Windows.Web.dll.mui Web 客户端 DLL 068f40d8cafb9956eabe4c6c827947ef

File info

File name: Windows.Web.dll.mui
Size: 162816 byte
MD5: 068f40d8cafb9956eabe4c6c827947ef
SHA1: 18a3ec870089c5f84ff96ebd3fcd667c3cf747bd
SHA256: a3ab0065b7b4d1c975e6f12ec3becc4a58e91115552cb6e60b27f9ad0386416e
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Simplified) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Simplified) English
10000'%1': 值不能为空。 '%1': Value must not be empty.
10001“%1”: 缓冲区空间不足,无法容纳请求的字节数。 '%1': Buffer does not have enough space to hold the requested number of bytes.
10002“%1”: 发现无效字符。 '%1': Invalid characters found.
10003无效的 HTTP 标头。 Invalid HTTP headers.
10004无效的 HTTP 响应状态。 Invalid HTTP response status.
10005“%1”: 提供的值不是可忽略的 ChainValidationResult 值。 '%1': Provided value is not an ignorable ChainValidationResult value.
30000'%1': 仅支持 Atom 1.0。 '%1': Only Atom 1.0 is supported.
30001“%1”: 仅支持 Atom 1.0 和 RSS 2.0。 '%1': Only Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 are supported.
30002仅支持 Atom 0.3、Atom 1.0、RSS 0.91、RSS 0.92 和 RSS 2.0。 Only Atom 0.3, Atom 1.0, RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92 and RSS 2.0 are supported.
30003“%1”: 指定 EditUri 属性。 '%1': Specify EditUri property.
30004响应内容长度为零。 The length of the response content is zero.
30005在发送请求后,无法更改凭据。 Credentials cannot be changed after sending a request.
30006“%1”元素缺少所需的元素“%2”。 The '%1' element is missing required element '%2'.
30007“%1”元素缺少所需的属性“%2”。 The '%1' element is missing required attribute '%2'.
30008缺少“%1”根元素。 Missing '%1' root element.
30009“%1”元素没有子元素。 The '%1' element does not have child elements.
30010重复的元素“%1”。 Duplicate element '%1'.
30011元素“%2”上的“%1”属性不符合预期。 Unexpected '%1' attribute on element '%2'.
30012输入的结尾不符合预期。 Unexpected end of input.
30013位置 %1!u! 处具有无效的字符。 Invalid character at position %1!u!.
30014位置 %1!u! 处具有未转义的控制字符。 Unescaped control character at position %1!u!.
30015位置 %1!u! 处具有无效的转义序列。 Invalid escape sequence at position %1!u!.
30016这不是字符串值。请使用 ValueType 属性获取类型。 This is not a string value. Use ValueType property to get the type.
30017这不是数字值。请使用 ValueType 属性获取类型。 This is not a number value. Use ValueType property to get the type.
30018这不是布尔值。请使用 ValueType 属性获取类型。 This is not a boolean value. Use ValueType property to get the type.
30019这不是数组值。请使用 ValueType 属性获取类型。 This is not an array value. Use ValueType property to get the type.
30020这不是对象值。请使用 ValueType 属性获取类型。 This is not an object value. Use ValueType property to get the type.
30021要从对象中获取字符串值,请使用 GetNamedString() 方法。 To get a string value from an object use the GetNamedString() method.
30022要从对象中获取数值,请使用 GetNamedNumber() 方法。 To get a number value from an object use the GetNamedNumber() method.
30023要从对象中获取布尔值,请使用 GetNamedBoolean() 方法。 To get a boolean value from an object use the GetNamedBoolean() method.
30024要从对象中获取数组值,请使用 GetNamedArray() 方法。 To get an array value from an object use the GetNamedArray() method.
30025要从数组中获取字符串值,请使用 GetStringAt() 方法。 To get a string value from an array use the GetStringAt() method.
30026要从数组中获取数值,请使用 GetNumberAt() 方法。 To get a number value from an array use the GetNumberAt() method.
30027要从数组中获取布尔值,请使用 GetBooleanAt() 方法。 To get a boolean value from an array use the GetBooleanAt() method.
30028要从数组中获取对象值,请使用 GetObjectAt() 方法。 To get an object value from an array use the GetObjectAt() method.
0x10000001API API
0x10000002AtomPub AtomPub
0x10000003JSON JSON
0x10000004格式 Format
0x10000005AsyncOperation AsyncOperation
0x10000006HTTP HTTP
0x30000000信息 Info
0x3000000AAPI 入口 API Enter
0x3000000BAPI 出口 API Exit
0x3000000C异步操作开始 Async operation start
0x3000000D异步操作完成 Async operation complete
0x3000000E异步操作失败 Async operation failure
0x3000000F异步操作中止 Async operation abort
0x30000010异步操作关闭 Async operation close
0x30000012异步操作进度 Async operation progress
0x30000013HTTP 操作 HTTP operation
0x30000014分析类别文档 Parse category document
0x30000015检查所需元素 Check required element
0x30000016检查所需属性 Check required attribute
0x30000017检查重复的元素 Check duplicated element
0x30000018分析 URI Parse URI
0x30000019分析日期时间字符串 Parse date time string
0x3000001A分析整数 Parse integer
0x3000001B分析 XML Parse XML
0x3000001C检查自定义属性 Check custom attribute
0x3000001D检查自定义元素 Check custom element
0x3000001E分析 JSON 字符串 Parse JSON string
0x3000001F添加默认值 Add default value
0x30000020添加第一个值 Add first value
0x30000021忽略意外的内容 Ignore unexpected content
0x30000022添加自定义属性 Add custom attribute
0x30000023添加自定义元素 Add custom element
0x50000002错误 Error
0x50000003警告 Warning
0x50000005详细 Verbose
0x70000002分析 Parse
0x70000003串行化 Serialize
0x70000004异步 I/O Async I/O
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Runtime-WebAPI Microsoft-Windows-Runtime-WebAPI
0xB0000001%2 上的异步操作 %1 已开始。 Async operation %1 at %2 started.
0xB0000002%2 上的异步操作 %1 无法开始。错误代码为 %3: %4 Async operation %1 at %2 failed to start. The error code is %3: %4
0xB0000003%2 上的异步操作 %1 已成功完成。 Async operation %1 at %2 completed successfully.
0xB0000004%2 上的异步操作 %1 失败,错误代码为 %3: %4。 Async operation %1 at %2 failed with error code %3: %4.
0xB0000005已取消 %2 上的异步操作 %1。 Async operation %1 at %2 was cancelled.
0xB0000006%2 上的异步操作 %1 已关闭。 Async operation %1 at %2 was closed.
0xB0000007%2 上的异步操作 %1 已在 %3 上调用完成回调。 Async operation %1 at %2 called completion callback at %3.
0xB0000008%2 上的异步操作 %1 已在 %3 上调用进度回调。 Async operation %1 at %2 called progress callback at %3.
0xB0000009%2 上的异步操作 %1 无法从 GIT 中删除处理程序。错误代码为 %3: %4 Async operation %1 at %2 failed to remove handler from GIT. The error code is %3: %4
0xB000000A%2 上的异步操作 %1 无法在 GIT 上注册处理程序。错误代码为 %3: %4 Async operation %1 at %2 failed to register handler at GIT. The error code is %3: %4
0xB000000B%2 上的异步操作 %1 无法从 GIT 中检索到处理程序。错误代码为 %3: %4 Async operation %1 at %2 failed to retrieve handler from GIT. The error code is %3: %4
0xB000000C无法分析 URI“%1”。 Failed to parse URI '%1'.
0xB000000D无法使用基本 URI“%1”和相对 URI“%2”创建 URI。 Failed to create URI with base URI '%1' and relative URI '%2'.
0xB000000E添加 HTTP 标头“%1: %2”。 Add HTTP header '%1: %2'.
0xB000000F开始使用凭据“%2”连接到“%1”。 Start to connect to '%1' with credential of '%2'.
0xB0000010开始使用默认凭据连接到“%1”。 Start to connect to '%1' with default credential.
0xB0000011无法在端口 %2 上连接到“%1”。最后一个错误为 %3: %4 Failed to connect to '%1' at port %2. The last error is %3: %4
0xB0000012正在使用标志 %3 将对“%1”的请求打开到“%2”。 Opening request to '%1' to '%2' with flags %3.
0xB0000013无法打开对“%1”的请求。最后一个错误为 %2: %3 Failed to open request to '%1'. The last error is %2: %3
0xB0000014请求上下文 %1 具有到“%3”的请求句柄 %2。 Request context %1 has request handle %2 to '%3'.
0xB0000015将请求句柄 %1 上的 HTTP 发送和接收超时设置为 %2 毫秒。 Set HTTP send and receive timeout to %2ms on request handle %1.
0xB0000016开始发送到内容长度为 %2 的请求句柄 %1。 Start to send to request handle %1 with content length %2.
0xB0000017请求句柄 %1 已同步完成。 Request handle %1 completed synchronously.
0xB0000018请求上下文 %1 已完成异步发送。 Request context %1 completed send asynchronously.
0xB0000019正在向请求句柄 %1 写入 %2 个字节。 Writing %2 bytes to request handle %1.
0xB000001A无法将实体正文发送到请求句柄 %1。最后一个错误为 %2: %3 Failed to send entity body to request handle %1. The last error is %2: %3
0xB000001B已在请求句柄 %1 上发送 HTTP 请求: %2 Sent HTTP request at request handle %1: %2
0xB000001C开始接收来自请求句柄 %1 的响应。 Start to receive response from request handle %1.
0xB000001D已接收来自请求句柄 %1 的 HTTP 响应,状态代码为 %2,状态描述为“%3”。 Received HTTP response from request handle %1 with status code %2 and status description '%3'.
0xB000001E接收来自请求句柄 %1 的 HTTP 响应: %2 Receive HTTP response from request handle %1: %2
0xB000001F无法接收来自请求句柄 %1 的 HTTP 响应。最后一个错误为 %2: %3 Failed to receive HTTP response from request handle %1. The last error is %2: %3
0xB0000020请求上下文 %1 已接收到 %2 个字节的 HTTP 响应,超过了 %3 的限制。 Request context %1 received HTTP response of %2 bytes, which is over the %3 limit.
0xB0000021请求上下文 %1 正在重新提交请求。 Request context %1 resubmiting the request.
0xB0000022正在为服务器“%2”重用请求句柄 %1。 Reusing the request handle %1 for server '%2'.
0xB0000023请求上下文 %1 已中止。 Request context %1 was aborted.
0xB0000024“%1”进度: 已发送 %2 个字节;要发送的字节总数为 %3;已接收 %4 个字节;要接收的字节总数为 %5。 Progress to '%1': %2 bytes sent; %3 total bytes to send; %4 bytes received; %5 total bytes to receive.
0xB0000025对“%1”的 HTTP 请求已完成。错误代码为 %2: %3 HTTP request to '%1' completed. The error code is %2: %3
0xB0000026%2 上的 %1 无法处理 HTTP 响应“%3”。错误代码为 %4: %5 Async operation %1 at %2 failed to process HTTP response '%3'. The error code is %4: %5
0xB0000027%1::%2 已调用。 %1::%2 is called.
0xB0000028%1::%2 已成功返回。 %1::%2 returned successfully.
0xB0000029%1::%2 失败,HRESULT 为 %3: %4 %1::%2 failed with HRESULT %3: %4
0xB000002A开始在“%1”上下载类别文档。 Start downloading category document at '%1'.
0xB000002B在“%1”上成功下载类别文档。 Category document downloaded successfully at '%1'.
0xB000002C无法在“%1”上下载类别文档。错误代码为 %2: %3 Failed to download category document at '%1'. The error code is %2: %3
0xB000002D无法在“%1”上下载类别文档。HTTP 状态代码为 %2。 Failed to download category document at '%1'. The HTTP status code was %2.
0xB000002E无法分析从“%1”下载的类别文档。错误代码为 %2: %3。 Failed to parse category document downloaded from '%1'. The error code is %2: %3.
0xB000002F缺少所需的元素“%1”。 Required element '%1' is missing.
0xB0000030元素“%2”上缺少所需的属性“%1”。 Required attribute '%1' is missing on element '%2'.
0xB0000031找到重复元素“%1”。 Duplicated element '%1' found.
0xB0000032缺少所需的元素“%1”。请添加一个具有默认值的元素。 Required element '%1' is missing. Add one with default value.
0xB0000033元素“%2”上缺少所需的属性“%1”。请添加一个具有空值的属性。 Required attribute '%1' is missing on element '%2'. Add it with empty value.
0xB0000034分析的 'feed' 元素没有 'author' 元素。 The parsed 'feed' element does not have an 'author' element.
0xB0000035找到多个“%1”元素。请使用第一个元素并忽略其余元素。 Multiple '%1' elements are found. Use the first and ignore the rest.
0xB0000036忽略在 \"source\" 元素中找到的 \"entry\" 元素。 Ignore the 'entry' element found in 'source' element.
0xB0000037\"entry\" 元素没有 \"content\" 元素或没有 rel=\"alternate\" 的 \"link\" 元素。元素 XML: %1 The 'entry' element does not have a 'content' element or a 'link' element with rel='alternate'. Element XML: %1
0xB0000038\"item\" 元素缺少 \"title\" 和 \"description\" 元素。元素 XML: %1 The 'item' element is missing both 'title' and 'description' elements. Element XML: %1
0xB0000039rel=\"enclosure\" 的 \"link\" 元素缺少 \"length\" 属性。元素 XML: %1 The 'link' element with rel='enclosure' is missing 'length' attribute. Element XML: %1
0xB000003A在元素中找到意外的子元素,XML: %1 Unexpected child element is found in element with XML: %1
0xB000003B存在 \"src\" 属性时意外的 \"type\" 属性 \"%1\"。元素 XML: %2 Unexpected 'type' attribute '%1' when 'src' attribute is present. Element XML: %2
0xB000003CAtom 文本内容中意外的 \"type\" 属性“%1”。仅允许 \"text\"、\"html\" 或 \"xhtml\"。元素 XML: %2 Unexpected 'type' attribute '%1' in Atom text content. Only 'text', 'html' or 'xhtml' is allowed. Element XML: %2
0xB000003D元素 \"%1\" 不应该包含子元素或文本。元素 XML: %2 Element '%1' should not contain child element or text. Element XML: %2
0xB000003Etype=\"xhtml\" 的 Atom 文本内容必须在命名空间 \"\" 中具有单一子元素 \"div\"。 Atom text content with type='xhtml' must have a single child element 'div' in namespace ''.
0xB000003F无法分析日期时间“%1”。 Failed to parse date time '%1'.
0xB0000040无法分析整数“%1”。 Failed to parse integer '%1'.
0xB0000041无法分析文档:“%1”。 Failed to parse document: '%1'.
0xB0000042无法创建属性节点。命名空间“%2”中的属性“%1”不是有效的 XML 属性。 Failed to create attribute node. The attribute '%1' in namespace '%2' is not a valid XML attribute.
0xB0000043无法创建元素节点。命名空间“%2”中的元素“%1”不是有效的 XML 元素。 Failed to create element node. The element '%1' in namespace '%2' is not a valid XML element.
0xB0000044无法将命名空间“%2”中的属性“%1”添加到元素中。这可能是由于命名空间冲突引起的,可以通过对属性名称设置其他命名空间前缀来解决。 Failed to add attribute '%1' in namespace '%2' in to the element. This may be caused by namespace conflict and may be resolved by setting a different namespace prefix on the attribute name.
0xB0000045无法分析 JSON 字符串“%1”。发生的错误接近 %2。 Failed to parse JSON string '%1'. The error happened near %2.
0xB0000046JSON 字符串已超过所允许的最大深度 %1。 The JSON string exceeded the maximum allowed depth %1.
0xB0000047句柄 %1: HTTP/2 已启用。 Handle %1: HTTP/2 enabled.
0xD0000001SyndicationAttribute SyndicationAttribute
0xD0000002ISyndicationAttributeFactory ISyndicationAttributeFactory
0xD0000003SyndicationNode SyndicationNode
0xD0000004ISyndicationNodeFactory ISyndicationNodeFactory
0xD0000005SyndicationGenerator SyndicationGenerator
0xD0000006ISyndicationGeneratorFactory ISyndicationGeneratorFactory
0xD0000007SyndicationText SyndicationText
0xD0000008ISyndicationTextFactory ISyndicationTextFactory
0xD0000009SyndicationContent SyndicationContent
0xD000000AISyndicationContentFactory ISyndicationContentFactory
0xD000000BSyndicationLink SyndicationLink
0xD000000CISyndicationLinkFactory ISyndicationLinkFactory
0xD000000DSyndicationPerson SyndicationPerson
0xD000000EISyndicationPersonFactory ISyndicationPersonFactory
0xD000000FSyndicationCategory SyndicationCategory
0xD0000010ISyndicationCategoryFactory ISyndicationCategoryFactory
0xD0000011SyndicationItem SyndicationItem
0xD0000012ISyndicationItemFactory ISyndicationItemFactory
0xD0000013SyndicationFeed SyndicationFeed
0xD0000014ISyndicationFeedFactory ISyndicationFeedFactory
0xD0000015RetrieveFeedOperation RetrieveFeedOperation
0xD0000016SyndicationClient SyndicationClient
0xD0000017ISyndicationClientFactory ISyndicationClientFactory
0xD0000018JsonValue JsonValue
0xD0000019JsonObject JsonObject
0xD000001AIJsonObjectFactory IJsonObjectFactory
0xD000001BJsonArray JsonArray
0xD000001CIJsonArrayFactory IJsonArrayFactory
0xD000001DResourceCollection ResourceCollection
0xD000001EWorkspace Workspace
0xD000001FServiceDocument ServiceDocument
0xD0000020RetrieveServiceDocumentOperation RetrieveServiceDocumentOperation
0xD0000021CreateResourceOperation CreateResourceOperation
0xD0000022RetrieveResourceOperation RetrieveResourceOperation
0xD0000023UpdateResourceOperation UpdateResourceOperation
0xD0000024DeleteResourceOperation DeleteResourceOperation
0xD0000025RetrieveMediaResourceOperation RetrieveMediaResourceOperation
0xD0000026AtomPubClient AtomPubClient
0xD0000027IAtomPubClientFactory IAtomPubClientFactory
0xD0000028get_Name get_Name
0xD0000029put_Name put_Name
0xD000002Aget_Namespace get_Namespace
0xD000002Bput_Namespace put_Namespace
0xD000002Cget_Value get_Value
0xD000002Dput_Value put_Value
0xD000002ECreateSyndicationAttribute CreateSyndicationAttribute
0xD000002Fget_NodeName get_NodeName
0xD0000030put_NodeName put_NodeName
0xD0000031get_NodeNamespace get_NodeNamespace
0xD0000032put_NodeNamespace put_NodeNamespace
0xD0000033get_NodeValue get_NodeValue
0xD0000034put_NodeValue put_NodeValue
0xD0000035get_Language get_Language
0xD0000036put_Language put_Language
0xD0000037get_BaseUri get_BaseUri
0xD0000038put_BaseUri put_BaseUri
0xD0000039get_AttributeExtensions get_AttributeExtensions
0xD000003Aget_ElementExtensions get_ElementExtensions
0xD000003BGetXmlDocument GetXmlDocument
0xD000003CCreateSyndicationNode CreateSyndicationNode
0xD000003Dget_Text get_Text
0xD000003Eput_Text put_Text
0xD000003Fget_Uri get_Uri
0xD0000040put_Uri put_Uri
0xD0000041get_Version get_Version
0xD0000042put_Version put_Version
0xD0000043CreateSyndicationGenerator CreateSyndicationGenerator
0xD0000044get_Type get_Type
0xD0000045put_Type put_Type
0xD0000046get_Xml get_Xml
0xD0000047put_Xml put_Xml
0xD0000048ToString ToString
0xD0000049CreateSyndicationText CreateSyndicationText
0xD000004ACreateSyndicationTextEx CreateSyndicationTextEx
0xD000004Bget_SourceUri get_SourceUri
0xD000004Cput_SourceUri put_SourceUri
0xD000004DCreateSyndicationContent CreateSyndicationContent
0xD000004ECreateSyndicationContentWithSourceUri CreateSyndicationContentWithSourceUri
0xD000004Fget_Length get_Length
0xD0000050put_Length put_Length
0xD0000051get_MediaType get_MediaType
0xD0000052put_MediaType put_MediaType
0xD0000053get_Relationship get_Relationship
0xD0000054put_Relationship put_Relationship
0xD0000055get_Title get_Title
0xD0000056put_Title put_Title
0xD0000057get_ResourceLanguage get_ResourceLanguage
0xD0000058put_ResourceLanguage put_ResourceLanguage
0xD0000059CreateSyndicationLink CreateSyndicationLink
0xD000005ACreateSyndicationLinkEx CreateSyndicationLinkEx
0xD000005Bget_Email get_Email
0xD000005Cput_Email put_Email
0xD000005DCreateSyndicationPerson CreateSyndicationPerson
0xD000005ECreateSyndicationPersonEx CreateSyndicationPersonEx
0xD000005Fget_Label get_Label
0xD0000060put_Label put_Label
0xD0000061get_Scheme get_Scheme
0xD0000062put_Scheme put_Scheme
0xD0000063get_Term get_Term
0xD0000064put_Term put_Term
0xD0000065CreateSyndicationCategory CreateSyndicationCategory
0xD0000066CreateSyndicationCategoryEx CreateSyndicationCategoryEx
0xD0000067get_Authors get_Authors
0xD0000068get_Categories get_Categories
0xD0000069get_Contributors get_Contributors
0xD000006Aget_Content get_Content
0xD000006Bput_Content put_Content
0xD000006Cget_Id get_Id
0xD000006Dput_Id put_Id
0xD000006Eget_LastUpdatedTime get_LastUpdatedTime
0xD000006Fput_LastUpdatedTime put_LastUpdatedTime
0xD0000070get_Links get_Links
0xD0000071get_PublishedDate get_PublishedDate
0xD0000072put_PublishedDate put_PublishedDate
0xD0000073get_Rights get_Rights
0xD0000074put_Rights put_Rights
0xD0000075get_Source get_Source
0xD0000076put_Source put_Source
0xD0000077get_Summary get_Summary
0xD0000078put_Summary put_Summary
0xD0000079get_CommentsUri get_CommentsUri
0xD000007Aput_CommentsUri put_CommentsUri
0xD000007Bget_EditUri get_EditUri
0xD000007Cget_EditMediaUri get_EditMediaUri
0xD000007Dget_ETag get_ETag
0xD000007Eget_FeedUri get_FeedUri
0xD000007Fget_ItemUri get_ItemUri
0xD0000080Load Load
0xD0000081LoadFromXml LoadFromXml
0xD0000082CreateSyndicationItem CreateSyndicationItem
0xD0000083get_Generator get_Generator
0xD0000084put_Generator put_Generator
0xD0000085get_IconUri get_IconUri
0xD0000086put_IconUri put_IconUri
0xD0000087get_Items get_Items
0xD0000088get_ImageUri get_ImageUri
0xD0000089put_ImageUri put_ImageUri
0xD000008Aget_Subtitle get_Subtitle
0xD000008Bput_Subtitle put_Subtitle
0xD000008Cget_FirstUri get_FirstUri
0xD000008Dget_LastUri get_LastUri
0xD000008Eget_NextUri get_NextUri
0xD000008Fget_PreviousUri get_PreviousUri
0xD0000090get_SourceFormat get_SourceFormat
0xD0000091CreateSyndicationFeed CreateSyndicationFeed
0xD0000092put_Progress put_Progress
0xD0000093get_Progress get_Progress
0xD0000094put_Completed put_Completed
0xD0000095get_Completed get_Completed
0xD0000096GetResults GetResults
0xD0000097get_ServerCredential get_ServerCredential
0xD0000098put_ServerCredential put_ServerCredential
0xD0000099get_ProxyCredential get_ProxyCredential
0xD000009Aput_ProxyCredential put_ProxyCredential
0xD000009Bget_MaxResponseBufferSize get_MaxResponseBufferSize
0xD000009Cput_MaxResponseBufferSize put_MaxResponseBufferSize
0xD000009Dget_Timeout get_Timeout
0xD000009Eput_Timeout put_Timeout
0xD000009Fget_BypassCacheOnRetrieve get_BypassCacheOnRetrieve
0xD00000A0put_BypassCacheOnRetrieve put_BypassCacheOnRetrieve
0xD00000A1SetRequestHeader SetRequestHeader
0xD00000A2RetrieveFeedAsync RetrieveFeedAsync
0xD00000A3CreateSyndicationClient CreateSyndicationClient
0xD00000A4get_ValueType get_ValueType
0xD00000A5Parse Parse
0xD00000A6Stringify Stringify
0xD00000A7GetString GetString
0xD00000A8GetNumber GetNumber
0xD00000A9GetBoolean GetBoolean
0xD00000AAGetArray GetArray
0xD00000ABGetObject GetObject
0xD00000ACCreateBooleanValue CreateBooleanValue
0xD00000ADCreateNumberValue CreateNumberValue
0xD00000AECreateStringValue CreateStringValue
0xD00000AFGetNamedValue GetNamedValue
0xD00000B0SetNamedValue SetNamedValue
0xD00000B1GetNamedObject GetNamedObject
0xD00000B2GetNamedArray GetNamedArray
0xD00000B3GetNamedString GetNamedString
0xD00000B4GetNamedNumber GetNamedNumber
0xD00000B5GetNamedBoolean GetNamedBoolean
0xD00000B6CreateJsonObject CreateJsonObject
0xD00000B7GetObjectAt GetObjectAt
0xD00000B8GetArrayAt GetArrayAt
0xD00000B9GetStringAt GetStringAt
0xD00000BAGetNumberAt GetNumberAt
0xD00000BBGetBooleanAt GetBooleanAt
0xD00000BCCreateJsonArray CreateJsonArray
0xD00000BDget_Accepts get_Accepts
0xD00000BEget_Collections get_Collections
0xD00000BFget_Workspaces get_Workspaces
0xD00000C0RetrieveServiceDocumentAsync RetrieveServiceDocumentAsync
0xD00000C1RetrieveMediaResourceAsync RetrieveMediaResourceAsync
0xD00000C2RetrieveResourceAsync RetrieveResourceAsync
0xD00000C3CreateResourceAsync CreateResourceAsync
0xD00000C4CreateMediaResourceAsync CreateMediaResourceAsync
0xD00000C5UpdateMediaResourceAsync UpdateMediaResourceAsync
0xD00000C6UpdateResourceAsync UpdateResourceAsync
0xD00000C7UpdateResourceItemAsync UpdateResourceItemAsync
0xD00000C8DeleteResourceAsync DeleteResourceAsync
0xD00000C9DeleteResourceItemAsync DeleteResourceItemAsync
0xD00000CACancelAsyncOperations CancelAsyncOperations
0xD00000CBCreateAtomPubClientWithCredentials CreateAtomPubClientWithCredentials
0xD00000CCFirst First
0xD00000CDGetAt GetAt
0xD00000CEget_Size get_Size
0xD00000CFGetView GetView
0xD00000D0IndexOf IndexOf
0xD00000D1SetAt SetAt
0xD00000D2InsertAt InsertAt
0xD00000D3Insert Insert
0xD00000D4RemoveAt RemoveAt
0xD00000D5Remove Remove
0xD00000D6Append Append
0xD00000D7RemoveAtEnd RemoveAtEnd
0xD00000D8Clear Clear
0xD00000D9Lookup Lookup
0xD00000DAHasKey HasKey
0xD00000DBTryParse TryParse
0xD00000DCGetNamedValueOrDefault GetNamedValueOrDefault
0xD00000DDGetNamedObjectOrDefault GetNamedObjectOrDefault
0xD00000DEGetNamedArrayOrDefault GetNamedArrayOrDefault
0xD00000DFGetNamedStringOrDefault GetNamedStringOrDefault
0xD00000E0GetNamedNumberOrDefault GetNamedNumberOrDefault
0xD00000E1GetNamedBooleanOrDefault GetNamedBooleanOrDefault
0xD00000E2CreateNullValue CreateNullValue
0xD00000E3UpdateMediaResourceOperation UpdateMediaResourceOperation


File Name:Windows.Web.dll.mui
File Size:159 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp:0000:00:00 00:00:00
PE Type:PE32
Linker Version:14.10
Code Size:0
Initialized Data Size:162304
Uninitialized Data Size:0
Entry Point:0x0000
OS Version:10.0
Image Version:10.0
Subsystem Version:6.0
Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
File Flags:(none)
File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Dynamic link library
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Simplified)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Web 客户端 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:Web Client DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:Windows.Web.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is Windows.Web.dll.mui?

Windows.Web.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Simplified) language for file Windows.Web.dll (Web 客户端 DLL).

File version info

File Description:Web 客户端 DLL
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:Web Client DLL
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:Windows.Web.dll.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x804, 1200