0x403F6610 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at det angitte pakkeserienavnet støtter mer enn én innholds-ID. Bare den første innholds-IDen ble returnert. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the package family name specified supports more than one content Id. Only the first content Ids was returned. |
0xC03F1001 | Windows Client Licensing Service ble avsluttet mens dette kallet ble utført. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service was shutting down while this call was made. |
0xC03F6502 | Windows Client Licensing Service mottok et ugyldig svar fra serveren. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service received an improper response from the server. |
0xC03F6503 | Windows Client Licensing Service mottok et svar fra serveren med feil versjon. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service received a response from the server with the wrong version. |
0xC03F6504 | Windows Client Licensing Service kan ikke behandle forespørsler etter en tilbakestilling før datamaskinen har blitt startet på nytt, for å unngå å opprette en ugyldig avbildning. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service cannot process requests after a rearm until the machine has been rebooted to avoid creating a bad image. |
0xC03F6505 | Windows Client Licensing Service kan ikke godkjenne signaturen i XML-lisensfilen. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service could not authorize the signature of the XML license file. |
0xC03F6506 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at filen ikke ble installert. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the file was not installed. |
0xC03F6507 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen ikke var riktig formatert. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license was not properly formatted. |
0xC03F6508 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at egenskapen eller verdien ikke ble funnet. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the property or value was not found. |
0xC03F6509 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte verdien ikke er en riktig formatert GUID. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the value was not a properly formatted GUID. |
0xC03F650A | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at tokenlageret inneholder ugyldige data. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the token store contains invalid data. |
0xC03F650B | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at spørringen inneholdt ugyldige inndata. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the query contained one or more invalid inputs. |
0xC03F6600 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at lisenstypen var ukjent eller uventet. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license type was unknown or unexpected. |
0xC03F6601 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at lisenstypen ikke samsvarte med typen som er angitt av oppkalleren. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license type did not match the type specified by the caller. |
0xC03F6602 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen manglet forventede data. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license was missing expected data. |
0xC03F6603 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte lisensen manglet forventede data. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license was missing expected data. |
0xC03F6604 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte lisensen inneholder data for binding som ikke støttes. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license contained unsupported binding data. |
0xC03F6605 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte lisensen ble mangler nødvendig datoinformasjon. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license was missing required date information. |
0xC03F6606 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte lisensen ikke kan analyseres. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license could not be parsed. |
0xC03F6607 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte lisensen inneholder en ugyldig GUID. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license contained an invalid GUID. |
0xC03F6608 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at lisensen inneholder uventede ekstradata. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the license contained unexpected additional data. |
0xC03F6609 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte om en maskinvare-ID-konflikt. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported that there is a hardware id mismatch. |
0xC03F660A | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte om at den ekte billetten er ugyldig. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the genuine ticket is invalid. |
0xC03F660B | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte om at maskinvaretreffet fra den eldste lisensen ikke kunne evalueres. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the hardware match from the older license could not be evaluated. |
0xC03F660C | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at overføringslisensen ikke samsvarer med gjeldende filtre. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the migration license does not match applied filters. |
0xC03F660D | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at den interne statusen for lisensdataene er ukjent eller ikke er bekreftet. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the internal state of the license data is unknown or has not been verified. |
0xC03F660E | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at versjonen i den angitte lisensen ikke støttes. Du må bruke en oppdatert lisens i stedet. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the version inside the specified license is not supported. You must use an updated license instead. |
0xC03F660F | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at arkivfilen for denne lisensen finnes og er identisk med den nye filen. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported the archive file for this license already exists and is identical to the new file. |
0xC03F6611 | Windows Client Licensing Service rapporterte at det ikke ble funnet gjeldende innholds-IDer. |
The Windows Client Licensing Service reported there were no applicable content Ids found. |
0xC03F6612 | Datastørrelsen som ble registrert i TFLV-noden, samsvarer ikke med den faktiske størrelsen. |
The data size recorded in the TFLV node does not match the actual size. |
0xC03F6613 | Koden som ble registrert i TFLV-noden, samsvarer ikke med noen kjente koder. |
The tag recorded in the TFLV node does not match any known tags. |
0xC03F6614 | Flere forekomster av samme kode har blitt registrert under analyse. |
Multiple instances of the same tag have been encountered while parsing. |