tquery.dll.mui Microsoft Tripoli Query 02dfc957b5fda057bbaa4e0649ed264e

File info

File name: tquery.dll.mui
Size: 70144 byte
MD5: 02dfc957b5fda057bbaa4e0649ed264e
SHA1: b5ddf6a215d4c6a62fc1a5a61463db481be227d4
SHA256: 712b7e70bcafd3323d7504185be33d563d5b200898c7a1fd9c5cde94aa98bc56
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
103註解 Annotation
104(清理 URL) 註解 (Cleanup Url) Annotation
105註解沒有目標 Annotation has no target
106復原階段 Recovery Phase
110%s (0x%08x - %s)
%s (0x%08x - %s)
112%s (0x%08x)
%s (0x%08x)
113內容: %s 應用程式,%s 類別
Context: %s Application, %s Catalog
114內容: %s 應用程式
Context: %s Application
120合併排清損毀 Merge Flush Corruption
200未指定 Unspecified
201其他 Other
0x0注意: 需要此虛擬錯誤訊息以強制 MC 在 FACILITY_WINDOWS 防護內輸出上述定義, 而不要留空。 NOTE: This dummy error message is necessary to force MC to output the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard instead of leaving it empty.
0x1搜尋服務 Search service
0x2自動分頁器 Collator
0x3收集程式 Gatherer
0x4內容索引伺服器 Content index server
0xBFD已成功完成還原應用程式。%1 The application was successfully restored.%1
0xC05已成功完成備份應用程式。%1 The application was successfully backed up.%1
0x1B68索引傳播至搜尋伺服器 成功。服務正在等候搜尋伺服器接受傳播。%1 Index propagation to search server succeeded. The service is now waiting for the search server to accept the propagation.%1
0x1B6B成功地將搜尋伺服器 加入。%1 The search server was successfully added.%1
0x1B6C成功地將搜尋伺服器 移除。%1 The search server was successfully removed.%1
0x00040203無法使用 MAPI 服務。 The MAPI service is unavailable.
0x00040607無法建立搜尋伺服器的連線。 No connection to a Search server can be established.
0x00040704找不到與這個查詢相符的項目。 No matching items were found for this query.
0x00040712已成功略過查詢字詞。 The query term was successfully ignored.
0x00040716查詢找到一些相符的項目,但無法編譯整個結果集。 The query found some matching items, but is unable to compile the entire result set.
0x0004092F剖析器錯誤 Parser Error
0x00040930不允許 PASSTHROUGH 查詢: '%1' The PASSTHROUGH query is not allowed: '%1'
0x00040931接近 '%1' 部分的語法不正確。SQLSTATE=42000 The syntax near '%1' is incorrect. SQLSTATE=42000
0x00040932接近 '%1' 部分的語法不正確。必須要是 %2。SQLSTATE=42000 The syntax near '%1' is incorrect. Expected %2. SQLSTATE=42000
0x00040933不支援多重敘述式命令。SQLSTATE=42000 Multiple statement commands are not supported. SQLSTATE=42000
0x00040934ORDER BY 序數 (%1) 必須在 1 及 %2 之間。SQLSTATE=42000 ORDER BY ordinal (%1) must be between 1 and %2. SQLSTATE=42000
0x00040935尚未在類目 '%2' 中定義檢視 '%1'。SQLSTATE=42S02 View '%1' was not defined in catalog '%2'. SQLSTATE=42S02
0x00040936尚未定義 '%1' 欄。SQLSTATE=42S22 Column '%1' was not defined. SQLSTATE=42S22
0x00040937檢視名稱與預先定義的檢視定義衝突。 The view name conflicts with a predefined view definition.
0x00040938記憶體不足 Out of memory
0x00040939SELECT * 只能在檢視上使用 SELECT * is only allowed on views
0x0004093A OR NOT 不可使用 OR NOT is not allowed
0x0004093B無法將 '%1' 轉換成類型 %2 '%1'cannot be converted to type %2
0x0004093C%1 超出類型 %2 的範圍 %1 is out of range for type %2
0x0004093D 的規格必須是負值 The specification of must be negative
0x0004093E'%1' 不是檢視定義中的欄 '%1' is not a column in the view definition
0x0004093F屬性名稱與預先定義的屬性定義衝突 The property name conflicts with a predefined property definition
0x00040940權數必須介於 0.0 及 1.0 之間 Weight value must be between 0.0 and 1.0
0x00040941對應字串包含錯誤。 The matches string contains an error.
0x00040942因為屬性名稱已經在 VIEW 中使用,而無法設定。SQLSTATE=42000 The property name cannot be set because it is already being used in a VIEW. SQLSTATE=42000
0x00040943檢視 '%1' 已經存在於索引 '%2',而無法重新定義。SQLSTATE=42S01 View '%1' already exists in the index '%2' and cannot be redefined. SQLSTATE=42S01
0x00040944不正確的索引名稱 '%1'。SQLSTATE=42000 The index name '%1' is invalid. SQLSTATE=42000
0x00040945聯合表格的選取清單不正確。 The select list for the coalesce table is invalid.
0x00040946文字值無法排定成要求的類型。 The literal value cannot cast to the requested type.
0x00040947指定在 DATEADD 函數的相關間隔太大。 The relative interval given in the DATEADD function is too large.
0x00040948IN GROUP 識別碼無效。 The IN GROUP identifier is invalid.
0x00040D1C已略過狀態變更要求,因為有相同的狀態變更擱置中。 The status change request was ignored, because the same status change is already pending.
0x00040D1D更新已結束。 The update ended.
0x00040D1E重設 Reset
0x00040D1F準備進行傳播 Preparing to propagate
0x00040D20繼續 Resume
0x00040D21暫停 Pause
0x00040D24收集程式已完成標準特性的篩選。 The gatherer has finished filtering standard properties.
0x00040D2B更新無法在沒有內容來源的情況下開始。請新增至少一個未用於提醒的內容來源。 The update cannot begin without content sources. Add at least one content source that is not used for alerts.
0x00040D30無法新增文件至 IFilter。可能是因為無法識別的文件格式或文件損毀所造成的。僅對從文件儲存區取得的中繼資料製作索引。 Failed to load document into IFilter. Possibly caused by unrecognized document format or document corruption. Only metadata obtained from the document storage was indexed.
0x00040D33停止 Stop
0x00040D36開始更新 Start Update
0x00040D56索引設定中包含帳號資訊。 The index configuration contains account information.
0x00040D67未在適當的資料編目期間修改內容,因此收集程式不會檢查文件的變更。 The content was not likely to be modified during the adaptive update, so the gatherer is not going to check the document for changes.
0x00040D68只要其他正在進行的更新操作釋出所有的內容來源,就會立即啟動更新。 The update will start as soon as all content sources are released by other updates that are already in progress.
0x00040D69因為同時有另一個相同 URL 的異動正在使用中,因此會略過這個多餘的異動。 The transaction was ignored as redundant, because another transaction for the same URL was active at the same time.
0x00040D6A收集程式已使用通訊協定處理程式的篩選器開始提取特性。 The gatherer started getting properties using the filter from the protocol handler.
0x00040D6C無法採用這個檔案連結。 This file link cannot be followed.
0x00040D6E此文件的某些部份無法存取。 Some parts of this document cannot be accessed.
0x00040D70已順利停止程序通知佇列。 The process notify queue was stopped successfully.
0x00040D71收集程式已使用文件篩選器開始提取屬性。 The gatherer started getting properties using the document filter.
0x00040D78文件的某些部分已修改過,但其他部份尚未修改。收集程式會重新篩選整份文件。 Some parts of the document were modified, and others were not. The gatherer will refilter the entire document.
0x00040D83完整 Full
0x00040D84增量 Incremental
0x00040D85調適的 Adaptive
0x00040D90由於非索引屬性,所以此伺服器會排除這個 URL 的內容。 Content for this URL is excluded by the server because a no-index attribute.
0x00040D92由使用者 by user
0x00040D93為了升級目的 for upgrade
0x00040D94低系統資源 low resources
0x00040D9A此文件為另一個文件的子文件,不會將其分開歸類。 This document is a child of another document. It will not be cataloged separately.
0x00040DA6文件中包含了無法斷字的文字。 該文件將不會被編製索引。 The document contains text that can not be broken into words. The document won't be indexed.
0x00040DA7這是成功代碼,它指出應該使用 MIME 篩選來篩選文件資料流。這是內部錯誤碼,使用者應不會看到此錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援部門。 This is a success code that indicates that the MIME filter should be used to filter the document stream. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x00040DB3為了設定檔匯入目的 for profile import
0x00041114沒有更新正在進行中。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 There is no update in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x00041115搜尋伺服器已存在。 The Search server already exists.
0x00041116搜尋伺服器並不存在。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The search server does not exist. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x0004111D已成功新增搜尋伺服器,但無法與之連絡。請檢查遠端電腦是否已在執行該搜尋服務,以及您是否可成功地連線到遠端電腦。 The search server was added successfully, but cannot be contacted. Check that the search service is executing on the remote computer, and that you can connect to the remote computer.
0x00041180內容索引伺服器偵測到先前編目的文件擁有相同的內容。這是內部錯誤碼,使用者應不會看到此錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The content index server detected a previously crawled document with the same content. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x00041203內容未發生變更。 The content did not change.
0x00041209這個檔案的篩選操作已結束,因為檔案已達到最大的篩選輸出限制。請確定篩選器並未產生大量與文件大小相關的資料。 Filtering of this file ended because the file reached the maximum filter output limit. Check that the filter does not generate a large amount of data relative to the size of the document.
0x0004120C這個檔案已達到最大的下載限制。請確定可有意義地編目文件的全文。 The file reached the maximum download limit. Check that the full text of the document can be meaningfully crawled.
0x00041210「存取控制清單」已順利變更為可供所有人讀取。 The Access Control List was successfully changed to be readable by everyone.
0x00041214您應使用 Rosebud 來存取這個位址。 You must use Rosebud to access this address.
0x00041225模擬使用者時應存取該項目。通訊協定處理程式應該實作 IUrlAccessor3。 The item should be accessed while impersonating a user. Protocol handler is expected to implement IUrlAccessor3.
0x00041704Moniker 未涵蓋整個區域。 The moniker doesn't cover the entire region.
0x00041709這是目前區塊的最後文字。 This is the last text in the current chunk.
0x0004170A這是目前區塊的最後值。 This is the last value in the current chunk.
0x00041731必須排定磁碟的部份內容掃描,以立即執行。 A partial content scan of the disk must be scheduled for immediate execution.
0x00041732必須排定磁碟的完整內容掃描,以立即執行。 A full content scan of the disk must be scheduled for immediate execution.
0x00041733必須排定稍後執行磁碟的內容掃描。 A content scan of the disk needs to be scheduled for execution later.
0x00041735磁碟空間即將用盡。 The disk is almost full.
0x0004173A文件未設定屬性。 The document has no property sets.
0x0004173C文件沒有安全性描述元。 The document has no security descriptor.
0x00041781文字長度超過最長限制。其可能會被字詞槽截斷。 The word exceeds the maximum length, and may be truncated by the word sink.
0x00041793文字長度超過最長限制。其可能會被詞組槽截斷。 The word exceeds the maximum length, and may be truncated by the phrase sink.
0x0004180E工作識別項已刪除。 The workid is deleted.
0x00041814已沒有文件可供列舉。 There are no more documents to enumerate.
0x00041825來自用戶端的系統管理連線與文件存放無關。 Administrative connections from client were not associated with a document store.
0x00041826索引已經停止。 The index has been stopped.
0x00041829此為輔助中繼資料存放區中的新項目。 This is a new entry in the auxiliary metadata storage.
0x0004182B用戶端要求停止文件。 The client requested that the document be stopped.
0x0004182C用戶端現在可以嘗試編目文件。 The client can now try to crawl a document.
0x00041830因為變音符號差異或毀損,所以重設全文檢索目錄。 The catalog was reset due to diacritic difference or corruption.
0x00041902至少有一個內容索引定義無法初始化。請檢查可用的磁碟空間,並驗證登錄設定正確。 At least one content index definition was not initialized. Check the amount of free disk space, and verify that the registry configuration is correct.
0x00042602已成功地忽略群組或人員。 The group or person was successfully ignored.
0x00042610無法讀取一個或多個 Lotus Notes 資料庫表單。某些欄位可能無法使用。 One or more Lotus Notes database forms cannot be read. Some fields might not be available.
0x00043501URL 已經被重新導向而且應該能夠自動處理。 The URL was redirected and will be handled automatically.
0x00043619全文引擎的輸入佇列快要滿了。已經接受處理此批次。此成功程式碼是用來協助暫停輸入,直到佇列有較多的空間。 The Full Text Engine's input queue is getting full. This batch has been accepted for processing. This success code is intended to help pause input until the queue is less full.
0x00043622全文引擎的輸入佇列已滿。已經接受處理此批次; 不過,全文引擎很快便進入強制暫停狀態,直到佇列有較多的空間。 The Full Text Engine's input queue is full. This batch has been accepted for processing; however, the Full Text Engine will soon go into a forced paused state until the queue is less full.
0x00043625此交易已經由後續交易超越,所以它未完成。 This transaction was superseded by a subsequent transaction, so it will not be completed.
0x0004362B因為狀態變更要求,所以專案狀態已經變更或者正在變更。 The project state has changed or is changing due to a status change request.
0x0004362E這是內部錯誤: 專案會繼續。 This is an internal error: The project will be resumed.
0x0004363C屬性儲存區的列舉已經完成。 The enumeration has finished for the property store.
0x00043646全文檢索目錄已經開啟,供唯讀作業使用。 The catalog has been opened for read-only operations.
0x00043657內部成功程式碼。耙梳完成。大量緩衝區可以排清; 沒有其他輸入資料。 Internal Success Code. Crawl is done. Chunk buffers can be flushed; there is no additional input data.
0x00043658從收到的全文檢索目錄 Blob 要求的屬性,不符合全文檢索目錄屬性的目前值。全文檢索目錄使用的屬性值已經成功傳回。呼叫者應該以傳回的值呼叫 SetProperty 或卸載全文檢索目錄並以 Blob 掛載它。 The property requested from the catalog blob received doesn't match the current value of the catalog property.The property value used by the catalog was successfully returned.The caller should either call SetProperty with the value returned or dismount the catalog and mount it back with the blob.
0x00043659一或多個屬性已重設成預設值。 One or more properties were reset to the default value.
0x10000038傳統 Classic
0x400003EBWindows Search 服務已啟動。%1 The Windows Search Service started.%1
0x400003ECWindows Search 服務正在建立新的搜尋索引 {原因: %2}。%1 The Windows Search service is creating the new search index {Reason: %2}. %1
0x400003EDWindows Search 服務已成功建立新的搜尋索引。%1 The Windows Search Service has successfully created the new search index. %1
0x400003F2Windows Search 服務已成功移除舊的搜尋索引。%1 The Windows Search Service has successfully removed the old search index. %1
0x400003F5Windows Search 服務已正常停止。%1 Windows Search Service stopped normally.%1
0x400003F9Windows Search 服務已成功將索引檔案從 %2 移至 %3。%1 The Windows Search Service successfully moved index files from %2 to %3. %1
0x40000BCA更新已完成。收集程式成功地處理了 %2 份文件,總計 %3K。它未能篩選 %4 份文件。共修正了 %5 份文件。%6 個 URL 無法找到或存取被拒。%1 The update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1
0x40000BCB已經啟用更新。%1 The update started.%1
0x40000BE1已經重設索引。%1 The index is being reset.%1
0x40000BE3收集程式索引被中斷。%1 The gatherer index was interrupted.%1
0x40000BE4繼續執行收集程式索引。%1 The gatherer index resumed.%1
0x40000BE7增量更新已完成。收集程式已成功地處理了 %2 份文件,總計 %3K。它未能篩選 %4 份文件。共修正了 %5 份文件。%6 個 URL 無法找到或存取被拒。%1 The incremental update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1
0x40000BEC編目被要求停止。%1 The crawl was requested to be stopped.%1
0x40000BF4因為內容來源 被另一項進行中的更新佔用,所以無法開始更新。在另一項進行中的更新釋放所有其內容來源後,就立刻可以啟用了。%1 An update cannot begin because the content source is in use by another update already in progress. The update will start as soon as all its content sources are released by updates already in progress.%1
0x40000BFB已經完成調適型的更新。收集程式成功地處理了 %2 份文件,總計 %3K。它未能篩選 %4 份文件。修正了 %5 份文件。%6 個 URL 無法找到或存取被拒。%1 The adaptive update is complete. The gatherer successfully processed %2 documents totaling %3K. It failed to filter %4 documents. %5 documents were modified. %6 URLs were not found or denied access.%1
0x40000C09已重新啟用領域 %2 的通知。 %1 Notifications for the scope %2 have been reactivated. %1
0x40000C17群組 %2\\%3 包含 %4 成員。超過 %5 個成員的群組無法擴充。%1 The group %2\\%3 contains %4 members. Groups over %5 members are not expanded. %1
0x40000C18本機群組快取記憶體已經清除。原因: %2。%1 The local groups cache was flushed, because %2. %1
0x40001006%1已經為全文檢索目錄 %2 啟動主要合併。 %1A master merge has started for catalog %2.
0x40001007%1已經為全文檢索目錄 %2 完成主要合併。 %1A master merge has completed for catalog %2.
0x40001008%1因為錯誤 %3,已經為全文檢索目錄 %2 暫停主要合併。它會在以後重新安排。 %1A master merge has been paused for catalog %2 due to error %3.It will be rescheduled later.
0x40001019%1已經為全文檢索目錄 %2 重新啟動主要合併。 %1A master merge has restarted for catalog %2.
0x4000102A在全文檢索 %3 的元件 %2 偵測到索引損毀。%1 An index corruption was detected in component %2 in catalog %3.%1
0x40001043%1因為磁碟空間太少,所以已經暫停全文檢索目錄 %2 的主要合併。請釋放部份可用磁碟空間,繼續索引化。 %1A master merge has been paused for catalog %2 due to low disk space.The merge will be rescheduled later. Please free some disk space for indexing to continue.
0x40001044%1Catalog: %2。因為外部要求,已經開始主要合併。 %1Catalog: %2. A master merge was started due to an external request.
0x40001045%1Catalog: %2。因為全文檢索目錄到達最後層次 (%3) 的索引數目上限,所以已經開始主要合併。 %1Catalog: %2.A master merge was started because the catalog reached the maximum number of indexes on the last level (%3).
0x40001046%1Catalog: %2。因為已經編列全文檢索目錄 (%3) 中預計文件數目的索引,所以已經開始主要合併。 %1Catalog: %2.A master merge was started because the expected number of documents in the catalog (%3) were indexed.
0x40001047%1Catalog: %2。因為內部原因號碼 %3,所以已經開始主要合併。 %1Catalog: %2. The master merge was started because of internal reason number %3.
0x40001B58已成功地啟動了內容索引服務。%1 The content index service started successfully.%1
0x40001B69已啟動搜尋伺服器 的索引傳播。%1 Index propagation to search server started.%1
0x40001B82Windows Search 服務正在停止,因為索引器 %2 發生問題。%1 The Windows Search Service is being stopped because there is a problem with the indexer: %2.%1
0x40001B86索引已經存在搜尋伺服器 中。%1 The index already exists on search server .%1
0x40001B88正在複製索引至卸除位置,準備用於傳播。%1 The index is being copied to the drop location in preparation for propagation.%1
0x40001B89已完全複製索引。現在將會傳播索引。%1 The index was completely copied. The index will now be propagated.%1
0x40001BA2已經認可傳播索引到至少一個目標搜尋伺服器。%1 Index propagation was committed to at least one target search server.%1
0x40001BA3已經停止索引傳播。%1 Index propagation stopped.%1
0x40041000%1 訊息功能正在執行。 The %1 message facility is running.
0x800003F0Windows Search 服務正在啟動並嘗試移除舊的搜尋索引 {原因: %2}。%1 The Windows Search Service is starting up and attempting to remove the old search index {Reason: %2}. %1
0x800003F6Windows Search 服務無法建立一或多個路徑規則。服務將會繼續建立 SystemIndex 搜尋索引。偵錯資訊: 。%1 The Windows Search Service has failed to create one or more path rules. The service will continue creating the SystemIndex search index. Debug information: . %1
0x800003F7Windows Search 服務的事件識別碼 %2 自 %4 開始已被抑制 %3 次。此事件是用來抑制短時間內頻繁產生的 Windows Search 服務事件。如需此事件的詳細資訊,請參閱事件識別碼 %2。%1 Event ID %2 for the Windows Search Service has been suppressed %3 time(s) since %4. This event is used to suppress Windows Search Service events that have occurred frequently within a short period of time. See Event ID %2 for further details on this event.%1
0x800003FA回復索引時,Windows Search 服務遇到下列錯誤: 。索引檔案未從 %2 移至 %3。%1 While rolling back the index, the Windows Search Service encountered the following error: . Index files were not moved from %2 to %3. %1
0x80000414組態檔 發生錯誤。%1 An error occurred in configuration file .%1
0x8000041C用來啟動 Windows Search 服務的帳號,沒有可以使用服務的權限。帳號必須是 LocalSystem帳號,或是 Administrators 群組的成員。請使用[控制台] 中的 [服務] 索引標籤,來變更搜尋服務的啟動帳號。%1 The account used to start the Windows Search Service does not have the rights to operate the service. The account must be either the LocalSystem account or a member of the Administrators group. Use the Services tab in the Control Panel to change the startup account for the search service.%1
0x8000041D發生系統例外 %1。例外將會被處理。如果這樣會產生問題,請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務,並將堆疊紀錄包含在事件中。%2。 The system exception %1 occurred, and will be handled. If this causes problems, contact Microsoft Product Support Services and include the stack trace in the event. %2.
0x80000BCF無法啟動更新。因為網站路徑規則已排除所有內容來源,或內容來源已從索引設定中移除。%1 The update cannot be started because all of the content sources were excluded by site path rules, or removed from the index configuration.%1
0x80000BD0因為無法存取內容來源,所以無法啟動更新。請修正該錯誤,並重試更新。%1 The update cannot be started because the content sources cannot be accessed. Fix the errors and try the update again.%1
0x80000BDC無法在內容來源 上完成編目。%1 Crawl could not be completed on content source .%1
0x80000BDD無法在內容來源 上啟動編目。%1 Crawl could not be started on content source .%1
0x80000BDE收集程式無法讀取登錄 %2。%1 The gatherer is unable to read the registry %2.%1
0x80000BDF因為更新已經在進行中,或已在一個或多個內容來源上安排了排程處理,所以已略過了啟動更新的要求。%1 A request to start the update has been ignored because the update is already in progress or is scheduled on one or more content sources.%1
0x80000BE2已經暫停索引。%1 The index was paused.%1
0x80000BE5自動描述的長度已經由 %2 調整為 %3。%1 The automatic description length was adjusted from %2 to %3.%1
0x80000BE6因為所設定的內容來源未設定可進行更新,所以無法啟動索引的更新。請新增至少一個內容來源。%1 The update for the index cannot be started because the specified content sources were not configured for updates. Add at least one content source.%1
0x80000BED已經重設先前的更新,或者已經中斷。會自動啟動所有內容來源的完整更新。%1 The previous update was reset, or was otherwise interrupted. A full update of all content sources will be automatically started. %1
0x80000BEE因為磁碟已滿,所以已暫停更新。請檢查系統預設的暫存目錄,以及建立搜尋類目的磁碟。系統預設的暫存目錄是用來在編目時,建立暫時檔案,且如果該位置已滿,便會暫停編目。如果系統預設的暫存位置已滿,請將位置變更到擁有更多可用空間的磁碟,並重新啟動電腦。系統暫存位置的變更只有在重新啟動系統之後,才會生效。%1 The update has been delayed because a disk is full. Check the system default temp location and the drive on which search catalog is created. The system default temp location is used for creation of temporary files during crawling. If it is full, crawling pauses. If the system default temp location is full, change the location to a disk with more free space and restart the computer. Changes to the system temp location do not take effect for system services until the computer is restarted.%1
0x80000BEF無法開啟收集程式屬性對應檔案。目前正在使用預設值。您可能需要從安裝 CD 複製屬性對應檔案,或重新安裝應用程式。%1 The gatherer property mapping file cannot be opened. The default values are being used. You may have to copy the property mapping file from the setup CD, or reinstall the application.%1
0x80000BF0自動描述編碼標記值無效。收集程式將此值設定為 [是] 。請修正此 gthrprm.txt 檔案。%1 The automatic description encoding tag value is invalid. The gatherer is setting this value to \"yes\"\". Fix the gthrprm.txt file.%1
0x80000BF5無法建立收集程式記錄。%1 The gatherer log cannot be created.%1
0x80000BF6無法載入語言 的斷詞工具。%1 The word breaker for language cannot be loaded.%1
0x80000BF7在複製 到 時,發生傳播錯誤。%1 Propagation failed while copying to .%1
0x80000BF8無法建立主題小幫手訓練資料庫。%1 The Topic Assistant training database could not be created.%1
0x80000BF9無法編譯主題小幫手訓練資料庫。%1 The Topic Assistant training database could not be compiled.%1
0x80000BFA主題小幫手訓練資料庫傳播至 失敗。%1 Propagation of the Topic Assistant training database to failed.%1
0x80000BFC收集程式正使用語言識別碼為 的斷詞工具,來處理語言識別碼為 的文字。您的電腦中並未安裝對應的語言資源。%1 The gatherer is using the word breaker for language id for text in language id . The corresponding language resources are not installed on your computer.%1
0x80000C00不正常關機之後,收集程式正在進行復原。這將會延遲收集程式功能的可用性,且有可能會遺失某些不重要的資料。%1 The gatherer is recovering after an improper shutdown. This will delay availability of gathering functions, and may result in some noncritical data loss.%1
0x80000C01收集程式在復原時,在歷程記錄中偵測無法讀取的頁面,而且已修復它們。然而,某些 URL 的統計資料可能會遺失。此種情況是由強迫重啟電腦而未先關閉 Windows,或由磁碟錯誤所引起。%1 The gatherer detected pages in the history during recovery that cannot be read, and repaired them. However, statistical data for some URLs may have been lost. This can be caused by restarting a computer without first shutting down Windows, or by disk failure.%1
0x80000C06由於耗費過多資源,Windows Search 服務已停止通訊協定主機處理程序。不需要使用者採取任何動作,將會啟動新的通訊協定主機處理程序。%1 The Windows Search service stopped the Protocol Host process because it was consuming too many resources. A new Protocol Host process will be started. No user action is required.%1
0x80000C08領域 %2 的通知沒有作用。已超過此領域的事件記錄臨界值。一小時內將不會再傳送其他事件。%1 Notifications for the scope %2 are not active. The event logging threshold for this scope was exceeded. No further events will be sent for one hour. %1
0x80000C0A已重新啟用領域 %2 的通知。已超過此領域的事件記錄的臨界值。一小時內將不會再傳送其他事件。%1 Notifications for the scope %2 were reactivated. The event logging threshold for this scope was exceeded. No further events will be sent for one hour. %1
0x80000C0E系統地區設定已經變更。現有的資料將會刪除而且需要重新建立索引。%1 The system locale has changed. Existing data will be deleted and the index must be recreated.%1
0x80000C16無法從伺服器 %2 取得安全性資訊。%1 Security information was not obtained from server %2.%1
0x80001048%1 因為錯誤 %2 而無法建立查詢引擎的第一個要求項目。原因可能是 MSFTESQL 服務帳戶無效或密碼到期。 %1 Unable to create the query engine's first request item due to error %2. It's possible that the MSFTESQL service account is invalid or the password has expired.
0x80001B67使用者停止了將索引傳播到搜尋伺服器 中。%1 Index propagation to search server was stopped by a user.%1
0x80001B6A沒有選取搜尋伺服器。請重新設定索引,以找出適合的搜尋伺服器。如果問題仍然存在,可以刪除索引後,再重新建立。%1 There are no search servers selected. Reconfigure the index to identify a suitable search server. If the problem persists, delete and recreate the index.%1
0x80001B6D無法新增搜尋伺服器 。%1 The search server cannot be added.%1
0x80001B97無法與搜尋伺服器 連絡。但是,已經成功地將 新增為傳播收件者。%1 Search server cannot be contacted. However, was successfully added as a propagation recipient.%1
0x80001BA4搜尋伺服器 無法上線。%1 The search server cannot be brought online.%1
0x8000232BWindows Search 服務無法在 Jet 初始化多重執行個體 (multi-instancing)。如果在叢集環境下使用該應用程式,同一群組下使用 Jet 的所有應用程式將會失敗。%1 The Windows Search Service cannot initialize multi-instancing in Jet. If the application is used in a cluster environment, all applications using Jet will fail in the same group.%1
0x8000271D無法重新命名非搜尋字檔案。%1 The noise files cannot be renamed.%1
0x8000271E無法將非搜尋字檔案 \"%2\"\" 重新命名為 \"\"%3\"\"。%1 The noise file \"%2\"\" cannot be renamed to \"\"%3\"\".%1
0x8000271F%2未預期的 Win32 錯誤: %3 在 %4 中失敗。錯誤: %5。%1 %2Unexpected Win32 error: %3 failed in %4. Error: %5. %1
0x80002724因為以下錯誤而無法為例項 %2 %3 的 %1 載入效能計數器: %4。 Performance Counters could not be loaded for %1 for instance %2 %3 due to the following error: %4.
0x80002725因為以下錯誤而無法為例項 %2 %3 的 %1 取得效能計數器登錄資訊: %4。 Could not get performance counter registry info for %1 for instance %2 %3 due to the following error: %4.
0x80002726因為命名的物件 (分享的記憶體或事件) 正用於例項 %2 %3 的 %1,所以無法載入效能計數器。 Performance counters will not be loaded because the named objects (shared memory or events) are in use for %1 for instance %2 %3.
0x80002727通訊協定主機處理程序 %2 沒有回應,正在強制終止中 {篩選主機處理程序 %3}。%1 The protocol host process %2 did not respond and is being forcibly terminated {filter host process %3}. %1
0x80002728篩選主機處理程序 %2 沒有回應,正在強制終止中。%1 The filter host process %2 did not respond and is being forcibly terminated. %1
0x80040102MAPI: 不支援 MAPI: This is not supported
0x80040103MAPI: 錯誤的字元寬度。 MAPI: The character width is bad.
0x80040105MAPI: 字串太長。 MAPI: The string is too long.
0x80040106MAPI: 呼叫者傳送不正確的參數或標幟。 MAPI: The caller passed an invalid parameter or flag.
0x80040107MAPI: 不正確的項目識別碼 MAPI: The entry ID is invalid
0x80040108不正確的 MAPI 物件。 The MAPI object is invalid.
0x80040109MAPI 物件已經變更。 The MAPI object was changed.
0x8004010AMAPI 物件已經刪除。 The MAPI object was deleted.
0x8004010BMAPI: 伺服器忙碌中 MAPI: The server is busy
0x8004010DMAPI: 磁碟空間不足 MAPI: The computer is out of disk space
0x8004010EMAPI: 系統資源不足,無法完成操作。 MAPI: Not enough system resources were available to complete the operation.
0x8004010F找不到 MAPI 物件。 The MAPI object was not found.
0x80040110工作站上所安裝的 OLE 版本與這個 MAPI 版本不相容。 The version of OLE installed on the workstation is not compatible with this version of MAPI.
0x80040111MAPI: 登入失敗。 MAPI: Logon failed.
0x80040112MAPI: 超出階段作業限制。 MAPI: The session limit was exceeded.
0x80040113MAPI: 使用者取消操作。 MAPI: The user cancelled the operation.
0x80040114MAPI: 無法中止操作。 MAPI: The operation cannot be stopped.
0x80040115MAPI: 發生網路錯誤。 MAPI: A network error occurred.
0x80040116MAPI: 發生磁碟錯誤。 MAPI: A disk error occurred.
0x80040117呼叫程序是個 NT 服務,而無法初始化 MAPI 所需的登錄機碼。 The calling process is an NT service, and registry keys required by MAPI could not be initialized.
0x80040118MAPI: 要求的欄位錯誤。 MAPI: A bad column was requested.
0x80040119MAPI: 發生延伸錯誤。 MAPI:An extended error occurred.
0x8004011AMAPI: 已計算 MAPI: Computed
0x8004011BMAPI: 資料已損毀。 MAPI: The data is corrupt.
0x8004011CMAPI: 尚未設定 MAPI: Not configured
0x8004011DMAPI: 至少有一個提供者失敗。 MAPI: At least one provider failed.
0x8004011EMAPI: 不明的字碼頁識別碼。 MAPI: A code page ID is unknown.
0x8004011FMAPI: 不明的地區設定識別碼。 MAPI: A locale ID is unknown.
0x80040120MAPI: 拒絕存取。請變更您的密碼。 MAPI: Access is denied. Change your password.
0x80040121MAPI: 密碼已到期,拒絕存取。 MAPI: Access is denied, because the password has expired.
0x80040122MAPI: 工作站帳號不正確,拒絕存取。 MAPI: Access is denied, because the workstation account is invalid.
0x80040123MAPI: 存取時間不正確,拒絕存取。 MAPI: Access is denied, because the access time is invalid.
0x80040124MAPI: 帳號已停用,拒絕存取。 MAPI: Access is denied, because the account is disabled.
0x80040200MAPI: 階段作業已結束。 MAPI: The session has ended.
0x80040201MAPI: 不明的項目識別碼。 MAPI: An entry ID is unknown.
0x80040202MAPI: 所需的欄位遺失。 MAPI: A required column is missing.
0x80040300網路讀取或寫入操作失敗。 A network read or write operation has failed.
0x80040303網路連線已經中斷。請重新查詢一次。 The network connection was lost. Try the query again.
0x80040308所傳送的參數不正確。 The parameters passed were not valid.
0x80040309此通訊端上的另一個操作正在進行中,請重新查詢一次。 Another operation is already in progress on this socket. Try the query again.
0x80040400已經沒有資料可以傳回。 There is no more data to return.
0x80040401所要求的索引內容名稱不正確。請使用正確的索引內容名稱。 The requested content index name is not valid. Use a valid content index name.
0x80040402搜尋伺服器上已停用所要求的索引內容。請連絡系統管理員,以啟用該索引內容。檢查 [事件記錄] 來尋找可能的錯誤。 The requested content index is disabled on the search server. Contact the system administrator to enable the content index. Check the event log for possible errors.
0x80040403已依照使用者的要求取消查詢。 The query was cancelled at the user's request.
0x80040404要求碼不正確。 The request code is not valid.
0x80040405要求資料對所指定的要求類型而言並不正確。 The request data is not valid for the given request type.
0x80040406系統資源過低,因此無法處理要求。請稍候再試,或連絡系統管理員,以清出系統資源。 The request cannot be processed, because the system is low on resources. Try again later, or contact your system administrator to free up system resources.
0x80040407要求或函式呼叫的順序錯誤。請檢查程式是否錯誤。 The request or function call is out of sequence. Check for programming errors.
0x80040408查詢文字太長。 The query text is too long.
0x80040409因為搜尋伺服器發生錯誤,所以無法處理要求。 The request cannot be processed because of an error in the search server.
0x8004040A索引內容的設定檔不正確。 The configuration file for the content index is not valid.
0x80040410搜尋伺服器找不到一或多個類別目錄檔案。請檢查事件記錄,以取得相關錯誤。 The search server cannot find one or more catalog files. Check the event log for related failures.
0x80040411因為另一個 SetStatus 操作正在執行中,所以無法完成 SetStatus 操作。請在目前的操作完成後,再試一次。 The SetStatus operation cannot be completed, because another SetStatus operation is already in progress. Try again after the current operation is completed.
0x80040412因為已有同名的索引內容,所以無法建立索引內容。請以不同的名稱建立索引內容。 The content index cannot be created, because another content index with the same name already exists. Create the content index using a different name.
0x80040413因為已達索引內容的數目限制,所以無法建立索引內容。 The content index cannot be created, because the limit on the number of indexes was reached.
0x80040414搜尋伺服器在讀取或寫入登錄時發生問題。請確認已使用系統管理特殊權限執行搜尋伺服器。 The search server cannot read or write to the registry. Check that the search server is running with administrative privileges.
0x80040415在目前的狀態中無法移除索引內容。請先停用索引內容,然後再將之移除。 The content index cannot be removed in the current state. Disable and remove the content index.
0x80040416標記資料庫 (tag database) 不正確。請連絡系統管理員。 The tag database is not valid. Contact your system administrator.
0x80040417內容索引名稱的格式錯誤。請使用不含空格或標點符號的名稱。 The content index name is in the wrong format. Use a name without spaces or punctuation.
0x80040418設定檔的類型不正確。 The configuration file is not the correct type.
0x80040419搜尋服務與用戶端之間的通訊協定不符。請安裝正確的用戶端版本。 There is a mismatch in the protocol between the search service and the client. Install the correct version of the client.
0x8004041A索引已啟用。 The index is already enabled.
0x8004041C無法建立內容索引目錄結構。請參閱事件記錄,以取得相關錯誤。 The content index directory structure cannot be created. See the event log for related errors.
0x8004041D值超出最大長度限制。 The value exceeds the maximum length.
0x8004041E所要求的參數不明。 The requested parameter is unknown.
0x8004041F緩衝區太小。 The buffer is too small.
0x80040420參數值超出範圍。 The parameter value is out of range.
0x80040421索引內容已停用。 The content index is already disabled.
0x80040422因為有一或多個查詢未能適時終止,所以無法完成操作。 The operation cannot be completed, because one or more queries failed to terminate in a timely manner.
0x80040423結果不正確。 The result is invalid.
0x80040424無法寫入登錄資料。請檢查是否已使用系統管理特殊權限執行搜尋服務。 The registry data cannot be written. Check that the search service is running with administrator privileges.
0x80040426搜尋伺服器上已有相同名稱的索引內容存在,因此無法建立搜尋類目。請使用其他名稱建立搜尋索引內容。 The content index cannot be created because an index with the same name already exists on the search server. Create the content index using a different name.
0x80040427因為無法對專用的索引伺服器檢驗索引內容的傳播版本,所以無法啟用索引內容。當專用的索引伺服器離線或索引內容過期時,就會發生此狀況。 The content index cannot be enabled because its propagation version cannot be verified against the dedicated index server. This can occur when either the dedicated index server is offline or the content index is out-of-date.
0x80040428 .
0x80040501所要求的操作目前不正確。 The requested operation is not valid at this time.
0x80040503因為同名的欄位擁有不同的類型,所以無法校對查詢。 The query cannot be collated, because columns using the same name have different types.
0x80040504緩衝區空間不足,無法校對搜尋結果。 Not enough buffer space is available to collate search results.
0x80040506結果列損毀。 The result row is corrupted.
0x80040507搜尋伺服器並未傳回所需的欄位,以供校對。 The search server did not return a column required for collation.
0x80040508資料庫識別碼重複。 The database ID is a duplicate.
0x80040509資料來源合併已超出結果欄的數目。 The data source merge exceeded the number of result columns.
0x8004050A並未設定預設索引。 No default index was set.
0x8004050B開啟的提供者連線已超出最大數目。 The maximum number of open provider connections was exceeded.
0x80040601已達搜尋伺服器的數目限制。 The limit on the number of search servers was reached.
0x80040602已達索引的數目限制。 The limit on the number of indexes was reached.
0x80040603無法建立與伺服器的查詢連線。 No query connections to the server can be established.
0x80040604所要求的索引內容已停用。 The requested content index is disabled.
0x80040605網路在嘗試取得與搜尋伺服器的連線時逾時。 The network timed out trying to acquire a connection to a search server.
0x80040606找不到所指定的伺服器。 The specified server cannot be found.
0x80040608無法存取 Windows NT 登錄。 The Windows NT registry cannot be accessed.
0x80040609所要求的索引內容是空的,或者並未新增到搜尋伺服器。 The requested content index is empty or has not been added to the search server.
0x8004060A查詢逾時。 The query timed out.
0x8004060B傳給函數的緩衝區不夠大。 The buffer area passed to the function is not large enough.
0x80040701查詢語法不正確。 The query syntax is not valid.
0x80040702搜尋查詢中的欄位類型與索引中的欄位類型不符。 The column type in the search query does not match the column type in the index.
0x80040703所指定的查詢類型不明。 The query type specified is unknown.
0x80040705所要求的欄位數目已超出限制。 The number of columns requested exceeds the limit.
0x80040706查詢包含太多索引內容識別碼。 The query contained too many content index IDs.
0x80040707查詢的起始相符筆數比結果的總數還多。 The query start hit is larger than the total number of results.
0x80040708查詢中包含太多字詞。 The query contains too many terms.
0x80040709尚未指定任何索引。 No indexes were specified.
0x8004070A查詢操作逾時。 The query operation timed out.
0x8004070B查詢指定對不可排序的欄位進行排序。 The query specified sorting a non-sortable column.
0x8004070C查詢指定對不可搜尋的欄位進行搜尋。 The query specified searching a non-searchable column.
0x8004070D查詢指定了不存在的欄位。 The query specified a nonexistent column.
0x8004070E查詢資料不正確或不一致。 The query data is not valid or is inconsistent.
0x8004070F查詢字詞是以萬用字元作為開頭。 A query term begins with a wildcard character.
0x80040710查詢字詞包含不正確的內嵌萬用字元。 A query term contains an invalid embedded wildcard character.
0x80040711查詢中的萬用字元字詞所包含的首碼不夠長。 A wildcard term in the query does not contain a sufficiently long prefix.
0x80040713搜尋伺服器無法處理查詢。 The search server is unable to process the query.
0x80040714搜尋條件太過籠統或者與太多字詞相符。 The search criteria are too general or matched too many terms.
0x80040715查詢未包含有意義的限制。 The query does not contain any meaningful restrictions.
0x80040717查詢未指定任何傳回欄位。 The query did not specify any return columns.
0x80040718指定給查詢的領域格式錯誤。 The scopes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted.
0x80040719指定給查詢的索引格式錯誤。 The indexes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted.
0x8004071A領域或深度數目不正確。 The number of scopes or depths was not valid.
0x8004071B目前內容中的操作不正確。 The operation is invalid in the current context.
0x8004071C所提供的路徑不正確。 An invalid path was supplied.
0x8004071D記錄檔管理員尚未初始化。 The log manager is not initialized.
0x8004071E已將不正確的區間傳送給記錄檔管理員。 An invalid interval was passed to the log manager.
0x8004071F記錄器中並未連結任何記錄檔管理員。 No log manager was attached to the logger.
0x80040C01設定檔嘗試載入保留的欄位。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The configuration file attempted to load a reserved column. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040C02找不到設定檔。請重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration file cannot be found. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C03應用程式的標記巢狀設定不正確。請重新安裝應用程式。 The tag nesting configuration for the application is not valid. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C04應用程式的設定檔包含不正確的標記。請重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration file for the application contains an invalid tag. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C05應用程式的設定檔版本號碼不正確。請重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration file version number for the application is invalid. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C06無法建立輸出設定檔。請停止並重新啟動系統,再重新安裝應用程式。 The output configuration file cannot be created. Stop and restart the system, and then reinstall the application.
0x80040C07資料無法寫入輸出設定檔中。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 Data cannot be written to the output configuration file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040C08應用程式的設定檔包含不正確的資訊。請重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration file for the application contains invalid information. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C09無法辨識應用程式的設定檔類型。請重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration file type for the application is not recognized. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C0A無法辨識應用程式的設定檔欄位資料類型。請重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration file column data type for the application is not recognized. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C0B無法建立非搜尋字檔案。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The noise word file cannot be created. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040C0C寫入暫存非搜尋字檔案時發生錯誤。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 There was an error writing to the temporary noise word file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040C0D已有所指定的欄位。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 The specified column name already exists. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C0E屬性值不正確。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 The value for the attribute is invalid. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C0F特性集 GUID 不正確。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 The property set GUID is invalid. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C10不可再有欄位。這是內部錯誤碼,使用者應不會看到此錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 No more columns. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040C11因為設定檔在最近一次讀取後又做過修改,所以系統無法寫入此設定檔。請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果問題仍未解決,請重新安裝搜尋。 The system cannot write to the configuration file, because it was modified since it was last read. Stop and restart the search service. If this problem persists, reinstall search.
0x80040C12所指定的欄位名稱不正確。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 The specified column name is invalid. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C13所指定的特性識別碼不正確。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 The property ID specified is invalid. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C14指定給這個標記的屬性不正確,或是所需的屬性遺失。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 An invalid attribute was specified for this tag, or a required attribute is missing. The application's configuration was corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C15所指定的檔案名稱不正確。此錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The specified file name is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040C16擁有所指定特性集及 PID 的欄位已經存在。應用程式的設定已損毀。請重新安裝應用程式。 A column having the specified property set and PID already exists. The application's configuration has been corrupted. Reinstall the application.
0x80040C17描述語言及子語言的設定中包含了意外的重複資訊。應用程式的設定可能已損毀。雖然基本功能可能不會受到影響,還是建議您重新安裝應用程式。 The configuration describing a language and sublanguage contains unexpected duplicate information. The application's configuration may be corrupted. Though basic functionality is unlikely to be impacted, it is recommended that you reinstall the application.
0x80040D02因為您所輸入的物件已存在。請使用不同的名稱。 The object you are trying to create already exists. Try again using a different name.
0x80040D03因為設定不正確,所以無法讀取登錄值。請移除索引內容,以重新建立索引內容設定。 The registry value cannot be read because the configuration is invalid. Recreate the content index configuration by removing the content index.
0x80040D04因為物件已刪除或未正確初始化,所以無法設定該值。請確定物件參照仍為正確,並增加登錄大小,或重新建立索引內容設定。 The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Check that the object reference is still valid, increase the registry size, or recreate the content index configuration.
0x80040D05無法初始化效能監視。只有效能計數器才會受到影響。請試著重新啟動服務,或重新啟動伺服器。 Performance monitoring cannot be initialized. This affects performance counters only. Try restarting the service or restarting the server.
0x80040D06找不到所指定的物件。請指定現有物件的名稱。 The specified object cannot be found. Specify the name of an existing object.
0x80040D07所指定的位址已排除,且不會對其進行索引。可能需要修改網站路徑規則,才能包括這個位址。 The specified address was excluded from the index. The site path rules may have to be modified to include this address.
0x80040D0A登錄中具有重複的索引項目。沒有其他索引受到影響,但建議您刪除重複的項目。 A duplicate index entry exists in the registry. No other indexes are affected, but it is recommended that the duplicate entry be deleted.
0x80040D0B登錄中已有重複的副檔名項目。重複的副檔名應予以刪除,而其他所有的副檔名不受影響。 A duplicate extension entry exists in the registry. The duplicate extension should be deleted, but all other extensions are unaffected.
0x80040D0DURL 已在此更新期間處理過。於處理期間收到這個訊息,意指提醒是不必要的,或者其應該使用「修改」而非「新增」。 The URL was already processed during this update. If you received this message while processing alerts, then the alerts are redundant, or else Modify should be used instead of Add.
0x80040D0E收集程式嘗試建立過量的收集程式外掛程式物件。請在新增之前,先移除另一個外掛程式。 The gatherer attempted to create more gatherer plug-in objects than are allowed. Remove another plug-in before adding this one.
0x80040D0F函數並未在這個內容中執行,而且無法呼叫。這是不常發生的內部錯誤 。請重新安裝應用程式。 The function is not implemented in this context, and cannot be called. This error is internal, and cannot normally occur. Reinstall the application.
0x80040D10外掛程式並未提供篩選槽物件。您可能已安裝了不支援的自訂外掛程式。 The plug-in did not provide a filter sink object. You may have installed a custom plug-in that is not supported.
0x80040D11篩選程序已終止,而且目前無法使用。將會重試該位址,但系統資源不足時將無法執行。請清出部分系統資源,或待資源可供使用時,再重新啟動更新。 The filtering process ended and is now unavailable. The address will be retried, but it is possible that the system is low in resources. Free some system resources, or restart the update when resources are available.
0x80040D12從篩選程序收到意外的訊息。將會重試該位址,但如果此狀況經常發生,則您的系統資源可能不足。請清出部分系統資源,或待資源可供使用時,再重新啟動更新。 An unexpected message was received from the filtering process. The address will be retried, but if this occurs frequently, your system is low on resources. Free some system resources, or restart the update when resources are available.
0x80040D13篩選程序傳回不支援的特性類型。請修復篩選器,以讓文件可成功使用。 The filtering process returned an unsupported property type. Fix the filter to allow successful use of the document.
0x80040D14這個物件的指定名稱超出長度的最大限制 (通常是 2047 個字元)。請使用較短的物件名稱。 The specified name for this object exceeds the maximum length, which is usually 2047 characters. Use a shorter name for the object.
0x80040D15並未指定使用者代理或電子郵件地址。請指定通訊協定標頭中所要使用的電子郵件地址。 The user agent or e-mail address was not specified. Specify the e-mail address to use in the protocol headers.
0x80040D16無法建立文件的篩選器。請安裝這個文件格式的對應篩選器。 A filter for the document cannot be created. Install the corresponding filter for this document format.
0x80040D17篩選程序中的所有執行緒目前皆在使用中。 All threads in the filtering process are currently in use.
0x80040D18無法取得通訊協定處理程式的 progid,且通訊協定處理程式註冊不正確。請重新註冊通訊協定處理程式。 The ProgID for a protocol handler cannot be obtained, and the protocol handler registration is invalid. Reregister the protocol handlers.
0x80040D19因為已經超過記憶體配額,所以已經停止篩選處理。 The filtering process was stopped because its memory quota was exceeded.
0x80040D1A找不到通訊協定處理程式。請檢查是否已安裝處理程式。 The protocol handler cannot be found. Check that the handler has been installed.
0x80040D1B未初始化收集程式索引。需要重新裝載內容索引。如果仍不能初始化索引,請將之移除。 The gatherer index was not initialized. The content index must be remounted. If the index is still not initialized, remove it.
0x80040D22專案名稱不正確。請選擇不含特殊字元的專案名稱。 The catalog name is invalid. Choose a catalog name that is shorter or does not contain special characters.
0x80040D23正在關閉收集程式。 The gatherer is shutting down.
0x80040D25篩選程序並未設定所要求的值。這是可修復的內部錯誤。文件可能仍舊成功。 The requested value was not set by the filter process. This is a recoverable internal error. The document may still succeed.
0x80040D26所有正確的文件識別碼皆已使用。請重新建立內容索引。 All valid document IDs were used. Recreate the content index.
0x80040D27因為已將此內容來源設定為接受提醒,所以無法編目此內容來源。 This content source cannot be crawled, because its is set up to accept alerts.
0x80040D2A綱要中的特性對應重複。請移除重複的特性綱要。 The property mapping is duplicated in the schema. Remove the duplicate property schema.
0x80040D2C所指定的帳號資訊不正確或無效。請檢查您是否使用正確的帳號與密碼。 The specified account information is incorrect or invalid. Check that the correct account and password are being used.
0x80040D2E因為文件及篩選器的版本不符,所以無法篩選文件。請安裝相符的文件篩選器。 The document cannot be filtered, because the document and filter versions do not appear to match. Install a matching document filter.
0x80040D2F指定的帳戶名稱包含如 \"\\\" 的無效字元,因此無法使用。請使用有效的帳戶名稱。 The specified account name cannot be used because it contains invalid characters, such as '\\'. Use a valid account name.
0x80040D31Proxy 伺服器名稱遺失。請指定 Proxy 伺服器後,再試一次。 The proxy server name is missing. Specify a proxy server, and try again.
0x80040D32伺服器無法使用且無法存取。伺服器可能已從網路中斷連線。在 10 分鐘內將不會進行存取操作。 The server is unavailable and cannot be accessed. The server is probably disconnected from the network. Access attempts will be delayed for ten minutes.
0x80040D34這個路徑與所選取的站台並未對應。請使用與站台相符的路徑名稱,或使用萬用字元 (*)。 This path does not correspond to the selected site. Use a path name that matches the site, or use a wildcard (*).
0x80040D35因為尚未安裝所需的字碼頁,所以無法篩選文件。請安裝這份文件的字碼頁。 The document cannot be filtered, because the required code page is not installed. Install the code page for this document.
0x80040D37沒有可用的通訊協定處理程式。請安裝可處理這個 URL 類型的通訊協定處理程式。 No protocol handler is available. Install a protocol handler that can process this URL type.
0x80040D38Internet Explorer 已設定為離線模式。請將 Internet Explorer 變更為連線模式後再繼續。 Internet Explorer is set to offline mode. Change Internet Explorer to online mode, and continue.
0x80040D39無法啟動篩選程序。很可能是系統資源不足,或篩選程序二進位檔案已遭修改。如果有足夠的資源,請使用防毒程式檢查搜尋的二進位檔。 The filter process cannot be started. The system is most likely low on resources, or the filter process binary was modified. If the resources are available, check the search binaries with an antivirus program.
0x80040D40所指定的 URL 對應無效。\"from\"\" 對應是空白的,或者 \"\"from\"\" 對應與 \"\"to\"\" 對應相同。請指定與 \"\"to\"\" 對應相異的有效 \"\"from\"\" 對應。 The specified URL mapping is invalid. The \"from\"\" mapping is empty, or the \"\"from\"\" mapping is the same as the \"\"to\"\" mapping. Specify a valid \"\"from\"\" mapping that differs from the \"\"to\"\" mapping.
0x80040D41尚未指定使用者代理字串,或者包含不正確的字元。請指定不是空白且未含雙引號的使用者代理。 The user agent string was not specified or contains invalid characters. Specify a user agent which is not empty and does not contain double quotation marks.
0x80040D43找不到電子郵件地址。請輸入電子郵件地址。 The e-mail address is missing. Type an e-mail address.
0x80040D44指定要保留的記錄檔數目不正確。請將記錄檔數目設定為大於零。 The specified number of logs to keep is invalid. Set the number of logs to be greater than zero.
0x80040D45未指定擴充字串或無效。請指定未包含以下字元的擴充字串: [./?*:\\#] 或空格。 The extension string is not specified or is invalid. Specify an extension string that does not contain the following characters: [./?*:\\#] or spaces.
0x80040D46所指定的最大成長係數不正確。請將最大成長係數設定為大於或等於零。 The specified maximum grow factor is invalid. Set the maximum grow factor to be greater than or equal to zero.
0x80040D47所指定的逾時值不正確。請將逾時值設定為大於或等於零。 The specified time out value is invalid. Set the time out value to be greater than or equal to zero.
0x80040D48所指定的重試限制值不正確。請將重試限制值設定為大於或等於零。 The specified retry limit value is invalid. Set the retry limit value to be greater than or equal to zero.
0x80040D49未指定收集程式記錄檔名稱。請指定記錄檔名稱。 The gatherer log file name is not specified. Specify a log file name.
0x80040D50未指定站台名稱或不正確。請指定不含下列字元或空白的站台名稱: [/\\\\@#|]。 The site name is not specified or is invalid. Specify a site name that does not contain the following characters: [/\\\\@#|] or spaces.
0x80040D51未指定內容來源或不正確。請輸入不含 * 或空白的主機名稱。 The content source is not specified or is invalid. Type a host name that does not contain * or spaces.
0x80040D52所指定的專案名稱已存在。請使用不同名稱建立專案。 A catalog with the name specified already exists. Create the catalog using a different name.
0x80040D53尚未指定路徑,或包含不正確的字元,如 [\"\" ?*]。請指定不含這些字元的路徑。 The path is not specified or contains invalid characters, such as [\"\" ?*]. Specify a path that does not contain these characters.
0x80040D54因使用者動作 (例如停止資料編目) 而停止篩選。 The filtering was stopped because of a user action, such as stopping the crawl.
0x80040D55所指定的 HTTP Proxy 連接埠不正確。請指定介於 0 與 0xffff 間的連接埠 The specified port for the HTTP proxy is invalid. Specify a port between 0 and 0xffff
0x80040D57未指定帳戶密碼。請指定密碼。 The account password was not specified. Specify the password.
0x80040D58路徑運算式不能包含保留的逸出字元 '|'。請使用不含保留字元的運算式。|' - 保留的逸出字元。請使用不含保留字元的運算式。 The path expression cannot contain the reserved escape character '|'. Use an expression without reserved characters.|' - a reserved escape character. Use an expression without reserved characters.
0x80040D59內容來源規格缺少主機名稱。請指定有效的 URL。 The specification for the content source is missing the host name. Specify a valid URL.
0x80040D60內容來源的路徑規格不能含有萬用字元,如 [?*]。請移除路徑規格中的所有萬用字元。 The path specification for the content source cannot contain wildcard characters, such as [?*]. Remove all wildcards from the path specification.
0x80040D61找不到所指定的收集程式應用程式。請使用現有的應用程式名稱,或重新安裝應用程式。 The specified gatherer application cannot be found. Use the name of an existing application, or reinstall the application.
0x80040D62因為有一或多個內容索引已設定成使用該外掛程式,所以無法移除此應用程式外掛程式管理員。請先移除所有索引,再移除外掛程式管理員。 The application plug-in manager cannot be removed, because one or more content indexes was configured to use the plug-in. Remove all indexes, and then remove the plug-in manager.
0x80040D63應用程式名稱不正確,因其包含特殊字元。請指定未含特殊字元的應用程式名稱。 The application name is invalid, because it contains special characters. Specify a different application name without special characters.
0x80040D65篩選器所傳回的資料大小大於所配置的緩衝區。請下載並安裝篩選器的更新。 The data size returned by the filter is greater than the allocated buffer. Download and install an update for the filter.
0x80040D66無法在抽取式磁碟上建立物件。請將物件建立在另一個磁碟上。 The object cannot be created on a non-fixed drive. Create the object on another drive.
0x80040D6B系統嘗試載入在多執行緒篩選背景程式中標為 apartment 的篩選器。文件會使用單一執行緒的篩選器進行重試。但由於多執行緒篩選的效能較佳,請試著取得多執行緒的篩選器版本。 The system attempted to load a filter marked as apartment in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded.
0x80040D6D這個位址內辨識的內容未經過資料編目。請重新建立內容索引。 The identified content was not crawled for this address. Recreate the content index.
0x80040D6F收集程式無法處理通知資料流。會對所有的通知來源再一次進行資料編目。 The gatherer cannot handle the alert stream. All alert sources will be crawled again.
0x80040D72因為偵測到文件重複,所以會重試該份文件。如果此問題仍然存在,請重新建立內容索引。 A duplicate of this document was detected, and the document will be retried. If this problem persists, recreate the content index.
0x80040D73無法讀取來自 Exchange 存放區或登錄的系統管理資料。請檢查 Exchange 存放區是否已啟動,且已適當還原。 The administrative data from the Exchange store or registry cannot be read. Check that the Exchange store is started, and that it was properly restored.
0x80040D74暫時無法對 Exchange 存放區進行讀取存取操作。如果這個訊息依然會出現,請重新啟動 Exchange 存放區。 Read access to the Exchange store is temporarily unavailable. If this message persists, restart the Exchange store.
0x80040D76因為在斷詞工具嘗試填入文字緩衝區時呼叫此函數,所以無法使用此函數。請下載並安裝斷詞工具的更新。 The function is unavailable, because it was called while the word breaker was attempting to fill the text buffer. Download and install an update for the word breaker.
0x80040D77無法載入這份文件之內容類別的特性清單,且無法存取綱要。請檢查綱要是否已正確設定。 The property list for the content class of this document cannot be loaded, and the schema cannot be accessed. Check that the schema is correctly configured.
0x80040D79因為本機伺服器沒有回應,而無法繼續資料編目。請重新啟動 Microsoft SQL Server 2000。 Crawling cannot continue because the local server is not responding. Restart Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
0x80040D7A綱要/綱要快取發生錯誤 (%1)。綱要集合參照: %2,內容類別: %3。這是內部錯誤,僅供偵錯。 Schema/schema cache error (%1) occurred. Schema collection ref: %2, content class: %3. This error is internal, for debugging.
0x80040D7B文件伺服器未在指定的逾時內回應,所以無法完成文件篩選。請稍候再對伺服器進行資料編目,或增加逾時值。 Document filtering cannot be completed because the document server did not respond within the specified timeout. Try crawling the server later, or increase the timeout values.
0x80040D86此提醒的內容來源必須參照到有效的檔案系統目錄 The content source for this alert must refer to a valid file system directory
0x80040D87不支援此內容來源的提醒。 Alerts for this content source are not supported.
0x80040D88由於無法取得檔案分享的資訊,因此無法建立此內容索引的提醒。 Alerts for this content source cannot be established because information about the file share cannot be obtained.
0x80040D89只有固定的磁碟機媒體類型才會支援本機路徑內容來源的提醒。針對遠端檔案分享資料夾,請使用 UNC 名稱。 Alerts for a content source with a local address are only supported for a fixed media drive type. Use the UNC name for remote file shares.
0x80040D8B因為磁碟空間不足,因而無法加入新的內容索引。請至少空出 10 MB 的可用空間,然後再試一次。 The new content index cannot be added because there is not enough disk space. Free up at least 10 megabytes of free space, and then try again.
0x80040D8D文件接收到無效的文件資源識別碼。文件必須重新進行資料編目。 The document received an invalid document resource ID. The document must be crawled again.
0x80040D8E階層式內容來源 (如檔案系統中的) 不可以是巢狀的。 Hierarchical content sources such as those in the file system cannot be nested.
0x80040D95初次嘗試為此物件進行資料編目時失敗。正在進行另一次嘗試。 The first attempt to crawl this object failed. Another attempt is being made.
0x80040D96ESE 資料庫備份階段期間發生備份與還原錯誤。如需詳細資訊,請檢查事件記錄。 Backup and restore failed during an ESE database phase. For more detailed information, check the event log.
0x80040D9B此電腦上的外掛程式登錄不正確。請檢查應用程式是否已正確安裝,或請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The plug-in is not properly registered on this computer. Check that the application is properly installed, or contact Microsoft Product Support.
0x80040D9C為了更新驗證權杖,已中斷此領域的提醒。 Alerts for this scope were interrupted so that authentication tokens can be updated.
0x80040D9D檔案系統提醒未能成功地初始化。如果重新啟動服務後,問題仍然存在,請嘗試重新執行安裝程式。 File system alerts were not initialized successfully If the problem persists after restarting the service, try rerunning Setup.
0x80040D9E因為已經移除這個領域,所以已停止其檔案系統提醒。 File system alerts for this scope are stopped because the scope is being removed.
0x80040D9F因為網路問題或超過內部快取區的大小,所以提醒失敗。如果問題仍然存在,請將內容來源類型變更為調適型 (adaptive) 或編目。 Alerts failed because of network failures or because the internal cache size was exceeded. If the problem persists, change the content source type to adaptive or crawl.
0x80040DA0指定的路徑無效,無法完成作業。請使用有效路徑,再試一次。 The operation could not be completed because the specified path is invalid. Try again using a valid path.
0x80040DA1範例文件中的關鍵字數目太少,不足以訓練 [主題小幫手] (Category Assistant)。請在您取得其他範例文件後,再試一次。 There were not enough keywords in the sample documents to train the Topic Assistant. Try again when more sample documents are available.
0x80040DA2[主題小幫手] 至少需要兩種類目的範例文件。請在您取得屬於其他類目的範例文件後,再試一次。 The Topic Assistant requires sample documents from at least two categories. Try again when sample documents for more categories are available.
0x80040DA3範例文件數目太少,不足以訓練 [主題小幫手]。請在您取得其他範例文件後,再試一次。 There were not enough sample documents to train the Topic Assistant. Try again when more sample documents are available.
0x80040DA4使用主題小幫手時發生錯誤。請檢查相關的失敗事件紀錄檔。 An error occurred using the topic assistant. Check the event log for related failures.
0x80040DA5系統嘗試從多執行緒篩選背景程式中的一個內嵌元件載入標為 apartment 的篩選器。文件會使用單一執行緒的篩選器進行重試。但由於多執行緒篩選的效能較佳,請試著取得多執行緒的篩選器版本。 The system attempted to load a filter marked as apartment from an embedded component in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded.
0x80040DA9無法針對此資料夾的資料進行資料編目,原因為它被設定成由 (%1) 來進行資料編目。 The data for this folder will not be crawled because it is configured to be crawled by (%1).
0x80040DAA此文件的安全性敘述元僅包含內建的存取控制項目。您必須移除內建的 ACE,原因是在查詢期間它們對於此文件而言並不是有效的。 The security descriptor for this document only contained built-in access control entries. The built-in ACEs have to be removed because they won't be valid for this document during queries.
0x80040DAB此物件的內容已經不正確。請重新整理此物件的內容。 The context for this object is no longer valid. Refresh the context for this object.
0x80040DAE因為內容索引不是閒置中,無法啟用檢查點。請等候內容索引閒置時,然後再試一次。 The checkpoint cannot be enabled, because the content index is not idle. Wait until the index is idle, and then try again.
0x80040DAF已經達到搜尋範圍的數目上限。請使用現有的範圍之一。 The maximum number of search scopes was reached. Use one of the existing scopes.
0x80040DB0已經達到每一文件的內容數目上限。文件一定可能損毀了,或者表示它已經被拒絕服務,此文件的索引製作已經中止。 Maximum number of properties per document has been reached. The document is most likely corrupt, or it represents a denial of service threat, the indexing of this document has been aborted.
0x80040DB2因為起始位址是本機路徑,所以起始位址無效。請輸入有效的起始位址。 The start address is invalid because it is a local path. Please enter a valid start address.
0x80040DB4篩選程序已經被終止 The filtering process has been terminated
0x80040DB6備份映像可能已損毀所以無法確認映像。若要保留您的資料,建議您再執行一次 [資料的備份與還原]。 The backup image cannot be verified because the image may be corrupted. To preserve your data, it is recommended that you run Data Backup and Restore again.
0x80040DB7無法啟動篩選主機處理程序。很可能是系統資源不足,或篩選主機程序二進位檔案已遭修改。如果有足夠的資源,請使用防毒程式檢查搜尋的二進位檔。 The filter host process cannot be started. The system is most likely low on resources, or the filter host process binary was modified. If the resources are available, check the search binaries with an antivirus program.
0x80040DBA找不到每個使用者篩選集區。 The per-user filter pool could not be found.
0x80040DBB部分連結未順利新增至佇列。將會重試父交易。 Some of the links were not successfully added to the queue. Parent transaction will be retried.
0x80041101標記不正確。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The tag is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041102無法讀取傳播設定檔。請確定內容索引及搜尋伺服器皆使用相同版本的搜尋程式。如果問題仍然存在,請重新編目並傳播內容索引。 The propagation configuration file cannot be read. Check that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If the problem persists, recrawl and repropagate the content index.
0x80041103搜尋伺服器的數目超出限制。請確定所傳播的內容索引數目小於最大值。如果這樣,請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務,然後再試一次。 The number of search servers exceeded the limit. Ensure that the number of propagated content indexes is less than the documented maximum. If so, start and restart the search service, and then try again.
0x80041104所指定的搜尋伺服器已存在。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援部門。 The specified search server already exists. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041105更新已在執行中。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 An update is already in progress. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041106無法讀取索引清單檔案。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The index list file cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041107無法讀取或建立內容索引建立所需的登錄項目。請刪除並重新建立內容索引。如果問題仍然存在,您可能必須重新安裝搜尋程式。 A registry entry required for content index creation cannot be read or created. Delete and recreate the content index. If the problem persists, you may need to reinstall search.
0x80041108找不到內容索引建立所需的一或多個檔案。請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果問題仍然存在,請刪除並重新建立內容索引。 One or more files required for content index creation were not found. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, delete and recreate the content index.
0x80041109找不到搜尋伺服器。請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果正在使用傳播,請停止並重新啟動遠端電腦上的搜尋服務。 The search server was not found. Stop and restart the search service. If propagation is being used, stop and restart the search service on the remote computers.
0x8004110A找不到該語言的斷詞工具。請檢查目前的語言設定,並確定搜尋程式支援目前的語言。如果問題仍然存在,請重新安裝搜尋程式。 A word breaker was not found for the given language. Check your current language settings and ensure that search supports the current language. If the problem persists, reinstall search.
0x8004110B找不到該語言的非搜尋字清單。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 A noise word list was not found for the given language. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004110C找不到該語言的詞幹分析器。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 A stemmer was not found for the given language. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004110D索引傳播已停止。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 Index propagation was stopped. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004110E磁碟已滿。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The disk is full. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004110F索引資料不正確。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The index data is invalid. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041110索引資料損毀。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The index data is corrupt. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041112無法初始化屬性儲存區。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The property store cannot be initialized. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041113無法讀取傳播狀態資訊。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The propagation state information cannot be read. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80041117未載入內容索引。請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果問題仍然存在,請查閱事件記錄中的其他錯誤。請視需要刪除並重新建立內容索引。 The content index is not loaded. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, review other errors in the event log. If necessary, delete and recreate the content index.
0x80041118主要版本號碼不符。請確定內容索引及搜尋伺服器皆使用相同版本的搜尋程式。請視需要重新編目索引,並重新傳播此索引。 There is a mismatch in the major version number. Check that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If necessary, crawl the index again and repropagate the index.
0x80041119索引與次要版本號碼不符。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The index is a mismatch in the minor version number. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004111A無法建立與遠端機器上搜尋服務的連線。請檢查遠端機器的連線。請視需要停止及重新啟動遠端機器上的搜尋服務。 A connection with the Search service on a remote machine could not be established. Check the connectivity with the remote machine. If necessary, stop and restart the Search service on the remote machine.
0x8004111B文件編目已中止。這是內部錯誤碼,使用者應不會看到此錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 Crawling of documents was stopped. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004111C已解下索引,因其已移除或是搜尋服務已停止。如果問題仍然存在,請重新啟動搜尋服務。 The index was dismounted because it is being removed or the search service stopped. If the problem persists, restart the search service.
0x8004111F這個索引沒有索引層級資訊。請為此索引使用應用程式層級表格。 No index level information exists for this index. Use application level tables for this index.
0x80041120找不到這個內容類別的資訊。會使用預設的內容類別。這個錯誤已過時,應不會再出現。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 Information for this content class was not found. Use the default content class. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x8004117F內容索引伺服器無法更新或存取資訊,原因是資料庫發生錯誤。請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果問題仍然存在,請重新設定並重新編目內容索引。在某些情況下,您還可能需要刪除並重新建立內容索引。 The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index.
0x80041181內容索引伺服器在其資料庫中找不到內容索引的描述。搜尋程式將會自動嘗試重新建立內容索引描述。如果此問題仍然存在,請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。請視需要刪除並重新建立內容索引。 The content index server cannot find a description of the content index in its database. Search will automatically attempt to recreate the content index description. If this problem persists, stop and restart the search service and, if necessary, delete and recreate the content index.
0x80041182內容索引伺服器在其資料庫中找不到所需的資訊。請重新設定並重新編目內容索引。 The content index server cannot find needed information in its database. Reset and recrawl the content index.
0x80041183版本存放區的資源不足,因此內容索引伺服器無法更新或存取其資料庫。請增加搜尋服務的系統資源使用量設定。如果問題仍然存在,請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。 The content index server cannot update or access its database, because the version store has insufficient resources. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service.
0x80041184階段作業無法使用,因此內容索引伺服器無法更新或存取其資料庫。請增加搜尋服務的系統資源使用量設定。如果問題仍然存在,請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。 The content index server cannot update or access its database because sessions are unavailable. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service.
0x80041185系統資源不足,因此內容索引伺服器無法更新或存取其資料庫。請增加搜尋服務的系統資源使用量設定。如果問題仍然存在,請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。 The content index server cannot update or access its database because insufficient system resources are available. Increase the system resource usage setting for the search service. If the problem persists, stop and restart the search service.
0x80041186內容索引伺服器無法更新無法辨識或最近定義的特性屬性。請重新設定並重新編目內容索引。 The content index server cannot update an unrecognized or recently defined property attribute. Reset and recrawl the content index.
0x80041187屬性儲存區無法開啟、關閉或刪除傳播所用的資料檔。請檢查您的索引磁碟區有足夠的磁碟空間。 The property store was unable to open, close, or delete a data file used in propagation. Check that your index volume has enough disk space.
0x80041188屬性儲存區遭遇無法使用的傳播資料檔。請重新傳播一次。 The property store encountered propagation data files that cannot be used. Try propagation again.
0x80041189屬性儲存區的版本號碼不符。請確定內容索引及搜尋伺服器皆使用相同版本的搜尋程式。請視需要重新編目內容索引,並嘗試重新傳播此內容索引。 There is a mismatch in the property store version numbers. Ensure that the same versions of search are used on both the content index and search servers. If necessary, recrawl the content index and try to propagate the content index again.
0x8004118A由於共用違規,內容索引伺服器無法更新或存取資訊。停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果問題仍然存在,請重設並重新編目內容索引。部在某些情況下,可能需要刪除並重新建立內容索引。 The content index server cannot update or access information because of a sharing violation. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index.
0x800411A0未設定 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 的設定特性。請指定這些特性後,再試一次。 The configuration properties for Microsoft Exchange 5.5 were not set. Specify these properties, and then try again.
0x800411A1在內容來源中所指定的 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 伺服器名稱,與在 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 設定中 Exchange 伺服器的設定特性不符。請變更內容來源或設定特性中的 Exchange 伺服器名稱,使其彼此相符後,再試一次。 The name of the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server specified in the content source does not match the Exchange server specified in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration properties. Change the name of the Exchange server in the content source or configuration properties to match, and then try again.
0x800411A2存取 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 伺服器的特殊權限不足。請檢查 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 索引設定是否正確,且已使用擁有 Exchange 伺服器設定節點之系統管理權限的使用者內容來執行搜尋服務。 There is insufficient privilege to access the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server. Check that the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration is valid and that the search service is running in the context of a user having administrative privileges on the Exchange server configuration node.
0x800411A3位址中所指定的 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 伺服器名稱與 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 索引設定中所指定的名稱不符。 The Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server name specified in the address does not match the one specified in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration.
0x800411A4存取 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 伺服器的特殊權限不足。請驗證 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 索引設定正確,且已使用擁有 Exchange 伺服器設定節點之系統管理權限的使用者內容來執行搜尋服務。 There is insufficient privilege to access the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Server. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 configuration is valid and that the Search Service is running in the context of a user having administrative privileges on the Exchange Server configuration node.
0x800411A5該服務無法存取 Exchange 5.5 伺服器。所設定的 Microsoft Exchange 5.5 伺服器名稱可能不正確、Exchange 5.5 伺服器可能暫時無法使用,或搜尋服務所用的帳號可能沒有 Exchange 5.5 伺服器的系統管理存取權。請檢查這些特性,然後再試一次。 The service cannot access the Exchange 5.5 server. The configured Microsoft Exchange 5.5 server name may be invalid, the Exchange 5.5 server may be temporarily unavailable, or the account used by the search service may not have administrative access to the Exchange 5.5 server. Check all of these properties, and then try again.
0x800411A6該服務無法存取 Exchange 5.5 服務。搜尋服務所使用的帳號可能不是 Exchange 管理員,或是搜尋主機之網站或組織設定可能無效。 The service cannot access the Exchange 5.5 service. The account used by the search service may not be an Exchange administrator, or the site or organization settings on the search host may be invalid.
0x800411A7這台機器上沒有安裝 Outlook,或者遺失了 CDO 或 MSEMS 元件。請安裝並設定 Outlook 後,再試一次。 Outlook is not installed on this machine, or is missing the CDO or MSEMS components. Please install and configure Outlook, then try again.
0x800411A8無法使用指定存取 Exchange 5.5 伺服器的帳號資訊。請確認帳號及密碼資訊。 The account information specified for accessing the Exchange 5.5 server cannot be used. Verify the account and password information.
0x80041200發生通訊錯誤。 A communication error occurred.
0x80041201找不到物件。 The object was not found.
0x80041202不支援所使用的選項。請檢查是否支援您的 Internet Explorer 版本。 The options used are not supported. Check that your version of Internet Explorer is supported.
0x80041204接收到無法辨識的 HTTP 狀態。請檢查該位址是否可以使用 Internet Explorer 存取。 An unrecognized HTTP status was received. Check that the address can be accessed using Internet Explorer.
0x80041205拒絕存取。請檢查 [Windows Search 管理中心] 的 [預設的內容存取帳戶] 是否正確,或是依循 [排除與包括內容] 連結,新增規則以指定可以存取此 URL 的適當編目帳號。 Access is denied. Check that the Default Content Access Account in Windows Search Central Administration is correct, or follow the \"Exclude and Include Content\" link to add a rule to specify the proper crawling account to access this URL.
0x80041206發生伺服器錯誤。請檢查伺服器是否可以使用。 A server error occurred. Check that the server is available.
0x80041207您已被重新導向到不存在的位址。請檢查來源位址是否將您導向至可存取的位址。 You have been redirected to an address that does not exist. Check that the source address is redirecting to an accessible address.
0x80041208該位址似乎有錯誤。請檢查該位址是否有效。 The address appears to be in error. Check that the address is valid.
0x80041209無法連接至伺服器。請確定該網站是可存取的。 Cannot Connect to the server. Please make sure the site is accessible.
0x8004120A無法存取該位址。請檢查該位址是否可以使用 Internet Explorer 存取。 The address cannot be accessed. Check that the address can be accessed from Internet Explorer.
0x8004120B嘗試重新存取 URL 失敗。 The attempt to access the URL again failed.
0x8004120D因為不支援 URL 的內容類型 (multipart/x-mixed-replace),所以已將之排除。 The URL was excluded because its content type (multipart/x-mixed-replace) is not supported.
0x8004120E搜尋程式無法將編目過存放區的「存取控制清單」轉換成 Windows NT「存取控制清單」。請確定存放區中未使用本機資訊。 Search was unable to convert the Access Control List of the crawled store into a Windows NT Access Control List. Check that local information is not used in the store.
0x8004120F無法處理物件,因為搜尋程式無法將「存取控制清單」中的「Notes 拒絕存取」項目轉換成 Windows NT 身份識別。請檢查 Notes 對 Windows NT 身份識別的對應。 An object cannot be processed because search cannot convert a Notes Access-Denied entry in the Access Control List into a Windows NT identity. Check the Notes to Windows NT identity mapping.
0x80041211因為「存取控制清單」不允許任何人讀取此項目,因此不會編目此項目。請檢查此是否為所要的設定。 The item will not be crawled because the Access Control List allows no one to read the item. Check that this is intended.
0x80041212搜尋程式無法編目該項目,因為其「存取控制清單」超過 64 KB。請檢查該項目是否擁有正確的「存取控制清單」。 Search cannot crawl the item, because its Access Control List exceeded 64 KB. Check that the item has a valid Access Control List.
0x80041213因為搜尋程式找不到自己的一個特性,所以無法更進一步處理項目。請檢查存放區中的項目是否正確。 The item cannot be processed further because search failed to find one of its properties. Check that the item is valid in the store.
0x80041215無法開啟資料庫。請檢查資料庫是否正常運作。 The database cannot be opened. Check that the database is functional.
0x80041216由於與其他程序發生共用衝突,因此已中斷篩選。請於檔案閒置時重新編目檔案。 Filtering was interrupted because of a sharing conflict with another process. Crawl the file again when it is not in use.
0x80041217無法載入通訊協定處理程式。 The protocol handler cannot be loaded.
0x80041218無法初始化通訊協定處理程式。 The protocol handler cannot be initialized.
0x80041219不支援磁碟區掛接點 (volume mount point)。 The volume mount point is not supported.
0x8004121A部分資料遭到截斷。請檢查該內容是否仍可讀取。 Some data was truncated. Check that the content can still be read.
0x8004121D展開本機群組時發生內部錯誤。 An internal error occurred while expanding local groups.
0x80041223在伺服器送出的安全通訊端層 (SSL) 憑證中發現錯誤。 Error found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server.
0x80041224存取這個網站需要用戶端憑證。請在網站路徑規則中指定用戶端憑證。 Accessing this site requires a client certificate. Specify a client certificate in the site path rules.
0x80041401無法初始化 Exchange 搜尋提供者。您可能需要重新安裝該應用程式。 The Exchange search provider cannot be initialized. You may have to reinstall the application.
0x80041402安全性提供者尚未初始化。您可能需要重新安裝應用程式。 The security provider was not initialized. You may have to reinstall the application.
0x80041403搜尋服務是當成本機「系統」服務來執行。若要存取 Exchange 文件,請確定是用擁有 Exchange 伺服器之系統管理特殊權限的使用者帳號來執行搜尋服務。 The search service is running as a local System service. To access Exchange documents, check that the search service is running in a user account with administrative privileges on the Exchange server.
0x800414FF拒絕存取。您執行該操作的特殊權限可能不足。 Access is denied. You may not have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.
0x80041501發生意外的錯誤。 An unexpected error occurred.
0x80041502命令列上的括弧未成對。 There is an unmatched parenthesis on the command line.
0x80041503參數太長。 The parameter is too long.
0x80041504物件未初始化。請先呼叫 Init() 以初始化物件。 The object is not initialized. Call Init() first to initialize the object.
0x80041505物件已初始化。 The object is already initialized.
0x80041506參數太多。 There are too many parameters.
0x80041600因為不明的原因,而導致呼叫失敗。 The call failed for an unknown reason.
0x80041601無效的參數。 The parameter is invalid.
0x80041602無法分析查詢的限制條件。 The query restriction cannot be parsed.
0x80041603要求的排序順序無效。 An invalid sort order was requested.
0x80041604要求的分類順序無效。 An invalid categorization order was requested.
0x80041605查詢條件只包含忽略的字。 A clause of the query contained only words that are ignored.
0x80041606查詢太複雜,無法執行。 The query was too complex to be executed.
0x80041607查詢超過了執行的時間限制。 The query exceeded its execution time limit.
0x80041608輸出資料欄清單中有一或多個資料欄重複。 One or more columns in the output column list is a duplicate.
0x80041609輸出資料欄清單中有一或多個資料欄無效。 One or more columns in the output column list is not valid.
0x8004160A目錄名稱無效。 The directory name is invalid.
0x8004160B指定的目錄位於卸除式媒體上。 The specified directory is on a removable medium.
0x8004160C會繼續編目索引,但不能進行查詢。 The index is still being crawled, but queries are no longer allowed.
0x8004160D找不到指定的相關文件,因為查詢子句僅包含忽略的文件。 The relevant specified documents were not found, because a clause of the query contained only words that are ignored.
0x8004160E找不到查詢中所指定的任何相關文件。 None of the relevant documents specified in the query can be found.
0x8004160F在指定的屬性下,無法在相關文件中找到任何資訊,因為查詢子句僅包含忽略的字詞。 No information was found in the relevant documents with the specified properties, because a clause of the query contained only words that are ignored.
0x80041610在此查詢指定的屬性下,無法在相關文件中找到任何相關資訊。 No relevant information is found in the relevant documents with the specified properties for this query.
0x80041611同一個相關文件指定多次。 The same relevant document is specified multiple times.
0x80041612不支援 reldoc 指定。 The reldoc specification is not supported.
0x80041613指定的文件識別碼無效。 The specified document identifier is not valid.
0x80041614伺服器正在執行舊版軟體,該版本無法處理此查詢。 The server is running an older version of software that cannot handle this query.
0x80041615聯合查詢之所有元件中的領域必須相同 Scopes should be the same in all of the components of a coalesce query
0x80041616聯合查詢之所有元件中的排序清單必須相同。 Order by list should be same in all the components of a coalesce query.
0x80041617並未正確地使用聯合動作或是目前尚不支援此表單。請檢查聯合動作可能的群組排列組合 Coalesce is either not used properly or this form is not currently supported. Check for possible mixing of grouping with coalesce
0x80041618由於正在更新索引,因此停用查詢。請在數分鐘後重新查詢。 Queries are disabled because the index is being updated. Try your query again in a few minutes.
0x80041619不支援彙總。 Aggregate is not supported.
0x8004161A頂層群組不支援 ORDER IN GROUP,因為沒有父群組。 The top level group does not support ORDER IN GROUP since there is no parent group.
0x8004161B每個範圍標籤的名稱必須是唯一的。 Each name for a ranged label must be unique.
0x80041651無法開啟檔案。 The file cannot be opened.
0x80041652讀取檔案發生錯誤。 Read error in file.
0x80041653必須是屬性名稱。 Expecting property name.
0x80041654必須是類型指定元。 Expecting type specifier.
0x80041655無法辨識的類型。 Unrecognized type.
0x80041656必須是整數。 Expecting integer.
0x80041657必須是右括弧。 Expecting closing parenthesis.
0x80041658必須是 GUID。 Expecting GUID.
0x80041659guid 無效。 Invalid guid.
0x8004165A必須是屬性指定元。 Expecting property specifier.
0x8004165B無法設定屬性名稱。 Failed to set property name.
0x8004165C屬性名稱重複。 Duplicate property name.
0x80041672非預期的字串結尾。 Unexpected end of string.
0x80041700物件中沒有其他文字區塊。 There are no more chunks of text available in the object.
0x80041701區塊中沒有其他文字。 There is no more text available in the chunk.
0x80041702區塊中沒有其他內容值。 There are no more property values available in the chunk.
0x80041703無法存取物件。 The object cannot be accessed.
0x80041705目前的區塊沒有文字。 There is no text in the current chunk.
0x80041706目前的區塊沒有值。 There are no values in the current chunk.
0x80041707無法連結內嵌物件的 Ifilter。 The Ifilter for the embedded object cannot be bound.
0x80041708無法為連結物件連結 Ifilter。 The Ifilter for the linked object cannot be bound.
0x8004170B因為密碼保護的原因,所以未篩選檔案。 The file was not filtered due to password protection.
0x8004170C篩選無法識別文件格式。 The document format is not recognized by the filter.
0x80041730檔案太大而無法篩選。 The file is too large to filter.
0x80041736無法開啟該檔案,因為已開啟其他檔案。 The file cannot be opened, because another file is already open.
0x80041737檔案無法存取。 The file is not reachable.
0x80041738另一個程序正在使用這份文件。 The document is in use by another process.
0x80041739這份文件尚未開啟。 The document is not open.
0x8004173B指定的 GUID 沒有屬性。 There is no property with the given GUID.
0x8004173D文件已離線。 The document is offline.
0x8004173E文件太大,而無法全部篩選。有部分文件並未處理。 The document was too large to filter completely. Portions of the document were not emitted.
0x80041780已經到達文字來源的結尾。 End of text was reached in the text source.
0x80041782這個功能只能在查詢模式中使用。 This feature is only available in query mode.
0x80041783緩衝區太小而無法容納寫好的句子。 The buffer is too small to hold the composed phrase.
0x80041784找不到語言資料庫/快取檔案。 The language database/cache file cannot be found.
0x80041785斷詞工具初始化失敗。 Initialization of the word breaker failed.
0x80041791這個功能只能在索引模式中使用。 This feature is only available in index mode.
0x80041792附件類型不正確。 The attachment type is beyond the valid range.
0x8004180B物件尚未初始化。 The object is not initialized.
0x8004180D未快取指定的屬性。 The given property is not cached.
0x8004180F物件處於無效狀態。 The object is not in a valid state.
0x80041810這個內容索引已經停用篩選。 Filtering is disabled for this content index.
0x80041811磁碟已滿,無法完成指定的操作。 The disk is full and the specified operation cannot be completed.
0x80041812已停止內容索引服務。 The content index service was stopped.
0x80041813工作識別項無效。 The workid is not valid.
0x80041816不支援傳入的屬性識別碼。 The passed-in property id is not supported.
0x80041817相同的工作識別碼有兩個提醒。 There were two alerts for the same workid.
0x80041818因為已停止更新,所以拒絕文件更新。 A document update was rejected because updates were disabled.
0x80041819指定的旗標組合無效。 The combination of flags specified is invalid.
0x8004181A指定給「載入」的增量資料無效。它可能順序不對。 The incremental data given to Load is not valid. It may be out of sequence.
0x8004181B共用或鎖定違規造成失敗。 A sharing or locking violation caused a failure.
0x8004181C登入權限違規造成失敗。 A logon permission violation caused a failure.
0x8004181D該索引並不存在或目前無法使用。請稍候再重試該動作。如果此問題仍然存在,請與系統管理員連絡。 The index does not exist or is currently unavailable. Try again later. If this problem persists, contact the system administrator.
0x8004181E分頁檔大小並不是索引所在磁碟區之磁扇區大小的整數倍。 Page size is not an integral multiple of the sector size of the volume where the index is located.
0x8004181F服務太忙。 The service is too busy.
0x80041820目前沒有執行服務。 The service is not running.
0x80041827機器/索引/領域不相符。 The cardinality of machine, indexes, and scopes is mismatched.
0x80041828磁碟已到達它所設定的空間限制。 The disk has reached its configured space limit.
0x8004182A屬性儲存區未設定成處理輔助中繼資料儲存。 The property store is not configured to handle auxiliary metadata storage.
0x8004182F指定的索引清單檔案版本太舊或無效。 The specified index list version is outdated or invalid.
0x80041901所指定的類目名稱已存在。請選擇其他名稱,以建立新的類目。 A catalog with the name specified already exists. Choose another name to create a new catalog.
0x80041903無法將網域控制站上的「以服務身份登入」權限授予帳號。網域安全性系統管理員需要將這個特殊權限授予此預設帳號。指定給伺服器的所有預設帳號皆需要這個帳號權限。 The account cannot be granted a privilege to \"log on as service\"\" on the domain controller. The domain security administrator needs to grant the default account this privilege. All of the default accounts specified for the server need this account privilege.
0x80041904所選取的內容索引定義無法初始化,且無法使用。請檢查伺服器狀態、內容索引設定,以及使用者對伺服器的存取權。 The selected content index definition did not initialize and cannot be used. Check server status, content index configuration, and user access to the server.
0x80042000區塊類型並非文字。 The chunk type was not text.
0x80042001特性識別碼類型並非名稱。 The property ID type was not name.
0x80042002特性識別碼類型並非數字。 The property ID type was not numeric.
0x80042003區塊類型並非數值。 The chunk type is not value.
0x80042004區塊不可予以變更。若要設定區塊的特性,請使用下列語法來建立: IGatherScriptFilterSink::CreateChunk The chunk does not allow changes. To set properties on a chunk, create it using IGatherScriptFilterSink::CreateChunk
0x80042005資源完成碼已設定。 The resource completion code was already set.
0x80042100所指定的應用程式名稱不正確。請檢查是否已有同名的搜尋應用程式。 The specified application name is not valid. Check to see whether a search application with that name already exists.
0x80042101找不到所指定的搜尋應用程式名稱。可能已刪除。 The specified search application name was not found. It may have already been deleted.
0x80042102搜尋應用程式名稱已存在。請使用不同的名稱。 The search application name already exists. Use a different name.
0x80042103找不到所指定的目錄。請檢查其是否已刪除,或者您的應用程式程式碼是否發生錯誤。 The specified catalog was not found. Check to see if it was deleted, or if there are errors in your application code.
0x80042104搜尋服務停止後,無法刪除內容索引。請重新啟動搜尋服務,然後再試一次。 The content index cannot be deleted while the search service is stopped. Restart the search service and try again.
0x80042105此檔案小於 2 位元組。Unicode 文字檔案必須以指出位元組順序的寬字元開始。 This file is shorter than 2 bytes. Unicode text file must begin with a wide character that indicates byte order.
0x80042106指定的目錄已存在。 The specified catalog already exists.
0x80042200這個領域沒有預設的名稱空間。請在繼續前新增預設的名稱空間。 This scope has no default namespace. Add a default namespace before continuing.
0x80042201SXQL 不正確。 The SXQL is invalid.
0x80042401篩選過程中發生未預期的錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 An unexpected error occurred in the filtering process. Contact Microsoft Product Support.
0x80042402文件 IFilter 無法提供需要的介面。 IFilter 可能有錯誤。 The document IFilter cannot provide the needed interface. The IFilter may contain errors.
0x80042404無法初始化文件 IFilter。文件或 IFilter 可能有錯誤。 A document IFilter cannot be initialized. The document or IFilter may contain errors.
0x80042405無法篩選加密的文件。 An encrypted document cannot be filtered.
0x80042406無法加密此內容存取帳號密碼,因為他儲存在不同的認證。請重新輸入此內容使用編目的帳號密碼。 The password for the content access account cannot be decrypted because it was stored with different credentials. Re-type the password for the account used to crawl this content.
0x80042500OLEDB 提供者中發生自訂錯誤 (%1)。%2。 A custom error (%1) in the OLEDB provider has occurred. %2.
0x80042601在處理 URL 時於通訊協定處理程式中發生了意外的錯誤。 An unexpected error occurred in the Notes protocol handler while processing the URL.
0x80042603內容欄位只支援 RTF 文字、html 和文字類型。 Only rich text, HTML, and text types are supported for the content field.
0x80042604要求的項目找不到。 A requested item is not found.
0x80042605無法存取 Notes 資料。請檢查伺服器是否已設定成可正確存取 Notes 資料。 The Notes data cannot be accessed. Check that the server is properly configured for accessing Notes data.
0x80042606無法處理一個或多個附件。 One or more attachments cannot be processed.
0x80042607Windows NT 身分識別不存在。 The Windows NT identity does not exist.
0x80042608存取 %1 被拒 (使用者 %1)。若要允許存取,請連絡您的 Notes 管理員。 Access to %1 is denied to user %1. To allow access, contact your Notes administrator.
0x80042609無法讀取使用者名稱對應。請檢查資料庫、檢視以及欄位名稱是否正確; 該 Notes 資料庫是否可以存取,以及排序選項是否已啟用。有關進一步的資訊,請參閱「管理員手冊」。 The user name mapping cannot be read. Check that the database, view, and column names are correct, that the Notes database is accessible, and that the sort option is enabled. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide.
0x80042611不明的 Lotus Notes 錯誤: %1。 Unknown Lotus Notes Error: %1.
0x80042614停止剖析 XML Stop Parsing XML
0x80042616網站資料 Web 服務發生錯誤。 Error in the Site Data Web Service.
0x80042617PortalCrawl Web 服務發生錯誤。 Error in PortalCrawl Web Service.
0x80042701Exstore 通訊協定處理程式中發生意外的錯誤。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 An unexpected error occurred in the exstore protocol handler. Contact Microsoft Product Support.
0x80042801找不到編目此網站存取所需的指定用戶端憑證。 Cannot find or access the client certificate specified for crawling this site.
0x80043301在記憶體中的綱要快取中發生意外的錯誤。 An unexpected error occurred in the in-memory schema cache.
0x80043401無法讀取有關內容來源的屬性對應資訊。 The property mapping information on the content source cannot be read.
0x80043402內容來源資訊代碼中包含意外的空指標。 The content source information code contains unexpected null pointers.
0x80043403內容來源中屬性對應資訊的平行向量 (paralle vector) 其維度 (dimentsion) 有所不同。 Parallel vectors for property mapping information on the content source have different dimensions.
0x80043404無法讀取內容來源中的內容類別資訊。 The content class information for the content source cannot be read.
0x80043405在內容來源資訊代碼中發生意外的例外情況。 An unexpected exception occurred in the content source information code.
0x80043406內容來源的內容類別是空的。 The content class of the content source is empty.
0x80043407在讀取內容來源中的內容類別資訊時發現不明的資料類型。 An unknown data type was found when reading content class information from the content source.
0x80043408屬性對應資訊的要求超出範圍。 A request for property mapping information is out of range.
0x80043409空白或 null URI 作為屬性對應是不正確的。 Empty or null URIs are not valid as property mapping.
0x80043500這是內部錯誤碼。一個方法在不應該呼叫時被呼叫。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 This is an internal error code. A method was called when it should not be. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80043502已經在被重新導向至不同的伺服器的位址上嘗試安全性更新。 A security update was attempted on an address that was redirected to a different server.
0x80043503位址已重新導向一次以上。 An address was redirected more than once.
0x80043504要求的屬性不存在於列中。 The requested property does not exist on the row.
0x80043505要求的讀取類型與資料類型不符合。 The requested read type does not match the data type.
0x80043506要求資料的狀態與預期不同。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 The status of the request data is unexpected. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80043507發現不明的資料類型。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 An unknown data type was found. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80043508發現未預期的篩選狀態。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 An unexpected filter state occurred. Call Microsoft Product Support.
0x80043509發現重複的屬性。如果發生此錯誤,請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務。 A duplicate property was found. Call Microsoft support if this error is encountered.
0x80043603用於與篩選精靈通訊的具名管道尚未連線。 The named pipe used to communicate with the filter daemon has not been connected.
0x80043604指定給 MSFTESQL 服務的組態資料已經損毀。 The configuration data given to the MSFTESQL service is corrupt.
0x80043605系統嘗試載入在多執行緒篩選精靈中標示的 apartment 執行緒模型篩選。文件會在單一執行緒篩選精靈的處理中重試。因為多執行緒篩選效率更高,所以請試著取得多執行緒的篩選版本。 The system attempted to load an apartment threading model filter marked in a multi-threaded filter daemon. The document will be retried in a single-threaded filter daemon process. Since multithreaded filtering is more efficient, try to obtain the version of the filter that is multi-threaded.
0x80043606因為物件已經刪除或未適當初始化,所以無法設定值。請確定物件參照仍然有效、增加登錄大小或重新建立全文檢索目錄組態。 The value cannot be set, because the object was already deleted or was not initialized properly. Make sure the object reference is still valid, increase the registry size, or recreate the catalog configuration.
0x80043607內部介面將會在對應的全文檢索目錄關閉後使用。作業將會中止。 An internal interface is being used after the corresponding catalog has been shutdown. The operation will be aborted.
0x80043608內部介面將會在初始化之前使用。作業將會中止。 An internal interface is being used prior to being initialized. The operation will be aborted.
0x80043609在 MSFTESQL 服務和篩選精靈處理之間傳送的資料損毀。這是內部錯誤。 Data transferred between the MSFTESQL service and a filter daemon process is corrupted. This is an internal error.
0x80043610這是內部錯誤。URB 已經超過大小上限。 This is an internal error: The URB has exceeded the maximum size.
0x80043611這是內部錯誤: 文件識別項應該大於 0 而且小於或等於 0x7fffffff。 This is an internal error: Document IDs should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 0x7fffffff.
0x80043612外部狀態變更已經將全文檢索目錄置於暫停狀態。 An external status change has put the catalog in a paused state.
0x80043613發生狀態變更或者專案是在強制暫停狀態,所以 MSFTESQL 此時無法接受輸入。 A status change is occurring or the project is in a force paused state, so MSFTESQL cannot accept input at this time.
0x80043614MSFTEFD 處理已經啟動,但是未連線 MSFTESQL 服務。 The MSFTEFD process was launched but did not connect with the MSFTESQL service.
0x80043616這是內部錯誤: 資料接收的初始化錯誤。至少一個通訊協定處理常式 PROGID 是必要的。 This is an internal error: Initialization of the datasink is incorrect. At least one protocol handler PROGID is required.
0x80043617這是內部錯誤: 靜態執行緒已經取得無效的引數而且會強制批次中止並重試。 This is an internal error: A static thread has gotten invalid arguments and will force batches to be aborted and retried.
0x80043618已經有此名稱的全文檢索目錄存在,所以可以建立或掛載另一個。 A catalog already exists with this name, so another can be created or mounted.
0x8004361A檔案路徑超過 Windows 的路徑限制上限,所以無法使用它。 A file path exceeds the maximum limit for paths in Windows, so it can't be used.
0x8004361B拒絕存取此管理介面的呼叫者。 Access is denied to the caller of this administration interface.
0x8004361C無法在 COM 載入的模組上執行簽章驗證,所以不會建立物件。物件可以是篩選、文字分隔、字幹或通訊協定處理常式。 Signature validation cannot be performed on modules loaded by COM, so the object will not be created. The object is likely a filter, wordbreaker, stemmer, or protocol handler.
0x8004361D處理器親和性遮罩無效。 The processor affinity mask is invalid.
0x8004361E這是需要處理的內部錯誤。FD 已經刪除而且此大量緩衝區已經重新指定。 This is an internal error that should be handled. The FD has been killed and this chunk buffer has already been reassigned.
0x80043621已經超過外掛程式數目上限,所以無法載入新的外掛程式。 The maximum number of plug-ins has been exceeded, so a new plug-in can't be loaded.
0x80043624因為物件是現有物件的複本,所以無法插入。物件可能是全文檢索目錄或其他具名實體。 An object could not be inserted because it was a duplicate of an existing object. The object may be a catalog or other named entity.
0x80043626替代此交易的交易結尾處發生錯誤。 The transaction that superseded this one ended in error.
0x80043628這是內部錯誤: 因為篩選精靈已經關閉,所以無法完成此要求。 This is an internal error: This request cannot be completed because the Filter Daemon has been shutdown.
0x80043629全文檢索目錄不存在,所以無法執行作業。 The catalog does not exist, so the operation can't be performed.
0x8004362A索引管道沒有外掛程式元件,所以將不會使用收集的資料。 There are no plug-in components in the indexing pipeline, so the data collected will not be used.
0x8004362C此交易的批次處理已經中止。 Processing of this batch of transactions has been aborted.
0x8004362D狀態變更在其他執行緒使用中。因為一次只允許一個狀態變更,所以無法處理此要求。 A status change is active on another thread. Since only one status change is allowed at a time this request can't be handled.
0x8004362F先前的錯誤禁止批次的進一步處理。 A previous error prevented further processing of the batch.
0x80043630篩選精靈處理 MSFTEFD 逾時,原因不明。這可能代表篩選、文字分隔或通訊協定處理常式有 Bug。 The filter daemon process MSFTEFD timed out for an unknown reason. This may indicate a bug in a filter, wordbreaker, or protocol handler.
0x80043631這是內部錯誤: 因為資源已經關閉,所以此活動已經無效。 This is an internal error: This activity is no longer valid because the resource is shutdown.
0x80043632指定的屬性無效。 The property specified is invalid.
0x80043633沒有其他屬性。 There are no more properties.
0x80043634指定的外掛程式不明,可能是它未載入,所以作業無法繼續。請指定載入的外掛程式。 The plug-in specified is not known likely because it isn't loaded, so the operation can't succeed. Only specify plug-ins that are loaded.
0x80043635效能監視器程式庫無法載入。 The performance monitor library could not be loaded.
0x80043636此效能監視器例項沒有可用的插槽。 There are no more slots available for this performance monitor instance
0x80043637篩選精靈處理 MSFTEFD 無法建立批次的存取子物件。 The filter daemon process MSFTEFD was not able to create an accessor object for the batch.
0x80043638指定的屬性類型不適用於此屬性。請參閱產品手冊,了解此屬性的正確資料類型。 The property type specified is incorrect for this property. Please see the product documentation for the correct data type for this property.
0x80043639指定的值超出範圍。請參閱產品手冊,了解有效的範圍。 The value specified is out of range. Please see the product documentation for the valid range.
0x8004363A用於升級的屬性儲存區損毀。 The property store for upgrade is corrupted.
0x8004363B工作識別項對於屬性儲存區無效。 The workid is not valid for the property store.
0x8004363D用於升級的收集器雜湊對應已經損毀。 The gatherer hash map for upgrade is corrupted.
0x8004363E金鑰未在屬性儲存區中快取。 The key is not cached in the property store.
0x8004363F升級介面已經關閉。 The upgrade interface has already been shutdown.
0x80043640升級介面已經建立,只允許升級介面的一個例項。 The upgrade interface has already been instantiated. Only one instance of the upgrade interface is allowed.
0x80043641此處理程序中的某一個執行緒,其堆疊已經因為程式設計 Bug 而損毀。這可能是安全威脅並表示系統已經受到攻擊。處理程序將會關閉。 The stack for a thread in this process is corrupted due to a programming bug. This may be a security threat and indicate your system has been attacked. The process will be shutdown.
0x80043642傳送至 OnDataChange 函數的通訊協定處理常式索引無效。 The protocol handler index passed to the OnDataChange function is invalid.
0x80043643目前索引化的序列資料流已經損毀。 The serial stream being indexed is corrupted.
0x80043644全文檢索目錄已經開啟,供唯讀作業使用。禁止寫入此全文檢索目錄。 The catalog is opened for read-only operations. Writing is prohibited to this catalog.
0x80043645因為效能監視器計數器未先載入,所以無法解除載入它們。 The performance monitor counters cannot be unloaded because they are not loaded in the first place.
0x80043648此大型文件會在專用篩選精靈 MSFTEFD 處理中重試。 This huge document will be retried in dedicated filter daemon MSFTEFD process.
0x80043649這是內部錯誤: 篩選精靈 MSFTEFD 類型不明或無效。 This is an internal error: The filter daemon MSFTEFD type is unknown or invalid.
0x8004364A沒有足夠的資源來處理文件或列。 There are not enough resources to process the document or row.
0x8004364B這是內部錯誤: 可能是因為程式設計錯誤,偵測到資料類型對齊錯誤。 This is an internal error: Datatype misalignment was detected likely due to a programming error.
0x8004364D篩選精靈處理 MSFTEFD 使用太多的記憶體,即將終止。 The filter daemon process MSFTEFD used too much memory and will be terminated.
0x8004364EMSFTESQL 服務非預期結束。這是堆疊追蹤:%1 The MSFTESQL service process exited unexpectedly.Here is the stack Trace:%1
0x8004364FMSFTESQL 記憶體管理員偵測到高記憶體壓力。 High memory pressure was detected by the MSFTESQL memory manager.
0x80043650標示的批次要隔離前一個有太多交易的錯誤。 A batch flagged to isolate a previous error had too many transactions in it.
0x80043651msftesql 應該以隔離的形式來重新處理此文件,以便確認錯誤。 msftesql should reprocess this document in an isolated fashion to confirm the error.
0x80043652具名全文檢索目錄的內部識別項已經損毀。 An internal identifier for naming catalogs has been corrupted.
0x80043653追蹤造成目前活動中止的文字清單是否完成時,發生錯誤。 A failure occurred when tracking the completion of wordlists which will cause current activity to be aborted.
0x80043654指定的字碼頁未安裝或無法使用。 The specified code page is not installed or not available.
0x80043655內部錯誤代碼: 因為篩選精靈閒置,所以已經終止。 Internal Error Code: Filter Daemon is terminated because it is idle.
0x80043656篩選精靈未回應關閉自己的指示。 Filter Daemon was unresponsive to a directive to shut itself down.
0x80044000無法建立使用者設定檔資料庫連線,錯誤: %1。 The user profile database connection cannot be made, because of error %1.
0x80044001未定義資料來源。 No data source is defined.
0x80044002無法擷取資料來源定義,錯誤: (%1)。 The data source definition cannot be retrieved, because of error %1.
0x80044003未定義資料來源內容對應。 No data source property mapping is defined.
0x80044004無法擷取資料來源對應。請檢查對應項目是否有效。 Data source mapping cannot be retrieved. Check to see that the mapping entry is valid.
0x80044005不支援資料來源中的資料類型 (%1)。 Datatype (%1) in the data source is not supported.
0x80044006(%1) 無法轉換成類型 (%2)。 (%1) cannot be converted to type (%2).
0x80044007無法更新增量匯入資訊。 Incremental import information cannot be updated.
0x80044008在 Dirsync 搜尋結束後擷取長度為 0 的 cookie。該帳號擁有的權限不足。 A zero-length cookie was retrieved at the end of a Dirsync search. The account may not have the appropriate rights.
0x80044009指定的 LDAP 辨別名稱太長。 The specified LDAP distinguished name is too long.
0x8004400A正式 URL 太長。 The canonical URL is too long.
0x8004400B無法在 Active Directory 解析使用者帳戶名稱。請查驗使用者是否為真實的使用者,或只是某些應用程式所產生的暫時使用者物件。您可以重新細分 LDAP 搜尋篩選以避免這個錯誤。 The user account name can not be resolved within the Active Directory. You would need to verify whether the user is a real user or just a temporary user object generated for some application purpose. You might be able to refine the LDAP search filter to avoid this error.
0x8004400C發生錯誤 (%1),此錯誤可能是由於目錄服務伺服器 (%2) 無法使用所導致。若已開啟 [自動探索] 選項,匯入將會使用新發現的網域控制站來重試,否則請檢查您的匯入設定,並確定伺服器仍可使用。 Error (%1) occurred, which may have resulted from the unavailability of directory service server (%2). If the auto discovery option is turned on, import will re-try it with the newly discovered domain controller. Otherwise, verify your import settings and make sure the server is still available.
0x8004400D嘗試探索網域 (%1) 的網域控制站時失敗,錯誤: (%2)。請檢查網路連線是否有問題,或該網域是否已重新命名。 The attempt to discover domain controller for domain (%1) was failed with error (%2). Please make sure whether there is problem in network connectivity or the domain is renamed.
0x8004400E無法從網站資料庫擷取地區設定 - 發生錯誤: (%1)。 Fail to retrieve locale from site database - Error (%1) occured.
0x8004400F指定的網域 (%1) 已從重要設定移除。 The specified domain (%1) has been removed from import configuration.
0x80044010%1 網域拒絕存取,未匯入該網域的使用者資訊。請檢查 [設定檔匯入設定] 頁上所指定的存取帳戶之使用者名稱及密碼。如果啟用了增量匯入,而且您是從 Windows 2000 網域匯入,請檢查該存取帳戶是否具有 Active Directory 目錄服務的「複寫變更」權限。 Access was denied on domain: (%1), and user information from the domain was not imported. Check the user name and password of the access account specified on the Configure Profile Import page. If incremental import is enabled and you are importing from a Windows 2000 domain, check that the access account has the Replicate Changes permission for Active Directory directory services.
0x80044011您沒有足夠的權限,不能進行增量匯入,或是儲存於使用者設定檔資料庫的 DirSync Cookie 已毀損。如果您是從 Windows 2000 網域進行匯入,請檢查匯入帳戶對於 Active Directory 目錄服務是否具有「複寫變更」權限。如果匯入帳戶具有權限,請開始完整匯入以重新整理 Cookie。 You do not have sufficient permissions for incremental import, or the DirSync cookie stored in the user profile database is corrupt. If you are importing from a Windows 2000 domain, check that the import account has the Replicate Changes permission for Active Directory directory services. If the import account has the permission, start a full import to refresh the cookie.
0x8004CB00這是內部錯誤: 大量緩衝區用完記憶體。 This is an internal error: The chunk buffer is out of memory.
0x8004CB01這是內部錯誤: 大量緩衝區識別項超出範圍。 This is an internal error: The chunk buffer id is out of bounds.
0x8004CB02實體或虛擬記憶體不足,無法供大量緩衝區使用。索引資料需要大量緩衝區。請釋放記憶體。 There is not enough available physical or virtual memory for chunk buffers. Chunk buffers are needed to index data. Please free up memory.
0x8004CB03沒有足夠的實例緩衝區記憶體可用。可能的原因是包括太多的處理器、太多的篩選執行緒或實例緩衝區未傳回。 There is not enough occurrence buffer memory available. Possible causes include too many processors, too many filter threads, or the occurrence buffer is not being returned.
0x8004CB04記憶體中文字清單損毀。原因是無效的篩選、文字分隔或其他索引化元件造成的。 The in-memory wordlist is corrupted. This is due to a faulty filter, wordbreaker, or other indexing component.
0x8004FD00IPersistStream 和 IPersistFile 介面無法從 IFilter 篩選 DLL 用於載入要索引化的資料。 The IPersistStream and IPersistFile interfaces were unavailable from an IFilter filter DLL to load data for indexing.
0x8004FD01IFilter::Init() 函式呼叫失敗。 The IFilter::Init() function call failed.
0x8004FD02篩選精靈 MSFTEFD 無法載入文件的 IFilter 介面,所以它無法索引化。 The filter daemon MSFTEFD failed to load an IFilter interface for document, so it can't be indexed.
0x8004FD03目前索引化的文件逾時,原因不明。原因可能是篩選或文字分隔的 Bug 所造成。 The document being indexed timed out for an unknown reason. This may be due to a bug in a filter or wordbreaker.
0x8004FD04篩選精靈處理 MSFTEFD 非預期結束。這是堆疊追蹤:%1 The filter daemon process MSFTEFD exited unexpectedly.Here is the stack trace:%1
0x8004FD05篩選精靈處理 MSFTEFD 非預期結束,原因是文件 %1。批次識別項: %2地區設定識別項: %3屬性識別項: %4堆疊追蹤:%5 The filter daemon process MSFTEFD exited unexpectedly because of document %1.Batch Id: %2Locale Id: %3Property Id: %4Stack Trace:%5
0x8004FD06系統無法載入文字篩選來剖析非搜尋字檔案。 The system failed to load the text filter for parsing a noise word file.
0x8004FD07系統無法載入非搜尋字資料流至文字篩選,原因是文字篩選不支援 IPersistStream。 The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because text filter does not support IPersistStream.
0x8004FD08系統無法載入非搜尋字資料流至文字篩選,原因是 IPersistStream::Load() 函數失敗。 The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because the IPersistStream::Load() function failed.
0x8004FD09系統無法載入非搜尋字資料流至文字篩選,原因是 IFilter::Init() 函數失敗。 The system failed to load noise words stream into text filter because IFilter::Init() function failed.
0x8004FD0A實例計數器滿溢,未索引化文件。 Occurrence counter overflow, document is not indexed.
0x8004FD0B篩選已經造成共用違規。 The filter has caused a sharing violation.
0x90000001Microsoft-Windows-Search Microsoft-Windows-Search
0xC00003EEWindows Search 服務無法建立新的搜尋索引。內部錯誤 。%1 The Windows Search Service has failed to create the new search index. Internal error . %1
0xC00003EFWindows Search 服務無法配置記憶體。%1 The Windows Search Service was unable to allocate memory.%1
0xC00003F1%2 發生異常狀況。請查閱其他相關事件記錄檔訊息。%1 An exception occurred in %2. Check other related Event Log messages.%1
0xC00003F3Windows Search 服務無法移除舊的搜尋索引。內部錯誤 。%1 The Windows Search Service has failed to remove the old search index. Internal error . %1
0xC00003F8Windows Search 服務無法將索引檔案從 %2 移至 %3,錯誤如下: 。這可能是因為目標目錄不是空的,或者因為 SYSTEM 帳戶不具有目標目錄的寫入權限。%1 The Windows Search Service failed to move Index files from %2 to %3 with the following error: . This might be because the target directory is not empty, or because the SYSTEM account doesn't have write access to the target directory. %1
0xC00003FBWindows Search 服務無法處理包括和排除的位置,錯誤為 。%1 Windows Search Service failed to process the list of included and excluded locations with the error . %1
0xC0000BBB發生組態錯誤。%1 A configuration error occurred.%1
0xC0000BBE因為尚未載入計數器或無法開啟分享記憶體物件,所以無法初始化收集程式服務的效能監視。這只會影響 Perfmon 計數器的可用性。請重新啟動電腦。%1 Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the gatherer service, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1
0xC0000BBF因為尚未載入計數器或無法開啟分享記憶體物件,所以無法初始化收集程式物件的效能監視。這只會影響 Perfmon 計數器的可用性。請重新啟動電腦。%1 Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the gatherer object, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1
0xC0000BC0無法將 項目插入歷程記錄。%1 The entry cannot be inserted into the history.%1
0xC0000BC1無法建立異動物件。%1 The transaction object cannot be created.%1
0xC0000BC2無法將異動附加到佇列中。檔案: %2。%1 The transaction cannot be appended to the queue. File: %2.%1
0xC0000BC3無法將異動更新到佇列中。檔案: %2。%1 The transaction cannot be updated in the queue. File: %2.%1
0xC0000BC5無法更新雜湊對應中的項目 。%1 The entry in the hash map cannot be updated.%1
0xC0000BC6發生未預期的狀況。ID: %2。此為內部錯誤。請使用連結的偵錯工具重新產生一次此錯誤,然後連絡產品支援部門。您的系統中所載入的某一項元件有錯誤。請嘗試重建索引,避免問題發生。%1 An exception occurred. ID: %2. This is an internal error. Reproduce the error with the debugger attached and enable exceptions, then contact product support. One of the components loaded in your system is bad. You may be able to avoid the problem by recreating the index.%1
0xC0000BC7無法讀取異動檔。%1 The transaction file cannot be read.%1
0xC0000BCC發生內部收集程式錯誤 %2。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務中心。%1 Internal gatherer error %2 occurred. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services.%1
0xC0000BD1發生關鍵的錯誤 %2。索引已關閉。系統資源可能不足,請釋放資源後重新啟動服務。%1 Critical error %2 occurred, and the index was shut down. The system is probably low on resources. Free up resources and restart the service.%1
0xC0000BD2Advise Status Change 失敗。系統資源可能不足,請釋放資源後重新啟動服務。%1 Advise Status Change failed. The system is probably low on resources. Free up resources and restart the service.%1
0xC0000BD3無法編目 URL 。%1 The URL cannot be crawled.%1
0xC0000BD4無法初始化收集程式物件。%1 The gatherer object cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0000BD5無法初始化外掛程式 。%1 The plug-in in cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0000BD6無法初始化收集程式服務。%1 The gatherer service cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0000BD7無法配置文件 ID。%1 A document ID cannot be allocated.%1
0xC0000BD8無法釋放文件 ID。%1 A document ID cannot be freed.%1
0xC0000BD9無法建立新佇列檔。%1 A new queue file cannot be created.%1
0xC0000BDA登錄版本與預期的 不符,或因為服務帳號沒有正確的權限而無法存取登錄。在安裝新版本之前,請先取消舊版本的安裝。%1 The registry version does not match with the expected , or the registry cannot be accessed because the service account does not have the correct permissions. Uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.%1
0xC0000BE0無法處理狀態改變要求 %2。%1 The status change request %2 cannot be processed.%1
0xC0000BE8因為在內容索引伺服器屬性中尚未指定電子郵件地址,所以沒有文件可供存取。請在服務組態中指定電子郵件地址。%1 No documents were accessed because no e-mail address is specified in the content index server properties. Specify the e-mail address in the service configuration.%1
0xC0000BEA完成完整更新後,無法將尚未查看的項目從歷程記錄中刪除。%1 Unvisited items cannot be deleted from the history after a full update.%1
0xC0000BF1無法初始化外掛程式管理員。%1 The plug-in manager cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0000BF2無法初始化應用程式。%1 The application cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0000BF3無法初始化更新。%1 The update cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0000BFE無法還原索引。您可能需要刪除後重建索引。%1 The index cannot be restored. You may need to delete and recreate the index.%1
0xC0000BFF因為尚未載入計數器或無法開啟分享記憶體物件,所以無法初始化主題小幫手物件的效能監視。這只會影響 Perfmon 計數器的可用性。請重新啟動電腦。%1 Performance monitoring cannot be initialized for the topic assistant object, because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. This only affects availability of the perfmon counters. Restart the computer.%1
0xC0000C02應用程式還原失敗。此失敗可能是由系統錯誤 (前次登入事件所指出) 所導致,或由於損壞的備份映像所導致 (請嘗試以有效的備份映像重試還原)。%1 The application restore failed. This can be caused by system errors (indicated by previously logged events), or a corrupt backup image (retry restore with valid backup image). %1
0xC0000C04備份應用程式時發生錯誤。您可能無法自備份映像還原。%1 The application cannot be backed up. You may be unable to restore from the backup image.%1
0xC0000C07磁碟區 %2 的通知沒有作用。%1 Notifications for the volume %2 are not active. %1
0xC0000C0B無法載入通訊協定處理程式 %2,錯誤描述: %3。%1 The protocol handler %2 cannot be loaded. Error description: %3. %1
0xC0000C0C無法載入通訊協定處理程式 %2. 錯誤描述: %3。%1 Failed to load protocol handler %2. Error description: %3. %1
0xC0000C0D應用程式網路存取帳號不正確。請使用有效的使用者名稱和密碼來更新帳號。 %1 The application network access account is invalid. Update the account with a valid username and password. %1
0xC0000C0F無法清除收集程式檔案,而且無法完成此動作。收集程式會再次嘗試清除檔案。若問題仍然存在,重新啟動服務,釋放系統資源或檢驗硬體是否正常作業。 %1 The gatherer files cannot be flushed, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to flush files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C10無法更新檢查點記錄,而且無法完成此動作。收集程式會再次嘗試更新檢查點記錄。若問題仍然存在,重新啟動服務,釋放系統資源或檢驗硬體正否正常作業。%1 The checkpoint record cannot be updated, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to update the checkpoint record again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C11無法儲存收集程式檔,而且無法完成此動作。收集程式會再次嘗試儲檔案。若問題仍然存在,重新啟動服務,釋放系統資源或檢驗硬體是否正常作業。 %1 The gatherer files cannot be saved, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to save the files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C12無法從先前檢查點恢復收集程式檔案,而且無法完成此作業。收集程式會再次嘗試還原檔案。若問題仍然存在,重新啟動服務,釋放系統資源或檢驗硬體正否正常作業。%1 The gatherer files from the previous checkpoint cannot be restored, and this action cannot be completed. The gatherer will attempt to restore the files again. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C13無法讀取檢查點記錄,而且無法完成此動作。若問題仍然存在,重新啟動服務,釋放系統資源或檢驗硬體是否正常作業。%1 The checkpoint record cannot be read, and this action cannot be completed. If the problem persists, restart the service, free system resources or verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C14無法初始化專案,因為無法讀取檢查點記錄。會重設磁碟上的資料結構。請檢驗您的硬體是否正常作業。%1 The project cannot be initialized, because the checkpoint record cannot be read. The data structures on the disk will be reset. Verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C15因為某一個檢查點遺失,所以無法初始化專案。會重設磁碟上的資料結構。請檢查是否使用者手動刪除檔案中,並檢驗您的硬體是否正常作業。%1 The project cannot be initialized, because one of the checkpoint files is missing. The data structures on the disk will be reset. Check to see if someone is manually deleting files, and verify that your hardware is working properly. %1
0xC0000C19收集程式未連接至 SQLServer 實例。%1 The gatherer did not connect to the SQLServer instance.%1
0xC0000C1A無法建立檔案分享來接受主題小幫手訓練資料。原因: %2.%1 Unable to create file share to accept topic assistant training data. Reason: %2.%1
0xC0000C1B無法正常終止通知。請重新啟動服務或連絡產品支援。%1 Unable to terminate notifications normally. Restart the service or contact Product Support.%1
0xC0000C1C無法初始化篩選主機處理程序。正在終止。%1 Unable to initialize the filter host process. Terminating.%1
0xC0000C1D無法終止篩選主機處理程序。 The filter host process could not be terminated.
0xC0000C1E無法新增工作階段 %2 的每個使用者篩選集區。%1 The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be added.%1
0xC0000C1F無法移除工作階段 %2 的每個使用者篩選集區。%1 The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be removed.%1
0xC0000C20列舉使用者工作階段來產生篩選集區失敗。%1 Enumerating user sessions to generate filter pools failed.%1
0xC0000C21無法新增工作階段 %2 的每個使用者篩選集區 。%1 The per-user filter pool for session %2 could not be added .%1
0xC0000E11無法開始處理對象編譯。 錯誤碼為 \"%2\" 。%1 The audience compilation process cannot start. The error code is \"%2\" .%1
0xC0000E12Windows Search 復原階段發生錯誤識別碼 %2,請重新啟動服務。如果此錯誤仍然存在,請重建索引。%1 Error ID %2 happened in Windows Search recovery stage, please restart the service. If this error persists, please recreate the index.%1
0xC0001009%1因為錯誤 %3,無法為全文檢索目錄 %2 啟動主要合併。 %1A master merge cannot be started for catalog %2 due to error %3.
0xC000100A%1因為錯誤 %3,無法為全文檢索目錄 %2 重新啟動主要合併。 %1A master merge cannot be re-started for catalog %2 due to error %3.
0xC0001B59無法將綱要檔 複製到 。%1 The schema file cannot be copied to .%1
0xC0001B62無法初始化索引。%1 The index cannot be initialized.%1
0xC0001B63目錄位置 無效。無法讀取該應用程式的組態。請重新安裝該應用程式。%1 Directory location is invalid. The application configuration cannot be read. Reinstall the application.%1
0xC0001B64在對搜尋伺服器 進行傳播時發生錯誤。%1 An error occurred while propagating to search server .%1
0xC0001B65因為磁碟 已滿,已經暫停更新。請釋出一些磁碟空間,以繼續編目索引。%1 The update was paused because the disk is full. Free up disk space to continue crawling the index.%1
0xC0001B6F無法移除搜尋伺服器 。%1 The search server cannot be removed.%1
0xC0001B70無法通知搜尋伺服器 有一個傳播錯誤。%1 Failed to inform the search server about a propagation error.%1
0xC0001B73無法複製索引,而且無法開始傳播。%1 The index cannot be copied, and propagation cannot start.%1
0xC0001B74內容索引伺服器無法讀取登錄。%1 The content index server cannot read the registry.%1
0xC0001B7D尚未初始化屬性儲存區。%1 The property store was not initialized.%1
0xC0001B7F無法載入內容索引。%1 The content index cannot be loaded.%1
0xC0001B80搜尋服務偵測到索引 {id=%2} 中包含損毀的資料檔。服務會重建索引,以嘗試自動修正此問題。%1 The search service has detected corrupted data files in the index {id=%2}. The service will attempt to automatically correct this problem by rebuilding the index.%1
0xC0001B83無法載入索引。%1 The index cannot be loaded.%1
0xC0001B84因為無法讀取搜尋伺服器 的傳播狀態,所以 TPropagation 已停止。請嘗試重新傳播。如果此錯誤仍然存在,請將其刪除並重新建立傳播的索引。%1 Propagation stopped because the propagation state for search server cannot be read. Try propagation again. If this error persists, delete and recreate the propagated index.%1
0xC0001B90在向 搜尋伺服器傳播時,內容索引伺服器收到了「拒絕存取」的錯誤。這通常是因為不正確的傳播帳號設定所導致的。請檢查該傳播帳號是否正確。%1 The content index server received an \"Access Denied\"\" error while propagating to the search server. This usually results from an incorrect configuration of the propagation account. Check that the propagation account is valid.%1
0xC0001B98因為尚未載入計數器或無法開啟分享記憶體物件,所以無法初始化效能監視。請停止並重新啟動搜尋服務。如果此錯誤仍然會發生,請重新安裝應用程式。%1 Performance monitoring cannot be initialized because the counters are not loaded or the shared memory object cannot be opened. Stop and restart the search service. If this error continues, reinstall the application.%1
0xC0001B9A遺失設定目錄 %2,而必須執行損毀修復。如果現有索引存在,則必須自最近的備份還原。如果沒有索引資料的備份,請刪除類目,並重新建立它們。%1 Configuration directory %2 is missing, and disaster recovery must be performed. If there are existing indexes, they must be restored from the last backup. If there is no backup of index data, then delete the catalogs and recreate them.%1
0xC0001B9C無法讀取登錄,可能是此索引的登錄機碼已遺失。您可能需要將索引刪除,而後再重新建立。%1 The registry cannot be read, possibly because the registry keys for this index are missing. You may have to delete and recreate the index %1.
0xC0001B9D無法移除內容索引 %1。 The content index %1 cannot be removed.
0xC0001B9EWindows Search 服務已新增全文檢索目錄 %1 The Windows Search Service added catalog %1
0xC0001B9FWindows Search 服務已移除索引 %1 The Windows Search Service removed index %1
0xC0001BA5索引傳播無法認可任何搜尋伺服器。Windows Search 服務正在嘗試還原搜尋伺服器至先前的索引。 %1 Index propagation failed to commit to any of the search servers. The Windows Search Service is now trying to revert the search servers to the previous index. %1
0xC0002328Windows Search 服務無法開啟 Jet 屬性儲存區。%1 The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.%1
0xC0002329Windows Search 服務無法建立 Jet 屬性儲存區。%1 The Windows Search Service cannot create a Jet property store.%1
0xC000232AWindows Search 服務無法載入屬性儲存區資訊。%1 The Windows Search Service cannot load the property store information.%1
0xC0040DB9未訂閱通知用戶端。 Notification client is not subscribed.
0xC0041734無法讀取內容索引。內容掃描會排定在 chkdsk 或 autochk 執行之後開始。 The content index cannot be read. A content scan will be scheduled after chkdsk or autochk is run.
0xC0041800內容索引資料庫已損毀。 The content index database is corrupt.
0xC0041801內容索引類別目錄已損毀。 The content index catalog is corrupt.
0xC0041802內容索引分割區無效。 The content index partition is invalid.
0xC0041803優先順序無效。 The priority is invalid.
0xC0041804沒有開始機碼。 There is no starting key.
0xC0041805內容索引超出索引識別項範圍。 The content index is out of index ids.
0xC0041806沒有索引。 There is no index.
0xC0041807無法讀取篩選緩衝區。 The filter buffer cannot be read.
0xC0041808索引無效。 The index is invalid.
0xC0041809在屬性儲存區中偵測到不一致。 Inconsistency was detected in the property store.
0xC0041821磁碟上的內容索引資料為錯誤的版本。 The content index data on disk is for the wrong version.
0xC0041822已啟動這個查詢的列舉操作。 Enumeration was already started for this query.
0xC0041823指定的變數長度屬性對於屬性快取而言太長了。 The specified variable length property is too large for the property cache.
0xC0041824用戶端已中止物件篩選。 The filtering of the object was stopped by the client.
0xC004182DThe forward index cannot be read. The forward index cannot be read.
0xC004182E全文檢索目錄已經以不同的變音符號設定值建立了。 Catalog was created with different diacritic settings.
0xC0041831目錄管理員不存在。 The catalog manager does not exist.
0xC0041832在資料目錄中發現的交易並不一致。 The transaction in catalog is found as inconsistent.
0xC004365A索引器中找不到屬性儲存區。可能是因為在目錄重設期間進行呼叫,或者屬性儲存區外掛程式在索引器初始化期間無法載入。 Property Store is not found in the indexer. The possible causes are that the call came during a catalog reset or that the property store plug-in failed to load during indexer initialization.


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File Size:68 kB
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File Type:Win32 DLL
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Object File Type:Dynamic link library
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Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:Microsoft Tripoli Query
File Version:7.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:TQUERY.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:TQUERY.dll.mui
Product Name:Windows® Search
Product Version:7.0.15063.0

What is tquery.dll.mui?

tquery.dll.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file tquery.dll (Microsoft Tripoli Query).

File version info

File Description:Microsoft Tripoli Query
File Version:7.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:TQUERY.dll
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:TQUERY.dll.mui
Product Name:Windows® Search
Product Version:7.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200