mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui Namestitveni program za Windows 10 10873c80888de022052281129fe808a3

File info

File name: mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui
Size: 47616 byte
MD5: 10873c80888de022052281129fe808a3
SHA1: fe0e6619b500ea4599e60953be0934622659a015
SHA256: 0d0fb15ccfc4f069f0ff1d21fc8d1833795b4d79e5569e6c790c5e384d01df48
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Slovenian English
100Namestitveni program za Windows 10 Windows 10 Setup
101Nekaj se je zgodilo Something happened
102Če želite namestiti Windows 10, kliknite datoteko »Setup.exe« na namestitvenem mediju. To install Windows 10, click Setup.exe on the installation media.
103Nismo prepričani, ali je vaš računalnik pripravljen za nadaljevanje nameščanja sistema Windows 10. Poskusite znova zagnati namestitveni program. We can’t tell if your PC is ready to continue installing Windows 10. Try restarting Setup.
104Žal imamo težave pri ugotavljanju, ali je v vašem računalniku mogoče uporabljati Windows 10. Zaprite namestitveni program in poskusite znova. Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 10. Please close Setup and try again.
106Neveljaven ID pogovornega okna Invalid Dialog ID
107Nismo mogli najti licenčne pogodbe. We couldn’t find the License Agreement.
108Dokončano: %1!d!%% %1!d!%% complete
109Ta ključ izdelka ni deloval. Preverite ga in poskusite znova ali uporabite drugega. This product key didn’t work. Please check it and try again, or try a different key.
110Ključ izdelka deluje! Ko ste pripravljeni, nadaljujte. Your product key works! Continue when you’re ready.
111&Namesti &Install
113Za kaj morate poskrbeti What needs your attention
116Spr&ejmi &Accept
117Priprava %d%% Getting ready %d%%
118Premikanje nastavitev %d%% Moving your settings %d%%
119Preverjanje tega ključa Checking this key
120Ta ključ ne deluje s to izdajo sistema Windows, zato poskusite z drugim ključem. This key doesn’t work with this edition of Windows. Try a different key.
121Ta ključ izdelka ni deloval. Znova vnesite ključ, ki ste ga kupili v spletu. This product key didn’t work. Re-enter the one that you bought online.
122%s ni veljaven znak %s isn’t a valid character
123Namestitveni program ne sprejema argumentov ukazne vrstice. Če želite več informacij, preberite pomoč za namestitveni program ali pa v korenskem imeniku namestitvenega medija zaženite »setup.exe /?«. Setup doesn’t take command line arguments. For more information, see Setup Help or run "setup.exe /?" in the root directory of your installation media.
129Pomišljaji bodo dodani samodejno Dashes will be added automatically
130Namestitveni program ni uspel naložiti jezikovnih sredstev Setup has failed to load the language resources
131Namestitveni program ni uspel inicializirati delovnega imenika Setup has failed to initialize the working directory
132Neveljavni parametri ukazne vrstice Invalid command line parameters
133Nismo mogli najti informacij o namestitvi, ki jih potrebujemo za nadaljevanje namestitve sistema Windows. Če želite še enkrat poskusiti, znova zaženite namestitveni program. We couldn’t find the installation info we need to continue installing Windows. Restart Setup to try again.
134Namestitveni program ni mogel začeti namestitve sistema Windows. Znova zaženite namestitveni program in še enkrat poskusite. Setup couldn’t start installing Windows. Restart Setup and try again.
135Nismo mogli shraniti informacij o namestitvi, ki jih potrebujemo, da lahko nadaljujemo namestitev sistema Windows, kjer ste končali. Pozneje boste morali informacije vnesti znova. We couldn’t save the installation info we need to continue installing Windows from where you left off. Sorry, you’ll have to re-enter your info later.
136Namestitveni program ni uspel uveljaviti podatkov o selitvi Setup has failed to apply migration data
137Namestitveni program ni uspel počistiti namestitvenih datotek Setup has failed to clean up the setup files
138Namestitveni program ni uspel določiti podprtih možnosti namestitve Setup has failed to determine supported install choices
139Namestitveni program ni uspel preveriti veljavnosti ključa izdelka Setup has failed to validate the product key
140Namestitveni program ne more ugotoviti, katero različico sistema Windows uporabljate. Setup can’t tell what version of Windows you’re running.
141Nameščanje sistema Windows 10 ni uspelo Windows 10 installation has failed
144Ohrani osebne datoteke in aplikacije Keep personal files and apps
145Ohrani nastavitve sistema Windows in osebne datoteke Keep Windows settings and personal files
146Ohrani le osebne datoteke Keep personal files only
147Ničesar ne ohrani Keep nothing
148Št. preostalih znakov: %d %d characters left
150Ključ izdelka ima le 25 znakov. The product key only contains 25 characters.
151Namestitvenih datotek za Windows ni mogoče najti. Vstavite namestitveni medij za Windows in zaženite »setup.exe«, da nadaljujete namestitev. Cannot find Windows installation files. Please insert your Windows installation media and then run ’setup.exe’ to resume your installation.
155O&sveži &Refresh
156»%c« ’%c’
157Ali ste prepričani, da želite prekiniti? Are you sure you want to quit?
158Preveri združljivost Check Compatibility
159Prenos Download
160Priprava Prepare
161Za to ste že poskrbeli. Kliknite »Osveži«, da element odstranite s seznama. You’ve already taken care of this. Click Refresh to remove it from the list.
162Ko smo poskušali za to poskrbeti namesto vas, smo naleteli na težavo. Osvežite seznam in poskusite znova. We ran into a problem while trying to take care of this for you. Please refresh the list and try again.
165Morda bo trajalo nekaj trenutkov, da preverimo, ali je to, kar želite obdržati, združljivo s sistemom Windows 10. It may take a few moments to check if you want to keep is compatible with Windows 10.
166S tem ključem lahko le dodate funkcije v sistem Windows. Namestitev sistema Windows ni mogoča z njim. This product key can only be used to add features to Windows. It can’t be used to install Windows.
169Ključ izdelka ni deloval. Vnesite drug ključ ali kupite novega. This product key didn’t work. Try a different key, or buy a new one.
170Nameščanje sistema Windows 10 Installing Windows 10
171Računalnik se bo nekajkrat znova zagnal. To bo morda trajalo nekaj časa. Your PC will restart several times. This might take a while.
172Počakajte, da se namestitveni program zapre Please wait while setup is exiting
173To lahko traja nekaj minut. This may take a few minutes.
174Med nameščanjem sistema Windows ne boste mogli uporabljati računalnika. Preden začnete, shranite datoteke in zaprite programe. You won’t be able to use your PC while Windows installs. Save and close your files before you begin.
175Počakajte, da se aplikacija do konca odstrani. Please wait while the app finishes uninstalling.
176Odstranite spodnji zunanji pogon in kliknite »V redu«, da znova zaženete računalnik in dokončate namestitev sistema Windows.

Please remove the following external drive, and click OK to reboot and complete installing Windows.

178Pri namestitvi sistema Windows je prišlo do nepričakovane napake. Preverite, ali je mogoče dostopati do virov namestitve, in znova zaženite namestitev. Windows installation encountered an unexpected error. Verify that the installation sources are accessible, and restart the installation.
179[Koda napake: 0x%x] [Error Code: 0x%x]
180Pri namestitvi sistema Windows je prišlo do nepričakovane napake. Windows installation encountered an unexpected error.
181Pridobi Get
182Dokončano: %d%% %d%% complete
183&Zapri &Close
184Računalnik se bo vsak hip znova zagnal Your PC will restart in a few moments
185Preverjanje, ali so na voljo posodobitve Checking for updates
186Preverjanje, ali so na voljo posodobitve: %1!d! %% Checking for updates: %1!d!%%
188Posodobitve so uveljavljene Updates applied
189Nobena posodobitev ni na voljo No updates available
190Te posodobitve bodo omogočile lažjo namestitev in lahko vključujejo pomembne popravke ter posodobljene gonilnike naprav. Če teh posodobitev ne namestite takoj, jih boste pozneje dobili v storitvi Windows Update. These updates will help the installation go smoothly, and can include important fixes and updated device drivers. If you don’t install these updates now, you will get them later from Windows Update.
192Ponovni zagon namestitvenega programa za Windows 10 Restarting Windows 10 Setup
193Posodobitve so nameščene, vendar se mora za njihovo delovanje namestitveni program za Windows 10 znova zagnati. Po ponovnem zagonu bomo nadaljevali, kjer smo ostali. The updates are installed, but Windows 10 Setup needs to restart for them to work. After it restarts, we’ll keep going from where we left off.
194V tem računalniku ni mogoče uporabljati sistema Windows 10 This PC can’t run Windows 10
195Sistem Windows 10 že uporabljate You are already running Windows 10
196To bo trajalo nekaj minut. This will take a few minutes.
197Ključ izdelka bi moral biti na škatli, v kateri je bil DVD, ali v računu, ki ste ga dobili po e-pošti. Ko vzpostavite povezavo z internetom, bomo aktivirali Windows.

The product key should be with the box the DVD came in or on your email receipt. When you connect to the Internet, we’ll activate Windows for you.

It looks similar to this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
198Preden nadaljujete z namestitvijo, poskrbite za te stvari. The following things need your attention before you can continue the installation.
199Izberite, kaj želite ohraniti Choose what to keep
200Namesti %s Install %s
201Windows znova zaganja računalnik, da bo nadaljeval namestitev. Windows is restarting the computer to continue installation.
202Namestitve ni mogoče nadaljevati, ker Windows ne more znova zagnati računalnika. Zaprite vse odprte programe in znova zaženite računalnik. Namestitev sistema Windows se bo nadaljevala samodejno. The installation cannot continue because Windows cannot restart the computer. Close any open programs, and then restart the computer. Windows installation will continue automatically.
203Št. preostalih znakov: 1 1 character left
204Zaščita s funkcijo BitLocker bo med tem posodabljanjem začasno prekinjena in bo znova vzpostavljena, ko se boste vpisali v Windows 10. Če želite zaščititi svoje podatke, imejte računalnik do ponovnega vpisa pri sebi. BitLocker protection will be suspended during this update, and will resume when you sign in to Windows 10. To help protect your data, you should keep your PC with you until you sign in again.
205Če povzamemo, ste izbrali to: To recap, you’ve chosen to:






208Pripravljanje – %d%% Preparing %d%%
210Sistema Windows 10 nismo mogli namestiti We couldn’t install Windows 10
211Vaš računalnik smo povrnili v stanje, v katerem je bil, preden ste začeli nameščati Windows 10. We’ve set your PC back to the way it was right before you started installing Windows 10.
2120x%1!lX! - 0x%2!lX!
0x%1!lX! - 0x%2!lX!
213Pridobivanje posodobitev Getting updates
214Pripravljamo nekaj stvari We’re getting a few things ready
215Licenčni pogoji License terms
216Preverjamo vaš računalnik Checking your PC
217Preverjamo, ali je vse nared za namestitev Making sure you’re ready to install
218Počakajte Please wait
219Izbiranje pogona Drive Selection
221Namestitveni program izvaja čiščenje, nato pa se bo zaprl Setup is cleaning up before it closes
223Priključite računalnik na viri napajanja, da se baterija med nameščanjem ne izprazni. Plug in your PC to be sure that your battery doesn't run down during the installation.






225Vse je pripravljeno You’re all set
226Nameščanje sistema Windows 10 bomo nadaljevali v storitvi Windows Update. We’ll continue installing Windows 10 in Windows Update.
228Če želite nadaljevati nameščanje in obdržati nastavitve, osebne datoteke ter aplikacije sistema Windows, morate urediti spodnje stvari. The following things need your attention to continue the installation and keep your Windows settings, personal files, and apps.
229Če želite nadaljevati nameščanje, morate urediti spodnje stvari. The following things need your attention to continue the installation.
231Ključ za BitLocker ime le 48 digitalnih znakov. The bit locker key only contains 48 digital characters.
232Konfiguriranje posodobitve za Windows 10
Dokončano: %1!ld! %%
Ne izklapljajte računalnika
Configuring update for Windows 10
%1!ld!%% complete
Do not turn off your computer
236Ključ izdelka ima le 48 znakov. The product key only contains 48 characters.
237Vrednost ključa za skupino %d ni veljavna, vnesite pravi ključ Group %d key value is invalid, please input correct key
238Prenesite ključ za BitLocker za identifikator: Please input bit locker key for the identifier:
239Za posodobitev potrebujete več prostora More space needed for update
244&Nadaljuj &Continue
245Operacijski sistem: Operating System:
246Jezik: Language:
247Prenašanje sistema Windows 10 Downloading Windows 10
248Preverjanje prenosa Verifying your download
249Izberite, kateri medij želite uporabiti Choose which media to use
250Pogon USB USB flash drive
251Datoteka ISO ISO file
252Izberite pogon USB Select a USB flash drive
253Datoteke na pogonu USB bodo izbrisane. Če jih želite ohraniti, jih varnostno kopirajte na varno mesto. The files on your USB drive will be deleted. To keep these files, back them up now to another save location.
254Brez oznake No Label
255Izmenljivi pogoni Removable drives
256Ustvarjanje medija za Windows 10 Creating Windows 10 media
257Še naprej lahko uporabljate računalnik. Feel free to keep using your PC.
259Zapišite datoteko ISO na DVD Burn the ISO file to a DVD
260Upoštevajte to:

Če boste Windows 10 prvič namestili v računalnik (ali boste namestili drugo izdajo), boste potrebovali ključ izdelka za Windows 10.

Če boste nadgradili sistem Windows 7 ali Windows 8.1. oziroma boste znova namestili Windows 10, vam ključa izdelka ne bo treba vnesti.
Here are some things to keep in mind:

If you’re going to install Windows 10 on your PC for the first time (or install a different edition), you’ll need a Windows 10 product key.

If you’re going to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. or you’re reinstalling Windows 10, you won’t need to enter a product key.
261Pogon USB je pripravljen Your USB flash drive is ready
264Odpri zapisovalnik za DVD-je Open DVD burner
265&Dokončaj &Finish
269Izberite pot Select a path
270Napredek: %1!d! %% Progress: %1!d!%%
271Za nadaljevanje izberite eno od razpoložljivih možnosti. Please select from one of the available options to continue.
272Če želite Windows 10 namestiti na drugo particijo, morate ustvariti namestitveni medij in ga zagnati. If you want to install Windows 10 on another partition, you need to create and then run the media to install it.
274Nameščanje je bilo v fazi %1!s! prekinjeno zaradi napake med operacijo %2!s! The installation failed in the %1!s! phase with an error during %2!s! operation
276Brez None
277(%1!c!:) – %2!s! nezasedenega prostora (%1!c!:) - %2!s! free
278%s MB %s MB
279%s GB %s GB
280Ne moremo ugotoviti, ali je v računalniku dovolj prostora za nadaljevanje nameščanja sistema Windows 10. Poskusite znova zagnati namestitveni program. We can’t tell if your PC has enough space to continue installing Windows 10. Try restarting Setup.
281Preverjanje, ali je v računalniku dovolj prostora Making sure your PC has enough space
282Ali želite še naprej uporabljati ta izbor? Do you want to continue using this selection?
283Svojih datotek, aplikacij in nastavitev ne morete obdržati, ker ste se odločili, da %1!s! namestite v jeziku, ki ni enak temu, ki ga uporabljate sedaj. Your files, apps, and settings can't be kept because you've chosen to install %1!s! using a different language than you're currently using.
284Svojih datotek, aplikacij in nastavitev ne morete obdržati, ker nameščate izdajo sistema Windows, ki se razlikuje od tiste, ki jo trenutno uporabljate. Your files, apps, and settings can't be kept because you're installing an edition of Windows that's different than the one you're currently using.
285Svojih datotek, aplikacij in nastavitev ne morete obdržati, ker je trenutna različica sistema Windows morda nameščena v nepodprtem imeniku ali pa poskušate namestiti starejšo različico sistema Windows. Your files, apps, and settings can't be kept because your current version of Windows might be installed in an unsupported directory or you're trying to install an older version of Windows.
286Na pogonu, ki bi ga radi uporabili, ni dovolj razpoložljivega prostora. Izberite drug pogon in poskusite znova. The drive you’re trying to use doesn’t have enough space available. Choose a different drive and try again.
287Na pogonu %2!c!: morate sprostiti %1!s! You need to free up %1!s! on the %2!c!: drive
288Pogon, ki bi ga radi uporabili, je šifriran s funkcijo BitLocker. Izberite drug pogon in poskusite znova. The drive you’re trying to use is encrypted with BitLocker. Choose a different drive and try again.
289Oba Both
290Ta ključ BitLocker ne deluje. Preverite ga in poskusite znova ali pa poskusite z drugim ključem. This bitlocker key didn’t work. Please check it and try again, or try a different key.
291Vaš ključ BitLocker deluje. Nadaljujte, ko boste pripravljeni. Your bitlocker key works! Continue when you’re ready.
293Ta ključ ne deluje. Poskusite z drugim ključem. This key doesn’t work. Try a different key.
295Sistem Windows v tem računalniku ni aktiviran. To pomeni, da morate spodaj vnesti ključ izdelka za Windows 10 ali zapreti namestitveni program, aktivirati Windows, nato pa znova zagnati namestitveni program.

Windows isn’t activated on this PC. This means you’ll need to enter the Windows 10 product key below or exit setup, activate Windows, and then start setup again.

296Ne najdemo ključka USB. We can’t find a USB flash drive.
297Osveži seznam pogonov Refresh drive list
298Velik mora biti vsaj %1!d! GB. It needs to be at least %1!d! GB.
299Če Windows 10 v ta računalnik nameščate prvič, morate vnesti veljaven ključ izdelka za Windows 10.


Če je bil sistem Windows 10 v tem računalniku že nameščen in aktiviran, lahko ta korak preskočite. Po dokončani namestitvi bomo sistem Windows aktivirali samodejno.
If you’re installing Windows 10 on this PC for the first time, you need to enter a valid Windows 10 product key.

It looks similar to this: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

If Windows 10 was previously installed and activated on this PC and you’re reinstalling it, you can skip this step. We’ll automatically activate Windows after installation is complete.
300Namestitveni program za Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 Setup
301Ponovni zagon namestitvenega programa za Windows Server 2016 Restarting Windows Server 2016 Setup
302Posodobitve so nameščene, vendar se mora za njihovo delovanje namestitveni program za Windows Server 2016 znova zagnati. Po ponovnem zagonu bomo nadaljevali, kjer smo ostali. The updates are installed, but Windows Server 2016 Setup needs to restart for them to work. After it restarts, we’ll keep going from where we left off.
303V tem računalniku ni mogoče uporabljati sistema Windows Server 2016 This PC can’t run Windows Server 2016
307Nismo prepričani, ali je vaš računalnik pripravljen za nadaljevanje nameščanja sistema Windows Server 2016. Poskusite znova zagnati namestitveni program. We can’t tell if your PC is ready to continue installing Windows Server 2016. Try restarting Setup.
308Žal imamo težave pri ugotavljanju, ali je v vašem računalniku mogoče uporabljati Windows Server 2016. Zaprite namestitveni program in poskusite znova. Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows Server 2016. Please close Setup and try again.
309Nameščanje sistema Windows Server 2016 ni uspelo Windows Server 2016 installation has failed
310Nameščanje sistema Windows Server 2016 Installing Windows Server 2016
311Zaščita s funkcijo BitLocker bo med tem posodabljanjem začasno prekinjena in bo znova vzpostavljena, ko se boste vpisali v Windows Server 2016. Če želite zaščititi svoje podatke, imejte računalnik do ponovnega vpisa pri sebi. BitLocker protection will be suspended during this update, and will resume when you sign in to Windows Server 2016. To help protect your data, you should keep your PC with you until you sign in again.
312Sistema Windows Server 2016 nismo mogli namestiti We couldn’t install Windows Server 2016
313Vaš računalnik smo povrnili v stanje, v katerem je bil, preden ste začeli nameščati Windows Server 2016. We’ve set your PC back to the way it was right before you started installing Windows Server 2016.
314Nameščanje sistema Windows Server 2016 bomo nadaljevali v storitvi Windows Update. We’ll continue installing Windows Server 2016 in Windows Update.
316Ne moremo ugotoviti, ali je v vašem računalniku dovolj prostora za nadaljevanje nameščanja sistema Windows Server 2016. Poskusite znova zagnati namestitveni program. We can’t tell if your PC has enough space to continue installing Windows Server 2016. Try restarting Setup.
317&Zavrni &Decline
318Če zavrnete licenčne pogoje, se bo namestitveni program zaprl. If you decline the license terms, you will exit setup.
319Za zagon namestitvenega programa potrebujemo vsaj 350 MB prostora. Sprostite nekaj prostora in nato poskusite znova. We need at least 350 MB of space to run setup. Free up some space and then try again.
320Licenčni pogoji za Microsoftovo programsko opremo Microsoft software license terms
321Izjava o zasebnosti za Windows Windows privacy statement
322INFORMACIJE O NAMESTITVI: nekatere funkcije sistema Windows 10 zahtevajo napredno strojno opremo; nekatere obstoječe funkcije so bile spremenjene ali odstranjene; sistem Windows 10 se v obdobju podpore samodejno posodablja; podpora se lahko razlikuje glede na napravo. INSTALLATION INFORMATION: Some Windows 10 features require advanced hardware; some existing features have been modified or removed; Windows 10 is automatically updated during the support period; support may vary by device.
323Nekaj preprečuje nadaljevanje nameščanja. Če želite pregledati informacije, namestite funkcijo izkušnje uporabe računalnika in znova zaženite nastavitev. Something is preventing the installation to continue. To review the information, install the Desktop Experience feature and run Setup again.
592Nič Nothing
593Nastavitve sistema Windows boste lahko upravljali tudi pozneje. You will be able to manage your Windows settings.
594Vaše nastavitve in aplikacije bodo izbrisane, vaše datoteke pa bo mogoče obdržati. Your settings and apps will be deleted, but your files will be kept.
595Vse bo izbrisano, vključno z datotekami, aplikacijami in nastavitvami. Everything will be deleted, including files, apps, and settings.
596%1!s!. %2!s! %1!s!. %2!s!
600Koda napake: 0x%1!lX! – 0x%2!lX!
Error code: 0x%1!lX! - 0x%2!lX!
601Pripravljanje nekaterih stvari Getting a few things ready
602S tem orodjem ni mogoče posodobiti vašega računalnika This tool can’t update your PC
603To orodje ne podpira jezika ali izdaje različice sistema Windows, ki je trenutno nameščena v vašem računalniku. The language or edition of the version of Windows currently installed on your PC isn’t supported by this tool.
604Potrebujemo več prostora We need more space
605Na pogonu (%2!s!) potrebujemo %1!d! GB nezasedenega prostora %1!d!GB of free disk space needed on (%2!s!)
606Odstranite datoteke, ki jih ne potrebujete več, ali s čiščenjem diska sprostite prostor, nato pa poskusite znova. Remove files you no longer need or use Disk Cleanup to free up space, and then try again.
607Pri prenašanju nekaterih datotek je prišlo do težave There was a problem downloading some files
608Nismo mogli prenesti vseh potrebnih datotek. Preverite, ali ste povezani z internetom, nato pa znova poskusite zagnati orodje. We weren’t able to download all of the necessary files. Check to make sure you’re connected to the internet and try running the tool again.
609Pri zagonu tega orodja je prišlo do težave There was a problem running this tool
610Nismo prepričani, kaj se je zgodilo, a tega orodja v vašem računalniku nismo mogli zagnati. Če se težava ponavlja, pri stiku s podporo za stranke navedite kodo napake. We’re not sure what happened, but we’re unable to run this tool on your PC. If you continue experiencing problems, reference the error code when contacting customer support.
611%1!s! %2!s! %1!s! %2!s!
612Pri ustvarjanju medija je prišlo do težave There was a problem creating media
613Izdaja sistema Windows, ki se ujema s ključem izdelka, ki ste ga navedli, ni na voljo v vašem trenutnem jeziku ali za trenutno arhitekturo. The edition of Windows that matches the product key you entered isn’t available in your current language and architecture.
614Poskrbite za to, da se bo izdaja, ki ste jo izbrali za namestitveni medij, ujemala z izdajo sistema Windows v računalniku, v katerem boste uporabili medij. Če se izdaji ne boste ujemali, boste za namestitev sistema Windows potrebovali ključ izdelka. Make sure the edition you've selected for the installation media matches the edition of Windows on the PC you'll be using it on. If it doesn't match, you'll need a product key to install Windows.
615Pogon USB mora biti velik vsaj %1!d! GB ali več. Izberite drug pogon. The USB flash drive must be at least %1!d! GB or larger. Please select another drive.
616Prenesite najnovejšo različico Download the latest version
617Na voljo je nova različica tega orodja. Če želite nadaljevati, morate prenesti in zagnati najnovejšo različico. A newer version of this tool is available. You must download and run the latest version to continue.
618Prenesite posodobljeno orodje za ustvarjanje medija Download the updated Media Creation Tool
619Vpišite se kot skrbnik Sign in as an administrator
620Če želite uporabljati to orodje, morate biti v sistem Windows vpisani s skrbniškim računom. To use this tool, you must be signed in to Windows using an administrator account.
621Datoteko ISO boste na DVD zapisali pozneje. You'll need to burn the ISO file to a DVD later.
700Windows 10 v ta računalnik nameščam znova I’m reinstalling Windows 10 on this PC
701Kupiti moram ključ izdelka za Windows 10 I need to buy a Windows 10 product key
703Potrebujete %1!s! %1!s! needed
7042. korak: izberite ali priklopite zunanjo napravo za shranjevanje Step 2: Select or connect an external storage device
706Sprosti prostor Free up space
707Želim uporabiti zunanjo napravo za shranjevanje I want to use external storage instead
708Nimam zunanje naprave za shranjevanje I don't have external storage
709Več o tem Learn more
710Če želite pridobiti najnovejšo posodobitev sistema Windows 10, morate sprostiti nekaj prostora v računalniku. Ko končate, izberite ikono »Osveži«. To get the latest update for Windows 10, you'll need to free up some space on your PC. When you're done, select the Refresh icon.
711Ne potrebujete več prostora No more space needed
712Če želite pridobiti najnovejšo posodobitev sistema Windows 10, dokončajte 1. in 2. korak, nato pa izberite ikono »Osveži«. Ko končate, odklopite zunanjo napravo za shranjevanje. To get the latest Windows 10 update, complete Steps 1 and 2, and select the Refresh icon. Disconnect the external storage device when you're finished.
7131. korak: sprostite prostor na pogonu %1!c!: Step 1: Free up space on the %1!c!: drive
714Izberite zunanjo napravo za shranjevanje Select External Storage Device
7152. korak je dokončan Step 2 Completed
7162. korak ni dokončan Step 2 Incomplete
7171. korak je dokončan Step 1 Completed
7181. korak ni dokončan Step 1 Incomplete
719Osveži Refresh
720Sprostite prostor na pogonu %1!c!: Free up space on the %1!c!: drive
20009potek progress
20500Segoe UI Segoe UI
20501Segoe UI Light Segoe UI Light
20502Tahoma Tahoma
2050424 24
2050518 18
2050611 11
205079 9
2051010 10
2051240 40
2051420 20
20518Segoe UI Semibold Segoe UI Semibold
20519Segoe UI Bold Segoe UI Bold
2052212 12


File Name:mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui
File Size:46 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:47104
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Slovenian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Namestitveni program za Windows 10
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original File Name:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui?

mediasetupuimgr.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Slovenian language for file mediasetupuimgr.dll (Namestitveni program za Windows 10).

File version info

File Description:Namestitveni program za Windows 10
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane.
Original Filename:MediaSetupUIMgr.dll.mui
Product Name:Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x424, 1200