CbsMsg.dll.mui Komponendipõhise teenussõnumi DLL 0e2ba5823718fa15ec66353fa6e10802

File info

File name: CbsMsg.dll.mui
Size: 19456 byte
MD5: 0e2ba5823718fa15ec66353fa6e10802
SHA1: bcf0a380f07f36b7e25b57bb457eba647ab3df38
SHA256: 71225503bf25019f6522d12da23fd1069f81252148f9637483c4828d746d1125
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Estonian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Estonian English
50Tundmatu Unknown
82Loobu Cancel
83Asendatud Superseded
84Vaikesätted Default
92Püsivalt vigane Permanent Invalid
93Vigaselt installitud Installed Invalid
96Vigaselt koondatud Staged Invalid
99Vigaselt lahendatud Resolved Invalid
100Puudub Absent
101Lahendamine Resolving
102Lahendatud Resolved
103Koondamine Staging
104Koondatud Staged
105Taotletud desinstall Uninstall Requested
106Taotletud install Install Requested
107Installitud Installed
108Püsiv Permanent
300Windows Modules Installer Windows Modules Installer
400Ühe või mitme Windowsi funktsiooni või värskenduse install või desinstall nurjus. Install or uninstall of one or more Windows Features or Updates was not successful.
401Programmid ja funktsioonid Programs and Features
402Programmide ja funktsioonide meeldetuletus Programs and Features Reminder
403Hoolduspaketi desinstall nurjus. Uninstall of the Service Pack was not successful.
500Etapp %d / %d
Stage %d of %d
501Ärge lülitage arvutit välja Don’t turn off your computer
502%d%% lõpule viidud
%d%% complete
506Windowsi ettevalmistamine
Getting Windows ready
507Windowsi häälestamine
Setting up Windows
508Hoolduspaketi häälestamine
Setting up the service pack
509Funktsioonide häälestamine
Setting up features
510Värskenduste häälestamine
Setting up updates
511Funktsioonide lisamine
Adding features
512Hoolduspaketi konfigureerimine
Working on the service pack
513Funktsioonide konfigureerimine
Working on features
514Värskenduste konfigureerimine
Working on updates
515Muudatuste tagasivõtmine
Undoing changes
516Uuesti proovimiseks valmistumine
Getting ready to retry
517Täiendamist ei saanud lõpule viia
We couldn’t complete the upgrade
518Hoolduspaketi konfigureerimist ei saanud lõpule viia
We couldn’t complete the service pack
519Funktsioonide konfigureerimist ei saanud lõpule viia
We couldn’t complete the features
520Värskenduste konfigureerimist ei saanud lõpule viia
We couldn’t complete the updates
Cleaning up
0x10000038Klassikaline Classic
0x30000000Teave Info
0x30000001Alusta Start
0x30000002Lõpeta Stop
0x40001113Windows Servicing käivitas paketi %1(%2) oleku muutmise olekust %3(%4) olekuks %5(%6) Windows Servicing started a process of changing package %1(%2) state from %3(%4) to %5(%6)
0x40001114Windows Servicing määrab paketi %1(%2) olekut olekuks %3(%4) Windows Servicing is setting package %1(%2) state to %3(%4)
0x40001115Windows Servicing määras paketi %1(%2) oleku edukalt olekuks %3(%4) Windows Servicing successfully set package %1(%2) state to %3(%4)
0x4000111FWindows Servicing lõpetas paketi %2 (%3) värskenduse %1 muutmise olekuks %4 (%5) Windows Servicing completed the process of changing update %1 from package %2 (%3) into %4(%5) state
0x40001130Windows Servicing töötleb kuumpaiga paketti %1(%2). Windows Servicing is processing hotpatch package %1(%2).
0x40001131Windows Servicing keelas paketi %2(%3) kuumpaikamise, sest värskenduses %1 pole kuumpaikamine lubatud. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) because update %1 is not enabled for hotpatching.
0x40001132Windows Servicing keelas paketi %1(%2) kuumpaikamise, sest hooldust teostatakse ühenduseta. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because servicing is being performed offline.
0x40001133Windows Servicing keelas paketi %1(%2) kuumpaikamise, sest eelmise toimingu lõpuleviimiseks on vaja arvuti taaskäivitada. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because a reboot is required to complete a prior operation.
0x40001134Windows Servicing installis edukalt kuumpaikamise paketi %1(%2). Windows Servicing successfully installed hotpatching package %1(%2).
0x40001135Windows Servicing nõuab kuumpaikamise paketi %1(%2) installi lõpuleviimiseks arvuti taaskäivitamist. Windows Servicing has required a reboot to complete the installation of hotpatching package %1(%2).
0x40001140Windows Servicing keelas paketi %2(%3) kuumpaikamise, sest värskendus %1 seatakse olekule %4(%5). Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) because update %1 is being set to state %4(%5).
0x50000003Hoiatus Warning
0x80001116Windows Servicing tuvastas, et paketti %1(%2) ei saa selles süsteemis rakendada Windows Servicing identified that package %1(%2) is not applicable for this system
0x80001118Windows Servicing vajab taaskäivitust, et viia lõpule paketi %1(%2) oleku määramine olekuks %3(%4) Servicing has required reboot to complete the operation of setting package %1(%2) into %3(%4) state
0x80001122Windows Servicing vajab taaskäivitust, et viia lõpule paketi %2 (%3) värskenduse %1 muutmine olekuks %4 (%5) Windows Servicing required reboot to complete the process of changing update %1 from package %2(%3) into %4(%5) state
0x80001136Windows Servicing keelas paketi %1(%2) kuumpaikamise, sest üht faili ei saanud kohe asendada. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because a file could not be replaced immediately.
0x80001137Windows Servicing keelas paketi %1(%2) kuumpaikamise, sest vajalikud failid või kohandatud toimingud ei ühildu kuumpaikamisega. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %1(%2) because required files or custom actions are incompatible with hotpatching.
0x80001138Windows Servicing ei saanud paketti %1(%2) kuumpaigata, sest kuumpaiga installer nõudis taaskäivitamist. Windows Servicing failed to perform hotpatching for package %1(%2) because the hotpatch installer required a reboot.
0x80001139Windows Servicing ei saanud paketti %1(%2) kuumpaigata tõrke (%8) tõttu. Windows Servicing failed to perform hotpatching for package %1(%2) because of an error (%8).
0x80001141Windows Servicing keelas paketi %2(%3) kuumpaikamise, sest kuumpaiga värskendust %1 ei installita. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) because hotpatch update %1 will not be installed.
0x80001142Windows Servicing keelas paketi %2(%3) kuumpaikamise regulaarse värskenduse %1 töötlemiseks. Windows Servicing disabled hotpatching for package %2(%3) to process regular update %1.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Servicing Microsoft-Windows-Servicing
0xB0000001Paketi %1 muudatuste käivitamine. Praegune olek on %2. Sihtolek on %4. Kliendi id: %6. Initiating changes for package %1. Current state is %2. Target state is %4. Client id: %6.
0xB0000002Pakett %1 muudeti edukalt olekusse %2. Package %1 was successfully changed to the %2 state.
0xB0000003Paketi %1 muutmine olekusse %2 ebaõnnestus. Olek: %4. Package %1 failed to be changed to the %2 state. Status: %4.
0xB0000004Enne paketi %1 muutmist olekusse %2 on vaja sooritada taaskäivitamine. A reboot is necessary before package %1 can be changed to the %2 state.
0xB0000005Paketi %1 jaoks saadud hooldustaotlust ei saa rahuldada, kuna see pakett ei ole kehtiv. The servicing request received for package %1 cannot be satisfied since the package is not applicable.
0xB0000006Paketi %1 muutmine olekusse %2 ebaõnnestus ning see on praegu osaliselt installitud. Olek: %4. Package %1 failed to be changed to the %2 state and is now partially installed. Status: %4.
0xB0000007Muudatuste käivitamine, mis lülitab sisse paketi %2 värskenduse %1. Kliendi id: %4. Initiating changes to turn on update %1 of package %2. Client id: %4.
0xB0000008Muudatuste käivitamine, mis lülitab paketi %2 värskenduse %1 välja. Kliendi id: %4. Initiating changes to turn off update %1 of package %2. Client id: %4.
0xB0000009Paketi %2 valikuline värskendus %1 lülitati edukalt sisse. Selectable update %1 of package %2 was successfully turned on.
0xB000000APaketi %2 valikuline värskendus %1 lülitati edukalt välja. Selectable update %1 of package %2 was successfully turned off.
0xB000000BPaketi %2 valikulise värskenduse %1 sisselülitamine ebaõnnestus. Olek: %3. Update %1 of package %2 failed to be turned on. Status: %3.
0xB000000CPaketi %2 valikulise värskenduse %1 väljalülitamine ebaõnnestus. Olek: %3. Update %1 of package %2 failed to be turned off. Status: %3.
0xB000000DEnne paketi %2 valikulise värskenduse %1 sisselülitamist on vaja sooritada taaskäivitamine. A reboot is necessary before the selectable update %1 of package %2 can be turned on.
0xB000000EEnne paketi %2 valikulise värskenduse %1 väljalülitamist on vaja sooritada taaskäivitamine. A reboot is necessary before the selectable update %1 of package %2 can be turned off.
0xB000000FPaketi %2 valikulise värskenduse %1 kasulik koormus eemaldati ja pakett lülitati välja. Selectable update %1 of package %2 was successfully turned off with its payload removed.
0xB0000010Paketi %2 värskenduse %1 väljalülitamine nurjus. Taotleti kasuliku koormuse eemaldamist. Olek: %3. Update %1 of package %2 failed to be turned off. Payload removal was requested. Status: %3.
0xB0000011Report:[%1] Report:[%1]
0xB0000012START [Resolve]:[%1] START [Resolve]:[%1]
0xB0000014END [Resolve]:[%1] END [Resolve]:[%1]
0xB0000015START [Execute]:[%1] START [Execute]:[%1]
0xB0000017END [Execute]:[%1] END [Execute]:[%1]
0xB0000018START [Stage]:[%1] START [Stage]:[%1]
0xB000001AEND [Stage]:[%1] END [Stage]:[%1]
0xB0000021START [DPX Expansion]:[%1] START [DPX Expansion]:[%1]
0xB0000022END [DPX Expansion]:[%1] END [DPX Expansion]:[%1]
0xB0000023START [Doq Stage]:[%1] START [Doq Stage]:[%1]
0xB0000025END [Doq Stage]:[%1] END [Doq Stage]:[%1]
0xB0000026START [Doq Unstage]:[%1] START [Doq Unstage]:[%1]
0xB0000027END [Doq Unstage]:[%1] END [Doq Unstage]:[%1]
0xB0000028START [Doq Critical Install]:[%1] START [Doq Critical Install]:[%1]
0xB0000029END [Doq Critical Install]:[%1] END [Doq Critical Install]:[%1]
0xB000002ASTART [Doq Install]:[%1] START [Doq Install]:[%1]
0xB000002BEND [Doq Install]:[%1] END [Doq Install]:[%1]
0xB000002CSTARt [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1] STARt [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB000002DEND [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1] END [Doq Critical Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB000002ESTART [Doq Uninstall]:[%1] START [Doq Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB000002FEND [Doq Uninstall]:[%1] END [Doq Uninstall]:[%1]
0xB0000030START [Doq Device Install]:[%1] START [Doq Device Install]:[%1]
0xB0000031END [Doq Device Install]:[%1] END [Doq Device Install]:[%1]
0xB0000032START [InstallUninstall]:[%1] START [InstallUninstall]:[%1]
0xB0000033END [InstallUninstall]:[%1] END [InstallUninstall]:[%1]
0xB0000034START [Poqexec]:[%1] START [Poqexec]:[%1]
0xB0000035END [Poqexec]:[%1] END [Poqexec]:[%1]
0xB0000036START [Shutdown Processing]:[%1] START [Shutdown Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000037END [Shutdown Processing]:[%1] END [Shutdown Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000038START [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1] START [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB0000039END [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1] END [Non-Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB000003ASTART [Critical Doq]:[%1] START [Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB000003BEND [Critical Doq]:[%1] END [Critical Doq]:[%1]
0xB000003CSTART [Plan Package]:[%1] START [Plan Package]:[%1]
0xB000003DEND [Plan Package]:[%1] END [Plan Package]:[%1]
0xB000003ETrustedInstaller Finalize Event Report:[%1] TrustedInstaller Finalize Event Report:[%1]
0xB000003FTrustedInstaller Initialize Event Report:[%1] TrustedInstaller Initialize Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000040Doq Stage Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Stage Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000041Doq Unstage Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Unstage Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000042Doq Install Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Install Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000043Doq Uninstall Progress Event Report:[%1] Doq Uninstall Progress Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000044Startup Complete Event Report:[%1] Startup Complete Event Report:[%1]
0xB0000045START [AI Queue Processing]:[%1] START [AI Queue Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000046END [AI Queue Processing]:[%1] END [AI Queue Processing]:[%1]
0xB0000047START [AI Install]:[Description = [%1], Phase = [%2], Mode = [%3], PrevComponent=[%4], NewComponent=[%5]] START [AI Install]:[Description = [%1], Phase = [%2], Mode = [%3], PrevComponent=[%4], NewComponent=[%5]]
0xB0000048END [AI Install]:[Status=[%1]] END [AI Install]:[Status=[%1]]
0xB0000049Report: [%1] Report: [%1]
0xB000004ACSI INSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1] CSI INSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1]
0xB000004BCSI UNINSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1] CSI UNINSTALL Deployment Event Report: [%1]
0xB000004CSTART [KTM Transaction]:[%1] START [KTM Transaction]:[%1]
0xB000004DEND [KTM Transaction]:[%1] END [KTM Transaction]:[%1]
0xB000004ECSI COMPRESS Event Report: [%1] CSI COMPRESS Event Report: [%1]
0xB000004FCSI Stage Component Event Report: [%1] CSI Stage Component Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000050CSI AI Completion Event Report: [%1] CSI AI Completion Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000052START [CSI SMIPI]:[%1] START [CSI SMIPI]:[%1]
0xB0000053END [CSI SMIPI]:[%1] END [CSI SMIPI]:[%1]
0xB0000054CSI SMIPI INSTALL Event Report: [%1] CSI SMIPI INSTALL Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000055CSI Transaction Start Event Report: [%1] CSI Transaction Start Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000056CSI Transaction End Event Report: [%1] CSI Transaction End Event Report: [%1]
0xB0000057START [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1] START [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1]
0xB0000058END [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1] END [CSI Corruption Detection Event]:[%1]
0xB0000059START [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1] START [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1]
0xB000005AEND [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1] END [CSI Corruption Repair Event]:[%1]
0xB000005BSTART [CSI Scavenge]:[%1] START [CSI Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005CEND [CSI Scavenge]:[%1] END [CSI Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005DSTART [CBS Scavenge]:[%1] START [CBS Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005EEND [CBS Scavenge]:[%1] END [CBS Scavenge]:[%1]
0xB000005FSTART [Archive Logs]:[%1] START [Archive Logs]:[%1]
0xB0000060END [Archive Logs]:[%1] END [Archive Logs]:[%1]
0xB0000061START [Drain Catalogs]:[%1] START [Drain Catalogs]:[%1]
0xB0000062END [Drain Catalogs]:[%1] END [Drain Catalogs]:[%1]
0xB0000063START [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1] START [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000064END [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1] END [Automatic Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000065START [Manual Deepclean]:[%1] START [Manual Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000066END [Manual Deepclean]:[%1] END [Manual Deepclean]:[%1]
0xB0000067START [Delete Session Files]:[%1] START [Delete Session Files]:[%1]
0xB0000068END [Delete Session Files]:[%1] END [Delete Session Files]:[%1]
0xB0000069Edenemine: kasutajaliidese teade on värskendatud. %1 Progress: UI message updated. %1
0xB00003F5Süsteemisalve rikketuvastuse ja -paranduse käivitamine. Ainult tuvastus: %1, automaatselt käivitatud: %2. Initiating system store corruption detection and repair. Detection Only: %1, Automatically Triggered: %2.
0xB00003F6Süsteemisalve rikketuvastus ja -parandus on lõpule jõudnud. Olek: %1, leitud rikete koguarv: %3, parandatud rikete koguarv: %2. System store corruption detection and repair has completed. Status: %1, Total instances of corruption found: %3, total instances of corruption repaired: %2.
0xB00003F7%2/%3 süsteemisalve riketest on parandatud. Parandamata rikked võivad edaspidi süsteemiteeninduses rikkeid põhjustada. %2 of %3 instances of system store corruption have been repaired. Unrepaired corruptions may lead to failures in future system servicing.
0xC0001117Windows Servicingil nurjus paketi %1(%2) oleku määramine olekuks %3(%4) Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of setting package %1 (%2) into %3(%4) state
0xC0001121Windows Servicingil nurjus paketi %2 (%3) värskenduse %1 muutmise olekuks %4 (%5) Windows Servicing failed to complete the process of changing update %1 from package %2(%3) into %4(%5) state
0xD0000002Desinstall ootel Uninstall Pending
0xD0000008Install ootel Install Pending
0xD0000009Osaliselt installitud Partially Installed
0xD000000BAlaline Permanent
0xD000000CVigane lahendus Invalid Resolved
0xD000000DVigane koondamine Invalid Staged
0xD000000EVigane install Invalid Installed
0xD000000FVigane alaline Invalid Permanent
0xD0000011Pakett Package
0xD0000012Failideltad File Deltas
0xD0000013Laadi alla Download
0xD0000014Tuvasta Detect


File Name:CbsMsg.dll.mui
File Size:19 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:18944
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Estonian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Komponendipõhise teenussõnumi DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:cbsmsg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original File Name:cbsmsg.dll.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is CbsMsg.dll.mui?

CbsMsg.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Estonian language for file CbsMsg.dll (Komponendipõhise teenussõnumi DLL).

File version info

File Description:Komponendipõhise teenussõnumi DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:cbsmsg.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused kaitstud.
Original Filename:cbsmsg.dll.mui
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x425, 1200