIZ
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original Filename:APPWIZ.CPL.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x43A, 1200