ActionCenter.dll.mui Seguranza e mantemento 07ab617a3c653ba7d78b92da27a0b592

File info

File name: ActionCenter.dll.mui
Size: 46080 byte
MD5: 07ab617a3c653ba7d78b92da27a0b592
SHA1: 56071d34cca526df19ddf9bdb0be69c81f770eb8
SHA256: 23d4ef60a4ff491f9b975e84553d2a397fc7be4bf6fe87c24ee4169a00945aed
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Galician language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Galician English
1000Copia de seguranza Backup
1001Non configurado Not set up
1002Check your network credentials Check your network credentials
1003Back up your files Back up your files
1004Check your backup Check your backup
1005Create a new, full backup Create a new, full backup
1006Backup succeeded Backup succeeded
1007Change backup location Change backup location
1008Check backup disk space Check backup disk space
1009Check backup settings Check backup settings
1010Backup in progress Backup in progress
1011Facer copia de seguranza dos ficheiros Back up your files
1015Backup is not being monitored Backup is not being monitored
1017Insert removable media Insert removable media
1019Verificar os resultados da copia de seguranza Check your backup results
1031Non se está a facer ningunha copia de seguranza dos seus ficheiros. Your files are not being backed up.
1032Your network user name or password has expired.
Backup date: %2
Your network user name or password has expired.
Backup date: %2
1033The last scheduled backup did not run. The last scheduled backup did not run.
1034The last backup did not complete successfully.
Backup date: %2
The last backup did not complete successfully.
Backup date: %2
1035To save disk space, only files that are new or have changed since the last backup are backed up. You should create a new, full backup from time to time in case your old backups are lost or corrupted. To save disk space, only files that are new or have changed since the last backup are backed up. You should create a new, full backup from time to time in case your old backups are lost or corrupted.
1036Backup date: %2 Backup date: %2
1037The disk that your backup is saved on is about to fail. The disk that your backup is saved on is about to fail.
1038The disk that your backup is saved on doesn't have enough free space.
Backup date: %2
The disk that your backup is saved on doesn't have enough free space.
Backup date: %2
1039Backup completed but one of the drives was skipped.
Backup date: %2
Backup completed but one of the drives was skipped.
Backup date: %2
1040Windows Backup is running Windows Backup is running
1041Cancelouse a última copia de seguranza.
Data da copia de seguranza: %2
The last backup was cancelled.
Backup date: %2
1042At least %2 days have passed since your last backup. At least %2 days have passed since your last backup.
1043Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved.
Backup date: %2
Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved.
Backup date: %2
1044Your last backup did not complete successfully. Your files have not been backed up.
Backup date: %2
Your last backup did not complete successfully. Your files have not been backed up.
Backup date: %2
1045O administrador ou outro programa desactivaron a supervisión de Copia de seguranza a través de Seguranza e mantemento. Monitoring Windows Backup through Security and Maintenance has been turned off by an administrator or another program.
1046Your system settings have been restored to an earlier point in time. We recommend that you review your backup settings. Your system settings have been restored to an earlier point in time. We recommend that you review your backup settings.
1047Windows backup needs a CD\DVD or USB drive to continue. Windows backup needs a CD\DVD or USB drive to continue.
1048Your computer has been restored to an earlier point in time. As a result, your backup settings might be out of date. Your computer has been restored to an earlier point in time. As a result, your backup settings might be out of date.
1049Your computer has been upgraded to a new version of Windows. As a result you need to re-configure your backup settings. Your computer has been upgraded to a new version of Windows. As a result you need to re-configure your backup settings.
1050The backup completed but some files were skipped. The backup completed but some files were skipped.
1051The last backup did not complete because the backup location is locked by BitLocker. The last backup did not complete because the backup location is locked by BitLocker.
1061Your network user name or password has expired. Click to change credentials. Your network user name or password has expired. Click to change credentials.
1062A última copia de seguranza non concluíu correctamente. Prema para resolver o problema. The last backup did not complete successfully. Click to troubleshoot.
1063The disk that your backup is saved on doesn't have enough free space. Click to manage backup disk space. The disk that your backup is saved on doesn't have enough free space. Click to manage backup disk space.
1064Backup completed but one of the drives was skipped. Click to check backup settings. Backup completed but one of the drives was skipped. Click to check backup settings.
1065At least %2 days have passed since your last backup. Click to run backup now. At least %2 days have passed since your last backup. Click to run backup now.
1066Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved. Click to check backup settings. Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved. Click to check backup settings.
1067Windows backup needs a CD\DVD or USB drive to continue. Insert the required one. Windows backup needs a CD\DVD or USB drive to continue. Insert the required one.
1068Your files are not being backed up. Click to set up backup. Your files are not being backed up. Click to set up backup.
1081Configurar copia de seguranza Set up backup
1082Optio&ns Optio&ns
1083&Executar a copia de seguranza agora R&un backup now
1084Chan&ge location Chan&ge location
1086Check settings Check settings
1087Detalles Details
1089Chan&ge credentials Chan&ge credentials
1090&Configurar copia de seguranza Set &up backup
1092Det&ails Det&ails
1093Create &new backup Create &new backup
1094&Máis información M&ore information
1100Resolución de problemas: Mantemento do sistema Troubleshooting: System Maintenance
1101Action needed Action needed
1102Non se require ningunha acción No action needed
1103Windows found issues requiring your attention. Windows found issues requiring your attention.
1104Windows está a buscar activamente problemas de mantemento no sistema. Windows is actively checking your system for maintenance problems.
1105Mantemento do sistema System Maintenance
1106Liberar espazo en disco, corrixir atallos quebrados e realizar outras tarefas de mantemento. Clean up disk space, fix broken shortcuts and perform other maintenance tasks.
1107&Realizar mantemento do sistema Perform system mai&ntenance
1108Modificar configuración de resolución de problemas Change troubleshooting settings
1109Off Off
1110Windows is not checking your system for maintenance problems. Windows is not checking your system for maintenance problems.
1300Windows Defender Windows Defender
1301Not available Not available
1302View View
1303Disabled Disabled
1304Windows Defender ten elementos que precisan da súa atención. Windows Defender has items that need your attention.
1305Windows Defender is not actively protecting your computer. Windows Defender is not actively protecting your computer.
1306Service stopped Service stopped
1307Para axudar a protexer o computador, Windows Defender está a executar a súa análise programada. To help protect your computer, Windows Defender is running its scheduled scan.
1308Activado On
1309Windows Defender service stopped Windows Defender service stopped
1310Windows Defender service needs to run to help protect your computer. Windows Defender service needs to run to help protect your computer.
1311View det&ails View det&ails
1312Análise programada Scheduled Scan
1313Scheduled Scan in progress. Scheduled Scan in progress.
1314View &progress View &progress
1315Potentially harmful software detected Potentially harmful software detected
1316Click Clean system to remove the items or View details for more information. Click Clean system to remove the items or View details for more information.
1317Detectouse software potencialmente prexudicial Potentially harmful software detected
1318Prema para revisar e executar unha acción Click to review and take action
1320Limpar sistema Clean System
1324Windows Defender precisa analizar o computador Windows Defender needs to scan your computer
1325As análises periódicas axudan a mellorar a seguranza do computador. Scanning on a regular basis helps improve the security of your computer.
1326&Analizar agora Sc&an now
1327Microsoft needs more information about this software Microsoft needs more information about this software
1328Sending this information can improve how Windows Defender protects the security of your computer. Sending this information can improve how Windows Defender protects the security of your computer.
1330Send information Send information
1331Restart required Restart required
1332To complete the cleaning process you need to restart your computer. To complete the cleaning process you need to restart your computer.
1333Rest&art Rest&art
1334Revisar os ficheiros que Windows Defender vai enviar a Microsoft Review files that Windows Defender will send to Microsoft
1335O envío desta información pode mellorar o modo como Windows Defender protexe a seguranza do computador. Prema para ver os detalles. Sending this information can improve how Windows Defender protects the security of your computer. Click to view details.
1336Full scan required Full scan required
1337To complete the cleaning process you need to run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat. To complete the cleaning process you need to run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat.
1338Análise completa requirida Full scan required
1339Debería executar unha análise completa para buscar restos desta ameaza. Até que execute unha análise completa, é posible que o computador estea en perigo. You should run a full scan to check for any remains of this threat. Until you run a full scan, your PC might be at risk.
1340Sc&an now Sc&an now
1341Additional cleaning required Additional cleaning required
1342Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Detected threats could not be cleaned. To complete the cleaning process you need to download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.
1344Download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC. Download and run Windows Defender Offline on your PC.
1345Download Download
1346Windows Defender requires your attention Windows Defender requires your attention
1347Windows Defender requires your attention to protect your PC. Windows Defender requires your attention to protect your PC.
1349Windows Defender requires your attention. Click to view details. Windows Defender requires your attention. Click to view details.
1500Grupo doméstico HomeGroup
1501Homegroup password was reset Homegroup password was reset
1502To reconnect to the homegroup, type the new password. To reconnect to the homegroup, type the new password.
1503Type the password Type the password
1504HomeGroup is sharing files HomeGroup is sharing files
1505Sharing settings are being applied to your homegroup files and folders. Sharing settings are being applied to your homegroup files and folders.
1506View homegroup settings View homegroup settings
1507You belong to a homegroup You belong to a homegroup
1508This computer belongs to a homegroup. This computer belongs to a homegroup.
1509Ver configuración do grupo doméstico View homegroup settings
1510Está dispoñible un grupo doméstico A homegroup is available
1511Comparta os seus ficheiros e as súas impresoras con outras persoas da súa rede. Share your files and printers with other people on your network.
1512Asociarse agora Join now
1513A homegroup can be created A homegroup can be created
1515Crear un grupo doméstico Create a homegroup
1516Non está dispoñible Grupo doméstico HomeGroup isn't available
1517Agora mesmo non pode crear nin acceder a un grupo doméstico. You can't access or create a homegroup right now.
1518Ver a configuración do grupo doméstico View homegroup settings
1519Untrusted printer Untrusted printer
1520An untrusted printer can't be shared through HomeGroup. An untrusted printer can't be shared through HomeGroup.
1700Historial de ficheiros File History
1702Desactivado Off
1703Desactivado pola política de grupo Disabled by Group Policy
1704Acción necesaria Action needed
1706En funcionamento Running
1710O historial de ficheiros está desactivado. File History is off.
1711Reselect your File History drive Reselect your File History drive
1712We found errors in your File History settings. Reselect your drive. We found errors in your File History settings. Reselect your drive.
1713Seleccionar unha unidade diferente para o Historial de ficheiros Select a different File History drive
1714Your File History drive is full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files. Your File History drive is full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
1716Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
1717Modificar o tempo que o Historial de ficheiros conserva os ficheiros Change how long File History keeps files
1718Your File History drive is almost full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files. Your File History drive is almost full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
1720Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is almost full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is almost full. Select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
1721Reconnect your drive Reconnect your drive
1722Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. To keep saving copies of your files, reconnect your drive and then run a backup. Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. To keep saving copies of your files, reconnect your drive and then run a backup.
1724Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. To keep saving copies of your files, reconnect your drive and then run a backup.
Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. To keep saving copies of your files, reconnect your drive and then run a backup.
1726Files last copied on: %2 Files last copied on: %2
1727Your File History drive is full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files. Your File History drive is full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
1729Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
1730Your File History drive is almost full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files. Your File History drive is almost full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
1732Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is almost full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
Files last copied on: %2
Your File History drive is almost full. Reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
1735Check your File History drive for errors Check your File History drive for errors
1736We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Repair your drive. We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Repair your drive.
1738Files last copied on: %2
We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Repair your drive.
Files last copied on: %2
We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Repair your drive.
1740Reenter your network credentials Reenter your network credentials
1741The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Reenter your credentials. The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Reenter your credentials.
1743Files last copied on: %2
The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Reenter your credentials.
Files last copied on: %2
The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Reenter your credentials.
1744Moving your files... Moving your files...
1745File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. We recommend you select a different drive. File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. We recommend you select a different drive.
1746Files last copied on: %2
File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. We recommend you select a different drive.
Files last copied on: %2
File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. We recommend you select a different drive.
1747O Historial de ficheiros está a restaurar os seus ficheiros. (%2%%) File History is restoring your files. (%2%%)
1748A restauración das súas bibliotecas e cartafoles está suspendida neste momento e retomarase en canto a unidade do Historial de ficheiros estea dispoñible.
Restaurouse o %2%%. A restauración continuará cando a unidade estea dispoñible.
Restoring your libraries and folders is currently suspended and will resume as soon as your File History drive is available.
%2%% restored. Restore will continue when the drive becomes available.
1749Conectar Historial de ficheiros Connect File History
1750Activar Turn on
1751Reparar Repair
1752Mudar unidade Change drive
1753O Historial de ficheiros está programado para restaurar automaticamente os seus ficheiros. Se a unidade está conectada, pode comezar a restaurar ficheiros agora. File History is scheduled to automatically restore your files. If your drive is connected, you can start restoring files now.
1754Executar agora Run now
1755Modificar configuración Change settings
1756Restaurar ficheiros personais Restore personal files
1757Parar Stop
1758Introducir credenciais Enter credentials
1759Volver seleccionar unidade Reselect drive
1760Restaurar agora Restore now
1770We found errors in your File History settings. Tap or click to reselect your drive. We found errors in your File History settings. Tap or click to reselect your drive.
1771The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Tap or click to reenter your credentials. The credentials used to access your network location aren't valid, and we can't save copies of your files. Tap or click to reenter your credentials.
1772We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Tap or click to repair your drive. We found errors on your File History drive, and can't save copies of your files. Tap or click to repair your drive.
1773A unidade do Historial de ficheiros está chea. Toque ou prema para seleccionar unha unidade diferente na que seguir gardando as copias dos ficheiros. Your File History drive is full. Tap or click to select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
1774A unidade do Historial de ficheiros está chea. Toque ou prema para reducir o tempo que o Historial de ficheiros conserva as copias dos ficheiros. Your File History drive is full. Tap or click to reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
1775Your File History drive is almost full. Tap or click to select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files. Your File History drive is almost full. Tap or click to select a different drive to keep saving copies of your files.
1776Your File History drive is almost full. Tap or click to reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files. Your File History drive is almost full. Tap or click to reduce the time File History keeps copies of your files.
1777Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. Reconnect it and then tap or click to keep saving copies of your files. Your File History drive was disconnected for too long. Reconnect it and then tap or click to keep saving copies of your files.
1778File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. Tap or click to select a different drive. File History can't save copies of all of your files because of limitations with your File History drive's file system. Tap or click to select a different drive.
1779A restauración dos seus ficheiros suspendeuse durante un tempo porque a unidade do Historial de ficheiros non está conectada. Restoring your files has been suspended for a while because your File History drive isn’t connected.
1780A restauración das súas bibliotecas e cartafoles está suspendida neste momento e retomarase en canto a unidade do Historial de ficheiros estea dispoñible. Restoring your libraries and folders is currently suspended and will resume as soon as your File History drive is available.
1800Mantemento automático Automatic Maintenance
1803Mantemento en curso Maintenance in progress
1804Estase parando o mantemento Maintenance is stopping
1805Última data de execución: descoñecida
Windows non puido determinar a última data de execución do mantemento.
Last run date: Unknown
Windows was unable to determine the last date maintenance was run.
1806Última data de execución: %2
Windows programa automaticamente a execución de actividades de mantemento no seu computador.
Last run date: %2
Windows automatically schedules maintenance activities to run on your computer.
1807Última data de execución: %2 Last run date: %2
1809Iniciar mantemento Start maintenance
1810Cambiar a configuración do mantemento Change maintenance settings
1811Parar mantemento Stop maintenance
1813Adiouse o mantemento automático. As tarefas de mantemento executaranse na seguinte data programada. Se o desexa, pode iniciar o mantemento agora. Automatic Maintenance was delayed. Maintenance tasks will run at the next scheduled time, or you can start maintenance now.
1814Executar o mantemento automático agora para optimizar o seu computador Run Automatic Maintenance now to optimize your computer
1815Executar mantemento Run maintenance
1900Estado da unidade Drive status
1901Aceptar OK
1902Todas as unidades están funcionando correctamente. All drives are working properly.
1903É necesaria a análise en liña Online Scan Needed
1904Atopáronse posibles erros nunha unidade e é necesario analizala. Poderá continuar a usar a unidade durante a análise. We found potential errors on a drive, and need to scan it. You can keep using the drive during the scan.
1905Explorar Run scan
1907Analizar a unidade en busca de erros Scan drive for errors
1908Scan drive for errors Scan drive for errors
1909Click to start scan Click to start scan
1910Restart Needed Restart Needed
1911We found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now. We found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now.
1912Reiniciar Restart
1913Atopáronse erros nunha unidade. Para reparalos e evitar a perda de datos, reinicie agora o computador. We found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now.
1914Reiniciar para reparar erros na unidade Restart to repair drive errors
1916Prema para reiniciar o PC Click to restart your PC
1918We found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now. The repair could take a while to complete. We found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now. The repair could take a while to complete.
1920Atopáronse erros nunha unidade. Para reparalos e evitar a perda de datos, reinicie agora o computador. Pode que a reparación leve un momento antes de concluir. We found errors on a drive. To repair these errors and prevent loss of data, restart your PC now. The repair could take a while to complete.
1924Scanning drive Scanning drive
1925You can keep using the drive during the scan. You can keep using the drive during the scan.
1926Run scan Run scan
2000Conta de Microsoft Microsoft account
2002Inicia sesión coas credencias máis recentes da conta de Microsoft. Sign in with your most recent Microsoft account credential.
2003Iniciar sesión Sign in
2004Premer aquí para introducir as credenciais máis recentes Click here to enter your most recent credential
2005Debes volver iniciar sesión na túa conta de Microsoft. Your Microsoft account needs you to sign in again.
2007Modificouse o enderezo de correo electrónico. Inicie sesión de novo co enderezo de correo electrónico novo para actualizar a súa conta de Microsoft neste computador. Your email address has changed. Sign in again with your new email address to update your Microsoft account on this PC.
2008Pechar sesión Sign out
2009Iniciar sesión co enderezo de correo electrónico novo Sign in with your new email address
2010Modificouse o enderezo de correo electrónico. Inicie sesión de novo co novo enderezo de correo electrónico para actualizar a súa conta de Microsoft neste computador. Your email address has changed. Sign in again with your new email address to update your Microsoft account on this PC.
2012Para acabar de configurar esta conta de Microsoft, necesita o permiso dos pais. To finish setting up this Microsoft account, you need a parent's permission.
2013Pedir permiso aos pais Ask a parent
2014Solicitar permiso Ask for permission
2017A súa conta de Microsoft caducou porque non se utilizou durante un tempo. Inicie sesión cunha conta de Microsoft diferente (pode crear unha nova) ou cree unha conta só para este computador. You didn't use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired. Sign in with a different Microsoft account-you can make a new one-or create an account only for this PC.
2018Actualizar a súa conta Update your account
2020Non usou a súa conta de Microsoft durante un tempo, así que caducou. You didn't use your Microsoft account for a while, so it expired.
2022Para axudar a manter esta conta segura, precisamos verificar que é súa. To help keep this account secure, we need to verify that it's yours.
2023Verificar Verify
2024Volver á conta de Microsoft Get back into your Microsoft account
2027Precisamos verificar que este enderezo de correo electrónico e seu. Busque a mensaxe do equipo de contas de Microsoft no seu correo electrónico. We need to verify that this email address is yours. Check your email for the message from the Microsoft account team.
2028Máis información More info
2029Acabar de configurar a súa conta Finish setting up your account
2032Precisa actualizar algunha información para a súa conta de Microsoft. You need to update some info for your Microsoft account.
2033Información da actualización Update info
2034Engadir información que falta da conta de Microsoft Add missing Microsoft account info
2036Non concluído Not complete
2037Precisamos verificar as modificacións realizadas na súa conta de Microsoft. You need to verify changes to your Microsoft account.
2039Verifique que foi vostede quen cambiou a súa conta Verify that you changed your account
2042Precisa engadir información de seguranza para poder axudarlle a entrar de novo na súa conta de Microsoft. You need to add security info to help you get back into your Microsoft account.
2043Engadir información Add info
2044Engadir información de seguranza Add security info
2045Se engades algo máis de información á conta, poderás recuperala se esqueces as credenciais ou perdes o acceso dalgún outro xeito. Adding some more info to your account can help you get it back if you forget your credential or lose access some other way.
2047As credenciais gardadas de aplicacións, sitios web e redes non se sincronizarán ata que verifiques a túa identidade neste computador. Your saved credentials for apps, websites, and networks won't sync until you verify your identity on this PC.
2049Verificar a súa identidade neste computador Verify your identity on this PC
2052Debes introducir as credenciais máis recentes da túa conta de Microsoft para permanecer sincronizado. You need to enter your most recent Microsoft account credential to stay in sync.
2054Introducir credenciais da conta de Microsoft Enter your Microsoft account credential
2057A súa conta de Microsoft está a funcionar correctamente. Your Microsoft account is working properly.
2099Ver a configuración da conta de Microsoft View Microsoft account settings
2100Software do dispositivo Device software
2102Ningún dos dispositivos conectados ao computador precisan software adicional para funcionar correctamente. No devices connected to your PC need additional software to work properly.
2104One or more devices connected to your PC needs additional software to work properly. One or more devices connected to your PC needs additional software to work properly.
2105Concluir a instalación de software do dispositivo Finish installing device software
2106Un ou máis dispositivos conectados ao computador precisan software adicional para funcionar correctamente. One or more devices connected to your PC needs additional software to work properly.
2107Instalar Install
2108Install device software Install device software
2200Espazos de almacenamento Storage Spaces
2201Check Storage Spaces for issues Check Storage Spaces for issues
2202There are one or more issues with your storage. Open Storage Spaces to address these issues. There are one or more issues with your storage. Open Storage Spaces to address these issues.
2203Buscar problemas nos espazos de almacenamento Check Storage Spaces for problems
2204Hai un problema ou máis co almacenamento. Se cadra precisa engadir ou substituír unha ou máis unidades. Abra Espazos de almacenamento para ver en que unidades hai problemas. There are one or more problems with your storage. You might need to add or replace one or more drives. Open Storage Spaces to see which drives have problems.
2205Open Storage Spaces Open Storage Spaces
2206Open Server Manager Open Server Manager
2300Cartafoles de traballo Work Folders
2301A súa información de inicio de sesión nos cartafoles de traballo non funcionou Your Work Folders sign-in info didn't work
2302Tente introducir o contrasinal máis recente. Abra os cartafoles de traballo para resolver este problema. Try entering your latest password. Open Work Folders to address this issue.
2303Os seus cartafoles de traballo non teñen espazo de disco Your Work Folders is out of drive space
2304Os cartafoles de traballo deixaron de sincronizar os ficheiros porque non ten espazo de disco. Abra os cartafoles de traballo para obter máis información. Work Folders is no longer syncing your files because it's out of drive space. Open Work Folders for more information.
2305Quedou sen espazo no servidor dos cartafoles de traballo. You're out of space on the Work Folders server.
2306Para corrixir este problema, elimine algúns ficheiros dos cartafoles de traballo ou solicite máis espazo á organización. Abra os cartafoles de traballo para obter máis información. To fix this problem, remove some files from Work Folders or ask your organization for more space. Open Work Folders for more information.
2307Algúns dos seus ficheiros son demasiado grandes para sincronizarse cos cartafoles de traballo. Some of your files are too big to sync with Work Folders.
2308Para corrixir este problema, elimine os ficheiros dos cartafoles de traballo. Abra os cartafoles de traballo para obter máis información. To fix this problem, remove the files from Work Folders. Open Work Folders for more information.
2309Algúns tipos de ficheiros non están permitidos nos seus ficheiros de traballo e non se sincronizarán. Some types of files aren't allowed in your Work Folders and will not be synced.
2311%2 non pode conectarse ao servidor dos cartafoles de traballo da súa organización. %2 can't connect to your organization's Work Folders server.
2312Abrir cartafoles de traballo Open Work Folders
2313%2 %2
2314Comprobar se hai problemas nos cartafoles de traballo Check Work Folders for problems
2315O computador non cumpre coas políticas de seguranza da organización. Abra os cartafoles de traballo para obter máis información. Your PC doesn't comply with your organization's security policies. Open Work Folders to learn more.
2316Cartafoles de traballo eliminados Work Folders deleted
2317A súa organización eliminou de forma remota os seus cartafoles de traballo neste computador. Your organization remotely deleted your Work Folders on this PC.
2319O computador non cumpre coas políticas de seguranza da organización. Abra os cartafoles de traballo para resolver estes problemas. Your PC doesn't comply with your organization's security policies. Open Work Folders to address these issues.
2321Abra os cartafoles de traballo para resolver estes problemas. Open Work Folders to address these issues.
0x10000031Response Time Response Time
0x30000000Info Info
0x30000001Start Start
0x30000002Stop Stop
0x50000002Error Error
0x50000003Warning Warning
0x50000004Information Information
0x50000005Verbose Verbose
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-HealthCenter Microsoft-Windows-HealthCenter
0xB0000001The check provider %1 has been disabled. HRESULT=%2. The check provider %1 has been disabled. HRESULT=%2.
0xB0000002Icon message received: %1. Icon message received: %1.
0xB0000003Notification already exists: %1. Notification already exists: %1.
0xB0000004An event specifying unknown check %1 (version %2) was found in the channel %3 An event specifying unknown check %1 (version %2) was found in the channel %3
0xB0000005An event specifying unknown state %1 for check with canonical name %2 was found An event specifying unknown state %1 for check with canonical name %2 was found
0xB0000006Failed to set state (%1) for check with canonical name %2: HRESULT = %3. Failed to set state (%1) for check with canonical name %2: HRESULT = %3.
0xB0000007Worker thread failure during initialization: HRESULT=%1. Worker thread failure during initialization: HRESULT=%1.
0xB0000008Failed to set icon state when adding new notification: HRESULT=%1. Failed to set icon state when adding new notification: HRESULT=%1.
0xB0000009Icon processing of new notification failed: HRESULT=%1. Icon processing of new notification failed: HRESULT=%1.
0xB000000AIcon processing of notification removal failed: HRESULT=%1. Icon processing of notification removal failed: HRESULT=%1.
0xB000000BCache read for check provider %1: HRESULT=%2. Cache read for check provider %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB000000CCache written for check provider %1: HRESULT=%2. Cache written for check provider %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB000000DFailed to process new crimson event from channel %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to process new crimson event from channel %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB000000EFailed to set bookmark for channel %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to set bookmark for channel %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB000000FError event in channel %1. Error event in channel %1.
0xB0000010Failed to process an existing event for channel %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to process an existing event for channel %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB0000011Failed failed while reading existing events for channel %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed failed while reading existing events for channel %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB0000012Failed to resolve %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to resolve %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB0000013Failed to load settings for check with canonical name %1: HRESULT=%2. Failed to load settings for check with canonical name %1: HRESULT=%2.
0xB0000014Added notification with canonical name %1. Added notification with canonical name %1.
0xB0000015Removed notification with canonical name %1. Removed notification with canonical name %1.


File Name:ActionCenter.dll.mui
File Size:45 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:45568
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Galician
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Seguranza e mantemento
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is ActionCenter.dll.mui?

ActionCenter.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Galician language for file ActionCenter.dll (Seguranza e mantemento).

File version info

File Description:Seguranza e mantemento
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. Todos os dereitos reservados.
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x456, 1200