File name: | winlogon.exe.mui |
Size: | 25600 byte |
MD5: | 075ad7ac556b8ed36c84c5f73e670dc9 |
SHA1: | 16a8f994d3def89c1a7434616b3bda5ce7a0a10f |
SHA256: | ceda12eccda52e48abecd4c37378904929094eebb2dc5be65c190889de38e2e2 |
Operating systems: | Windows 10 |
Extension: | MUI |
In x64: | winlogon.exe Prijavni program za operacijski sistem Windows (32-bitov) |
If an error occurred or the following message in Slovenian language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.
id | Slovenian | English |
1001 | Napaka | Error |
1002 | Dobrodošli | Welcome |
1003 | Izpisovanje | Signing out |
1004 | Spreminjanje gesla | Changing password |
1006 | Zaklepanje | Locking |
1007 | Priprava varnostnih možnosti | Preparing security options |
1008 | Počakajte | Please wait |
1009 | Priprava sistema Windows | Preparing Windows |
1010 | Zapiranje namizja | Closing your desktop |
1012 | Počakajte, da se storitve znova zaženejo | Please wait while services are restarting |
1100 | Windows se zaustavlja | Windows is shutting down |
1101 | Prehajanje v stanje pripravljenosti | Going to sleep |
1102 | Prehajanje v stanje mirovanja | Hibernating |
1103 | Razdruževanje in prehajanje v stanje spanja | Undocking and going to sleep |
1200 | Poskušate zaustaviti drug računalnik, s katerim ste povezani, zato nihče ne bo mogel uporabiti tega računalnika, dokler ga nekdo znova ročno ne zažene.
Ali želite nadaljevati? |
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you are connected. As a result nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted.
Do you want to continue? |
1201 | Poskušate zaustaviti drug računalnik, s katerim ste povezani vi in drugi uporabniki. Dokler nekdo znova ročno ne zažene računalnika, ga ne bo mogel uporabiti nihče.
Ali želite nadaljevati? |
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you and other users are connected. As a result, nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted.
Do you want to continue? |
1202 | Zaustavljate ta računalnik, ki ga drugi uporabniki še uporabljajo. Ti uporabniki bodo morda izgubili podatke.
Ali želite nadaljevati? |
You are shutting down this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data.
Do you want to continue? |
1203 | Znova zaganjate ta računalnik, ki ga drugi uporabniki še uporabljajo. Ti uporabniki bodo morda izgubili podatke.
Ali želite nadaljevati? |
You are restarting this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data.
Do you want to continue? |
1204 | Zaustavljanje | Shutting down |
1205 | Vnovični zagon | Restarting |
1301 | Geslo je bilo spremenjeno. | Your password has been changed. |
1302 | Sistem zdaj ne more spremeniti vašega gesla, ker domena %s ni na voljo. | The system cannot change your password now because the domain %s is not available. |
1303 | Uporabniško ime ali staro geslo je nepravilno. Pri vnosu črk v gesla pazite na pravilno velikost. | The User name or old password is incorrect. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case. |
1304 | Za spreminjanje gesla nimate dovoljenja. | You do not have permission to change your password. |
1305 | Trenutno ni mogoče spremeniti gesla za ta račun. | The password on this account cannot be changed at this time. |
1306 | Gesla ni mogoče spremeniti, ker izbrani računalnik ni krmilnik domene. Vnesite ime domene ali ime krmilnika domene in poskusite znova. | Unable to change your password because the computer you selected is not the Domain Controller of the domain. Type the name of the domain or the name of the Domain Controller and try again. |
1307 | Vnesite geslo, ki izpolnjuje te pogoje. | Please type a password which meets these requirements. |
1308 | Vaše novo geslo ne ustreza zahtevam glede najmanjše dolžine, zgodovine gesla in kompleksnosti. Vnesite drugo geslo. | Your new password does not meet the minimum length or password history and complexity requirements. Please type a different password. |
1309 | Geslo mora biti dolgo vsaj %hu znakov; ne sme biti enako že uporabljenim geslom %hu; mora biti staro vsaj %ld dni; vsebovati mora velike črke, številke ali ločila in ne sme vsebovati vašega imena ali imena računa. | Your password must be at least %hu characters; cannot repeat any of your previous %hu passwords; must be at least %ld days old; must contain capitals, numerals or punctuation; and cannot contain your account or full name. |
1310 | Geslo mora vsebovati vsaj %hu znakov; ne sme biti enako že uporabljenim geslom %hu in mora biti staro vsaj toliko dni: %ld. | Your password must be at least %hu characters, cannot repeat any of your previous %hu passwords and must be at least %ld days old. |
1311 | Gesla računa ni mogoče spremeniti zaradi te napake: %d : %s Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. |
Unable to change the password on this account due to the following error: %d : %s Please consult your system administrator. |
1312 | Ni bilo mogoče spremeniti gesla ponudnika omrežja. | Unable to change your network provider password. |
1400 | Ta računalnik je zaklenjen. Odklene ga lahko le vpisani uporabnik. | This computer is locked. Only the signed-in user can unlock the computer. |
1540 | Datoteke z zagonskim ključem ni bilo mogoče najti na disku v pogonu A:. Vstavite pravilen disk. | The Startup Key File was not found on the disk in drive A:. Please insert the correct disk. |
1541 | Datoteke s ključem ni bilo mogoče najti | Key File Not Found |
1900 | Windows se ni mogel povezati s storitvijo %s. Obrnite se na skrbnika sistema. |
Windows couldn't connect to the %s service. Please consult your system administrator. |
1901 | Windows se ni mogel povezati s storitvijo %s. Ta težava preprečuje vpis standardnim uporabnikom. Kot skrbnik lahko pregledate dnevnik sistemskih dogodkov, v katerem najdete podrobnosti o tem, zakaj se storitev ni odzvala. |
Windows couldn't connect to the %s service. This problem prevents standard users from signing in. As an administrative user, you can review the system event log for details about why the service didn't respond. |
1902 | S storitvijo sistema Windows se ni bilo mogoče povezati | Failed to connect to a Windows service |
1903 | Vpis v storitev %s ni bil mogoč. %s |
The %s service failed the sign-in. %s |
1904 | Počakajte %s | Please wait for the %s |
1905 | Upravitelj lokalnih sej | Local Session Manager |
2000 | Ni se mogoče znova povezati z vsemi omrežnimi pogoni | Could not reconnect all network drives |
2001 | Kliknite tukaj, če želite preveriti stanje omrežnih pogonov. | Click here to check the status of your network drives. |
2009 | Vaše geslo je poteklo. | Your password has expired. |
2010 | Spremenite geslo | Consider changing your password |
2011 | Vaše geslo bo poteklo v %ld dneh. | Your password will expire in %ld days. |
2012 | Vaše geslo poteče danes. | Your password expires today. |
2013 | Dnevnik nadzora je poln | Auditing log is full |
2014 | Varnostni dnevnik je poln. V takem primeru se lahko vpišejo le skrbniki. | The security log is full. When that happens, only administrators can sign in. |
2015 | Časovne omejitve vpisa | Sign-in time restrictions |
2016 | Zaradi časovnih omejitev vpisa bo povezava s sejo prekinjena čez %ld min. | Your session will be disconnected in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions. |
2017 | Računalnik vas bo kmalu izpisal | You're about to be signed out |
2018 | Zagon procesa za interaktivni vpis ni bil uspešen. Preverite podrobnosti v dnevniku dogodkov. |
Interactive sign-in process initialization has failed. Please check the event log for details. |
2019 | Napaka pri zagonu procesa vpisa | Sign-in process initialization failure |
2020 | V to sejo se lahko prijavi le trenutno vpisani uporabnik ali skrbnik. | Only the currently signed-in user or an administrator can sign in to this session. |
2021 | %s\%s je zavrnil zahtevo za prekinitev povezave. | %s\%s denied your disconnect request. |
2022 | Počakajte, da se %s\%s odzove. | Please wait for %s\%s to respond. |
2023 | Proces vpisa ni mogel prikazati varnostnih možnosti in možnosti za vpis, ko ste pritisnili tipke Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Če se Windows ne odziva, pritisnite tipko Esc ali s stikalom za vklop znova zaženite računalnik. | The sign-in process couldn't display security and sign-in options when Ctrl+Alt+Delete was pressed. If Windows doesn't respond, press Esc, or use the power switch to restart. |
2024 | Prikaz varnostnih in zaustavitvenih možnosti ni uspel | Failure to display security and shut down options |
2025 | Zaradi časovnih omejitev vpisa bo vaš računalnik zaklenjen čez %ld min. | Your computer will be locked in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions. |
2026 | Zaradi časovnih omejitev vpisa boste izpisani iz sistema Windows čez %ld min. | You'll be signed out of Windows in %ld minutes due to sign-in time restrictions. |
2027 | Vaše geslo bo poteklo jutri. | Your password will expire tomorrow. |
2028 | Če želite spremeniti geslo, pritisnite tipke CTRL+ALT+DELETE in kliknite »Spremeni geslo«. |
To change your password, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click "Change a password". |
2029 | V računalniku zmanjkuje sredstev, zato se vanj ne more vpisati noben novi uporabnik. Uporabite račun, ki je že vpisan. | Your computer is running low on resources, so no new users can sign in. Please use an account that has already been signed in. |
2030 | Varnostni dnevnik v tem računalniku je poln. Vpišejo se lahko le skrbniki, da odpravijo težavo. | The security log on this system is full. Only administrators can sign in to fix the problem. |
2031 | Varnostni pravilniki v tem računalniku so nastavljeni tako, da pokažejo podatke o zadnjem interaktivnem vpisu, vendar Windows ni mogel pridobiti teh podatkov. Če želite pomoč, se obrnite na skrbnika omrežja. | Security policies on this computer are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in, but Windows couldn't retrieve that info. Contact your network administrator for help. |
2032 | %s (%s) V ta račun ste se prvič vpisali interaktivno. |
%s (%s) This is the first time you've interactively signed in to this account. |
2033 | %s (%s) Uspešen vpis V ta račun ste se zadnjič interaktivno vpisali dne: %s Neuspešen vpis Od vašega zadnjega interaktivnega vpisa ni bilo neuspešnih poskusov interaktivnega vpisa v ta račun. |
%s (%s) Successful sign-in The last time you interactively signed in to this account was: %s Unsuccessful sign-in There have been no unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts with this account since your last interactive sign-in. |
2034 | %s (%s) Uspešen vpis V ta račun ste se zadnjič interaktivno vpisali dne: %s Neuspešen vpis V ta račun ste se zadnjič neuspešno poskušali interaktivno vpisati dne: %s Število neuspešnih poskusov interaktivnega vpisa od zadnjega interaktivnega vpisa: %d. |
%s (%s) Successful sign-in The last time you interactively signed in to this account was: %s Unsuccessful sign-in The last unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempt on this account was: %s The number of unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts since your last interactive sign-in: %d. |
2035 | %s (%s) V ta račun ste se prvič vpisali interaktivno. Neuspešen vpis Zadnji neuspešni poskus interaktivnega vpisa je bil izveden dne: %s Število neuspešnih poskusov interaktivnih vpisov, odkar ste ustvarili račun: %d. |
%s (%s) This is the first time that you've interactively signed in to this account. Unsuccessful sign-in The last unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempt on this account was: %s The number of unsuccessful interactive sign-in attempts since your account was created: %d. |
2036 | %s (%s) Varnostni pravilniki v tem računalniku so nastavljeni tako, da prikažejo podatke o zadnjem interaktivnem vpisu, vendar Windows ni mogel pridobiti teh podatkov, ker ste se vpisali s prejšnjimi shranjenimi podatki o računu. |
%s (%s) Security policies on this PC are set to show info about the last interactive sign-in, but Windows couldn't retrieve that info because you've been signed in using previously stored account info. |
2037 | V skladu z uporabljenim pravilnikom se v varnem načinu lahko vpišejo le skrbniki. | Enforced policy allows only administrators to sign-in in Safe Mode. |
2040 | Windows potrebuje vaše trenutne poverilnice za zagotovitev povezljivosti z omrežjem. | Windows needs your current credentials to ensure network connectivity. |
2041 | Windows potrebuje vaše trenutne poverilnice | Windows needs your current credentials |
2042 | Zaklenite ta računalnik in ga nato odklenite z zadnjim geslom ali s pametno kartico. | Please lock this computer, then unlock it using your most recent password or smart card. |
2043 | S strežnikom za vpis se ni mogoče povezati | Can't connect to a sign-in server |
2044 | Vpisali ste se s prejšnjimi shranjenimi podatki o računu. Če ste od zadnjega vpisa v ta računalnik spremenili podatke o računu, te spremembe ne bodo prikazane v tej seji. | You're signed in using previously stored account info. If you've changed your account info since you last signed in to this PC, those changes won't be reflected in this session. |
2045 | Odjavljanje je preklicano | Logoff is cancelled |
2046 | Če želite spremeniti geslo, pritisnite tipke CTRL+ALT+END in kliknite »Spremeni geslo«. |
To change your password, press CTRL+ALT+END and then click "Change a password". |
2047 | Proces vpisa ni mogel prikazati varnostnih možnosti in možnosti za vpis, ko ste pritisnili tipke Ctrl+Alt+End. Če se Windows ne odziva, pritisnite tipko Esc ali s stikalom za vklop znova zaženite računalnik. | The sign-in process couldn't display security and sign-in options when Ctrl+Alt+End was pressed. If Windows doesn't respond, press Esc, or use the power switch to restart. |
2048 | Windows za dostop do omrežja v vašem podjetju potrebuje vaše poverilnice pametne kartice. Kliknite, če želite vnesti poverilnice ali zakleniti računalnik, in ga znova odklenite s pametno kartico. | Windows needs your smart card credentials to access your corporate network. Click to enter your credentials or lock this computer, and then unlock it using your smart card. |
2049 | Windows potrebuje vaše poverilnice pametne kartice | Windows needs your smart card credentials |
2050 | Windows potrebuje različne poverilnice za dostop do omrežja podjetja. Zaklenite računalnik in ga s temi poverilnicami znova odklenite | Windows needs different credentials to access your corporate network. Lock your computer and then unlock it using those credentials |
2051 | Windows potrebuje različne poverilnice | Windows needs different credentials |
2052 | Računalnik se bo samodejno znova zagnal čez eno minuto | Your PC will automatically restart in one minute |
2053 | Kliknite tukaj za posodobitev. |
Click here to update it now. |
2101 | %s je zavrnil vašo zahtevo za prekinitev povezave. | %s denied your disconnect request. |
2102 | Počakajte, da se %s odzove. | Please wait for %s to respond. |
3000 | Windows nadaljuje z izvajanjem | Windows is resuming |
4000 | Ali želite temu programu dovoliti branje vašega shranjenega uporabniškega imena in gesla? | Do you want to allow this application to read your stored user name and password? |
4001 | Potrditev poverilnice | Credential Confirmation |
5000 | Napaka licence | License Error |
5001 | Sistem ne podpira zagona z VHD-ja | Booting from a VHD is not supported on this system |
0x1B59 | Obvestilo o prijavi uporabnika v program za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje | User Logon Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program |
0x1B5A | Obvestilo o odjavi uporabnika iz programa za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje | User Logoff Notification for Customer Experience Improvement Program |
0x10000031 | Odzivni čas | Response Time |
0x10000038 | Klasičen | Classic |
0x30000000 | Informacije | Info |
0x30000001 | Začni | Start |
0x30000002 | Ustavi | Stop |
0x400003EA | Lupina se je nepričakovano zaustavila in %1 je bil znova zagnan. | The shell stopped unexpectedly and %1 was restarted. |
0x40000FA2 | Za prijavljenega uporabnika velja pravilnik o omejitvi prijavnih ur. Uporabnikova seja je bila zaklenjena, prekinjena ali odjavljena, odvisno od nastavitve pravilnika. Uporabniško ime: %1 Ime domene: %2 | The logon hours restriction policy is applied to the logged on user. The user's session has been locked, disconnected or logged off depending on the policy setting. User Name: %1 Domain Name: %2 |
0x40001005 | Licenca za sistem Windows je bila preverjena. | Windows license validated. |
0x40001008 | Dostopanje do sistema Windows v obdobju obveščanja. | Accessing Windows in Notification period. |
0x50000003 | Opozorilo | Warning |
0x80000FA6 | Proces prijave v sistem Windows ni uspel ustvariti uporabniškega programa. Ime programa: %1. Parametri ukazne vrstice: %2. | The Windows logon process has failed to spawn a user application. Application name: %1. Command line parameters: %2. |
0x80000FA7 | Proces prijave sistema Windows ni uspel prekiniti uporabniške seje. | The Windows logon process has failed to disconnect the user session. |
0x80001009 | Windows je v obdobju obveščanja. | Windows is in Notification period. |
0x80001770 | Naročnik na obvestila procesa winlogon ni uspel obravnavati obvestila. | The winlogon notification subscriber was unavailable to handle a notification event. |
0x80001771 | Naročnik na obvestila procesa winlogon je zavrnil obvestilo. | The winlogon notification subscriber failed a notification event. |
0x80001772 | Zbirke podatkov za registracijo naročnika na obvestila za proces winlogon ni mogoče naložiti. Razlog: . | The winlogon notification subscriber registration database cannot be loaded. Reason: . |
0x80001773 | Naročnik na obvestila procesa winlogon ni uspel obravnavati kritičnega obvestila. | The winlogon notification subscriber was unavailable to handle a critical notification event. |
0x80001774 | Naročnik na obvestila procesa winlogon je zavrnil kritično obvestilo. | The winlogon notification subscriber failed a critical notification event. |
0x80001775 | Naročnik na obvestilo o prijavi v sistem Windows potrebuje veliko časa, da obravnava dogodek obvestila (%2). | The winlogon notification subscriber is taking long time to handle the notification event (%2). |
0x80001776 | Naročnik na obvestilo o prijavi v sistem Windows je potreboval %2 s za obravnavanje dogodka obvestila (%3). | The winlogon notification subscriber took %2 second(s) to handle the notification event (%3). |
0x90000001 | Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon | Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon |
0x90000002 | System | System |
0xB0000001 | Preverjanje pristnosti se je začelo. | Authentication started. |
0xB0000002 | Preverjanje pristnosti se je ustavilo. Rezultat %1 | Authentication stopped. Result %1 |
0xB000032B | Naročnik na obvestilo o prijavi v Windows je začel obravnavo dogodka obvestila (%1). | The winlogon notification subscriber began handling the notification event (%1). |
0xB000032C | Naročnik na obvestilo o prijavi v Windows je dokončal obravnavo dogodka obvestila (%1). | The winlogon notification subscriber finished handling the notification event (%1). |
0xB00003E9 | Opozorilo o preteku ur za prijavo. | Logon hours expiration warning. |
0xB000044D | Računalnik bo zaklenjen, ker je uporabnik presegel največje dovoljeno število neuspelih poskusov prijave, ki so dovoljeni za ta računalnik. Če želite odkleniti napravo, potrebujete obnovitveni ključ.%nSID uporabnika: %1 %nIme uporabnika: %2 %nDomena uporabnika: %3 | The computer will be locked because the user has exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed on this computer. A recovery key is required to unlock the device.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3 |
0xB000044E | Računalnik bo znova zagnan, ker je uporabnik presegel največje dovoljeno število neuspelih poskusov prijave, ki so dovoljeni za ta računalnik.%nSID uporabnika: %1 %nIme uporabnika: %2 %nDomena uporabnika: %3 | The computer will be rebooted because the user has exceeded the maximum number of failed logon attempts allowed on this computer.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3 |
0xB000044F | Uporabnik se približuje pragu največjega dovoljenega števila neuspelih poskusov prijave. Ko bo doseženo to največje dovoljeno število, bo računalnik zaklenjen ali zagnan znova.%nSID uporabnika: %1 %nIme uporabnika: %2 %nDomena uporabnika: %3 | The user is approaching the threshold for maximum number of failed logon attempts. Once the maximum limit is reached the computer will be locked or rebooted.%nUserSid: %1 %nUserName: %2 %nUserDomain: %3 |
0xB0000450 | Inicializacija ponudnika šifriranja ni uspela. Napaka %1 | Encryption Provider initialization failed. Error %1 |
0xC0000FA3 | Proces prijave sistema Windows ni uspel preklopiti namizja. | The Windows logon process has failed to switch the desktop. |
0xC0000FA4 | Proces prijave sistema Windows ni uspel prekiniti trenutno prijavljenih uporabniških procesov. | The Windows logon process has failed to terminate the currently logged on user's processes. |
0xC0000FA5 | Proces prijave sistema Windows se je nepričakovano prekinil. | The Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated. |
0xC0001006 | Licenca za sistem Windows ni veljavna. Napaka %1. Vrednost pravilnika %2. | Windows license is invalid. Error %1. Policy Value %2. |
0xC0001007 | Aktiviranje licence za sistem Windows ni bilo uspešno. Napaka %1. | Windows license activation failed. Error %1. |
File Description: | Prijavni program za operacijski sistem Windows |
File Version: | 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) |
Company Name: | Microsoft Corporation |
Internal Name: | winlogon |
Legal Copyright: | © Microsoft Corporation. Vse pravice pridržane. |
Original Filename: | WINLOGON.EXE.MUI |
Product Name: | Operacijski sistem Microsoft® Windows® |
Product Version: | 10.0.15063.0 |
Translation: | 0x424, 1200 |