TpmInit.exe TPM 初始化精靈 75950a7fed748983c7c52147e641524a

File info

File name: TpmInit.exe.mui
Size: 23040 byte
MD5: 75950a7fed748983c7c52147e641524a
SHA1: eac864f201cbd50173c9d12f7021935d962608bf
SHA256: e50b2a6bf84c8fab18d9bf06e02d252aa315ff38a1923a96afc6873dcb9055f9
Operating systems: Windows 10
Extension: MUI
In x64: TpmInit.exe TPM 初始化精靈 (32 位元)

Translations messages and strings

If an error occurred or the following message in Chinese (Traditional) language and you cannot find a solution, than check answer in English. Table below helps to know how correctly this phrase sounds in English.

id Chinese (Traditional) English
101管理 TPM 安全性硬體 Manage the TPM security hardware
103找不到相容的 TPM No compatible TPM found
104在這部電腦上找不到相容的信賴平台模組 (TPM)。只有相容的 TPM 才可使用這個精靈予以初始化。 No compatible Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is found on this computer. Only a compatible TPM can be initialized using this wizard.
105TPM 已開啟 TPM is turned on
106信賴平台模組 (TPM) 已初始化。 The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is already initialized.
107開啟 TPM 安全性硬體 Turn on the TPM security hardware
108這部電腦需要您手動開啟信賴平台模組 (TPM)。請參閱電腦製造商的文件以取得指示。


在您開啟 TPM 後,請重新啟動這個精靈。
This computer requires you to turn on the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) manually. Consult the computer manufacturer's documentation for instructions.

What should I look for?

After you have turned on the TPM, restart this wizard.
109未開啟 TPM 安全性硬體 TPM security hardware was not turned on
110尚未開啟信賴平台模組 (TPM)。請連絡電腦製造商以取得 BIOS 升級指示。 The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has not been turned on. Contact the computer manufacturer for BIOS upgrade instructions.
112未清除 TPM 安全性硬體 TPM security hardware was not cleared
113信賴平台模組 (TPM) 未清除。 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) was not cleared.
115無法備份 TPM 擁有者密碼 Cannot back up the TPM owner password
116信賴平台模組 (TPM) 初始化失敗。TPM 擁有者密碼無法儲存到 Active Directory 網域服務。請連絡您的網域系統管理員。 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Initialization failed. The TPM owner password cannot be saved in Active Directory Domain Services. Contact your domain administrator.
118無法建立簽署金鑰 Cannot create the endorsement key
119信賴平台模組 (TPM) 初始化失敗。這部電腦已經封鎖建立簽署金鑰 (EK) 的 TPM 命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Initialization failed. The TPM command to create the endorsement key (EK) is blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
121無法取得 TPM 的擁有權 Cannot take ownership of the TPM
122信賴平台模組 (TPM) 初始化失敗。這部電腦已經封鎖取得擁有權的 TPM 命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Initialization failed. The TPM command to take ownership is blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
125信賴平台模組 (TPM) 初始化失敗。 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Initialization failed.
127初始化完成 Initialization completed
128已順利初始化這部電腦上的信賴平台模組 (TPM)。現在可以啟用使用 TPM 的應用程式。 The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on this computer has been successfully initialized. Applications that use the TPM can now be enabled.
133重新啟動您的電腦 Restart your computer
135重新啟動 Restart
136關機 Shutdown
138建立 TPM 擁有者密碼 Create the TPM owner password
144變更 TPM 擁有者密碼 Change your TPM owner password
145初始化(&N) I&nitialize
147您可將這個 TPM 擁有者密碼儲存到 USB 快閃磁碟機。 You may save this TPM owner password on a USB flash drive.
148您也可以列印這個 TPM 擁有者密碼。 You may also print this TPM owner password.
153關閉 Close
154密碼至少要有 8 個字元。請再試一次。 The password must contain at least eight characters. Try again.
155您輸入的密碼不符合,請重新輸入。 The passwords you entered do not match. Re-enter both passwords.
157BIOS 中尚未開啟信賴平台模組 (TPM)。若要開啟 TPM,請執行 TPM 初始化精靈。 The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has not been turned on in the BIOS. To turn on the TPM, run the TPM initialization wizard.
&Restart wizard now
&Close wizard
For further troubleshooting, consult the computer manufacturer.
162TPM 擁有者密碼檔案 (*.tpm) TPM Owner Password File (*.tpm)
163所有檔案 (*.*) All Files (*.*)
165重設 TPM 儲存根金鑰的授權值 Reset the TPM storage root key's authorization value
167選取包含 TPM 擁有者密碼的檔案 Select the file that contains the TPM owner password
168重設授權 Reset Authorization

如果手動建立檔案,請確定 TPM 擁有者密碼檔案中使用的是正確的語法。
Verify that the file location and that the information in the file contains the expected owner password.

If you built the file manually, verify that it has the correct syntax for a TPM owner password file.
171輸入 TPM 擁有者密碼 Type or enter the TPM owner password
172檔案不正確 Invalid file
173選取的備份檔案未包含這部電腦的正確信賴平台模組 (TPM) 擁有者密碼。請選取其他檔案。 The selected backup file does not contain the correct Trusted Platform Module (TPM) owner password for this computer. Select another file.
175這部電腦上的 TPM 目前已被鎖定。TPM 已略過上次輸入的擁有者密碼。若要重設 TPM 鎖定,請稍待片刻,或是先關閉電腦,然後再試一次。

TPM 可防止擁有者密碼遭到破解。如果使用太多次不正確的擁有者密碼,TPM 會暫時鎖定電腦,不允許使用擁有者密碼。鎖定期間可能是一段遞增的時間,或是直到將電腦關機為止。
The TPM on this computer is currently locked out. The last owner password entered was ignored by the TPM. To reset the TPM lockout, wait awhile or turn off the computer before you try again.

TPMs prevent guessing the owner password. TPMs temporarily lock out the computer from using an owner password if an incorrect owner password is used too many times. The lockout duration may be an increasing period of time or until the computer is turned off.
176無法重設 SRK 授權值 Cannot reset the SRK authorization value
177重設信賴平台模組 (TPM) 儲存根金鑰 (SRK) 的授權值失敗。 A reset of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Storage Root Key's (SRK) authorization value failed.
190尚未清除 BIOS 中的信賴平台模組 (TPM)。若要清除 TPM,請執行 TPM 初始化精靈。 The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has not been cleared in the BIOS. To clear the TPM, run the TPM Initialization wizard.
Restart wizard now
Close wizard.
Consult the computer manufacturer's documentation.
194提供 TPM 擁有者密碼以開啟 TPM 安全性硬體,不需要重新啟動這台電腦。 Supply your TPM owner password to turn on the TPM security hardware without restarting this computer.
196開啟 TPM(&T) &Turn TPM On
197無法開啟 TPM Cannot turn on the TPM
198這部電腦已封鎖用來開啟信賴平台模組 (TPM) 的命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
The command used to turn on the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has been blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
200此電腦可能需要您手動變更信賴平台模組 (TPM) 的狀態。若要執行此動作,請嘗試透過 BIOS 開啟 TPM,或執行韌體更新。請參閱電腦生產商的文件以取得指示。 This computer may require you to change the state of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) manually. To perform this action, try turning on the TPM through the BIOS or performing a firmware update. Consult the computer manufacturer’s documentation for instructions.
201關閉 TPM 安全性硬體 Turn off the TPM security hardware
202提供您的 TPM 擁有者密碼以關閉 TPM 安全性硬體,不需要重新啟動此電腦。 Supply your TPM owner password to turn off the TPM security hardware without restarting this computer.
203關閉 TPM(&T) &Turn TPM Off
204無法關閉 TPM Cannot turn off the TPM
205這部電腦已封鎖用來關閉信賴平台模組 (TPM) 的命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
The command used to turn off the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has been blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
207TPM 可能不是處於執行此動作的正確狀態。請嘗試重新整理 TPM 管理主控台畫面,查看是否仍然可以執行該動作。 The TPM may not be in the correct state to perform this action. Try refreshing the TPM Management Console screen to see whether the action is still available.
209提供目前的 TPM 擁有者密碼,以變更成新的 TPM 擁有者密碼。 Supply your current TPM owner password to change to a new TPM owner password.
210無法變更 TPM 擁有者密碼 Cannot change TPM owner password
211這部電腦已封鎖用來變更信賴平台模組 (TPM) 擁有者密碼的命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
The command used to change Trusted Platform Module (TPM) owner password has been blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
214變更密碼(&H) C&hange Password
215清除 TPM 安全性硬體 Clear the TPM security hardware
216提供您的 TPM 擁有者密碼,以清除 TPM 安全性硬體,不需要重新啟動此電腦。 Supply your TPM owner password to clear the TPM security hardware without restarting this computer.
217無法清除 TPM Cannot clear the TPM
218這部電腦已封鎖用來清除信賴平台模組 (TPM) 的命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
The command used to clear the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) has been blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
220此電腦可能需要您手動變更信賴平台模組 (TPM) 的狀態。若要執行此動作,請嘗試透過 BIOS 清除 TPM 或執行韌體更新。請參閱電腦生產商的文件以取得指示。 This computer may require you to change the state of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) manually. To perform this action, try clearing the TPM through the BIOS or performing a firmware update. Consult the computer manufacturer’s documentation for instructions.
221清除 TPM(&T) Clear &TPM
222精靈目前正在與 TPM 進行通訊,此時無法取消。 The wizard is currently communicating with the TPM and cannot be canceled at this time.
223如果要變更 TPM 狀態,您可以在精靈完成後於 [TPM 管理主控台] 中查看可用的動作。 To change the state of the TPM, you may consult the actions available in the TPM Management Console once the wizard finishes.
224這部電腦上已封鎖重設儲存根金鑰 (SRK) 授權值的信賴平台模組 (TPM) 命令。

如何允許 TPM 命令?
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) command to reset the Storage Root Key (SRK) authorization value has been blocked on this computer.

How do I allow TPM commands?
225無法備份新的 TPM 擁有者密碼 Cannot back up new TPM owner password
226變更密碼失敗。新的信賴平台模組 (TPM) 擁有者密碼無法儲存到 Active Directory 網域服務。

Change password failed. New Trusted Platform Module (TPM) owner password cannot be saved in the Active Directory Domain Services.

For further troubleshooting, contact your domain administrator.



登入 Windows 自動繼續執行此精靈。
Follow these steps:

Restart the computer using the button below.

Follow the instructions that appear during the start up process.

Log on to Windows to continue the wizard automatically.




登入 Windows 自動繼續執行此精靈。
Follow these steps:

Shutdown the computer using the button below.

Turn on the computer after shutdown.

Follow the instructions that appear during the start up process.

Log on to Windows to continue the wizard automatically.
229TPM 擁有者密碼 TPM Owner Password
230此頁面是信賴平台模組 (TPM) 安全性硬體擁有者密碼資訊的備份。要求時,請使用此密碼來證明電腦之 TPM 的擁有權。


TPM 擁有者密碼:

此頁面的列印日期: %s %s %s,列印者: %s。

This page is a backup of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security hardware owner password information. Upon request, use the password to prove ownership of the computer's TPM. Include any hyphens when you type the password.

Computer Name:

TPM Owner Password:

This page was printed on %s %s %s by %s.

Please keep this page in a secure location away from your computer.
231需要 Active Directory 網域服務安裝程式 Active Directory Domain Services setup needed
232無法儲存資訊到網路。您的 Active Directory 網域服務架構並未設定為儲存信賴平台模組 (TPM) 資訊。

如何設定 Active Directory 網域服務以進行備份?
Cannot save information to the network. Your Active Directory Domain Services schema is not configured to save Trusted Platform Module (TPM) information.

How do I set up Active Directory Domain Services for backup?
233無法連線到網路上的 Active Directory 網域服務 Cannot connect to Active Directory Domain Services on the network
234無法儲存資訊到網路。這部電腦必須可以與網路上的 Active Directory 網域服務通訊才能繼續。

如何連線到網路上的 Active Directory 網域服務?
Cannot save information to the network. This computer must be able to communicate with Active Directory Domain Services on the network to proceed.

How do I connect to Active Directory Domain Services on the network?
235初始化失敗 Initialization failed
236初始化失敗。 Initialization failed.



登入 Windows,然後手動重新啟動精靈。
Follow these steps:

Restart the computer using the button below.

Follow the instructions that appear during the start up process.

Log on to Windows and restart the wizard manually.




登入 Windows,然後手動重新啟動精靈。
Follow these steps:

Shutdown the computer using the button below.

Turn on the computer after shutdown.

Follow the instructions that appear during the start up process.

Log on to Windows and restart the wizard manually.
248這部電腦需要您手動關閉信賴平台模組 (TPM)。請參閱電腦製造商的文件以取得指示。

This computer requires you to turn off the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) manually. Consult the computer manufacturer's documentation for instructions.

What should I look for?
250這部電腦需要您手動清除信賴平台模組 (TPM)。請參閱電腦製造商的文件以取得指示。

This computer requires you to clear the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) manually. Consult the computer manufacturer's documentation for instructions.

What should I look for?
251建立新密碼(&E) Cr&eate New Password
252無法列印 TPM 擁有者密碼 Cannot print the TPM owner password
253列印信賴平台模組 (TPM) 擁有者密碼失敗。請檢查印表機與連線,然後再試一次。 Printing the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) owner password failed. Check printer and connections and try again.
254手動重新啟動電腦 Manually restart the computer
255操作失敗。請手動重新啟動電腦。 Operation failed. Restart the computer manually.
256手動關閉電腦 Manually shutdown the computer
257操作失敗。請手動關閉電腦。 Operation failed. Shutdown the computer manually.
此頁面是信賴平台模組 (TPM) 擁有者授權資訊的備份。要求時,
請使用此授權資訊來證明電腦之 TPM 的擁有權。

重要: 請將此檔案保存在遠離電腦硬碟機的安全位置。

This page is a backup of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) owner
authorization information. Upon request, use the authorization information to
prove ownership of the computer's TPM.

IMPORTANT: Please keep this file in a secure location away from your computer's
local hard drive.
259無法連線到遠端電腦 Cannot connect to remote computer
260連線失敗。請檢查網路連線是否存在,電腦名稱是否正確,以及您是否為目標電腦上具有遠端系統管理權限的系統管理員。 Connection failed. Check that a network connection exists, that the computer name is valid, and that you are an administrator on a target computer with remote administration capabilities.
261重設 TPM 安全性硬體的授權鎖定。 Reset the authorization lockout of the TPM security hardware
262若要重設授權鎖定,請輸入 TPM 擁有者密碼 (如果 BitLocker 磁碟機加密開啟時已經初始化 TPM,同時已列印 BitLocker 磁碟機加密修復金鑰,TPM 擁有者密碼就會連同 BitLocker 磁碟機加密修復金鑰一起列印)。 To reset the authorization lockout, enter the TPM owner password. (The TPM owner password was printed along with the BitLocker Drive Encryption Recovery Key if the TPM was initialized when BitLocker Drive Encryption was turned on and if the BitLocker Drive Encryption recovery key was printed.)
263重設 TPM 鎖定(&T) Reset &TPM Lockout
264無法重設 TPM 鎖定 Cannot reset the TPM lockout
265這部電腦已封鎖用來重設 TPM 鎖定的命令。此命令名稱是 TPM_ResetLockValue。 The command used to reset the TPM lockout has been blocked on this computer. The command name is TPM_ResetLockValue.
267TPM 可防止擁有者密碼遭到破解。使用錯誤的擁有者密碼一次後,可能會造成 TPM 對正確密碼的回應就如同不正確的密碼,或導致 TPM 一段時間或是直到將電腦關機都沒有回應。

必須開啟且擁有 TPM 狀態,才能執行 TPM 重設鎖定動作。

啟動 TPM 重設鎖定動作之後,可能會變更 TPM 狀態,或 TPM 會停止回應以防止擁有者密碼遭到破解。如果再次嘗試重設 TPM 鎖定仍不成功,請稍待片刻,並先將電腦關機,然後再試一次。
TPMs prevent guessing the owner password. Using the incorrect owner password once might cause the TPM to respond as though the correct owner password is incorrect or cause the TPM to be unresponsive for a period of time or until the computer is turned off.

The TPM state must be on and owned to perform the TPM reset lockout action.

After the TPM reset lockout action was started, the TPM state may have changed or the TPM may have stopped responding to prevent guessing the owner password. If a second attempt to reset the TPM lockout was not successful, wait awhile and turn off the computer before you try again.
268此電腦上 TPM 安全性硬體的密碼已成功變更為新密碼。 The password for the TPM security hardware on this computer has been successfully changed to the new password.
269密碼變更完成 Password change completed
270TPM 鎖定重設完成 TPM lockout reset completed
273瀏覽 TPM 擁有者密碼檔案 Browse for TPM Owner Password File
274此檔案可位於本機電腦或抽取式媒體 (例如,USB 快閃磁碟機或 CD)。 This file can be on the local computer or on removable media (for example, on a USB flash drive or on a CD).
275無法從檔案讀取 TPM 擁有者密碼 Unable to read the TPM owner password from the file
276密碼不正確 Incorrect password
277TPM 擁有者密碼不正確。Windows 無法準備 TPM 以供使用。 The TPM owner password is incorrect. Windows can't prepare the TPM for use.
279此電腦上的 TPM 目前已被鎖定。TPM 已略過上次輸入的擁有者密碼。若要執行此動作,請稍待片刻,或是先關閉電腦,然後再試一次。

TPM 可防止擁有者密碼遭到破解。如果使用太多次不正確的擁有者密碼,TPM 會暫時鎖定電腦,不允許使用擁有者密碼。鎖定期間可能是一段遞增的時間,或是直到將電腦關機為止。
The TPM on this computer is currently locked out. The last owner password entered was ignored by the TPM. To perform this action, wait awhile or turn off the computer before you try again.

TPMs prevent guessing the owner password. TPMs temporarily lock out the computer from using an owner password if an incorrect owner password is used too many times. The lockout duration may be an increasing period of time or until the computer is turned off.
281TPM 擁有者密碼不正確。 The TPM owner password is incorrect.
293TPM 擁有者密碼不正確。

TPM 可防止擁有者密碼遭到破解。使用錯誤的擁有者密碼一次後,可能會造成 TPM 對正確密碼的回應就如同不正確的密碼,或導致 TPM 一段時間或是直到將電腦關機都沒有回應。如果第二次嘗試重設 TPM 鎖定沒有成功,請稍待片刻,或是先關閉電腦,然後再試一次。
The TPM owner password is incorrect.

TPMs prevent guessing the owner password. Using the incorrect owner password once might cause the TPM to respond as though the correct owner password is incorrect or cause the TPM to be unresponsive for a period of time or until the computer is turned off. If a second attempt to reset the TPM lockout was not successful, wait awhile and turn off the computer before you try again.
301請確認檔案中的資訊包含預期的擁有者密碼內容。如果手動建立檔案,請確認 TPM 擁有者密碼檔案中使用的是正確的語法。 Verify the information in the file contains the expected owner password content. If you built the file manually, verify that it has the correct syntax for a TPM owner password value.
錯誤碼: 0x%08x
Error code: 0x%08x
313正在檢查目前的 TPM 設定以做好使用的準備。這可能需要數分鐘的時間。 Verifying current TPM settings to prepare it for use. This might take a few minutes.
314正在檢查您的信賴平台模組 (TPM) 設定 Checking your Trusted Platform Module (TPM) configuration
315記住我的 TPM 擁有者密碼
將您的 TPM 擁有者密碼儲存到您電腦或抽取式媒體上的檔案。
Remember my TPM owner password
Save your TPM owner password to a file on your computer or on removable media.
317TPM 實際操作要求已被拒絕 TPM physical presence request was declined
318此電腦上的 TPM 安全性硬體已可使用。 The TPM security hardware on this computer is ready for use.
319TPM 已就緒 TPM is ready
320此電腦上的 TPM 目前是鎖定狀態 The TPM on this computer is currently locked out
321如果輸入太多次不正確的擁有者密碼,TPM 會暫時鎖定使用者。視您的電腦製造商而定,鎖定可能會持續一段特定期間,或直到電腦關閉為止。

如果要輸入正確密碼,可能需要重新啟動電腦,並再次執行此精靈。您也可以在管理主控台的 [動作] 窗格按一下 [重設 TPM 鎖定] 以嘗試重設鎖定期間。
The TPM temporarily locks users out if an incorrect owner password is entered too many times. Depending on your computer manufacturer, the lockout might last for a specific period of time or until the computer is turned off.

To enter the correct password, you might need to restart the computer and run this wizard again. You can also try to reset the lockout period by clicking Reset TPM Lockout in the Action pane of the management console.
322重新啟動以重新整理 TPM 安全性硬體 Restart to refresh TPM security hardware
323您必須重新啟動電腦以設定 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能使用您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must restart your computer to configure your TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be used. To do so:
324確定 OK
325正在取得 TPM 擁有權 Taking ownership of the TPM
326Windows 正在設定 TPM 擁有權以做好使用的準備。這可能需要數分鐘的時間。 Windows is setting ownership on the TPM to prepare it for use. This might take a few minutes.
327您是否擁有自己的 TPM 擁有者密碼 Do you have your TPM owner password
328無法開啟 TPM 安全性硬體 Unable to turn on TPM security hardware
329因內部錯誤,未開啟 TPM。請查看事件記錄檔了解其他資訊。 The TPM was not turned on due to an internal error. Please consult your event log for additional information.
330按一下下方的 [重新啟動] 按鈕。


登入 Windows 以自動繼續精靈。
Click the Restart button below.

Be Physically present at the computer to follow the instructions that appear during the startup process.

Log on to Windows to continue the wizard automatically.
331您必須重新啟動電腦以將必要的設定變更套用到 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能使用您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must restart your computer to apply necessary configuration changes to the TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be used. To do so:
332按一下下方的 [重新啟動] 按鈕。

登入 Windows 以自動繼續精靈。
Click the Restart button below.

Log on to Windows to continue the wizard automatically.
333您必須提供 TPM 擁有者密碼,才能使 TPM 做好使用的準備。

如果您沒有 TPM 擁有者密碼,可以清除 TPM 以繼續做好使用的準備。
You must provide your TPM owner password to get your TPM ready for use.

If you don't have the TPM owner password, you can clear the TPM to continue preparing it for use.
334清除 TPM 會將它重設為原廠預設值。您將會遺失所有已建立的金鑰以及這些金鑰所保護的資料。 Clearing the TPM resets it to factory defaults. You will lose all created keys and data protected by those keys.
335傳統模式 Legacy Mode
336您的 TPM 目前以傳統模式執行。如果要針對此 Windows 版本使用 TPM 應用程式,請連絡系統管理員。 Your TPM is currently running in Legacy mode. If you'd like to use TPM applications for this version of Windows, please contact your administrator.
337無法開啟 TPM 安全性硬體

因 Active Directory 備份失敗,未開啟 TPM。請連絡系統管理員取得協助。
Unable to turn on TPM security hardware

The TPM was not turned on due to an Active Directory backup failure. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.
338您必須重新啟動電腦以設定 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能清除您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must restart your computer to configure your TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be cleared. To do so:
339您必須重新啟動電腦以設定 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能關閉您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must restart your computer to configure your TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be turned off. To do so:
340您必須重新啟動電腦以將必要的設定變更套用到 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能清除您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must restart your computer to apply necessary configuration changes to the TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be cleared. To do so:
341您必須重新啟動電腦以將必要的設定變更套用到 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能關閉您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must restart your computer to apply necessary configuration changes to the TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be turned off. To do so:
342將電腦關機 Shutdown your computer
343您必須將電腦關機以設定 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能使用您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must shutdown your computer to configure your TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be used. To do so:
344按一下下方的 [關機] 按鈕。


登入 Windows 以自動繼續精靈。
Click the Shutdown button below.

Be Physically present at the computer to follow the instructions that appear during the startup process.

Log on to Windows to continue the wizard automatically.
345您必須將電腦關機以設定 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能清除您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must shutdown your computer to configure your TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be cleared. To do so:
346您必須將電腦關機以設定 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能關閉您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must shutdown your computer to configure your TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be turned off. To do so:
347您必須將電腦關機以將必要的設定變更套用到 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能使用您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must shutdown your computer to apply necessary configuration changes to the TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be used. To do so:
348按一下下方的 [關機] 按鈕。

登入 Windows 以自動繼續精靈。
Click the Shutdown button below.

Log on to Windows to continue the wizard automatically.
349您必須將電腦關機以將必要的設定變更套用到 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能清除您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must shutdown your computer to apply necessary configuration changes to the TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be cleared. To do so:
350您必須將電腦關機以將必要的設定變更套用到 TPM 安全性硬體設定,才能關閉您的 TPM。要這樣做: You must shutdown your computer to apply necessary configuration changes to the TPM security hardware settings so that your TPM can be turned off. To do so:
351此電腦上的 TPM 安全性硬體已可使用,但功能有所減少。 The TPM security hardware on this computer is ready for use, with reduced functionality.


File Name:TpmInit.exe.mui
File Size:22 kB
File Permissions:rw-rw-rw-
File Type:Win32 DLL
File Type Extension:dll
MIME Type:application/octet-stream
Machine Type:Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
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OS Version:10.0
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Subsystem:Windows GUI
File Version Number:10.0.15063.0
Product Version Number:10.0.15063.0
File Flags Mask:0x003f
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File OS:Windows NT 32-bit
Object File Type:Executable application
File Subtype:0
Language Code:Chinese (Traditional)
Character Set:Unicode
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
File Description:TPM 初始化精靈
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Internal Name:TpmInit.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original File Name:TpmInit.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0

What is TpmInit.exe.mui?

TpmInit.exe.mui is Multilingual User Interface resource file that contain Chinese (Traditional) language for file TpmInit.exe (TPM 初始化精靈).

File version info

File Description:TPM 初始化精靈
File Version:10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
Company Name:Microsoft Corporation
Internal Name:TpmInit.EXE
Legal Copyright:© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Original Filename:TpmInit.EXE.MUI
Product Name:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version:10.0.15063.0
Translation:0x404, 1200