101 | Faili kuuluvus |
File ownership |
102 | Töö (%1) |
Work (%1) |
103 | Isiklik |
Personal |
0x1118 | EFS-i teenuse käivitamine nurjus. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS Service failed to start. Error code: %3. |
0x111B | EFS-i teenus ei saanud SID teavet sisestada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to populate SID information. Error code: %3. |
0x111C | EFS-i teenus ei saanud arvuti nime määratleda. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to determine the computer name. Error code: %3. |
0x111D | EFS-i teenus ei saanud vahemälulukustust lähtestada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to initialize cache lock. Error code: %3. |
0x111E | EFS-i teenus ei saanud BCrypti algoritmipakkujat lähestada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to initialize the BCrypt Algorithm Provider. Error code: %3. |
0x111F | EFS-i teenus ei saanud vahemälumahu tarkvaralitsentsimise päringut teha. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to query Software Licensing for the cache size. Error code: %3. |
0x1120 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud pakkuja MS_DEF_PROV pidet avada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to open handle to the MS_DEF_PROV provider. Error code: %3. |
0x1121 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud teatisi LSA-st häälestada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to setup notifications from LSA. Error code: %3. |
0x1122 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud taastepoliitika ressurssi lähtestada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to initialize the recovery policy resource. Error code: %3. |
0x1123 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud taastepoliitikat töödelda. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable process the recovery policy. Error code: %3. |
0x1124 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud NTFS-i oma olekust teavitada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to notify NTFS of its state. Error code: %3. |
0x1125 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud rühmapoliitika muutmisteatisi häälestada. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to setup group policy change notifications. Error code: %3. |
0x1126 | EFS-i teenus ei saanud aktiivseid kasutajaseansse töödelda. Tõrkekood: %3. |
EFS service was unable to process active user sessions. Error code: %3. |
0x1128 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus MDM-i poliitika värskenduste tellimine. Indeks: %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service failed to subscribe for updates to an MDM policy. Index: %3. |
0x1129 | %1.%2: vähemalt ühe sünkroonimisobjekti lähtestamine nurjus. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: Failed to initialize one or more synchronization objects. Error code: %3. |
0x1130 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus MDM-i poliitikavärskenduste töötlemine. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service failed to process MDM policy updates. Error code: %3. |
0x1131 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenuses nurjus kasutaja ettevalmistamine Windowsi teabekaitse jaoks. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service failed to provision a user for Windows Information Protection. Error code: %3. |
0x1132 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus kasutaja ettevalmistamine DPL-i jaoks. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service failed to provision a user for DPL. Error code: %3. |
0x1133 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenusel nurjus failikrüptimisjärjekordade lähtestamine. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service failed to initialize file encryption queues. Error code: %3. |
0x1134 | %1.%2: taastepoliitika andmete vorming ei sobi. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: Recovery policy data is in an invalid format. Error code: %3. |
0x1142 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenuses nurjus RMS-i ettevalmistamine Windowsi teabekaitse jaoks. Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service failed to provision RMS for Windows Information Protection. Error code: %3. |
0x1B58 | Arvuti rolli ei saa määrata. %1 |
Machine role cannot be determined. %1 |
0x1B5A | Rühmapoliitika vaikeobjekti ei saa luua. %1 |
Default group policy object cannot be created. %1 |
0x50000002 | Tõrge |
Error |
0x50000003 | Hoiatus |
Warning |
0x50000004 | Teave |
Information |
0x50000005 | Paljusõnaline |
Verbose |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-EFS |
Microsoft-Windows-EFS |
0x90000002 | Application |
Application |
0xB0000001 | API kutse nurjus – %1.%2. Tõrkekood: %3 |
An API call failed at %1.%2. Error code: %3 |
0xB0000002 | API kutse nurjus – %1.%2. Tõrkekood: %3, andmed: %4 |
An API call failed at %1.%2. Error code: %3, Data: %4 |
0xB0000003 | API kutse nurjus – %1.%2. Tõrkekood: %3, andmed: %4, %5 |
An API call failed at %1.%2. Error code: %3, Data: %4, %5 |
0xB0000004 | %1.%2: %3 baidi eraldamine nurjus. |
%1.%2: Failed to allocate %3 bytes. |
0xB0000100 | EFS-võti on viidud praegusest võtmest kõrgemale tasemele. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
EFS key promoted from current key. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
0xB0000101 | EFS-võti on viidud praegusest võtmest madalamale tasemele. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
EFS key demoted from current key. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
0xB0000102 | EFS-võti on vahemälust eemaldatud. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
EFS key flushed from cache. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
0xB0000103 | %1.%2: määratud võti ei sobi EFS-i jaoks |
%1.%2: The specified key is not valid for EFS |
0xB0000104 | %1.%2: uue EFS-võtme loomise katse |
%1.%2: Attempt to create a new EFS key |
0xB0000105 | %1.%2: uus EFS-võti on nüüd loodud |
%1.%2: A new EFS key was successfully created |
0xB0000106 | %1.%2: MY salvest alustatakse sobiva EFS-võtme otsimist |
%1.%2: Begin searching the MY store for a valid EFS key |
0xB0000108 | %1.%2: currentkey kustutamine registrist |
%1.%2: Deleting currentkey from registry |
0xB0000109 | %1.%2: EFS-sert on iseallkirjastatud, kuid iseallkirjastatud serdid on poliitika alusel keelatud |
%1.%2: The EFS cert is self-signed, but self-signed certs are disabled by policy |
0xB0000110 | %1.%2: RSA on poliitika alusel nõutav, kuid võti ei toeta RSA krüptimist |
%1.%2: RSA is required by policy, but the key does not support RSA encryption |
0xB0000111 | %1.%2: JUHTVÕTI on poliitika alusel nõutav, kuid võti ei toeta JUHTVÕTME krüptimist |
%1.%2: MASTERKEY is required by policy, but the key does not support MASTERKEY encryption |
0xB0000112 | %1.%2: KIIPKAARDID on poliitika alusel nõutavad, kuid võti pole KIIPKAARDIPÕHINE |
%1.%2: SMARTCARDS are required by policy, but the key is not SMARTCARD-based |
0xB0000113 | %1.%2: võti on aegunud |
%1.%2: key is expired |
0xB0000114 | %1.%2: võti sobib |
%1.%2: key is valid |
0xB0000115 | %1.%2: serdi räsi põhjal proovitakse leida vastavat võtit |
%1.%2: try and locate the matching key based on cert hash |
0xB0000116 | %1.%2: võti on nüüd registrist laaditud |
%1.%2: key successfully loaded from registry |
0xB0000117 | %1.%2: vahemälust proovitakse leida vastavat võtit |
%1.%2: try and locate the matching key in cache |
0xB0000118 | %1.%2: juhtvõtme ajaloo laadimise katse |
%1.%2: trying to load the masterkey history |
0xB0000119 | %1.%2: juhtvõtme ajalugu on laaditud |
%1.%2: masterkey history loaded |
0xB0000120 | %1.%2: krüptimine nurjus: SIS- või HSM-fail |
%1.%2: failed to encrypt: SIS or HSM file |
0xB0000121 | %1.%2: algoritmikomplekt Suite B on poliitika alusel keelatud, kuid võti on Suite B võti |
%1.%2: Suite B is disabled by policy, but the key is a Suite B key |
0xB0000122 | %1.%2: algoritmikomplekt Suite B on poliitika alusel nõutav, kuid võti pole sobiv Suite B võti |
%1.%2: Suite B is required by policy, but the key is not a Suite B key |
0xB0000200 | %1.%2: kasutaja vahemäluobjekti vabastamine. Refcount: %3 |
%1.%2: releasing user cache object. Refcount: %3 |
0xB0000201 | %1.%2: vahemälu pollimislõime peatamise katse |
%1.%2: trying to stop cache polling thread |
0xB0000202 | %1.%2: vahemälus pole dekrüptimisolekut |
%1.%2: no decryption status in cache |
0xB0000203 | %1.%2: vahemälust leiti vastav dekrüptimisolek |
%1.%2: found matching decryption status in cache |
0xB0000204 | %1.%2: võtme kasutaja vahemällu lisamise katse |
%1.%2: attempting to add key to user cache |
0xB0000205 | EFS-võti on lisatud kasutaja vahemällu. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
EFS key added to user cache. CertValidated: %1, cbHash: %2, pbHash: %3, ContainerName: %4, ProviderName: %5, DisplayInformation: %6, dwCapabilities: %7, bIsCurrentKey: %8, eKeyType: %9 |
0xB0000206 | %1.%2: kasutaja vahemälusõlme kontrollimine |
%1.%2: ensuring user has cache node |
0xB0000207 | %1.%2: kasutajateabest leiti vahemälusõlm |
%1.%2: found cache node in user info |
0xB0000208 | %1.%2: globaalsest vahemälust leiti vahemälusõlm |
%1.%2: found cache node in global cache |
0xB0000209 | %1.%2: kasutajale uue vahemälusõlme loomine |
%1.%2: creating new cache node for user |
0xB0000300 | %1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid tühjendamise kaardi eemaldamise korral. Pollimislõime alustamine... |
%1.%2: Policy settings specified flush on card removal. Starting the polling thread... |
0xB0000301 | %1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid mittetühjendamise ajalõpu korral. Pollimislõime peatamine... |
%1.%2: Policy settings specified NO flush on timeout. Stopping the polling thread... |
0xB0000302 | %1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid tühjendamise ajalõpu korral. Pollimislõime alustamine... |
%1.%2: Policy settings specified flush on timeout. Starting the polling thread... |
0xB0000303 | %1.%2: poliitikasätted määrasid uue vahemälu tühjendamise vahemiku: %3. Lõpeta pollimine (see taaskäivitatakse, kui olemas on aktiivseid kasutaja vahemälusid) |
%1.%2: Policy settings specified new cache flush interval: %3. Stop polling (will restart if there are active user caches) |
0xB0000304 | %1.%2: pollimislõim on peatatud |
%1.%2: Polling thread stopped |
0xB0000305 | %1.%2: vahemälu tühjendamine on poliitika alusel määratud ja olemas on aktiivseid kasutaja vahemälusid. Pollimise alustamine. |
%1.%2: Flush cache specified by policy, and we have active user caches. Start polling. |
0xB0000306 | %1.%2: pollimislõim on käivitatud |
%1.%2: Polling thread started |
0xB0000307 | %1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja sisselogimine. Algab SSO töötlus. |
%1.%2: User logon detected. Beginning SSO processing. |
0xB0000308 | %1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja sisselogimine, kuid see pole kiipkaardipõhine. SSO töötlust ei nõuta. |
%1.%2: User logon detected, but is not smartcard-based. No SSO processing required. |
0xB0000309 | %1.%2: tuvastati kiipkaarditeatis. Algab SSO töötlus. |
%1.%2: Smartcard notification detected. Beginning SSO processing. |
0xB0000310 | %1.%2: tuvastati kiipkaarditeatis, kuid sisselogimissert on juba vahemällu salvestatud. Töötlus pole vajalik. |
%1.%2: Smartcard notification detected, but the logon cert is already cached. No processing required. |
0xB0000311 | %1.%2: praegune võti vastab sisselogimisserdile. PIN-koodi vahemälu häälestamine. |
%1.%2: Current key matches the logon cert. Setting up the PIN cache. |
0xB0000312 | %1.%2: kasutajal pole veel praegust võtit. Kui kiipkaart on poliitika alusel nõutav, siis salvestatakse sisselogimissert ja PIN-kood vahemällu. |
%1.%2: User does not yet have a current key. If smartcard is required by policy, the logon cert and PIN will be cached. |
0xB0000313 | %1.%2: DC-s tuvastati sisselogimisteatis. Algab DRA installimine. |
%1.%2: Logon notification detected on DC. Beginning DRA install. |
0xB0000314 | %1.%2: kasutajal pole veel vahemälu, seda luuakse praegu |
%1.%2: user does not already have a cache: generating one now |
0xB0000315 | %1.%2: eelvahemälu loomine PIN-koodi ja sisselogimisserdi jaoks |
%1.%2: generating pre-cache for PIN and logon cert |
0xB0000316 | %1.%2: sisselogimisserti prooviti installida, kuid see pole saadaval (pole kiipkaardiga sisselogimine või kiipkaart on eemaldatud) |
%1.%2: tried to install logon cert, but it's not available (not a smartcard logon, or the smartcard was removed) |
0xB0000317 | %1.%2: sisselogimissert on nüüd installitud |
%1.%2: logon cert successfully installed |
0xB0000318 | %1.%2: sisselogimisserti proovitakse installida |
%1.%2: trying to install logon cert |
0xB0000319 | %1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja lukustus. Algab SSO töötlus. |
%1.%2: User lock detected. Beginning SSO processing. |
0xB0000320 | %1.%2: tuvastati kasutaja väljalogimine. Algab SSO töötlus. |
%1.%2: User logoff detected. Beginning SSO processing. |
0xB0000321 | %1.%2: kasutaja vahemälu tühjendamine |
%1.%2: Flushing the user cache |
0xB0000322 | %1.%2: kasutaja on tööjaama lukustanud, kuid poliitika ei luba vahemälu tühjendada |
%1.%2: User has locked workstation, but policy says not to flush cache |
0xB0000323 | %1.%2: aegunud vahemälukirjete otsimine |
%1.%2: Checking for expired cache entries |
0xB0000324 | %1.%2: aegunud sert taastepoliitikas |
%1.%2: Expired certificate in recovery policy |
0xB0000325 | %1.%2: taastepoliitika sert ei kehti veel |
%1.%2: Certificate in recovery policy is not yet valid |
0xB0000400 | %1.%2: SL-i poliitika on nüüd värskendatud |
%1.%2: SL policy successfully updated |
0xB0000410 | %1.%2: EFS on SL-i poliitika alusel keelatud |
%1.%2: EFS is disabled by SL policy |
0xB0000411 | %1.%2: EFS pole veel lähtestatud |
%1.%2: EFS is not yet initialized |
0xB0000412 | %1.%2: EFS on keelatud |
%1.%2: EFS is disabled |
0xB0000500 | %1.%2: API vastuvõetud andmeid oli liiga palju. Eeldati: %3, tegelik: %4 |
%1.%2: the data received by the API was too large. Expected: %3, Actual: %4 |
0xB0000501 | %1.%2: API saadud andmeid oli liiga vähe. Eeldati: %3, tegelik: %4 |
%1.%2: the data received by the API was too small. Expected: %3, Actual: %4 |
0xB0000502 | %1.%2: TUVASTATI VÕIMALIK EFS-I RÜNNAK: %3, %4, %5 |
0xB0000503 | %1.%2: EFS-i voo valideerimise katse |
%1.%2: attempting to validate EFS stream |
0xB0000504 | %1.%2: EFS-i voog on valideeritud |
%1.%2: EFS stream validated |
0xB0000600 | PIN-koodi küsimise dialoog on suletud |
PIN prompt dialog has closed |
0xB0000601 | Palu kasutajal valida kiipkaardipõhine EFS-i sert |
Prompt the user to select a smartcard-based EFS cert |
0xB0000602 | Kasutaja on valinud kiipkaardipõhise EFS-i serdi |
Smartcard-based EFS cert successfully selected by the user |
0xB0000603 | Küsi kasutajalt PIN-koodi |
Prompt the user for PIN |
0xB0000604 | PIN-kood on nüüd kasutajalt saadud |
PIN successfully acquired from the user |
0xB0000605 | Vahemälust leiti täielik vaste. |
Perfect match found in cache. |
0xB0000606 | Juhtvõtme ajalugu on juba laaditud |
Masterkey history already loaded |
0xB0000607 | Praegune võti on vahemälust laaditud |
Current key loaded from cache |
0xB0000608 | Praegune võti on registrist laaditud |
Current key loaded from registry |
0xB0000609 | %1.%2: juhtvõtme ajalugu: suuruse ühilduvuskontroll nurjus. %3, %4, %5 |
%1.%2: Masterkey history: failed size consistency check. %3, %4, %5 |
0xB0001000 | %1.%2: krüptimisvõtmed pole võrdsed |
%1.%2: Encrypted keys not equal |
0xB0001001 | %1.%2: tehakse REKEY, kuid DDF-kirje on juba olemas |
%1.%2: doing a REKEY, but the DDF entry already exists |
0xB0001002 | %1.%2: asendustoiming lisas DDF-i (ootamatu) |
%1.%2: replace operation added a DDF (unexpected) |
0xB0001003 | %1.%2: kasutaja muudab PoP-kirjele mittevastavat DDF-i. Nõua: WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |
%1.%2: user is modifying a DDF entry not matching the PoP entry. Require WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |
0xB0001004 | %1.%2: kasutaja muudab PoP-kirjele vastavat DDF-i või DRF-i. Ära nõua: WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |
%1.%2: user is modifying a DDF matching the PoP entry, or the DRF. Don't require WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |
0xB0001005 | %1.%2: OOTAMATU tingimus: SC tõrke ENCRYPTED_KEY puudub |
%1.%2: UNEXPECTED condition: no ENCRYPTED_KEY for SC failure |
0xB0001006 | %1.%2: Isehäälestusteenus pole valmis. EFS-i server ei proovi katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiminguid tuvastada. |
%1.%2: Plug-n-Play service not ready. EFS server will not try to detect interrupted encryption/decryption operation(s). |
0xB0001101 | %1.%2: Logifaili ei saa avada. Krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiminguid ei saa taastada. |
%1.%2: Cannot open log file. Encryption/decryption operation(s) cannot be recovered. |
0xB0001102 | %1.%2: Logifaili ei saa lugeda. Krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiminguid ei saa taastada. |
%1.%2: Cannot read log file. Encryption/decryption operation(s) cannot be recovered. |
0xB0001103 | %1.%2: leiti rikutud või teistsuguses vormingus logifail. Midagi ei tehtud. |
%1.%2: A corrupted or different format log file has been found. No action was taken. |
0xB0001104 | %1.%2: logifaili ei saa avada vahemällu salvestamata IO-na. Midagi ei tehtud. |
%1.%2: The log file cannot be opened as non-cached IO. No action was taken. |
0xB0001105 | %1.%2: draivilt leiti katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiming. Taastetoiming on alanud. |
%1.%2: Interrupted encryption/decryption operation(s) found on a volume. Recovery procedure started. |
0xB0001106 | %1.%2: EFS-i taasteteenus ei saa faili %3 avada. Katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoimingut ei saa taastada. |
%1.%2: EFS recovery service cannot open the file %3. The interrupted encryption/decryption operation cannot be recovered. |
0xB0001107 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenus taastas faili %3. |
%1.%2: EFS service recovered %3 successfully. |
0xB0001108 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenus ei saanud faili kõiki vooge avada %3. Faili ei taastatud. |
%1.%2: EFS service could not open all the streams on file %3 The file was not recovered. |
0xB0001109 | %1.%2: üksust %3 ei saanud täielikult taastada. EFS-i draiver võib olla puudu. |
%1.%2: %3 could not be recovered Completely. EFS driver may be missing. |
0xB0001110 | %1.%2: voo taastamisel ilmnes IO tõrge. Üksust %3 ei taastatud. |
%1.%2: IO Error occurred during stream recovery. %3 was not recovered. |
0xB0001111 | %1.%2: EFS-i taasteteenus ei saa varufaili %3 nime järgi avada. Katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiming (fail %4) võib olla taastatud. Varufaili ei kustutata. Kui taastetoiming õnnestub, peaks kasutaja varufaili kustutama. |
%1.%2: EFS recovery service cannot open the backup file %3 by name. The interrupted encryption/decryption operation (on file %4) may be recovered. The backup file will not be deleted. User should delete the backup file if the recovery operation is done successfully. |
0xB0001112 | %1.%2: %3 avati faili ID järgi esimesel korral edukalt, kuid teisel korral mitte. Faili %4 taastetoimingut ei proovitud. See on sisemine tõrge. |
%1.%2: %3 was opened by File ID successfully the first time but not the second time. No recovery operation was tried on file %4. This is an internal error. |
0xB0001113 | %1.%2: EFS-i taasteteenus ei saa varufaili nime hankida. Katkestatud krüptimis-/dekrüptimistoiming (fail %3) võib olla taastatud. Ajutist varufaili %4 ei kustutata. Kui taastetoiming õnnestub, peab kasutaja varufaili kustutama. |
%1.%2: EFS recovery service cannot get the backup file name. The interrupted encryption/decryption operation (on file %3) may be recovered. The temporary backup file %4 is not deleted. User should delete the backup file if the recovery operation is done successfully. |
0xB0001114 | %1.%2: üksust %3 ei saanud avada. Üksust %4 ei taastatud. |
%1.%2: %3 could not be opened. %4 was not recovered. |
0xB0001115 | %1.%2: voo teavet ei saanud kohast %3 hankida. Üksust %4 ei taastatud. |
%1.%2: Stream Information could not be got from %3. %4 was not recovered. |
0xB0001116 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenus ei saanud faili %3 kõiki vooge avada. Üksust %4 ei taastatud. |
%1.%2: EFS service could not open all the streams on file %3. %4 was not recovered. |
0xB0001117 | %1.%2: EFS-i teenus sai sisselogimisteatise. |
%1.%2: EFS Service received logon notification. |
0xB0001119 | %1.%2: kasutaja vahemälukirje on kustutatud. Viidete arv: %3. |
%1.%2: User cache entry purged. Reference count: %3. |
0xB000111A | %1.%2: Kõik kasutaja vahemälukirjed on kustutatud. Viidete arv: %3. |
%1.%2: All user cache entries purged. Reference count: %3. |
0xB0001127 | Failikrüptimissüsteemi server on kutsete vastuvõtmiseks valmis. |
Encrypting File System server ready to accept calls. |
0xB0001135 | %1.%2: Alustamine: %3. |
%1.%2: Start: %3. |
0xB0001136 | %1.%2: Lõpuleviimine: %3. Kood: %4. |
%1.%2: Complete: %3. Code: %4. |
0xB0001137 | %1.%2: Tõrkekood: %3. |
%1.%2: Error Code: %3. |
0xB0001138 | %1.%2: Olekukood: %3. |
%1.%2: Status Code: %3. |
0xB0001139 | %1.%2: Sisestamine: %3. |
%1.%2: Enter: %3. |
0xB000113A | %1.%2: Lahkumine: %3. |
%1.%2: Leave: %3. |
0xB000113B | %1.%2: Lahkumine: %3. Kood: %4. |
%1.%2: Leave: %3. Code: %4. |
0xB000113C | %1.%2: Tõrge: %3. Kood: %4. |
%1.%2: Error: %3. Code: %4. |
0xB000113D | %1.%2: Hoiatus: %3. Kood: %4. |
%1.%2: Warning: %3. Code: %4. |
0xB000113E | %1.%2: %3. Kood: %4. |
%1.%2: %3. Code: %4. |
0xB000113F | %1.%2: %3. Väärtus: %4. |
%1.%2: %3. Value: %4. |