wmerror.dll.mui Windows Media 錯誤定義 (英文) 0ab65b6fa72922306eb64898ba452582

File info

File name: wmerror.dll.mui
Size: 97280 byte
MD5: 0ab65b6fa72922306eb64898ba452582
SHA1: f2a191dc4c4db41eef305cd3bfd4c91cc3c8b6f4
SHA256: 169a8621fd41560186e74ddf2f44fe055b4d07c8b2995c15a729bbf4933edd09
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
0x000D0000要求的作業正等待完成。%0 The requested operation is pending completion.%0
0x000D0001要求的作業已由用戶端中止。%0 The requested operation was aborted by the client.%0
0x000D0002特意在串流完成前將其終止。%0 The stream was purposefully stopped before completion.%0
0x000D0BC8要求的作業造成來源重新緩衝。%0 The requested operation has caused the source to rebuffer.%0
0x000D0BC9要求的作業造成來源降低轉碼器的品質。%0 The requested operation has caused the source to degrade codec quality.%0
0x000D0BDB轉碼加密器 (Transcryptor) 物件已到達檔案結尾。%0 The transcryptor object has reached end of file.%0
0x000D0FE8要正確顯示這個面板,主題管理員可能需要升級。面板的版本為:%.1f。%0 An upgrade might be needed for the theme manager to correctly show this skin. Skin reports version: %.1f.%0
0x000D0FE9UI 元件之一發生錯誤。%0 An error occurred in one of the UI components.%0
0x000D1040成功載入 GIF 檔案。%0 Successfully loaded a GIF file.%0
0x000D1041成功載入 PNG 檔案。%0 Successfully loaded a PNG file.%0
0x000D1042成功載入 BMP 檔案。%0 Successfully loaded a BMP file.%0
0x000D1043成功載入 JPG 檔案。%0 Successfully loaded a JPG file.%0
0x000D104F捨棄這個畫面。%0 Drop this frame.%0
0x000D105F已經轉換指定的串流。%0 The specified stream has already been rendered.%0
0x000D1060指定的類型部份符合此 pin 類型。%0 The specified type partially matches this pin type.%0
0x000D1061指定的類型完全符合此 pin 類型。%0 The specified type fully matches this pin type.%0
0x000D1066與目前的轉譯位置比較,時間戳記落後。建議捨棄此畫面。%0 The timestamp is late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping this frame.%0
0x000D1067與目前轉譯位置比起來,時間戳記嚴重落後。建議捨棄到下一個主要畫面前的所有項目。%0 The timestamp is severely late compared to the current render position. Advise dropping everything up to the next key frame.%0
0x000D10DB沒有燒錄權限。當您嘗試燒錄此檔案至音訊 CD 時,將會看到購買燒錄權限的提示。%0 No burn rights. You will be prompted to buy burn rights when you try to burn this file to an audio CD.%0
0x000D10FE使用者放棄,所以無法清除播放清單。%0 Failed to clear playlist because it was aborted by user.%0
0x000D10FF使用者放棄,所以無法自播放清單移除項目。%0 Failed to remove item in the playlist since it was aborted by user.%0
0x000D1102正非同步產生播放清單中。%0 Playlist is being generated asynchronously.%0
0x000D1103媒體驗證工作目前擱置中...%0 Validation of the media is pending...%0
0x000D1104在 ASX 處理中遇到一個以上的 Repeat 區間。%0 Encountered more than one Repeat block during ASX processing.%0
0x000D1105WMP 目前的狀態不允許呼叫這個方法或內容性。%0 Current state of WMP disallows calling this method or property.%0
0x000D1106播放清單的名稱已經自動產生。%0 Name for the playlist has been auto generated.%0
0x000D1107匯入的播放清單未包括所有的原始項目。%0 The imported playlist does not contain all items from the original.%0
0x000D1108由於 M3U 播放清單只包含一個項目,已經被忽略。%0 The M3U playlist has been ignored because it only contains one item.%0
0x000D1109開啟此媒體相關的子播放清單等候處理。%0 The open for the child playlist associated with this media is pending.%0
0x000D110A需要更多節點支援介面,但是傳回它們的陣列已滿。%0 More nodes support the interface requested, but the array for returning them is full.%0
0x000D1135備份或還原成功!%0 Backup or Restore successful!.%0
0x000D1136有限制的完成傳送。%0 Transfer complete with limitations.%0
0x000D1144要求效果控制項將透明度狀態變更為透明。%0 Request to the effects control to change transparency status to transparent.%0
0x000D1145要求效果控制項將透明度狀態變更為不透明。%0 Request to the effects control to change transparency status to opaque.%0
0x000D114E要求的應用程式窗格正在執行作業,無法釋出。%0 The requested application pane is performing an operation and will not be released.%0
0x000D1359您必須購買整張專輯,才能購買這個檔案。%0 The file is only available for purchase when you buy the entire album.%0
0x000D135E完成所要求的導覽時發生問題。目錄遺失識別碼。%0 There were problems completing the requested navigation. There are identifiers missing in the catalog.%0
0x000D1519發行端點啟動成功,但是一或多個要求的資料寫入器外掛程式失敗。%0 The publishing point successfully started, but one or more of the requested data writer plug-ins failed.%0
0x000D2726狀態訊息: 已經擷取授權。%0 Status message: The license was acquired.%0
0x000D2727狀態訊息: 安全性升級已經完成。%0 Status message: The security upgrade has been completed.%0
0x000D2746狀態訊息: 授權監視已經取消。%0 Status message: License monitoring has been cancelled.%0
0x000D2747狀態訊息: 授權擷取已經取消。%0 Status message: License acquisition has been cancelled.%0
0x000D276E該曲目可燒錄,且無播放清單燒錄限制。%0。 The track is burnable and had no playlist burn limit.%0.
0x000D276F該曲目可燒錄,但有播放清單燒錄限制。%0。 The track is burnable but has a playlist burn limit.%0.
0x000D27DE需要安全性升級才能在這個媒體檔案執行作業。%0 A security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file.%0
0x000D2AF8安裝成功; 但並未完成某些檔案的清除動作。為獲得最佳結果,請重新啟動您的電腦。%0 Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer.%0
0x000D2AF9安裝成功; 但並未完成某些檔案的清除動作。若要繼續,您必須重新啟動電腦。%0 Installation was successful; however, some file cleanup is not complete. To continue, you must restart your computer.%0
0x000D2F09倒帶時已經達到 EOS。%0 EOS hit during rewinding.%0
0x000D2F0D內部。%0 Internal.%0
0x400D004F標題伺服器 %1 正在執行中。%0 The Title Server %1 is running.%0
0x400D0051內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 正在起始中。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) is starting.%0
0x400D0052內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 正在執行中。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) is running.%0
0x400D0054內容伺服器 %3 上的磁碟 %1 ( %2 ) 正在執行中。%0 Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, is running.%0
0x400D0056開始重新建構內容伺服器 %3 上的磁碟 %1 (%2)。%0 Started rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.%0
0x400D0057結束重新建構內容伺服器 %3 上的磁碟 %1 (%2)。%0 Finished rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.%0
0x400D0058中止重新建構內容伺服器 %3 上的磁碟 %1 (%2)。%0 Aborted rebuilding disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3.%0
0x400D0059NetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 將串流限制設定為 %2 串流。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the data stream limit to %2 streams.%0
0x400D005ANetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 啟動磁碟 %2。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 started disk %2.%0
0x400D005BNetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 停止磁碟 %2。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped disk %2.%0
0x400D005CNetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 停止內容伺服器 %2。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 stopped Content Server %2.%0
0x400D005DNetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 由系統中止使用者工作階段 %2。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted user session %2 from the system.%0
0x400D005ENetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 中止與系統的過時連線 %2。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 aborted obsolete connection %2 from the system.%0
0x400D005FNetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 啟動重新建構磁碟 %2。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 started rebuilding disk %2.%0
0x400D0069事件初始化失敗,將沒有 MCM 事件。%0 Event initialization failed, there will be no MCM events.%0
0x400D006E登入作業失敗。 The logging operation failed.
0x400D0070NetShow 管理員在網路位置 %1 將最大頻寬限制設定為 %2 bps。%0 A NetShow administrator at network location %1 set the maximum bandwidth limit to %2 bps.%0
0x400D0191內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 已經建立連結到內容伺服器 %3。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) has established its link to Content Server %3.%0
0x400D0193再條紋化作業已經開始。%0 Restripe operation has started.%0
0x400D0194再條紋化作業已經完成。%0 Restripe operation has completed.%0
0x400D0196內容伺服器 %3上的內容磁碟 %1 (%2) 已被再條紋化。%0 Content disk %1 (%2) on Content Server %3 has been restriped out.%0
0x400D0197內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 已被再條紋化。%0 Content server %1 (%2) has been restriped out.%0
0x400D0198內容伺服器 %3 上的磁碟 %1 ( %2 ),連線已被切斷。%0 Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has been offlined.%0
0x400D14BE減退過程中播放清單發生改變。%0 The playlist change occurred while receding.%0
0x400D2EFF已經重新連線用戶端。%0 The client is reconnected.%0
0x400D2F01強制切換至啟動時擱置表頭。%0 Forcing a switch to a pending header on start.%0
0x400D2F03串流已有現存的封裝器外掛程式。%0 There is already an existing packetizer plugin for the stream.%0
0x400D2F04Proxy 設定是手動設定。%0 The proxy setting is manual.%0
0x800D0003所設定的檔案位元速率最大值大於伺服器所設定的頻寬最大值。%0 The maximum filebitrate value specified is greater than the server's configured maximum bandwidth.%0
0x800D0004所設定的頻寬最大值小於檔案位元速率的最大值。%0 The maximum bandwidth value specified is less than the maximum filebitrate.%0
0x800D0060發生不明的 %1 事件。%0 Unknown %1 event encountered.%0
0x800D0199內容伺服器 %3 的磁碟 %1 (%2) 將會因為錯亂而失敗。%0 Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, will be failed because it is catatonic.%0
0x800D019A內容伺服器 %3 的磁碟 %1 (%2) 在錯亂狀態下自動連線。%0 Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, auto online from catatonic state.%0
0xC00D0005無法建立與 Windows Media 伺服器的連線。此操作失敗。%0 There is no connection established with the Windows Media server. The operation failed.%0
0xC00D0006無法連線到伺服器。%0 Unable to establish a connection to the server.%0
0xC00D0007無法損毀標題。%0 Unable to destroy the title.%0
0xC00D0008無法重新命名標題。%0 Unable to rename the title.%0
0xC00D0009無法將磁碟離線。%0 Unable to offline disk.%0
0xC00D000A無法將磁碟連線。%0 Unable to online disk.%0
0xC00D000B此檔案類型沒有註冊的檔案分析程式。%0 There is no file parser registered for this type of file.%0
0xC00D000C未建立資料連線。%0 There is no data connection established.%0
0xC00D000D載入本機播放 DLL 失敗。%0 Failed to load the local play DLL.%0
0xC00D000E網路忙線中。%0 The network is busy.%0
0xC00D000F超過伺服器作業限制。%0 The server session limit was exceeded.%0
0xC00D0010網路連線已經存在。%0 The network connection already exists.%0
0xC00D0011索引 %1 無效。%0 Index %1 is invalid.%0
0xC00D0012沒有用戶端及伺服器兩者皆支援的通訊協定或通訊協定版本。%0 There is no protocol or protocol version supported by both the client and the server.%0
0xC00D0013設定提供多媒體內容給其他電腦的伺服器無法及時處理您要求的多媒體內容。請稍後再試。%0 The server, a computer set up to offer multimedia content to other computers, could not handle your request for multimedia content in a timely manner. Please try again later.%0
0xC00D0014寫入網路時發生錯誤。%0 Error writing to the network.%0
0xC00D0015從網路讀取時發生錯誤。%0 Error reading from the network.%0
0xC00D0016寫入磁碟時發生錯誤。%0 Error writing to a disk.%0
0xC00D0017從磁碟讀取時發生錯誤。%0 Error reading from a disk.%0
0xC00D0018寫入檔案時發生錯誤。%0 Error writing to a file.%0
0xC00D0019從檔案讀取時發生錯誤。%0 Error reading from a file.%0
0xC00D001A系統無法找到指定的檔案。%0 The system cannot find the file specified.%0
0xC00D001B檔案已經存在。%0 The file already exists.%0
0xC00D001C檔案名稱、目錄名稱或磁碟區標籤語法錯誤。%0 The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.%0
0xC00D001D開啟檔案失敗。%0 Failed to open a file.%0
0xC00D001E無法配置檔案。%0 Unable to allocate a file.%0
0xC00D001F無法初始化檔案。%0 Unable to initialize a file.%0
0xC00D0020無法播放檔案。%0 Unable to play a file.%0
0xC00D0021無法設定磁碟的 UID。%0 Could not set the disk UID.%0
0xC00D0022產生錯誤以供測試用途。%0 An error was induced for testing purposes.%0
0xC00D0023兩台內容伺服器通訊失敗。%0 Two Content Servers failed to communicate.%0
0xC00D0024發生不明的錯誤。%0 An unknown error occurred.%0
0xC00D0025要求的資源正在使用中。%0 The requested resource is in use.%0
0xC00D0026無法識別指定的通訊協定。請確認通訊協定的檔案名稱及語法 (例如斜線) 正確。%0 The specified protocol is not recognized. Be sure that the file name and syntax, such as slashes, are correct for the protocol.%0
0xC00D0027網路服務提供者失敗。%0 The network service provider failed.%0
0xC00D0028嘗試擷取網路資源失敗。%0 An attempt to acquire a network resource failed.%0
0xC00D0029網路連線失敗。%0 The network connection has failed.%0
0xC00D002A本機上的工作階段正被終結。%0 The session is being terminated locally.%0
0xC00D002B此要求在目前狀態下無效。%0 The request is invalid in the current state.%0
0xC00D002C可用的頻寬不足以達到要求。%0 There is insufficient bandwidth available to fulfill the request.%0
0xC00D002D沒有正在重建磁碟。%0 The disk is not rebuilding.%0
0xC00D002E特定時間的作業無法按排程執行。%0 An operation requested for a particular time could not be carried out on schedule.%0
0xC00D002F發生無效或毀損的資料。%0 Invalid or corrupt data was encountered.%0
0xC00D0030要求串流處理檔案的頻寬比伺服器允許的最大檔案頻寬還高。%0 The bandwidth required to stream a file is higher than the maximum file bandwidth allowed on the server.%0
0xC00D0031用戶端無法同時開啟更多檔案。%0 The client cannot have any more files open simultaneously.%0
0xC00D0032伺服器在控制連線上接收到用戶端的無效資料。%0 The server received invalid data from the client on the control connection.%0
0xC00D0033沒有可用的串流。%0 There is no stream available.%0
0xC00D0034串流中不再有資料。%0 There is no more data in the stream.%0
0xC00D0035找不到指定的伺服器。%0 The specified server could not be found.%0
0xC00D0036指定的名稱已在使用中。 The specified name is already in use.
0xC00D0037指定的位址已在使用中。 The specified address is already in use.
0xC00D0038指定的位址不是一個有效的多點傳送位址。 The specified address is not a valid multicast address.
0xC00D0039指定的網路卡位址無效。 The specified adapter address is invalid.
0xC00D003A指定的傳遞模式無效。 The specified delivery mode is invalid.
0xC00D003B指定的電台不存在。 The specified station does not exist.
0xC00D003C指定的串流不存在。 The specified stream does not exist.
0xC00D003D無法開啟指定的封存檔案。 The specified archive could not be opened.
0xC00D003E系統無法在伺服器上找到任何標題。%0 The system cannot find any titles on the server.%0
0xC00D003F系統無法找到指定的用戶端。%0 The system cannot find the client specified.%0
0xC00D0040未初始化 Blackhole Address。%0 The Blackhole Address is not initialized.%0
0xC00D0041電台不支援串流格式。 The station does not support the stream format.
0xC00D0042指定的金鑰無效。 The specified key is not valid.
0xC00D0043指定的連接埠無效。 The specified port is not valid.
0xC00D0044指定的 TTL 無效。 The specified TTL is not valid.
0xC00D0045無法進行向前快轉或倒轉的要求。 The request to fast forward or rewind could not be fulfilled.
0xC00D0046無法載入適當的檔案分析程式。%0 Unable to load the appropriate file parser.%0
0xC00D0047不能超過最大頻寬限制。%0 Cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth limit.%0
0xC00D0048LogFilePeriod 的值無效。%0 Invalid value for LogFilePeriod.%0
0xC00D0049不能超過最大用戶端限制。%0 Cannot exceed the maximum client limit.%0
0xC00D004A已經達到紀錄檔案的最大大小。%0 The maximum log file size has been reached.%0
0xC00D004B不能超過最大檔案速率。%0 Cannot exceed the maximum file rate.%0
0xC00D004C無法辨識的檔案類型。%0 Unknown file type.%0
0xC00D004D無法將指定的檔案 %1 載入到指定的伺服器 %2。%0 The specified file, %1, cannot be loaded onto the specified server, %2.%0
0xC00D004E檔案分析程式的使用錯誤。%0 There was a usage error with file parser.%0
0xC00D0050標題伺服器 %1 失敗。%0 The Title Server %1 has failed.%0
0xC00D0053內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 失敗。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) has failed.%0
0xC00D0055內容伺服器 %3 上的磁碟 %1 ( %2 ) 失敗。%0 Disk %1 ( %2 ) on Content Server %3, has failed.%0
0xC00D0060已達到 %1 的 NetShow 串流限制。%0 The NetShow data stream limit of %1 streams was reached.%0
0xC00D0061NetShow 影像伺服器無法配置名為 %2 的 %1 區塊檔案。%0 The NetShow Video Server was unable to allocate a %1 block file named %2.%0
0xC00D0062內容伺服器無法對一區塊分頁。%0 A Content Server was unable to page a block.%0
0xC00D0063磁碟 %1 含有無法辨識的控制區塊版本 %2。%0 Disk %1 has unrecognized control block version %2.%0
0xC00D0064磁碟 %1 含有不正確的 UID %2。%0 Disk %1 has incorrect uid %2.%0
0xC00D0065磁碟 %1 含有不支援的檔案系統主要版本 %2。%0 Disk %1 has unsupported file system major version %2.%0
0xC00D0066磁碟 %1 在控制區塊中含有不正確的戳記數字。%0 Disk %1 has bad stamp number in control block.%0
0xC00D0067重新建構部分磁碟 %1。%0 Disk %1 is partially reconstructed.%0
0xC00D0068EnactPlan 放棄。%0 EnactPlan gives up.%0
0xC00D006A登錄中找不到機碼。%0 The key was not found in the registry.%0
0xC00D006B因為伺服器不具有適當的串流格式,所以無法啟動發行端點。請使用多點傳送通知精靈為這個發行端點建立新的通知。%0 The publishing point cannot be started because the server does not have the appropriate stream formats. Use the Multicast Announcement Wizard to create a new announcement for this publishing point.%0
0xC00D006C在 ASX 檔案中找不到可參照的 URL。%0 No reference URLs were found in an ASX file.%0
0xC00D006D開啟聲波裝置錯誤,此裝置可能正在使用中。%0 Error opening wave device, the device might be in use.%0
0xC00D006F無法建立到 NetShow 事件監視服務的連線。%0 Unable to establish a connection to the NetShow event monitor service.%0
0xC00D0071系統中沒有裝置驅動程式。%0 No device driver is present on the system.%0
0xC00D0072指定的裝置驅動程式不存在。%0 No specified device driver is present.%0
0xC00D00C8Netshow Events Monitor 無法運作而且連線已中斷。%0 Netshow Events Monitor is not operational and has been disconnected.%0
0xC00D00C9磁碟 %1 被重新對映。%0 Disk %1 is remirrored.%0
0xC00D00CA找到的資料不足。%0 Insufficient data found.%0
0xC00D00CB%1 在檔案 %2 行 %3 失敗。%0 %1 failed in file %2 line %3.%0
0xC00D00CC指定的介面卡名稱無效。%0 The specified adapter name is invalid.%0
0xC00D00CD應用程式沒有此功能的使用權。%0 The application is not licensed for this feature.%0
0xC00D00CE無法聯繫伺服器。%0 Unable to contact the server.%0
0xC00D00CF超過最大標題數。%0 Maximum number of titles exceeded.%0
0xC00D00D0超過最大標題大小。%0 Maximum size of a title exceeded.%0
0xC00D00D1沒有啟用 UDP 通訊協定。未嘗試 %1!ls!。%0 UDP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.%0
0xC00D00D2TCP 通訊協定沒有啟動。沒有嘗試 %1!ls!。%0 TCP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.%0
0xC00D00D3HTTP 通訊協定沒有啟動。沒有嘗試 %1!ls!。%0 HTTP protocol not enabled. Not trying %1!ls!.%0
0xC00D00D4產品授權已到期。%0 The product license has expired.%0
0xC00D00D5來源檔案超過每標題最大位元速率。請參閱 NetShow Theater 文件以獲取進一步資訊。%0 Source file exceeds the per title maximum bitrate. See NetShow Theater documentation for more information.%0
0xC00D00D6程式名稱不得為空白。%0 The program name cannot be empty.%0
0xC00D00D7電台 %1 不存在。%0 Station %1 does not exist.%0
0xC00D00D8在此作業完成前,必須至少定義一個電台。%0 You need to define at least one station before this operation can complete.%0
0xC00D00D9指定的索引無效。%0 The index specified is invalid.%0
0xC00D0190內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 連結到內容伺服器 %3 失敗。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) has failed its link to Content Server %3.%0
0xC00D0192內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 含有不正確的 UID %3。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) has incorrect uid %3.%0
0xC00D0195伺服器不可靠,因為多個元件失敗。%0 Server unreliable because multiple components failed.%0
0xC00D019B內容伺服器 %1 (%2) 無法與媒體系統網路通訊協定。%0 Content Server %1 (%2) is unable to communicate with the Media System Network Protocol.%0
0xC00D07F2未從伺服器收到資料。%0 Not receiving data from the server.%0
0xC00D0BB8輸入的媒體格式無效。%0 The input media format is invalid.%0
0xC00D0BB9系統內未安裝 MSAudio 轉碼器。%0 The MSAudio codec is not installed on this system.%0
0xC00D0BBAMSAudio 轉碼器發生意外錯誤。%0 An unexpected error occurred with the MSAudio codec.%0
0xC00D0BBB輸出的媒體格式無效。%0 The output media format is invalid.%0
0xC00D0BBC物件需在可處理音訊範例之前先行設定完畢。%0 The object must be fully configured before audio samples can be processed.%0
0xC00D0BBD您需要獲得授權才能在這個媒體檔案上執行所要求的作業。%0 You need a license to perform the requested operation on this media file.%0
0xC00D0BBF這個媒體檔案已經損毀或是無效。請與內容提供者聯繫取得新檔案。%0 This media file is corrupted or invalid. Contact the content provider for a new file.%0
0xC00D0BC0這個媒體檔案的使用授權已經到期。請取得新授權或與內容提供者聯繫取得協助。%0 The license for this media file has expired. Get a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D0BC1您未獲得開啟這個檔案的許可。請與內容提供者聯繫取得更多協助。%0 You are not allowed to open this file. Contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D0BC2這個系統並未安裝所需的音訊轉碼器。%0 The requested audio codec is not installed on this system.%0
0xC00D0BC3音訊轉碼器發生意外錯誤。%0 An unexpected error occurred with the audio codec.%0
0xC00D0BC4這個系統並未安裝所需的視訊轉碼器。%0 The requested video codec is not installed on this system.%0
0xC00D0BC5視訊轉碼器發生意外錯誤。%0 An unexpected error occurred with the video codec.%0
0xC00D0BC6設定檔無效。%0 The Profile is invalid.%0
0xC00D0BC7要播放所要求的內容需要新版的 SDK。%0 A new version of the SDK is needed to play the requested content.%0
0xC00D0BCA離線模式無法使用要求的 URL。%0 The requested URL is not available in offline mode.%0
0xC00D0BCB由於沒有網路連線,無法存取所要求的 URL。%0 The requested URL cannot be accessed because there is no network connection.%0
0xC00D0BCC編碼程序無法保持提供的資料量。%0 The encoding process was unable to keep up with the amount of supplied data.%0
0xC00D0BCD不支援提供的內容。%0 The given property is not supported.%0
0xC00D0BCEWindows Media Player 無法複製檔案至 CD,因為檔案為 8 位元。請使用錄音機或其他音訊處理程式將檔案轉換為 16 位元、44-kHz 立體聲檔案。然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot copy the files to the CD because they are 8-bit. Convert the files to 16-bit, 44-kHz stereo files by using Sound Recorder or another audio-processing program, and then try again.%0
0xC00D0BCF目前的範圍內沒有其他的範例了。%0 There are no more samples in the current range.%0
0xC00D0BD0提供的取樣率無效。%0 The given sampling rate is invalid.%0
0xC00D0BD1提供的封包大小上限太小了,無法滿足此設定檔 The given maximum packet size is too small to accommodate this profile
0xC00D0BD2封包太晚送達,以致於無法使用 The packet arrived too late to be of use
0xC00D0BD3這個封包與先前收到的相同 The packet is a duplicate of one received before
0xC00D0BD4提供的緩衝區太小 Supplied buffer is too small
0xC00D0BD5用於串流輸出類型的前置處理通過數目錯誤 The wrong number of preprocessing passes was used for the stream's output type
0xC00D0BD6嘗試新增、修改或刪除唯讀屬性 An attempt was made to add, modify, or delete a read only attribute
0xC00D0BD7嘗試新增的屬性不適用於指定的媒體類型 An attempt was made to add attribute that is not allowed for the given media type
0xC00D0BD8提供的 EDL 無效 The EDL provided is invalid
0xC00D0BD9「資料單位延伸區」的資料太大而無法使用。%0 The Data Unit Extension data was too large to be used.%0
0xC00D0BDADMO 轉碼器發生意外錯誤。%0 An unexpected error occurred with a DMO codec.%0
0xC00D0BDC此功能已被群組原則停用。%0 This feature has been disabled by group policy.%0
0xC00D0BDD此 SKU 中的這項功能已經停用。%0 This feature is disabled in this SKU.%0
0xC00D0BDEWMDRM 已過時。%0 WMDRM is deprecated.%0
0xC00D0FA0光碟機中沒有光碟片。請插入光碟片,然後再試一次。%0 There is no CD in the CD drive. Insert a CD, and then try again.%0
0xC00D0FA1Windows Media Player 無法以數位模式播放 CD。若要切換為類比模式,請依序按一下 [組合管理]、[選項],再按一下 [裝置] 索引標籤。按兩下光碟機,然後按一下 [播放] 區域中的 [類比]。%0 Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. To switch to analog playback, Click Organize, click Options, and then click the Devices tab. Double-click the CD drive, and then in the Playback area, click Analog.%0
0xC00D0FA2Windows Media Player 偵測不到連接的可攜式裝置。請重新連接您的可攜式裝置,然後試著再次同步檔案。%0 Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try syncing the file again.%0
0xC00D0FA3Windows Media Player 無法播放該檔案。可攜式裝置不支援指定的檔案類型。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The portable device does not support the specified file type.%0
0xC00D0FA4Windows Media Player 無法以數位模式播放 CD。播放程式已經自動將光碟機切換為類比播放。若要切換回數位光碟播放,請依序按一下 [組合管理] 及 [選項],再使用 [裝置] 索引標籤。%0 Windows Media Player could not use digital playback to play the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog playback. To switch back to digital CD playback, click Organize, click Options, and then use the Devices tab.%0
0xC00D0FA5混音器發生無效列的錯誤。%0 An invalid line error occurred in the mixer.%0
0xC00D0FA6混音器發生無效控制項的錯誤。%0 An invalid control error occurred in the mixer.%0
0xC00D0FA7混音器發生無效值的錯誤。%0 An invalid value error occurred in the mixer.%0
0xC00D0FA8混音器發生無法辨識的 MMRESULT。%0 An unrecognized MMRESULT occurred in the mixer.%0
0xC00D0FA9使用者停止作業。%0 User has stopped the operation.%0
0xC00D0FAA由於您的電腦上未安裝相容的 MP3 編碼器,因此 Windows Media Player 無法擷取該曲目。請安裝相容的 MP3 編碼器,或選取不同的格式 (例如 Windows Media 音訊) 來進行擷取。%0 Windows Media Player cannot rip the track because a compatible MP3 encoder is not installed on your computer. Install a compatible MP3 encoder or choose a different format to rip to (such as Windows Media Audio).%0
0xC00D0FABWindows Media Player 無法讀取 CD。光碟片可能有髒污或已損壞。請開啟錯誤修正,並再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged. Turn on error correction, and then try again.%0
0xC00D0FACWindows Media Player 無法讀取 CD。光碟片可能有髒污或已損壞,或光碟機無法正常運作。%0 Windows Media Player cannot read the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged or the CD drive might be malfunctioning.%0
0xC00D0FAD為獲得最佳效能,擷取時請不要播放 CD 曲目。%0 For best performance, do not play CD tracks while ripping them.%0
0xC00D0FAE不能直接將曲目從某光碟片燒錄到另一片光碟片。您必須先將來源光碟片中的曲目擷取到電腦,然後將擷取的檔案燒錄到空白光碟片。%0 It is not possible to directly burn tracks from one CD to another CD. You must first rip the tracks from the CD to your computer, and then burn the files to a blank CD.%0
0xC00D0FAF無法開啟混音驅動程式。%0 Could not open a sound mixer driver.%0
0xC00D0FB0Windows Media Player 無法正確從光碟片擷取曲目,因為「裝置管理員」中的光碟機設定與播放程式中的光碟機設定不符。%0 Windows Media Player cannot rip tracks from the CD correctly because the CD drive settings in Device Manager do not match the CD drive settings in the Player.%0
0xC00D0FB1Windows Media Player 讀取 CD 忙碌中。%0 Windows Media Player is busy reading the CD.%0
0xC00D0FB4在 XML 剖析器上呼叫 GetParseError,但沒有錯誤需要抓取。%0 A call was made to GetParseError on the XML parser but there was no error to retrieve.%0
0xC00D0FB5剖析過程中 XML 剖析器執行超過資料。%0 The XML Parser ran out of data while parsing.%0
0xC00D0FB6XML 剖析器發生一般剖析錯誤,但是沒有相關資訊。%0 A generic parse error occurred in the XML parser but no information is available.%0
0xC00D0FB7因為找不到索引所以呼叫在 XML 剖析器上取得 GetNamedAttribute 或 GetNamedAttributeIndex。%0 A call get GetNamedAttribute or GetNamedAttributeIndex on the XML parser resulted in the index not being found.%0
0xC00D0FB8在 XML 剖析器呼叫 GetNamedPI,但找不到所要求的 Processing Instruction。%0 A call was made go GetNamedPI on the XML parser, but the requested Processing Instruction was not found.%0
0xC00D0FB9在 XML 剖析器呼叫 Persist,但剖析器沒有保存的資料。%0 Persist was called on the XML parser, but the parser has no data to persist.%0
0xC00D0FBA這個檔案路徑已經在媒體櫃中。%0 This file path is already in the library.%0
0xC00D0FBEWindows Media Player 已經在搜尋要新增到媒體櫃的檔案。請先等候目前的作業完成,再嘗試重新搜尋。%0 Windows Media Player is already searching for files to add to your library. Wait for the current process to finish before attempting to search again.%0
0xC00D0FBFWindows Media Player 找不到您要尋找的媒體。%0 Windows Media Player is unable to find the media you are looking for.%0
0xC00D0FC0Windows Media Player 的某個元件過時。如果您目前執行 Windows 的發行前版本,請嘗試升級至最新版本。%0 A component of Windows Media Player is out-of-date. If you are running a pre-release version of Windows, try upgrading to a more recent version.%0
0xC00D0FC1這個容器不支援搜尋項目。%0 This container does not support search on items.%0
0xC00D0FC2無法完成該要求,因為要求不符合媒體櫃的目前狀態。%0 The request could not be completed because the request does not match the current state of the media library.%0
0xC00D0FC7Windows Media Player 新增一或多個檔案到媒體櫃時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while adding one or more files to the library.%0
0xC00D0FC8Windows API 呼叫失敗,但沒有可用的錯誤資訊。%0 A Windows API call failed but no error information was available.%0
0xC00D0FC9這個檔案沒有燒錄權限。若您之前是從線上商店取得此檔案,請到該線上商店取得燒錄權限。%0 This file does not have burn rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get burn rights.%0
0xC00D0FCAWindows Media Player 偵測不到連線的可攜式裝置。請重新連線您的可攜式裝置,然後再嘗試同步化檔案。%0 Windows Media Player no longer detects a connected portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try to sync the file again.%0
0xC00D0FCBWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為檔案已經損毀。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is corrupted.%0
0xC00D0FCCWindows Media Player 嘗試存取媒體櫃中的資訊時發生錯誤。請試著重新啟動播放程式。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while attempting to access information in the library. Try restarting the Player.%0
0xC00D0FCD檔案無法新增到媒體櫃。%0 The file cannot be added to the library.%0
0xC00D0FCEWindows Media Player 無法建立媒體櫃。若要安裝播放程式,您必須以系統管理員或系統管理員群組成員的身份登入。如需詳細資訊,請與系統管理員連絡。%0 Windows Media Player cannot create the library. You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to install the Player. For more information, contact your system administrator.%0
0xC00D0FCF檔案已經在使用中。關閉其他可能正在使用檔案的程式,或停止播放檔案,然後再試一次。%0 The file is already in use. Close other programs that might be using the file, or stop playing the file, and then try again.%0
0xC00D0FD0Windows Media Player 發生不明的錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error.%0
0xC00D0FD1Windows Media Player ActiveX 控制項無法連線至遠端媒體服務,但是將繼續使用本機媒體服務。%0 The Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot connect to remote media services, but will continue with local media services.%0
0xC00D0FD2要求的方法或內容無法使用,原因是 Windows Media Player ActiveX 控制項尚未正確啟動。%0 The requested method or property is not available because the Windows Media Player ActiveX control has not been properly activated.%0
0xC00D0FD3Windows Media Player ActiveX 控制項未在遠端模式下執行。%0 The Windows Media Player ActiveX control is not running in remote mode.%0
0xC00D0FD4嘗試取得遠端 Windows Media Player 視窗時發生錯誤。%0 An error occurred while trying to get the remote Windows Media Player window.%0
0xC00D0FD6Windows Media Player 未正確關閉。可能是損壞或不相容的外掛程式造成這個問題。為預防起見,所有的選用的外掛程式都已經停用。%0 Windows Media Player was not closed properly. A damaged or incompatible plug-in might have caused the problem to occur. As a precaution, all optional plug-ins have been disabled.%0
0xC00D0FD7Windows Media Player 找不到指定的路徑。請務必輸入正確的路徑。如果路徑正確,則路徑不存在於指定的位置,或者路徑所在的電腦無法使用。%0 Windows Media Player cannot find the specified path. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the path does not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the path is located is not available.%0
0xC00D0FD8Windows Media Player 無法儲存正在進行串流處理的媒體檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot save a file that is being streamed.%0
0xC00D0FD9Windows Media Player 找不到選取的外掛程式。播放程式會嘗試自功能表移除該外掛程式。若要使用這個外掛程式,請再次安裝。%0 Windows Media Player cannot find the selected plug-in. The Player will try to remove it from the menu. To use this plug-in, install it again.%0
0xC00D0FDA此項動作需要使用者的輸入。%0 Action requires input from the user.%0
0xC00D0FDBWindows Media Player ActiveX 控制項必須處於固定狀態,才能執行此項動作。%0 The Windows Media Player ActiveX control must be in a docked state for this action to be performed.%0
0xC00D0FDCWindows Media Player 外部物件尚未就緒。%0 The Windows Media Player external object is not ready.%0
0xC00D0FDDWindows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作。您電腦的日期與時間設定可能不正確。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action. Your computer's time and date might not be set correctly.%0
0xC00D0FDE控制項 (%s) 並不支援建立子控制項,(%d) 子控制項已經被指定。%0 The control (%s) does not support creation of sub-controls, yet (%d) sub-controls have been specified.%0
0xC00D0FDF版本不符:(需要的版本為 %.1f,找到 %.1f)。%0 Version mismatch: (%.1f required, %.1f found).%0
0xC00D0FE0傳送非主題檔案的有效 XML 至配置管理員。%0 The layout manager was given valid XML that wasn't a theme file.%0
0xC00D0FE1%s 子元件無法在 %s 物件中找到。%0 The %s subelement could not be found on the %s object.%0
An error occurred parsing the version tag.\
Valid version tags are of the form:\
0xC00D0FE3找不到這個主題檔案為 'currentViewID' 內容 (%s) 指定的檢視。%0 The view specified in for the 'currentViewID' property (%s) was not found in this theme file.%0
0xC00D0FE4內部測試使用的錯誤訊息。%0 This error used internally for hit testing.%0
0xC00D0FE5屬性指定給 %s 物件,但是找不到物件傳送屬性。%0 Attributes were specified for the %s object, but the object was not available to send them to.%0
0xC00D0FE6%s 事件已經有處理常式,忽略第二處理常式。%0 The %s event already has a handler, the second handler was ignored.%0
0xC00D0FE7面板封存檔中找不到 .wms 檔案。%0 No .wms file found in skin archive.%0
0xC00D0FEAWindows Media Player 下載檔案時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the file.%0
0xC00D0FEBWindows Media Player ActiveX 控制項無法載入要求的 uiMode,也無法回復為現有的 uiMode。%0 The Windows Media Player ActiveX control cannot load the requested uiMode and cannot roll back to the existing uiMode.%0
0xC00D0FECWindows Media Player 遇到面板檔案問題。面板檔案可能無效。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem with the skin file. The skin file might not be valid.%0
0xC00D0FED由於您的電子郵件程式沒有回應,Windows Media Player 無法傳送連結。請查驗您的電子郵件程式的設定是否正確,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot send the link because your e-mail program is not responding. Verify that your e-mail program is configured properly, and then try again.%0
0xC00D0FEEWindows Media Player 無法切換至完整模式,因為您的電腦系統管理員已鎖定面板。%0 Windows Media Player cannot switch to full mode because your computer administrator has locked this skin.%0
0xC00D0FEFWindows Media Player 儲存檔案時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while saving the file.%0
0xC00D0FF0Windows Media Player 無法覆寫唯讀檔案。請嘗試使用其他檔案名稱。%0 Windows Media Player cannot overwrite a read-only file. Try using a different file name.%0
0xC00D0FF1Windows Media Player 建立或儲存播放清單時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while creating or saving the playlist.%0
0xC00D0FF2Windows Media Player 無法開啟 Windows Media 下載檔案。此檔案可能已受損。%0 Windows Media Player cannot open the Windows Media Download file. The file might be damaged.%0
0xC00D0FF3因為檔案是受保護的 DVR-MS 檔案,所以不能加入媒體櫃。Windows Media Player 無法播放這個內容。%0 The file cannot be added to the library because it is a protected DVR-MS file. This content cannot be played back by Windows Media Player.%0
0xC00D0FF4已關閉媒體共用,因為所需的 Windows 設定或元件已變更。%0 Media sharing has been turned off because a required Windows setting or component has changed.%0
0xC00D0FFA獨占服務啟動失敗,因為 Windows Media Player 已在執行中。%0 Exclusive Services launch failed because the Windows Media Player is already running.%0
0xC00D1004建議勿將 JPG 影像做為 mappingImage。%0 JPG Images are not recommended for use as a mappingImage.%0
0xC00D1005使用 transparencyColor 時建議勿使用 JPG 影像。%0 JPG Images are not recommended when using a transparencyColor.%0
0xC00D1009Max 內容不能小於 Min 內容。%0 The Max property cannot be less than Min property.%0
0xC00D100AMin 內容不能大於 Max 內容。%0 The Min property cannot be greater than Max property.%0
0xC00D100E建議勿將 JPG 影像做為 positionImage。%0 JPG Images are not recommended for use as a positionImage.%0
0xC00D100F(%s) 影像大小未被 positionImage 大小平均均分。%0 The (%s) image's size is not evenly divisible by the positionImage's size.%0
0xC00D1018ZIP 讀取器開啟某個檔案,但檔案的簽章與 ZIP 檔案不符。%0 The ZIP reader opened a file and its signature did not match that of the ZIP files.%0
0xC00D1019ZIP 讀取器偵測到檔案毀損。%0 The ZIP reader has detected that the file is corrupted.%0
0xC00D101AZIP 讀取器使用某個在 ZIP 檔案中找不到的檔名呼叫 GetFileStream、SaveToFile 或 SaveTemp 檔案。%0 GetFileStream, SaveToFile, or SaveTemp file was called on the ZIP reader with a file name that was not found in the ZIP file.%0
0xC00D1022不支援的影像類型。%0 Image type not supported.%0
0xC00D1023影像檔案可能已經毀損。%0 Image file might be corrupt.%0
0xC00D1024意外的檔案結尾。GIF 檔案可能毀損。%0 Unexpected end of file. GIF file might be corrupt.%0
0xC00D1025無效的 GIF 檔案。%0 Invalid GIF file.%0
0xC00D1026無效的 GIF 版本。只支援 87a 或 89a 版本。%0 Invalid GIF version. Only 87a or 89a supported.%0
0xC00D1027GIF 檔案中找不到影像。%0 No images found in GIF file.%0
0xC00D1028無效的 PNG 影像檔案格式。%0 Invalid PNG image file format.%0
0xC00D1029不支援 PNG 位元深度。%0 PNG bitdepth not supported.%0
0xC00D102A不支援 PNG 檔案定義的壓縮格式。%0 Compression format defined in PNG file not supported,%0
0xC00D102B不支援 PNG 檔案定義的篩選方式。%0 Filter method defined in PNG file not supported.%0
0xC00D102C不支援 PNG 檔案定義的交錯方式。%0 Interlace method defined in PNG file not supported.%0
0xC00D102DPNG 檔案損壞的 CRC。%0 Bad CRC in PNG file.%0
0xC00D102EBMP 檔案中的無效位元遮罩。%0 Invalid bitmask in BMP file.%0
0xC00D102F不支援 Topdown DIB。%0 Topdown DIB not supported.%0
0xC00D1030點陣圖無法建立。%0 Bitmap could not be created.%0
0xC00D1031不支援 BMP 中的壓縮格式。%0 Compression format defined in BMP not supported.%0
0xC00D1032無效的點陣圖格式。%0 Invalid Bitmap format.%0
0xC00D1033不支援 JPEG 運算碼。%0 JPEG Arithmetic coding not supported.%0
0xC00D1034無效的 JPEG 格式。%0 Invalid JPEG format.%0
0xC00D1036內部版本錯誤。非預期的 JPEG 程式庫版本。%0 Internal version error. Unexpected JPEG library version.%0
0xC00D1037內部 JPEG 程式庫錯誤。不支援的 JPEG 資料精確度。%0 Internal JPEG Library error. Unsupported JPEG data precision.%0
0xC00D1038不支援 JPEG CCIR601。%0 JPEG CCIR601 not supported.%0
0xC00D1039JPEG 檔案中找不到影像。%0 No image found in JPEG file.%0
0xC00D103A無法讀取 JPEG 檔案。%0 Could not read JPEG file.%0
0xC00D103B不支援 JPEG 分數取樣。%0 JPEG Fractional sampling not supported.%0
0xC00D103CJPEG 影像太大。支援的最大影像為 65500 X 65500。%0 JPEG image too large. Maximum image size supported is 65500 X 65500.%0
0xC00D103D碰到非預期的 JPEG 檔案結尾。%0 Unexpected end of file reached in JPEG file.%0
0xC00D103E找到不支援的 JPEG SOF 標記。%0 Unsupported JPEG SOF marker found.%0
0xC00D103F找到未知的 JPEG 標記。%0 Unknown JPEG marker found.%0
0xC00D1044Windows Media Player 無法顯示圖片檔案。播放程式可能不支援圖片類型,或者圖片已損毀。%0 Windows Media Player cannot display the picture file. The player either does not support the picture type or the picture is corrupted.%0
0xC00D1049Windows Media Player 無法計算歌曲的數位音訊識別碼; 其長度太短。%0 Windows Media Player cannot compute a Digital Audio Id for the song. It is too short.%0
0xC00D104AWindows Media Player 無法以要求的速度播放檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file at the requested speed.%0
0xC00D104B無法具體化轉換或數位訊號處理外掛程式。%0 The rendering or digital signal processing plug-in cannot be instantiated.%0
0xC00D104C無法將檔案排入佇列,以便順暢播放。%0 The file cannot be queued for seamless playback.%0
0xC00D104D對於播放清單中的檔案,Windows Media Player 無法下載媒體使用權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights for a file in the playlist.%0
0xC00D104E嘗試佇列檔案時,Windows Media Player 遇到錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while trying to queue a file.%0
0xC00D1051Windows Media Player 無法播放受保護的檔案。播放程式無法確認您的視訊卡連結是否安全。請嘗試為您的視訊卡安裝更新的裝置驅動程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player cannot verify that the connection to your video card is secure. Try installing an updated device driver for your video card.%0
0xC00D1052Windows Media Player 無法播放受保護的檔案。播放程式偵測到您的硬體連結可能不安全。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. The Player detected that the connection to your hardware might not be secure.%0
0xC00D1053此系統不支援 Windows Media Player 的輸出連結保護。%0 Windows Media Player output link protection is unsupported on this system.%0
0xC00D1054在無效的圖形狀態嘗試作業。%0 Operation attempted in an invalid graph state.%0
0xC00D1055當串流中已經有一個轉譯器時,則無法插入另一個轉譯器。%0 A renderer cannot be inserted in a stream while one already exists.%0
0xC00D1056完成作業所需的 Windows Media SDK 介面目前不存在。%0 The Windows Media SDK interface needed to complete the operation does not exist at this time.%0
0xC00D1057Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案的某部分,可能是因為無法下載播放該檔案所需的轉碼器,或播放程式不支援此檔案類型。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play a portion of the file because it requires a codec that either could not be downloaded or that is not supported by the Player.%0
0xC00D1058單機版的播放程式不允許檔案傳輸串流。%0 File transfer streams are not allowed in the standalone Player.%0
0xC00D1059Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。Player 不支援您想要播放的格式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player does not support the format you are trying to play.%0
0xC00D105A已嘗試在不存在於 DirectShow 過濾器圖形中的 Pin 上進行作業。%0 An operation was attempted on a pin that does not exist in the DirectShow filter graph.%0
0xC00D105B等待媒體格式從 SDK 變更時,無法完成指定的作業。%0 Specified operation cannot be completed while waiting for a media format change from the SDK.%0
0xC00D105C因為來源篩選不存在,所以無法執行指定的作業。%0 Specified operation cannot be completed because the source filter does not exist.%0
0xC00D105D指定的類型不符合此 pin。%0 The specified type does not match this pin.%0
0xC00D105EWMR Source Filter 沒有回撥可用。%0 The WMR Source Filter does not have a callback available.%0
0xC00D1062指定的內容尚未設定到此範例中。%0 The specified property has not been set on this sample.%0
0xC00D1063需要外掛程式才能正確播放這個檔案。若要判斷是否可從網際網路下載該外掛程式,請按一下 [網頁說明]。%0 A plug-in is required to correctly play the file. To determine if the plug-in is available to download, click Web Help.%0
0xC00D1064Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為您的媒體使用權限已損毀。若之前曾備份授權,請試著還原您的媒體使用權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because your media usage rights are corrupted. If you previously backed up your media usage rights, try restoring them.%0
0xC00D1065Windows Media Player 無法播放包含二進位串流的受保護檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play protected files that contain binary streams.%0
0xC00D1068Windows Media Player 無法播放此播放清單,因為播放清單無效。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the playlist because it is not valid.%0
0xC00D106A需要較新的 Windows Media Player 版本才能播放此播放清單。%0 A later version of Windows Media Player might be required to play this playlist.%0
0xC00D106B目前播放清單檔案中的 REPEAT 迴圈格式無效。%0 The format of a REPEAT loop within the current playlist file is not valid.%0
0xC00D106CWindows Media Player 無法儲存播放清單,因為此播放清單未包含任何項目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot save the playlist because it does not contain any items.%0
0xC00D106E指定的屬性不存在。%0 The specified attribute does not exist.%0
0xC00D106F指定的屬性已經存在。%0 The specified attribute already exists.%0
0xC00D1070無法抓取指定的屬性。%0 Cannot retrieve the specified attribute.%0
0xC00D1071目前的播放清單中沒有指定的項目。%0 The specified item does not exist in the current playlist.%0
0xC00D1072目前的播放清單中無法建立指定類型的項目。%0 Items of the specified type cannot be created within the current playlist.%0
0xC00D1073指定的項目無法在目前的播放清單中設定。%0 The specified item cannot be set in the current playlist.%0
0xC00D1074Windows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作,因為播放清單並未包含任何項目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the playlist does not contain any items.%0
0xC00D1075指定的自動播放清單包含無效的篩選器類型,或是此篩選器未安裝於這台電腦上。%0 The specified auto playlist contains a filter type that is either not valid or is not installed on this computer.%0
0xC00D1076Windows Media Player 無法播放此檔案,因為關聯的播放清單包含太多巢狀播放清單。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist contains too many nested playlists.%0
0xC00D107CWindows Media Player 找不到指定的檔案。請確認輸入的路徑正確。如果路徑正確,代表檔案可能不在指定的位置,或儲存該檔案的電腦目前無法使用。%0 Windows Media Player cannot find the file. Verify that the path is typed correctly. If it is, the file might not exist in the specified location, or the computer where the file is stored might not be available.%0
0xC00D107D建立 Global Interface Table 失敗。%0 Failed to create the Global Interface Table.%0
0xC00D107E無法取得封送處理 (Marshaled) 圖形事件處理常式介面。%0 Failed to get the marshaled graph event handler interface.%0
0xC00D107F緩衝區太小無法複製媒體類型。%0 Buffer is too small for copying media type.%0
0xC00D1080播放程式目前的狀況不允許此作業。%0 The current state of the Player does not allow this operation.%0
0xC00D1081播放清單管理員無法了解目前的播放模式 (例如: 隨機播放或正常播放)。%0 The playlist manager does not understand the current play mode (for example, shuffle or normal).%0
0xC00D1086Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為檔案不在目前的播放清單中。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because it is not in the current playlist.%0
0xC00D1087這個播放清單中沒有任何項目,請新增項目至播放清單,然後再試一次。%0 There are no items in the playlist. Add items to the playlist, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1088無法顯示網站,因為您的電腦未安裝任何網頁瀏覽器。%0 The website cannot be displayed because no web browser is installed on your computer.%0
0xC00D108A在預先捲動的圖形清單中找不到具有指定 URL 的圖形。%0 Graph with the specified URL was not found in the prerolled graph list.%0
0xC00D108BWindows Media Player 無法執行要求的作業,因為播放清單中只有一個項目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested operation because there is only one item in the playlist.%0
0xC00D108C對於呼叫的物件從未登錄錯誤接收 (Error Sink)。%0 An error sink was never registered for the calling object.%0
0xC00D108D無法使用錯誤管理員回應錯誤。%0 The error manager is not available to respond to errors.%0
0xC00D108E無法開啟網頁說明 URL。%0 The Web Help URL cannot be opened.%0
0xC00D108F無法繼續播放播放清單中的下一個項目。%0 Could not resume playing next item in playlist.%0
0xC00D1090Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為關聯的播放清單未包含任何項目,或播放清單無效。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the associated playlist does not contain any items or the playlist is not valid.%0
0xC00D1091播放清單屬性名稱為空字串。%0 An empty string for playlist attribute name was found.%0
0xC00D1092找到一個無效的播放清單屬性名稱。%0 A playlist attribute name that is not valid was found.%0
0xC00D1093播放清單的屬性值為空字串。%0 An empty string for a playlist attribute value was found.%0
0xC00D1094播放清單的屬性為無效的值。%0 An illegal value for a playlist attribute was found.%0
0xC00D1095播放清單項目屬姓名稱為空字串。%0 An empty string for a playlist item attribute name was found.%0
0xC00D1096播放清單項目屬性名稱為無效的值。%0 An illegal value for a playlist item attribute name was found.%0
0xC00D1097播放清單項目屬性為無效的值。%0 An illegal value for a playlist item attribute was found.%0
0xC00D1098播放清單中未包含任何項目。%0 The playlist does not contain any items.%0
0xC00D1099Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。檔案可能毀損或播放程式不支援您嘗試播放的格式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The file is either corrupted or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play.%0
0xC00D109A為這個檔案下載的轉碼器未經適當簽署認可,因此無法進行安裝。%0 The codec downloaded for this file does not appear to be properly signed, so it cannot be installed.%0
0xC00D109BWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案。找不到播放檔案所需的一或多個轉碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. One or more codecs required to play the file could not be found.%0
0xC00D109CWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為您的電腦未安裝必要的轉碼器。若要嘗試下載轉碼器,請開啟 [自動下載轉碼器] 選項。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer. To try downloading the codec, turn on the \"Download codecs automatically\" option.%0
0xC00D109DWindows Media Player 下載播放清單時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the playlist.%0
0xC00D109E建立播放清單失敗。%0 Failed to build the playlist.%0
0xC00D109F沒有替代的播放清單可以切換。%0 Playlist has no alternates to switch into.%0
0xC00D10A1找不到替代播放清單的名稱進行切換。%0 Could not find the name of the alternate playlist to switch into.%0
0xC00D10A2無法切換至這個媒體的替代者。%0 Failed to switch to an alternate for this media.%0
0xC00D10A3起始媒體替代者失敗。%0 Failed to initialize an alternate for the media.%0
0xC00D10A4未指定 URL 至播放清單檔案的轉動 Ref。%0 No URL specified for the roll over Refs in the playlist file.%0
0xC00D10A5播放清單沒有名稱。%0 Encountered a playlist with no name.%0
0xC00D10A6找不到播放清單事件區間的必要屬性。%0 A required attribute in the event block of the playlist was not found.%0
0xC00D10A7播放清單事件區間找不到項目。%0 No items were found in the event block of the playlist.%0
0xC00D10A8從巢狀播放清單中傳回時找不到播放清單。%0 No playlist was found while returning from a nested playlist.%0
0xC00D10A9媒體項目目前未使用。%0 The media item is not active currently.%0
0xC00D10ABWindows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作,因為您已選擇取消執行。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because you chose to cancel it.%0
0xC00D10ACWindows Media Player 遇到播放清單問題。播放清單的格式不正確。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem with the playlist. The format of the playlist is not valid.%0
0xC00D10AD找不到與播放清單重複區間開頭相對應的媒體物件。%0 Media object corresponding to start of a playlist repeat block was not found.%0
0xC00D10AE找不到與播放清單重複區間結尾相對應的媒體物件。%0 Media object corresponding to the end of a playlist repeat block was not found.%0
0xC00D10AF提供給播放清單管理員的播放清單 URL 無效。%0 The playlist URL supplied to the playlist manager is not valid.%0
0xC00D10B1Windows Media Player 無法新增播放清單至媒體櫃,因為播放清單未包含任何項目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the playlist to the library because the playlist does not contain any items.%0
0xC00D10B2發生錯誤因此無法改變這個媒體的視訊對比。%0 An error has occurred that could prevent the changing of the video contrast on this media.%0
0xC00D10B3Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。若檔案位於網際網路,請連線到網際網路。若檔案位於卸除式儲存卡,請插入該儲存卡。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If the file is located on the Internet, connect to the Internet. If the file is located on a removable storage card, insert the storage card.%0
0xC00D10B4播放清單包含的 ENTRYREF 沒有 href 經過剖析。請檢查播放清單檔案的語法。%0 The playlist contains an ENTRYREF for which no href was parsed. Check the syntax of playlist file.%0
0xC00D10B5Windows Media Player 無法播放這個播放清單中的任何項目。如需問題的相關資訊,請按一下清單窗格中每個檔案旁邊的圖示。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play any items in the playlist. To find information about the problem, click the icon next to each file in the list pane.%0
0xC00D10B6Windows Media Player 無法播放此播放清單中的部分或所有項目,因為播放清單是巢狀播放清單。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play some or all of the items in the playlist because the playlist is nested.%0
0xC00D10B7Windows Media Player 目前無法播放檔案,請稍後再試。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file at this time. Try again later.%0
0xC00D10B8此媒體項目目前無可用的子播放清單。%0 There is no child playlist available for this media item at this time.%0
0xC00D10B9此媒體項目無子播放清單。%0 There is no child playlist for this media item.%0
0xC00D10BAWindows Media Player 找不到檔案。媒體櫃項目與相關數位媒體檔案之間的連結可能已損壞。若要修正此問題,請嘗試修復連結或從媒體櫃中移除項目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot find the file. The link from the item in the library to its associated digital media file might be broken. To fix the problem, try repairing the link or removing the item from the library.%0
0xC00D10BB找不到暫存檔。%0 The temporary file was not found.%0
0xC00D10BCWindows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為需要更新裝置。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device needs to be updated.%0
0xC00D10BDWindows Media Player 無法播放視訊,因為您的視訊卡有問題。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the video because there is a problem with your video card.%0
0xC00D10BEWindows Media Player 無法變更螢幕模式為全螢幕視訊播放。%0 Windows Media Player failed to change the screen mode for full-screen video playback.%0
0xC00D10BFWindows Media Player 無法播放一或多個檔案。如需詳細資訊,請以滑鼠右鍵按一下無法播放的項目,然後按一下 [錯誤詳細資料]。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play one or more files. For additional information, right-click an item that cannot be played, and then click Error Details.%0
0xC00D10C0若 Proxy 設定未設定成自訂,則無法變更 Proxy 名稱。%0 Cannot change the proxy name if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
0xC00D10C1若 Proxy 設定未設定成自訂,則無法變更 Proxy 連接埠。%0 Cannot change the proxy port if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
0xC00D10C2若 Proxy 設定未設定成自訂,則無法變更 Proxy 例外清單。%0 Cannot change the proxy exception list if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
0xC00D10C3若 Proxy 設定未設定成自訂,則無法變更 Proxy 略過旗標。%0 Cannot change the proxy bypass flag if the proxy setting is not set to custom.%0
0xC00D10C4找不到指定的通訊協定。%0 Cannot find the specified protocol.%0
0xC00D10C5無法變更語言設定。圖形沒有音訊或者音訊僅支援一種語言。%0 Cannot change the language settings. Either the graph has no audio or the audio only supports one language.%0
0xC00D10C6圖形未選取音訊語言。%0 The graph has no audio language selected.%0
0xC00D10C7這不是媒體 CD。%0 This is not a media CD.%0
0xC00D10C8Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為 URL 太長。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the URL is too long.%0
0xC00D10C9若要播放選取的項目,您必須安裝 Adobe Flash Player。若要下載 Adobe Flash Player,請移至 Adobe 網站。%0 To play the selected item, you must install the Adobe Flash Player. To download the Adobe Flash Player, go to the Adobe Web site.%0
0xC00D10CA若要播放選取的項目,您必須安裝較新版的 Adobe Flash Player。若要下載 Adobe Flash Player,請移至 Adobe 網站。%0 To play the selected item, you must install a later version of the Adobe Flash Player. To download the Adobe Flash Player, go to the Adobe website.%0
0xC00D10CBWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為您的網際網路安全性設定禁止使用 ActiveX 控制項。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because your Internet security settings prohibit the use of ActiveX controls.%0
0xC00D10CC使用這個方法需要對 Player 物件的現有參照。%0 The use of this method requires an existing reference to the Player object.%0
0xC00D10CDWindows Media Player 無法播放 CD。光碟片可能有髒污或已損壞。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the CD. The disc might be dirty or damaged.%0
0xC00D10CFWindows Media Player 中已經關閉 Flash 播放。%0 Flash playback has been turned off in Windows Media Player.%0
0xC00D10D0Windows Media Player 無法擷取 CD,因為無法建立有效的擷取位置。%0 Windows Media Player cannot rip the CD because a valid rip location cannot be created.%0
0xC00D10D1Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為您的電腦未安裝必要的轉碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a required codec is not installed on your computer.%0
0xC00D10D2Windows Media Player 無法從 CD 擷取一或多首曲目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot rip one or more tracks from the CD.%0
0xC00D10D3Windows Media Player 從 CD 擷取曲目時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while ripping the track from the CD.%0
0xC00D10D4Windows Media Player 清除光碟時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while erasing the disc.%0
0xC00D10D5Windows Media Player 格式化裝置時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while formatting the device.%0
0xC00D10D6無法將此檔案燒錄到 CD,因為檔案不在您的電腦上。%0 This file cannot be burned to a CD because it is not located on your computer.%0
0xC00D10D7無法將這個檔案類型燒錄到音訊 CD。Windows Media Player 可以將下列檔案燒錄到音訊 CD: WMA、MP3 或 WAV。%0 It is not possible to burn this file type to an audio CD. Windows Media Player can burn the following file types to an audio CD: WMA, MP3, or WAV.%0
0xC00D10D8此檔案太大,光碟無法容納。%0 This file is too large to fit on a disc.%0
0xC00D10D9Windows Media Player 無法偵測檔案長度,因此無法確定光碟可否容納此檔案。先播放檔案再進行燒錄,可能有助於播放程式偵測檔案長度。%0 It is not possible to determine if this file can fit on a disc because Windows Media Player cannot detect the length of the file. Playing the file before burning might enable the Player to detect the file length.%0
0xC00D10DAWindows Media Player 燒錄檔案到光碟時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while burning the file to the disc.%0
0xC00D10DCWindows Media Player 無法燒錄音訊 CD,因為您在清單中選擇要購買的某些項目無法從線上商店下載。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the audio CD because some items in the list that you chose to buy could not be downloaded from the online store.%0
0xC00D10DDWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案。請嘗試使用 Windows Update 或裝置管理員來更新音效卡及視訊卡的裝置驅動程式。如需使用 Windows Update 或裝置管理員的相關資訊,請參閱 Windows 說明。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. Try using Windows Update or Device Manager to update the device drivers for your audio and video cards. For information about using Windows Update or Device Manager, see Windows Help.%0
0xC00D1126Windows Media Player 偵測到您未連線到網際網路。請連線到網際網路後再重試。%0 Windows Media Player has detected that you are not connected to the Internet. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1127使用者取消連線到網際網路的嘗試。%0 The attempt to connect to the Internet was canceled.%0
0xC00D1128嘗試連線到網際網路失敗。%0 The attempt to connect to the Internet failed.%0
0xC00D1129Windows Media Player 遭遇不明的網路錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown network error.%0
0xC00D1130目前沒有聆聽備份與還原事件的視窗。%0 No window is currently listening to Backup and Restore events.%0
0xC00D1131未備份媒體使用權限,因為備份作業已被取消。%0 Your media usage rights were not backed up because the backup was canceled.%0
0xC00D1132未還原您的媒體使用權限,因為還原作業已被取消。%0 Your media usage rights were not restored because the restoration was canceled.%0
0xC00D1133備份或還原您的媒體使用權限時發生錯誤。無法顯示要求的網頁。%0 An error occurred while backing up or restoring your media usage rights. A required web page cannot be displayed.%0
0xC00D1137Windows Media Player 無法從指定的位置還原媒體使用權限。請選擇其他位置,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights from the specified location. Choose another location, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1138Windows Media Player 無法備份或還原您的媒體使用權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot backup or restore your media usage rights.%0
0xC00D1158Windows Media Player 無法新增檔案至媒體櫃。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library.%0
0xC00D1159Windows Media Player 無法新增檔案至媒體櫃,因為內容提供者禁止這個動作。如需協助,請連絡提供此檔案的公司。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the content provider prohibits it. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.%0
0xC00D115BWindows Media Player 無法新增檔案至媒體櫃。檔案可能無效。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The file might not be valid.%0
0xC00D115CWindows Media Player 無法新增檔案至媒體櫃。新增檔案所需的外掛程式並未正確安裝。如需協助,請按一下 [網頁說明],以顯示提供檔案的公司網站。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, click Web Help to display the website of the company that provided the file.%0
0xC00D115DWindows Media Player 無法新增檔案至媒體櫃。新增檔案所需的外掛程式並未正確安裝。如需協助,請連絡提供此檔案的公司。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library. The plug-in required to add the file is not installed properly. For assistance, contact the company that provided the file.%0
0xC00D1160Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD。請嘗試為視訊卡安裝更新的驅動程式,或取得新的視訊卡。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD. Try installing an updated driver for your video card or obtaining a newer video card.%0
0xC00D1161此 DVD 的解析度超過輸出色差端子所允許的上限。請嘗試將螢幕解析度降低為 640 x 480,或關閉類比色差端子輸出並使用 VGA 連線來連接顯示器。%0 This DVD's resolution exceeds the maximum allowed by your component video outputs. Try reducing your screen resolution to 640 x 480, or turn off analog component outputs and use a VGA connection to your monitor.%0
0xC00D1162Windows Media Player 無法在 DVD 選單中顯示字幕或醒目提示。請重新安裝 DVD 解碼器,或與您的 DVD 光碟機製造廠商聯繫,取得最新的解碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot display subtitles or highlights in DVD menus. Reinstall the DVD decoder or contact the DVD drive manufacturer to obtain an updated decoder.%0
0xC00D1163Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 光碟,因為您的 DVD 光碟機、解碼器和視訊卡之間的數位複製保護發生問題。請嘗試解除安裝並更新視訊卡的驅動程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because there is a problem with digital copy protection between your DVD drive, decoder, and video card. Try installing an updated driver for your video card.%0
0xC00D1164Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD。此 DVD 光碟是以播放程式所不支援的方式建立。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD. The disc was created in a manner that the Player does not support.%0
0xC00D1165Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 光碟,因為此光碟不允許在您所在的地區播放。您必須取得適用於您所在地的光碟。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the disc prohibits playback in your region of the world. You must obtain a disc that is intended for your geographic region.%0
0xC00D1166Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 光碟,因為您的視訊卡不支援 DVD 播放。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because your video card does not support DVD playback.%0
0xC00D1167Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 光碟,因為無法開啟輸出顯示器上的類比複製保護。請嘗試解除安裝並更新視訊卡的驅動程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because it is not possible to turn on analog copy protection on the output display. Try installing an updated driver for your video card.%0
0xC00D1168Windows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 光碟,因為您的 DVD 光碟機所指定的地區與解碼器地區不符。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because the region assigned to your DVD drive does not match the region assigned to your DVD decoder.%0
0xC00D116AWindows Media Player 無法播放 DVD 視訊。您可能需要調整 Windows 顯示設定。請開啟 [控制台] 中的 [顯示設定],並降低螢幕解析度與色彩品質設定。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings.%0
0xC00D116BWindows Media Player 無法播放此 DVD 音訊。請驗證您的音效卡是否設定正確,再重試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play DVD audio. Verify that your sound card is set up correctly, and then try again.%0
0xC00D116CWindows Media Player 無法播放 DVD 視訊。請關閉所有開啟的檔案,並結束其他程式,然後再試一次。如果問題持續發生,請重新啟動您的電腦。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. Close any open files and quit any other programs, and then try again. If the problem persists, restart your computer.%0
0xC00D116DWindows Media Player 無法播放 DVD 光碟,因為您的電腦尚未安裝相容的 DVD 解碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because a compatible DVD decoder is not installed on your computer.%0
0xC00D116EWindows Media Player 無法播放 DVD 光碟片段,因為該片段家長分級高於授予您的分級。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the scene because it has a parental rating higher than the rating that you are authorized to view.%0
0xC00D116FWindows Media Player 無法跳至 DVD 上要求的位置。%0 Windows Media Player cannot skip to the requested location on the DVD.%0
0xC00D1170Windows Media Player 無法播放 DVD,因為另一個程式正在使用它。請結束正在使用此 DVD 的其他程式,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the DVD because it is currently in use by another program. Quit the other program that is using the DVD, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1172Windows Media Player 無法擷取此 DVD,因為它具有防複製保護。%0 Windows Media Player cannot rip the DVD because it is copy protected.%0
0xC00D1173一或多個必要的屬性尚未設定。%0 One of more of the required properties has not been set.%0
0xC00D1174這個 DVD 上沒有指定的標題及/或章節編號。%0 The specified title and/or chapter number does not exist on this DVD.%0
0xC00D1176Windows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案,因為播放程式找不到燒錄機。若燒錄機已正確連線,請嘗試使用 Windows Update 安裝最新的裝置驅動程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because the Player cannot find a burner. If the burner is connected properly, try using Windows Update to install the latest device driver.%0
0xC00D1177Windows Media Player 在選取的裝置中偵測不到任何儲存媒體。請將儲存媒體插入裝置,並再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player does not detect storage media in the selected device. Insert storage media into the device, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1178Windows Media Player 無法同步這個檔案。播放程式不支援該檔案類型。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync this file. The Player might not support the file type.%0
0xC00D1179Windows Media Player 未偵測到可攜式裝置。請連接您的可攜式裝置,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player does not detect a portable device. Connect your portable device, and then try again.%0
0xC00D117AWindows Media Player 與此裝置通訊時發生錯誤。可能是此裝置上的儲存卡已滿,或是裝置電源已關閉,亦或此裝置不允許建立播放清單或資料夾。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with the device. The storage card on the device might be full, the device might be turned off, or the device might not allow playlists or folders to be created on it.%0
0xC00D117BWindows Media Player 在燒錄光碟片時發生錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while burning a CD.%0
0xC00D117CWindows Media Player 與可攜式裝置或光碟機通訊時發生錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while communicating with a portable device or CD drive.%0
0xC00D117DWindows Media Player 無法開啟 WAV 檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot open the WAV file.%0
0xC00D117EWindows Media Player 無法將所有檔案燒錄到 CD。請選取較慢的燒錄速度,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player failed to burn all the files to the CD. Select a slower recording speed, and then try again.%0
0xC00D117F可攜式裝置沒有完成此項作業所需的儲存空間。請刪除可攜式裝置上不需使用的檔案後再試一次。%0 There is not enough storage space on the portable device to complete this operation. Delete some unneeded files on the portable device, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1180Windows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案。請確認您的燒錄機已正確連線,然後再試一次。如果問題持續發生,請重新安裝播放程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that your burner is connected properly, and then try again. If the problem persists, reinstall the Player.%0
0xC00D1181Windows Media Player 未能同步某些檔案到裝置,因為裝置上的儲存空間不足。%0 Windows Media Player did not sync some files to the device because there is not enough storage space on the device.%0
0xC00D1182燒錄機中的光碟片無效。請將空白光碟片放入燒錄機,然後再試一次。%0 The disc in the burner is not valid. Insert a blank disc into the burner, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1183Windows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作,因為裝置不支援同步。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because the device does not support sync.%0
0xC00D1184若要執行要求的動作,必須先建立與裝置的同步關係。%0 To perform the requested action, you must first set up sync with the device.%0
0xC00D1185您已經與 16 個裝置建立同步化合作關係。若要建立新的同步化合作關係,您必須先結束現有的合作關係。%0 You have already created sync partnerships with 16 devices. To create a new sync partnership, you must first end an existing partnership.%0
0xC00D1186Windows Media Player 無法同步此檔案,因為無法將此受保護的檔案轉換為想要的品質等級或檔案格式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because protected files cannot be converted to the required quality level or file format.%0
0xC00D1187儲存轉換檔案的資料夾已滿。請清空資料夾或是增加其大小,然後再試一次。%0 The folder that stores converted files is full. Either empty the folder or increase its size, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1188裝置上的資料夾中已經有太多個同名檔案。請變更檔名,或同步到其他資料夾。%0 There are too many files with the same name in the folder on the device. Change the file name or sync to a different folder.%0
0xC00D1189Windows Media Player 無法將檔案轉換為裝置所需的格式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device.%0
0xC00D118A您已經達到裝置資料夾所允許存放的檔案數目上限。若您的裝置支援播放子資料夾中的檔案,請嘗試在裝置上建立子資料夾,並將檔案儲存在子資料夾中。%0 You have reached the maximum number of files your device allows in a folder. If your device supports playback from subfolders, try creating subfolders on the device and storing some files in them.%0
0xC00D118BWindows Media Player 正在嘗試啟動「裝置設定精靈」。%0 Windows Media Player is already trying to start the Device Setup Wizard.%0
0xC00D118CWindows Media Player 無法轉換此檔案格式。如果可以使用壓縮此檔案之轉碼器的更新版本,請進行安裝,然後重試同步此檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot convert this file format. If an updated version of the codec used to compress this file is available, install it and then try to sync the file again.%0
0xC00D118DWindows Media Player 正在設定裝置。請稍後再試。%0 Windows Media Player is busy setting up devices. Try again later.%0
0xC00D118E您裝置使用的驅動程式太舊,Windows Media Player 已不支援。%0 Your device is using an outdated driver that is no longer supported by Windows Media Player.%0
0xC00D118FWindows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為裝置上已有同名的檔案存在。請變更檔名或嘗試將此檔案同步到其他資料夾。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try to sync the file to a different folder.%0
0xC00D1190已暫時關閉自動與手動同步。若要同步到裝置,請重新啟動 Windows Media Player。%0 Automatic and manual sync have been turned off temporarily. To sync to a device, restart Windows Media Player.%0
0xC00D1191此裝置無法使用。請將裝置連線到電腦,然後再試一次。%0 This device is not available. Connect the device to the computer, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1192Windows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為將檔案轉換為其他品質等級或格式時發生錯誤。如果問題持續發生,請從要同步的檔案清單中移除該檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because an error occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. If the problem persists, remove the file from the list of files to sync.%0
0xC00D1193Windows Media Player 無法將檔案同步到裝置。該檔案可能儲存在不受支援的位置。請將檔案從目前位置複製到硬碟,將其新增至媒體櫃,然後再嘗試同步處理檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file to your device. The file might be stored in a location that is not supported. Copy the file from its current location to your hard disk, add it to your library, and then try to sync the file again.%0
0xC00D1194Windows Media Player 無法開啟指定的 URL。請確定播放程式已設定為使用所有可用的通訊協定,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot open the specified URL. Verify that the Player is configured to use all available protocols, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1195Windows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作,因為您的電腦上沒有足夠的儲存空間。請刪除硬碟中一些不需要的檔案,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1196伺服器拒絕檔案的存取。請確認您已提供正確的使用者名稱與密碼。%0 The server denied access to the file. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password.%0
0xC00D1197Windows Media Player 找不到檔案。如果您嘗試播放、燒錄或同步媒體櫃中的項目,則此項目指向的檔案可能已經移動、重新命名或刪除。%0 Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted.%0
0xC00D1198Windows Media Player 無法連接至伺服器。伺服器名稱可能不正確,伺服器可能無法使用,或您的 Proxy 設定可能不正確。%0 Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server. The server name might not be correct, the server might not be available, or your proxy settings might not be correct.%0
0xC00D1199Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。播放程式可能不支援該檔案類型,或不支援用來壓縮該檔案的轉碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.%0
0xC00D119AWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案。播放程式可能不支援該檔案類型,或您的電腦未安裝必要的轉碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or a required codec might not be installed on your computer.%0
0xC00D119BWindows Media Player 無法建立播放清單,因為名稱已經存在。請輸入另一個播放清單名稱。%0 Windows Media Player cannot create the playlist because the name already exists. Type a different playlist name.%0
0xC00D119CWindows Media Player 無法刪除播放清單,因為它包含非數位媒體檔案類型的項目。已刪除播放清單中的所有數位媒體檔案項目。%0 Windows Media Player cannot delete the playlist because it contains items that are not digital media files. Any digital media files in the playlist were deleted.%0
0xC00D119D因為播放清單是儲存在另一部電腦的共用資料夾中,所以無法開啟。若可以,請將該播放清單移動到您電腦的播放清單資料夾。%0 The playlist cannot be opened because it is stored in a shared folder on another computer. If possible, move the playlist to the playlists folder on your computer.%0
0xC00D119EWindows Media Player 已經在使用中。請停止播放任何項目,關閉所有播放程式對話方塊,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player is already in use. Stop playing any items, close all Player dialog boxes, and then try again.%0
0xC00D119FWindows Media Player 在燒錄時發生錯誤。請確認燒錄機已正確連線,且光碟片是乾淨且無損壞。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while burning. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged.%0
0xC00D11A0Windows Media Player 在使用您的可攜式裝置時發生不明的錯誤。請重新連線您的可攜式裝置,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player has encountered an unknown error with your portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11A1需要轉碼器才能播放此檔案。若要判斷是否可以從網際網路下載此轉碼器,請按一下 [網頁說明]。%0 A codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help.%0
0xC00D11A2需要音訊轉碼器才能播放此檔案。若要判斷是否可以從網際網路下載此轉碼器,請按一下 [網頁說明]。%0 An audio codec is needed to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the web, click Web Help.%0
0xC00D11A3若要播放此檔案,您必須安裝最新的 Windows Service Pack。若要從 Windows Update 網站安裝 Service Pack,請按一下 [網頁說明]。%0 To play the file, you must install the latest Windows service pack. To install the service pack from the Windows Update website, click Web Help.%0
0xC00D11A4Windows Media Player 偵測不到可攜式裝置。請重新連接您的可攜式裝置,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player no longer detects a portable device. Reconnect your portable device, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11A5Windows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為可攜式裝置不支援受保護的檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the portable device does not support protected files.%0
0xC00D11A6此檔案沒有同步權限。若您之前是從線上商店取得此檔案,請到線上商店取得同步權限。%0 This file does not have sync rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get sync rights.%0
0xC00D11A7Windows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為同步權限已到期。請到內容提供者的線上商店取得新的同步權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the sync rights have expired. Go to the content provider's online store to get new sync rights.%0
0xC00D11A8可攜式裝置正在使用中。請等候目前工作完成,或結束其他可能正在使用可攜式裝置的程式,然後再試一次。%0 The portable device is already in use. Wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the portable device, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11A9Windows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為內容提供者或裝置禁止這個動作。到內容提供者的線上商店取得同步權限,也許可以解決這個問題。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the content provider or device prohibits it. You might be able to resolve this problem by going to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.%0
0xC00D11AA內容提供者並未授權您同步此檔案。請到內容提供者的線上商店取得同步權限。%0 The content provider has not granted you the right to sync this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get sync rights.%0
0xC00D11ABWindows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案到光碟片。請確認光碟片是乾淨且無損壞。如果需要,請選取較慢的燒錄速度,或嘗試使用其他廠牌的空白光碟片。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD. Verify that the disc is clean and not damaged. If necessary, select a slower recording speed or try a different brand of blank discs.%0
0xC00D11ADWindows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案。請確認燒錄機已正確連線,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11AEWindows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案,請確認燒錄機已正確連線,且光碟片是乾淨且無損壞。若燒錄機已在使用中,請等候目前的工作完成,或關閉可能正在使用燒錄機的其他程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. Verify that the burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner.%0
0xC00D11AFWindows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案到光碟片。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files to the CD.%0
0xC00D11B0Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。伺服器可能無法使用,或您的網路或防火牆設定有問題。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The server might not be available or there might be a problem with your network or firewall settings.%0
0xC00D11B1Windows Media Player 播放檔案時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file.%0
0xC00D11B2Windows Media Player 必須連線到網際網路,以便確認檔案的媒體使用權限。請連線到網際網路,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player must connect to the Internet to verify the file's media usage rights. Connect to the Internet, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11B3Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為網路發生錯誤。伺服器可能無法使用。請確認您已連接至網路,且 Proxy 設定是正確的。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available. Verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct.%0
0xC00D11B4由於在您的電腦上找不到備份權限,Windows Media Player 無法還原您的媒體使用權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot restore your media usage rights because it could not find any backed up rights on your computer.%0
0xC00D11B5Windows Media Player 無法下載媒體使用權限,因為無法存取伺服器 (例如,伺服器可能忙碌中或未上線)。%0 Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights because the server is not available (for example, the server might be busy or not online).%0
0xC00D11B6Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。網路防火牆可能會阻止播放程式使用 UDP 傳輸通訊協定來開啟檔案。若您是在 [開啟 URL] 對話方塊中輸入 URL,請嘗試使用其他傳輸通訊協定 (例如: \"http:\")。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. A network firewall might be preventing the Player from opening the file by using the UDP transport protocol. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, \"http:\").%0
0xC00D11B7插入卸除式媒體後再試一次。%0 Insert the removable media, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11B8Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為 Proxy 伺服器無回應。Proxy 伺服器可能暫時無法使用,或您的播放程式 Proxy 設定無效。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the proxy server is not responding. The proxy server might be temporarily unavailable or your Player proxy settings might not be valid.%0
0xC00D11B9若要播放此檔案,您必須安裝較新的 Windows Media Player 版本。請按一下 [說明] 功能表中的 [檢查更新],並依照指示進行。%0 To play the file, you might need to install a later version of Windows Media Player. On the Help menu, click Check for Updates, and then follow the instructions.%0
0xC00D11BA由於您的音效裝置發生問題,所以 Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。您的電腦上可能未安裝音效裝置、或是其他程式正在使用音效裝置,或是該裝置無法發揮功能。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly.%0
0xC00D11BB由於不支援指定的通訊協定,Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。若您是在 [開啟 URL] 對話方塊中輸入 URL,請嘗試使用其他傳輸通訊協定 (例如: \"http:\" 或 \"rtsp:\")。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, \"http:\" or \"rtsp:\").%0
0xC00D11BC因為不支援檔案格式,Windows Media Player 無法新增檔案至媒體櫃。%0 Windows Media Player cannot add the file to the library because the file format is not supported.%0
0xC00D11BD由於不支援指定的通訊協定,Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。若您是在 [開啟 URL] 對話方塊中輸入 URL,請嘗試使用其他傳輸通訊協定 (例如: \"mms:\")。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. If you typed a URL in the Open URL dialog box, try using a different transport protocol (for example, \"mms:\").%0
0xC00D11BE由於未選取串流的通訊協定,Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。請選取一或多個通訊協定,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there are no streaming protocols selected. Select one or more protocols, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11BFWindows Media Player 無法切換至全螢幕。您可能需要調整 Windows 顯示設定。請開啟 [控制台] 中的 [顯示設定],然後試著將 [硬體加速] 調整至 [最大]。%0 Windows Media Player cannot switch to Full Screen. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try setting Hardware acceleration to Full.%0
0xC00D11C0由於發生網路錯誤,Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。伺服器可能無法使用 (例如: 伺服器忙碌中或未上線),或您未連線到網路。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available (for example, the server is busy or not online) or you might not be connected to the network.%0
0xC00D11C1由於伺服器沒有回應,因此 Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。請查驗您是否連線至網路,稍後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the server is not responding. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later.%0
0xC00D11C2由於多點傳送通訊協定未啟用,因此 Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。請在 [工具] 功能表按一下 [選項],按一下 [網路] 索引標籤,再選取 [多點傳送] 核取方塊。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the multicast protocol is not enabled. On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Network tab, and then select the Multicast check box.%0
0xC00D11C3由於發生網路問題,因此 Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。請查驗您是否連線至網路,稍後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network problem occurred. Verify that you are connected to the network, and then try again later.%0
0xC00D11C4由於找不到 Proxy 伺服器,Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。請確認您的 Proxy 設定是正確的,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the network proxy server cannot be found. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11C6您電腦的可用記憶體不足。請結束其他程式,然後再試一次。%0 Your computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11C7由於您的電腦上沒有安裝需要的音訊轉碼器,Windows Media Player 無法播放、燒錄、擷取或同步檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer.%0
0xC00D11C8Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為您的電腦上沒有安裝需要的視訊轉碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required video codec is not installed on your computer.%0
0xC00D11C9Windows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案。若燒錄機忙碌中,請等候目前的工作完成。如果需要,請確認燒錄機已正確連線,且您已安裝最新的裝置驅動程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify that the burner is connected properly and that you have installed the latest device driver.%0
0xC00D11CA由於您的音效裝置出現問題,Windows Media Player 無法播放受保護的檔案。請試著安裝新的裝置驅動程式,或是使用不同的音效裝置。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file because there is a problem with your sound device. Try installing a new device driver or use a different sound device.%0
0xC00D11CBWindows Media Player 遭遇網路錯誤。請重新啟動播放程式。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a network error. Restart the Player.%0
0xC00D11CCWindows Media Player 未正確安裝。請重新安裝 Player。%0 Windows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player.%0
0xC00D11CE由於所需的轉碼器無效,因此 Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the required codec is not valid.%0
0xC00D11CF其他使用者正在使用 CD 光碟機。請靜待工作完成後再試一次。%0 The CD drive is in use by another user. Wait for the task to complete, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11D0Windows Media Player 無法播放、同步或燒錄受保護的檔案,因為 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 系統發生問題。您可能需要連線到網際網路以更新 DRM 元件。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play, sync, or burn the protected file because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. You might need to connect to the Internet to update your DRM components.%0
0xC00D11D1Windows Media Player 無法播放檔案,因為您的音訊或視訊裝置可能有問題。請安裝更新的裝置驅動程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there might be a problem with your sound or video device. Try installing an updated device driver.%0
0xC00D11D2Windows Media Player 無法存取檔案。該檔案可能正在使用中,您可能沒有存放該檔案之電腦的存取權,或是您的 Proxy 設定不正確。%0 Windows Media Player cannot access the file. The file might be in use, you might not have access to the computer where the file is stored, or your proxy settings might not be correct.%0
0xC00D11D3內容提供者禁止這個動作,請到內容提供者的線上商店取得新的媒體使用權限。%0 The content provider prohibits this action. Go to the content provider's online store to get new media usage rights.%0
0xC00D11D4此時 Windows Media Player 無法執行要求的動作。%0 Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action at this time.%0
0xC00D11D5因為儲存暫存檔的磁碟空間不足,Windows Media Player 無法燒錄檔案。請先刪除硬碟上一些不需要的檔案,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot burn the files because there is not enough free disk space to store the temporary files. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.%0
0xC00D11D6您的媒體使用權限可能已經損毀或失效。如果您曾更換電腦的硬體元件,就可能發生這種問題。%0 Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer.%0
0xC00D11D7無法驗證所需的 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 元件。重新安裝播放程式可能可以解決這個問題。%0 The required Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component cannot be validated. You might be able to resolve the problem by reinstalling the Player.%0
0xC00D11D8您已經超出本日的還原限制,請明天再試著還原您的媒體使用權限。%0 You have exceeded your restore limit for the day. Try restoring your media usage rights tomorrow.%0
0xC00D11D9某些檔案可能無法燒錄到光碟片。由於某些檔案可能遺失長度資訊,以致無法正確計算所需的空間。為確保計算結果正確,請播放遺失該資訊的檔案。%0 Some files might not fit on the CD. The required space cannot be calculated accurately because some files might be missing duration information. To ensure the calculation is accurate, play the files that are missing duration information.%0
0xC00D11DAWindows Media Player 無法確認檔案的媒體使用權限。若您之前是從線上商店取得此檔案,請到線上商店取得必要權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot verify the file's media usage rights. If you obtained this file from an online store, go to the online store to get the necessary rights.%0
0xC00D11DB無法同步,因為這個裝置的內部時鐘設定不正確。若要設定時鐘,請在 [選項] 對話方塊中,選取 [隱私權] 索引標籤的裝置時鐘設定選項,然後連線到網際網路,接著再試一次同步裝置。如需其他協助,請按一下 [網頁說明]。%0 It is not possible to sync because this device's internal clock is not set correctly. To set the clock, select the option to set the device clock on the Privacy tab of the Options dialog box, connect to the Internet, and then sync the device again. For additional assistance, click Web Help.%0
0xC00D11DCWindows Media Player 無法播放、燒錄、擷取或同步受保護的檔案,因為您沒有適當的權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights.%0
0xC00D11DDWindows Media Player 在升級過程中發生錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error during upgrade.%0
0xC00D11DEWindows Media Player 無法連線到伺服器,因為伺服器不接受任何新連線。可能是因為已達連線上限。請稍後再試。%0 Windows Media Player cannot connect to the server because it is not accepting any new connections. This could be because it has reached its maximum connection limit. Please try again later.%0
0xC00D11DF無法播放某些佇列檔案。如需問題資訊,請按一下清單窗格中每個檔案旁邊的圖示。%0 A number of queued files cannot be played. To find information about the problem, click the icon next to each file in the List pane.%0
0xC00D11E0Windows Media Player 在清除可重複寫入 CD 或 DVD 時發生錯誤。請確認 CD 或 DVD 燒錄機已正確連線,而且光碟乾淨無損傷。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while erasing the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged.%0
0xC00D11E1Windows Media Player 無法清除可重複寫入 CD 或 DVD。請確認 CD 或 DVD 燒錄機已正確連線,而且光碟乾淨無損傷。如果燒錄機已在使用中,請等候目前工作完成,或結束可能正在使用燒錄機的其他程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot erase the rewritable CD or DVD. Verify that the CD or DVD burner is connected properly and that the disc is clean and not damaged. If the burner is already in use, wait until the current task finishes or quit other programs that might be using the burner.%0
0xC00D11E2Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 元件發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 A Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) component encountered a problem. Contact Microsoft Product Support.%0
0xC00D11E3無法取得裝置的憑證。請連絡裝置製造商以取得韌體更新或解決此問題的詳細步驟。%0 It is not possible to obtain the device's certificate. Please contact the device manufacturer for a firmware update or for other steps to resolve this problem.%0
0xC00D11E4Windows Media Player 連線到伺服器時發生錯誤。無法驗證伺服器的安全性資訊。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error when connecting to the server. The security information from the server could not be validated.%0
0xC00D11E5音訊裝置已經中斷連線或重新設定。請確認音訊裝置是否已連接,然後嘗試再次播放項目。%0 An audio device was disconnected or reconfigured. Verify that the audio device is connected, and then try to play the item again.%0
0xC00D11E6Windows Media Player 無法完成燒錄作業,因為您使用的光碟與您的光碟機不相容。請嘗試放入其他類型的可燒錄媒體,或使用與您的燒錄機支援之寫入速度相容的光碟片。%0 Windows Media Player could not complete burning because the disc is not compatible with your drive. Try inserting a different kind of recordable media or use a disc that supports a write speed that is compatible with your drive.%0
0xC00D11EEWindows Media Player 無法儲存同步設定,因為裝置已滿。請刪除裝置上不需要的檔案,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot save the sync settings because your device is full. Delete some unneeded files on your device and then try again.%0
0xC00D11EF此時無法變更同步設定。請稍後再試。%0 It is not possible to change sync settings at this time. Try again later.%0
0xC00D11F0Windows Media Player 現在無法刪除這些檔案。若播放程式正在進行同步,請等候同步完成,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot delete these files right now. If the Player is syncing, wait until it is complete and then try again.%0
0xC00D11F8Windows Media Player 無法以數位模式讀取 CD。播放程式已經自動將光碟機切換為類比模式。若要切換回數位模式,請使用 [裝置] 索引標籤。%0 Windows Media Player could not use digital mode to read the CD. The Player has automatically switched the CD drive to analog mode. To switch back to digital mode, use the Devices tab.%0
0xC00D11F9未指定要播放的 CD 曲目。%0 No CD track was specified for playback.%0
0xC00D11FACD 篩選器無法建立 CD 讀取器。%0 The CD filter was not able to create the CD reader.%0
0xC00D11FB無效的 ISRC 編碼。%0 Invalid ISRC code.%0
0xC00D11FC無效的媒體型錄號碼。%0 Invalid Media Catalog Number.%0
0xC00D11FDWindows Media Player 無法正確播放音訊 CD,因為光碟機速度過慢且已開啟錯誤更正。若要改善效能,請關閉此光碟機的播放錯誤更正功能。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play audio CDs correctly because the CD drive is slow and error correction is turned on. To increase performance, turn off playback error correction for this drive.%0
0xC00D11FEWindows Media Player 無法估計光碟機的播放速度,因為 CD 曲目太短。%0 Windows Media Player cannot estimate the CD drive's playback speed because the CD track is too short.%0
0xC00D11FF未啟用佇列時無法佇列處理 CD 曲目。%0 Cannot queue the CD track because queuing is not enabled.%0
0xC00D1202目前的下載作業完成之前,Windows Media Player 無法下載其他媒體使用權限。%0 Windows Media Player cannot download additional media usage rights until the current download is complete.%0
0xC00D1203此檔案的媒體使用權限已到期或無效。若您是從線上商店取得該檔案,請登入該商店,然後再試一次。%0 The media usage rights for this file have expired or are no longer valid. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1204Windows Media Player 無法下載該檔案的媒體使用權限。若您是從線上商店取得該檔案,請登入該商店,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot download the media usage rights for the file. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1205此檔案的媒體使用權限尚未生效。若要檢視開始生效日期,請使用滑鼠右鍵按一下媒體櫃中的該檔案,按一下 [內容],然後按一下 [媒體使用權限] 索引標籤。%0 The media usage rights for this file are not yet valid. To see when they will become valid, right-click the file in the library, click Properties, and then click the Media Usage Rights tab.%0
0xC00D1206此檔案的媒體使用權限無效。若您是從線上商店取得此檔案,請連絡該商店以尋求協助。%0 The media usage rights for this file are not valid. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for assistance.%0
0xC00D1207內容提供者已撤銷此檔案的媒體使用權限。若您是從線上商店取得此檔案,請詢問該商店是否提供該檔案的新版本。%0 The content provider has revoked the media usage rights for this file. If you obtained this file from an online store, ask the store if a new version of the file is available.%0
0xC00D1208此檔案的媒體使用權限需要某項功能,但您目前使用的 Windows Media Player 版本或 Windows 版本不支援此功能。若您是從線上商店取得此檔案,請連絡該商店以取得進一步的協助。%0 The media usage rights for this file require a feature that is not supported in your current version of Windows Media Player or your current version of Windows. If you obtained this file from an online store, contact the store for further assistance.%0
0xC00D1209Windows Media Player 目前無法下載媒體使用權限。請稍後再試。%0 Windows Media Player cannot download media usage rights at this time. Try again later.%0
0xC00D120AWindows Media Player 無法播放、燒錄或同步該檔案,因為媒體使用權限已遺失。若您是從線上商店取得該檔案,請登入該商店,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, or sync the file because the media usage rights are missing. If you obtained the file from an online store, sign in to the store, and then try again.%0
0xC00D122AWindows Media Player 無法讀取原則。當原則未存在於登錄或無法讀取登錄時,就會發生此問題。%0 Windows Media Player cannot read a policy. This can occur when the policy does not exist in the registry or when the registry cannot be read.%0
0xC00D1234Windows Media Player 無法同步處理直接從網際網路串流的內容。如果可行,請將檔案下載到您的電腦,然後試著同步檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync content streamed directly from the Internet. If possible, download the file to your computer, and then try to sync the file.%0
0xC00D1235這個播放清單無效或已經損毀。請使用 Windows Media Player 建立新播放清單,然後同步新的播放清單。%0 This playlist is not valid or is corrupted. Create a new playlist using Windows Media Player, then sync the new playlist instead.%0
0xC00D1236Windows Media Player 同步檔案到裝置時發生問題。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a problem while syncing the file to the device.%0
0xC00D1237Windows Media Player 在同步至裝置時發生錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while syncing to the device.%0
0xC00D1238Windows Media Player 無法從裝置刪除檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot delete a file from the device.%0
0xC00D1239Windows Media Player 無法從裝置複製檔案到媒體櫃。%0 Windows Media Player cannot copy a file from the device to your library.%0
0xC00D123AWindows Media Player 無法與裝置通訊,因為裝置沒有回應。請試著重新連線至裝置,重設裝置,或連絡裝置製造廠商以取得更新的韌體。%0 Windows Media Player cannot communicate with the device because the device is not responding. Try reconnecting the device, resetting the device, or contacting the device manufacturer for updated firmware.%0
0xC00D123BWindows Media Player 無法同步圖片到裝置,因為將檔案轉換成其他品質分級或格式時發生問題。原始檔案可能已毀壞或損毀。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the picture to the device because a problem occurred while converting the file to another quality level or format. The original file might be damaged or corrupted.%0
0xC00D123CWindows Media Player 無法轉換此檔案。此檔案可能已由加密檔案系統 (EFS) 完成加密。請嘗試為檔案解密,然後進行同步。如需解密檔案的詳細資訊,請參閱 [Windows 說明及支援]。%0 Windows Media Player cannot convert the file. The file might have been encrypted by the Encrypted File System (EFS). Try decrypting the file first and then syncing it. For information about how to decrypt a file, see Windows Help and Support.%0
0xC00D123D您的裝置要求這個檔案必須進行轉換,才能由此裝置進行播放。然而,此裝置不支援播放音訊,或是 Windows Media Player 無法將此檔案轉換成此裝置支援的音訊格式。%0 Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing audio, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to an audio format that is supported by the device.%0
0xC00D123E您的裝置要求這個檔案必須進行轉換,才能由此裝置播放。然而,此裝置不支援播放視訊,或是 Windows Media Player 無法將此檔案轉換成此裝置支援的視訊格式。%0 Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support playing video, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a video format that is supported by the device.%0
0xC00D123F您的裝置要求這個檔案必須進行轉換,才能由此裝置進行播放。然而,此裝置不支援顯示圖片,或是 Windows Media Player 無法將此檔案轉換成此裝置支援的圖片格式。%0 Your device requires that this file be converted in order to play on the device. However, the device either does not support displaying pictures, or Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to a picture format that is supported by the device.%0
0xC00D1240Windows Media Player 無法將檔案同步到您的電腦,因為檔案名稱太長。請嘗試重新命名裝置上的檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file to your computer because the file name is too long. Try renaming the file on the device.%0
0xC00D1241Windows Media Player 無法同步檔案,因為裝置已停止回應。發生此情況通常表示裝置韌體有問題。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the file because the device is not responding. This typically occurs when there is a problem with the device firmwa re.%0
0xC00D1243無法執行要求的動作,因為同步正在進行中。您可以停止同步或等待該程序完成,然後再試一次。%0 It is not possible to perform the requested action because sync is in progress. You can either stop sync or wait for it to complete, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1244Windows Media Player 無法同步處理訂閱內容,因為您並未登入提供該內容的線上商店。請登入線上商店,然後再試一次。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sync the subscription content because you are not signed in to the online store that provided it. Sign in to the online store, and then try again.%0
0xC00D1245Windows Media Player 無法將檔案轉換為裝置所需的格式。找不到一或多個轉換檔案所需的轉碼器。%0 Windows Media Player cannot convert the file to the format required by the device. One or more codecs required to convert the file could not be found.%0
0xC00D1246無法將訂閱檔案同步到此裝置。%0 It is not possible to sync subscription files to this device.%0
0xC00D1247您的裝置執行速度緩慢或沒有回應。在裝置回應前,無法再次進行同步。若要讓裝置恢復正常運作,請嘗試中斷裝置與電腦的連線,或重設裝置。%0 Your device is operating slowly or is not responding. Until the device responds, it is not possible to sync again. To return the device to normal operation, try disconnecting it from the computer or resetting it.%0
0xC00D125C由於找不到播放程式主視窗,所以 Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法正常運作。請嘗試重新啟動播放程式。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot function properly because the Player main window cannot be found. Try restarting the Player.%0
0xC00D125DWindows Media Player 發生下載檔案數目錯誤的問題。若其他程式嘗試建立與播放程式相同簽章的工作時,就會發生此錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered a download that has the wrong number of files. This might occur if another program is trying to create jobs with the same signature as the Player.%0
0xC00D125EWindows Media Player 嘗試完成已經取消的下載。檔案將無法使用。%0 Windows Media Player tried to complete a download that was already canceled. The file will not be available.%0
0xC00D125FWindows Media Player 嘗試取消已經完成的下載。檔案將不會被移除。%0 Windows Media Player tried to cancel a download that was already completed. The file will not be removed.%0
0xC00D1260Windows Media Player 正在嘗試存取無效的下載。%0 Windows Media Player is trying to access a download that is not valid.%0
0xC00D1261此下載不是由 Windows Media Player 建立的。%0 This download was not created by Windows Media Player.%0
0xC00D1262Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法建立暫時檔案名稱。若路徑無效或磁碟已滿,就可能會發生此問題。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot create a temporary file name. This might occur if the path is not valid or if the disk is full.%0
0xC00D1263Windows Media Player 下載管理員外掛程式無法啟動。若系統資源用完,則可能會發生此問題。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager plug-in cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources.%0
0xC00D1264Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法移動檔案。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot move the file.%0
0xC00D1265由於系統已經沒有可分配的資源,Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法執行工作。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the system has no resources to allocate.%0
0xC00D1266因為工作執行的時間太長,Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法執行工作。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the task took too long to run.%0
0xC00D1267因為播放程式正在終止服務,所以 Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法執行工作。當播放程式重新啟動時,就會恢復工作。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot perform a task because the Player is terminating the service. The task will be recovered when the Player restarts.%0
0xC00D1268Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法解壓縮 WMD 檔案。會刪除該檔案,而且作業將無法成功完成。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot expand a WMD file. The file will be deleted and the operation will not be completed successfully.%0
0xC00D1269Windows Media Player 下載管理員無法啟動。若系統資源用完,則可能會發生此問題。%0 The Windows Media Player download manager cannot start. This might occur if the system is out of resources.%0
0xC00D126AWindows Media Player 無法存取必要的功能。若載入錯誤的系統檔案或播放程式 DLL,則可能會發生此問題。%0 Windows Media Player cannot access a required functionality. This might occur if the wrong system files or Player DLLs are loaded.%0
0xC00D126BWindows Media Player 無法取得要求之下載的檔案名稱。會取消要求的下載。%0 Windows Media Player cannot get the file name of the requested download. The requested download will be canceled.%0
0xC00D128EWindows Media Player 下載影像時發生錯誤。%0 Windows Media Player encountered an error while downloading an image.%0
0xC00D12C0Windows Media Player 無法更新您的媒體使用權限,因為播放程式無法確認此電腦已啟用的使用者清單。%0 Windows Media Player cannot update your media usage rights because the Player cannot verify the list of activated users of this computer.%0
0xC00D12C1Windows Media Player 正嘗試為不再使用的檔案擷取媒體使用權限。擷取權限程序將會停止。%0 Windows Media Player is trying to acquire media usage rights for a file that is no longer being used. Rights acquisition will stop.%0
0xC00D12F2參數無效。%0 The parameter is not valid.%0
0xC00D12FC狀態對此要求而言無效。%0 The state is not valid for this request.%0
0xC00D1306Windows Media Player 必須在軟體元件完成升級後才能播放這個檔案。在升級完元件之後,請再試一次播放該檔案。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play this file until you complete the software component upgrade. After the component has been upgraded, try to play the file again.%0
0xC00D1324在此指定作業使用 URL 並不安全。%0 The URL is not safe for the operation specified.%0
0xC00D1325URL 包含一或多個無效的字元。%0 The URL contains one or more characters that are not valid.%0
0xC00D1326URL 包含無效的主機名稱。%0 The URL contains a host name that is not valid.%0
0xC00D1327URL 包含無效的路徑。%0 The URL contains a path that is not valid.%0
0xC00D1328URL 包含無效的配置。%0 The URL contains a scheme that is not valid.%0
0xC00D1329URL 無效。%0 The URL is not valid.%0
0xC00D132BWindows Media Player 無法播放檔案。若您是按一下網頁上的連結,該連結可能是無效連結。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the file. If you clicked a link on a web page, the link might not be valid.%0
0xC00D132CURL 連接埠無效。%0 The URL port is not valid.%0
0xC00D132D該 URL 不是目錄。%0 The URL is not a directory.%0
0xC00D132E該 URL 不是檔案。%0 The URL is not a file.%0
0xC00D132FURL 中包含無法解碼的字元。URL 可能被截斷或不完整。%0 The URL contains characters that cannot be decoded. The URL might be truncated or incomplete.%0
0xC00D1330指定的 URL 並非相對 URL。%0 The specified URL is not a relative URL.%0
0xC00D1331緩衝區小於指定的大小。%0 The buffer is smaller than the size specified.%0
0xC00D1356內容提供者並未授權您播放此檔案。請到內容提供者的線上商店取得播放權限。%0 The content provider has not granted you the right to play this file. Go to the content provider's online store to get play rights.%0
0xC00D1357Windows Media Player 無法從多個線上商店購買或下載內容。%0 Windows Media Player cannot purchase or download content from multiple online stores.%0
0xC00D1358無法購買或下載這個檔案。線上商店可能不提供這個檔案。%0 The file cannot be purchased or downloaded. The file might not be available from the online store.%0
0xC00D135A無法辨識這個檔案的提供者。%0 The provider of this file cannot be identified.%0
0xC00D135B您必須購買整張專輯,才能下載這個檔案。%0 The file is only available for download when you buy the entire album.%0
0xC00D135C您必須購買檔案才能下載。%0 You must buy the file before you can download it.%0
0xC00D135D您購買的檔案數目已經超過單筆交易的檔案上限。%0 You have exceeded the maximum number of files that can be purchased in a single transaction.%0
0xC00D135FWindows Media Player 無法登入線上商店。請確認您使用的是正確的使用者名稱和密碼。如果問題持續發生,表示可能暫時無法使用該商店。%0 Windows Media Player cannot sign in to the online store. Verify that you are using the correct user name and password. If the problem persists, the store might be temporarily unavailable.%0
0xC00D1360Windows Media Player 無法下載這個項目,因為伺服器並未回應。該伺服器可能暫時無法使用,或是您網際網路連線已中斷。%0 Windows Media Player cannot download this item because the server is not responding. The server might be temporarily unavailable or you might have lost your Internet connection.%0
0xC00D1362內容提供者仍在進行初始化。 The content provider is still initializing.
0xC00D1363無法開啟資料夾。資料夾可能已被移動或刪除。 The folder could not be opened. The folder might have been moved or deleted.
0xC00D136A由於影像超過 7 MB 的限制,所以 Windows Media Player 無法將所有影像新增到檔案。%0 Windows Media Player could not add all of the images to the file because the images exceeded the 7 megabyte (MB) limit.%0
0xC00D1388用戶端已被重新導向到另一部伺服器。%0 The client redirected to another server.%0
0xC00D1389串流處理媒體描述不是最新的。%0 The streaming media description is no longer current.%0
0xC00D138A無法在暫時性父系節點建立持續性命名空間節點。%0 It is not possible to create a persistent namespace node under a transient parent node.%0
0xC00D138B無法儲存數值到不同數值類型的命名空間節點。%0 It is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different value type.%0
0xC00D138C無法移除根命名空間節點。%0 It is not possible to remove the root namespace node.%0
0xC00D138D無法找到指定的命名空間節點。%0 The specified namespace node could not be found.%0
0xC00D138E提供保存命名空間節點字串的緩衝區太小。%0 The buffer supplied to hold namespace node string is too small.%0
0xC00D138F命名空間節點的回撥清單已經達到最大大小。%0 The callback list on a namespace node is at the maximum size.%0
0xC00D1390無法在命名空間節點試圖登錄已經登錄的回撥。%0 It is not possible to register an already-registered callback on a namespace node.%0
0xC00D1391嘗試移除回撥時在命名空間找不到回撥。%0 Cannot find the callback in the namespace when attempting to remove the callback.%0
0xC00D1392命名空間節點的長度超過允許的最大長度。%0 The namespace node name exceeds the allowed maximum length.%0
0xC00D1393無法建立已經存在的命名空間節點。%0 Cannot create a namespace node that already exists.%0
0xC00D1394命名空間節點的名稱不能是空的字串。%0 The namespace node name cannot be a null string.%0
0xC00D1395利用索引尋找子命名空間節點失敗,因為索引超過子命名空間節點的數目。%0 Finding a child namespace node by index failed because the index exceeded the number of children.%0
0xC00D1396命名空間節點的名稱無效。%0 The namespace node name is invalid.%0
0xC00D1397無法將數值儲存在具有不同安全類型的命名空間節點中。%0 It is not possible to store a value in a namespace node that has a different security type.%0
0xC00D13EC封存要求與處理中的其他要求衝突。%0 The archive request conflicts with other requests in progress.%0
0xC00D13ED找不到指定的原始伺服器。%0 The specified origin server cannot be found.%0
0xC00D13EE指定的原始伺服器未回應。%0 The specified origin server is not responding.%0
0xC00D13EF由於不是廣播類型,HTTP 狀態碼 412 的內部碼預先狀態失敗。%0 The internal code for HTTP status code 412 Precondition Failed due to not broadcast type.%0
0xC00D13F0由於無法快取,HTTP 狀態碼 403 的內部碼被禁止。%0 The internal code for HTTP status code 403 Forbidden due to not cacheable.%0
0xC00D13F1HTTP 狀態碼 304 的內部碼未經修改。%0 The internal code for HTTP status code 304 Not Modified.%0
0xC00D1450無法移除快取記憶體或 proxy 發行端點。%0 It is not possible to remove a cache or proxy publishing point.%0
0xC00D1451無法移除任何類型外掛程式的最後一個執行個體。%0 It is not possible to remove the last instance of a type of plug-in.%0
0xC00D1452快取記憶體和 proxy 發行端點不支援此內容或方法。%0 Cache and proxy publishing points do not support this property or method.%0
0xC00D1453外掛程式不支援指定的載入類型。%0 The plug-in does not support the specified load type.%0
0xC00D1454外掛程式不支援任何的載入類型。外掛程式必須至少支援一種載入類型。%0 The plug-in does not support any load types. The plug-in must support at least one load type.%0
0xC00D1455發行端點名稱無效。%0 The publishing point name is invalid.%0
0xC00D1456僅可以為發行端點啟用一個多點傳送資料寫入器外掛程式。%0 Only one multicast data writer plug-in can be enabled for a publishing point.%0
0xC00D1457當發行端點啟動時,要求的作業無法完成。%0 The requested operation cannot be completed while the publishing point is started.%0
0xC00D1458必須啟用多點傳送資料寫入器外掛程式,才能完成此作業。%0 A multicast data writer plug-in must be enabled in order for this operation to be completed.%0
0xC00D1459此功能需要 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition。%0 This feature requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.%0
0xC00D145A因為已經移除指定的發行端點,所以無法完成要求的作業。%0 The requested operation cannot be completed because the specified publishing point has been removed.%0
0xC00D145B當編碼器開始發行串流處理時,就會啟動發行端點。伺服器管理員無法啟動此發行端點。%0 Push publishing points are started when the encoder starts pushing the stream. This publishing point cannot be started by the server administrator.%0
0xC00D145C不支援指定的語言。%0 The specified language is not supported.%0
0xC00D145DWindows Media Services 將只能在 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition 與 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 上執行。%0 Windows Media Services will only run on Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.%0
0xC00D145E由於發行端點已經停止,作業將無法完成。%0 The operation cannot be completed because the publishing point has been stopped.%0
0xC00D14B4播放清單項目已經在播放中。%0 The playlist entry is already playing.%0
0xC00D14B5您要求的播放清單或目錄沒有內容。%0 The playlist or directory you are requesting does not contain content.%0
0xC00D14B6伺服器無法剖析要求的播放清單檔案。%0 The server was unable to parse the requested playlist file.%0
0xC00D14B7此類型的播放清單項目不支援要求的作業。%0 The requested operation is not supported for this type of playlist entry.%0
0xC00D14B8無法跳至未插入至播放清單的播放清單項目。%0 Cannot jump to a playlist entry that is not inserted in the playlist.%0
0xC00D14B9找不到所要的播放清單項目。%0 Cannot seek to the desired playlist entry.%0
0xC00D14BA無法播放遞迴播放清單。%0 Cannot play recursive playlist.%0
0xC00D14BB巢狀播放清單的數目超過伺服器可以處理的限制。%0 The number of nested playlists exceeded the limit the server can handle.%0
0xC00D14BC因為媒體伺服器關閉了播放清單,因此無法執行所要求的作業。%0 Cannot execute the requested operation because the playlist has been shut down by the Media Server.%0
0xC00D14BD播放清單已經移至最尾端。%0 The playlist has ended while receding.%0
0xC00D1518資料路徑沒有相關的資料寫入器外掛程式。%0 The data path does not have an associated data writer plug-in.%0
0xC00D151A指定的發送範本無效。%0 The specified push template is invalid.%0
0xC00D151B指定的發送發行端點無效。%0 The specified push publishing point is invalid.%0
0xC00D151C因為伺服器或發行端點處於錯誤狀態,所以無法完成要求的作業。%0 The requested operation cannot be performed because the server or publishing point is in a critical error state.%0
0xC00D151D因為伺服器目前不接受連線,所以無法播放內容。請稍後嘗試連線。%0 The content can not be played because the server is not currently accepting connections. Try connecting at a later time.%0
0xC00D151E伺服器不支援此播放清單的版本。%0 The version of this playlist is not supported by the server.%0
0xC00D151F命令不適用於伺服器元件目前的媒體表頭使用者。%0 The command does not apply to the current media header user by a server component.%0
0xC00D1520指定的發行端點名稱已經在使用中。%0 The specified publishing point name is already in use.%0
0xC00D157C此檔案沒有可用的指令碼引擎。%0 There is no script engine available for this file.%0
0xC00D157D外掛程式已經報告一項錯誤。請參閱 [疑難排解] 索引標籤或 [NT 應用程式事件記錄檔,了解詳細資料。%0 The plug-in has reported an error. See the Troubleshooting tab or the NT Application Event Log for details.%0
0xC00D157E沒有啟用的資料來源外掛程式可以用於存取要求的內容。%0 No enabled data source plug-in is available to access the requested content.%0
0xC00D157F沒有啟用的播放清單剖析器外掛程式可用來存取要求的內容。%0 No enabled playlist parser plug-in is available to access the requested content.%0
0xC00D1580資料來源外掛程式不支援列舉。%0 The data source plug-in does not support enumeration.%0
0xC00D1581因為檔案可能受損或毀壞,所以伺服器無法串流處理選取的檔案。請選取其他檔案。%0 The server cannot stream the selected file because it is either damaged or corrupt. Select a different file.%0
0xC00D1582因為未在此系統安裝相容的指令碼偵錯工具,所以無法啟用外掛程式。請安裝指令碼偵錯工具,或者停用外掛程式屬性頁面 [一般] 索引標籤的指令碼偵錯工具選項,然後再試一次。%0 The plug-in cannot be enabled because a compatible script debugger is not installed on this system. Install a script debugger, or disable the script debugger option on the general tab of the plug-in's properties page and try again.%0
0xC00D1583因為外掛程式需要 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition,所以無法載入它。%0 The plug-in cannot be loaded because it requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.%0
0xC00D1584目前正在執行另一個精靈。請先關閉該精靈或等該精靈結束後再嘗試執行此精靈。%0 Another wizard is currently running. Please close the other wizard or wait until it finishes before attempting to run this wizard again.%0
0xC00D1585無效的日誌 URL。多點傳送記錄 url 必須類似 \"http://servername/isapibackend.dll\"。%0 Invalid log URL. Multicast logging URL must look like \"http://servername/isapibackend.dll\" .%0
0xC00D1586指定的 MTU 無效。封包大小上限的有效範圍是介於 36 和 65507 個位元組。%0 Invalid MTU specified. The valid range for maximum packet size is between 36 and 65507 bytes .%0
0xC00D1587記錄的播放統計值無效。%0 Invalid play statistics for logging .%0
0xC00D1588需要略過日誌。%0 The log needs to be skipped .%0
0xC00D1589資料的大小超過 WMS HTTP 下載資料來源外掛程式可以處理的限制。%0 The size of the data exceeded the limit the WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin can handle.%0
0xC00D158A每個通訊端位址 (通訊協定/網路位址/通訊埠) 允許一種使用方式。請查驗確認其他服務或應用程式未嘗試使用相同的連接埠,然後再次嘗試啟用外掛程式。%0 One usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again.%0
0xC00D158B每個通訊端位址 (通訊協定/網路位址/通訊埠) 允許一種使用方式。請查驗確認其他服務 (例如 IIS) 或應用程式未嘗試使用相同的連接埠,然後再次嘗試啟用外掛程式。%0 One usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is permitted. Verify that other services (such as IIS) or applications are not attempting to use the same port and then try to enable the plug-in again.%0
0xC00D158CWMS HTTP 下載資料來源外掛程式無法收到遠端伺服器的回應。%0 The WMS HTTP Download Data Source plugin was unable to receive the remote server's response.%0
0xC00D158D封存外掛程式已經達到它的配額。%0 The archive plug-in has reached its quota.%0
0xC00D158E由於來源來自廣播,封存外掛程式已中止。%0 The archive plug-in aborted because the source was from broadcast.%0
0xC00D158F封存外掛程式在來源中偵測到中斷。%0 The archive plug-in detected an interrupt in the source.%0
0xC00D1B58標入記號時間應當大於 0,小於移除記號時間。%0 The mark-in time should be greater than 0 and less than the mark-out time.%0
0xC00D1B59移除記號時間應該大於標入記號時間,並小於檔案持續時間。%0 The mark-out time should be greater than the mark-in time and less than the file duration.%0
0xC00D1B5A來源 %1 中找不到符合的媒體類型。%0 No matching media type is found in the source %1.%0
0xC00D1B5B不支援指定的來源類型。%0 The specified source type is not supported.%0
0xC00D1B5C不能指定一個以上的音訊輸入。%0 It is not possible to specify more than one audio input.%0
0xC00D1B5D不能指定兩個以上的視訊輸入。%0 It is not possible to specify more than two video inputs.%0
0xC00D1B5E清單中找不到符合的元件。%0 No matching element is found in the list.%0
0xC00D1B5F設定檔媒體類型必須與為工作階段所定義的媒體類型相符。%0 The profile's media types must match the media types defined for the session.%0
0xC00D1B60執行編碼時不能移除使用中的來源。%0 It is not possible to remove an active source while encoding.%0
0xC00D1B61由於指定的音訊擷取裝置正在使用中,因此無法開啟。%0 It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because it is currently in use.%0
0xC00D1B62由於發生意外錯誤,因此無法開啟指定的音訊擷取裝置。%0 It is not possible to open the specified audio capture device because an unexpected error has occurred.%0
0xC00D1B63音訊擷取裝置不支援指定的音訊格式。%0 The audio capture device does not support the specified audio format.%0
0xC00D1B64由於指定的視訊擷取裝置正在使用中,因此無法開啟。%0 It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because it is currently in use.%0
0xC00D1B65由於發生意外錯誤,因此無法開啟指定的視訊擷取裝置。%0 It is not possible to open the specified video capture device because an unexpected error has occurred.%0
0xC00D1B66執行編碼時不允許進行此項作業。%0 This operation is not allowed while encoding.%0
0xC00D1B67沒有設定來源的設定檔。%0 No profile is set for the source.%0
0xC00D1B68視訊擷取驅動程式傳回一個無法回復的錯誤。現在正在不穩定的狀態。%0 The video capture driver returned an unrecoverable error. It is now in an unstable state.%0
0xC00D1B69無法啟動視訊裝置。%0 It was not possible to start the video device.%0
0xC00D1B6A視訊來源並不支援要求的輸出格式或色彩深度。%0 The video source does not support the requested output format or color depth.%0
0xC00D1B6B視訊來源並不支援所要求的擷取大小。%0 The video source does not support the requested capture size.%0
0xC00D1B6C無法從視訊壓縮器取得輸出資訊。%0 It was not possible to obtain output information from the video compressor.%0
0xC00D1B6D無法建立視訊擷取視窗。%0 It was not possible to create a video capture window.%0
0xC00D1B6E此視訊裝置已經有使用中的串流。%0 There is already a stream active on this video device.%0
0xC00D1B6F來源中沒有設定媒體格式。%0 No media format is set in source.%0
0xC00D1B70無法從來源找到有效的輸出串流。%0 Cannot find a valid output stream from the source.%0
0xC00D1B71針對指定的來源,找不到有效的來源外掛程式。%0 It was not possible to find a valid source plug-in for the specified source.%0
0xC00D1B72目前沒有任何來源使用中。%0 No source is currently active.%0
0xC00D1B73在目前的來源中,並未設定指令碼串流。%0 No script stream is set in the current source.%0
0xC00D1B74封存時無法進行本項作業。%0 This operation is not allowed while archiving.%0
0xC00D1B75最大封包大小的設定無效。%0 The setting for the maximum packet size is not valid.%0
0xC00D1B76指定的外掛程式 CLSID 無效。%0 The plug-in CLSID specified is not valid.%0
0xC00D1B77不支援這種封存類型。%0 This archive type is not supported.%0
0xC00D1B78不支援這個封存作業。%0 This archive operation is not supported.%0
0xC00D1B79未設定本機的封存檔案名稱。%0 The local archive file name was not set.%0
0xC00D1B7A來源尚未完成準備。%0 The source is not yet prepared.%0
0xC00D1B7B來源的設定檔不符。%0 Profiles on the sources do not match.%0
0xC00D1B7C指定的裁切值無效。%0 The specified crop values are not valid.%0
0xC00D1B7D目前沒有任何統計資訊。%0 No statistics are available at this time.%0
0xC00D1B7E編碼器並未執行封存。%0 The encoder is not archiving.%0
0xC00D1B7F此項作業只能在編碼器執行時進行。%0 This operation is only allowed during encoding.%0
0xC00D1B80這個 SourceGroupCollection 並不包含任何 SourceGroups。%0 This SourceGroupCollection doesn't contain any SourceGroups.%0
0xC00D1B81因為這個來源不具有每秒 30 畫面格 (fps) 的畫面播放速率,因此無法在來源上套用反轉電影處理篩選器。%0 This source does not have a frame rate of 30 fps. Therefore, it is not possible to apply the inverse telecine filter to the source.%0
0xC00D1B82無法在 [視訊] 窗格中顯示您的來源或輸出視訊。%0 It is not possible to display your source or output video in the Video panel.%0
0xC00D1B83找不到開啟此內容所需要的某個或多個轉碼器。%0 One or more codecs required to open this content could not be found.%0
0xC00D1B84封存檔案與輸入檔案的名稱相同。繼續前,請先變更其中之一的名稱。%0 The archive file has the same name as an input file. Change one of the names before continuing.%0
0xC00D1B85來源檔案未設定完全。%0 The source has not been set up completely.%0
0xC00D1B86在廣播工作階段中不能使用時間壓縮。%0 It is not possible to apply time compression to a broadcast session.%0
0xC00D1B87無法開啟此裝置。%0 It is not possible to open this device.%0
0xC00D1B88因為在定義目前工作階段後,顯示大小或色彩曾經改變過,因此不能啟動編碼。請還原至先前設定或建立新的工作階段。%0 It is not possible to start encoding because the display size or color has changed since the current session was defined. Restore the previous settings or create a new session.%0
0xC00D1B89已經好幾秒沒有收到任何音訊資料。請檢查音訊來源並重新啟動編碼器。%0 No audio data has been received for several seconds. Check the audio source and restart the encoder.%0
0xC00D1B8A指定的來源之一 (或全部) 無法正常作用。請檢查來源設定是否正確。%0 One or all of the specified sources are not working properly. Check that the sources are configured correctly.%0
0xC00D1B8B這個版本的編碼器不支援所提供的設定檔。%0 The supplied configuration file is not supported by this version of the encoder.%0
0xC00D1B8C即時編碼時不能使用影像前處理。%0 It is not possible to use image preprocessing with live encoding.%0
0xC00D1B8D當來源設定為迴圈時不能使用二次編碼。%0 It is not possible to use two-pass encoding when the source is set to loop.%0
0xC00D1B8E廣播時不能暫停編碼。%0 It is not possible to pause encoding during a broadcast.%0
0xC00D1B8F目前的工作階段未設定 DRM 設定檔。%0 A DRM profile has not been set for the current session.%0
0xC00D1B90這個設定檔識別碼已經被 DRM 設定檔所使用。請指定不同的設定檔識別碼。%0 The profile ID is already used by a DRM profile. Specify a different profile ID.%0
0xC00D1B91所選裝置的設定不支援錄音帶的播放控制。%0 The setting of the selected device does not support control for playing back tapes.%0
0xC00D1B92您必須指定混合音訊及視訊模式,才能使用最佳化定義檔。%0 You must specify a mixed voice and audio mode in order to use an optimization definition file.%0
0xC00D1B93指定的密碼太長。請輸入 8 個字元以下的密碼。%0 The specified password is too long. Type a password with fewer than 8 characters.%0
0xC00D1B94搜尋不到指定的標入記號點。%0 It is not possible to seek to the specified mark-in point.%0
0xC00D1B95當您選擇要在視訊中維持交錯處理,輸出視訊的大小必須符合輸入視訊大小。%0 When you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must match the input video size.%0
0xC00D1B96僅允許一個裝置控制項外掛程式可以控制裝置。%0 Only one device control plug-in can control a device.%0
0xC00D1B97您也必須啟用在硬碟上暫時儲存內容,才能在輸入裝置上使用二次編碼。%0 You must also enable storing content to hard disk temporarily in order to use two-pass encoding with the input device.%0
0xC00D1B98輸出串流設定中缺少觀眾。%0 An audience is missing from the output stream configuration.%0
0xC00D1B99輸出樹的所有觀眾必須有相同的內容類型。%0 All audiences in the output tree must have the same content type.%0
0xC00D1B9A輸出串流設定中缺少來源索引。%0 A source index is missing from the output stream configuration.%0
0xC00D1B9B不同觀眾的相同來源索引應該要有相同數目的語言。%0 The same source index in different audiences should have the same number of languages.%0
0xC00D1B9C不同觀眾的相同來源索引應該要有相同的語言。%0 The same source index in different audiences should have the same languages.%0
0xC00D1B9D不同觀眾的相同來源索引應該使用相同的 VBR 編碼模式。%0 The same source index in different audiences should use the same VBR encoding mode.%0
0xC00D1B9E指定的位元率索引無效。%0 The bit rate index specified is not valid.%0
0xC00D1B9F指定的語言無效。%0 The specified language is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BA0指定的來源類型無效。%0 The specified source type is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BA1來源必須為單聲道 .wav 檔案。%0 The source must be a mono channel .wav file.%0
0xC00D1BA2所有來源 .wav 檔案必須具有相同的格式。%0 All the source .wav files must have the same format.%0
0xC00D1BA3用於內容暫存的硬碟已到達可容許的最小磁碟空間。請在硬碟上空出更多空間後重新開始編碼。%0 The hard disk being used for temporary storage of content has reached the minimum allowed disk space. Create more space on the hard disk and restart encoding.%0
0xC00D1BA4無法在 PAL 內容上套用反轉電影處理功能。%0 It is not possible to apply the inverse telecine feature to PAL content.%0
0xC00D1BA5目前使用中來源的擷取裝置,無法使用了。%0 A capture device in the current active source is no longer available.%0
0xC00D1BA6在目前使用中來源用於裝置控制的裝置,無法使用了。%0 A device used in the current active source for device control is no longer available.%0
0xC00D1BA7未傳送畫面至分析器進行分析。%0 No frames have been submitted to the analyzer for analysis.%0
0xC00D1BA8來源視訊不支援時間碼。%0 The source video does not support time codes.%0
0xC00D1BA9當工作階段中有多重來源時,不能產生時間碼。%0 It is not possible to generate a time code when there are multiple sources in a session.%0
0xC00D1BAA找不到聲音轉碼器最佳化定義檔案,或是檔案已經損壞。%0 The voice codec optimization definition file can not be found or is corrupted.%0
0xC00D1BAB不同觀眾的相同來源索引應該要有相同的交錯模式。%0 The same source index in different audiences should have the same interlace mode.%0
0xC00D1BAC不同觀眾的相同來源索引應該要有相同的非方形像素模式。%0 The same source index in different audiences should have the same nonsquare pixel mode.%0
0xC00D1BAD不同觀眾的相同來源索引應該要有相同的時間碼。%0 The same source index in different audiences should have the same time code mode.%0
0xC00D1BAE可能是已經到達磁帶結尾處,或是根本就沒有磁帶。請檢查裝置及磁帶。%0 Either the end of the tape has been reached or there is no tape. Check the device and tape.%0
0xC00D1BAF未指定音訊或視訊輸入。%0 No audio or video input has been specified.%0
0xC00D1BB0設定檔必須包含位元速率。%0 The profile must contain a bit rate.%0
0xC00D1BB1必須至少指定一個與 Windows Media Player 7.1 相容的音訊串流。%0 You must specify at least one audio stream to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
0xC00D1BB2使用 VBR 編碼模式會不相容於 Windows Media Player 7.1。%0 Using a VBR encoding mode is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
0xC00D1BB3您必須指定設定檔名稱。%0 You must specify a profile name.%0
0xC00D1BB4VBR 模式不能與未壓縮音訊或視訊搭配使用。%0 It is not possible to use a VBR encoding mode with uncompressed audio or video.%0
0xC00D1BB5MBR 編碼無法搭配 VBR 編碼使用。%0 It is not possible to use MBR encoding with VBR encoding.%0
0xC00D1BB6在同一個工作階段中不能混合未壓縮及壓縮的內容。%0 It is not possible to mix uncompressed and compressed content in a session.%0
0xC00D1BB7所有的觀眾必須使用相同的音訊轉碼器。%0 All audiences must use the same audio codec.%0
0xC00D1BB8所有的觀眾應該使用相容 Windows Media Player 7.1 的相同音訊格式。%0 All audiences should use the same audio format to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
0xC00D1BB9對於具有較高總計位元速率的觀眾,其音訊位元速率必須大於具有較低總計位元速率的觀眾。%0 The audio bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate.%0
0xC00D1BBA音訊尖峰位元速率設定無效。%0 The audio peak bit rate setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BBB音訊尖峰位元速率設定必須大於音訊位元速率設定。%0 The audio peak bit rate setting must be greater than the audio bit rate setting.%0
0xC00D1BBC音訊的最大緩衝大小設定無效。%0 The setting for the maximum buffer size for audio is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BBD所有觀眾必須使用相同的視訊轉碼器。%0 All audiences must use the same video codec.%0
0xC00D1BBE所有觀眾應該使用相容 Windows Media Player 7.1 的相同視訊大小。%0 All audiences should use the same video size to be compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
0xC00D1BBF視訊位元速率設定無效。%0 The video bit rate setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC0對於具有較高總計位元速率的觀眾,其視訊位元速率必須大於具有較低總計位元速率的觀眾。%0 The video bit rate for an audience with a higher total bit rate must be greater than one with a lower total bit rate.%0
0xC00D1BC1視訊尖峰位元速率設定無效。%0 The video peak bit rate setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC2視訊尖峰位元速率設定必須大於視訊位元速率設定。%0 The video peak bit rate setting must be greater than the video bit rate setting.%0
0xC00D1BC3視訊寬度設定無效。%0 The video width setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC4視訊高度設定無效。%0 The video height setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC5視訊畫面播放速率設定無效。%0 The video frame rate setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC6視訊主要畫面格設定無效。%0 The video key frame setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC7視訊影像品質設定無效。%0 The video image quality setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC8視訊轉碼器品質設定無效。%0 The video codec quality setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BC9視訊緩衝區設定無效。%0 The video buffer setting is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BCA視訊的最大緩衝大小設定無效。%0 The setting for the maximum buffer size for video is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BCB視訊最大緩衝大小設定的值必須大於視訊緩衝大小設定。%0 The value of the video maximum buffer size setting must be greater than the video buffer size setting.%0
0xC00D1BCC視訊寬度的對齊方式無效。%0 The alignment of the video width is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BCD視訊高度的對齊方式無效。%0 The alignment of the video height is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BCE所有的位元速率必須具有相同的指令碼位元速率。%0 All bit rates must have the same script bit rate.%0
0xC00D1BCF指定的指令碼位元速率無效。%0 The script bit rate specified is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BD0所有的位元速率必須具有相同的檔案傳送位元速率。%0 All bit rates must have the same file transfer bit rate.%0
0xC00D1BD1檔案傳送位元速率無效。%0 The file transfer bit rate is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BD2設定檔中的所有觀眾應該有相同的輸入或具有指定的視訊寬度及高度。%0 All audiences in a profile should either be same as input or have video width and height specified.%0
0xC00D1BD3這個來源類型不支援迴圈。%0 This source type does not support looping.%0
0xC00D1BD4折疊係數值必須介於 -144 及 0 之間。%0 The fold-down value needs to be between -144 and 0.%0
0xC00D1BD5系統中沒有指定的 DRM 設定檔。%0 The specified DRM profile does not exist in the system.%0
0xC00D1BD6指定的時間碼無效。%0 The specified time code is not valid.%0
0xC00D1BD7對於只有視訊的工作階段不能套用時間壓縮。%0 It is not possible to apply time compression to a video-only session.%0
0xC00D1BD8對於使用二次編碼的工作階段不能套用時間壓縮。%0 It is not possible to apply time compression to a session that is using two-pass encoding.%0
0xC00D1BD9對於只有音訊的工作階段不能產生時間碼。%0 It is not possible to generate a time code for an audio-only session.%0
0xC00D1BDA當您以多重位元速率編碼內容時,不能產生時間碼。%0 It is not possible to generate a time code when you are encoding content at multiple bit rates.%0
0xC00D1BDB選取的視訊轉碼器不支援在視訊中維持交錯模式。%0 The video codec selected does not support maintaining interlacing in video.%0
0xC00D1BDC在視訊中維持交織的模式與 Windows Media Player 7.1 不相容。%0 Maintaining interlacing in video is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
0xC00D1BDD允許非方塊像素輸出方式與 Windows Media Player 7.1 不相容。%0 Allowing nonsquare pixel output is not compatible with Windows Media Player 7.1.%0
0xC00D1BDE只有擷取裝置可以與裝置控制搭配使用。%0 Only capture devices can be used with device control.%0
0xC00D1BDF若您對音訊或視訊串流使用以品質為主的 VBR 編碼,將無法產生串流格式的檔案,代之,將使用編碼後產生的 Windows Media 檔案來建立通知檔案。%0 It is not possible to generate the stream format file if you are using quality-based VBR encoding for the audio or video stream. Instead use the Windows Media file generated after encoding to create the announcement file.%0
0xC00D1BE0因為已經達到 DRM 設定檔的最大數目限制,因此無法建立 DRM 設定檔。在建立新的 DRM 設定檔前請先刪除某些 DRM 設定檔。%0 It is not possible to create a DRM profile because the maximum number of profiles has been reached. You must delete some DRM profiles before creating new ones.%0
0xC00D1BE1裝置處於不穩定的狀態。請檢查裝置功能是否正常,同時裝置內已裝妥磁帶。 The device is in an unstable state. Check that the device is functioning properly and a tape is in place.
0xC00D1BE2像素外觀比例值必須介於 1 及 255 之間。 The pixel aspect ratio value must be between 1 and 255.
0xC00D1BE3同一觀眾中具有不同語言的所有串流必須具有相同的屬性。%0 All streams with different languages in the same audience must have same properties.%0
0xC00D1BE4設定檔至少應該具有一個音訊或視訊串流。%0 The profile must contain at least one audio or video stream.%0
0xC00D1BE5找不到轉換外掛程式。%0 The transform plug-in could not be found.%0
0xC00D1BE6轉換外掛程式無效。可能是程式損毀或您可能沒有存取外掛程式所需的使用權限。%0 The transform plug-in is not valid. It may be damaged or you may not have the required permissions to access the plug-in.%0
0xC00D1BE7若要使用二次編碼,您必須啟用裝置控制項並設定至少有一個項目的編輯決策清單 (edit decision list,EDL)。%0 To use two-pass encoding, you must enable device control and setup an edit decision list (EDL) that has at least one entry.%0
0xC00D1BE8當您選擇要在視訊中維持交錯處理,輸出視訊的大小必須是是 4 的倍數。%0 When you choose to maintain the interlacing in your video, the output video size must be a multiple of 4.%0
0xC00D1BE9此來源類型不支援標示/取消標示。%0 Markin/Markout is unsupported with this source type.%0
0xC00D2711數位版權管理元件發生問題。請連絡這個應用程式的產品支援。%0 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0
0xC00D2712授權儲存現未作用。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2713安全性儲存現未作用。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 Secure storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2714授權擷取無法作用。請擷取新授權或連絡內容提供者以取得進一步協助。%0 License acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D2715數位版權管理元件發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2716媒體檔案毀損。請連絡內容提供者以取得新檔案。%0 The media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file.%0
0xC00D2717授權毀損。請擷取新授權。%0 The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license.%0
0xC00D2718授權毀損或無效。請擷取新的授權。%0 The license is corrupted or invalid. Acquire a new license%0
0xC00D2719授權無法從某台電腦複製到另一台電腦。請使用 [授權管理] 傳送授權,獲取得媒體檔案的新授權。%0 Licenses cannot be copied from one computer to another. Use License Management to transfer licenses, or get a new license for the media file.%0
0xC00D271E無法擷取授權。請稍後再試。%0 The license could not be acquired. Try again later.%0
0xC00D2720這個檔案無法執行所要求的作業。%0 The requested operation cannot be performed on this file.%0
0xC00D2721無法執行要求的動作,因為您電腦上的 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 元件發生問題。%0。 The requested action cannot be performed because a problem occurred with the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
0xC00D2729您已經有最新的安全性元件。此時不需要任何升級。%0 You already have the latest security components. No upgrade is necessary at this time.%0
0xC00D272A應用程式無法執行這個動作。請與這個應用程式的產品支援聯繫。%0 The application cannot perform this action. Contact product support for this application.%0
0xC00D272B在目前授權擷取完成前,您不能開始新的授權擷取程序。%0 You cannot begin a new license acquisition process until the current one has been completed.%0
0xC00D272C在目前的安全性升級完成前,您不能開始新的安全性升級。%0 You cannot begin a new security upgrade until the current one has been completed.%0
0xC00D272D「備份還原」作業失敗。%0 Failure in Backup-Restore.%0
0xC00D272E在備份還原作業中發現損壞的請求識別碼。%0 Bad Request ID in Backup-Restore.%0
0xC00D272F數位版權管理元件發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D2730無法建立這個媒體檔案的授權。請重新安裝應用程式。%0 A license cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application.%0
0xC00D2736安全性升級失敗。請稍後再試。%0 The security upgrade failed. Try again later.%0
0xC00D273E數位版權管理元件發生問題。請稍後再試。%0 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Try again later.%0
0xC00D273F應用程式對於數位版權管理元件發出無效的呼叫。請連絡這個應用程式的產品支援服務。%0 The application has made an invalid call to the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0
0xC00D2741數位版權管理元件發生問題。請連絡這個應用程式的產品支援。%0。 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.%0.
0xC00D2742授權已經在這個位置備份。%0 Licenses are already backed up in this location.%0
0xC00D2743一個或更多的備份授權遺失或毀損。%0 One or more backed-up licenses are missing or corrupt.%0
0xC00D2744目前程序完成前,您不能開始新的備份程序。%0 You cannot begin a new backup process until the current process has been completed.%0
0xC00D2745傳送到「備份還原」作業的資料損壞。%0 Bad Data sent to Backup-Restore.%0
0xC00D2748授權無效。請與內容提供者聯繫取得更多協助。%0 The license is invalid. Contact the content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D2749應用程式並未設定必要的內容。請與這個應用程式的產品支援服務聯繫。%0。 A required property was not set by the application. Contact product support for this application.%0.
0xC00D274A這個應用程式的數位版權管理元件發生問題。請試著再次擷取授權。%0 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component of this application. Try to acquire a license again.%0
0xC00D274BWindows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 無法播放受保護的檔案,因為您沒有適當的權限。%0 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) cannot play the protected file because you do not have the appropriate rights.%0
0xC00D274C安全性升級發生問題。請稍後再試。%0 A problem occurred during the security upgrade. Try again later.%0
0xC00D274D播放這個媒體檔案需要認證的驅動程式元件。請至 Windows Update 找尋是否有適合硬體的更新驅動程式。%0%0 Certified driver components are required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware.%0
0xC00D274E找不到一或多個 [安全音訊路徑] 元件,或是找不到這些元件的輸入點。%0 One or more of the Secure Audio Path components were not found or an entry point in those components was not found.%0
0xC00D274F狀態訊息:重新開啟檔案。%0 Status message: Reopen the file.%0
0xC00D2750播放這個媒體檔案需要某些驅動程式功能。請至 Windows Update 找尋是否有適合硬體的更新驅動程式。%0 Certain driver functionality is required to play this media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware.%0
0xC00D2753您無法還原您的授權。%0 You cannot restore your license(s).%0
0xC00D2754您的媒體檔案的授權已經毀損。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 The licenses for your media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2755要轉換這個媒體檔案、您必須將應用程式升級。%0 To transfer this media file, you must upgrade the application.%0
0xC00D2756您不能對這個媒體檔案建立任何複本。%0 You cannot make any more copies of this media file.%0
0xC00D2759無法取得授權。%0 Unable to obtain license.%0
0xC00D275C緩衝區不足。%0。 The buffer supplied is not sufficient.%0.
0xC00D275D不支援要求的內容。%0。 The property requested is not supported.%0.
0xC00D275E指定的伺服器無法執行要求的作業。%0。 The specified server cannot perform the requested operation.%0.
0xC00D275F無法儲存某些授權。%0。 Some of the licenses could not be stored.%0.
0xC00D2760數位版權管理安全性升級元件無法經過驗證。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 The Digital Rights Management security upgrade component could not be validated. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2762Windows Media Digital Rights Management 系統無法執行要求的動作,因為電腦或網路管理員已經啟用群組原則「防止 Windows Media DRM 網際網路存取」。如需協助,請連絡您的系統管理員。%0 The Windows Media Digital Rights Management system cannot perform the requested action because your computer or network administrator has enabled the group policy Prevent Windows Media DRM Internet Access. For assistance, contact your administrator.%0
0xC00D2764並未設定所有 DRM 需要的屬性。%0 Not all of the necessary properties for DRM have been set.%0
0xC00D2765可攜式裝置沒有必要的安全性,所以無法複製受保護的檔案到裝置上。若要取得更多安全性,請試著再次複製檔案到您的裝置。當訊息出現時,請按一下 [確定]。%0 The portable device does not have the security required to copy protected files to it. To obtain the additional security, try to copy the file to your portable device again. When a message appears, click OK.%0
0xC00D2766「備份還原」中發生太多重設。%0 Too many resets in Backup-Restore.%0
0xC00D2767不允許在使用 DEM 時,在偵錯工具下執行此程序。%0 Running this process under a debugger while using DRM content is not allowed.%0
0xC00D2768使用者已取消 DRM 作業。%0 The user canceled the DRM operation.%0
0xC00D2769您正在使用的授權具有關聯的輸出限制。必須先查詢這些限制,否則無法使用此授權。%0 The license you are using has associated output restrictions. This license is unusable until these restrictions are queried.%0
0xC00D2770指定的曲目已超過其在此播放清單中指定的播放清單燒錄限制。%0。 The specified track has exceeded it's specified playlist burn limit in this playlist.%0.
0xC00D2771指定的曲目已超過其曲目燒錄限制。%0。 The specified track has exceeded it's track burn limit.%0.
0xC00D2772取得裝置的憑證時發生問題。%0。 A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's certificate.%0.
0xC00D2773取得裝置的資訊安全時鐘時發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 A problem has occurred in obtaining the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D2774設定裝置的資訊安全時鐘時發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 A problem has occurred in setting the device's secure clock. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D2775從伺服器取得資訊安全時鐘時發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 A problem has occurred in obtaining the secure clock from server. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D2776此內容需要啟用測量原則。%0。 This content requires the metering policy to be enabled.%0.
0xC00D2777不支援傳送連鎖授權。%0。 Transfer of chained licenses unsupported.%0.
0xC00D2778數位版權管理元件未正確安裝。請重新安裝播放程式。%0。 The Digital Rights Management component is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player.%0.
0xC00D2779無法傳送該檔案,因為未設定裝置的資訊安全時鐘。%0。 The file could not be transferred because the device clock is not set. %0.
0xC00D277A內容標題遺失授權擷取 URL。%0 The content header is missing an acquisition URL.%0
0xC00D277B目前連結的裝置不支援 WMDRM。%0 The current attached device does not support WMDRM.%0
0xC00D277D進行 DRM 要求時,用戶端應用程式已被強制終結。%0。 The client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM petition.%0.
0xC00D277E進行 DRM 驗證時,用戶端應用程式已被強制終結。%0。 The client application has been forcefully terminated during a DRM challenge.%0.
0xC00D277F安全性儲存保護錯誤。請從先前的備份還原您的授權,並再試一次。%0 Secure storage protection error. Restore your licenses from a previous backup and try again.%0
0xC00D2780數位版權管理信任根目錄發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management root of trust. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2781抓取數位版權管理機器識別時發生錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 A problem has occurred in retrieving the Digital Rights Management machine identification. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2782開啟數位版權管理資料儲存檔案時發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 A problem has occurred in opening the Digital Rights Management data storage file. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D2783數位版權管理資料儲存未正常運作。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 The Digital Rights Management data storage is not functioning properly. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D2785必須使用安全的媒體櫃來存取要求的功能。%0。 A secured library is required to access the requested functionality.%0.
0xC00D2787數位版權管理元件在授權移轉期間發生問題。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D278C在授權移轉期間,數位版權管理元件正在使用中。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 The Digital Rights Management component is in use during license migration. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D278D授權正在移轉至執行 XP 或舊版 OS 的機器。這個作業僅能在 Windows Vista 或新版 OS 上執行。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 Licenses are being migrated to a machine running XP or downlevel OS. This operation can only be performed on Windows Vista or a later OS. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D278E移轉映像已經存在。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0。 Migration Image already exists. Contact Microsoft product support.%0.
0xC00D278F無法執行要求的動作,因為您電腦上的 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 元件偵測到硬體設定變更。%0。 The requested action cannot be performed because a hardware configuration change has been detected by the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components on your computer.%0.
0xC00D2790錯誤的 Stublib 已經連結到使用 drmv2clt.dll 的應用程式或 DLL。%0 The wrong stublib has been linked to an application or DLL using drmv2clt.dll.%0
0xC00D2791匯入的舊版 V2 資料無效 The legacy V2 data being imported is invalid
0xC00D2792匯入的授權已經存在 The license being imported already exists
0xC00D2793匯入的舊版 V2 SST 項目密碼不正確 The password of the Legacy V2 SST entry being imported is incorrect
0xC00D2794外掛程式不支援移轉 Migration is not supported by the plugin
0xC00D2795無法建立這個媒體檔案的移轉匯入程式。請重新安裝此應用程式。%0 A migration importer cannot be created for this media file. Reinstall the application.%0
0xC00D279A使用者已經取消移轉。%0 Migration was cancelled by the user.%0
0xC00D279B移轉物件目前正在使用中,因此必須等到目前作業完成才可呼叫。%0 Migration object is already in use and cannot be called until the current operation completes.%0
0xC00D279C此內容標題不符合 DRM 需求,因此無法使用。%0 The content header does not comply with DRM requirements and cannot be used.%0
0xC00D27D8此檔案的授權已經到期無效。請與您的內容提供者聯繫,取得進一步的協助。%0 The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D27D9此檔案的授權尚未生效,但未來將會生效。%0 The license for this file is not valid yet, but will be at a future date.%0
0xC00D27DA此檔案的授權所需的安全性等級高於您目前使用的播放程式之安全性等級。請嘗試使用不同的播放程式,或下載更新版本的播放程式。%0 The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using has. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player.%0
0xC00D27DB由於需要 [數位授權管理] 元件的安全性升級,因此無法儲存授權。%0。 The license cannot be stored as it requires security upgrade of Digital Rights Management component.%0.
0xC00D27DC您的機器不符合儲存授權的系統需求。%0。 Your machine does not meet the requirements for storing the license.%0.
0xC00D27DD這個檔案的授權需要更新版本的播放程式或不同的播放程式。%0。 The license for this file requires an upgraded version of your player or a different player.%0.
0xC00D27DF授權伺服器的認證逾期。請確認已經正確設定您的系統時鐘。請與您的內容提供者聯繫,取得進一步的協助。%0。 The license server's certificate expired. Make sure your system clock is set correctly. Contact your content provider for further assistance. %0.
0xC00D27E1您剛擷取授權的內容擁有者已經不再支援他們的內容。請與內容擁有者聯繫,取得更新版本的內容。%0 The content owner for the license you just acquired is no longer supporting their content. Contact the content owner for a newer version of the content.%0
0xC00D27E2您剛擷取授權的內容擁有者要求您向目前的機器註冊您的裝置。%0 The content owner for the license you just acquired requires your device to register to the current machine.%0
0xC00D280A您目前使用的播放程式不支援此檔案的授權所需之功能。您可以試著使用較新版本的播放程式,或與您的內容提供者聯繫,取得更多的協助。%0 The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D280C此檔案的授權需要 Windows Driver Model (WDM) 音訊驅動程式。請與您的音效卡製造廠商聯繫,取得更多協助。%0 The license for this file requires Windows Driver Model (WDM) audio drivers. Contact your sound card manufacturer for further assistance.%0
0xC00D280E您目前的播放程式不支援此檔案的授權。您可以試著使用較新版本的播放程式,或與您的內容提供者聯繫,取得更多的協助。%0 The license for this file is not supported by your current player. You can try with newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance.%0
0xC00D283D要播放所選取的內容您必須使用更新版本的 Media Pl;ayer。%0 An updated version of your media player is required to play the selected content.%0
0xC00D283E必須使用新版的數位版權管理元件。請與這個應用程式的產品支援連絡,取得最新版本。%0 A new version of the Digital Rights Management component is required. Contact product support for this application to get the latest version.%0
0xC00D283F建立或驗證內容標題失敗。%0 Failed to either create or verify the content header.%0
0xC00D2840無法從系統登錄中讀取足夠的資訊。%0 Could not read the necessary information from the system registry.%0
0xC00D2841DRM 子系統目前正由另一個應用程式或使用者鎖定中。請稍後再試。%0 The DRM subsystem is currently locked by another application or user. Try again later.%0
0xC00D2842可攜式媒體中註冊了太多目標裝置。%0 There are too many target devices registered on the portable media.%0
0xC00D2843因為已經達到允許的每日升級上限,無法完成安全性升級。請明天再試。%0 The security upgrade cannot be completed because the allowed number of daily upgrades has been exceeded. Try again tomorrow.%0
0xC00D2844因為伺服器無法執行作業,無法完成安全性升級。請稍後再試。%0 The security upgrade cannot be completed because the server is unable to perform the operation. Try again later.%0
0xC00D2845因為無法取得伺服器,無法執行安全性升級。請稍後再試。%0 The security upgrade cannot be performed because the server is not available. Try again later.%0
0xC00D2846因為無法取得伺服器,Windows Media Player 無法還原您的授權。請稍後再試。%0 Windows Media Player cannot restore your licenses because the server is not available. Try again later.%0
0xC00D2847Windows Media Player 無法播放受保護的檔案。請查驗電腦的日期是否正確設定。若日期正確,請在 [說明] 功能表按一下 [檢查是否有播放程式更新版],安裝最新版的播放程式。%0 Windows Media Player cannot play the protected file. Verify that your computer's date is set correctly. If it is correct, on the Help menu, click Check for Player Updates to install the latest version of the Player.%0
0xC00D2848無法建立鏈結授權,因為參考的上行授權不存在。 The chained license cannot be created because the referenced uplink license does not exist.
0xC00D2849指定的 KID 無效 The specified KID is invalid
0xC00D284A並未進行授權初始化。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 License initialization did not work. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D284C鏈結授權的上行授權本身不能作為鏈結授權。 The uplink license of a chained license cannot itself be a chained license.
0xC00D284D不支援指定的加密演算法。 The specified encryption algorithm is unsupported.
0xC00D284E並未進行授權刪除。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 License deletion did not work. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D28A0用戶端的認證已損壞,或無法確認簽章。%0 The client's certificate is corrupted or the signature cannot be verified.%0
0xC00D28A1用戶端的認證已被撤銷。%0 The client's certificate has been revoked.%0
0xC00D28A2沒有授權可執行要求的動作。%0 There is no license available for the requested action.%0
0xC00D28A3已經達到使用中裝置數目上限。無法再開啟其他裝置。%0 The maximum number of devices in use has been reached. Unable to open additional devices.%0
0xC00D28A4接近偵測程序無法確認在網路中,接收器是否已靠近傳送器。%0 The proximity detection procedure could not confirm that the receiver is near the transmitter in the network.%0
0xC00D28A5用戶端必須先註冊,才能執行想要的作業。%0 The client must be registered before executing the intended operation.%0
0xC00D28A6用戶端必須先經過核准,才能執行想要的作業。%0 The client must be approved before executing the intended operation.%0
0xC00D28A7用戶端必須經過重新驗證,才能執行想要的作業。%0 The client must be revalidated before executing the intended operation.%0
0xC00D28A8接近偵測驗證的回應無效。%0 The response to the proximity detection challenge is invalid.%0
0xC00D28A9要求的工作階段無效。%0 The requested session is invalid.%0
0xC00D28AA必須開啟裝置,才能用來接收內容。%0 The device must be opened before it can be used to receive content.%0
0xC00D28AB裝置註冊失敗,因為該裝置已註冊。%0 Device registration failed because the device is already registered.%0
0xC00D28AC不支援的 WMDRM-ND 通訊協定版本。%0 Unsupported WMDRM-ND protocol version.%0
0xC00D28AD不支援要求的動作。%0 The requested action is not supported.%0
0xC00D28AE認證沒有要求動作的適當安全性層級。%0 The certificate does not have an adequate security level for the requested action.%0
0xC00D28AF無法開啟指定的連接埠以接收接近訊息。%0 Unable to open the specified port for receiving Proximity messages.%0
0xC00D28B0訊息格式無效。%0 The message format is invalid.%0
0xC00D28B1「憑證撤銷清單」不正確或已毀損。%0 The Certificate Revocation List is invalid or corrupted.%0
0xC00D28B2屬性名稱或屬性值的長度太長。%0 The length of the attribute name or value is too long.%0
0xC00D28B3Cardea 要求中傳遞的授權 Blob 已到期。%0 The license blob passed in the cardea request is expired.%0
0xC00D28B4Cardea 要求中傳遞的授權 Blob 無效。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援。%0 The license blob passed in the cardea request is invalid. Contact Microsoft product support.%0
0xC00D28B5無法執行要求的作業,因為授權未包含包含清單。%0 The requested operation can not be performed because the license does not contain an inclusion list.%0
0xC00D2904Windows Media Player 不支援內容所要求的輸出保護等級。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the level of output protection required by the content.%0
0xC00D2905Windows Media Player 不支援壓縮數位視訊所需的保護等級。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital video.%0
0xC00D2906Windows Media Player 不支援未壓縮數位視訊所需的保護等級。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital video.%0
0xC00D2907Windows Media Player 不支援類比視訊所需的保護等級。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for analog video.%0
0xC00D2908Windows Media Player 不支援壓縮數位音訊所需的保護等級。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for compressed digital audio.%0
0xC00D2909Windows Media Player 不支援未壓縮數位音訊所需的保護等級。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the level of protection required for uncompressed digital audio.%0
0xC00D290AWindows Media Player 不支援內容所需之輸出保護的結構描述。%0 Windows Media Player does not support the scheme of output protection required by the content.%0
0xC00D2AFA安裝失敗,且並未完成某些檔案的清除動作。為獲得最佳結果,請重新啟動您的電腦。%0 Installation was not successful and some file cleanup is not complete. For best results, restart your computer.%0
0xC00D2AFB安裝失敗。若要繼續,您必須重新啟動電腦。%0 Installation was not successful. To continue, you must restart your computer.%0
0xC00D2AFC安裝失敗。%0。 Installation was not successful.%0.
0xC00D2AFD安裝程式無法移轉 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 元件。%0。 Setup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components.%0.
0xC00D2AFE無法安裝某些面板或播放清單元件。%0。 Some skin or playlist components cannot be installed.%0.
0xC00D2AFF安裝程式無法移轉 Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) 元件。此外,也無法安裝某些面板或播放清單元件。%0。 Setup cannot migrate the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) components. In addition, some skin or playlist components cannot be installed.%0.
0xC00D2B00無法繼續安裝,因為您的電腦不符合一或多個安裝需求。%0。 Installation is blocked because your computer does not meet one or more of the setup requirements.%0.
0xC00D2EE0不支援指定的通訊協定。%0 The specified protocol is not supported.%0
0xC00D2EE1用戶端已被重新導向到 Proxy 伺服器。%0 The client is redirected to a proxy server.%0
0xC00D2EE2伺服器發生未預期的狀態,造成伺服器無法完成要求的工作。%0 The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.%0
0xC00D2EE3伺服器不了解要求。%0 The request could not be understood by the server.%0
0xC00D2EE4Proxy 嘗試連線媒體伺服器時發生錯誤。%0 The proxy experienced an error while attempting to contact the media server.%0
0xC00D2EE5Proxy 嘗試連線媒體伺服器時,未在時限內收到回應。%0 The proxy did not receive a timely response while attempting to contact the media server.%0
0xC00D2EE6由於伺服器目前暫時負載過重或維修中,因此無法處理要求。%0 The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.%0
0xC00D2EE7伺服器拒絕執行所要求的作業。%0 The server is refusing to fulfill the requested operation.%0
0xC00D2EE8伺服器不是相容的串流處理媒體伺服器。%0 The server is not a compatible streaming media server.%0
0xC00D2EE9由於已停用多點傳送通訊協定,因此無法對內容進行串流處理。%0 The content cannot be streamed because the Multicast protocol has been disabled.%0
0xC00D2EEA伺服器將播放程式重新指向無效的位置。%0 The server redirected the player to an invalid location.%0
0xC00D2EEB由於已停用通訊協定,因此無法對內容進行串流處理。%0 The content cannot be streamed because all protocols have been disabled.%0
0xC00D2EEC已經不支援 MSBD 通訊協定。請使用 HTTP 連線至 Windows Media 串流。%0 The MSBD protocol is no longer supported. Please use HTTP to connect to the Windows Media stream.%0
0xC00D2EED找不到 Proxy 伺服器。請檢查您的 Proxy 伺服器設定。%0 The proxy server could not be located. Please check your proxy server configuration.%0
0xC00D2EEE無法建立至 Proxy 伺服器的連線。請檢查您的 Proxy 伺服器設定。%0 Unable to establish a connection to the proxy server. Please check your proxy server configuration.%0
0xC00D2EEF找不到媒體伺服器。作業逾時。%0 Unable to locate the media server. The operation timed out.%0
0xC00D2EF0找不到 Proxy 伺服器。作業逾時。%0 Unable to locate the proxy server. The operation timed out.%0
0xC00D2EF1由於 Windows 關機所以媒體關閉。%0 Media closed because Windows was shut down.%0
0xC00D2EF2無法從媒體伺服器讀取播放清單檔案的內容。%0 Unable to read the contents of a playlist file from a media server.%0
0xC00D2EF3找不到工作階段。%0 Session not found.%0
0xC00D2EF4內容需要串流處理媒體用戶端。%0 Content requires a streaming media client.%0
0xC00D2EF5套用至前一個播放清單項目的命令。%0 A command applies to a previous playlist entry.%0
0xC00D2EF6Proxy 伺服器拒絕存取。使用者名稱和/或密碼可能不正確。%0 The proxy server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.%0
0xC00D2EF7Proxy 無法提供連接到媒體伺服器的有效驗證憑證。%0 The proxy could not provide valid authentication credentials to the media server.%0
0xC00D2EF8網路 sink 無法將資料寫入網路。%0 The network sink failed to write data to the network.%0
0xC00D2EF9目前未從伺服器接收封包。封包可能被篩選裝置封鎖,例如網路防火牆。%0 Packets are not being received from the server. The packets might be blocked by a filtering device, such as a network firewall.%0
0xC00D2EFA不支援 MMS 通訊協定。請使用 HTTP 或 RTSP 連線至 Windows Media 串流。%0 The MMS protocol is not supported. Please use HTTP or RTSP to connect to the Windows Media stream.%0
0xC00D2EFBWindows Media 伺服器拒絕存取。使用者名稱和/或密碼可能不正確。%0 The Windows Media server is denying access. The username and/or password might be incorrect.%0
0xC00D2EFCWindows Media Server 上的發行端點或檔案已經無法使用了。%0 The Publishing Point or file on the Windows Media Server is no longer available.%0
0xC00D2EFD串流沒有現存的封包器外掛程式。%0 There is no existing packetizer plugin for a stream.%0
0xC00D2EFE無法理解媒體伺服器的回應。可能是不相容的 Proxy 伺服器或媒體伺服器所造成的。%0 The response from the media server could not be understood. This might be caused by an incompatible proxy server or media server.%0
0xC00D2F00Windows Media Server 重新設定網路連線。%0 The Windows Media Server reset the network connection.%0
0xC00D2F02要求無法到達媒體伺服器 (太多躍點)。%0 The request could not reach the media server (too many hops).%0
0xC00D2F05伺服器傳送的資料太多。連線已經中斷。%0 The server is sending too much data. The connection has been terminated.%0
0xC00D2F06目前無法建立與媒體伺服器中連線。媒體伺服器目前可能停止服務維修中,或是需要使用 Proxy 伺服器來存取這個媒體伺服器。%0 It was not possible to establish a connection to the media server in a timely manner. The media server may be down for maintenance, or it may be necessary to use a proxy server to access this media server.%0
0xC00D2F07目前無法建立至 Proxy 伺服器的連線。請檢查您的 Proxy 伺服器設定。%0 It was not possible to establish a connection to the proxy server in a timely manner. Please check your proxy server configuration.%0
0xC00D2F0A未知封包接收串流。%0 Unknown packet sink stream.%0
0xC00D2F0B無法連線到伺服器。請確認 Windows Media Services 已經啟動,同時已正確啟用 HTTP Server 控制通訊協定。%0 Unable to establish a connection to the server. Ensure Windows Media Services is started and the HTTP Server control protocol is properly enabled.%0
0xC00D2F0C收到 HTTP 推送要求的 Server 服務並不是與 Windows Media Services (WMS) 相容的版本。這個錯誤可能代表收到推送要求的是 IIS 而非 WMS。請確認 WMS 已經啟動,同時已正確啟用 HTTP Server 控制通訊協定,然後再試一次。%0 The Server service that received the HTTP push request is not a compatible version of Windows Media Services (WMS). This error may indicate the push request was received by IIS instead of WMS. Ensure WMS is started and has the HTTP Server control protocol properly enabled and try again.%0
0xC00D32C8播放清單已經到了結尾。%0 The playlist has reached its end.%0
0xC00D32C9使用檔案來源。%0 Use file source.%0
0xC00D32CA找不到屬性。%0 The property was not found.%0
0xC00D32CC屬性為唯讀。%0 The property is read only.%0
0xC00D32CD找不到表格鍵。%0 The table key was not found.%0
0xC00D32CF無效的查詢作業。%0 Invalid query operator.%0
0xC00D32D0無效的查詢內容。%0 Invalid query property.%0
0xC00D32D2不支援的內容。%0 The property is not supported.%0
0xC00D32D4結構描述分類失敗。%0 Schema classification failure.%0
0xC00D32D5不支援的中繼資料格式。%0 The metadata format is not supported.%0
0xC00D32D6無法編輯中繼資料。%0 Cannot edit the metadata.%0
0xC00D32D7無法設定地區識別碼。%0 Cannot set the locale id.%0
0xC00D32D8格式不支援語言。%0 The language is not supported in the format.%0
0xC00D32D9對於提供的地區識別碼,沒有翻譯的 RFC1766 名稱。%0 There is no RFC1766 name translation for the supplied locale id.%0
0xC00D32DA沒有中繼資料 (或中繼資料項目)。%0 The metadata (or metadata item) is not available.%0
0xC00D32DB沒有快取的中繼資料 (或中繼資料項目)。%0 The cached metadata (or metadata item) is not available.%0
0xC00D32DC中繼資料文件無效。%0 The metadata document is invalid.%0
0xC00D32DD沒有中繼資料內容識別元。%0 The metadata content identifier is not available.%0
0xC00D32DE無法從離線中繼資料快取中抓取中繼資料。%0 Cannot retrieve metadata from the offline metadata cache.%0


File Name:wmerror.dll.mui
File Size:95 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:96768
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:12.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:12.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Windows Media 錯誤定義 (英文)
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:WMError.Dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:WMError.Dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0

What is wmerror.dll.mui?

wmerror.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file wmerror.dll (Windows Media 錯誤定義 (英文)).

File version info

File Description:Windows Media 錯誤定義 (英文)
File Version:12.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:WMError.Dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:WMError.Dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:12.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200