provcore.dll.mui Microsoft 無線佈建核心 10562dd0aad001a0a1455333770e66ff

File info

File name: provcore.dll.mui
Size: 8192 byte
MD5: 10562dd0aad001a0a1455333770e66ff
SHA1: cd8684142da80331f093da444c9c598fb65f3155
SHA256: 1b02845a698897dc83f23d7b385d910994952a9071714a00bfdb172af0ee3e92
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
2000 元素遺失或空白 The element is missing or empty
2001指定的模式不是有效的規則運算式 The specified pattern is not a valid regular expression
2002欄位 %1!s! 的群組屬性不能為零 The group attribute on field %1!s! cannot be zero
2003並未在規則運算式模式中指定欄位 %1!s! 的群組屬性 The group attribute on field %1!s! is not specified in the regular expression pattern
2004群組 %1!d! 已在模式中指定但並未由任何欄位參照 Group %1!d! is specified in the pattern but not referenced by any fields
2005群組 %1!d! (於欄位 %2!s! 中指定) 已繫結至其他欄位 Group %1!d! specified on field %2!s! is already bound to another field
2006%1!s! 相依的欄位已遺失: %2!s! A field that %1!s! is dependant on is missing: %2!s!
2007欄位 %1!s! 上的必要屬性 (%2!s!) 遺失 A required attribute on the %1!s! field is missing (%2!s!)
2008未展示 對應時,會在 %1!s! 欄位中定義 UnitGroup A UnitGroup is defined on the %1!s! field when a mapping is not present
2009節點 %1!s! 已在屬性 %3!s! 中具備權杖 %2!s! 的對應 Node %1!s! already has a mapping for token %2!s! in attribute %3!s!
2010"%1!s!" 不是有效的地區設定名稱 "%1!s!" is not a valid locale name
2012欄位 %1!s! 的格式至少需包括月份及天指定元 The format on field %1!s! must include at least the month and day specifiers
2013指定 a.m./p.m.指示項 %%p 時,不能沒有 12 小時制指定元 %%I (欄位=%1!s!) The a.m./p.m. designator %%p cannot be specified without the 12-hour specifier %%I (field=%1!s!)
2014指定 12 小時制指定元 %%I 時,不能沒有 a.m./p.m. 指示項 %%p (欄位=%1!s!) The 12-hour specifier %%I cannot be specified without the a.m./p.m. designator %%p (field=%1!s!)
2015不能同時使用 12 小時制和 24 小時制指定元 (欄位=%1!s!) Both the 12-hour and 24-hour specifiers cannot both be used (field=%1!s!)
2016使用 a.m./p.m. 指示項 %%p 時,必須定義 AmToken 和 PmToken 屬性 (欄位=%1!s!) Both an AmToken and PmToken attribute must be defined when using the a.m./p.m. designator %%p (field=%1!s!)
2017AmToken 和 PmToken 屬性不能相同 (欄位=%1!s!) The AmToken and PmToken attributes cannot be the same (field=%1!s!)
2018欄位 %1!s! 的格式有重複的指定元 The format on field %1!s! has duplicate specifiers
2019必須在 %1!s! 欄位上指定 UnitGroup 或 DefaultUnit Either UnitGroup or DefaultUnit must be specified on the %1!s! field
5001XML 的語式不正確 XML is not well-formed
5002XML 不符合佈建結構描述 XML does not match the provisioning schema
5003XML 簽章無效 XML signature is invalid
5004簽署人憑證未鏈結至信任的根 CA Signer certificate is not chained to a trusted root CA
5005XML 已遭竄改 XML has been tampered with
5006簽署人憑證未受信任,無法用於佈建 Signer certificate isn't trusted for provisioning
5007在 XML 簽章中找不到分葉憑證 No leaf certificate found in XML signature
5008介面未佈建 Interface is not provisioned
5009憑證不包含數位簽章用途 Certificate does not contain digital signature usage
5010XML 中沒有簽章 Signature is missing in XML
5101您想要利用此裝置連線到 %1!s! 網路嗎? Do you want to connect to %1!s! networks with this device?
5102連線 Connect
5103不要連線 Don't connect
5201呼叫者沒有權限可使用指定的裝置 Caller has no permission to use given device
0x10000031回應時間 Response Time
0x30000001開始 Start
0x30000002停止 Stop
0x50000002錯誤 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000004資訊 Information
0x70000001建立文件 Create Document
0x70000002佈建文件 Provisioning Document
0x70000004叫用處理常式 Invoke Handlers
0x70000005重新整理工作 Refresh Task
0x70000006套用設定檔 Apply Profiles
0x70000007啟用工作 Activation Task
0x70000008佈建代理程式 Provisioning Agent
0x70000009通知 Notifications
0x7000000A清除工作 Purge Task
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProvisioning Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProvisioning
0x90000002Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProvisioning/Analytic Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProvisioning/Analytic
0x90000003Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProvisioning/Operational Microsoft-Windows-NetworkProvisioning/Operational
0xB00003E8正在建立佈建文件 (%1 個位元組) Creating provisioning document (%1 bytes)
0xB00003E9已完成建立佈建文件 (結果=%1) Finished creating provisioning document (Result=%1)
0xB00003EAXML 剖析完成 (結果=%1) XML parsing completed (Result=%1)
0xB00003EBXML 結構描述驗證完成 (結果=%1) XML schema validation completed (Result=%1)
0xB00003ECXML 簽章驗證完成 (結果=%1)%n%n[詳細資料]%n電信業者識別碼: %2%n訂閱者識別碼: %3%n裝置識別碼: %4%n簽署人: %5%n憑證簽發者: %6%n憑證主體: %7 XML signature verification completed (Result=%1)%n%n[Details]%nCarrier Id: %2%nSubscriber Id: %3%nDeviceId: %4%nSigner: %5%nCertificateIssuer: %6%nCertificateSubject: %7
0xB00003EDXML 資料流因大小已超過限制而遭拒 (%1 %2) XML stream rejected because the size exceeded the limit (%1 %2)
0xB00003EEXML 資料流因發生剖析錯誤而遭拒%n%n[詳細資料]%n錯誤碼: %1%n錯誤訊息: %2%n描述: %3 XML stream rejected because of a parse error%n%n[Details]%nError code: %1%nError Message: %2%nDescription: %3
0xB00003EFXML 資料流因結構描述驗證失敗而遭拒%n%n[詳細資料]%n錯誤碼: %1%n行: %2%n行位置: %3%n原因: %4 XML stream rejected because schema validation failed%n%n[Details]%nError code: %1%nLine: %2%nLine Pos: %3%nReason: %4
0xB00003F0XML 資料流因簽章驗證失敗而遭拒 (%1) XML stream rejected because signature verification failed (%1)
0xB00007D0已開始佈建文件 Provisioning document started
0xB00007D1已完成佈建文件 (結果=%1 發生的錯誤=%2) Finished provisioning document (Result=%1 ErrorOccured=%2)
0xB00007D2憑證驗證完成 (bool=%1) Certificate verification completed (bool=%1)
0xB0000FA1重新整理工作的觸發程序完成 (結果=%1) Trigger to refresh task completed (Result=%1)
0xB0001388已啟動啟用方法 %1%n%n[詳細資料]%n電信業者識別碼: %2%n訂閱者識別碼: %3%n參數: %4 Activation method %1 has been started%n%n[Details]%nCarrier Id: %2%nSubscriber Id: %3%nParams: %4
0xB0001389已完成啟用方法 %1%n%n[詳細資料]%n電信業者識別碼: %2%n訂閱者識別碼: %3%n參數: %4%n結果: %5 Activation method %1 has finished %n%n[Details]%nICarrier Id: %2%nSubscriber Id: %3%nParams: %4%nResult: %5
0xB000138A已經在介面 %1 上關閉無線電波; 假設使用者已將它關閉; 正在中止啟用方法 The radio is already off on interface %1; assuming the user has switched it off; aborting activation method
0xB000138B無法在介面 %1 上開啟無線電波 %2 (錯誤=%3) Unable to turn the radio %2 on interface %1 (error=%3)
0xB000138C尚未向家用網路登錄介面 %1; 正在中止連線嘗試 (登錄狀態 = %2) Interface %1 is not registered to the home network; aborting connection attempt (register state = %2)
0xB000138D無法在介面 %1 上找到 %2 設定檔 (錯誤=%3) Cannot locate the %2 profile on interface %1 (error=%3)
0xB000138E在介面 %1 上連線至設定檔 %2 失敗 (錯誤=%3) Connection to profile %2 failed on interface %1 (error=%3)
0xB000138F無法從網路中斷介面 %1 的連線 (錯誤=%2) Unable to disconnect interface %1 from network (error=%2)
0xB0001770清除工作已啟動 Purge task has been started
0xB0001771清除工作已完成%n%n結果: %1 Purge task has finished%n%nResult: %1
0xB0001772呼叫清除%n%n[詳細資料]%n載波識別碼: %1%n訂閱者識別碼: %2%nAppId: %3 Calling Purge%n%n[Details]%nCarrier Id: %1%nSubscriber Id: %2%nAppId: %3
0xB0002328處理常式 %1: 佈建 (開始) Handler %1: provision (start)
0xB0002329處理常式 %1: 佈建 (停止) [結果: %2] Handler %1: provision (stop) [result: %2]
0xB000238C處理常式 %1: 清除 (開始) Handler %1: purge (start)
0xB000238D處理常式 %1: 清除 (停止) Handler %1: purge (stop)
0xB0002710無法連線至 %1: %2 Failed to connect to the %1: %2
0xB0002711無法在介面 %1 上設定 WLAN 設定檔 %2,錯誤碼為 %3 (原因=%4) Failed to set WLAN profile %2 on interface %1 with error code %3 (reason=%4)
0xB0002712無法在介面 %1 上設定 WWAN 設定檔 %2,錯誤碼為 %3 (原因=%4) Failed to set WWAN profile %2 on interface %1 with error code %3 (reason=%4)
0xB0002713無法在介面 %1 上將中繼資料套用至設定檔 %2,錯誤碼為 %3 (參數=%4) Failed to apply metadata to profile %2 on interface %1 with error code %3 (param=%4)
0xB0002AF8在位置 %1 的訊息規則敗驗證失敗。%nXml:%2%nReason:%3 The message rule at position %1 failed validation.%nXml:%2%nReason:%3
0xB0004E20正在佈建呼叫者應用程式的結果 (AppId %1): [%2] Provisioning results for caller application (AppId %1): [%2]
0xD0000001無線 LAN 服務 (WLANSVC) Wireless LAN service (WLANSVC)
0xD0000002無線 WAN 服務 (WWANSVC) Wireless WAN service (WWANSVC)
0xD0000003Windows 連線管理員服務 (WCMSVC) Windows Connection Manager service (WCMSVC)
0xD0000004服務啟用 Service activate
0xD0000005重新向網路登錄 Re-register to network
0xD0000006重新連線網路 Reconnect to network
0xD0000007開啟 on
0xD0000008關閉 off
0xD0000009不明 Unknown
0xD000000A解除登錄 Deregistered
0xD000000B正在搜尋 Searching
0xD000000C首頁 Home
0xD000000D漫遊 Roaming
0xD000000E夥伴 Partner
0xD000000F已拒絕 Denied
0xD0000010預設值 default
0xD0000011購買 purchase


File Name:provcore.dll.mui
File Size:8.0 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:7680
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft 無線佈建核心
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:provcore.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:provcore.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is provcore.dll.mui?

provcore.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file provcore.dll (Microsoft 無線佈建核心).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft 無線佈建核心
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:provcore.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:provcore.dll.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200