efscore.dll.mui EFS-i tuumateek 0ad6623801cb03693f5ef45c97242450

File info

File name: efscore.dll.mui
Size: 23552 byte
MD5: 0ad6623801cb03693f5ef45c97242450
SHA1: 3126766e36779b28dde33290e11bf9e7dbb6c7a7
SHA256: 5503c13b4da4f234ddbf22ff62ab04aff763e02267575a8d9bf0024e236c2745
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Estonian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Estonian English
101Faili kuuluvus File ownership
102Töö (%1) Work (%1)
103Isiklik Personal
0x1118EFS-i teenuse käivitamine nurjus. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS Service failed to start. Error code: %3.
0x111BEFS-i teenus ei saanud SID teavet sisestada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to populate SID information. Error code: %3.
0x111CEFS-i teenus ei saanud arvuti nime määratleda. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to determine the computer name. Error code: %3.
0x111DEFS-i teenus ei saanud vahemälulukustust lähtestada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to initialize cache lock. Error code: %3.
0x111EEFS-i teenus ei saanud BCrypti algoritmipakkujat lähestada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to initialize the BCrypt Algorithm Provider. Error code: %3.
0x111FEFS-i teenus ei saanud vahemälumahu tarkvaralitsentsimise päringut teha. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to query Software Licensing for the cache size. Error code: %3.
0x1120EFS-i teenus ei saanud pakkuja MS_DEF_PROV pidet avada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to open handle to the MS_DEF_PROV provider. Error code: %3.
0x1121EFS-i teenus ei saanud teatisi LSA-st häälestada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to setup notifications from LSA. Error code: %3.
0x1122EFS-i teenus ei saanud taastepoliitika ressurssi lähtestada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to initialize the recovery policy resource. Error code: %3.
0x1123EFS-i teenus ei saanud taastepoliitikat töödelda. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable process the recovery policy. Error code: %3.
0x1124EFS-i teenus ei saanud NTFS-i oma olekust teavitada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to notify NTFS of its state. Error code: %3.
0x1125EFS-i teenus ei saanud rühmapoliitika muutmisteatisi häälestada. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to setup group policy change notifications. Error code: %3.
0x1126EFS-i teenus ei saanud aktiivseid kasutajaseansse töödelda. Tõrkekood: %3. EFS service was unable to process active user sessions. Error code: %3.
0x1128%1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus MDM-i poliitika värskenduste tellimine. Indeks: %3. %1.%2: EFS service failed to subscribe for updates to an MDM policy. Index: %3.
0x1129%1.%2: vähemalt ühe sünkroonimisobjekti lähtestamine nurjus. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: Failed to initialize one or more synchronization objects. Error code: %3.
0x1130%1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus MDM-i poliitikavärskenduste töötlemine. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: EFS service failed to process MDM policy updates. Error code: %3.
0x1131%1.%2: EFS-i teenuses nurjus kasutaja ettevalmistamine Windowsi teabekaitse jaoks. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: EFS service failed to provision a user for Windows Information Protection. Error code: %3.
0x1132%1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus kasutaja ettevalmistamine DPL-i jaoks. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: EFS service failed to provision a user for DPL. Error code: %3.
0x1133%1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus failikrüptimisjärjekordade lähtestamine. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: EFS service failed to initialize file encryption queues. Error code: %3.
0x1134%1.%2: taastepoliitika andmete vorming ei sobi. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: Recovery policy data is in an invalid format. Error code: %3.
0x1142%1.%2: EFS-i teenuses nurjus RMS-i ettevalmistamine Windowsi teabekaitse jaoks. Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: EFS service failed to provision RMS for Windows Information Protection. Error code: %3.
0x1B58Arvuti rolli ei saa määrata. %1 Machine role cannot be determined. %1
0x1B5ARühmapoliitika vaikeobjekti ei saa luua. %1 Default group policy object cannot be created. %1
0x50000002Tõrge Error
0x50000003Hoiatus Warning
0x50000004Teave Information
0x50000005Paljusõnaline Verbose
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-EFS Microsoft-Windows-EFS
0x90000002Application Application
0xB0000001API kutse nurjus – %1.%2. Tõrkekood: %3 An API call failed at %1.%2. Error code: %3
0xB0000002API kutse nurjus – %1.%2. Tõrkekood: %3, andmed: %4 An API call failed at %1.%2. Error code: %3, Data: %4
0xB0000003API kutse nurjus – %1.%2. Tõrkekood: %3, andmed: %4, %5 An API call failed at %1.%2. Error code: %3, Data: %4, %5
0xB0000004%1.%2: %3 baidi eraldamine nurjus. %1.%2: Failed to allocate %3 bytes.
0xB0000100EFS-võti on viidud praegusest võtmest kõrgemale tasemele. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 EFS key promoted from current key. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9
0xB0000101EFS-võti on viidud praegusest võtmest madalamale tasemele. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 EFS key demoted from current key. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9
0xB0000102EFS-võti on vahemälust eemaldatud. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 EFS key flushed from cache. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9
0xB0000103%1.%2: määratud võti ei sobi EFS-i jaoks %1.%2: The specified key is not valid for EFS
0xB0000104%1.%2: uue EFS-võtme loomise katse %1.%2: Attempt to create a new EFS key
0xB0000105%1.%2: uus EFS-võti on nüüd loodud %1.%2: A new EFS key was successfully created
0xB0000106%1.%2: MY salvest alustatakse sobiva EFS-võtme otsimist %1.%2: Begin searching the MY store for a valid EFS key
0xB0000108%1.%2: currentkey kustutamine registrist %1.%2: Deleting currentkey from registry
0xB0000109%1.%2: EFS-sert on iseallkirjastatud, kuid iseallkirjastatud serdid on poliitika alusel keelatud %1.%2: The EFS cert is self-signed, but self-signed certs are disabled by policy
0xB0000110%1.%2: RSA on poliitika alusel nõutav, kuid võti ei toeta RSA krüptimist %1.%2: RSA is required by policy, but the key does not support RSA encryption
0xB0000111%1.%2: JUHTVÕTI on poliitika alusel nõutav, kuid võti ei toeta JUHTVÕTME krüptimist %1.%2: MASTERKEY is required by policy, but the key does not support MASTERKEY encryption
0xB0000112%1.%2: KIIPKAARDID on poliitika alusel nõutavad, kuid võti pole KIIPKAARDIPÕHINE %1.%2: SMARTCARDS are required by policy, but the key is not SMARTCARD-based
0xB0000113%1.%2: võti on aegunud %1.%2: key is expired
0xB0000114%1.%2: võti sobib %1.%2: key is valid
0xB0000115%1.%2: serdi räsi põhjal proovitakse leida vastavat võtit %1.%2: try and locate the matching key based on cert hash
0xB0000116%1.%2: võti on nüüd registrist laaditud %1.%2: key successfully loaded from registry
0xB0000117%1.%2: vahemälust proovitakse leida vastavat võtit %1.%2: try and locate the matching key in cache
0xB0000118%1.%2: juhtvõtme ajaloo laadimise katse %1.%2: trying to load the masterkey history
0xB0000119%1.%2: juhtvõtme ajalugu on laaditud %1.%2: masterkey history loaded
0xB0000120%1.%2: krüptimine nurjus: SIS- või HSM-fail %1.%2: failed to encrypt: SIS or HSM file
0xB0000121%1.%2: algoritmikomplekt Suite B on poliitika alusel keelatud, kuid võti on Suite B võti %1.%2: Suite B is disabled by policy, but the key is a Suite B key
0xB0000122%1.%2: algoritmikomplekt Suite B on poliitika alusel nõutav, kuid võti pole sobiv Suite B võti %1.%2: Suite B is required by policy, but the key is not a Suite B key
0xB0000200%1.%2: kasutaja vahemäluobjekti vabastamine. Refcount: %3 %1.%2: releasing user cache object. Refcount: %3
0xB0000201%1.%2: vahemälu pollimislõime peatamise katse %1.%2: trying to stop cache polling thread
0xB0000202%1.%2: vahemälus pole dekrüptimisolekut %1.%2: no decryption status in cache
0xB0000203%1.%2: vahemälust leiti vastav dekrüptimisolek %1.%2: found matching decryption status in cache
0xB0000204%1.%2: võtme kasutaja vahemällu lisamise katse %1.%2: attempting to add key to user cache
0xB0000205EFS-võti on lisatud kasutaja vahemällu. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 EFS key added to user cache. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9
0xB0000206%1.%2: kasutaja vahemälusõlme kontrollimine %1.%2: ensuring user has cache node
0xB0000207%1.%2: kasutajateabest leiti vahemälusõlm %1.%2: found cache node in user info
0xB0000208%1.%2: globaalsest vahemälust leiti vahemälusõlm %1.%2: found cache node in global cache
0xB0000209%1.%2: kasutajale uue vahemälusõlme loomine %1.%2: creating new cache node for user
0xB0000300%1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid tühjendamise kaardi eemaldamise korral. Pollimislõime alustamine... %1.%2: Policy settings specified flush on card removal. Starting the polling thread...
0xB0000301%1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid mittetühjendamise ajalõpu korral. Pollimislõime peatamine... %1.%2: Policy settings specified NO flush on timeout. Stopping the polling thread...
0xB0000302%1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid tühjendamise ajalõpu korral. Pollimislõime alustamine... %1.%2: Policy settings specified flush on timeout. Starting the polling thread...
0xB0000303%1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid uue vahemälu tühjendamise vahemiku: %3. Lõpeta pollimine (see taaskäivitatakse, kui olemas on aktiivseid kasutaja vahemälusid) %1.%2: Policy settings specified new cache flush interval: %3. Stop polling (will restart if there are active user caches)
0xB0000304%1.%2: pollimislõim on peatatud %1.%2: Polling thread stopped
0xB0000305%1.%2: vahemälu tühjendamine on poliitika alusel määratud ja olemas on aktiivseid kasutaja vahemälusid. Pollimise alustamine. %1.%2: Flush cache specified by policy, and we have active user caches. Start polling.
0xB0000306%1.%2: pollimislõim on käivitatud %1.%2: Polling thread started
0xB0000307%1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja sisselogimine. Algab SSO töötlus. %1.%2: User logon detected. Beginning SSO processing.
0xB0000308%1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja sisselogimine, kuid see pole kiipkaardipõhine. SSO töötlust ei nõuta. %1.%2: User logon detected, but is not smartcard-based. No SSO processing required.
0xB0000309%1.%2: tuvastati kiipkaarditeatis. Algab SSO töötlus. %1.%2: Smartcard notification detected. Beginning SSO processing.
0xB0000310%1.%2: tuvastati kiipkaarditeatis, kuid sisselogimissert on juba vahemällu salvestatud. Töötlus pole vajalik. %1.%2: Smartcard notification detected, but the logon cert is already cached. No processing required.
0xB0000311%1.%2: praegune võti vastab sisselogimisserdile. PIN-koodi vahemälu häälestamine. %1.%2: Current key matches the logon cert. Setting up the PIN cache.
0xB0000312%1.%2: kasutajal pole veel praegust võtit. Kui kiipkaart on poliitika alusel nõutav, siis salvestatakse sisselogimissert ja PIN-kood vahemällu. %1.%2: User does not yet have a current key. If smartcard is required by policy, the logon cert and PIN will be cached.
0xB0000313%1.%2: DC-s tuvastati sisselogimisteatis. Algab DRA installimine. %1.%2: Logon notification detected on DC. Beginning DRA install.
0xB0000314%1.%2: kasutajal pole veel vahemälu, seda luuakse praegu %1.%2: user does not already have a cache: generating one now
0xB0000315%1.%2: eelvahemälu loomine PIN-koodi ja sisselogimisserdi jaoks %1.%2: generating pre-cache for PIN and logon cert
0xB0000316%1.%2: sisselogimisserti prooviti installida, kuid see pole saadaval (pole kiipkaardiga sisselogimine või kiipkaart on eemaldatud) %1.%2: tried to install logon cert, but it's not available (not a smartcard logon, or the smartcard was removed)
0xB0000317%1.%2: sisselogimissert on nüüd installitud %1.%2: logon cert successfully installed
0xB0000318%1.%2: sisselogimisserti proovitakse installida %1.%2: trying to install logon cert
0xB0000319%1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja lukustus. Algab SSO töötlus. %1.%2: User lock detected. Beginning SSO processing.
0xB0000320%1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja väljalogimine. Algab SSO töötlus. %1.%2: User logoff detected. Beginning SSO processing.
0xB0000321%1.%2: kasutaja vahemälu tühjendamine %1.%2: Flushing the user cache
0xB0000322%1.%2: kasutaja on tööjaama lukustanud, kuid poliitika ei luba vahemälu tühjendada %1.%2: User has locked workstation, but policy says not to flush cache
0xB0000323%1.%2: aegunud vahemälukirjete otsimine %1.%2: Checking for expired cache entries
0xB0000324%1.%2: aegunud sert taastepoliitikas %1.%2: Expired certificate in recovery policy
0xB0000325%1.%2: taastepoliitika sert ei kehti veel %1.%2: Certificate in recovery policy is not yet valid
0xB0000400%1.%2: SL-i poliitika on nüüd värskendatud %1.%2: SL policy successfully updated
0xB0000410%1.%2: EFS on SL-i poliitika alusel keelatud %1.%2: EFS is disabled by SL policy
0xB0000411%1.%2: EFS pole veel lähtestatud %1.%2: EFS is not yet initialized
0xB0000412%1.%2: EFS on keelatud %1.%2: EFS is disabled
0xB0000500%1.%2: API vastuvõetud andmeid oli liiga palju. Eeldati: %3, tegelik: %4 %1.%2: the data received by the API was too large. Expected: %3, Actual: %4
0xB0000501%1.%2: API saadud andmeid oli liiga vähe. Eeldati: %3, tegelik: %4 %1.%2: the data received by the API was too small. Expected: %3, Actual: %4
0xB0000502%1.%2: TUVASTATI VÕIMALIK EFS-I RÜNNAK: %3, %4, %5 %1.%2: POSSIBLE EFS ATTACK DETECTED: %3, %4, %5
0xB0000503%1.%2: EFS-i voo valideerimise katse %1.%2: attempting to validate EFS stream
0xB0000504%1.%2: EFS-i voog on valideeritud %1.%2: EFS stream validated
0xB0000600PIN-koodi küsimise dialoog on suletud PIN prompt dialog has closed
0xB0000601Palu kasutajal valida kiipkaardipõhine EFS-i sert Prompt the user to select a smartcard-based EFS cert
0xB0000602Kasutaja on valinud kiipkaardipõhise EFS-i serdi Smartcard-based EFS cert successfully selected by the user
0xB0000603Küsi kasutajalt PIN-koodi Prompt the user for PIN
0xB0000604PIN-kood on nüüd kasutajalt saadud PIN successfully acquired from the user
0xB0000605Vahemälust leiti täielik vaste. Perfect match found in cache.
0xB0000606Juhtvõtme ajalugu on juba laaditud Masterkey history already loaded
0xB0000607Praegune võti on vahemälust laaditud Current key loaded from cache
0xB0000608Praegune võti on registrist laaditud Current key loaded from registry
0xB0000609%1.%2: juhtvõtme ajalugu: suuruse ühilduvuskontroll nurjus. %3, %4, %5 %1.%2: Masterkey history: failed size consistency check. %3, %4, %5
0xB0001000%1.%2: krüptimisvõtmed pole võrdsed %1.%2: Encrypted keys not equal
0xB0001001%1.%2: tehakse REKEY, kuid DDF-kirje on juba olemas %1.%2: doing a REKEY, but the DDF entry already exists
0xB0001002%1.%2: asendustoiming lisas DDF-i (ootamatu) %1.%2: replace operation added a DDF (unexpected)
0xB0001003%1.%2: kasutaja muudab PoP-kirjele mittevastavat DDF-i. Nõua: WRITE_ATTRIBUTES %1.%2: user is modifying a DDF entry not matching the PoP entry. Require WRITE_ATTRIBUTES
0xB0001004%1.%2: kasutaja muudab PoP-kirjele vastavat DDF-i või DRF-i. Ära nõua: WRITE_ATTRIBUTES %1.%2: user is modifying a DDF matching the PoP entry, or the DRF. Don't require WRITE_ATTRIBUTES
0xB0001005%1.%2: OOTAMATU tingimus: SC tõrke ENCRYPTED_KEY puudub %1.%2: UNEXPECTED condition: no ENCRYPTED_KEY for SC failure
0xB0001006%1.%2: Isehäälestusteenus pole valmis. EFS-i server ei proovi katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiminguid tuvastada. %1.%2: Plug-n-Play service not ready. EFS server will not try to detect interrupted encryption/decryption operation(s).
0xB0001101%1.%2: Logifaili ei saa avada. Krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiminguid ei saa taastada. %1.%2: Cannot open log file. Encryption/decryption operation(s) cannot be recovered.
0xB0001102%1.%2: Logifaili ei saa lugeda. Krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiminguid ei saa taastada. %1.%2: Cannot read log file. Encryption/decryption operation(s) cannot be recovered.
0xB0001103%1.%2: leiti rikutud või teistsuguses vormingus logifail. Midagi ei tehtud. %1.%2: A corrupted or different format log file has been found. No action was taken.
0xB0001104%1.%2: logifaili ei saa avada vahemällu salvestamata IO-na. Midagi ei tehtud. %1.%2: The log file cannot be opened as non-cached IO. No action was taken.
0xB0001105%1.%2: draivilt leiti katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiming. Taastetoiming on alanud. %1.%2: Interrupted encryption/decryption operation(s) found on a volume. Recovery procedure started.
0xB0001106%1.%2: EFS-i taasteteenus ei saa faili %3 avada. Katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoimingut ei saa taastada. %1.%2: EFS recovery service cannot open the file %3. The interrupted encryption/decryption operation cannot be recovered.
0xB0001107%1.%2: EFS-i teenus taastas faili %3. %1.%2: EFS service recovered %3 successfully.
0xB0001108%1.%2: EFS-i teenus ei saanud faili kõiki vooge avada %3. Faili ei taastatud. %1.%2: EFS service could not open all the streams on file %3 The file was not recovered.
0xB0001109%1.%2: üksust %3 ei saanud täielikult taastada. EFS-i draiver võib olla puudu. %1.%2: %3 could not be recovered Completely. EFS driver may be missing.
0xB0001110%1.%2: voo taastamisel ilmnes IO tõrge. Üksust %3 ei taastatud. %1.%2: IO Error occurred during stream recovery. %3 was not recovered.
0xB0001111%1.%2: EFS-i taasteteenus ei saa varufaili %3 nime järgi avada. Katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiming (fail %4) võib olla taastatud. Varufaili ei kustutata. Kui taastetoiming õnnestub, peaks kasutaja varufaili kustutama. %1.%2: EFS recovery service cannot open the backup file %3 by name. The interrupted encryption/decryption operation (on file %4) may be recovered. The backup file will not be deleted. User should delete the backup file if the recovery operation is done successfully.
0xB0001112%1.%2: %3 avati faili ID järgi esimesel korral edukalt, kuid teisel korral mitte. Faili %4 taastetoimingut ei proovitud. See on sisemine tõrge. %1.%2: %3 was opened by File ID successfully the first time but not the second time. No recovery operation was tried on file %4. This is an internal error.
0xB0001113%1.%2: EFS-i taasteteenus ei saa varufaili nime hankida. Katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiming (fail %3) võib olla taastatud. Ajutist varufaili %4 ei kustutata. Kui taastetoiming õnnestub, peab kasutaja varufaili kustutama. %1.%2: EFS recovery service cannot get the backup file name. The interrupted encryption/decryption operation (on file %3) may be recovered. The temporary backup file %4 is not deleted. User should delete the backup file if the recovery operation is done successfully.
0xB0001114%1.%2: üksust %3 ei saanud avada. Üksust %4 ei taastatud. %1.%2: %3 could not be opened. %4 was not recovered.
0xB0001115%1.%2: voo teavet ei saanud kohast %3 hankida. Üksust %4 ei taastatud. %1.%2: Stream Information could not be got from %3. %4 was not recovered.
0xB0001116%1.%2: EFS-i teenus ei saanud faili %3 kõiki vooge avada. Üksust %4 ei taastatud. %1.%2: EFS service could not open all the streams on file %3. %4 was not recovered.
0xB0001117%1.%2: EFS-i teenus sai sisselogimisteatise. %1.%2: EFS Service received logon notification.
0xB0001119%1.%2: kasutaja vahemälukirje on kustutatud. Viidete arv: %3. %1.%2: User cache entry purged. Reference count: %3.
0xB000111A%1.%2: Kõik kasutaja vahemälukirjed on kustutatud. Viidete arv: %3. %1.%2: All user cache entries purged. Reference count: %3.
0xB0001127Failikrüptimissüsteemi server on kutsete vastuvõtmiseks valmis. Encrypting File System server ready to accept calls.
0xB0001135%1.%2: Alustamine: %3. %1.%2: Start: %3.
0xB0001136%1.%2: Lõpuleviimine: %3. Kood: %4. %1.%2: Complete: %3. Code: %4.
0xB0001137%1.%2: Tõrkekood: %3. %1.%2: Error Code: %3.
0xB0001138%1.%2: Olekukood: %3. %1.%2: Status Code: %3.
0xB0001139%1.%2: Sisestamine: %3. %1.%2: Enter: %3.
0xB000113A%1.%2: Lahkumine: %3. %1.%2: Leave: %3.
0xB000113B%1.%2: Lahkumine: %3. Kood: %4. %1.%2: Leave: %3. Code: %4.
0xB000113C%1.%2: Tõrge: %3. Kood: %4. %1.%2: Error: %3. Code: %4.
0xB000113D%1.%2: Hoiatus: %3. Kood: %4. %1.%2: Warning: %3. Code: %4.
0xB000113E%1.%2: %3. Kood: %4. %1.%2: %3. Code: %4.
0xB000113F%1.%2: %3. Väärtus: %4. %1.%2: %3. Value: %4.


File Name:efscore.dll.mui
File Size:23 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:23040
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Estonian
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:EFS-i tuumateek
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:EFSCORE.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.
Original File Name:EFSCORE.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is efscore.dll.mui?

efscore.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Estonian language for file efscore.dll (EFS-i tuumateek).

File version info

File Description:EFS-i tuumateek
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:EFSCORE.DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Kõik õigused on reserveeritud.
Original Filename:EFSCORE.DLL.MUI
Product Name:Operatsioonisüsteem Microsoft® Windows®
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x425, 1200