wscui.cpl.mui Seguranza e mantemento 0c6ae6dbfe07319baa341574934f184a

File info

File name: wscui.cpl.mui
Size: 80384 byte
MD5: 0c6ae6dbfe07319baa341574934f184a
SHA1: 1a14099939cd778dec41331986e91f60312585bf
SHA256: 939817f0ec7185bfa50111343d47421d3bb40ad2218b4ea75ea3e3bc8931c3f0
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Galician language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Galician English
1020Protección antivirus Virus protection
1021Protección contra spyware e software non desexado Spyware and unwanted software protection
1022Configuración de seguranza da internet Internet security settings
1023User Account Control User Account Control
1024Windows Update Windows Update
1025Devasa da rede Network firewall
1026Servizo do Centro de seguranza de Windows Windows Security Center Service
1030Restart Restart
1031Non localizado Not found
1032Desactivado Off
1033Desactualizado Out of date
1034Check settings Check settings
1035Not automatic Not automatic
1036Non configurado Not set up
1037Check status Check status
1038Not monitored Not monitored
1039Aceptar OK
1040Activado On
1041Snoozing Snoozing
1042Not initialized Not initialized
1043Not protected Not protected
1050You must restart Windows for these settings to take effect You must restart Windows for these settings to take effect
1051Choose a firewall option Choose a firewall option
1052Choose an antivirus option Choose an antivirus option
1053Choose an antispyware option Choose an antispyware option
1054Choose an Internet security option Choose an Internet security option
1055Windows está a actualizar as definicións de Antivirus de Windows Defender Windows is updating definitions for Windows Defender Antivirus
1056Applying policy for User Account Control... Applying policy for User Account Control...
1057Installed firewall apps Installed firewall apps
1058Installed virus protection apps Installed virus protection apps
1059Aplicacións de protección antiespía instaladas Installed spyware protection apps
1062Quere executar esta aplicación?
Unicamente debería executar aplicacións procedentes de editores nos que confíe.
Do you want to run this app?
You should only run apps that come from publishers you trust.
1100Ten en conta que se executas máis dunha devasa ao mesmo tempo pódense producir conflitos.
Como axuda unha devasa a protexer o meu dispositivo?
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
How does a firewall help protect my device?
1101Como axuda o software antimalware a protexer o meu dispositivo? How does anti-malware software help protect my device?
1103Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts. For more information, see Why you should only use one firewall. Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts. For more information, see Why you should only use one firewall.
1104Como axuda Windows Update a protexer o meu dispositivo? How does Windows Update help protect my device?
1105Como axuda o software antivirus a protexer o meu dispositivo? How does antivirus software help protect my device?
1106Como axuda o software antiespía a protexer o meu dispositivo? How does antispyware software help protect my device?
1110Turn o&n... Turn o&n...
1111&Activar agora Turn o&n now
1113Modificar a config&uración... &Change settings...
1114C&onfigure C&onfigure
1115Turn &on... Turn &on...
1116Ac&tivar agora Turn &on now
1117&Update... &Update...
1118&Actualizar agora &Update now
1120T&urn on... T&urn on...
1123Act&ualizar agora &Update now
1125&Restart now &Restart now
1126Restaurar &configuración... Restore &settings...
1127Tu&rn on now Tu&rn on now
1129Restart &now Restart &now
1130Restart &later Restart &later
1131&Close &Close
1132&Buscar unha aplicación en liña &Find an app online
1133&Ver opcións de devasa View fire&wall options
1134&Ver opcións de antivirus View &antivirus options
1135&Ver aplicacións antivirus View &antivirus apps
1136&Ver opcións de programa antiespía View antisp&yware options
1137&Ver aplicacións antiespía View antisp&yware apps
1139&Actuar Take &action
1141R&enovar R&enew
1150The Windows Security Center service can't be started. The Windows Security Center service can't be started.
1151Windows did not trust this app because its identity can't be verified. Windows did not trust this app because its identity can't be verified.
1152Windows can't restore your Internet security settings to their default levels. Change settings manually Windows can't restore your Internet security settings to their default levels. Change settings manually
1153Windows non pode activar o control de contas de usuario neste dispositivo. Windows can't enable User Account Control on this device.
1154Windows non pode reiniciar o dispositivo, Para que as modificacións sexan efectivas, debes desactivar o dispositivo e, a seguir, volver activalo. Windows can't restart the device. For the changes to take effect, you must turn off the device and then turn it back on.
1155Seguranza e mantemento non pode activar Antivirus de Windows Defender. Téntao de novo máis tarde. Security and Maintenance can't turn on Windows Defender Antivirus. Please try again later.
1156Seguranza e mantemento non pode actualizar as definicións de Antivirus de Windows Defender. Security and Maintenance can't update definitions for Windows Defender Antivirus.
1160Seguranza e mantemento non pode activar a monitoraxe da devasa. Téntao de novo máis tarde. Security and Maintenance can't turn on firewall monitoring. Please try again later.
1161Windows can't turn on antivirus monitoring. Please try again later. Windows can't turn on antivirus monitoring. Please try again later.
1162Windows can't turn on antispyware monitoring. Please try again later. Windows can't turn on antispyware monitoring. Please try again later.
1163Windows non pode activar o control de contas de usuario neste dispositivo porque o administrador do sistema está a controlar esta configuración. Windows can't enable User Account Control on this device because your system administrator is controlling these settings.
1164Non hai novas definicións dispoñibles para descargar para Antivirus de Windows Defender. There are no new definitions available to download for Windows Defender Antivirus.
1165You don't have the correct permissions to perform this action. For more information contact your system administrator. You don't have the correct permissions to perform this action. For more information contact your system administrator.
1166Seguranza e mantemento non pode activar Windows Firewall. Activar Windows Firewall manualmente Security and Maintenance can't turn on Windows Firewall. Turn on Windows Firewall manually
1168The app %1 provided Windows to fix this issue did not run. The app %1 provided Windows to fix this issue did not run.
1169Seguranza e mantemento non pode modificar a túa configuración de seguranza. Como restauro a miña configuración de seguranza Security and Maintenance can't change your security settings. How do I restore my security settings
1181Seguranza e mantemento Security and Maintenance
1183Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
1184Se restauras a configuración de seguranza de internet aos niveis recomendados, axudarás a protexer o dispositivo. Como axuda a configuración de seguranza de internet a protexer o meu dispositivo? Restoring your Internet security settings to their recommended levels will help protect your device. How do Internet security settings help protect my device?
1185Unha devasa pode axudar a evitar que os hackers ou software malicioso obteñan acceso ao teu dispositivo a través dunha rede ou da internet. Como axuda a devasa a protexer o meu dispositivo? A firewall can help prevent hackers or malicious software from gaining access to your device through a network or the Internet. How does a firewall help protect my device?
1186O software antivirus axuda a protexer o teu dispositivo de virus e outras ameazas de seguranza. Como axuda o software antivirus a protexer o meu dispositivo? Antivirus software helps protect your device from viruses and other security threats. How does antivirus software help protect my device?
1187O software antiespía axuda a protexer o teu dispositivo de software potencialmente non desexado e antiespía. Como axuda o software antiespía a protexer o meu dispositivo? Antispyware software helps protect your device from spyware and potentially unwanted software. How does antispyware software help protect my device?
1188Searching for definitions... Searching for definitions...
1189Downloading definitions... Downloading definitions...
1190Installing definitions... Installing definitions...
1191Fabricante: %1
Programa: %2
Publisher: %1
Program: %2
Unknown Publisher
Unknown Publisher
1193%1 has not provided Windows with an app to fix this issue. %1 has not provided Windows with an app to fix this issue.
1201Other security settings Other security settings
1202Firewall Firewall
1204Malware protection Malware protection
1210Segoe UI Segoe UI
12119.0 9.0
121511.0 11.0
1230Security essentials Security essentials
1231Para axudar a protexer o dispositivo, asegúrate de que as opcións de seguranza fundamentais estean marcadas como activadas ou aceptadas. To help protect your device, make sure the four security essentials below are marked On or OK.
1233A configuración de seguranza deste dispositivo está xestionada por un administrador de rede porque o dispositivo forma parte dun dominio (un grupo de dispositivos nunha rede). Para a axudar a protexer o dispositivo, o administrador debe facer o seguinte: The security settings on this device are managed by a network administrator because your device is part of a domain (a group of devices on a network). To help protect your device, the administrator of this device should do the following:
1234Install a firewall and keep it turned on (Windows Firewall is automatically installed). Install a firewall and keep it turned on (Windows Firewall is automatically installed).
1235Set up Windows Update to download and install critical updates automatically. Set up Windows Update to download and install critical updates automatically.
1236Install antivirus software and keep it turned on and up to date. Install antivirus software and keep it turned on and up to date.
1237Uso de Seguranza e mantemento Using Security and Maintenance
1238Using Windows at work Using Windows at work
1244Get the latest security and virus information online from Microsoft Get the latest security and virus information online from Microsoft
1245Backup and Restore Backup and Restore
1246See also See also
1250Turn on Windows Firewall
Choosing this option turns on Windows Firewall for all network connections.
Turn on Windows Firewall
Choosing this option turns on Windows Firewall for all network connections.
1251Activar %1
Escollendo esta opción executarase unha aplicación rexistrada e asinada que Windows non pode monitorar.
Turn on %1
Choosing this option will run a registered, signed app that Windows can't monitor.
1252Mostrar as aplicacións de devasa dispoñibles neste dispositivo Show me the firewall apps on this device
1254I'll turn on %1 myself
The publisher has not provided Windows a way to turn on and update the app. Choosing this option will close this dialog box.
I'll turn on %1 myself
The publisher has not provided Windows a way to turn on and update the app. Choosing this option will close this dialog box.
1255Buscar unha aplicación en liña para axudar a protexer o dispositivo Find an app online to help protect your device
1261Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo Show me the antivirus apps on this device
1264I'll turn on and update %1 myself
The publisher has not provided Windows a way to turn on and update the app. Choosing this option will close this dialog box.
I'll turn on and update %1 myself
The publisher has not provided Windows a way to turn on and update the app. Choosing this option will close this dialog box.
1270Actualizar definicións de Antivirus de Windows Defender Update definitions for Windows Defender Antivirus
1271Activar Antivirus de Windows Defender Turn on Windows Defender Antivirus
1272Activar Antivirus de Windows Defender e actualizar definicións Turn on Windows Defender Antivirus and update definitions
1273Update %1
Choosing this option will run a signed app registered to %1 that Windows can't monitor.
Update %1
Choosing this option will run a signed app registered to %1 that Windows can't monitor.
1274Turn on %1
Choosing this option will run a signed app registered to %1 that Windows can't monitor.
Turn on %1
Choosing this option will run a signed app registered to %1 that Windows can't monitor.
1275Turn on and update %1
Choosing this option will run a signed app registered to %1 that Windows can't monitor.
Turn on and update %1
Choosing this option will run a signed app registered to %1 that Windows can't monitor.
1276Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo Show me the antispyware apps on this device
1280Restore my Internet security settings now
This option will only change the "at risk" Internet settings to their default levels.
Restore my Internet security settings now
This option will only change the "at risk" Internet settings to their default levels.
1281I want to restore my Internet security settings myself
This option will highlight which Internet settings are not at their recommended levels so that you can restore them yourself.
I want to restore my Internet security settings myself
This option will highlight which Internet settings are not at their recommended levels so that you can restore them yourself.
1282Si, confío neste editor e quero executar esta aplicación Yes, I trust the publisher and want to run this app
1283Non, gustaríame verificar a identidade do editor antes de executar esta aplicación No, I would like to verify the identity of the publisher before running this app
1290Help Help
Note that this setting is controlled by Group Policy

Note that this setting is controlled by Group Policy
1293Nome Name
1294Estado Status
1297Out of date Out of date
1298Non mostrar de novo. Don't show me this again.
1299This app will not run This app will not run
1300Snoozed Snoozed
1301Antivirus de Windows Defender Windows Defender Antivirus
1302Windows Firewall Windows Firewall
1321%1 is out of date and must be updated manually.
View available options.
%1 is out of date and must be updated manually.
View available options.
1325%1 está desactivado e debe activarse manualmente.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1328%1 está desactivado e debe activarse manualmente.
Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
Show me the antispyware apps on this device.
1403Windows Firewall está a protexer o dispositivo de forma activa.
Mostrar as aplicacións de devasa dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Firewall is actively protecting your device.
Show me the firewall apps on this device.
1404Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned on. Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned on.
1405%1 is currently turned on. %1 is currently turned on.
1406Windows Firewall e %1 están activados.
Mostrar as aplicacións de devasa dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned on.
Show me the firewall apps on this device.
1407%1 está activado actualmente.
Mostrar as aplicacións de devasa dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
%1 is currently turned on.
Show me the firewall apps on this device.
1408Windows Firewall e outras devasas están activados.
Mostrar as aplicacións de devasa dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Firewall and multiple other firewalls are turned on.
Show me the firewall apps on this device.
1409Hai varias devasas activadas.
Mostrar as aplicacións de devasa dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Multiple firewalls are turned on.
Show me the firewall apps on this device.
1410Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned off. Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned off.
1411Windows Firewall and multiple other firewalls are turned off. Windows Firewall and multiple other firewalls are turned off.
1413%1 is turned off. %1 is turned off.
1415Multiple firewalls are turned off. Multiple firewalls are turned off.
1416Antivirus de Windows Defender, que se inclúe en Windows, tamén está dispoñible para protexerte contra software potencialmente non desexado. Windows Defender Antivirus, which is included in Windows, is also available to help protect against potentially unwanted software.
1417Antivirus de Windows Defender tamén se inclúe e se executa en Windows. Antivirus de Windows Defender está activado, pero non actualizado. Windows Defender Antivirus is also running and included in Windows. Windows Defender Antivirus is turned on, but currently out of date.
1418Antivirus de Windows Defender está a axudarte a protexer o teu dispositivo. Windows Defender Antivirus is helping to protect your device.
1419Antivirus de Windows Defender está a axudarte a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus is helping to protect your device.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1420%1 is turned on. %1 is turned on.
1421%1 está activado.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
%1 is turned on.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1422Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus están activados e actualizados.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are turned on and up to date.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1423Hai varias aplicacións antivirus activadas e actualizadas.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Multiple antivirus apps are turned on and up to date.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1424Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 non están actualizados.
Ver opcións dispoñibles.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both out of date.
View available options.
1425Antivirus de Windows Defender está desactivado.
Ver opcións dispoñibles.
Windows Defender Antivirus is turned off.
View available options.
1426Antivirus de Windows Defender non está actualizado.
Ver opcións dispoñibles.
Windows Defender Antivirus is out of date.
View available options.
1427You have multiple antivirus apps that are out of date. You have multiple antivirus apps that are out of date.
1428Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus están desactivados. Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are turned off.
1430Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están activados. Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned on.
1431Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están activados.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned on.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1432Multiple antivirus apps are turned off. Multiple antivirus apps are turned off.
1433Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están desactivados. Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned off.
1434Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus non están actualizados. Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are out of date.
1436%1 is up to date and virus scanning is on. %1 is up to date and virus scanning is on.
1437%1 está actualizado e a análise de virus está activada.
Mostrar as aplicacións antivirus dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
%1 is up to date and virus scanning is on.
Show me the antivirus apps on this device.
1438Windows non atopou software antivirus neste dispositivo.
Ver opcións dispoñibles.
Windows did not find antivirus software on this device.
View available options.
1443Antivirus de Windows Defender está a axudarte a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus is helping to protect your device.
Show me the antispyware apps on this device.
1448Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están activados.
Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned on.
Show me the antispyware apps on this device.
1450%1 está activado.
Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
%1 is turned on.
Show me the antispyware apps on this device.
1451Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antiespía están activados e actualizados.
Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antispyware apps are turned on and up to date.
Show me the antispyware apps on this device.
1452Hai varias aplicacións antiespía activadas e actualizadas.
Mostrar as aplicacións antiespía dispoñibles neste dispositivo.
Multiple antispyware apps are turned on and up to date.
Show me the antispyware apps on this device.
1456Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 non están actualizados.
Mostrar as opcións dispoñibles.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both out of date.
Show me my available options.
1457You have multiple antispyware apps that are out of date. You have multiple antispyware apps that are out of date.
1458Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antiespía non están actualizados. Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antispyware apps are out of date.
1460Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antiespía están desactivados. Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antispyware apps are turned off.
1464Multiple antispyware apps are turned off. Multiple antispyware apps are turned off.
1476%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
View available options.
%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
View available options.
1479You have multiple antivirus apps but none of them are turned on and up to date. You have multiple antivirus apps but none of them are turned on and up to date.
1480O control de contas de usuario está activado.
Como axuda o control de contas de usuario a protexer o meu dispositivo?
User Account Control is turned on.
How does User Account Control help protect my device?
1481O control de contas de usuario está desactivado.
Como axuda o control de contas de usuario a protexer o meu dispositivo?
User Account Control is turned off.
How does User Account Control help protect my device?
1482O control de contas de usuario está activado. No entanto, debes reiniciar o dispositivo para que a modificación sexa efectiva.
Como axuda o control de contas de usuario a protexer o meu dispositivo?
User Account Control is turned on, but you must restart your device for the change to take effect.
How does User Account Control help protect my device?
1483All Internet security settings are set to their recommended levels. All Internet security settings are set to their recommended levels.
1484Se restauras a configuración de seguranza da internet aos seus valores recomendados axudarás a protexer o dispositivo. Restoring your Internet security settings to their recommended levels will help protect your device.
1485Internet security settings are not set to their recommended levels. Windows can't help restore your Internet security settings because your system administrator is controlling these settings. For more information, contact your system administrator. Internet security settings are not set to their recommended levels. Windows can't help restore your Internet security settings because your system administrator is controlling these settings. For more information, contact your system administrator.
1486%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually. %1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
1487%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
Show installed antivirus apps.
%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually.
Show installed antivirus apps.
1488Multiple antivirus apps have their virus scanning turned off. Multiple antivirus apps have their virus scanning turned off.
1489Windows Update is set to install updates after checking with you. These settings are managed by your system administrator. Windows Update is set to install updates after checking with you. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
1490Para mellorar a seguranza e o desempeño do dispositivo, recomendamos activar Windows Update. To enhance the security and performance of your device, we recommend that you turn on Windows Update.
1492Windows Update is set to notify you when updates are available to download and install. Windows Update is set to notify you when updates are available to download and install.
1493Windows Update is set to install updates after checking with you. Windows Update is set to install updates after checking with you.
1494Windows will automatically install updates as they become available. Windows will automatically install updates as they become available.
1495Windows Update has been disabled by your system administrator. Windows Update has been disabled by your system administrator.
1497Windows Update is set to notify you when updates are available to download and install. These settings are managed by your system administrator. Windows Update is set to notify you when updates are available to download and install. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
1498The Windows Security Center service is starting. The Windows Security Center service is starting.
1499The Windows Security Center service is turned off. The Windows Security Center service is turned off.
2000Consulta o teu estado actual de seguranza e accede a opcións de configuración que axudarán a protexer o dispositivo. View your current security status and access important settings to help protect your device.
2100Check Description Check Description
2101Notification Description Notification Description
2102Show Me More Information about foo Show Me More Information about foo
2103Balloon Title Balloon Title
2104Balloon Description Balloon Description
2105State Description State Description
2200Windows Firewall is also available and included in Windows. Windows Firewall is also available and included in Windows.
2201Windows Firewall está a protexer o dispositivo de maneira activa. Windows Firewall is actively protecting your device.
2202Windows Firewall está desactivado ou configurado incorrectamente. Windows Firewall is turned off or set up incorrectly.
2204Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned on.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned on.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
2208Windows Firewall and multiple other firewalls are turned on.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
Windows Firewall and multiple other firewalls are turned on.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
2209Multiple firewalls are turned on.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
Multiple firewalls are turned on.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
2210Windows Firewall e %1 están desactivados. Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned off.
2214%1 está desactivado. %1 is turned off.
2215Multiple firewalls are turned off.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
Multiple firewalls are turned off.
Note that running more than one firewall at a time can cause conflicts.
2216Windows Firewall is turned off and is currently being managed by your system administrator. Windows Firewall is turned off and is currently being managed by your system administrator.
2217A configuración de Windows Firewall non é segura e está xestionada polo administrador do sistema. Windows Firewall is in an unsafe configuration and is currently being managed by your system administrator.
2220%1 está activado. %1 is turned on.
2221%1 está actualizado e a análise de virus está activada.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
%1 is up to date and virus scanning is on.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2222A túa subscrición a %1 caducou. Your subscription to %1 ran out.
2223Hai varias aplicacións antivirus activadas e actualizadas.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Multiple antivirus apps are turned on and up to date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2225%1 non está actualizado. %1 is out of date.
2227Hai varias aplicacións antivirus non actualizadas.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Multiple antivirus apps are out of date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2232Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus están desactivados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are turned off.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2233Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus están activados e actualizados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are turned on and up to date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2234Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 non están actualizados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both out of date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2236Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus non están actualizados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are out of date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2237As túas aplicacións antimalware xa non están a protexer o teu dispositivo. Tes varias opcións dispoñibles para axudar a manter o dispositivo protexido. Your antimalware apps are no longer protecting your device. Choices are available to help keep your device protected.
2238As túas aplicacións antimalware xa non están a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Your antimalware apps are no longer protecting your device.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2239%1 xa non está a protexer o teu dispositivo. %1 is no longer protecting your device.
2241Antivirus de Windows Defender non está actualizado. Windows Defender Antivirus is out of date.
2243Antivirus de Windows Defender está a axudarte a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus is helping to protect your device.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2244Antivirus de Windows Defender está desactivado. Windows Defender Antivirus is turned off.
2246Antivirus de Windows Defender non está actualizado.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus is out of date.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2247Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están activados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned on.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2251Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antiespía están activados e actualizados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antispyware apps are turned on and up to date.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2252Hai varias aplicacións antiespía activadas e actualizadas.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Multiple antispyware apps are turned on and up to date.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2254Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 non están actualizados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both out of date.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2255%1 is out of date. %1 is out of date.
2257Hai varias aplicacións antiespía non actualizadas.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Multiple antispyware apps are out of date.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2264Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antiespía están desactivados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antiespía ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antispyware apps are turned off.
Note that running more than one antispyware app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2265Antivirus de Windows Defender está desactivado e está xestionado polo administrador do sistema. Windows Defender Antivirus is turned off and is currently being managed by your system administrator.
2266Windows detectou que non tes instalado ningún programa antiespía. Para axudar a protexer o teu dispositivo, busca e instala unha aplicación antiespía en liña. (Para evitar conflitos entre distintas aplicacións antimalware, non actives Antivirus de Windows Defender). Windows has detected that you don’t have antispyware installed. To help protect your device, find and install an antispyware app online. (To prevent conflicts between different antimalware apps, don’t turn on Windows Defender Antivirus.)
2270Antivirus de Windows Defender está a axudarte a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus is helping to protect your device.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2273Antivirus de Windows Defender non está actualizado.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus is out of date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2274Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están activados.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned on.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2276O teu programa antimalware caducou ou está desactivado e xa non está a fornecer protección completa. Actúa agora para axudar a protexer o teu dispositivo. Your antimalware has expired or is disabled and is no longer providing complete protection. Take action now to help protect your device.
2278%1 caduca en %2 días %1 expires in %2 days
2279A túa subscrición a %1 caducou. Activamos Antivirus de Windows Defender para protexer o teu dispositivo e desactivarémolo cando renoves a subscrición a %1. Your subscription to %1 ran out. We activated Windows Defender Antivirus to protect your device. We'll deactivate Windows Defender Antivirus when you renew your subscription to %1.
2280User Account Control is turned on. User Account Control is turned on.
2281User Account Control is turned off. User Account Control is turned off.
2282O control da conta de usuario está activado, pero debes reiniciar o dispositivo para que a modificación sexa efectiva. User Account Control is turned on, but you must restart your device for the change to take effect.
2283Todas as definicións da configuración de seguranza da internet teñen os valores recomendados. All Internet security settings are set to their recommended levels.
2289Windows Update está establecido para instalar actualizacións despois de preguntarlle a vostede. O administrador de sistema xestiona esta configuración. Windows Update is set to install updates after checking with you. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
2291Windows Update non está configurado neste dispositivo. Windows Update is not set up for this device.
2292Windows Update está establecida para preguntarlle a vostede antes de descargar e instalar actualizacións. Windows Update is set to check with you before downloading and installing updates.
2293Windows Update está configurado para pedir confirmación antes de instalar actualizacións. Windows Update is set to install updates after checking with you.
2294A medida que haxa actualizacións dispoñibles, Windows irá instalándoas automaticamente. Windows will automatically install updates as they become available.
2295O administrador de sistema desactivou Windows Update. Windows Update has been disabled by your system administrator.
2296Windows Update non está configurado para este dispositivo. O administrador do sistema xestiona esta configuración. Windows Update is not set up for this device. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
2297Windows Update está establecido para preguntarlle a vostede antes de descargar e instalar actualizacións. O administrador de sistema xestiona esta configuración. Windows Update is set to check with you before downloading and installing updates. These settings are managed by your system administrator.
2299O servizo Centro de seguranza de Windows está desactivado. The Windows Security Center service is turned off.
2300Activar o servizo Centro de seguranza de Windows Turn on Windows Security Center service
2301O servizo Centro de seguranza de Windows está desactivado. Toque ou prema para activalo. The Windows Security Center service is turned off. Tap or click to turn on.
2302%1 has virus scanning turned off and must be turned on manually. %1 has virus scanning turned off and must be turned on manually.
2303Windows non encontrou ningún software antivirus neste dispositivo. Windows did not find antivirus software on this device.
2306%1 is out of date and must be updated manually. %1 is out of date and must be updated manually.
2309%1 has virus scanning turned off. %1 has virus scanning turned off.
2312%1 non está actualizado.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
%1 is out of date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2313%1 non está actualizado e debe actualizarse manualmente.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
%1 is out of date and must be updated manually.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2314%1 ten a análise de virus desactivada.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
%1 has virus scanning turned off.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2317Tes varias aplicacións antivirus non actualizadas.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
You have multiple antivirus apps that are out of date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2318Tes varias aplicacións antivirus, pero ningunha está activada nin actualizada.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
You have multiple antivirus apps but none of them are turned on and up to date.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2319Hai varias aplicacións antivirus coa análise de virus desactivada.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Multiple antivirus apps have their virus scanning turned off.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2321%1 non está actualizado e debe actualizarse manualmente. %1 is out of date and must be updated manually.
2329%1 non está a protexer o teu dispositivo e debe renovarse manualmente. %1 is not protecting your device and must be renewed manually.
2330%1 xa non está a protexer o teu dispositivo e debe renovarse manualmente. %1 is no longer protecting your device and must be renewed manually.
2340Hai varias aplicacións antivirus que xa non están a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Ten en conta que executar máis dunha aplicación antivirus ao mesmo tempo pode provocar un desempeño deficiente do dispositivo.
Multiple antivirus apps are no longer protecting your device.
Note that running more than one antivirus app at the same time can cause your device to run slowly.
2341%1 non está a protexer o teu dispositivo. %1 is not protecting your device.
2401Tell me how I can enable Windows Firewall. Tell me how I can enable Windows Firewall.
2402View available options View available options
2403View installed firewall apps View installed firewall apps
2408Ver aplicacións de devasa instaladas View installed firewall apps
2420View installed antivirus apps View installed antivirus apps
2427Ver opcións dispoñibles View available options
2429Ver aplicacións antivirus instaladas View installed antivirus apps
2440View installed antispyware apps View installed antispyware apps
2445Ver aplicacións antiespía instaladas View installed antispyware apps
2460Como axuda o control de contas de usuario a protexer o meu dispositivo? How does User Account Control help protect my device?
2463Como axudan as opcións de configuración de seguranza de internet a protexer o meu dispositivo? How do Internet security settings help protect my device?
2550Axudar a manter o meu dispositivo protexido Help keep my device protected
2551O teu dispositivo non está protexido contra malware e é posible que estea en risco de infección. Escolle unha das seguintes opcións para axudar a protexer o teu dispositivo. Your device is not protected from malware and may be at risk of infection. Choose an option below to help protect your device.
2552Use %1
Follow the app's instructions to continue your protection.
Use %1
Follow the app's instructions to continue your protection.
2553Ir á Tenda Windows
Explora as listas e escolle unha nova aplicación para axudar a protexer o teu dispositivo.
Go to the Windows Store
Browse the listings and choose a new app to help protect your device.
2554Activar Antivirus de Windows Defender
Desactiva as aplicacións antimalware que non están a protexer o teu dispositivo e activa Antivirus de Windows Defender agora mesmo.
Turn on Windows Defender Antivirus
Turn off antimalware apps that aren't protecting your device and turn on Windows Defender Antivirus right away.
3000Activar Windows Firewall Turn on Windows Firewall
3001Windows Firewall está desactivado. Toque ou prema para activalo. Windows Firewall is turned off. Tap or click to turn it on.
3002Ver opcións de devasa View firewall options
3003Windows Firewall e %1 están desactivados. Toque ou prema para ver as opcións dispoñibles. Windows Firewall and %1 are both turned off. Tap or click to see available options.
3004Turn on %1 Turn on %1
3005Check Firewall status Check Firewall status
3006Windows Firewall e outras devasas están desactivados. Toque ou prema para ver as opcións dispoñibles. Windows Firewall and multiple other firewalls are turned off. Tap or click to see available options.
3007Check Windows Firewall status Check Windows Firewall status
3100Activar protección antivirus Turn on virus protection
3101A protección antivirus está desactivada. Toca ou preme para activar Antivirus de Windows Defender. Virus protection is turned off. Tap or click to turn on Windows Defender Antivirus.
3102Actualizar protección antivirus Update virus protection
3103A protección antivirus non está actualizada. Toca ou preme para actualizar Antivirus de Windows Defender. Virus protection is out of date. Tap or click to update Windows Defender Antivirus.
3105Comprobar a protección antivirus Check virus protection
3106A protección antivirus non está actualizada. Toque ou prema para actualizar %1. Virus protection is out of date. Tap or click to update %1.
3107%1 non está actualizado e debe actualizarse manualmente. Toque ou prema para obter máis información. %1 is out of date and must be updated manually. Tap or click for more information.
3109Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 non están actualizados. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antivirus instaladas. Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both out of date. Tap or click to see installed antivirus apps.
3110Varias aplicacións antivirus non están actualizadas. Toque ou prema para ver as aplicacións antivirus instaladas. Multiple antivirus apps are out of date. Tap or click to see installed antivirus apps.
3111Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están desactivados. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antivirus instaladas. Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned off. Tap or click to see installed antivirus apps.
3112Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antivirus están desactivados. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antivirus instaladas. Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antivirus apps are turned off. Tap or click to see installed antivirus apps.
3113Turn on virus protection Turn on virus protection
3114Check virus protection Check virus protection
3115Comprobar protección antivirus Check virus protection
3116%1 xa non está a protexer o teu dispositivo. Toca ou preme para tomar medidas. %1 is no longer protecting your device. Tap or click to take action.
3117%1 xa non está a protexer o teu dispositivo, polo que deben tomarse medidas. %1 is no longer protecting your device and action must be taken.
3118Hai varias aplicacións antivirus que xa non están a protexer o teu dispositivo. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antivirus instaladas. Multiple antivirus apps are no longer protecting your device. Tap or click to see installed antivirus apps.
3119O teu dispositivo non está protexido Your device is unprotected
3120O teu programa antimalware xa non está a protexer o teu dispositivo. Tes varias opcións dispoñibles para axudar a manter o dispositivo protexido. Your antimalware is no longer protecting your device. Choices are available to help keep your device protected.
3121A túa subscrición de seguranza caduca dentro de %2 días Your security subscription expires in %2 days
3122Renova a túa subscrición a %1 agora para seguir protexendo o teu dispositivo. Renew your subscription to %1 now to continue to protect your device.
3123%1 caducou %1 expired
3124Renova a túa subscrición a %1 para protexer o teu dispositivo. Entrementres, activouse Antivirus de Windows Defender. Renew your subscription to %1 to protect your device. We turned on Windows Defender Antivirus for the meantime.
3125Activamos Antivirus de Windows Defender We've turned on Windows Defender Antivirus
3126%1 caducou. Podes seguir a usar Antivirus de Windows Defender para protexer o dispositivo ou renovar %1. %1 has expired. You can keep using Windows Defender Antivirus to help protect your device, or renew %1.
3127Pechar Close
3128Renovar Renew
3130Buscar unha aplicación antivirus en liña Find an antivirus app online
3131Windows non atopou ningunha aplicación antivirus neste dispositivo. Toca ou preme para localizar unha aplicación en liña. Windows did not find an antivirus app on this device. Tap or click to find an app online.
3132Update %1 Update %1
3134Activar %1 Turn on %1
3136%1 está desactivado. Toque ou prema para activalo. %1 is turned off. Tap or click to turn on.
3137%1 is turned off and must be turned on manually. Tap or click for more information. %1 is turned off and must be turned on manually. Tap or click for more information.
3138%1 is out of date. Tap or click to update. %1 is out of date. Tap or click to update.
3139%1 is out of date and must be updated manually. Tap or click for more information. %1 is out of date and must be updated manually. Tap or click for more information.
3140Check antivirus apps Check antivirus apps
3141You have multiple antivirus apps but none of them are turned on and up to date. Tap or click to see antivirus apps. You have multiple antivirus apps but none of them are turned on and up to date. Tap or click to see antivirus apps.
3142You have multiple antivirus apps that are out of date. Tap or click to see antivirus apps. You have multiple antivirus apps that are out of date. Tap or click to see antivirus apps.
3143Check antivirus options Check antivirus options
3200Activar protección antiespía Turn on spyware protection
3201A protección antiespía está desactivada. Toca ou preme para activar Antivirus de Windows Defender. Spyware protection is turned off. Tap or click to turn on Windows Defender Antivirus.
3202Actualizar a protección antiespía Update spyware protection
3203A protección antiespía non está actualizada. Toca ou preme para actualizar Antivirus de Windows Defender. Spyware protection is out of date. Tap or click to update Windows Defender Antivirus.
3205Check spyware protection Check spyware protection
3206A protección antiespía non está actualizada. Toque ou prema para actualizar %1. Spyware protection is out of date. Tap or click to update %1.
3208Tocar ou premer para ver as aplicacións antiespía Tap or click to see antispyware apps
3209Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 non están actualizados. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antiespía instaladas. Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both out of date. Tap or click to see installed antispyware apps.
3210Varios programas antiespía non están actualizados. Toque ou prema para ver as aplicacións antiespía instaladas. Multiple antispyware apps are out of date. Tap or click to see installed antispyware apps.
3211Antivirus de Windows Defender e %1 están desactivados. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antiespía instaladas. Windows Defender Antivirus and %1 are both turned off. Tap or click to see installed antispyware apps.
3212Antivirus de Windows Defender e outras aplicacións antiespía están desactivados. Toca ou preme para ver as aplicacións antiespía instaladas. Windows Defender Antivirus and multiple other antispyware apps are turned off. Tap or click to see installed antispyware apps.
3213Turn on spyware protection Turn on spyware protection
3215Find and install an antispyware app online Find and install an antispyware app online
3400Restaurar a configuración de seguranza da internet Restore Internet security settings
3401A configuración de seguranza da internet non está definida nos valores recomendados. Toque ou prema para restaurala. Internet security settings are not set to their recommended levels. Tap or click to restore.
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000004Information Information
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-WSC-SRV Microsoft-Windows-WSC-SRV


File Name:wscui.cpl.mui
File Size:78 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
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Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Seguranza e mantemento
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:wscui.cpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Original File Name:wscui.cpl.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is wscui.cpl.mui?

wscui.cpl.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Galician language for file wscui.cpl (Seguranza e mantemento).

File version info

File Description:Seguranza e mantemento
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:wscui.cpl
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Original Filename:wscui.cpl.mui
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x456, 1200