MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe 0d2a6e5d2a10048687321c06095f393a

File info

File name: MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Size: 16384 byte
MD5: 0d2a6e5d2a10048687321c06095f393a
SHA1: cc1dd9132f9816fc4d346acb069c27788c1f2720
SHA256: 651db849268a5aedb5a59b39b24017de04fc6e8a6af7c260e57bda5a2ef02613
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: MusNotificationUx.exe MusNotificationUx.exe (32-bit)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Maltese language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Maltese English
100Windows Update Windows Update
101Tista' tibda Heads up
102Neħtieġu nniżżlu aġġornament meħtieġ. Agħżel dan il-messaġġ biex tirranġa. We need to download a required update. Select this message to fix.
103Ristartjar skedat f’%1. Restart scheduled at %1.
104Ma nistgħux nirristartjaw issa. We couldn't restart right now.
105Ma nistgħux naġġornaw it-tagħmir tiegħek billi sibna xi problemi. Nuruk kif tirranġahom. We can't update your device because we found some issues. We'll show you how to fix them.
106Ma nistgħux inlestu t-tniżżil tal-aġġornament tiegħek. We can't finish downloading your update.
107Teħtieġ xi aġġornamenti. You need some updates.
108Dejjem aħjar Better every time
109Ma stajniex inlestu l-installazzjoni tal-aġġornamenti. We couldn't finish installing updates.
110Installajna xi aġġornamenti u rranġajna xi problemi. We installed some updates and fixed a few issues.
111Xi aġġornamenti ma installawx sew. Some updates didn't install correctly.
112Agħżel dan il-messaġġ biex issir taf aktar. Select this message to learn more.
113Se nagħmlu lil Windows aħjar billi naġġornaw dalwaqt. Nuru tfakkira meta nkunu se nirristartjaw. We're going to make Windows better by updating soon. We'll show a reminder when we're going to restart.
114Agħżel dan il-messaġġ biex tibdel. Select this message to change.
115Agħżel dan il-messaġġ biex tirranġa. Select this message to fix.
116Agħżel dan il-messaġġ biex tinstalla. Select this message to install.
117Ma jistax jinstalla aġġornamenti. Can't install updates.
118Ma stajniex naġġornaw it-tagħmir tiegħek. We couldn't update your device.
119Sir af aktar u skeda ħin ġdid biex tirristartja t-tagħmir tiegħek. Learn more and schedule a new time to restart your device.
120Jeħtieġ li jiġu installati aġġornamenti meħtieġa. Required updates need to be installed.
121Installa Install
123Qed naġġornaw il-PC tiegħek. We're getting your PC up to date.
124Irristartja issa Restart now
126Hemm aġġornamenti importanti disponibbli. Ħalli l-kompjuter tiegħek mixgħul biex inkunu nistgħu nniżżluhom u nipproċessawhom waqt li ma tkunx qed tuża l-kompjuter tiegħek. Important updates are available. Please leave your machine on so we can download and process them while you aren't using your computer.
127Mur fis-Settings Go To Settings
128Settings tad-dehra View settings
129Ara x'hemm ġdid jew x'inbidel f'Windows See what's new or changed in Windows
401Skeda Schedule
402L-aħħar ċans! Last chance!
403Ristartjar huwa skedat biex jinstalla aġġornamenti f’%1. Ipposponi jekk dan mhux ħin tajjeb. A restart is scheduled to install updates at %1. Postpone if this isn't a good time.
404Lesti biex ninstallaw xi aġġornamenti. We're ready to install some updates.
405Irristartja biex tinstalla aġġornamenti issa, jew skeda għal aktar tard. Restart to install updates now, or schedule for later.
406Hemm aġġornamenti disponibbli Updates are available
407Jeħtieġ li jitniżżlu aġġornamenti meħtieġa. Required updates need to be downloaded.
408Ara l-aġġornamenti View updates
409Ma jistgħux jitniżżlu aġġornamenti Can't download updates
410Ma nistgħux inniżżlu xi aġġornamenti. We couldn't download some updates.
411Aktar informazzjoni More info
413Skeda ħin ġdid biex tirristartja. Schedule a new time to restart.
415Agħlaq Close
416Skedat ristartjar awtomatiku Automatic restart scheduled
417It-tagħmir tiegħek se jirristartja f’%1 biex ilesti l-installazzjoni tal-aġġornamenti. Agħżel Agħlaq biex tissejvja x-xogħol tiegħek, jew Irristartja issa biex tirristartja xorta waħda. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Restart now to restart right away.
418Ma jistax jinstalla aġġornamenti Can't install updates
419Ma stajniex ninstallaw aġġornamenti. We weren't able to install updates.
422Nirristartjaw f’%1 biex inlestu l-installazzjoni tal-aġġornamenti. Agħżel Agħlaq biex tissejvja xogħlok, jew Ipposponi biex terġa’ tipprova għada. We'll restart at %1 to finish installing updates. Select Close to save your work, or Postpone to try again tomorrow.
424Ipposponi Postpone
425Skeda mill-ġdid Reschedule
430L-aġġornament lest Update complete
431L-aġġornament tiegħek lest, iżda kien hemm xi problemi. Jekk l-affarijiet mhux qed jaħdmu sew, ipprova agħmel backup tad-dejta tiegħek u mbagħad uża Irrisettja l-Mowbajl Tiegħek. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset My Phone.
433Injora Dismiss
435Lest biex tinstalla aġġornamenti Ready to install updates
436Irristartja biex tinstalla aġġornamenti issa Restart to install updates now
437Ma setax jaġġorna t-tagħmir Couldn’t update device
439L-aġġornament tiegħek lest, iżda hemm xi problemi. Jekk l-affarijiet mhux qed jaħdmu sew, ipprova agħmel backup tad-dejta tiegħek u mbagħad uża Irrisettja t-tagħmir. Your update completed, but there were some problems. If things aren't working right, try backing up your data and then using Reset device.
440Dalwaqt isir il-ħin biex tirristartja t-tagħmir tiegħek It's almost time to restart your device
441It-tagħmir tiegħek se jirristartja f'%1 biex ilesti l-installazzjoni tal-aġġornamenti. Jekk dan il-ħin huwa tajjeb għalik, agħżel Ikkonferma. Jekk tixtieq, tista' tirristartja issa jew terġa' tiskeda għal ħin differenti. Your device will restart at %1 to finish installing updates. If this time works for you, select Confirm. If you want, you can restart now or reschedule for a different time.
444Ikkonferma Confirm
445Għandna aġġornament għalik We've got an update for you
446Windows huwa servizz u l-aġġornamenti huma parti normali biex iżżommu għaddej bla xkiel. L-aġġornament tiegħek huwa skedat għal %1. Jew, agħżel Irristartja jekk lest li tagħmel hekk issa. Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. Your update is scheduled for %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
448Darba oħra Another time
449OK OK
450Dalwaqt wasal il-ħin għar-ristartjar tiegħek Almost time for your restart
451It-tagħmir tiegħek se jirristartja f'%1 biex jinstalla aġġornamenti. Jekk dan il-ħin huwa tajjeb għalik, agħżel Ikkonferma jew tista' żżur Settings Aġġornament u Sigurtà Aġġornament tal-Mowbajl biex terġa' tiskeda. Your device will restart at %1 to install updates. If this time works, select Confirm or you can visit Settings Update & Security Phone Update to reschedule.
544Qed tikseb aġġornament You’re getting an update
545L-organizzazzjoni tiegħek skedat ristartjar f'%1 biex tispiċċa l-installazzjoni tal-aħħar aġġornamenti. Tista' wkoll tagħżel li tirristarja issa. Żgura li tissejvja x-xogħol tiegħek qabel ir-ristartjar. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Make sure you save your work before then. Or, restart now if you're ready.
546Irristartja Issa Restart Now
548Qed tirċievi aġġornament You’re getting an update
549L-organizzazzjoni tiegħek skedat ristartjar f'%1 biex tispiċċa l-aġġornar ta’ Windows. Żgura li tissejvja x-xogħol tiegħek qabel dan. Jew, irristartja issa jekk lest. Your organization will restart your device at %1 to finish updating Windows. Make sure you save your work before then. Or, restart now if you're ready.
566Windows huwa servizz u l-aġġornamenti huma normali biex jibqa' jaħdem bla xkiel. Għandna bżonn l-għajnun tiegħek biex ninstallaw dan.
Lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik. Mhux lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
567Ejja nsiru aħjar flimkien Let's get better together
568Torqodx fuq dan l-aġġornament - irridu li jkollok l-aktar titjib riċenti biex Windows jaħdem bla xkiel u aktar sigur.
Lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik.
Don't sleep on this update - we want you to have the latest improvements so Windows runs smoothly and more securely.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
569Countdown għal affarijiet aħjar... Countdown to goodness...
570Ir-ristartjar skedat tiegħek se jseħħ fi %1. Jew, agħżel Irristartja issa jekk lest biex tagħmlu issa. We're going to do the update you scheduled at %1. Or, select Restart now if you're ready to do it now.
571Fakkarni aktar tard Remind me later
572Ejja nerġgħu nibdew. Let's get our groove back
573Ma stajniex naġġornaw Windows għax it-tagħmir tiegħek ma kienx disponibbli fi %1 on %2. Forsi kien mitfi jew il-batterija kienet baxa? Agħżel Irristartja issa biex terġa’ tibda. We couldn't update Windows because your device didn't show up for our date at %1 on %2. Maybe it was turned off or the battery was low? Select Restart now to get going again.
574Stenna siegħa Wait an hour
575Ejja naqtgħu din mil-lista tiegħek Let's cross this one off your list
576Li taġġorna issa jfisser li Windows jaħdem aħjar u aktar sigur. Għandna bżonn l-għajnun tiegħek biex ninstallaw dan l-aġġornament.
Lest? Irristartja issa. Mhux lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Restart now. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
577Windows huwa servizz u l-aġġornamenti huma normali biex jibqa' jaħdem bla xkiel. Għandna bżonn l-għajnun tiegħek biex ninstallaw dan.
Lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik.
Windows is a service and updates are a normal part of keeping it running smoothly. We need your help installing this one.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
579Li taġġorna issa jfisser li Windows jaħdem aħjar u aktar sigur. Għandna bżonn l-għajnun tiegħek biex ninstallaw dan l-aġġornament.
Lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik.
Getting up to date now means Windows will run better and be more secure. We need your help installing this update.
Ready? Pick a time that works for you.
580Ir-ristartjar skedat tiegħek se jseħħ fi %1 fi %2. M'intix lest? Agħżel ħin konvenjenti għalik. We’re going to do the update you scheduled at %1 on %2. Not ready? Pick a time that works for you.
582Agħżel ħin Pick a time
583Ongħos Snooze
584Ibqa' ogħnos Keep snoozing
585Ibqa' dejjaqni Keep bugging me


File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
File Size:16 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
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OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
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Language Code:Unknown (043A)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original File Name:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is MusNotificationUx.exe.mui?

MusNotificationUx.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Maltese language for file MusNotificationUx.exe (MusNotificationUx.exe).

File version info

File Description:MusNotificationUx.exe
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:MusNotificationUx.exe
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kull Dritt Riżervat.
Original Filename:MusNotificationUx.exe.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x43A, 1200