rstrui.exe Microsoft® Windows oporavak sistema 0d318ca827fa79e7afa99891e0a79e69

File info

File name: rstrui.exe.mui
Size: 33792 byte
MD5: 0d318ca827fa79e7afa99891e0a79e69
SHA1: fdcd02267fdd58507b48c5244780a203649cdaea
SHA256: 1d14be54e00ffcc7306f6251ff02552e55aa4eacc2c34942023e8a707fa546ae
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: rstrui.exe Microsoft® Windows oporavak sistema (32-bitni)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Serbia (Latin) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Serbia (Latin) English
1Otkazivanje... Canceling...
2Ova operacija može potrajati nekoliko minuta. Sačekajte... This operation can take a few minutes. Please wait...
100Oporavak sistema System Restore
102Vratite sistem u prethodno stanje do odabrane tačke vraćanja. Restore system to a chosen restore point.
103Oporavak sistema nije uspeo zbog neodređene greške. System Restore failed due to an unspecified error.
104Lokalni disk Local Disk
105Nije moguće otvoriti oporavak sistema iz sledećeg razloga:


Pokušajte ponovo.
System Restore could not open for the following reason:


Please try again.
106Morate da omogućite zaštitu sistema na ovoj disk jedinici You must enable system protection on this drive
107Oporavak sistema se nije uspešno dovršio. System Restore did not complete successfully.
108Računar radi u ograničenom stanju dijagnostike. Ako koristite oporavak sistema u ovom ograničenom stanju, ne možete da opozovete operaciju oporavka. Your computer is running in a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in this limited state, you cannot undo the restore operation.
109Zaštita sistema je dostupna samo u operativnom sistemu na mreži. System Protection is available only in online operating system.
110Nije moguće pronaći disk jedinicu na kojoj se nalazi rezervna kopija. Oporavak sistema traži tačke vraćanja u rezervnoj kopiji. Uverite se da je disk jedinica rezervne kopije uključena i povezana sa računarom i kliknite na dugme „U redu“. The backup drive could not be found. System Restore is looking for restore points on your backup. Make sure the backup drive is on and connected to this computer and then click OK.
111Vraćanje računara u stanje u kojem je bio pre izabranog događaja Restore your computer to the state it was in before the selected event
113Datum i vreme Date and Time
114Potvrdite diskove za vraćanje u prethodno stanje Confirm disks to restore
115Opis Description
116Instaliraj: Install:
117Deinstaliraj: Uninstall:
118Vraćanje sistemskih datoteka u prethodno stanje iz rezervne kopije slike sistema zahteva da disk koji sadrži rezervnu kopiju povežete sa računarom. Restoring system files from a system image backup will require you to connect the disk containing your backup to the computer.
119Sve sistemske promene nakon pravljenja rezervne kopije, uključujući programe ili upravljačke programe koje ste instalirali ili deinstalirali, biće opozvane. To neće imati uticaj na dokumente, slike i druge lične podatke. All system changes since the backup was taken, including any programs or drivers installed or uninstalled, will be undone. Your documents, pictures and other personal data will not be affected.
120Opozovi radnju: Undo:
121Sistem: System:
129Oporavak sistema traži da potvrdite koje disk jedinice želite da vratite u prethodno stanje. System Restore needs you to confirm which drives you want to restore.
130Nijedan None
131Izaberite ovu opciju da biste opozvali poslednju ispravku, upravljački program ili softversku instalaciju ukoliko smatrate da to prouzrokuje probleme. Select this option to undo the most recent update, driver, or software installation if you think it is causing problems.
132Izaberite ovu opciju da biste opozvali oporavak sistema izvršen u navedeno vreme ukoliko mislite da nije rešio problem ili da je prouzrokovao dodatne probleme. Select this option to undo the System Restore done at the time listed, if you think it didn't fix problems or caused more problems.
133&Opozovi oporavak sistema: &Undo System Restore:
134&Preporučeno vraćanje u prethodno stanje: &Recommended restore:
135Izgleda da oporavak sistema ne radi pravilno na ovom sistemu.

System Restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system.

137Došlo je do neočekivane greške:


Zatvorite aplikaciju za oporavak sistema i pokušajte ponovo.
There was an unexpected error:


Please close System Restore and try again.
138Čarobnjak nije mogao da pokrene oporavak sistema. Zatvorite čarobnjak i pokušajte ponovo. The wizard was unable to initiate the system restore. Please close the wizard and try again.
139Morate da budete administrator da biste izvršili oporavak sistema. Prijavite se kao administrator i pokušajte ponovo.

You must be an administrator to perform a system restore. Please log in as an administrator then try again.

140Oporavak sistema je uspešno dovršen. Sistem je vraćen na %1!s!. Ovo neće uticati na dokumenta. System Restore completed successfully. The system has been restored to %1!s!. Your documents have not been affected.
145Ovo neće uticati na dokumenta i datoteke. Your documents and files will not be affected.
146Nije planirana nijedna operacija vraćanja. No restore operation was scheduled.
147Oporavak sistema je i dalje u toku ili se nije dovršio. The System Restore is still in progress or did not complete.
148Došlo je do neodređene greške tokom oporavka sistema. An unspecified error occurred during System Restore.
149Oporavku sistema ponestalo je prostora na disku tokom vraćanja datoteka. System Restore ran out of disk space while restoring your files.
150Tačka vraćanja je oštećena ili je izbrisana tokom vraćanja. The restore point was damaged or was deleted during the restore.
151Registrator u tački vraćanja je oštećen i ne može se vratiti. The registry in the restore point was damaged and could not be restored.
152Došlo je do greške na disku tokom vraćanja. Do toga može doći zbog oštećenih sektora na disku. Pokrenite komandu chkdsk /R na ovom disku i ponovo pokušajte da pokrenete alatku „Oporavak sistema“. There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on disk. Run chkdsk /R on this disk and then try running System Restore again.
156Potrebno je da oporavak sistema ponovo pokrene računar da bi vratio datoteke i postavke. System Restore needs to restart your computer to restore your files and settings.
157Pokretanje... Initializing...
158Procena potrebnog prostora... Estimating space needed...
159Vraćanje registratora u prethodno stanje... Restoring registry...
160Vraćanje datoteka u prethodno stanje... Restoring files...
161Vraćanje IIS-a u prethodno stanje... Restoring IIS...
162Vraćanje COM+ u prethodno stanje... Restoring COM+...
163Vraćanje WMI-a u prethodno stanje... Restoring WMI...
164Završavanje vraćanja u prethodno stanje... Finishing restore...
165Čišćenje... Cleaning up...
166Nepoznato Unknown
167Nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora na disku da bi se pokrenuo oporavak sistema. Oslobodite najmanje 500 MB prostora na disku i pokušajte ponovo. There is not enough free disk space to run System Restore. Please free at least 500 MB of disk space and try again.
168Disk jedinica Drive
169Nepoznato: Unknown:
170Status Status
171Spremno za vraćanje u prethodno stanje Ready to restore
172Ova disk jedinica nije zaštićena i biće preskočena This drive is not protected and will be skipped
173Ova disk jedinica po želji se može vratiti u prethodno stanje This drive might be restored if desired
174Nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora za vraćanje diska u prethodno stanje There is not enough free space to restore the disk
175Disk jedinica nije u izabranoj tački vraćanja The drive is not in the selected restore point
176Nije moguće pronaći disk jedinicu The drive cannot be found
177Na sistemskoj disk jedinici računara nije kreirana nijedna tačka vraćanja. Da biste kreirali tačku vraćanja, otvorite opciju Zaštita sistema. No restore points have been created on your computer's system drive. To create a restore point open system protection.
179Kada se započne, oporavak sistema se ne može prekinuti
Želite li da nastavite?

Oporavak sistema se ne može opozvati dok se ne dovrši. Ako je oporavak sistema pokrenut u bezbednom režimu ili iz menija „Opcije oporavka sistema“, ne može se opozvati.
Once started, System Restore may not be interrupted
Do you want to continue?

System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone.
181(Sistem) (System)
182Završavanje vraćanja datoteka u prethodno stanje... Finalizing file restore...
183Ručno: Manual:
184Završeno Finished
185Ponovo pokreni Restart
186Kliknite na dugme „Ponovo pokreni sistem“ da biste ponovo pokrenuli računar. Click Restart button to restart the computer.
187Zaštita sistema je isključena. Da biste je ponovo uključili tako da možete da koristite oporavak sistema, konfigurišite zaštitu sistema. System protection is turned off. To turn it back on so that you can use System Restore, configure system protection.
189Trenutna vremenska zona: %1!s! Current time zone: %1!s!
191Čarobnjak za oporavak sistema je već pokrenut. Ovaj program će se sada zaustaviti. The System Restore wizard is already running. This program will now exit.
192Oporavak sistema je prekinut zbog moguće greške u napajanju, sistemske greške ili uspostavljanja početne vrednosti sistema. System Restore was interrupted, possibly because of a power failure, a system error, or a system reset.
195Nepoznati opis. Tačka vraćanja je izbrisana – ovo je normalno na računarima na kojima nema dovoljno prostora na disku Unknown description; Restore Point was deleted -- this is normal on computers that are low on disk space
197Izabranu rezervnu kopiju nije bilo moguće pronaći. Oporavak sistema traži tačke vraćanja u rezervnoj kopiji. Izaberite drugu tačku vraćanja. The selected backup could not be found. System Restore is looking for a restore point that is on your backup. Choose a different restore point.
200Program Program
201Upravljački program Driver
202Tip Type
203Izaberite izvor Choose a source
204Oporavak sistema se može izvršiti iz tačke vraćanja ili rezervne kopije slike sistema You can perform System Restore from a restore point or system image backup
206Oporavak sistema ne može da pronađe listu rezervnih kopija slike sistema.

System Restore cannot find the list of system image backups.

207Windows Update: Windows Update:
208Kritična ispravka: Critical Update:
210Oporavak sistema zahteva privilegije administratora System Restore requires administrator privileges
211Da biste izvršili ovaj zadatak, morate se prijaviti pomoću administratorskog naloga. To perform this task, you must log on using an administrator account.
212Vraćanje sistema u prethodno stanje nije uspelo da vrati datoteku u prethodno stanje. Do ovoga može doći ako antivirusni program štiti datoteku. Ako ponovo dođe do greške, isključite antivirusni program i ponovo pokušajte da izvršite vraćanje u prethodno stanje ili izvršite vraćanje sistema u prethodno stanje iz Windows okruženja za oporavak sistema. System restore failed to restore a file. This could happen if an anti-virus program is protecting the file. If the failure persists switch off your anti-virus and retry the restore, or perform system restore from Windows Recovery Environment.
213Vraćanje sistema u prethodno stanje nije uspelo u odloženoj operaciji premeštanja datoteke za datoteku
System restore failed in delayed file move operation for the file
214Vraćanje sistema u prethodno stanje nije uspelo u odloženoj operaciji brisanja za datoteku
System restore failed in delayed delete operation for the file
215Vraćanje sistema u prethodno stanje nije uspelo u odloženoj operaciji postavljanja kratkog imena datoteke za datoteku
System restore failed in delayed set short filename operation for the file
1046Došlo je do neočekivane greške:


Oporavak sistema će se sada zatvoriti.
There was an unexpected error:


System Restore will now close.
1047Izaberite ovu opciju da biste za popravku sistema koristili preporučenu tačku vraćanja. Select this option to use the recommended restore point to repair your system.
1048Administrator sistema je isključio oporavak sistema. Da biste uključili oporavak sistema, obratite se administratoru sistema. System Restore has been turned off by your system administrator. To turn on System Restore, contact your system administrator.
1049Da biste koristili oporavak sistema, morate navesti instalaciju operativnog sistema Windows koju treba vratiti u prethodno stanje.

Ponovo pokrenite ovaj računar, izaberite operativni sistem, a zatim izaberite stavku „Oporavak sistema“.
To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore.

Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore.
1050Da biste izvršili oporavak sistema van mreže, morate pokrenuti sistem u Windows okruženju za oporavak. To perform an offline System Restore, the system must be started in the Windows Recovery Environment.
1051Na disku %1!s! ima grešaka. The disk %1!s! has errors.
1052Windows je otkrio oštećenje sistema datoteka na disku %1!s!. Pre vraćanja diska u prethodno stanje proverite da li na njemu ima grešaka.

Proverite da li na disku ima grešaka
Windows has detected file system corruption on %1!s!. You must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.

Check the disk for errors
1055Oporavak sistema nije uspeo da izvrši operacije oporavka pri pokretanju. System Restore was unable to perform restore operations on startup.
1056Oporavak sistema je pronašao ispravke računara na čekanju.

Preporučuje se da ponovo pokrenete računar i primenite ispravke pre nego što nastavite sa oporavkom sistema.

Želite li ponovo da pokrenete računar?
System Restore has found pending updates to your computer.

It is recommended that you restart your computer to apply these updates before continuing with System Restore.

Do you want to restart your computer?
1071Vreme Time
1073Rezervna kopija: Backup:
1074Nije otkrivena nijedna stavka. None detected.
1076Da Yes
1077Ne No
1078Kada se oporavak sistema pokrene, nije ga moguće prekinuti. Želite li da nastavite? Once started, System Restore cannot be interrupted. Do you want to continue?
1079Oporavak sistema se ne može opozvati dok se ne dovrši. Ako je oporavak sistema pokrenut u bezbednom režimu ili iz menija „Opcije oporavka sistema“, ne može se opozvati. System Restore cannot be undone until after it has completed. If System Restore is being run in safe mode or from the System Recovery Options menu, it cannot be undone.
1081Pokretanje oporavka sistema Starting System Restore
1082Sačekajte da se funkcija „Oporavak sistema“ pokrene. To može potrajati nekoliko minuta. Please wait while System Restore starts. It might take up to a few minutes.
1083Windows Update Windows Update
1084Sačekajte dok oporavak sistema potraži ugrožene programe i upravljačke programe. Please wait while System Restore looks for affected programs and drivers.
1085Skeniranje u potrazi za ugroženim programima i upravljačkim programima Scanning for affected programs and drivers
1089Tačka vraćanja slike sistema System Image Restore Point
1090Automatska tačka vraćanja Automatic Restore Point
1091Oporavak sistema automatski preporučuje poslednju tačku vraćanja. Takođe možete da odaberete neku sa liste tačaka vraćanja. Pokušajte da koristite tačke vraćanja kreirane malo pre datuma i vremena kada ste počeli da primećujete probleme. Opisi tačaka vraćanja odgovaraju imenu događaja. System Restore automatically recommends the most recent restore point. You can also choose from a list of restore points. Try using restore points created just before the date and time you started noticing problems. The descriptions of the restore points correspond with the name of an event.
1092Oporavak sistema koristi tačke vraćanja da bi vratio sistemske datoteke i postavke u prethodni vremenski period, bez uticanja na lične datoteke. Oporavak sistema vraća računar u stanje u kojem se nalazio pre tačke vraćanja koju ste izabrali. System Restore uses restore points to return your system files and settings to an earlier point in time, without affecting personal files. System restore returns your computer to the state it was in before the restore point that you select.
1093Zatvori Close
1095Dodatne opcije oporavka, npr. ponovno instaliranje operativnog sistema Windows, vraćanje računara u prethodno stanje iz rezervne kopije slike sistema ili alatke od proizvođača računara, možda nisu dostupne. Da biste saznali koje opcije su dostupne, pogledajte meni „Opcije za oporavak sistema“. Additional recovery options, such as re-installing Windows, restoring your computer from a system image backup, or tools from your computer manufacturer might be available. To find out which options are available, see the System Recovery Options menu.
1096Nije moguće otkriti. Cannot detect.
1097Vreme: %1 Time: %1
1098Opis: %1 Description: %1
1099%1 (%2) %1 (%2)
1100Oporavak sistema ne može da pronađe volumen za pokretanje van mreže. Uverite se da mu je trenutno moguće pristupiti. System Restore could not find the offline boot volume. Please ensure it is currently accessible.


File Name:rstrui.exe.mui
File Size:33 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Unknown (241A)
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft® Windows oporavak sistema
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:rstrui.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original File Name:rstrui.exe.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is rstrui.exe.mui?

rstrui.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Serbia (Latin) language for file rstrui.exe (Microsoft® Windows oporavak sistema).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft® Windows oporavak sistema
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:rstrui.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Sva prava zadržana.
Original Filename:rstrui.exe.mui
Product Name:Operativni sistem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x241A, 1200